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Have I been doing things ineffectively, incorrectly?


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
1) Forum Badges: Explained

2) Material Sharing Thread

3) "NavigatedGnosis" YouTube channel

Just Ignore FancyMancy. He's Irrelevant.
I thought that I have been doing these types of things for years, on this forum, on the Yahoo! groups, and on the old forum -

For or Against Defending Israel, Stamping-out anti-Semitism and Supporting Jews? Here's Why.

Project 2025

Antagonistic muh-innocentz jew went deliberately near pro-Palestinian march

For "god" So-Loved the World

Humans are Better and More-Powerful than yahweh, jehova, "god"

Arizona supreme court upholds 1864 law banning almost all abortions

re: "Evil"
(Thanks to whomever it was for managing to edit-out the disgust in this thread.)

Images that describe xianity honestly
(If possible, please edit-out the disgust in this one, as well.)

FancyMancy's Picture and Video Thread

Ashley Banjo - Britain in Black & White, plus related clips
Controversial, I know. I never meant Blacks specifically, nor all non-Whites generally, are not welcome and can't do good things. Clearly, they can and clearly they do. It's a sensitive matter and a very fine line, which I hope I haven't crossed dangerously; perhaps dipped my toe in a bit for some antagonistic reasons - but that's my style. As such,

Offended/upset - Emos/Emotional People/Water Signs/Cowards/Wimps/etc.
Not to be a bully, but to help people realise things. I don't want to say what those things are that I hope people realise, because then they wouldn't be realising them; I'd be telling them what to think and how to feel. People should, and need to, think, feel and be themselves. That's important. Their pride is important. Braining is also important as well as Feeling; Feeling is not the only thing we can and should do.

Blatant, Open anti-White Racism

Female pool player Lynne Pinches refuses to play transgender opponent and walks off

Anti-abrahamism/creationism/theism Humour and Jokes

Remove hook-nose sign language gesture, Jewish group demands

In Case You Missed it or Were Asleep - Welcome to Dystopia/Communism

Banking/economy memes & videos

LGB groups are actively agitating to 'break away' from trans and queer association

Beware of @Le_CRIF (and probably others)

The Joys of Yiddish [Revised]

World Union of Jewish Students - Hasbara Handbook - Promoting Israel on Campus

What do you think 'Harry Potter' is actually about?

Current JoSM Sites & Selected Important Links

My Bitchute channel
(Which apparently has been (((ghostbanned))) now. FU, Bitchute and those who reported my videos. Fucking pricks. I consider that to be blessing "israel".)

Other various j/news threads; my "In the j/news recently" series, which I haven't done for ages.

Other threads/posts by me.

Given recent posts by me, it seems that I don't understand what Karma is. Based on what I have read how others explain Karma, I have been going in this direction and putting in the effort and all of this Energy which I think is important to share with this ministry, and have been doing so for years in my contributions... and bearing no fruit. I consider it OK to not do official things for the Ministry because it is too important and I don't want to tarnish it with mistakes and stupidity, etc.

  1. Am I wasting my time?
  2. Do my contributions not align with what JoSM recognises? i.e. I have not been recognised for my contributions, which, at the risk of sounding arrogant, I consider to be important and I hope are good contributions.
  3. Are my contributions not reliable?
  4. Am I not helpful?

Apparently, I'm something of a celebrity here, which I had no idea about until recently when I was told. I think the poster is mistaken; I have more notoriety than celebrity. Maybe boil it down to one question - what is it with me?

In response to the decision to open up and permit private messages on this forum, which I still disagree with, I said to whomever is relevant to enjoy their Karma for that decision; in response to me, HPS Lydia told me to enjoy my Karma. Apparently, I have been all these years - or... apparently this is the culmination and the bearing of that... what's the opposite of fruit? ...now, with me and my contributions apparently being irrelevant.

FYI - before these badges were released/employed a few weeks ago, I was wondering already about me wasting my time; I said already in a thread ages ago that I don't get much recognition/'likes', praise, followers, etc. for what I do. I can't and I don't know how to and I don't want to sensationalise my content; I'm not an "influencer"; I don't follow a format which sheep bleat along with, which I bring to JoSM for JoSM-promotive reasons. (I haven't really said that it can be used by JoSM-specific usage, but it can. I also didn't say it can't, and it is open for all to see and copy, take, and re-use, which I cannot prevent. The least I ask is credit.) I still carried on anyway, despite the lack of return by others - "fake it 'til you make it". Apparently, I still haven't made it. Fuck you, Karma. I said in a thread I think I'm wasting my time (where I'm a "celebrity" here). Only that user replied to me about that; no-one else told me I'm not wasting my time here.

I was going to post something like this thread after I saw the badges the first time, but I decided not to. Then HPHC's thread about explaining the badges came out, and I still decided to not post a version of this thread. Then these two other threads I added under "re:" above I saw... that was the final straw.

