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Jan 3, 2025
hail Satan.. not long ago I made the sacred covenant (pact) I made the pentagram in front of the circle. My question is.. is it considered a covenant? (Pact) or do I have to do it again. Any advice is welcome. Thanks
hail Satan.. not long ago I made the sacred covenant (pact) I made the pentagram in front of the circle. My question is.. is it considered a covenant? (Pact) or do I have to do it again. Any advice is welcome. Thanks
Hello Niku35. For everyone's safety we strongly recommend members to not add pictures of themselves on our forums here due to the sensitivity of the forum and also for privacy reasons for all members to protect their identity.

Regarding your inquiry about the dedication ritual, if you have followed the steps given in the ritual and used a slight amount of blood and burned the paper then be assured that it was definitely correct. By the way there is a Romanian forum as well if you wish to give it a look
I made the pentagram in front of the circle. My question is.. is it considered a covenant? (Pact)

Pentagram with circles for pacts? Really none of this looks like anything related to a real Satanic initiation ritual, it looks more like some Hollywood version of something Satanic...

Even the simple word "covenant"...is not even remotely related to what Satan wants and how Satanism works. You are not looking for the best job offer, you are asking Satan for his guidance and protection by assuring him that you will trust him loyally.

or do I have to do it again

No, you don’t. Instead, you should do this if you want to join Satanism:

Any advice is welcome

Now I am happy to give you my best advice, but first a necessary premise: that you want to unite with what is truly the greatest and truest good of this universe (Satan) is truly a beautiful thing, it does you great honor and you are truly a good person to desire such a thing in a pure way; and PRECISELY FOR THESE SPLENDID REASONS it is worth understanding how to best do these things so holy and blessed, without leaving anything to chance, or thinking that lacking knowledge we will still get far, it would be unrealistic. So it is better to understand what to do before doing it.

Also, another REALLY GREAT ADVICE (and excuse the self-referentiality) that I give you is to really DO NOT PUT a selfie as a profile picture, and *NOTHING* THAT IS GENERALLY CONNECTED TO ANYTHING RELATED TO YOUR PRIVACY (which you are *extremely* encouraged to maintain!).

You are here to grow in Satanism with sincere intentions and a pure and honest heart. This makes you extremely valuable to Satan! And I am sure that Satan would NEVER want you to "get into trouble" because you "didn't have enough choices" as profile pictures... use Google images, it's full there and you will find something that represents you... I also like to use an image related to my real appearance anyway, that's why I had the AI generate one that looks a lot like me and therefore represents me (look at my profile picture to understand...), but maintaining my privacy... please remove your selfie...!
Salut Niku35. Pentru siguranța tuturor, recomandăm insistent membrilor să nu adauge poze cu ei înșiși pe forumurile noastre aici din cauza sensibilității forumului și, de asemenea, din motive de confidențialitate, pentru ca toți membrii să-și protejeze identitatea.

În ceea ce privește întrebarea dvs. despre ritualul de dedicare, dacă ați urmat pașii dați în ritual și ați folosit o cantitate ușoară de sânge și ați ars hârtia atunci fiți siguri că a fost cu siguranță corectă. Apropo, există și un forum românesc dacă vrei să-l arunci o privire
Om urmat toți pașii doar că nu am făcut cercul la pentagrama.multumesc
Pentagramă cu cercuri pentru pacte? Într-adevăr, nimic din toate acestea nu seamănă cu ceva legat de un ritual de inițiere satanic real, seamănă mai degrabă cu o versiune de la Hollywood a ceva satanic...

Chiar și simplul cuvânt „legământ”... nu este nici pe departe legat de ceea ce vrea Satana și cum funcționează satanismul. Nu cauți cea mai bună ofertă de muncă, îi ceri lui Satan îndrumarea și protecția lui, asigurându-l că vei avea încredere în el cu loialitate.

