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Happy Birthday Heinrich Himmler! WE REMEMBER YOU!

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
<h2>Happy Birthday Heinrich Himmler! WE REMEMBER YOU! : JoyofSatan666  

Reichsführer SS, Heinrich Luitpold Himmler, is one of these persons in history that have shaped its course. To us Gentiles he should be a vision of a Satanic Grandmaster that has been slandered and has been defamed by the jews to no end, for his effectiveness and the massive setbacks he caused to this race of parasitic criminals. According to them, he has been a heartless monster.

You know the jews, always honest by nature- 6 trillion Jews were killed in the Swimming Pool and Opera's of the "Camps", One person might also have died by panting as well, who knows? One also swallowed a Golden Shekel maybe?

Himmler and the National Socialists did the most "insane crime" on the planet, worthy only of total extermination of their race according to the Jews who dictate as "god" the decrees.

They got jews to actually work the soil for a few months, until with the "Havara Agreement" they were to be transfered to Palestine with their wealth intact. "What a bad fortune, let's whine about it and completely kill the Germans for not accepting to be our slaves", said the jews. The jews for the first time in their life were 'punished' to do real work. Oy vey, how is that even possible? Jews are instructed by "God" to live by usury, stealing, and putting others down like parasites. They literally believe its a divine right of theirs.

For one time the jews have met justice from someone. This was unheard in for the jews who were used to rob states, cause wars as they saw fit, and exterminate everyone they wanted.

SOME PEOPLE CHANGED THIS BECAUSE THEY REFUSED! Heinrich Himmler was on the lead of these people.

Himmler however has not been new to any soil. He worked his living and was honest and noble. He practiced his own "Blood and Soil" ideology, by being a Farmer. Heinrich Himmler was a farmer, another thing the enemy considers "degoratory" but is honorable about an Aryan personality. He lived decently and honestly, close to the earth, and he was modest in the most positive sense. Himmler never bragged, and only worked to build his people up. He was a real noble Soul and leader, focused only on his Divine purpose.

Yebamoth 63a. Declares that agriculture is the lowest of occupations.

The lies on this being can only rival those said about Hitler. But all of us here know the jews. Rumors, lies, and slander are their way of warfare. They are parasites at a war of extermination for all other people in the planet.

Humanity has learned the jewish game anyway. As thus people are searching for answers at rates that the jews will never be accepting of. And it is only getting worse day by day. Thank Satan and thank the WWW [666].

Nothing could be further from the Truth in regards to the lies heaped on Heinrich Himmler. This will be revealed in an upcoming video documentary that is being prepared.

Himmler loved his people and his people loved him back. He had to be stern to keep his people safe, like a parent that must protect his children. Nobody with a sane sense can blame him, especially at this historical time they lived in and with all these intense dangers. The jews who force themselves as "Germans" were the only eternal parasites that had anything evil to say about this man. What good jews have to say about anyone, anyway?

When Germany was going down and was about to be overtook by Jewish Bolsheviks and the Jew World Order, Himmler was of the key players that saved their country and gave more time to the world in order to save itself. Himmler was one of the reasons Adolf Hitler made it to the end of his mission. He was of the most loyal people to Hitler. He was destined to do what he did, and he did it faithfully. Himmler eliminated the Rohm Putsch that was supposed to overthrow Hitler from power only some months after they struggled against the jews and won. Himmler eliminated this backstabber who has been payed double digit millions in order to exterminate Germany's savior for personal gain.

In his early 20's, where most people are busy wasting their life, frying their brain with drugs, play games, or whatever else imaginable, Himmler was busy fighting as a revolutionary to save Germany from the dark forces of the jews. He has been their lifetime enemy.

Not only he was a Grand Master Satanist, but he is one of the most well-established occult researchers in known history. Of course, the 6 gorillion hoax has been equally placed onto him as well, to destroy his legacy. What this man did nobody has done for centuries: He found successfully an order of millions of racially strong, warriors, who were like the Pretorian Guard. Only even better since they were spiritual warrriors as well. Unrelenting, without fear, without cowardice, and also, one of the most feared units in Europe at the time. Not only this, but these warriors also had developed psychic abilities. This unit was known as the SS and they were the most powerful unit in WW2.

To give an idea of what this man attained, he was head of the Hitler's Elite Bodyguard, head of the police of all Germany, head of the Secret Intelligence Services (akin to today's FBI), head of the Pagan religious order of Germany at the time, Grand Master Spiritualist.

Himmler had no illusions. He knew that the destiny of His people and all Races depends on wether or not they are spiritually advanced, wether or not they can drink from the Divine Grail- the Spiritual Force or Kundalini Serpent, Satan's gift to Humanity. Himmler created the first worldwide Spiritual-Warrior Unit aimed to this purpose, and also the most powerful military unit of his time. Himmler was not only fighting for Germany, but the whole of the White Race. Irrespectively of if jewish-taken over counterparts fought against them, they defended Whites to the bitter end, as much as historical jewish inflicted (((circumstance))) allowed these people.