Like I said, I don't want to tarnish this Ministry with mistakes and stupidity, etc. -

  1. Ages ago, HPHC said in reply to a user that I make him laugh sometimes (no idea if I still do) but also I can - I am paraphrasing - say really stupid things, as well.
  2. HPS Lydia, before she was a HPS, and maybe before she was a JG, said something along the lines of me maybe having autistic traits. It seems so, but at least a silver lining is that I stick to this and keep on doing it, and even if there's a 1-in-10 chance that I might hit on a golden nugget, at least it's there and I managed to bring something worthwhile, that (at the risk of sounding arrogant or worse) I don't and haven't seen any others providing.
  3. Other than the one user who 'likes' every single post on the Planet ( :p) (and is it the same who changed their username, or is it a different user now? I posted a thread for one to 'like' as a joke, but I think it was a different username.), I don't get much return for what I do. FancyMancy, obviously, is stupid, retarded, whatever.

I know I said, "Braining is also important as well as Feeling; Feeling is not the only thing we can and should do.", and it might seem like I am promoting autistic traits, but I don't mean to. Both are important. While I may, or may not, be "autistic" in whichever amount or to whichever degree, I have tried being unbiased, by saying both Braining and Feeling need to be done. I realise people infer what others say, so I hope I have been clear in what I am trying to say in that, in this thread, and always.

I know it sounds like I am whingeing, crying and bitching like a little bitch (as you might have seen before that I like to say), but I don't know how to be honest without it sounding like that. "Oh, hey, man, it's cool. No biggie." It's not cool, and it is a "biggie". I be honest - and I hope that is known, but if it sounds like I'm muh offendidz and muh feewingz are huwt, then oh well, even if I don't mean it to be like that. I don't need to try and hide or mask or show a façade or whatever. I try to explain; you infer whatever and however.

I might not be doing very well at all Spiritually, but I am doing Physically/Virtually (online) what I can. I don't leave antitracts and promotional materials in the Physical World; it's all focussed online. Return is important; recognition is desired but feedback is important - and recognition is a form of feedback/return. I don't seem to have hardly any, so I'm doing it mostly all wrong. Yes, I make long-arsed posts and perhaps over-comment/over-reply to many points, but you can tl;dr that and post your own replies and maybe come back and read them later. I don't take what I share, and the fact that I contribute things, lightly. It is important to me, and I hope it is important and reliable and helpful for and to the Ministry, Earth and Her Inhabitants.

I believe you can contact HP HC about this. As far as I am aware, not all badges are up to date.
Thanks for your reply, but no, I don't want to ask for approval. Trying to build my pride doesn't work with seeking approval and recognition. I am not a christian seeking approval from "god" AKA the "priests", pastors, bishops, reverends, whatever. I don't want any badges by asking for them. If I do well in my things, then I should be recognised, rather then be fake-recognised after I ask for it. I don't need to seek approval to get badges or trophies or medals. If I do get any because of this thread here, then I would disbelieve its authenticity, and also I wonder why I didn't get any immediately when others, who have been here less time than I have, but presumably contributed more and better than I have (I can't know that), got them in the first wave.

Anyone will think that I think I deserve things before others. That might or might not be the case, depending on different things. My point is I'm posting into the Aether and no-one sees it. I can't demand an explanation, because TPTB are holier than I am, but I wonder why I didn't get recognised in the first wave. If we have to join and apply in thread by JGNakedPluto to be recognised, then that is also fake. "Please, sir! Recognise me for my contributions!" instead of being recognised for my contributions.

The fact that I haven't been recognised, despite my contributions, tells me what I speculated about already - that I post nonsense and miss the mark more times than I hit it. If that's the case, then I apologise for any nonsense I have shared. I don't apologise for my... dislike of the jew, nor for my jokes and humour, though. I recognised something already about myself regarding posting replies to others who are seeking help - I stopped doing that, because with me not being good enough Spiritually, I thought and felt like I was being a hypocrite and also probably giving bad advice or it being too complicated how I presented it. Negative or constructive feedback is also still feedback. Plus, like I said, I consider it a good thing that I declined being an editor or grammatical contributor to official materials, in case I made it worse. JoSM is too important. If I don't fit the profile, the criteria, then maybe I won't fit.

No, it's not fake-recognization, or anything of the sort. Even I don't have appropriate translator badge, and if I would ask for it, does it mean I am fake?

By the sounds of it, you might have some unresolved hangups about yourself and your capabilities. You, like everyone else has their own skillset with its own strengths and weaknesses. Be proud of what you are!
and also I wonder why I didn't get any immediately when others, who have been here less time than I have, but presumably contributed more and better than I have (I can't know that), got them in the first wave.
Concerning the badges, we tried automatically assigning them, and that did not work as intended.

