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Hell And The Afterlife For Advanced Souls

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
In this sermon there will be a description to further the understanding about the Afterlife. As I have related in previous posts on the subject [read on my writings if you need to], I will go revisit them and clarify them way further, but also add new information.

In regards to the level of "Hell" described by HPS Maxine, that is the first layer of the first place where the regular souls go, alongside the general level of souls.

These souls cannot take much light and therefore have to exist in this state in the afterlife to avoid damaging them, to move to their next living life, to advance further.

This level is for those who are "Dead", and therefore, they cannot advance too much further since that they are 'dead'. Dead is here defined by the existence in the afterlife without a fully finished soul or advanced soul [what texts refer to as the "Risen Body or Risen Serpent, Second Birth"], being in a fully developed state.

In this state, as I have stated before based on previous experiences, the soul cannot "hold" enough due to energetic reasons. It needs a rather quick incarnation, or can stay in places where there is a form of external sustenance.

Souls that have reached the more developed states, do not experience the so called "Afterlife" in the same way of the "Hell" that HPS Maxine has described, which is essentially a waiting room for the striking majority of souls that haven't tried too much to advance, or couldn't. If we were to make a parallel here, this level would correspond to the base chakra.

The general population and the people who have not advanced too much, have to go into this place, for the reasons of their health of their mind. If one for example, has not been practising anything spiritual in their lifetime, therefore, they cannot be confronted past their lifetime with this input as it can make them feel very confused or even fearful.

Generally however, nobody can advance too much in the state that we refer to as "Dead", and therefore, one has to reincarnate again. Due to lack of sustaining energy, one needs quickly or immediately a body, so that they can restart again to be connected to their life generative source.

The stay into "Hell" that HPS Maxine has described is for souls that are not very advanced, and they are also taken very good care of. They will be protected, are certainly immune from any form of damage, and are escorted there safely until their next life.

However, because of natural dynamics that deal with their safety and sustenance, and this temporary state of life in the "thereafter" isn't exactly too expansive. This is also why HPS Maxine has described that people in this state do all sorts of human things, like "smoking" or "drinking", or "sitting in a bar". These levels of the astral realm have to do a lot with comfortable places that have been created for human beings with an average consciousness.

In contrast to the death of an average person that simply stays in the middle of nowhere, just waiting idly for the blind laws of reincarnation to take place, the above is of extreme importance that one will understand if they have an understanding of necromancy and how the death of regular people [Non-SS] occurs.

The Gods however, extend the protection that an SS brings in the afterlife into their family. The reason for this is rather mystical and I would rather not expand too much on here since this is a subject of another time and might derail this post. Anyone who has had a family person that was loved to die, they know the Gods can listen to our plea to help them, and that they will definitely help them.

In the higher levels of what is called "Hell", the more advanced souls can have a more fruitful level of staying until they can reincarnate again. You will enjoy your stay a lot there. You can learn, you can even advance in some ways, and in other ways, you can receive mending for previous soul wounds or other problems.

While unless one is very advanced, they will not be able to meditate, they will be able to get experiences and understanding from the Gods before they get back. However, to reach this, one has to be considerably advanced and there is a lot of layers between "advanced, very advanced, one step before the Godhead" type of levels. Serious diligence is required. Otherwise the soul cannot have the power to be taken there.

In the top levels of advancement [which will be apparent in one's life too], one will reach higher levels into what we refer to as "Hell", and might even be pulled to temporarily reside to the planet of the Gods. There are also other extended benefits all of which have to do with being truly advanced. While this is not just for everybody, way before this level, there are also other benefits.

If you are clean and advanced to an extent above the regular human, all the qualities and powers you have created will be carried on with you. We know this already. In other words, all the things that make people suffer through reincarnations, will affect you less. You will have a more enjoyable lifetime [despite of what happens on the exterior].

Additionally, you will be able, before you reincarnate, to see a broad definition of the lifetime you are about to embark into, so that you can choose. The power of choice is for rather advanced souls, but it is there. You are able to choose to reincarnate or to not reincarnate, and since the body of the soul is powerful, you will have that choice to remain outside of your body for extended periods of time.

