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Habits: "Old Dogs, New Tricks" - Defeating Resistance

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
There is an adage that is known and goes like this: "You cannot teach an old dog new tricks."

The above has to do with the fact that as we human beings change, many of our ways become "set". That's true for most people out there especially. These ways are set in our minds, emotions, lifestyles and habits. Of course, the more we grow up and the more we stagnate, the more we tend to become also stuck on certain routines for better or for worse. These routines and repetitive things we do, tend to decide our fate and where our life goes or doesn't go.

Observe the above in outsiders and people who do not change anything in their life, and you will see what I mean. Resistence to change is one thing; resistance to development is another.

Aristotle knew this and put the matter really simply: Everything you will do or will not do, is largely a subject of the proper habits. It's about what you do and what you do long enough to reap any form of benefit from it. If you will become a highly virtuous or successful person, is entirely related to your habits. If you will fail at everything in life, deep down, it still goes back to your habits.

Habits, or the things you do everyday, are actually forming what we refer to ask Karma. Karma is the law of consequence based on previous decisions and actions, like cause and effect, but on a far larger scale. But fundamentally this is what it is. There are levels of karma we can control, and levels that we cannot control.

In some levels in life, one might have "Good Karma", for example, their parents, due to [oftentimes unconscious] good mating decisions, or good fortune, might have good health. That is a tendency to good karma. This habit of existence can be maintained if one does what is good for themselves or their health, or it can vanish if one does not do what they should do in order to maintain this. Start doing all the wrong things in the world for your health, then before you know it, any "good karma" here will start shedding itself bit by bit.

A well sculpted body, falls also on this category. No matter who you are, you can have a great body if you exercise. Your older years will have less pain, because you exercised.

Similarly, in spirituality, you will be a better state of being and mentality, if you just work on these instead of doing nothing. As harm or pressure from life accumulates, you will have way less or none if you habituate yourself in the gifts of this path. If not, suffering awaits. Many older people only keep getting older, more stagnant and suffering.

The Spiritual Satanist path is literally shaped to be the opposite. As you grow, while others wait for their death or the eventuality of some delusion that will "save them", you are indeed moving through your habits [studying, better life, meditation, improving your life] into a better trajectory, that can just keep getting better. While our habits cannot always control what we are hit from by life, our habits can help us iron ourselves and give us a semblance of strong balance, that keeps us afloat no matter what. Calamity, disaster and anything might hit, but when habits and self mastery are strong, one has the power to move on.

Humans construct their own living torments and "hells" because of many misdirected habits. If you sit playing video games all day in denial of existence, all these things you are not improving at, are going to come back to you to bite you hard: Loneliness, isolation, lack of partner, bad health, denial of existence, being oblivious life, old age, lack of attainment - these things are coming.

These things are not coming because you play video games necessarily, because if you did this in good measure, it would be good for you; but in the example of over-reaching damning behaviors like addiction, these will make sure you receive a form of "punishment" later on. This "punishment" one can try to "postpone" or avoid, but it will always be there.

Going back to habits, the reconstruction of your negative habits that don't take you to where your heart and dreams want you to be, is the key to go forward. You won't become a God if you don't meditate or don't try to live your existence and life. The only way forward is through repetitive doing, daily doing, until you are there.

Lastly, the great crown for those who have good habits, is that you will attain effortlessness when it comes to attaining certain things. Things that are good and "painful" will actually give you a pleasure that only athletes and other people who really struggle and force themselves to a higher limit in any category of life will really understand.

The reason why there such stern focus on getting children to exercise in the Ancient world, especially up until ages of teenagehood, is because it makes you form the notion of habit in your mind. If you are an athlete and you know the painstaking 20 years it can take to reach mastery on your sport, you will understand me instantly when I say anything.

If you grew up never having to form yourself in this manner, you think that everything happens without any toil and one always seeks the easy way out, which is inconsistent with great attainments especially in material or high spiritual subjects. Toil looks foreign, and therefore one is with-held from proper success.

It didn't take me any amount of stress or pressure to write this message here, it was done flawlessly and with a lot of love. But years ago when I started saying just about anything, it was not easy to do. Still there are days where it's really hard but I have learned to enjoy the process. Habituation here worked itself. When one manages these habits, then these habits also change YOU and what YOU enjoy and what you do "not enjoy".

Therefore, if you aren't enjoying your purpose in Spiritual Satanism or the gym or anything positive like meditation in your life, or in your life in general, or you feel "resistance", it's simply due to lack of proper habituation. When you do this, the "resistance" will disappear and eventually become a propelling force, getting you upward so you can unfold your potential.

Yes, old "dogs", no matter who they are, can learn new tricks. The question is up to the individual's will to actually discover a better existence and potential for themselves, or to not do this. The choice is yours in the end of the day.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you so much!!!! I have been trying to work on exercising and also working on meditations everyday and trying to form a habit, this cements the idea for me!!!!
This is the beauty and joy of being a Spiritual Satanist; you can embrace higher virtues in your everyday life without necessarily "pushing" them, as they come naturally. The biggest evidence is that the people around you recognise your charismatic aura and are subconsciously attracted to you.
How do you step over the in-between stage of like and dislike?

For example, I enjoy my meditation routine, but at the same time I see it as a chore and on certain days, depending on my mood, I look towards being done it.

It's been a while but I still get the feeling of work instead of play.
Thank you.
This is a very motivating article.

A few days ago, while meditating, I was thinking about what is the most precious thing in life. In the past I would have said money, gold, gems, power.

But it occurred to me that the most valuable thing in life is time well spent.
Normally, time just passes. Normal time is infinite and passes infinitely.
But time well spent adds real value to life.

I'm working on solving a lot of problems at the moment, I don't have much normal time.
But I feel good, because I feel that's what's driving me forward.
I would not trade it for the endless boredom of hopelessness.
Thank you so much for sharing this. ❤️ It takes a certain person to be able to understand this. And very few people will understand let alone pick it up and take the advice on something like this. And depending on the attitude of the individual? It varies! In the typical habits that people have what they've developed themselves? Throughout the years how they've been brought up and raised and among other things. And I believe? If the person wanted to, he or she with the right set of mind and with enough passion, they can overcome a lot of habits that are unnecessary. And they will notice the change and they will notice the difference in their personality as well. Especially if they are determined enough to become a better person! Changing their better habits? In order to move on and Excel to a higher level. Of what is most important
These things are not coming because you play video games necessarily, because if you did this in good measure, it would be good for you; but in the example of over-reaching damning behaviors like addiction, these will make sure you receive a form of "punishment" later on. This "punishment" one can try to "postpone" or avoid, but it will always be there.

I think a really good point is made here, because of a particular trend I see among the Christians, Muslims and even recently converted Pagans who still carry Abrahamic ethics into Polytheism, which is pointless puritanism.

People associate discipline with self-sacrifice, which is true, but only on a moderated level. Judeo-Christian-Islamic ethics often boil down to absolute self-denial to the point of simply not being alive. The Bible is an absolutely humourless book with a complete lack of human spirit or lifeforce compared to any Greek kōmōidía. The Greek admiration of human beauty, sensuality and revelry was something seen as so evil by the Jews it's basically the principle sin in Revelations.

