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Healing the psyche of a loved one

fuoco blu 666

Well-known member
Sep 21, 2017
I plan to do psychic healing work on someone I love very much.

She suffers from paranoid schizophrenia and this is caused by several of her past events plus predisposition from the natal chart and negative planetary transits.

For the runes I already intend to use Uinne 111 times multiple times a day on her soul with the Satanic rosary.

She has a flair for meditation and I taught him to use Raum and the Eis rune to stop mental hyperactivity and purify her soul.

Before using Uinne to invoke healing energy and then directing it with visualization through the third eye, can I use for example the Sol (Sowilo) rune to purify her soul before applying healing energy from a distance?

Before the spell I already plan to do the five Tibetan rites with a Kundalini yoga session after them.

The spiritual healing work for him I plan to continue for at least a year or even two years to make sure he is fully healed.

Sometime occasionally I may apply healing energy on his 6th chakra to fortify the healing and make the energy transfer more intense and advanced like a meditation to open blocked chakras but made to cleanse his 6th chakra.

As a date I thought of the crescent moon in Pisces for spiritual healing because it is very close to the full moon and this facilitates white magic.

Does anyone have any advice for spiritual healing of this type?
fuoco blu 666 said:
I plan to do psychic healing work on someone I love very much.

She suffers from paranoid schizophrenia and this is caused by several of her past events plus predisposition from the natal chart and negative planetary transits.

For the runes I already intend to use Uinne 111 times multiple times a day on her soul with the Satanic rosary.

She has a flair for meditation and I taught him to use Raum and the Eis rune to stop mental hyperactivity and purify her soul.

Before using Uinne to invoke healing energy and then directing it with visualization through the third eye, can I use for example the Sol (Sowilo) rune to purify her soul before applying healing energy from a distance?

Before the spell I already plan to do the five Tibetan rites with a Kundalini yoga session after them.

The spiritual healing work for him I plan to continue for at least a year or even two years to make sure he is fully healed.

Sometime occasionally I may apply healing energy on his 6th chakra to fortify the healing and make the energy transfer more intense and advanced like a meditation to open blocked chakras but made to cleanse his 6th chakra.

As a date I thought of the crescent moon in Pisces for spiritual healing because it is very close to the full moon and this facilitates white magic.

Does anyone have any advice for spiritual healing of this type?

Take your time with this and understand that an ailment of this severity will likely take a while to heal.

Issues of this nature are often deep illnesses and require alot of energy to impact and eventually cure. If you feel fatigued after a long period of doing the working, stop at 80, 120 or 160 days if you feel very drained. So that you can restore and build your energies further in preparation for throwing more energy towards healing this then resume with another healing cycle.

Lastly, good luck in healing this, it may be difficult and positive changes with the condition may happen slowly. Do not be discouraged.

Have faith in your ability to heal, and keep in mind the guidance of the gods in regards to this as you are undertaking a big endeavor.
This might be too much energy for a non advanced soul, or for a beginner. If you like on a intermediate level, and she is a very beginner, 111x vibration into her is way too much.

I highly advise to do this with way less vibration but for a longer time.
She should NOT use Raum with Eis together in one work, because these different energies.
She can use it in DIFFERENT works that can target one purpose anyway. Let's say she vibrate Raum, and say the affirmation, and wait a bit, then vibrate Eis and say the affirmation.

Yes you can clean her soul before the spell, but there is no need for runes here.

You have to understand. When your soul gets stronger, and cleaner, you can rise more amount of energy, with less effort.
Let's say, she, as a beginner, she could invoke 10 amount of energy by visualizing for 5 minutes.
You, on the other hand, could invoke 100 amount of energy by visualizing for 5 minutes.

You can do the following:
Place your hand above her. Visualize white gold energy below your hand, directly on her. Run this white gold energy trough her, while visualizing the dross coming out. On the first row, focus on her aura, then on her light body, and on the 3rd row, focuse on complete soul, pushing out the rest of the dross and visualize her glowing as bright as possible. Now you stack the dross that came out, and affirm "this dross now manifest fully on the Jews" and push it far away.