If you are an active translator or contributing to a JoS project, please let me know privately over email, and you will get the proper badge.

Concerning the badges, we tried automatically assigning them, and that did not work as intended.

If you are an active translator or contributing to a JoS project, please let me know privately over email, and you will get the proper badge.

I'm not a part of any project. I just do the things that I do on and for JoSM, and it seems to be pointless.
I'm not a part of any project. I just do the things that I do on and for JoSM, and it seems to be pointless.


I'll express my own opinion, if you don't mind.

You are engaged in socially useful work, you know, it is a reward in itself that you are here, among Spiritual Satanists, not everyone is given such an opportunity to participate in the revival of spirituality in humanity in an open and clear form.

Yes, it is a reward in itself to put as much as you can here.

You will convince yourself that your deeds have served at least one person and that is no small thing, you have led him to knowledge.

A lot of people remain in the shadows or are not recognised, for example I know a person who does 70% of the current work on Russian translations and barely anyone knows him, let alone other people with a more or less important role in the community. Even people who are outside the JoS community, but do useful activities for humanity.

These people do not do their activities for fame or approval of someone, they love their part of the activity, they love their brothers and sisters, they love Satan and Satanism. Gods will not leave your life without blessing. That is the ultimate reward.

You have done a deed and nobody else has done it but you. Accept your contribution.

You have not wasted your time but have done what any good person does, improve the environment and society.
Not pointless. Some of us like operating behind the scenes, your passion is what drives your messages home. I have always appreciated your input. Despite being 'nobody'.
Negative or constructive feedback is also still feedback. Plus, like I said, I consider it a good thing that I declined being an editor or grammatical contributor to official materials, in case I made it worse. JoSM is too important. If I don't fit the profile, the criteria, then maybe I won't fit.


Personally, I don't post on these other threads you had linked because I don't find them interesting, but that is just me. I like to get to the point with news events and this can limit my own discussions of them.

Regarding your editing abilities in these projects, how could you make them worse? In any case, if I saw a bad edit, I or another would just inform you and then you would learn and move on. Many of these projects, like the JoS Wiki, have full revision systems in place so there is little concern here.

Instead of prematurely deeming yourself not worthy before you had even learned what the job involves, you should first try it and gain experience. I can almost guarantee you are not going to make a mistake that creates more damage than whatever value is created from diligent work here.

Most tasks involved are simply like researching sources, summarizing content, organizing tables, moving text around, or brainstorming and categorizing entries, and so on. It is not like you are inscribing golden tablets or something.
The Guardians can't assign everyone their appropriate badges in time, as they simply have other priorities. Asking for your badges doesn't show "neediness", it's a way to point out you should be given something you deserve. I myself haven't received the Moderator badge yet, but I waited for a week and then asked for it privately and politely. I will probably receive it in the next few days. It's really that simple.
Thanks for your reply, but no, I don't want to ask for approval. Trying to build my pride doesn't work with seeking approval and recognition. I am not a christian seeking approval from "god" AKA the "priests", pastors, bishops, reverends, whatever. I don't want any badges by asking for them. If I do well in my things, then I should be recognised, rather then be fake-recognised after I ask for it. I don't need to seek approval to get badges or trophies or medals. If I do get any because of this thread here, then I would disbelieve its authenticity, and also I wonder why I didn't get any immediately when others, who have been here less time than I have, but presumably contributed more and better than I have (I can't know that), got them in the first wave.

Anyone will think that I think I deserve things before others. That might or might not be the case, depending on different things. My point is I'm posting into the Aether and no-one sees it. I can't demand an explanation, because TPTB are holier than I am, but I wonder why I didn't get recognised in the first wave. If we have to join and apply in thread by JGNakedPluto to be recognised, then that is also fake. "Please, sir! Recognise me for my contributions!" instead of being recognised for my contributions.

The fact that I haven't been recognised, despite my contributions, tells me what I speculated about already - that I post nonsense and miss the mark more times than I hit it. If that's the case, then I apologise for any nonsense I have shared. I don't apologise for my... dislike of the jew, nor for my jokes and humour, though. I recognised something already about myself regarding posting replies to others who are seeking help - I stopped doing that, because with me not being good enough Spiritually, I thought and felt like I was being a hypocrite and also probably giving bad advice or it being too complicated how I presented it. Negative or constructive feedback is also still feedback. Plus, like I said, I consider it a good thing that I declined being an editor or grammatical contributor to official materials, in case I made it worse. JoSM is too important. If I don't fit the profile, the criteria, then maybe I won't fit.

I personally like the fact that you take a more hardline stance on things like immigration and race mixing than the average user. We lose a lot of white nationalist members for various reasons and I’d hate to see another one go.

I would suggest taking that message to the black sun forum or promote Satanism to outsiders. Or writing posts about things that are less controversial, I’m sure a well researched massive post about Celtic witchcraft would vary popular.