Among modern 'masculine' culture I see people engage in pissing contests over who is basically the most self-denying. What were once good habits are extremified and stretched out to the point of ridiculousness, to the point where people will proudly say they live in a featureless grey room, drink nothing but plain water and bread and engage in zero socialization, somehow missing the entire point of being alive is to be alive.

Engaging with a variety of tasks, even entertaining ones, is good for the mind and the soul. If you're an obese slob who does nothing but play video games, this is its own problem. But using it as its own example, a video game can also hypothetically be a platform for socialization with friends, something that hones reflexes, or promotes thinking through engagement with puzzles and the like. Similarly, watching a (decent) movie may engage you with emotions, philosophical thinking, or culture. There's a reason Dionysian plays were such a massive central aspect of Greek culture. Conversely, Jews made nothing "entertaining", no great stories or works of literature or art beyond their racial curse scrolls. In Islam, art and music are outright forbidden.

Against what people might assume, the automation of the modern age has not necessarily reduced the workload of the average person. Contrast with an ancient peasant, the modern man actually spends a lot less time pursuing family, leisure and refinement of the soul. And I do mean a lot less. If you want the penultimate example, look at Communism itself. People would eat and sleep where they worked in factories. There was nothing to life other than you being a slave to the machine serving "the State." Of what worth is the "State" if the quality of life for everyone in it is abjectly Tartarean? Life there is only good for those benefitting at the top.

Though I'm of the belief Epicurean philosophy holds not much of a candle against the Platonic or the Stoic, there's still concepts of worth to be understood within the school of thought. This isn't a promotion of hedonism as many would think. Rather, it's being able to accept that eating one chocolate bar or whatever isn't going to ruin your physiology to the point of imminent demise, nor is the world going to fall off your shoulders and shatter because you chose to sit and read a book for a while.

Frankly, being able to engage with enjoyable things without letting them rule you is a greater show of discipline than simply going without on the whole. The actual foundation of Epicureanism wasn't hedonism, so much as it was the reduction of needless fear and suffering with a greater focus placed on the plenty of life. Contrast this with the accursed words of the so-called Mother Theresa who believed torturing people and denying the dying painkillers was holy.

Bringing this back to the original thread topic, look at any Greek art, or art inspired by Greek works. You'll see acts of sensual lovemaking, feasting, drinking, but those portrayed within are beings of perfected fitness, wisdom and learning. So the next time a Christian comes up to any of you and tells you that the only way to be disciplined is to be an incel, remember that even Socrates himself was well-known for lovemaking and his love of life and revelry.

Tying this more into Cobra's points on self-discipline and hard work, the truth is this. The more you have made out of yourself, the more 'beautiful' you have become through your work, the more pleasurable life's joys will be. One without fitness can't take a long walk through the mountains. One without maintained appearance won't have partners. One without learning is far more limited in what can bring their mind stimulation.
I've been thinking about similar things for a while now..

Like.. you can't change your habits if you currently do not have the capacity (in any way, shape or form) to do so.

Or the things that you spend your day to day life with, if they do not bring you joy or satisfaction. Now you mentioned doing 'positive things that are good for you' - which offsets what I mentioned above.
But to find the motivation to do so, to break from an old habit, into a new one, can also be really hard. However, it seems as the more that you try to learn new things, the easier it gets.

And to learn what self love actually is. It is not the superficial putting make-up on yourself (though that might be part of it but should not be the sole reason) but to do the things that actually make you feel fulfilled, accomplished, happy as a person. Not to show-off, but to self actualize (word that I wanted to use but idk if it is correct to use here) and realize your own potential.

Also for whoever reads this, the important thing is to try. And if you fail, so what. Try again. And again. And again. Even if it takes over a dozen times, at the end of it all, breaking bad habits, negative behaviour, ... is the hardest thing to do. Part of it, is that it takes a lot of mental work, not just only the physical work we see around us, and that some people seem to only show that part, in the superficiality today.. Like the surrealistic idea that an entire person can change 100% from one moment to the next (I blame movies lol).
(Which is also why so many people like to see part of the real person behind the fame/status... Because it seems to be more understandable/relateable, depending on who.)

We don't turn into superman/superwoman overnight. We work towards it. Every single day.
There is an adage that is known and goes like this: "You cannot teach an old dog new tricks."

The above has to do with the fact that as we human beings change, many of our ways become "set". That's true for most people out there especially. These ways are set in our minds, emotions, lifestyles and habits. Of course, the more we grow up and the more we stagnate, the more we tend to become also stuck on certain routines for better or for worse. These routines and repetitive things we do, tend to decide our fate and where our life goes or doesn't go.

Observe the above in outsiders and people who do not change anything in their life, and you will see what I mean. Resistence to change is one thing; resistance to development is another.

Aristotle knew this and put the matter really simply: Everything you will do or will not do, is largely a subject of the proper habits. It's about what you do and what you do long enough to reap any form of benefit from it. If you will become a highly virtuous or successful person, is entirely related to your habits. If you will fail at everything in life, deep down, it still goes back to your habits.

Habits, or the things you do everyday, are actually forming what we refer to ask Karma. Karma is the law of consequence based on previous decisions and actions, like cause and effect, but on a far larger scale. But fundamentally this is what it is. There are levels of karma we can control, and levels that we cannot control.

In some levels in life, one might have "Good Karma", for example, their parents, due to [oftentimes unconscious] good mating decisions, or good fortune, might have good health. That is a tendency to good karma. This habit of existence can be maintained if one does what is good for themselves or their health, or it can vanish if one does not do what they should do in order to maintain this. Start doing all the wrong things in the world for your health, then before you know it, any "good karma" here will start shedding itself bit by bit.

A well sculpted body, falls also on this category. No matter who you are, you can have a great body if you exercise. Your older years will have less pain, because you exercised.

Similarly, in spirituality, you will be a better state of being and mentality, if you just work on these instead of doing nothing. As harm or pressure from life accumulates, you will have way less or none if you habituate yourself in the gifts of this path. If not, suffering awaits. Many older people only keep getting older, more stagnant and suffering.

The Spiritual Satanist path is literally shaped to be the opposite. As you grow, while others wait for their death or the eventuality of some delusion that will "save them", you are indeed moving through your habits [studying, better life, meditation, improving your life] into a better trajectory, that can just keep getting better. While our habits cannot always control what we are hit from by life, our habits can help us iron ourselves and give us a semblance of strong balance, that keeps us afloat no matter what. Calamity, disaster and anything might hit, but when habits and self mastery are strong, one has the power to move on.

Humans construct their own living torments and "hells" because of many misdirected habits. If you sit playing video games all day in denial of existence, all these things you are not improving at, are going to come back to you to bite you hard: Loneliness, isolation, lack of partner, bad health, denial of existence, being oblivious life, old age, lack of attainment - these things are coming.

These things are not coming because you play video games necessarily, because if you did this in good measure, it would be good for you; but in the example of over-reaching damning behaviors like addiction, these will make sure you receive a form of "punishment" later on. This "punishment" one can try to "postpone" or avoid, but it will always be there.

Going back to habits, the reconstruction of your negative habits that don't take you to where your heart and dreams want you to be, is the key to go forward. You won't become a God if you don't meditate or don't try to live your existence and life. The only way forward is through repetitive doing, daily doing, until you are there.

