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Have you guys seen the vatican's new "mascot", Luce? *eyeroll*

Sep 18, 2024

This article goes on to explain how the vatican, who are trying to reach out to younger people, have created an anime mascot, whose name is Luce (Light in Latin, as we all know).
I just find it funny how the character has blue hair along with blue eyes, Lucifer's color, as well as the character holding a bident (although they describe her as a 'pilgrim') and we all know Lucifer's number is 2.
I feel like this is a sly insult to Our Father, if you ask me..
It immediately pissed me off when I seen this bullshit.

Honestly, I could just be overthinking this, but the subtle use of the color blue, the number 2, and the name, doesn't seem like a coincidence to me.
What do you guys think?
I thought it was cute.

Blue is a standard church color.
Any color they put it in could be seen as an offense, because after all, the Gods represent various colors.

About the name, yes.
They speak Latin
And the meaning was probably supposed to be exactly that "light".
But the literal translation of the name is "shine"

In reaction to the context of the design but which will also open the way to analyzing this piece of wood in the character's hand (yes, a piece of wood)

She's wearing clothes to protect her from the rain, very thick clothes.
It must be a young man on a pilgrimage in the forest or something.
If everything were to become a nice little magic.
Surely everything could be seen as connected (you just have to want to see it).

Then there would be no real parameters to measure hidden sympathetic magic, and it would become much more of a joke.

But overall, just to say: it's not necessary for everything originating from the hands of the Catholic Church to be filled with magic in a separate way.
Because everything that was created psychically to serve the church or the Jewish context is already cursed in itself.
Xians are gonna get schizio over this, claiming it’s “proof” the Catholic Church is Satanic…
I agree with you on the point that it could be interpreted in a number of ways.
The name originally caught my attention as they could've chose a number of names, Luce just stood out to me.
Then after looking at the character further, I just picked up on the other characteristics.
I posted this just to get others thoughts on it, so thank you for sharing your input, friend. 💛
I agree that it's cute, as well. What anime characters aren't cute, tho? Lololol
This is that "christ-chan" psyop all over again isn't it. Thankfully, I think this will be even less effective that that was.
Exactly what I was thinking. Man, now xians have two waifus. So much for a religion who claims to be against "degeneracy".
If everything were to become a nice little magic.
Surely everything could be seen as connected (you just have to want to see it).

Then there would be no real parameters to measure hidden sympathetic magic, and it would become much more of a joke.

But overall, just to say: it's not necessary for everything originating from the hands of the Catholic Church to be filled with magic in a separate way.
Because everything that was created psychically to serve the church or the Jewish context is already cursed in itself.

Chance it may be that it may be a new variant of a Golem. Though it's cute to be one.

Either way, I can oversee some Xian broadcasters going crazy about the Catholics being "muh Satanists" 🤣
Chance it may be that it may be a new variant of a Golem. Though it's cute to be one.

Either way, I can oversee some Xian broadcasters going crazy about the Catholics being "muh Satanists" 🤣
Reasons why people are turning Protestant.
Reasons why people are turning Protestant.
Every false doctrine and big business molds itself to modern trends.
If Catholicism remained like Islam, they would be recognized as terrorists too.
This is that "christ-chan" psyop all over again isn't it. Thankfully, I think this will be even less effective that that was.
Wtffff is "christ-chan"? Time to go down a rabbit hole lololol.
I feel like they (the abrahamic three) always come up with the weirdest shit to try and endoctrinate people. Like, you can clearly see they chose an anime character because they know how popular and mainstream anime is nowadays. It makes me uncomfy that they do this shit, especially targetted at kids. The church is infamous for diddling kids, so..

This article goes on to explain how the vatican, who are trying to reach out to younger people, have created an anime mascot, whose name is Luce (Light in Latin, as we all know).
I just find it funny how the character has blue hair along with blue eyes, Lucifer's color, as well as the character holding a bident (although they describe her as a 'pilgrim') and we all know Lucifer's number is 2.
I feel like this is a sly insult to Our Father, if you ask me..
It immediately pissed me off when I seen this bullshit.

Honestly, I could just be overthinking this, but the subtle use of the color blue, the number 2, and the name, doesn't seem like a coincidence to me.
What do you guys think?

I agree with you - it's an insult and I don't think you are over thinking it.