You can do the same with the Returning curses pt1, so that you affirm something in the white gold energy before running it trough her.

Now you can do the spell, with maximum 10x vibration.

She should also start meditating and start open her soul after some week.

After she opened her soul you can rise the vibrations for like 20.
What is the affirmation used by your relative using the Esz/ Isa? And what color? I might have problems with overthinking.
AFODO said:
You can do the following:
Place your hand above her. Visualize white gold energy below your hand, directly on her. Run this white gold energy trough her, while visualizing the dross coming out. On the first row, focus on her aura, then on her light body, and on the 3rd row, focuse on complete soul, pushing out the rest of the dross and visualize her glowing as bright as possible. Now you stack the dross that came out, and affirm "this dross now manifest fully on the Jews" and push it far away.

You can do the same with the Returning curses pt1, so that you affirm something in the white gold energy before running it trough her.

You do this with your right hand, because that's the output, the left is the input.

It's also is not necessary to involve your hand, but It might be more efficient like this.
AFODO said:
This might be too much energy for a non advanced soul, or for a beginner. If you like on a intermediate level, and she is a very beginner, 111x vibration into her is way too much.


I believe this can be done safely if the energy is held on the outside of her soul, directed into her only through the programing of safely healing her. This is much different than chanting it right on them.

It is difficult because a lot of energy is needed for healing. However, they are not going to be seriously harmed, just in my opinion, as the intention should be wholly positive at all times. If they feel too much energy, they can simply pull it off their soul. This is unlike a cat or baby, who is exceptionally sensitive. Wunjo energy should also be a bit gentler than most.

fuoco blu 666 said:
I plan to do psychic healing work on someone I love very much.


My main concern is that you could be doing a major effort for someone, which could drain your own time, or create other unintended consequences. 111x Uinne multiple times a day is a major burden, and probably only one session per day is reasonable here.

As you are connecting to a disease, you will want to protect yourself through cleaning and perhaps a specialized AOP. Doing yoga before and after this is good, but becoming fatigued is not that much of a concern as are negative circumstances, as you can raise your energy pretty easily.

This is not an emergency healing, so I don't think there is as much of a concern of them draining you based on the connection alone.

You should probably seek guidance on the viability of this, as this is otherwise undertaking a large project. If they can handle workings on their own, then perhaps it is better for them to work on this themselves, unless you think they are incapable of pulling this off.

Yes, lots of cleaning, especially of the upper chakras, will certainly be needed, and it should be done by them as well, through their own effort.

I would also remind you that TCM has some good treatments for schizophrenia, which can be employed for symptom management.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=456707 time=1691073961 user_id=21286]
AFODO said:
This might be too much energy for a non advanced soul, or for a beginner. If you like on a intermediate level, and she is a very beginner, 111x vibration into her is way too much.


I believe this can be done safely if the energy is held on the outside of her soul, directed into her only through the programing of safely healing her. This is much different than chanting it right on them.

It is difficult because a lot of energy is needed for healing. However, they are not going to be seriously harmed, just in my opinion, as the intention should be wholly positive at all times. If they feel too much energy, they can simply pull it off their soul. This is unlike a cat or baby, who is exceptionally sensitive. Wunjo energy should also be a bit gentler than most.

I think with the affirmation that mostly focus on safety, would definitely be safe, but would be there a waste of energy? Don't think that as "outsider's" soul can take that much energy in any way, so it would just decrease itself?

Or couldn't Ingwaz be used here?
Converts active power into potential power. [...] Like a crystal, this rune stores energy until it is needed. It is a magickal reserve. Stone is ivory.
Some cheeky affirmation would be needed, that's for sure.

"This energy constantly working on healing paranoid schrizophenia (?In the most positive way for the victim???), and the excessive energy is being stored in ingwaz."

As you said, there are other solutions, and I think she should also put effort in her spiritual growth, besides him helping her.
I'm sorry to be a negative element here, do not connect as a growing SS that is involved in the occult arts with anyone with mental problems like this on this level.

Do not do this, do not connect to people that have this, to heal them, they will drag you into the same holes of perception with them especially as it is a loved one.you have to do the opposite and let them be and detach.