You do post long articles and I’d suggest working on making things more concise, putting regular spacing in your posts also makes them more readable.

I have been wanting to make social media pages about Paganism so if the JoS outreach thing never takes off you can help with that.
I'm sorry that you feel that way, please understand that it's not easy to get recognized around here and discomfort is not the answer!

You might be hard to notice because of some Karma/natal chart blockades, you never know. Keep the struggle and, there is nothing bad in seeking recognition directly by contacting those who you think should recognize you, especially since these people (HPs, JGs) are EXTREMELY busy people, it wouldn't be so insane for them to miss something.

I don't think you being humorous is a problem, but if there is a problem with what you do, you should seek directly a HP or a Guardian. I don't know why you wouldn't approve the implementation of DMs, especially as they could prove useful to you in doing just that. I'm sure meritocracy will win.
You are engaged in socially useful work, you know, it is a reward in itself that you are here, among Spiritual Satanists, not everyone is given such an opportunity to participate in the revival of spirituality in humanity in an open and clear form.
I do think sometimes that I am incredibly lucky to be a part of this very ministry - Satan's actual Ministry upon Planet Earth. As a christian, I was (actually not!) the same, but this is actual real-life, and it is Satan's, and that is truly amazing. It really is more than merely posting conspiracy theory things on a UFO-hunting site.

You will convince yourself that your deeds have served at least one person and that is no small thing, you have led him to knowledge.
I wonder that, as well. "Who came here from a Pastebin page I shared years ago" or "from my Bitchute channel", or linking elsewhere back to here, etc.

A lot of people remain in the shadows or are not recognised
Some of us like operating behind the scenes
I also realised while reading these that I contradicted myself. Previously, e.g. in the church I used to attend, or if in any event-type thing, I'd like to be an organiser, an on-hand worker (if I decided to try to be)... now I'm being stupid with crying (although I don't want it to seem like I'm crying) about being noticed...

You have done a deed and nobody else has done it but you. Accept your contribution.
It seems arrogant to say, but (I believe) only I have contributed most of the things that I share. I was going to share a video from the jew bragging about raping Europe/Whites in tweets that was posted, but I was too slow for that one, and didn't have all the videos that were shared. It seems most of the things I share, though, others don't, so I must be doing something at least half-decent.

I have always appreciated your input. Despite being 'nobody'.
Says a n00b (account). Thanks, lol.
Personally, I don't post on these other threads you had linked because I don't find them interesting, but that is just me.
It's silly - I post long posts, but sometimes when I see others' long posts I can't get into them.

Regarding your editing abilities in these projects, how could you make them worse? ... Many of these projects, like the JoS Wiki, have full revision systems in place so there is little concern here.
With being a grammar nazi (which might be possible or definite autistic traits), I might overthink, causing me to get the wrong end of the stick. I didn't know about the full revision systems in-place.

It is not like you are inscribing golden tablets or something.
Lol, maybe not in literal terms, but this certainly is golden knowledge, a golden library. I might be anally-retentive in it being perfect, which would bring-out the... OCD? Perhaps, or autistic-like traits; thereby, maybe making mistakes.

Asking for your badges doesn't show "neediness", it's a way to point out you should be given something you deserve
I don't know if e.g. a worker should... I don't want to say speak above their position or their 'station', but I suppose that's what I mean. It should be the 'managers' or 'supervisors' who should recognise and appoint, rather than the worker asking to be recognised and appointed. (Of course, if the worker wants to be promoted, then they should seek relevant things.) If I asked, I'd be asking in subjectivity; if I was offered, then I think that would be an objective offer.

I will probably receive it in the next few days. It's really that simple.
...which you got very closely in time to posting that. If, for example, I was to get any badges regardless, then that would... dare I say validate my works, make me feel loved and approved(!), but the fact I didn't get any - as was said, and as I speculate below - must be Karma/Astrology.

I personally like the fact that you take a more hardline stance on things like immigration and race mixing than the average user.
I appreciate that. Thanks.

I would suggest taking that message to the black sun forum or promote Satanism to outsiders. Or writing posts about things that are less controversial, I’m sure a well researched massive post about Celtic witchcraft would vary popular.
That's part of the point. Maybe I shouldn't be recognised with any badges (if it was ever going to happen) because my focus is on what I post and share. "Focus on something else." Er... Like I'm tuned-in to this; trying to tune-in to something else doesn't seem easy for me; I focus on things. I suppose I have blinkers, so I don't spread myself too thinly. I think like I'm not flexible enough; I have a narrow view or one-track mind in this, or something like that. I might have a passing interest in Celtic witchcraft, but I wouldn't know much about it so as to promote it and post about it, etc. I think what I'm trying to say is if something is subjective or very subjective with me, i.e. keeping my White Race alive, and also maybe if I can use a tool well, then that is where all of my sensors and focus and headlights point to, all of my weapons are trained on, all of my resources are directed towards; anything outside of that range or radius falls by the wayside for me. (Even in that, I might not do it perfectly, i.e. my own subjective opinions and too-long posts, etc.)