Among other things, one will also not be limited so much after death as a regular soul. You will be able to go wherever you want and one has other powers. Eventually however, even those who are in this level, will again have to reincarnate, in order to embark into serious tasks or have to work towards finishing the Magnum Opus.

Lastly, the Gods are really helpful, supportive and protective in all this, because anyone who tries to advance spiritually is valued by them as their creation.

Understanding the above, embark in existence with less worry. Regardless if we understand much or not, I can say with certainty after all the experiences, "travels" and knowledge I have received, that the goodness of the Gods is the most beautiful thing in existence to partake on.

Finally, as Thoth has also stated, "Live your Life, and you will never die". This statement is important to remember, in that you must also remember, that meditation is an art for bettering yourself, your life, your existence, and is an investment onto your soul, that belongs to you forever. Meditation should be part of one's life.

Meditation helps you in the here and now, but also assists in the "Thereafter". It helps you physically, mentally and spiritually, as a medicine for all ills. Through this work of the Gods and their instruction, we are never lost: We find the straight path to walk upon and get in touch with what makes the Gods into Gods, which is eternity.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This post has been most informative. Thank-you HPC.
Part of our soul is shared with our family and cannot be ripped apart without consequence or without a structured and controlled follow up. A reason others unionize with a duty on this earth, they need and it becomes part of their advancement and being to finalize things here, at least in another life or have a solution to it.

It happened to me in family for one to fall extremely ill, and for me to share the same because of it and part of a natural soul connection, or simply empathy. This needs care and protection as it can be very destructive as it can be key in creation. Another very revealing thing that you cannot live alone and you aren't suppose to. This entirety idea of solitude exists only in limited parts of life, and ends at the start of actually living and expanding.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

For those who have a love affair with a God or Goddess, will the afterlife experience be the same but at their side?

When you say advanced, do you mean an SS soul who has meditated all his life and whose goal is advancement, or do you mean higher souls such as Himmler?
FuckYu_666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

For those who have a love affair with a God or Goddess, will the afterlife experience be the same but at their side?

When you say advanced, do you mean an SS soul who has meditated all his life and whose goal is advancement, or do you mean higher souls such as Himmler?
I also wanted to ask, is it possible to stay in a familiar place like an astral temple, or will you be taken to a new place?
I'm sorry if these seem like stupid questions, but I was curious.
Thank you if you choose to answer.
It's interesting that I was thinking about this very topic the other day, before this came up.

Yes! My psychic insight works, because that's how I usually see things in advance.
And it has happened before that I have seen a future event in my dream, and later it happened.

Thank you for this sermon Hooded Cobra!
Thank you so much for this!

Hail Satan!
I remember the life review thing a tiny bit in that I get a strong sense of familiarity near the time a certain event happens like I saw this before. Hard to explain. Don't know how extensive this stuff is.

I did not go to the duat part I don't remember that. It was some other planet I believe the one near Sirius star anyone tell me more about that place. I want to know.
Honestly I really have high hopes that some of us, many hopefully, will reach the full magnum opus.

I know thats being somewhat, very overly optimistic, but the more we advance the more it becomes apparent we should do our utmost to reach the full magnum opus, so we can be Gods in our own right, and help mend and shift our world into a more satanic, great design.

With helping to assist humanity, drawing down knowledge from the higher realms, so that certain, crucial technologies can be given and adapted over time, and endless other examples, greater influx of knowledge, and so on.

There's just so much work to do, and I hope to be a God in my own right, like my fellow brothers and sisters in satan.

I really wish us all luck in this, and greatly hope man of us make it past that threshold, and that for a good majority, we make it all the way, abd don't have to reincarnate another time.
NakedPluto said:
Part of our soul is shared with our family and cannot be ripped apart without consequence or without a structured and controlled follow up. A reason others unionize with a duty on this earth, they need and it becomes part of their advancement and being to finalize things here, at least in another life or have a solution to it.