Only specific people, at specific levels can heal disorder of the mind of the kind and this takes several years and results in one accepting the illness, not reversing anything. Some people live differently and perceive everything different than how you experience life.

Leave them be. Certainly you can do good, but the risk however as a person involved in heavy magical apparatus and tendencies of spirituality, will be that you will be risking the same upon your soul.

For now.
NakedPluto said:
I'm sorry to be a negative element here, do not connect as a growing SS that is involved in the occult arts with anyone with mental problems like this on this level.

Do not do this, do not connect to people that have this, to heal them, they will drag you into the same holes of perception with them especially as it is a loved one.you have to do the opposite and let them be and detach.

Only specific people, at specific levels can heal disorder of the mind of the kind and this takes several years and results in one accepting the illness, not reversing anything. Some people live differently and perceive everything different than how you experience life.

Leave them be. Certainly you can do good, but the risk however as a person involved in heavy magical apparatus and tendencies of spirituality, will be that you will be risking the same upon your soul.

For now.

While I typically agree with most of what you post, I respectfully disagree with your point here.

The reality is in life we will come across many people we will want to help and assist. It's karmic and natural to do so as a human being. Yes, we should detach when things are too far gone, but we don't know the whole situation here and if this is a loved one and they truly want to attempt to heal them of this deep mental illness who are we to just say no, don't do it?

Satanism is about growing our powers. Wisdom and understanding. Part of this embracing the beautiful opportunity to choose to heal those who we are care deeply for.

While I understand your concerns and points you are presenting to the OP, I feel you are being a bit too pressing in this.

If we just avoid healing those who are very ill, and we just walk away and detach. Who would help them?

The Gods likely see things a bit differently. Yes there are limits, but we must emulate and try to look at in the best way possible.

Please understand I'm not arguing or debating you, just sharing my perspective on this, based on how much healing magic I've done for others over the years.

I've learned some hard lessons from this, but also some important things which I try to impart here in my reply.
serpentwalker666 said:
NakedPluto said:
I'm sorry to be a negative element here, do not connect as a growing SS that is involved in the occult arts with anyone with mental problems like this on this level.

Do not do this, do not connect to people that have this, to heal them, they will drag you into the same holes of perception with them especially as it is a loved one.you have to do the opposite and let them be and detach.

Only specific people, at specific levels can heal disorder of the mind of the kind and this takes several years and results in one accepting the illness, not reversing anything. Some people live differently and perceive everything different than how you experience life.

Leave them be. Certainly you can do good, but the risk however as a person involved in heavy magical apparatus and tendencies of spirituality, will be that you will be risking the same upon your soul.

For now.

While I typically agree with most of what you post, I respectfully disagree with your point here.

The reality is in life we will come across many people we will want to help and assist. It's karmic and natural to do so as a human being. Yes, we should detach when things are too far gone, but we don't know the whole situation here and if this is a loved one and they truly want to attempt to heal them of this deep mental illness who are we to just say no, don't do it?

Satanism is about growing our powers. Wisdom and understanding. Part of this embracing the beautiful opportunity to choose to heal those who we are care deeply for.

While I understand your concerns and points you are presenting to the OP, I feel you are being a bit too pressing in this.

If we just avoid healing those who are very ill, and we just walk away and detach. Who would help them?

The Gods likely see things a bit differently. Yes there are limits, but we must emulate and try to look at in the best way possible.

Please understand I'm not arguing or debating you, just sharing my perspective on this, based on how much healing magic I've done for others over the years.

I've learned some hard lessons from this, but also some important things which I try to impart here in my reply.

I'm not holding anyone hostage here, just a friendly warning and sense that comes from understanding more of how this behaves and can reflect.

Certainly, when someone has drowned in the deep ocean, as is a loved one, by all means I sacrifice myself and try to save them, fully. I'm going into the deep end too. Does this mean I can? Does this mean I should? Not really.

The healing of the mind is different from the healing of the body, while connected there are separate things here. The factors that are of importance here is that this is of a different type of illness that is not understood and can backfire extremely. There are numerous cases where illnesses of the mind, only by presence have set of insanity in family members and so on just by mere presence, or in strangers by staying for a few hours with said person.