You do post long articles and I’d suggest working on making things more concise, putting regular spacing in your posts also makes them more readable.
Some paragraphs can be too large, I suppose. I think I have said before that brevity is not my friend.

I have been wanting to make social media pages about Paganism so if the JoS outreach thing never takes off you can help with that.
I have tried a few different things in the past, e.g. Pastebin pages and my Bitchute channel. I can only hope a portion of views visited JoSM and at least some of them went through some of the materials and at least some of them actually joined the forum, or at least view it regularly - bearing in mind the number of views on my pages/videos are not high.

You might be hard to notice because of some Karma/natal chart blockades, you never know.
It might also be my attitude, how I post things, and what-knot.

Thinking simply, I would argue that maybe some JGs, and surely the HPs/HPSs, might be able to overcome any Karma/Astrology that affects and influences me (but being so busy... maybe not doing that). Thinking more complicatedly, they have a lot to keep them very busy with, and even if they can overcome the effects and influences upon me there might be a strand or thread that the HPs/HPSs can't detect or defeat, perhaps. It can be complex how these different things work together. i.e. Even the Gods and Goddesses can't, or perhaps won't due to Moral and Spiritual reasons, make 100% certain a person with closed 3rd Eye Chakra, dirty Soul, etc., gets the message that they need (and worse, if they have a christian mindset still).

We lose a lot of white nationalist members for various reasons and I’d hate to see another one go.
Keep the struggle
Be it Karma, Astrology, possible or actual autistic traits (which I am more convinced is Elemental and both things thrust upon one and also learned behaviours and learned patterns of thinking mixed-in with personality and attitude and character; therefore, burying deeply into Psychology and Mentality), my loyalty, or whatever else... it takes a lot for me to give-up. I may have been in stupid spats before, and directly or indirectly attacked a longtime, decent and respected and helpful member (where only he/she would have realised at the time (if they cared), and no-one else would have known, when I said "fuck them" or very similar words), but... well... let's just call it growth pains! One autistic, anally-retentive trait is stubbornness, but I'll call it loyalty!

there is nothing bad in seeking recognition directly by contacting those who you think should recognize you
I'll leave it. If it happens, then it happens, and I'll know I'm on the right lines. If not, then perhaps I am a civilian working alongside and within the military but cannot be tried and prosecuted by military court, so I can get away with some minor things unofficially! :devil: Lol. (Sci-fi fantasy. Ignore!)

I'm sure meritocracy will win.
That's it. I should have just questioned that. Do I bring merit. Boil it down to another single question, as above.

I do also realise that since this, Satan's Ministry upon Planet Earth, is to be known by all more and more as time goes on, my very posts and ways that I present my opinions and stances, the very things I share and say could have a streak along the ribbon or tapestry of knowledge and information for the future. I don't mean this as a fantasy this time, but if I post enough, and catch any number of people, some of them surely would agree with my attitude, while I am a part of JoSM, and I think with quantum physics - like attracting like - it is like entanglement; people might not be here forever but they'd come or return if they continue to share my attitude, for example.

I don't mean to sound like I'm going off to lala land with a fantasy here, but looking at this tapestry, we might identify the streak along a portion of it that is FancyMancy's presence and influence and I think some would agree with me. Of course, the same with any user who plays a big enough or long enough part. Regardless, and I don't mean to be callous or disingenuous or antagonistic (except when I be antagonistic deliberately)... but I don't think I will change; therefore, perhaps I shouldn't be recognised with badges, because I am less-professional than I could and should be, and that's fine.

I am not intending to give myself higher importance than what I might deserve. I think it is creating some Karma - start as you mean to go on, go as you mean to go on, and that causes momentum and direction. Like a lorry or a freight train, with all of that momentum behind it, pushing it along further into that way. I hope I am contributing well (with my own flairs and flavours!) so that the Karma of JoSM, if you will or if literal, is good overall; any bitterness or upsets or whatever can be ignored.

Thanks for the kind words, everyone.
Or writing posts about things that are less controversial
"Controversial" - this is such a hideous jewish new-speak mental trap word I have no words to describe. White people and generally non jews are systematically genocided by the eternal enemy for thousands of years, their cultures and kingdoms purposefully destroyed with all kinds of vilest schemes from usury trough falsification of their history and science to BS religions and now Im hearing this word again on a satanic forum. What a f...ing comedy.
"Controversial" - this is such a hideous jewish new-speak mental trap word I have no words to describe. White people and generally non jews are systematically genocided by the eternal enemy for thousands of years, their cultures and kingdoms purposefully destroyed with all kinds of vilest schemes from usury trough falsification of their history and science to BS religions and now Im hearing this word again on a satanic forum. What a f...ing comedy.
You misunderstood my point. Speaking ill of mixed race individuals, blacks, feminists or Arabs living in white countries is going to get a lot of backlash here. You can call out the jews all day but you won’t be popular on the forums talking about their allies who are doing more to exterminate whites than the jews.