Lastly, the great crown for those who have good habits, is that you will attain effortlessness when it comes to attaining certain things. Things that are good and "painful" will actually give you a pleasure that only athletes and other people who really struggle and force themselves to a higher limit in any category of life will really understand.

The reason why there such stern focus on getting children to exercise in the Ancient world, especially up until ages of teenagehood, is because it makes you form the notion of habit in your mind. If you are an athlete and you know the painstaking 20 years it can take to reach mastery on your sport, you will understand me instantly when I say anything.

If you grew up never having to form yourself in this manner, you think that everything happens without any toil and one always seeks the easy way out, which is inconsistent with great attainments especially in material or high spiritual subjects. Toil looks foreign, and therefore one is with-held from proper success.

It didn't take me any amount of stress or pressure to write this message here, it was done flawlessly and with a lot of love. But years ago when I started saying just about anything, it was not easy to do. Still there are days where it's really hard but I have learned to enjoy the process. Habituation here worked itself. When one manages these habits, then these habits also change YOU and what YOU enjoy and what you do "not enjoy".

Therefore, if you aren't enjoying your purpose in Spiritual Satanism or the gym or anything positive like meditation in your life, or in your life in general, or you feel "resistance", it's simply due to lack of proper habituation. When you do this, the "resistance" will disappear and eventually become a propelling force, getting you upward so you can unfold your potential.

Yes, old "dogs", no matter who they are, can learn new tricks. The question is up to the individual's will to actually discover a better existence and potential for themselves, or to not do this. The choice is yours in the end of the day.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Wow, gonna read this more few times.

It so so resonates with my situation.

Actually this is very familiar to me…

Recently, I started to feel that result of good habits, it only expands.

So so nice To read,

Thank you.
There is an adage that is known and goes like this: "You cannot teach an old dog new tricks."

The above has to do with the fact that as we human beings change, many of our ways become "set". That's true for most people out there especially. These ways are set in our minds, emotions, lifestyles and habits. Of course, the more we grow up and the more we stagnate, the more we tend to become also stuck on certain routines for better or for worse. These routines and repetitive things we do, tend to decide our fate and where our life goes or doesn't go.

Observe the above in outsiders and people who do not change anything in their life, and you will see what I mean. Resistence to change is one thing; resistance to development is another.

Aristotle knew this and put the matter really simply: Everything you will do or will not do, is largely a subject of the proper habits. It's about what you do and what you do long enough to reap any form of benefit from it. If you will become a highly virtuous or successful person, is entirely related to your habits. If you will fail at everything in life, deep down, it still goes back to your habits.

Habits, or the things you do everyday, are actually forming what we refer to ask Karma. Karma is the law of consequence based on previous decisions and actions, like cause and effect, but on a far larger scale. But fundamentally this is what it is. There are levels of karma we can control, and levels that we cannot control.

In some levels in life, one might have "Good Karma", for example, their parents, due to [oftentimes unconscious] good mating decisions, or good fortune, might have good health. That is a tendency to good karma. This habit of existence can be maintained if one does what is good for themselves or their health, or it can vanish if one does not do what they should do in order to maintain this. Start doing all the wrong things in the world for your health, then before you know it, any "good karma" here will start shedding itself bit by bit.

A well sculpted body, falls also on this category. No matter who you are, you can have a great body if you exercise. Your older years will have less pain, because you exercised.

Similarly, in spirituality, you will be a better state of being and mentality, if you just work on these instead of doing nothing. As harm or pressure from life accumulates, you will have way less or none if you habituate yourself in the gifts of this path. If not, suffering awaits. Many older people only keep getting older, more stagnant and suffering.

The Spiritual Satanist path is literally shaped to be the opposite. As you grow, while others wait for their death or the eventuality of some delusion that will "save them", you are indeed moving through your habits [studying, better life, meditation, improving your life] into a better trajectory, that can just keep getting better. While our habits cannot always control what we are hit from by life, our habits can help us iron ourselves and give us a semblance of strong balance, that keeps us afloat no matter what. Calamity, disaster and anything might hit, but when habits and self mastery are strong, one has the power to move on.

Humans construct their own living torments and "hells" because of many misdirected habits. If you sit playing video games all day in denial of existence, all these things you are not improving at, are going to come back to you to bite you hard: Loneliness, isolation, lack of partner, bad health, denial of existence, being oblivious life, old age, lack of attainment - these things are coming.

These things are not coming because you play video games necessarily, because if you did this in good measure, it would be good for you; but in the example of over-reaching damning behaviors like addiction, these will make sure you receive a form of "punishment" later on. This "punishment" one can try to "postpone" or avoid, but it will always be there.

Going back to habits, the reconstruction of your negative habits that don't take you to where your heart and dreams want you to be, is the key to go forward. You won't become a God if you don't meditate or don't try to live your existence and life. The only way forward is through repetitive doing, daily doing, until you are there.

Lastly, the great crown for those who have good habits, is that you will attain effortlessness when it comes to attaining certain things. Things that are good and "painful" will actually give you a pleasure that only athletes and other people who really struggle and force themselves to a higher limit in any category of life will really understand.

The reason why there such stern focus on getting children to exercise in the Ancient world, especially up until ages of teenagehood, is because it makes you form the notion of habit in your mind. If you are an athlete and you know the painstaking 20 years it can take to reach mastery on your sport, you will understand me instantly when I say anything.

If you grew up never having to form yourself in this manner, you think that everything happens without any toil and one always seeks the easy way out, which is inconsistent with great attainments especially in material or high spiritual subjects. Toil looks foreign, and therefore one is with-held from proper success.

It didn't take me any amount of stress or pressure to write this message here, it was done flawlessly and with a lot of love. But years ago when I started saying just about anything, it was not easy to do. Still there are days where it's really hard but I have learned to enjoy the process. Habituation here worked itself. When one manages these habits, then these habits also change YOU and what YOU enjoy and what you do "not enjoy".

Therefore, if you aren't enjoying your purpose in Spiritual Satanism or the gym or anything positive like meditation in your life, or in your life in general, or you feel "resistance", it's simply due to lack of proper habituation. When you do this, the "resistance" will disappear and eventually become a propelling force, getting you upward so you can unfold your potential.

Yes, old "dogs", no matter who they are, can learn new tricks. The question is up to the individual's will to actually discover a better existence and potential for themselves, or to not do this. The choice is yours in the end of the day.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you- soon as I can get to the library I'm going to have this sermon printed out several times to post around my place. I have been reading and listening to dozens of people when it comes to makeing habits. Your a great motivator. Thank you for going down this path with us. Maxine chose a great person to be HP.

Hail Father Satan
How do you step over the in-between stage of like and dislike?

For example, I enjoy my meditation routine, but at the same time I see it as a chore and on certain days, depending on my mood, I look towards being done it.

It's been a while but I still get the feeling of work instead of play.
I think I know exactly what you're saying, that meditation can feel like a pain some days more than others.

I get this sometimes also and I can't help but think it has to do with many things, most especially astrology and planetary alignments, along with what energies might latch onto us during our day. The latter can occur quite easily (especially for me being overly-empathetic). We need to constantly maintain a strong AOP and remember to never let our emotions overtake our rationality, boundaries and goals. Stoicism is a great mode in achieving this I find.