It happened to me in family for one to fall extremely ill, and for me to share the same because of it and part of a natural soul connection, or simply empathy. This needs care and protection as it can be very destructive as it can be key in creation. Another very revealing thing that you cannot live alone and you aren't suppose to. This entirety idea of solitude exists only in limited parts of life, and ends at the start of actually living and expanding.

I don't think that you should continue to reincarnate with the same souls around you all the time nakedpluto.
I don't think "family karma" is something that you take with you onto other lives and as thus is something thats bound to your soul and can wound you.

Unless I misunderstood what you meant. But this topic is about reincarnation, not family karma.

Family karma is something that should be changed though, in the best and most positive way for you and at least for those that come after you.

Or if you simply meant the karma passed onto you from either parent, after death theres simply no connection there.
Most of us here are born from parents who might be sort of prominent in one or two things, some none, and all the power they develop is their own.

If that is so, then that'd mean that whats most important is that your own karma fits from that what your parents are required to give you, and there is additional karma from family things on their own.

And as I've read and understood before it was said that "family karma" was not the same as your own karma.

You might just simply have very deep ties with those around you, pluto.
Saved this HPHC my bro
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In this sermon there will be a description to further the understanding about the Afterlife. As I have related in previous posts on the subject [read on my writings if you need to], I will go revisit them and clarify them way further, but also add new information.


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Important sermon and well written as always. I was thinking about this topic recently.
Is there a way to have a guarantee before death?
Except for being a Spiritual Satanist and meditating, advancing.
So that ones soul has a safe passage/escort and is not interrupted by enemy entities and their bullshit "light"?
Are there any Demons/Gods who can help with that?
Thank you.
SyrArisMarsMartin said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In this sermon there will be a description to further the understanding about the Afterlife. As I have related in previous posts on the subject [read on my writings if you need to], I will go revisit them and clarify them way further, but also add new information.


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Important sermon and well written as always. I was thinking about this topic recently.
Is there a way to have a guarantee before death?
Except for being a Spiritual Satanist and meditating, advancing.
So that ones soul has a safe passage/escort and is not interrupted by enemy entities and their bullshit "light"?
Are there any Demons/Gods who can help with that?
Thank you.
You undervalue the power of the Gods. They know when you die, they basically know whenever something bad can happen to you. Nothing can happen to you that is negative after you die when you're of the Gods.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
NakedPluto said:
Part of our soul is shared with our family and cannot be ripped apart without consequence or without a structured and controlled follow up. A reason others unionize with a duty on this earth, they need and it becomes part of their advancement and being to finalize things here, at least in another life or have a solution to it.

It happened to me in family for one to fall extremely ill, and for me to share the same because of it and part of a natural soul connection, or simply empathy. This needs care and protection as it can be very destructive as it can be key in creation. Another very revealing thing that you cannot live alone and you aren't suppose to. This entirety idea of solitude exists only in limited parts of life, and ends at the start of actually living and expanding.

I don't think that you should continue to reincarnate with the same souls around you all the time nakedpluto.
I don't think "family karma" is something that you take with you onto other lives and as thus is something thats bound to your soul and can wound you.

Unless I misunderstood what you meant. But this topic is about reincarnation, not family karma.

Family karma is something that should be changed though, in the best and most positive way for you and at least for those that come after you.

Or if you simply meant the karma passed onto you from either parent, after death theres simply no connection there.
Most of us here are born from parents who might be sort of prominent in one or two things, some none, and all the power they develop is their own.

If that is so, then that'd mean that whats most important is that your own karma fits from that what your parents are required to give you, and there is additional karma from family things on their own.

And as I've read and understood before it was said that "family karma" was not the same as your own karma.

You might just simply have very deep ties with those around you, pluto.

I am sure most people are strongly connected and tied to their mothers, fathers and siblings.