I’m not saying don’t post that. I’m saying expect backlash, except not to be popular with the current users but don’t give up. We need those voices visible or else no white nationalist will want to stay on AF.

If Satanism is to become as popular as the clergy plans then white people are going to be critical in making it happen. We need to have a culture that doesn’t send them running for the hill. I’ve shown several white nationalists this website and after seeing the forum they’ve told be these people are not socialists.

But I said all that between the lines.
Never give up FancyMancy.
Similar to what you said, it is a fact, that at least several people, as we grow exponentially in numbers (we grew by 20 THOUSANDS forums members lately, that's HUGE) will relate to you and find your posts helpful.

For what I can say, I always found you a cheerful presence in the sometimes too-serious Ancient Forums.
I've always been glad of scrolling through a thread and see that FancyMancy replied.

Everyone, if they so truly wish, can be helpful. Something as simple as make a donation every once in a while, offering your help in any activity, etc...
I understand that here the problem is about a lack of recognition and thus the beginning of self-doubt, and I know how hurtful doubt can be, but sometimes "it is what it is" and you just gotta work through it. I wish I had something better to say. I too for a moment I felt like I wasn't getting enough recognition for a project I'm working on, but then I realized that it wasn't about me, and there are simply more urgent matters than what I was working on that needed to be dealt with.

If you have this desire of recognition, then maybe you could try changing your activities, or whatever it is you want to be recognized for, until you find something that feels good to do and that gets you the rightful recognition.

We are to become Gods, and each God has a sphere of interest. I always found fascinating how every God in Ancient Pagan Religions was specialized and represented something.
Greek mythology is the one that speaks to me the most, so I'll use the example of Zeus being God of Thunder and the Skies, while Poseidon is God of the Seas (and the Earth too, actually).
I repeat it. We are to become Gods.
Gods have spheres of influence.
So... this must mean that at some point or another, each one of us will have to find their own sphere, am I right?
I have no doubt that my sphere will be, or at least it will contain, technology, especially when it comes to programming, creating these things from nothing, as I've always felt that it is my calling since when I touched C++ for the very first time.
You have to find your sphere, Brother.
Find what is your Divine calling, and remember, that it doesn't need to be unique, as there are billions of us, and billions of other people in other planets that are to become Gods or already are, so it is impossible for everyone to have a unique sphere.
N.B. this whole paragraph was speculation from me, but I think it makes a lot of sense, anyone is free to disagree and, if so, tell me why.

You said you won't change, but...
CHANGE is vital. You MUST change, until you are Perfect. None here are perfect yet, definitely not me, not even our HPs, even if they for sure are the closest between us. Only the Gods are Perfect. Because they CHANGED from something imperfect into something Perfect.

You CANNOT and MUST NOT deny CHANGE. It is fundamental for the growth of every living thing. Especially a Spiritual Satanist.
You misunderstood my point. Speaking ill of mixed race individuals, blacks, feminists or Arabs living in white countries is going to get a lot of backlash here. You can call out the jews all day but you won’t be popular on the forums talking about their allies who are doing more to exterminate whites than the jews.

I’m not saying don’t post that. I’m saying expect backlash, except not to be popular with the current users but don’t give up. We need those voices visible or else no white nationalist will want to stay on AF.

If Satanism is to become as popular as the clergy plans then white people are going to be critical in making it happen. We need to have a culture that doesn’t send them running for the hill. I’ve shown several white nationalists this website and after seeing the forum they’ve told be these people are not socialists.

But I said all that between the lines.
We don't necessarily need to pander to random people, whether Nationalists or not. The primary focus is on the Gods and spirituality, not the politics, which comes as a reflection of that.

If someone avoids or devalues any spiritual knowledge just over a political opinion (especially of a random user), than that is a misunderstanding on their part.
Never give up FancyMancy.
Similar to what you said, it is a fact, that at least several people, as we grow exponentially in numbers (we grew by 20 THOUSANDS forums members lately, that's HUGE) will relate to you and find your posts helpful.


Be aware that we are making a project here in regard to forum's history and that's why there has been this increase; accounts from members from past years that used to post in our old PhpBB and Yahoo Groups are being imported, same as their content. That's why this increase has happened.
Be aware that we are making a project here in regard to forum's history and that's why there has been this increase; accounts from members from past years that used to post in our old PhpBB and Yahoo Groups are being imported, same as their content. That's why this increase has happened.
Ohh, I see. It makes sense.