Sometimes I've had meditation sessions that went supremely well with fast and intense progress, while other times it feels like I'm climbing up a hill just to get the same results. I find getting good at void meditation helps to focus the mind.

To help with motivation I find that a healthy diet, sleep and exercise plays a big part. Avoid too many simple carbs because these can mess with your sleep if consumed too late and they can give you a crash.

Here are a few runes that might also help (info from the runes page on the JoS site):

Wunjo (Joy): A rune of honors and rewards. Good for raising confidence and self-esteem.
Nauthiz (Need): Endurance and will. The mental strength to last. When used in white magick, this rune gives defiance and the strength to carry on when all hope seems lost. It is a rune of survival and fearlessness in the face of death.
Thurisaz (Thorn): Rune of cutting, sharpness, and pain. Brute strength, destructive power of chaos and ruin. Also of death and regeneration, transformation and breaking down barriers. assists the energy of other runes it is used with to manifest in reality.
Consistency is key,start small and slowly build on that. You a spiritual being first,in an Age where we easily identify with physical sheath first ,some austerity (denial of sensual pleasures) is good. Don't go overboard with this , start small. Think on the Eternal,it can't be seen physically but it can be felt. Practice being still feeling the Eternal within you ,for 10 minutes everyday,when you are hungry don't immediately eat delay a bit. Go for a walk sometimes to town instead of taking a vehicle, while thinking on the Eternal within you and without. Physical exercise while thinking on the Eternal and so on. Austerity. Treat the physical body like a vehicle,when you enter a vehicle you don't identify with it, but you need a vehicle to take from point A to B. If the vehicle is not in good shape it won't take you to your destination. So the vehicle has to be in fairly good shape. Treat the physical body like that. Take good care of of it but don't identify with it. All the problems,bad habits and so on come from identifying with the physical sheath. You can be intellectually educated that you have a soul with chakras but still fall into the habit of identifying with the physical sheath. Think on the Eternal consistently until you are convinced that you are Unchanging Pure Energy first before anything. This is soul body realisaton at the heart chakra ,you will know it when it happens. Kundalini rising is the highest samadhi,and may not be in the reach of most. But getting convinnced of the Eternal within you is within reach. Infact the first fix of Yogic practices in this Age ,is getting convinced of the Eternal in you. Kundalini rising comes naturally after this,and one can even reach a point of adepthood where they choose to raise or delay. Get convinced of the Eternal ,feel you are Pure Unchanging Energy everyday,start with being still,spine upright for 10 minutes then build on this at your own pace. Lotus pose is recommended but it can be any other pose. This is hatha yoga. Phyisical stillness tames the Ida feminine channel into the Sushumna Nadi ,its emotional instinctive. Thinking on the Eternal tames the Pingala male channel,into the Sushumna channel in the middle of the spine. Being still is therefore the Yoga itself. A mystic must live mostly in the spine,this is soul always in the Eternal Blissfull Now. Life is meant to be lived joyfully,you are the soul body in the Eternal Now. When you feel low,good that's when you should even practice being still and think on the Eternal. Overcoming the intellectual ,instinctive nature to withdraw Awareness into your soul body,one day you will come to realise the Intense Bliss of it. Then you have broken into contemplation ,soul body realisation.
They are even experiments to taste ,trying being unhappy or depressed with your spine upright ,you will find that it's not possible. Try being happy with a sulking pose or depressed spine leaning forward ,you will find it is not possible to be happy or jovial in such a pose. You can a tell alot from people and their habits from their phyisical structure and their pose,especially the way they walk. But even an athlete can get depressed if they don't think on the Eternal. So from some occult logic ,you will conclude that the Lotus Pose is the Ultimate Pose and all movement originates from this Pose. Practice being while thinking and feeling the Eternal in you,start with 10 minutes ,when you just wake up. Practice mantras in the Lotus Pose ,when get confortable it,do JOS rituals schedules in it. Pray to the Gods in it and so on.
It's a good habit to develop,occult understanding will just automatically unfold into your intellect ,the more you do this. The spiritual being of everyone is All Knowing .
This is just too inspiring HP! It helped connect many dots for me and it reminded me that I already know what to do at any given time and in any given situation.

This feeling we all get... the fear of the unknown and of passing time. What might or might not be and what could've been... this can destroy a person if it's focused on to much.

Life is short, yes, but every one of us has this unique ability to make the most out of all of it and reap the most benefit that we can. Time moves slower when we are in a flow state. This is where all Satanists should be! Embracing the unknown as it is and jumping toward it without fear. Knowing that we are constantly growing, changing and overcoming. Even when we grow old, our cells continue to destroy and replace themselves. Life itself only knows how to move forward yet so many of us in the world become stagnant and indecisive; trapped in self-doubt and not seeing the forest for the trees.

We have endless reasons to have joy and pride, yet the single greatest thing to me is finding truth in all things, regardless if they are "good" or "bad."

We obtain even greater truth through our routines, patterns and dedications. Being the most that we can be in every way is the path of a Satanist and it's the same idea I had always known to be the most correct in spite of my past meekness and ineptitude. My greatest failures have been centred on hyper-fixation as a means of escapism in order to justify in what I lack and thus what I avoid, yet Satanism teaches us how to balance all things in order to achieve a higher state of existence. We can't focus just on one problem and think 'I need to fix this before I can be successful doing anything else'.

It is no wonder the world seems to have problems greater than myself. Their problems are expressed more depending on their ego. One's problems cannot be measured or projected to anyone else's ever; they can only be truly faced, measured and overcome by the individual themself.

I feel like I was a terrible person for having not fully comprehened this in the past and I hope that people didn't take my passion for expressing truth as being vindictive and belittling, or as a means to seek unwarranted comfort or sympathy. Thank you again for your sermons! It genuinely has helped me out a lot.
I've been thinking about similar things for a while now..

Like.. you can't change your habits if you currently do not have the capacity (in any way, shape or form) to do so.

Or the things that you spend your day to day life with, if they do not bring you joy or satisfaction. Now you mentioned doing 'positive things that are good for you' - which offsets what I mentioned above.
But to find the motivation to do so, to break from an old habit, into a new one, can also be really hard. However, it seems as the more that you try to learn new things, the easier it gets.

And to learn what self love actually is. It is not the superficial putting make-up on yourself (though that might be part of it but should not be the sole reason) but to do the things that actually make you feel fulfilled, accomplished, happy as a person. Not to show-off, but to self actualize (word that I wanted to use but idk if it is correct to use here) and realize your own potential.

Also for whoever reads this, the important thing is to try. And if you fail, so what. Try again. And again. And again. Even if it takes over a dozen times, at the end of it all, breaking bad habits, negative behaviour, ... is the hardest thing to do. Part of it, is that it takes a lot of mental work, not just only the physical work we see around us, and that some people seem to only show that part, in the superficiality today.. Like the surrealistic idea that an entire person can change 100% from one moment to the next (I blame movies lol).
(Which is also why so many people like to see part of the real person behind the fame/status... Because it seems to be more understandable/relateable, depending on who.)

We don't turn into superman/superwoman overnight. We work towards it. Every single day.
Joe Dispenza - Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself
How do you step over the in-between stage of like and dislike?