The dealings here are of another nature and are exactly in need to not be based on emotion but strict detachment. Any healing of this kind, such as "healing" a schizophrenic must be done by the position of complete detachment. Which in our case is the opposite.

I am fully supportive of being loving, even sacrificial and nurturing, not at the expense of high risks on SS for things that are formless and misunderstood, experimental things.

Another added layer is that spirituality that hasn't achieved a very high and elitistic gravity and base, and undergoing things of healing, knowingly addressing things such as "psychic" and so on will have the door opened and connection upon the person, to lift, push, transform, operate, change upon that said dimension. Backlashes will be of the same kind here, not to mention what strange attacks might ensure.

Not to be a very negative element here, but when there is lack of emotional control upon this, and this is inherently a drive of suffering and in needing of resolve, this further shows that this might not be the way, but a more profound understanding of how life goes.

Any backlash of the psychic level of trying to reverse schizoprenia is of a level that you cannot deal with, therefore.

You can certainly ease the life, help said person, ease some things for said person. You can not reverse or heal this. You would need to become a spiritual doctor to such asses some attunment, and hope that the person does not further devolve into this.

As you can not heal death, please don't misunderstand me as a bad man when I tell you cannt heal a broken door right now and in this moment, without maybe destroying your own keys.
fuoco blu 666 said:

I think you should read over the warning of NakedPluto, as I share this concern myself.

It may be better for you to support them with existing therapies, which includes holistic treatments: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10012197/

If they can meditate, it is probably best to guide them towards their own healing, such as helping them strengthen their base chakra, perhaps clean and close the upper chakras, contact Valefor, and hopefully pull off a healing working of their own.

I say this warning not to depress you, but I have watched SS do things that are simply over-extensions of themselves and their power. People should really focus on their own development first, before they try to do too much, like in this case.

If someone goes wrong, now you have two sick people. Alternatively, you can put this on hold, at least for a few years, then come back later when you are better equipped.
serpentwalker666 said:
NakedPluto said:
I'm sorry to be a negative element here, do not connect as a growing SS that is involved in the occult arts with anyone with mental problems like this on this level.

Do not do this, do not connect to people that have this, to heal them, they will drag you into the same holes of perception with them especially as it is a loved one.you have to do the opposite and let them be and detach.

Only specific people, at specific levels can heal disorder of the mind of the kind and this takes several years and results in one accepting the illness, not reversing anything. Some people live differently and perceive everything different than how you experience life.

Leave them be. Certainly you can do good, but the risk however as a person involved in heavy magical apparatus and tendencies of spirituality, will be that you will be risking the same upon your soul.

For now.

While I typically agree with most of what you post, I respectfully disagree with your point here.

The reality is in life we will come across many people we will want to help and assist. It's karmic and natural to do so as a human being. Yes, we should detach when things are too far gone, but we don't know the whole situation here and if this is a loved one and they truly want to attempt to heal them of this deep mental illness who are we to just say no, don't do it?

Satanism is about growing our powers. Wisdom and understanding. Part of this embracing the beautiful opportunity to choose to heal those who we are care deeply for.

While I understand your concerns and points you are presenting to the OP, I feel you are being a bit too pressing in this.

If we just avoid healing those who are very ill, and we just walk away and detach. Who would help them?

The Gods likely see things a bit differently. Yes there are limits, but we must emulate and try to look at in the best way possible.

Please understand I'm not arguing or debating you, just sharing my perspective on this, based on how much healing magic I've done for others over the years.

I've learned some hard lessons from this, but also some important things which I try to impart here in my reply.
Well, I think the thing is Schizophrenia aren't your everyday flu..

Mental illnesses seem to perplex and interest me. Especially, because of loved ones, and having some types of neurosis aswell.

Healing different types of mental illnesses right now at this point seems to be a mystery and requires specific procedures depending on the nature of this.

I think the ultimate loss of reality and peak of mental disease is schizophrenia. I don't think they just get healed with a couple of workings at this point..

