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Guide to Telekinesis


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2017
Every once in a while I read on the forums people asking advice about Telekinesis and how to get better at it. I've been practicing Telekinesis for several months now, i wrote this post on the Italian forum some months ago. Hope this helps.

I start with an introduction on the subject.

Telekinesis is a skill present in every human. You don't have to be particularly gifted from birth to get it, and it's not a skill reserved for a select few. With the right training, and with consistency, anyone can develop it. It takes energy, focus, and the ability to maintain a light trance with your eyes open, so in order to successfully advance in Telekinesis you need to meditate daily.

In the section of Satanic Magic Telekinesis is placed in the "advanced" section, but personally I believe that even the intermediate Satanists can practice it safely, and be successful.
Some may think that training in Telekinesis without being very advanced is a waste of time, but they are completely wrong! Practicing Telekinesis on a daily basis will improve every fundamental skill useful in Magic, and a lot! Training in Telekinesis improves the ability to concentrate, the ability to direct energy and the ability to maintain the trance with open eyes. These abilities are the basis for many other powers! Virtually almost all of them.

Another huge benefit of practicing Telekinesis successfully is the tremendous increase in confidence in one's powers, which is fundamental in any magical operation. You will have concrete proof that your energy is real and powerful. This gives a great sense of satisfaction and confidence! It can help skeptics a lot, those who are not very convinced of the reality of the occult. Once the object moves, there will be no more room for doubts and insecurities.

Now, as far as the psychological aspect is concerned, it is very important. Having the right mindset and the right approach will make all the difference. Whoever underestimates this aspect is destined to fail, whoever takes it with the right seriousness is destined to be successful.
We must first understand this important concept: Telekinesis is a skill. Each skill takes time to acquire, and gradually improves. You have to accept the fact that as in any other skill the first few times you are not good at all, but if you persist, success is inevitable. Telekinesis isn't something you either have or don't have, it's something that requires daily training. Never give up.

As I have said many times this planet is on low frequencies, which will try to stop you every time you try to progress spiritually, in any area. This powerful enemy must be recognized. Thoughts such as "it's all useless, better let it go", "I'm not capable anyway" etc, will enter your mind, with the intent of stopping you, because they know that once you get to a certain point, it will be impossible for them to stop you. The enemy wants you to underestimate all of this, to think it's just a fantasy, but with this mechanism they are able to stop A LOT of people, and prevent them from getting these powers. I repeat endlessly that we must never give up. If you follow this advice, you will get Telekinesis without a doubt!

No matter how strong your mind and Aura may be, it doesn't mean that you will be able to move an object the first session. The potential is there, of course, but I repeat that Telekinesis is a skill, and most likely you will not be able to move anything in the first few weeks, even if you are advanced. A mistake that you absolutely must not make is to think that the sessions in which you have not been able to move anything were useless. Very wrong! You have trained the "telekinetic muscle" regardless, and by the next session you will be more capable. Never get discouraged.

Finally, as regards the psychological aspect, I want to talk about self-confidence. You have to have faith in your abilities, you have to believe that you can succeed. Just like in any other magical operation, here as well you must have faith in your success, otherwise you will be hindering yourself.

Now, lastly, how to train properly. The type of energy used to move objects in Telekinesis is not physical, but spiritual. Like any other spiritual skill, Telekinesis is ruled by the right side of the brain. So pulling your muscles, being tense, being nervous and frustrated is completely wrong. As I said, you have to be in a light trance. The muscles must be relaxed (even those of the face), the mind must be empty, and the energy is directed.

The mistake many make is to get nervous when the object is not moving, so they lose the trance and relaxation of the body. Or when the object starts to move they get very excited, and again, they lose the trance and the necessary mental state. The mental state must remain the same regardless, throughout the session.

Connect your Aura to that of the object. This is very important. Moving an object with which we have connected our Aura is much easier. There are many ways to connect our Aura to the object. This can be done simply by touching it, visualizing our Aura connecting with the Aura of the object and also with the Fusion of Consciousness. This exercise is also present on JoS, practically it is about merging with the object, imagining as vividly as possible to be the object itself. Connecting your Aura to that of the object even for a few seconds while practicing is very useful. You can also do a few separate sessions, where you simply focus on connecting your Aura to the Aura of the object.

Personal experience: I use the JoS exercise to train. I hang a pencil and push it, or draw it to me, using the energy of my fingers. I have noticed that it works much better for me this way rather than directing energy from the palms. Pushing the object seems simpler than attracting it, again from experience, so to start I just recommend pushing it.

The first few times the pencil did not move at all, but over time I have improved more and more, and now I can move it with much more decision and speed, I still have a lot of work to do, and I think I will never stop training, because room for improvement is huge. As you progress move further away from the object and use increasingly heavier objects.

*Note: I wrote this post some months ago, since then i never stopped training, and i got much better, i have more control on the object and i can move it with much more speed. Telekinesis like any other skill is about consistent practice, there is no big secret or shortcut.
How much time did it take for you to move the object? I know it's probably different for everyone but having a goal in mind can help. I thought about adding telekinesis training to my routine, this is a combo of exercises like energy trining and void meditation.
Interesting, do you have experience with pyrokinesis?
luis said:
How much time did it take for you to move the object? I know it's probably different for everyone but having a goal in mind can help. I thought about adding telekinesis training to my routine, this is a combo of exercises like energy trining and void meditation.
Two or three weeks. However, Telekinesis in my opinion should be included in your program like every other meditation/exercise. Not with a goal of moving the object in the first month, and then if you fail, you quit.