This also just goes to show how they do nothing but mold themselves to the minds of the masses, in order to keep manipulating them. Typical parasitic behavior. They can be one thing one day and another the next, because they are fake and their "religion" is nothing more than a front for their jewish egregore. They are whatever they need to be at the time.

High Priestess Maxine wrote about something similar on exposingchristianity, in the article "Ubiquitious nazarene".


They brutally murdered hundreds and thousands of Pagan Gentiles by torture, hanging and burning to death during the Inquisition, and still to this day they engage in vile acts of ritual murder and pedophilia, but they can have whats supposed to be a cute mascot.
This is that "christ-chan" psyop all over again isn't it. Thankfully, I think this will be even less effective that that was.
When I looked it up, I'm seeing a meme so I guess thats what christ-chan is, I've never heard of it before. And funny enough, it's an article on a website called "know your meme" and as I was reading, it gets to a screenshot of one of the memes that someone posted in a forum called "islam brainwashing thread". LMFAO, enough said. First meme they showed in the article was a little girl in a green dress holding a bible and it has a "quote" from Hitler on it. Albeit, the quote seems false because it states "As a christian, I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice".
It could be a true quote from him, as this depicts his love for country and his values, but the christian part threw me off. I feel like I remember reading on an article in the JOS library that he sometimes publicly went under the guise of being christian, though he clearly wasn't. I could be remembering that wrong, though, lol.
But yeah, back to the original topic, it seems the church literally will try anything to endoctrinate younger members. But as I stated in my other comment, that makes me uncomfy, as they are infamous for touching kids.
I agree with you - it's an insult and I don't think you are over thinking it.

This also just goes to show how they do nothing but mold themselves to the minds of the masses, in order to keep manipulating them. Typical parasitic behavior. They can be one thing one day and another the next, because they are fake and their "religion" is nothing more than a front for their jewish egregore. They are whatever they need to be at the time.

High Priestess Maxine wrote about something similar on exposingchristianity, in the article "Ubiquitious nazarene".


They brutally murdered hundreds and thousands of Pagan Gentiles by torture, hanging and burning to death during the Inquisition, and still to this day they engage in vile acts of ritual murder and pedophilia, but they can have whats supposed to be a cute mascot.
EXACTLY my thoughts! I remember when I first found JOS, reading the exposing christianity website and all the articles in the library on the vile shit they did during the inquistition, it literally made me SO ANGRY, and not to mention sad as fuck for all those lost innocent lives. Let us not forget, as you said, the NUMEROUS torture devices they used and promoted others to use as well in their persecution of the Pagans, or really ANYONE who wouldn't convert. It's absolutely sickening. I feel like people within the abrahamic 3 literally have just been force-fed horse shit so much, that they don't even see how fucked their religion is. They refuse to look at it through a critical lens. And these idiots sit in their pews and yell PRAISE JEEBUS, like endoctrinated sheep. Every single one of them is either oblivious and ignorant, OR complicit and in agreement with the church in their genocidal, parasitic ways.
And you hit the NAIL ON THE HEAD with the part where you said "they mold themselves to the minds of the masses". And, another thing they do, is they use symbology ALOT. It's plain to see for those who understand symbolic, subliminal propoganda and shit, but for those who have had the wool pulled over their eyes, they don't see it. They think they are slick with this shit. It's like they think "Oh, if we put it in their faces, we can't be blamed for it." But all the while, they're not putting it out plain and simple, it's hidden and murky behind symbolic meaning, or subliminal messaging. SICKENING, they are :rolleyes:
But, in saying all this, I agree completely with what you said, about how all this shows how fake the religion is, and that they literally will do ANYTHING to remain in power.
As our Gods said, "Thy tyranny over us will be but for a season." They WILL fall, and we will see to that. ✊
When I looked it up, I'm seeing a meme so I guess thats what christ-chan is, I've never heard of it before. And funny enough, it's an article on a website called "know your meme" and as I was reading, it gets to a screenshot of one of the memes that someone posted in a forum called "islam brainwashing thread". LMFAO, enough said. First meme they showed in the article was a little girl in a green dress holding a bible and it has a "quote" from Hitler on it. Albeit, the quote seems false because it states "As a christian, I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice".
It could be a true quote from him, as this depicts his love for country and his values, but the christian part threw me off. I feel like I remember reading on an article in the JOS library that he sometimes publicly went under the guise of being christian, though he clearly wasn't. I could be remembering that wrong, though, lol.
But yeah, back to the original topic, it seems the church literally will try anything to endoctrinate younger members. But as I stated in my other comment, that makes me uncomfy, as they are infamous for touching kids.
What seems to have happened is, and this is a long time ago so maybe my recollection is hazy, but on the former 8chan's /pol/ board (a place where a lot of jew aware white nationalist types would hang out) some pagan nationalist types originally created this anime style mascot character called " winter-chan". Only this one was pagan rather than xtian, she basically looked like a blonde anime character wearing Russian ushanka hat with a bindrune on the front, or something like that. I think the idea was they were trying to meme this "winter-chan" character into existence, so she could bring a super cold winter and freeze all the mudslime invaders in Europe to death or something.