I am strongly connected to my parents and sister.
Thank you for this informing post. I've learnt from the ancestral spirit of a friend that back in 2019. My uncle who was as close as a brother for me and my sibling passed away, at that time a friend who is a shaman was staying at our place. The next day, he invoked his ancestral spirit in order to know what will happen to our uncle. The spirit said he was being accepted by the lower heaven, and my mom asked if it's a comfortable place for him. The spirit then proceeded to tell us that not everyone is able to get into the lower heaven and also told us that there are three levels of heaven,the lower one is the place where ordinary spirits reside while more advanced souls who had practiced spirituality resided in the mid-heaven, which is where most ancestral spirits of various shamans resided and then he finally told us people who had reached the nirvana state reach the higher heaven after death. This post is confirming this.
This was very informative thank you. My brother called me at work back in October claiming my cousin knew a woman, one of his good friends, that went to go see someone claiming to be a medium. At the end of the session the medium told her there was a very adamant soul wanting to get a message out to their family.

This person did not know my mother or any information about her prior...but he told the woman my mothers name and about some personal things only we would know, and how she died. he gave the woman a message that the spirit wanted to give out to their family. my cousin called my brother saying this was my mother.

I was skeptical at first because i know a lot of these people work with angles and new age stuff...or at worst it could have been an enemy entity that was trying to deceive us. I after all knew nothing of this person or where he came from. Still i reached out to him and he never replied. I was actually very angry at this, someone claiming to speak for my mother and not giving a further explanation...but when i mailed again telling him how rude i found that (he literally stated he had a 24 hour reply window on his information) and for all i knew that he could be a fraud, i got a string of excuses back with some bs.

very shortly after my family initially told me about this i resolved to summon Anubis for help, and ask in the case that my mothers soul was still trapped on earth that he would if he had time, to safely guide her soul to safety. I think he heard me, as i was driving to work the next day, and when i came to a stop sign i came up behind a license plate that had 666, and this same vehicle ended up parking next to me when i stopped someplace briefly.

The rest of all this also makes perfect sense for the levels of Hell. Very well explained :)
It was an absolutely fantastic sermon. I completely agree with you others as well who think you should meditate. I want to add something that I do myself, done it a few years now. It's practicing Qigong and Tai chi. It will deepen your meditation. I myself experience my meditations more deeply and focused. And gained better contact with Father Satan and his demons. I usually try to do Qigong, Tai chi twice a day. I do not train in any association. I do it in front of the TV on youtube. You who want can search on youtube Qigong. Ave Satan
Lunar Dance 666 said:
NakedPluto said:
Part of our soul is shared with our family and cannot be ripped apart without consequence or without a structured and controlled follow up. A reason others unionize with a duty on this earth, they need and it becomes part of their advancement and being to finalize things here, at least in another life or have a solution to it.

It happened to me in family for one to fall extremely ill, and for me to share the same because of it and part of a natural soul connection, or simply empathy. This needs care and protection as it can be very destructive as it can be key in creation. Another very revealing thing that you cannot live alone and you aren't suppose to. This entirety idea of solitude exists only in limited parts of life, and ends at the start of actually living and expanding.

I don't think that you should continue to reincarnate with the same souls around you all the time nakedpluto.
I don't think "family karma" is something that you take with you onto other lives and as thus is something thats bound to your soul and can wound you.

Unless I misunderstood what you meant. But this topic is about reincarnation, not family karma.

Family karma is something that should be changed though, in the best and most positive way for you and at least for those that come after you.

Or if you simply meant the karma passed onto you from either parent, after death theres simply no connection there.
Most of us here are born from parents who might be sort of prominent in one or two things, some none, and all the power they develop is their own.

If that is so, then that'd mean that whats most important is that your own karma fits from that what your parents are required to give you, and there is additional karma from family things on their own.

And as I've read and understood before it was said that "family karma" was not the same as your own karma.

You might just simply have very deep ties with those around you, pluto.

I actually do not have very deep ties, as overall I am a very detached and cold person.

I didn't have normal family structure, and had complete absences, yet this again is reflected in the soul and circumstances of life. Absence of bond implies it's consequences in life, that doesn't mean you get born with the same parents again or lovers, friends. It can happen but it is not a rule. That's just a simple misunderstanding.

Death means separation, but if the people are too bonded, the separation never happens truly and it is carried in the next life and it is transformed unto other bonds or lack of.

The lack of a bond in this life can carry towards the next one as well.

And about parents and their individual role in the life, from creation to destruction, yes you need to learn to let go but also hold on.