The thing is, most naturally open or psychic people in this day and age develop these things easily amd even naturally more prone for it. Which is really sad.

They have a gift and potential but they are on the losing side of it. Everything in nature has a higher and lower octave. People who have this gift are most likely on the negative side of mental disease, drug addiction and escapism. Because that's what "reality" and nature promotes for these gifts and sides to the personality nowadays.

The enemy has blocked the pathways for improvement in the natural world for this it seems. Trying to improve is like swimming against a current. The stronger your tendencies and gifts the harder the current at some point it feels impossible.

That's why 12th, and 8th house people and stelliums suffer so bad. We have an amazing gift that's made "taboo", "forbidden", and "cursed". The only path to be free at this poin is in Satan. It's a hard path though. Not everyone has the strength in them for it. Most don't. Most would rather die than try. (They do.)

I wish there was some insight provided for this scope of all types of mental disease by the JoS. Society seems rife with it nowadays and is a crucial part to work on and be aware of. It makes all the difference sometimes.

I am with Pluto on this. Although, if I love someone I will try. But logically and due to the nature of this disease. The best option is to not get affected or attached and save yourself. Maybe in a future we can build our loved ones can be happy and free...
The good idea is to ask Gods for help and do ritual before starting any working, and try to hear their guidance. Valefor ritual is major advice to be done daily.

Here is my experience. When it comes to body illness you also can get things for yourself from them depending on which method of healing you chose. Satanic healing presented on JoS has no bad effects. I tried some different methods that I found intuitively and some worked deadly on me. One can get the disease that the one they healed had not. You do not always get the same disease you are trying to heal: for example you take from them heart attack and get cancer because you are more predisposed to cancer. This is reality. It can be different depending on your own health state and predisposition. If a very sick person tries to heal a less sick person the disease of the first can go worse.

I also tried to change people's minds and stray them from xianity. It pushed them but they never ever fully left. They still wear cross just out of mere superstition because they are afraid to take it off. They also started to watch all kind of pseudo scientific nonsense, as if their natural predestination to believing in nonsense strayed from xianity to another crap. I could not fully "heal" their choices so to say, but through the help of the Gods whom I eternally prayed for them they became a bit stronger in mind.

As was said here this is not one short deal and very much tends to end up unsuccessful, because mental sphere is what person tends to choose themselves, and they can return to their old ways after the work stops. I very much agree in regards that such things usually take many years of day to day investment.

Btw according Ancient texts TCM works with psychic disease too. They call it Heart related disease, Heart meaning not that heart in our chest, but the as a spiritual organ and spiritual meridian. If they are open, TCM specialist could help and ease their symptoms.

See The Psyche in Chinese Medicine by Giovanni Maciocia https://archive.org/details/giovanni-maciocia-the-psyche-in-chinese-medicine
(to get it you have to have account in the internet archive)

As for the ethical issue, there are such people as High Priest and Gods, who are worthy of the soul's life given and second death taken for them. So all depends upon the deserts of the one who is going to be healed. I remember a folk tale where the mother of a hero healed his friends at his request and almost died herself but she was strong and managed to survived with great effort. When he felt sorry and afraid to lose her, she answered that it was ok and the only thing to care about was whether his friends were good people. Then his friends betrayed and killed him on occasion.
There is another thing to it.

You have to very carefully investigate whether the disease is caused by only psychological factors or by physical ones too. For example a lot of psychic problems can come from tumor or trauma in the head and even in other body parts. There was a case when a woman suffered huge cyst in her ovary and it caused her brain to be attacked by the white sells because the tumor had nerve brain-like sells of its own. It ended up in hallucinations attack. When the cyst was took out by surgery, she woke up totally psychologically fine and stayed fine since then. She suffered extreme extra weight though. So if your loved one suffers physical disease that caused schizophrenia, you have to solve the physical disease first and it is very important to tell all these details to TCM specialist providing you choose to come to one, because they must know the reason of the disease and how it started. To cure spiritual problem alone and not cure the physical reason that caused it may not work, because it may return.

Physical problem such as extra weight also can be caused by spiritual one. This can be very complicated to say what came first.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