Still, we are reaching extremely good results, what I wanted to do here was to cheer up our fellow, to not give up in such a crucial moment.
The point still stands, it's a shame that I chose a bad example to bring up though, lol.
Or writing posts about things that are less controversial,
You misunderstood my point. Speaking ill of mixed race individuals, blacks, feminists or Arabs living in white countries is going to get a lot of backlash here.
This is shape shifting and blame shifting in pure form. What are the positive aspects of jew organized immigration? Blood mixing? Murders? Rapes? Skyrocketing criminal statistics? Erosion of cultural heritage? Jewish mafias profiting from drug addiction among immigrants? What are positive qualities of immigrants doing these things? Yes both invadres and invaded are loosing but isn't the invader (being a tool of enemy) responsible for the deeds?

If someone avoids or devalues any spiritual knowledge just over a political opinion (especially of a random user), than that is a misunderstanding on their part.
Yes issue is spiritual on higher level being effect of jewish economic and religious machinations in countries that are source and target of immigration, but the narrative above is sliding into "love your invader he is just a victim, welcome him with open arms" kind of bs which is unacceptable under any circumstances. I was reading JoS for Blacks section and there is a lot of psychological repression there of the fact that black people are a jewish tool of destruction in invaded white countries. There should be no need to point how jews are bragging about how Ishmael and Blacks are their broom. So let the programmed tool stop being a programmed tool and regain his own will which is in harmony with Nature and Father Satan.
Regarding the 10K members, that reminded me of me. This was entirely accidental and contrary to what I said above about not being sensational - on my Bitchute channel, one French-speaking person said that within 2 years, all CoVID-vaccinated people would die. That recieved I think over 30k views in... a week or less maybe, and it is now over 50k views. I do wonder, at that time, about the views JoSM forum and websites had and by how much, and users either joining or continuing to visit here.

Even though I didn't mean to be sensationalist, having that number of views on the video, even if 1% clicked the links in the description and bothered to read through, and 1% of those either joined or visit the sites repeatedly, that's still 5 people, which is not much but who knows what they are capable of and are doing for Satan's Ministry and for Earth and Her Inhabitants? Users who have been here for less time than I have are doing really good things, so those e.g. 5 could be great, as well. I am in two minds about sensationalism and propaganda, but it does seem to be important to do, though.

Regarding not changing, I should have been more clear. "Change is good" [credit Rafiki(!)], and is important and required, but I meant about the way I do things and what I do I don't think I'd change much and not quickly. It might happen without trying; I might focus on something else, for example, and still do things in similar formats. Maybe other formats might be included.
For what I can say, I always found you a cheerful presence in the sometimes too-serious Ancient Forums.
I've always been glad of scrolling through a thread and see that FancyMancy replied.
Thanks, lol. I won't give up.
This is shape shifting and blame shifting in pure form. What are the positive aspects of jew organized immigration? Blood mixing? Murders? Rapes? Skyrocketing criminal statistics? Erosion of cultural heritage? Jewish mafias profiting from drug addiction among immigrants? What are positive qualities of immigrants doing these things? Yes both invadres and invaded are loosing but isn't the invader (being a tool of enemy) responsible for the deeds?

Yes issue is spiritual on higher level being effect of jewish economic and religious machinations in countries that are source and target of immigration, but the narrative above is sliding into "love your invader he is just a victim, welcome him with open arms" kind of bs which is unacceptable under any circumstances. I was reading JoS for Blacks section and there is a lot of psychological repression there of the fact that black people are a jewish tool of destruction in invaded white countries. There should be no need to point how jews are bragging about how Ishmael and Blacks are their broom. So let the programmed tool stop being a programmed tool and regain his own will which is in harmony with Nature and Father Satan.
This is shape shifting and blame shifting in pure form. What are the positive aspects of jew organized immigration? Blood mixing? Murders? Rapes? Skyrocketing criminal statistics? Erosion of cultural heritage? Jewish mafias profiting from drug addiction among immigrants? What are positive qualities of immigrants doing these things? Yes both invadres and invaded are loosing but isn't the invader (being a tool of enemy) responsible for the deeds?

Yes issue is spiritual on higher level being effect of jewish economic and religious machinations in countries that are source and target of immigration, but the narrative above is sliding into "love your invader he is just a victim, welcome him with open arms" kind of bs which is unacceptable under any circumstances. I was reading JoS for Blacks section and there is a lot of psychological repression there of the fact that black people are a jewish tool of destruction in invaded white countries. There should be no need to point how jews are bragging about how Ishmael and Blacks are their broom. So let the programmed tool stop being a programmed tool and regain his own will which is in harmony with Nature and Father Satan.
I’d invite you to re read my post especially the part about telling him to post more in the Black Sun section and telling him to bring in people that are National Socialists rather then try to gain the approval of the people here.

You can see in Blizkregs reply they don’t like “pandering” to us despite the fact that Hitler is the anti christ, flourishing of the white race is the Gods agenda, the Demons stated multiple times that the white race is their literal children and they are Nazis. He is one of the more based members here compared with the others.