There are cases for everything, but as much as you think it doesn't affect you, it affects or it is even the consequences of own karma and life path.

The point is to resolve within one self all of these as they affect the next lives.

People of low consciousness and ill will, pieces of shit should be dealt with accordingly. There's higher treason when there's betrayal or related things upon your own self, and that's not the object of our discussion. They can be left behind as we are advancing to elite aims, don't worry about the low life. The dross is being cleaned by advancing.
NinRick said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
NakedPluto said:

I don't think that you should continue to reincarnate with the same souls around you all the time nakedpluto.
I don't think "family karma" is something that you take with you onto other lives and as thus is something thats bound to your soul and can wound you.

Unless I misunderstood what you meant. But this topic is about reincarnation, not family karma.

Family karma is something that should be changed though, in the best and most positive way for you and at least for those that come after you.

Or if you simply meant the karma passed onto you from either parent, after death theres simply no connection there.
Most of us here are born from parents who might be sort of prominent in one or two things, some none, and all the power they develop is their own.

If that is so, then that'd mean that whats most important is that your own karma fits from that what your parents are required to give you, and there is additional karma from family things on their own.

And as I've read and understood before it was said that "family karma" was not the same as your own karma.

You might just simply have very deep ties with those around you, pluto.

I am sure most people are strongly connected and tied to their mothers, fathers and siblings.

I am strongly connected to my parents and sister.

That is supposed to be the normal thing for everyone, as family is the basic unit of society.

However, in this enemy world, there's also many people who come from abusive and neglectful households. Abuse and neglect can create different type of ties, from weak to strong, mostly negative. Neglect can also create a situation of having 0 ties with the family due to neither party taking an interest in developing a connection, or one of the parties giving up after being constantly rejected.

Family will be again the core of society when we rise to power.
NakedPluto said:
Part of our soul is shared with our family and cannot be ripped apart without consequence or without a structured and controlled follow up. A reason others unionize with a duty on this earth, they need and it becomes part of their advancement and being to finalize things here, at least in another life or have a solution to it.

It happened to me in family for one to fall extremely ill, and for me to share the same because of it and part of a natural soul connection, or simply empathy. This needs care and protection as it can be very destructive as it can be key in creation. Another very revealing thing that you cannot live alone and you aren't suppose to. This entirety idea of solitude exists only in limited parts of life, and ends at the start of actually living and expanding.

I was taken away from my family by the government not long after birth. I hadn't even got in contact with my real parents until my mid 30s. While I can see astrological parallels when comparing myself to them, we practically don't exist towards one another otherwise. It has been similar towards my family who had adopted me which has mostly fallen apart and also who I have little contact with. I'd say my family ties are almost non existent.

I am sure there is a connection between my wife and I who are both Satanists but even she has worked the night shift for years so we get little time together.

Now my Satanic views and motivations to keep up the RTRs are very neptunian but on an individual basis solitude has been a large part of my life the entire time.
NakedPluto said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
NakedPluto said:
Part of our soul is shared with our family and cannot be ripped apart without consequence or without a structured and controlled follow up. A reason others unionize with a duty on this earth, they need and it becomes part of their advancement and being to finalize things here, at least in another life or have a solution to it.

It happened to me in family for one to fall extremely ill, and for me to share the same because of it and part of a natural soul connection, or simply empathy. This needs care and protection as it can be very destructive as it can be key in creation. Another very revealing thing that you cannot live alone and you aren't suppose to. This entirety idea of solitude exists only in limited parts of life, and ends at the start of actually living and expanding.

I don't think that you should continue to reincarnate with the same souls around you all the time nakedpluto.
I don't think "family karma" is something that you take with you onto other lives and as thus is something thats bound to your soul and can wound you.

Unless I misunderstood what you meant. But this topic is about reincarnation, not family karma.

Family karma is something that should be changed though, in the best and most positive way for you and at least for those that come after you.

Or if you simply meant the karma passed onto you from either parent, after death theres simply no connection there.
Most of us here are born from parents who might be sort of prominent in one or two things, some none, and all the power they develop is their own.