Not long after this though, the "christ-chan" character started constantly being posted everywhere in response. I suppose the jews didn't like the idea of young white nationalists rejecting their xtian slave cult and trying to return to their pagan roots.
This is that "christ-chan" psyop all over again isn't it. Thankfully, I think this will be even less effective that that was.
I thought you said Chris Chan.

That will be the first episode of the show. The christian character verses Sonichu.
I thought you said Chris Chan.

That will be the first episode of the show. The christian character verses Sonichu.
I saw you posted this and about fell out of my chair laughing 😂😂😂
I thought you said Chris Chan.

That will be the first episode of the show. The christian character verses Sonichu.
Ha, I suppose that'd be pretty fitting since he now apparently believes he is actually the nazerene since getting out of jail.
This also just goes to show how they do nothing but mold themselves to the minds of the masses, in order to keep manipulating them. Typical parasitic behavior. They can be one thing one day and another the next, because they are fake and their "religion" is nothing more than a front for their jewish egregore. They are whatever they need to be at the time.

The phrases "Mold themselves to the minds of the masses" and "They are whatever they need to be at the time" describe them execellently. Nothing but parasitic chameleons.
Ohhh, so that's what it's from. I've seen this character floating around recently and had no idea. I just thought it was from a new show or something.

Mind you, I did see a screenshot of some xtian complaining about the vatican using anime to groom kids (hypocritical, as always), but didn't bother looking into it.

Good grief, this just stinks of desperation. They really have been trying so hard of recent to save christianity from dying. It's pathetic.
What seems to have happened is, and this is a long time ago so maybe my recollection is hazy, but on the former 8chan's /pol/ board (a place where a lot of jew aware white nationalist types would hang out) some pagan nationalist types originally created this anime style mascot character called " winter-chan". Only this one was pagan rather than xtian, she basically looked like a blonde anime character wearing Russian ushanka hat with a bindrune on the front, or something like that. I think the idea was they were trying to meme this "winter-chan" character into existence, so she could bring a super cold winter and freeze all the mudslime invaders in Europe to death or something.

Not long after this though, the "christ-chan" character started constantly being posted everywhere in response. I suppose the jews didn't like the idea of young white nationalists rejecting their xtian slave cult and trying to return to their pagan roots.
THAT, my friend, was a rollercoaster of a story LMFAO! Holy hell, lololol.
That is absolutely insane though. The church really said "NO MEME FOR YOU, PAGAN HEATHENS! WE STEAL MEME!" :ROFLMAO:
"You can't see him, but my husband Sonichu is punching you right now."

"Ok well I can't feel anything."

"Punch him again."

LMFAOOOO y'all got me literally wheezing at this shit lololol
Ohhh, so that's what it's from. I've seen this character floating around recently and had no idea. I just thought it was from a new show or something.

Mind you, I did see a screenshot of some xtian complaining about the vatican using anime to groom kids (hypocritical, as always), but didn't bother looking into it.

Good grief, this just stinks of desperation. They really have been trying so hard of recent to save christianity from dying. It's pathetic.
Harry Potter Lol GIF by Sky

Couldn't have said it better myself!
I think it's highly subliminal, rather than a strainght insult. And also a very desperate move, to the point it is even funny.
That big eyes that we often see in puppets nowadays, lead to an open mind state. Plus there is a sort of "light" pictured in the lower part of the eyes like the mind would be blinded by that gliph. Also I perceive a strong negative energy coming from that thing, leading to a dull mind as a result, like the backup spell is aimed to act this way.
They are desperate.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