For example, I enjoy my meditation routine, but at the same time I see it as a chore and on certain days, depending on my mood, I look towards being done it.

It's been a while but I still get the feeling of work instead of play.

Discipline, and the understanding that something is necessary for your advancement and growth. Often times, it's the level of ability and power we realize we have developed after habitually performing particular tasks over a long period of time, from which we derive a sense of fulfillment, and enjoyment. Remind yourself every now and then what you're capable of now compared to several weeks or months ago, as a result of your consistent efforts.

There will inevitably be some days or times during which all seems to intervene and hold you back, but in the end, consistency forms a steadfast foundation where your will to perform a task will not be impeded by any circumstance.
I think a really good point is made here, because of a particular trend I see among the Christians, Muslims and even recently converted Pagans who still carry Abrahamic ethics into Polytheism, which is pointless puritanism.

People associate discipline with self-sacrifice, which is true, but only on a moderated level. Judeo-Christian-Islamic ethics often boil down to absolute self-denial to the point of simply not being alive. The Bible is an absolutely humourless book with a complete lack of human spirit or lifeforce compared to any Greek kōmōidía. The Greek admiration of human beauty, sensuality and revelry was something seen as so evil by the Jews it's basically the principle sin in Revelations.

Among modern 'masculine' culture I see people engage in pissing contests over who is basically the most self-denying. What were once good habits are extremified and stretched out to the point of ridiculousness, to the point where people will proudly say they live in a featureless grey room, drink nothing but plain water and bread and engage in zero socialization, somehow missing the entire point of being alive is to be alive.

Engaging with a variety of tasks, even entertaining ones, is good for the mind and the soul. If you're an obese slob who does nothing but play video games, this is its own problem. But using it as its own example, a video game can also hypothetically be a platform for socialization with friends, something that hones reflexes, or promotes thinking through engagement with puzzles and the like. Similarly, watching a (decent) movie may engage you with emotions, philosophical thinking, or culture. There's a reason Dionysian plays were such a massive central aspect of Greek culture. Conversely, Jews made nothing "entertaining", no great stories or works of literature or art beyond their racial curse scrolls. In Islam, art and music are outright forbidden.

Against what people might assume, the automation of the modern age has not necessarily reduced the workload of the average person. Contrast with an ancient peasant, the modern man actually spends a lot less time pursuing family, leisure and refinement of the soul. And I do mean a lot less. If you want the penultimate example, look at Communism itself. People would eat and sleep where they worked in factories. There was nothing to life other than you being a slave to the machine serving "the State." Of what worth is the "State" if the quality of life for everyone in it is abjectly Tartarean? Life there is only good for those benefitting at the top.

Though I'm of the belief Epicurean philosophy holds not much of a candle against the Platonic or the Stoic, there's still concepts of worth to be understood within the school of thought. This isn't a promotion of hedonism as many would think. Rather, it's being able to accept that eating one chocolate bar or whatever isn't going to ruin your physiology to the point of imminent demise, nor is the world going to fall off your shoulders and shatter because you chose to sit and read a book for a while.

Frankly, being able to engage with enjoyable things without letting them rule you is a greater show of discipline than simply going without on the whole. The actual foundation of Epicureanism wasn't hedonism, so much as it was the reduction of needless fear and suffering with a greater focus placed on the plenty of life. Contrast this with the accursed words of the so-called Mother Theresa who believed torturing people and denying the dying painkillers was holy.

Bringing this back to the original thread topic, look at any Greek art, or art inspired by Greek works. You'll see acts of sensual lovemaking, feasting, drinking, but those portrayed within are beings of perfected fitness, wisdom and learning. So the next time a Christian comes up to any of you and tells you that the only way to be disciplined is to be an incel, remember that even Socrates himself was well-known for lovemaking and his love of life and revelry.

Tying this more into Cobra's points on self-discipline and hard work, the truth is this. The more you have made out of yourself, the more 'beautiful' you have become through your work, the more pleasurable life's joys will be. One without fitness can't take a long walk through the mountains. One without maintained appearance won't have partners. One without learning is far more limited in what can bring their mind stimulation.
Thank You
There is an adage that is known and goes like this: "You cannot teach an old dog new tricks."

The above has to do with the fact that as we human beings change, many of our ways become "set". That's true for most people out there especially. These ways are set in our minds, emotions, lifestyles and habits. Of course, the more we grow up and the more we stagnate, the more we tend to become also stuck on certain routines for better or for worse. These routines and repetitive things we do, tend to decide our fate and where our life goes or doesn't go.

Observe the above in outsiders and people who do not change anything in their life, and you will see what I mean. Resistence to change is one thing; resistance to development is another.

Aristotle knew this and put the matter really simply: Everything you will do or will not do, is largely a subject of the proper habits. It's about what you do and what you do long enough to reap any form of benefit from it. If you will become a highly virtuous or successful person, is entirely related to your habits. If you will fail at everything in life, deep down, it still goes back to your habits.

Habits, or the things you do everyday, are actually forming what we refer to ask Karma. Karma is the law of consequence based on previous decisions and actions, like cause and effect, but on a far larger scale. But fundamentally this is what it is. There are levels of karma we can control, and levels that we cannot control.

In some levels in life, one might have "Good Karma", for example, their parents, due to [oftentimes unconscious] good mating decisions, or good fortune, might have good health. That is a tendency to good karma. This habit of existence can be maintained if one does what is good for themselves or their health, or it can vanish if one does not do what they should do in order to maintain this. Start doing all the wrong things in the world for your health, then before you know it, any "good karma" here will start shedding itself bit by bit.

A well sculpted body, falls also on this category. No matter who you are, you can have a great body if you exercise. Your older years will have less pain, because you exercised.

Similarly, in spirituality, you will be a better state of being and mentality, if you just work on these instead of doing nothing. As harm or pressure from life accumulates, you will have way less or none if you habituate yourself in the gifts of this path. If not, suffering awaits. Many older people only keep getting older, more stagnant and suffering.

The Spiritual Satanist path is literally shaped to be the opposite. As you grow, while others wait for their death or the eventuality of some delusion that will "save them", you are indeed moving through your habits [studying, better life, meditation, improving your life] into a better trajectory, that can just keep getting better. While our habits cannot always control what we are hit from by life, our habits can help us iron ourselves and give us a semblance of strong balance, that keeps us afloat no matter what. Calamity, disaster and anything might hit, but when habits and self mastery are strong, one has the power to move on.

Humans construct their own living torments and "hells" because of many misdirected habits. If you sit playing video games all day in denial of existence, all these things you are not improving at, are going to come back to you to bite you hard: Loneliness, isolation, lack of partner, bad health, denial of existence, being oblivious life, old age, lack of attainment - these things are coming.

These things are not coming because you play video games necessarily, because if you did this in good measure, it would be good for you; but in the example of over-reaching damning behaviors like addiction, these will make sure you receive a form of "punishment" later on. This "punishment" one can try to "postpone" or avoid, but it will always be there.

Going back to habits, the reconstruction of your negative habits that don't take you to where your heart and dreams want you to be, is the key to go forward. You won't become a God if you don't meditate or don't try to live your existence and life. The only way forward is through repetitive doing, daily doing, until you are there.