If that is so, then that'd mean that whats most important is that your own karma fits from that what your parents are required to give you, and there is additional karma from family things on their own.

And as I've read and understood before it was said that "family karma" was not the same as your own karma.

You might just simply have very deep ties with those around you, pluto.

I actually do not have very deep ties, as overall I am a very detached and cold person.

I didn't have normal family structure, and had complete absences, yet this again is reflected in the soul and circumstances of life. Absence of bond implies it's consequences in life, that doesn't mean you get born with the same parents again or lovers, friends. It can happen but it is not a rule. That's just a simple misunderstanding.

Death means separation, but if the people are too bonded, the separation never happens truly and it is carried in the next life and it is transformed unto other bonds or lack of.

The lack of a bond in this life can carry towards the next one as well.

And about parents and their individual role in the life, from creation to destruction, yes you need to learn to let go but also hold on.

There are cases for everything, but as much as you think it doesn't affect you, it affects or it is even the consequences of own karma and life path.

The point is to resolve within one self all of these as they affect the next lives.

People of low consciousness and ill will, pieces of shit should be dealt with accordingly. There's higher treason when there's betrayal or related things upon your own self, and that's not the object of our discussion. They can be left behind as we are advancing to elite aims, don't worry about the low life. The dross is being cleaned by advancing.

So basicly what you are saying is that it is necessary to heal the broken bonds, and/or do the necessary workings to erase the damaged parts (or negative karma) from your soul so that they do not happen again. Even if you have a parent who is somewhat decent or a parent who is totally not.
So that, even if we have to incarnate, we don't face the damaging things again early in life.

Actually why has this not occured to me before? To do a working to release the influence of being born to total shit for parents. Be it neglect or any other forms of abuse.

Anyway, thanks for the response.
Stormblood said:
NinRick said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
I don't think that you should continue to reincarnate with the same souls around you all the time nakedpluto.
I don't think "family karma" is something that you take with you onto other lives and as thus is something thats bound to your soul and can wound you.

Unless I misunderstood what you meant. But this topic is about reincarnation, not family karma.

Family karma is something that should be changed though, in the best and most positive way for you and at least for those that come after you.

Or if you simply meant the karma passed onto you from either parent, after death theres simply no connection there.
Most of us here are born from parents who might be sort of prominent in one or two things, some none, and all the power they develop is their own.

If that is so, then that'd mean that whats most important is that your own karma fits from that what your parents are required to give you, and there is additional karma from family things on their own.

And as I've read and understood before it was said that "family karma" was not the same as your own karma.

You might just simply have very deep ties with those around you, pluto.

I am sure most people are strongly connected and tied to their mothers, fathers and siblings.

I am strongly connected to my parents and sister.

That is supposed to be the normal thing for everyone, as family is the basic unit of society.

However, in this enemy world, there's also many people who come from abusive and neglectful households. Abuse and neglect can create different type of ties, from weak to strong, mostly negative. Neglect can also create a situation of having 0 ties with the family due to neither party taking an interest in developing a connection, or one of the parties giving up after being constantly rejected.

Family will be again the core of society when we rise to power.

Everything you said is true, and everything will be much better again, once Satan rules over Humanity and human societies again.
Is meditation an every day thing like showering? I.e. does meditation have to be done daily, even after the magnum opus? Is it like eating for the soul. Why don't people not die by not meditating? Please help.
Many of the Ancient Greek texts spoke fairly openly about the experience in the afterlife, to the point where I'm surprised it isn't talked about more. For instance, the place of middling or average souls with no real spiritual progression or meditation during their life are generally said to dwell in the Asphodel Meadows, which is generally considered a place of waiting, where shades dwell until their next reincarnation. These level of souls are said to drink from the River Lethe prior to their rebirth, the River of Forgetfulness, which is symbolic of the "amnesia" between lifespans.