Nu, nu. În schimb, ar trebui să faceți acest lucru dacă doriți să vă alăturați satanismului:

Acum sunt bucuros să vă dau cel mai bun sfat, dar mai întâi o premisă necesară: că doriți să vă uniți cu ceea ce este cu adevărat cel mai mare și mai adevărat bine al acestui univers (Satana) este cu adevărat un lucru frumos, vă face mare cinste și ție. sunteți cu adevărat o persoană bună să-și dorească așa ceva într-un mod pur; și PRECIS DIN ACESTE MOTIVE SPLENDIDE merită să înțelegem cum să facem cel mai bine aceste lucruri atât de sfinte și binecuvântate, fără a lăsa nimic la voia întâmplării, sau să ne gândim că lipsiți de cunoștințe vom ajunge totuși departe, ar fi nerealist. Deci, este mai bine să înțelegeți ce să faceți înainte de a o face.

De asemenea, un alt SFAT FOARTE MARE (și scuzați auto-referențialitatea) pe care ți-l dau este să NU PUNEȚI un selfie ca poză de profil și *NIMIC* CARE ESTE CONECTAT ÎN GENERAL DE ORICE LEGAT DE CONFIDENȚIALITATEA DVS. (ceea ce sunteți * extrem de* incurajat sa se mentina!).

Sunteți aici pentru a crește în satanism cu intenții sincere și o inimă curată și cinstită. Acest lucru te face extrem de valoros pentru Satana! Si sunt sigura ca Satana nu ar vrea NICIODATA sa "intri in necazuri" pentru ca "nu ai avut destule alegeri" ca poze de profil... foloseste imagini Google, e plin acolo si vei gasi ceva care sa te reprezinte... De asemenea, îmi place să folosesc oricum o imagine legată de aspectul meu real, de aceea am avut generarea AI-ului una care seamănă foarte mult cu mine și, prin urmare, mă reprezintă (uitați-vă la poza de profil pentru a înțelege...), dar păstrându-mi intimitatea. .. va rog sa va scoateti selfie-ul...!
Ok thank You
I followed all the steps but I didn't make the circle at the pentagram
Om urmat toți pașii doar că nu am făcut cercul la pentagrama.multumesc

I really love that you followed our advice about the profile picture. I think you could start by reading something like this, I'm sure you'll be very interested❤️❤️:

Don't take this as advice, consider these links I included in my reply as a welcome "gift" from me, Brother! :D
Will I have to make the pact again?

Can you explain to us exactly what the pact you made consists of? To understand what you are referring to.
when I made the pact. I made a letter that I signed with my blood and burned it. but when I made the pentagram I didn't make the circle. does the pact count?
when I made the pact. I made a letter that I signed with my blood and burned it. but when I made the pentagram I didn't make the circle. does the pact count?

Uh yes, surely, if you did what is written in the Dedication Ritual webpage on Joy of Satanas, truly welcome in this Family, my Brother.
Now take some time to learn about real Satanism from the same www.joyofsatan.org website, please, I wish you the best development for your being, thank you so much for having explained your topic to me. May the True Original Gods of Humanity bless your holy path!
no. I did exactly as it is written in the joy of Satan. someone told me how to do it. because I did it once before but my letter didn't catch fire. and after a month I talked to another person and he initiated me. and I did the following... I made a letter in which I signed it with my blood. I made the pentagram but without a CIRCLE. I lit 3 candles. 1 red and 2 black. and I set the letter on fire. this time it caught fire very quickly. and after I burned the letter I threw salt behind me... and I don't know if I did the right thing or not? about the circle of the pentagram. my question is whether the pact made is taken into account or not? thank you very much.
no. I did exactly as it is written in the joy of Satan. someone told me how to do it. because I did it once before but my letter didn't catch fire. and after a month I talked to another person and he initiated me. and I did the following... I made a letter in which I signed it with my blood. I made the pentagram but without a CIRCLE. I lit 3 candles. 1 red and 2 black. and I set the letter on fire. this time it caught fire very quickly. and after I burned the letter I threw salt behind me... and I don't know if I did the right thing or not? about the circle of the pentagram. my question is whether the pact made is taken into account or not? thank you very much.

Did you recite the Dedication Ritual Prayer? That is the most important part, besides the signing with blood. Only a very small drop of blood is needed. A small pinprick with a needle to get a drop of blood on the paper is enough.

Yes, do not use the circle. The circle is an enemy symbolism, a binding on the Pentagram.

As for props, anything besides what is written on the Dedication ritual page, like salt or whatever is completely useless and has no basis in True Spirituality.
Great Lord Satan I kneel before you, you accept my pact made with you. and then I wrote the letter

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