Lastly, the great crown for those who have good habits, is that you will attain effortlessness when it comes to attaining certain things. Things that are good and "painful" will actually give you a pleasure that only athletes and other people who really struggle and force themselves to a higher limit in any category of life will really understand.

The reason why there such stern focus on getting children to exercise in the Ancient world, especially up until ages of teenagehood, is because it makes you form the notion of habit in your mind. If you are an athlete and you know the painstaking 20 years it can take to reach mastery on your sport, you will understand me instantly when I say anything.

If you grew up never having to form yourself in this manner, you think that everything happens without any toil and one always seeks the easy way out, which is inconsistent with great attainments especially in material or high spiritual subjects. Toil looks foreign, and therefore one is with-held from proper success.

It didn't take me any amount of stress or pressure to write this message here, it was done flawlessly and with a lot of love. But years ago when I started saying just about anything, it was not easy to do. Still there are days where it's really hard but I have learned to enjoy the process. Habituation here worked itself. When one manages these habits, then these habits also change YOU and what YOU enjoy and what you do "not enjoy".

Therefore, if you aren't enjoying your purpose in Spiritual Satanism or the gym or anything positive like meditation in your life, or in your life in general, or you feel "resistance", it's simply due to lack of proper habituation. When you do this, the "resistance" will disappear and eventually become a propelling force, getting you upward so you can unfold your potential.

Yes, old "dogs", no matter who they are, can learn new tricks. The question is up to the individual's will to actually discover a better existence and potential for themselves, or to not do this. The choice is yours in the end of the day.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
So timely, thank you HPHC 666
How do you step over the in-between stage of like and dislike?

For example, I enjoy my meditation routine, but at the same time I see it as a chore and on certain days, depending on my mood, I look towards being done it.

It's been a while but I still get the feeling of work instead of play.

What's bad about feeling it out of duty or out of fun? Both are very viable and helpful. These moods can change sometimes.
Thanks for the sermon HPHC, It inspires me to be more motivated and discplined to do meditations!
There is a reason that military boot camps all across the world for soldiers directly involved in combat last around one season. A soldier can then be expected after this to continue their routine even on days off and holidays. A habit like working out can be kept throughout most of ones life if you just spend one season, without skipping even one day, and preferably first thing in the morning. After that ones you develop some muscle and improved energy flow it becomes almost like an addiction.

Someone who drinks caffeine everyday and cold cold turkey one day would get depression and headache. If you develop something like working out past a certain point you know that you will just feel dirty and unmotivated if you don't get your daily dose of physical fitness in. It would be ore difficult and frustrating to not workout at this point.
Joe Dispenza - Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself
I don't know why you decided to refer this book here to me.

But I know one thing, and that is that when its time to read certain things they will come. This point in time is not it for me.

Also, reading a book worth of knowledge might enrich yourself, but it doesn't always internalize as a lesson. The latter is what I am currently working on.

Also a lot of those books, in my opinion, tend to be exessively long, missing key points, and then tend to be an ill fit. Great if they help some people, but they don't help all people.
Humans construct their own living torments and "hells" because of many misdirected habits. If you sit playing video games all day in denial of existence, all these things you are not improving at, are going to come back to you to bite you hard: Loneliness, isolation, lack of partner, bad health, denial of existence, being oblivious life, old age, lack of attainment - these things are coming.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Hello, I am using this account as an alternative while I wait for my original account to be restored but this speaks volumes to me. I have a best-friend who is always been there for me and been supportive I've suffered from the isolation and loneliness my entire life, the lack of partner isn't really a problem for me cause my first ever one literally tore my heart out and I'm still coping with the pain. My health is a complete wreck, I have no attainment of any goals, no motivation whatsoever, 0 discipline, struggling to find a job for over 3 months.

This is how big of a problem this has been for me, I've stopped and restarted my journey to spiritual meditation and empowerment of my soul many times and while I've been able to recover rather quickly and get myself back up to speed but now I can't even do a basic routine such as

-AC,AOP,VM, EZ Chakra Spin, Yogic Breath (5-10 rounds)
-Kundalini Yoga
-Hatha Yoga

Doing the morning meditations literally makes my head feel like it's pulsing as if the upper chakras are being over-stimulated by it and it becomes more apparent with Kundalini Yoga and I'm too tired that I fall asleep during the day unable to do Hatha Yoga or meditations before I go to sleep. So my routine already is all over the place. I intend on starting a working posted by [JG]Blitzkreig about Overcoming Obstacles using FEHU+JERA+SOWILO (40 reps each) but I already know this is gonna be too much for me but I am getting literally desperate in order to help find a job or provide some level of wealth to my life.

I know I am definitely having a sook about this but this is just to say how playing video games or staying inside all the time everyday is so easy yet is almost impossible to get out of. Especially when you hang out with the wrong group of friends throughout ones life which can further cause problems

Anyway I apologize for the long whining reply but this speaks volumes of how terrible it can be if you just sit in your room playing video games all day or doing anything except trying to better your life and it's hitting me hard now.

I don't know why you decided to refer this book here to me.

But I know one thing, and that is that when its time to read certain things they will come. This point in time is not it for me.

Also, reading a book worth of knowledge might enrich yourself, but it doesn't always internalize as a lesson. The latter is what I am currently working on.

Also a lot of those books, in my opinion, tend to be exessively long, missing key points, and then tend to be an ill fit. Great if they help some people, but they don't help all people.
You wrote: Like.. you can't change your habits if you currently do not have the capacity (in any way, shape or form) to do so.

To benefit the general readership here I shared knowledge including practical means to this end as your post was grasping at straws about this subject.
Hello, I am using this account as an alternative while I wait for my original account to be restored but this speaks volumes to me. I have a best-friend who is always been there for me and been supportive I've suffered from the isolation and loneliness my entire life, the lack of partner isn't really a problem for me cause my first ever one literally tore my heart out and I'm still coping with the pain. My health is a complete wreck, I have no attainment of any goals, no motivation whatsoever, 0 discipline, struggling to find a job for over 3 months.

This is how big of a problem this has been for me, I've stopped and restarted my journey to spiritual meditation and empowerment of my soul many times and while I've been able to recover rather quickly and get myself back up to speed but now I can't even do a basic routine such as

-AC,AOP,VM, EZ Chakra Spin, Yogic Breath (5-10 rounds)
-Kundalini Yoga
-Hatha Yoga

Doing the morning meditations literally makes my head feel like it's pulsing as if the upper chakras are being over-stimulated by it and it becomes more apparent with Kundalini Yoga and I'm too tired that I fall asleep during the day unable to do Hatha Yoga or meditations before I go to sleep. So my routine already is all over the place. I intend on starting a working posted by [JG]Blitzkreig about Overcoming Obstacles using FEHU+JERA+SOWILO (40 reps each) but I already know this is gonna be too much for me but I am getting literally desperate in order to help find a job or provide some level of wealth to my life.

I know I am definitely having a sook about this but this is just to say how playing video games or staying inside all the time everyday is so easy yet is almost impossible to get out of. Especially when you hang out with the wrong group of friends throughout ones life which can further cause problems

Anyway I apologize for the long whining reply but this speaks volumes of how terrible it can be if you just sit in your room playing video games all day or doing anything except trying to better your life and it's hitting me hard now.