However, "initiated" souls who had the ability to navigate Hades had the chance to drink from the River Mnemosyne, which was the River of Memory. Souls with higher levels of attainment also dwelled in the "Elysian Fields" as opposed to Asphodel, and much of the iconography of Elysium is shown to be things like honeyed drinks, golden wreaths, and so on, which are all symbolic of higher levels of spirituality. The absolute highest level of Hades is referred to as the Isles of the Blessed, where the "heroic" souls, ie, the souls that are near to completely developed and are capable of full incorporeal existence are able to dwell.

On the other side of things, the River Phlegethon leads down into Tartarus. This is similar to the Egyptian concept of Ammit, where souls rife with "sin", ie, dross and heaviness from a complete lack of spiritual refinement and blockages over the course of lifetimes, are consumed by oblivion. Tartarus being the home of the "Fallen Titans" is meant to represent a hard contrast to the Olympian soul. The former represents absolute material dross and the base metals, whereas the Olympian soul is characterized by full transformation, ascendancy and alchemical refinement.
NakedPluto said:
Part of our soul is shared with our family and cannot be ripped apart without consequence or without a structured and controlled follow up. A reason others unionize with a duty on this earth, they need and it becomes part of their advancement and being to finalize things here, at least in another life or have a solution to it.

It happened to me in family for one to fall extremely ill, and for me to share the same because of it and part of a natural soul connection, or simply empathy. This needs care and protection as it can be very destructive as it can be key in creation. Another very revealing thing that you cannot live alone and you aren't suppose to. This entirety idea of solitude exists only in limited parts of life, and ends at the start of actually living and expanding.

Furthermore I think this can be seen in negative/positive karma. I feel an extra influence from my family, which sometimes is related to my own birth chart, sometimes is just the energies coming from their own mentality
Beautiful sermon :)

When I was new reading the JoS, I figured what HPS Maxine described, the smokers lounge area, was for lower souls. I thought that would be a terrible place for me to go, lol. Too boring.

Existence is beautiful and continuous. Each life (and in-between, in the afterlife) is like a chapter in our full eternal existence. Death is not to be feared as it isn't really "death" as the enemy programs (xianity etc) preach.

Advancement <3

Hail Satan, and Happy Yule everyone!
This is very comforting to read. I wonder, if the work we have put into mastering our mind, the traits we have acquired, and the abilities we have developed physically, can be "refound" with more ease in another lifetime.

I personally will not use this as an excuse to "chill", I cannot describe my life prior to becoming an SS as very fulfilling, and I could have went down a very dark path. It is my desire to continue to advance, to assist those souls into their own advancement, so that they may not be lost as we all once were.

Though, knowing that the God's will be returning soon, and that the souls of those lost will remain protected. I will not allow the burden of a billion souls to affect my "independence".

I had believed it would be necessary to become like Hitler, George Washington, Alexander the Great, in order to protect our planet. It has allowed me to develop greatly towards the direction of the truly incredible souls, and allowed me to find my own path towards this type of greatness.
High Priest, I have a question I want to ask you. After doing RTR, there is a momentary feeling of happiness, I don't feel well the next day and everything goes wrong. I clear my aura and chakras with "SURYA" after RTR. I get cleaned with "SURYA" 111 times after RTR. As a result, I feel hopeless, pessimistic and unhappy the next day after RTR. What can i do can you help me. And I also protect my aura with the rune "ALGIZ". High Priest, I'm in so much pain.
Meister said:
...Why don't people not die by not meditating? ...

They die emotionally, mentally, and in many other ways due to not meditating. The end result also affects the soul, and even further in time, can cause spiritual death or the dissolving of the soul.
EasternFireLion666 said:
It's a very useful post that should be re read from time to time. What makes me very curious many times is what happens with the memory of ones life between life, death and reincarnation. I guess memory is one of the things I care about the most :)

You will enjoy the future threads and knowledge in the JoS then, because regression and other methods will be placed in a special place.
Arcadia said:

My experiences tell me all the same. I experienced way more before I studied anything, so this verified this correctness.

In particular also, I am going to be more elaborate on explanations. What you say is also myths [ie, allegories meant for practical analysis]. They are to be therefore analyzed. Thank you for this great comment.
Thank you for this sermon.
I have understood and realized a lot.
Now I have realized why I'm not having much success with astral projection too. My soul just isn't powerful enough yet to stay out of my body or to remain out.