You are right it shouldn’t be controversial to state the Gods agenda on a Satanic form but that’s the reality. I say this for the record and incase anyone else looks at my post and misunderstands but you can believe what you like, spend enough time here and you will see what I mean.

If you do spend enough time on the JoS website and doing the meditations then you should see results, so don’t let things here discourage you.

Have I been doing things ineffectively, incorrectly?​

Overthinking and caring too much about what others think, badges etc.
Wow, an honourable mention LOL! (First one I had). 😊
I still think you're famous FancyMancy in that many know you here and recognize the positive contributions and attitudes you have about things. Whether its mentioned or not, your posts have been seen by many acompanied with your strong individuality. Some things in the past may have caused you to feel infamous yet we all say things. I've learned very early on never to take anything literally and to instead focus on the intent behind it and/or its intended purpose. No joke, I'm autistic and this is how I've in some ways overcome my tendency of taking things too literally. Your ability to jokingly make hyperbolic statements about things that bother you is a reflection of your integrity, that you're honest with yourself and you don't wish to change.

Having this level of self awareness is so important in life. I commend you for it as it's something that I've been working on with myself, to accept myself and grow through my strengths while working-on and mitigating my weaknesses. Everybody has something going on and to some their "worst experience" is just as bad as others "worst experience". (Quotations denoting subjectivity relating to human bias and the individual limitations in knowledge and metacognition).
As an extreme example you could compare this to Kim Kardashian breaking a nail to someone breaking a limb. Everyone has something going on as I mentioned which is one reason I think that psychology can only offer so much. People need these forums, education, proactivity and life experience to grow in the best way possible. It also doesn't hurt to meditate if you can help it, however I won't judge anyone who decides that its not in the cards for them.

Have I been doing things ineffectively, incorrectly?​

Overthinking and caring too much about what others think, badges etc.
Yeah. I used to say I don't care what others think, but then I suppose it built-up slowly. Meh to it!

Wow, an honourable mention LOL! (First one I had).

I still think you're famous FancyMancy in that many know you here and recognize the positive contributions and attitudes you have about things. Whether its mentioned or not, your posts have been seen by many acompanied with your strong individuality. Some things in the past may have caused you to feel infamous yet we all say things. I've learned very early on never to take anything literally and to instead focus on the intent behind it and/or its intended purpose. No joke, I'm autistic and this is how I've in some ways overcome my tendency of taking things too literally. Your ability to jokingly make hyperbolic statements about things that bother you is a reflection of your integrity, that you're honest with yourself and you don't wish to change.

Having this level of self awareness is so important in life. I commend you for it as it's something that I've been working on with myself, to accept myself and grow through my strengths while working-on and mitigating my weaknesses. Everybody has something going on and to some their "worst experience" is just as bad as others "worst experience". (Quotations denoting subjectivity relating to human bias and the individual limitations in knowledge and metacognition).
As an extreme example you could compare this to Kim Kardashian breaking a nail to someone breaking a limb. Everyone has something going on as I mentioned which is one reason I think that psychology can only offer so much. People need these forums, education, proactivity and life experience to grow in the best way possible. It also doesn't hurt to meditate if you can help it, however I won't judge anyone who decides that its not in the cards for them.
Thanks, lol. As for the autism (which has been suggested that I might have) - I think, depending on what specific thing one might focus on, one could sort of push themselves through it. e.g. If a particular thing is bothering you, like I tend to see a certain number or added-up numbers equaling that number a lot, and some of the time it seems extremely coincidental and directly deliberate but completely beyond my control to make it happen...yet I still see it... and if that particular number has a special or specific related meaning, that to e.g. display that particular number somewhere on purpose. Maybe like print it out and put it on a wall or save it as the wallpaper/desktop background (I haven't done these, though), so that it is seen all the time, and while it might be bothersome at first, one soon realises that it means nothing, and over time, it becomes less and less bothersome. It might still be annoying or it might not, but then it is less bothersome, and it means nothing... and you get over it.

That is practically the same as facing phobias. If, for example, one is afraid of spiders, then 'face your fears' - excluding dangerous spiders, they don't hurt you, and there's no reason to be afraid of them... so get one. It might still make you cringe, lol, but the fear is nothing. The autism example is quite similar - but this is just one example. Whatever it might be with yourself, you'd have to translate. I haven't thought about all the different general or specific possibilities, so happy translating! (I hope!)

Regardless of anything else like badges, the Gods are aware of all of the work that each of us has done. When many humans might not be aware of it.
Yeah... and I know that! I know, but apparently sometimes I think I need confirmation or dare I say validation, I think. I may go off-kilter! I suppose no news is good news - if I am doing badly, then I'd know about that, so I shouldn't be bothered otherwise.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