Instead of jumping right back where you left off you need to tune it down and gradually build yourself up. Kundalini Yoga can be very stimulating and when you are already at the very end of your limit it is not going to bring the benefit you seek for. Taking a step down is a must in such a situation. There will be a time when you have more capacity and can safely and productively practice all of these and more.

More runic vibrations as you posted are going to be counterproductive. Or if you must, try with a much smaller amount of vibrations taking something like 75% off the amount you posted, if not more.
Instead of jumping right back where you left off you need to tune it down and gradually build yourself up. Kundalini Yoga can be very stimulating and when you are already at the very end of your limit it is not going to bring the benefit you seek for. Taking a step down is a must in such a situation. There will be a time when you have more capacity and can safely and productively practice all of these and more.

More runic vibrations as you posted are going to be counterproductive. Or if you must, try with a much smaller amount of vibrations taking something like 75% off the amount you posted, if not more.
Yes, I am quite literally diving too far into it and I also don't even have my starting base covered which is my sleep schedule which I have almost fixed up. I am definitely better off only ensuring the basics are covered such as Aura Cleaning, Aura of Protection and Void Meditation before doing anything else and as you said gradually building myself up.

I started the working I was talking about above but using only 2 of the runes mentioned (FEHU + SOWILO) but I agree it is counterproductive since I would have trouble generating power with Runic Meditations so I'm still doing but I believe I should be more focused on gradually building up myself up using the 40 day meditation program by HP Hooded Cobra and deciding on whether to continue the working or simply let it go to ensure all of my bases are covered.

I had wrote another reply on the Ask All Questions Here! New members about a Confidence working which I wrote cause I'm for me personally at rock-bottom but I am not going to worry about that cause it would be even more counterproductive as to what I should really be doing.

Thank you for pointing this out to me Henu, the basics is what I should be focusing on first and doing so gradually not jumping head first into doing high reps of KY or Runic Meditation so I will ensure I have my bases covered first before proceeding with workings.

Hello, I am using this account as an alternative while I wait for my original account to be restored but this speaks volumes to me. I have a best-friend who is always been there for me and been supportive I've suffered from the isolation and loneliness my entire life, the lack of partner isn't really a problem for me cause my first ever one literally tore my heart out and I'm still coping with the pain. My health is a complete wreck, I have no attainment of any goals, no motivation whatsoever, 0 discipline, struggling to find a job for over 3 months.

This is how big of a problem this has been for me, I've stopped and restarted my journey to spiritual meditation and empowerment of my soul many times and while I've been able to recover rather quickly and get myself back up to speed but now I can't even do a basic routine such as

-AC,AOP,VM, EZ Chakra Spin, Yogic Breath (5-10 rounds)
-Kundalini Yoga
-Hatha Yoga

Doing the morning meditations literally makes my head feel like it's pulsing as if the upper chakras are being over-stimulated by it and it becomes more apparent with Kundalini Yoga and I'm too tired that I fall asleep during the day unable to do Hatha Yoga or meditations before I go to sleep. So my routine already is all over the place. I intend on starting a working posted by [JG]Blitzkreig about Overcoming Obstacles using FEHU+JERA+SOWILO (40 reps each) but I already know this is gonna be too much for me but I am getting literally desperate in order to help find a job or provide some level of wealth to my life.

I know I am definitely having a sook about this but this is just to say how playing video games or staying inside all the time everyday is so easy yet is almost impossible to get out of. Especially when you hang out with the wrong group of friends throughout ones life which can further cause problems

Anyway I apologize for the long whining reply but this speaks volumes of how terrible it can be if you just sit in your room playing video games all day or doing anything except trying to better your life and it's hitting me hard now.


As Henu said, definitely do more balancing activities, like Hatha yoga and alternate nose pranayama. Regarding find a job, this does not always require a full working like this. You can use God rituals to help you here, especially if you have trouble with sustained amounts of energy.

Regarding video games, I would suggest putting a software blocker on your devices, or do something like remove the power cord and place it somewhere inconvenient. Remember that your brain will adapt and the boredom will go away, leaving motivation to do new things, like work on a job. This can provide for a lot of "free" motivation and time that is otherwise lost on games.
As Henu said, definitely do more balancing activities, like Hatha yoga and alternate nose pranayama. Regarding find a job, this does not always require a full working like this. You can use God rituals to help you here, especially if you have trouble with sustained amounts of energy.

Regarding video games, I would suggest putting a software blocker on your devices, or do something like remove the power cord and place it somewhere inconvenient. Remember that your brain will adapt and the boredom will go away, leaving motivation to do new things, like work on a job. This can provide for a lot of "free" motivation and time that is otherwise lost on games.
Yes I was able to finally do Hatha Yoga last night and I'm trying to do alternate nose pranayama as much as I can. I definitely have to get around to doing the Chakra opening Meditations again but I am unsure if that would solve the problem I'm having or make it worse since whenever I do breathing exercises or mostly KY my upper chakras such as sixth and crown feel like they're pulsing(?) and I always have a headache from it.

Should I do more breathing exercises, how many can or should I do a day and how should I space them out? I do Breath of Fire (3-5 rounds of 20 breaths) 8 rounds of Yogic Breathing and 5 rounds of Alternate Nostril breathing. But what about lunar breath, sithali breath, Sitkari etc I've read that lunar breath should be done at night time but I am unsure about the others or if I should do as many breathing exercises as I can without burning or overloading myself

Also is it perfectly fine to vibrate Surya, Raum or any cleaning mantra into my aura before I focus on mantras into the chakras?

There is an adage that is known and goes like this: "You cannot teach an old dog new tricks."

The above has to do with the fact that as we human beings change, many of our ways become "set". That's true for most people out there especially. These ways are set in our minds, emotions, lifestyles and habits. Of course, the more we grow up and the more we stagnate, the more we tend to become also stuck on certain routines for better or for worse. These routines and repetitive things we do, tend to decide our fate and where our life goes or doesn't go.

Observe the above in outsiders and people who do not change anything in their life, and you will see what I mean. Resistence to change is one thing; resistance to development is another.

Aristotle knew this and put the matter really simply: Everything you will do or will not do, is largely a subject of the proper habits. It's about what you do and what you do long enough to reap any form of benefit from it. If you will become a highly virtuous or successful person, is entirely related to your habits. If you will fail at everything in life, deep down, it still goes back to your habits.

Habits, or the things you do everyday, are actually forming what we refer to ask Karma. Karma is the law of consequence based on previous decisions and actions, like cause and effect, but on a far larger scale. But fundamentally this is what it is. There are levels of karma we can control, and levels that we cannot control.

In some levels in life, one might have "Good Karma", for example, their parents, due to [oftentimes unconscious] good mating decisions, or good fortune, might have good health. That is a tendency to good karma. This habit of existence can be maintained if one does what is good for themselves or their health, or it can vanish if one does not do what they should do in order to maintain this. Start doing all the wrong things in the world for your health, then before you know it, any "good karma" here will start shedding itself bit by bit.

A well sculpted body, falls also on this category. No matter who you are, you can have a great body if you exercise. Your older years will have less pain, because you exercised.

Similarly, in spirituality, you will be a better state of being and mentality, if you just work on these instead of doing nothing. As harm or pressure from life accumulates, you will have way less or none if you habituate yourself in the gifts of this path. If not, suffering awaits. Many older people only keep getting older, more stagnant and suffering.