I consider this sermon as a Yule gift.
Thank you so much HP Cobra. Wish you a great Yule and Satan's day ahead.
In one experience where I visited the soul of a deceased loved one whom I had asked Satan and the Gods to protect and take care of until she reincarnated, I came to a place that looked like a large golden grassland, with a warm golden sky, though not too bright, but not at all dim.

It was very pleasant, as if surrounded by beautiful nature and embraced by the warmth of a pleasant breezy summer.

The grass waved in what felt like a breeze. There were flowery hills stretching beyond the plain, and in the center was a beautiful natural pond with crystal clear water, lilies floated on the water and a lone tree stood besides it, which looked like a willow tree with pinkish leaves, which contrasted very beautifully with the golden background and the clear water.

There were a few woman there on the edge of the pond, some dipping their feet in the water while sitting at the edge together, some sat or stood under the shade of the tree while chatting, and some ran through the flowery fields.

Most of them were relatively young, even a few were only teen aged girls, and there were a few children as well, running and rolling through the grass. Not sure if they were also only girls or not, since I didn't pay close attention to them and it can sometimes be ambiguous in case of young children, though I think they were all girls.

The soul of the young woman I had asked Satan and the Gods to take care of was there, in the shade of the tree, she sat relaxed under one of the large branches. She was by herself and looked somewhat lonely, but overall she seemed pleased, and most importantly, she was very safe and well taken care of.

I spend some time with her walking through the seemingly endless plain, over the different hilltops, while talking with her.

I also took her in my arms and flew through the golden sky, looking over the large space and flying through some clouds.

I was able to take her back to me for a bit when I projected back to my body, taking her with me in my arms, and talking with her for a while longer back where I lived on a large roof terrace where I was by myself.

She explained to me there were other places she could go, but she stayed on that plain by the pond most often, as she found it comfortable there.

She wasn't able to do much, because her soul wasn't that stable on its own, requiring her to stay in well protected environments.

Another place I went with her at a different time, looked like a large stone walkway, overlooking a stone city that had architecture reminiscent of Babylon or Summer.

It wasn't very busy there, and I could walk there freely with her, seeing the sights and surrounded by the fresh clear sky.

Other people were there as well, usually walking together in pairs or small groups. There was a walkway next to a body of water, where people could sit down together, overlooking the water or the city.

After my visits to her were over, a demon would come to escort her back safely to where she primarily stayed.

She wasn't able to meditate in the afterlife, and she knew little about it in her previous life, but I was able to meditate with her and clean her soul.

Only very light work was possible, but it was very pleasant and beneficial to her.

On my first meeting with her, her soul was pretty gloomy and dark, while on my last farewell when she was about to reincarnate again, her soul had brightened up a lot and her expression was one of joy and longing for life.

When she had passed, she had many regrets still left on her, and many pains, but after some time of spirit work from me as well as the care she received in the afterlife in "Hell", she had been able to leave all those regrets behind and heal most of her wounds.

She was set up much better for her next life as a result.

I take it this sort of experience would be for more middle level souls, rather than completely empty and low ones.

In that sense, she had it quite good there, but I could see how it would get boring rather quickly despite of how pleasant it was there, due to not being able to do a lot of activities because her soul was too weak.

It was like being at a very pleasant and fancy spa resort, where people go in life to recuperate and relieve the stress they experience in life, where the primary attraction is the beautiful sights and atmosphere away from the stress of city life or the like.

Mostly a place for healing of the mind and soul. Therapeutical and very relaxed.

Hail Satan!
I remember when I was doing trances and stuff, which increased number of sleep paralisises. Once I woke up in middle of night; couldn't move and felt and hear like something wa literally crawling on me, I think if I wouldn't panicekd I would expierience some sort of OBE, if I didn't? not sure. Also the sensetion is so weird, like you only semi-use your senses of felling and hearing, the rest seems to be on Astral level.

Really cool expirience and is one of the reasons I'm still into SSesing. I will 100% train to do these stuff again, but don't have right conditions, ATM.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