They were the Knights of the Grail, the grail being the spiritual essence, or Satan's Grail. They were the guardians of their people's destiny. He restored the spiritual caste that has been missing since the Ancient times, that only the jews really have at this point, and with which they can boss around and destroy humanity as they do.

Himmler intended the best for the White people, in that not only he played a major key in defending the Whites from complete extermination by the jewish bolsheviks and puppet states, but also almost completely obliterated the judeo-christianity. Himmler knew the whole Truth about this disgusting institution and almost completely obliterated it within the borders of Germany. Of course, the jews and the alien company were severely worried that their lifeline was going out of the window, so aside anything else, they waged a gamble to exterminate the White people off of the face of the planet, something they still want to do and force to happen every single day.

Himmler was a psychic and knew that the Jews wanted war, and that there was to be a millenial conflict between the Jews and the Aryans of his time. With all the attempts of Hitler to keep peace and avoid a second catastrophic war, the jews have decided to do everything in their ability to cause this. The jews after all had minimal losses, as they never fought. The only people that suffered in this war were Gentiles people, Europeans, Russians, and many others alike who were exterminated by one another due to external force. This opened the door for the jews to exterminate the Palestinians and many other Races in the upcoming decades. Something that a European Anti-Jewish, Aryan power would have prevented from happening. The jews knew this and they decided to pull the war as fast as possible.

Not many people have fought for the White Race like Heinrich Himmler did. Love him or hate him, he has been one of the most important figures of the last centuries. A beast of intelligence, organization, and a spiritual grandmaster. He literally formed the greatest Pagan order in centuries.

Contrary to the immense lies of the enemy, Himmler never hated other Races of Mankind. According to him, "the Germans were deserving of life since they were a royal race among Mankind." Himmler himself sent expeditions of research, with respect to other civilizations, in all corners of the Glober, to respectfully learn more about them to teach Germans, while at the same time searching for the lost legacy of the White Race within many areas. Otto Rahn, Himmler's personal choice in the SS, after decades of research does conclude:

"For them [Jesuits] there are only people who struggle under the flag of Lucifer andpeople who fight under the flag of Christ. Concerning my own faith, I am fighting under the flag of Lucifer."- Otto Rahn

Himmler, at the prime of his mission, he was been on of the few most well occult-knowledgeable man of his time. Above all, Himmler knew what the "Catholic Church" of the Jews wanted to do with the White people: Exterminate them. He also knew about their bolshevik agenda, and all their heinous crimes, child molestation, mass genocide. He knew them well.

He did not stand idly to see his people get destroyed and decay under jewish influence. He put all his abilities and skills into service, in order to defend their existence.

Himmler and all of his close people knew that this was a divine spiritual war against the Jew, who wants to exterminate and enslave all other Races after being done with the Whites, who were the backbone of the civilization that proved the most "disturbing" to the jewish plans.

In the era where humanity hardly has had any spirituality, Himmler started developing a spiritual elite to wage war against the Jewish alien enemy. This of course left the jews with serious scars and insane contempt, that is still obvious today, everyday. The boat has been set asail for the complete destruction of christianity that we are living today, aside a massive awakening.

At the end of the war, Himmler, in a letter to his family, told them that him to whom he referred to as the Ancient One, the God of Germany [Satan], will not forsake these people in the end. And Satan did not forsake them. Almost a century from this time Satan is still waging the war against these deranged criminals known as Jews. He will not let Humanity give in to the jews and be destroyed. Humanity is still standing. Nobody has ever, or will ever quit.

Himmler's life was a life of duty, industriousness, mission, and deep work for his people. Almost nobody worked as hard as he did. His days, nights, and even sleep were all devoted to his mission and the cause. He gave everything he had and was, completely.

In the end of the war, Himmler, after being tortured for two days in the hands of the British intelligence, is killed in a feat of rage by the "British" officers. His death is passed down as "Suicide" for the public, but it was apparently cowardly murder out of sheer hatred and dishonoring revenge.

And this is how one of the Greatest Aryan Knights passed to Vallhala in memory and Spirit Eternal.

Those who suffer for my sake I will surely reward in one of the worlds. - Satan, Al Jilwah

May Satan Grant You Revenge!

Another Aryan Hero whose memory will be Eternal.



-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Happy Birthday Herr Himmler! 

We won't forget what you have done for us all. We won't let your efforts go to waste. 

Thank you for this beautiful sermon HP Cobra, it is thanks to people like you for picking up the flag that was planted by our great Aryan Hero's that we are here to fight for ever more. 

If we all follow their example and live atleast half as dutyfully and powerfully as them we can finally put an end to this race of parasytes and stop the suffering of our people once and for all. 


Hail Satan!!!

Hail the Gods and Goddesses of Hell!!!
The jews WILL be trampled under Satanic feet!!!
They tortured him to death? That pisses me off beyond belief.....
Thank you Hooded Cobra for this post and your meet up post. You have really opened my eyes. I feel Humbled and i like it. 
 You have become a great source of knowledge and wisdom to us. You are a shining example to your Satanic Family. It is my desire to Serve Satan to my fullest. You have simplified things for me nicely. 
  We shall all work together to free the volk. 
Free The Volk!  


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