The Spiritual Satanist path is literally shaped to be the opposite. As you grow, while others wait for their death or the eventuality of some delusion that will "save them", you are indeed moving through your habits [studying, better life, meditation, improving your life] into a better trajectory, that can just keep getting better. While our habits cannot always control what we are hit from by life, our habits can help us iron ourselves and give us a semblance of strong balance, that keeps us afloat no matter what. Calamity, disaster and anything might hit, but when habits and self mastery are strong, one has the power to move on.

Humans construct their own living torments and "hells" because of many misdirected habits. If you sit playing video games all day in denial of existence, all these things you are not improving at, are going to come back to you to bite you hard: Loneliness, isolation, lack of partner, bad health, denial of existence, being oblivious life, old age, lack of attainment - these things are coming.

These things are not coming because you play video games necessarily, because if you did this in good measure, it would be good for you; but in the example of over-reaching damning behaviors like addiction, these will make sure you receive a form of "punishment" later on. This "punishment" one can try to "postpone" or avoid, but it will always be there.

Going back to habits, the reconstruction of your negative habits that don't take you to where your heart and dreams want you to be, is the key to go forward. You won't become a God if you don't meditate or don't try to live your existence and life. The only way forward is through repetitive doing, daily doing, until you are there.

Lastly, the great crown for those who have good habits, is that you will attain effortlessness when it comes to attaining certain things. Things that are good and "painful" will actually give you a pleasure that only athletes and other people who really struggle and force themselves to a higher limit in any category of life will really understand.

The reason why there such stern focus on getting children to exercise in the Ancient world, especially up until ages of teenagehood, is because it makes you form the notion of habit in your mind. If you are an athlete and you know the painstaking 20 years it can take to reach mastery on your sport, you will understand me instantly when I say anything.

If you grew up never having to form yourself in this manner, you think that everything happens without any toil and one always seeks the easy way out, which is inconsistent with great attainments especially in material or high spiritual subjects. Toil looks foreign, and therefore one is with-held from proper success.

It didn't take me any amount of stress or pressure to write this message here, it was done flawlessly and with a lot of love. But years ago when I started saying just about anything, it was not easy to do. Still there are days where it's really hard but I have learned to enjoy the process. Habituation here worked itself. When one manages these habits, then these habits also change YOU and what YOU enjoy and what you do "not enjoy".

Therefore, if you aren't enjoying your purpose in Spiritual Satanism or the gym or anything positive like meditation in your life, or in your life in general, or you feel "resistance", it's simply due to lack of proper habituation. When you do this, the "resistance" will disappear and eventually become a propelling force, getting you upward so you can unfold your potential.

Yes, old "dogs", no matter who they are, can learn new tricks. The question is up to the individual's will to actually discover a better existence and potential for themselves, or to not do this. The choice is yours in the end of the day.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
The wonderful post (y)

Good habits are very important when a child grows up and becomes an adult, he must cultivate new habits, only good ones, for example, habits that are related to work, personal life.
Yes I was able to finally do Hatha Yoga last night and I'm trying to do alternate nose pranayama as much as I can. I definitely have to get around to doing the Chakra opening Meditations again but I am unsure if that would solve the problem I'm having or make it worse since whenever I do breathing exercises or mostly KY my upper chakras such as sixth and crown feel like they're pulsing(?) and I always have a headache from it.

Should I do more breathing exercises, how many can or should I do a day and how should I space them out? I do Breath of Fire (3-5 rounds of 20 breaths) 8 rounds of Yogic Breathing and 5 rounds of Alternate Nostril breathing. But what about lunar breath, sithali breath, Sitkari etc I've read that lunar breath should be done at night time but I am unsure about the others or if I should do as many breathing exercises as I can without burning or overloading myself

Also is it perfectly fine to vibrate Surya, Raum or any cleaning mantra into my aura before I focus on mantras into the chakras?


Have you done the chakra openings for all your chakras at some point in the past? If you had, and if you are feeling lots of activity in the upper ones, then I think they are already activated. I would be more concerned about the lower ones, including also the heart chakra, if there is a lack of balance here.

I would not do every single pranayama just because you can. The lunar breathing could stimulate your 6th chakra even further, for example. The breath of fire is good for health reason, but not if is also giving you the same problems. You should focus more on balancing activities, like hatha yoga or alternate nose breathing. Yogic Breathing should be fine. You can do more sessions of alternate nose breathing, rather than jumping to a different exercise, for example.

Yes, you can vibrate cleaning mantras into the aura before redirecting the energy elsewhere. Do you mean you only want to clean the aura and avoid the chakras? I would try to clean more, provided you are not exhausting yourself and raise energy before or after, as cleaning will support better outcomes both in life and regarding the energy dynamics of your soul.
Have you done the chakra openings for all your chakras at some point in the past? If you had, and if you are feeling lots of activity in the upper ones, then I think they are already activated. I would be more concerned about the lower ones, including also the heart chakra, if there is a lack of balance here.

I would not do every single pranayama just because you can. The lunar breathing could stimulate your 6th chakra even further, for example. The breath of fire is good for health reason, but not if is also giving you the same problems. You should focus more on balancing activities, like hatha yoga or alternate nose breathing. Yogic Breathing should be fine. You can do more sessions of alternate nose breathing, rather than jumping to a different exercise, for example.

Yes, you can vibrate cleaning mantras into the aura before redirecting the energy elsewhere. Do you mean you only want to clean the aura and avoid the chakras? I would try to clean more, provided you are not exhausting yourself and raise energy before or after, as cleaning will support better outcomes both in life and regarding the energy dynamics of your soul.
Yes I have, but it was a while since I had done any kind of meditation such as the chakra opening exercises we are talking about a few months, I am not sure I did have it all written in my notepad regarding the dates. So should I still eventually proceed with the Opening Chakras Meditations but only start from Throat/Heart then work my way down to base?

I've had to stop the Breath of Fire breathing exercise and Kundalini Yoga called Surya Kriya which I found online a while ago as a substitute for Basic Spinal Series and I've noticed my upper chakras (Sixth and Crown) are stimulated whenever I would do the EZ Chakra Spin and BoP and KY I mentioned stimulate those areas even more. My throat chakra I feel no stimulation when I do it. I can definitely add more rounds into Alternate Nostril Breathing I've been on 5 rounds for quite a while so it definitely won't hurt to do add a 1 or 2 more rounds.

Yes I would like to direct a mantra towards the aura with something of a broad affirmation that would clean both my aura and chakras at least until my body adapts to the stimulation of energy and I don't get the headaches anymore before I can start vibrating mantras such as SURYA or RAUM into my chakras

You wrote: Like.. you can't change your habits if you currently do not have the capacity (in any way, shape or form) to do so.

To benefit the general readership here I shared knowledge including practical means to this end as your post was grasping at straws about this subject.
Fair enough.
As someone who has been practicing sports since childhood and continues to do so professionally, I know what pain and effort really means.
It is easy to adapt to the changes as you get older and improve your progress because of past experience, but if you pause your progress a few times and isolate yourself from a few things, everything will be more difficult than before. Sports and mental development are fundamentally similar.
I absolutely agree, thanks for sharing HPHC

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