You should simply practice daily regardless, knowing that as long as you don't quit you'll get there. Like I said before, this kind of training improves your concentration skills, your ability to direct energy and your ability to keep the trance with open eyes, so it's not a waste of time in any way.

Sunny said:
Interesting, do you have experience with pyrokinesis?
I don't.
Henu the Great said:
WiseDragon said:
Telekinesis in my opinion should be included in your program like every other meditation/exercise.
No, we are individuals and as such we have individual goals. There are many more skills to choose from.
You didn't even understand my point. I was saying that once you start training it you should approach it like every other meditation and don't put a time limitation on it.
Henu the Great said:
WiseDragon said:
Telekinesis in my opinion should be included in your program like every other meditation/exercise.
No, we are individuals and as such we have individual goals. There are many more skills to choose from.
I understand what he is saying here. When you are trining for telekinesis you are training for void meditation and energy control at a high level so its definitely a good thing to add to your routine since those are things you should train anyway.
Henu the Great said:
WiseDragon said:
Telekinesis in my opinion should be included in your program like every other meditation/exercise.
No, we are individuals and as such we have individual goals. There are many more skills to choose from.

In my opinion, Telekinesis is a phenomenon/meditation that once mastered, in many ways you are no further ahead. You can't show it to people, and heavier objects (table, chair) are almost impossible to move in my opinion. I try Telekinesis every day, although it's not part of my meditation routine, I find it interesting.

I've got to the point where I can move a curtain or a plant leaf a tiny bit from a distance, but I haven't got any further than that. Same with Levitation - I really like this ability, although it has no real use other than being able to either lift your body or levitate it.

These exercises require great determination and upward effort, and not everyone will succeed. I'm of the opinion that after I've developed my own spirit and increased my strength, I may engage in these exercises more seriously, but until then the chances of success are closer to zero than success.
luis said:
I understand what he is saying here. When you are trining for telekinesis you are training for void meditation and energy control at a high level so its definitely a good thing to add to your routine since those are things you should train anyway.
Training for kinetic control is specialization as are other similar venues. One can choose to be jack of all trades (and master of none) or master of one. As you say, there are overlaps, but this does not mean that telekinesis is anything special or above others.

BrightSpace666 said:
In my opinion, Telekinesis is a phenomenon/meditation that once mastered, in many ways you are no further ahead. You can't show it to people, and heavier objects (table, chair) are almost impossible to move in my opinion. I try Telekinesis every day, although it's not part of my meditation routine, I find it interesting.

I've got to the point where I can move a curtain or a plant leaf a tiny bit from a distance, but I haven't got any further than that. Same with Levitation - I really like this ability, although it has no real use other than being able to either lift your body or levitate it.

These exercises require great determination and upward effort, and not everyone will succeed. I'm of the opinion that after I've developed my own spirit and increased my strength, I may engage in these exercises more seriously, but until then the chances of success are closer to zero than success.
With any skill, the beginning stages are not very seemingly useful nor powerful, but all of these are eventually something to use for something useful.
Henu the Great said:
luis said:
I understand what he is saying here. When you are trining for telekinesis you are training for void meditation and energy control at a high level so its definitely a good thing to add to your routine since those are things you should train anyway.
Training for kinetic control is specialization as are other similar venues. One can choose to be jack of all trades (and master of none) or master of one. As you say, there are overlaps, but this does not mean that telekinesis is anything special or above others.

BrightSpace666 said:
In my opinion, Telekinesis is a phenomenon/meditation that once mastered, in many ways you are no further ahead. You can't show it to people, and heavier objects (table, chair) are almost impossible to move in my opinion. I try Telekinesis every day, although it's not part of my meditation routine, I find it interesting.

I've got to the point where I can move a curtain or a plant leaf a tiny bit from a distance, but I haven't got any further than that. Same with Levitation - I really like this ability, although it has no real use other than being able to either lift your body or levitate it.

These exercises require great determination and upward effort, and not everyone will succeed. I'm of the opinion that after I've developed my own spirit and increased my strength, I may engage in these exercises more seriously, but until then the chances of success are closer to zero than success.
With any skill, the beginning stages are not very seemingly useful nor powerful, but all of these are eventually something to use for something useful.
I do think it needs to be trained. Would you imagine any God not being able to do it? A "side effects" of being able to control your thoughts and being able to control energy would be telekinesis. So they are all connected in my opinion.
luis said:
I do think it needs to be trained. Would you imagine any God not being able to do it? A "side effects" of being able to control your thoughts and being able to control energy would be telekinesis. So they are all connected in my opinion.
Eventually yes, as everyone will have some baseline skill of all skills. Thing is, those who prefer another path of specialization will train something else as their primary skill.

Just to be clear, I did not say not to train this. I am saying that we are individuals and our paths differ.
Unless there's no prospect of being able to throw building around with telekinesis than that's kinda useless. Killing people by the means of astral projection is better i think.
BrightSpace666 said:
although it has no real use other than being able to either lift your body or levitate it.
Sort of what I mean when I say there are cool abilities which can be learnt and performed, and important abilities which can be learnt and performed. If one wants to be lazy, then they could not get up to do things which they would have to get up to do previously. Carrying a heavy new fridge/freezer up flights of stairs for an old granny might be a useful!

Henu the Great said:
One can choose to be jack of all trades (and master of none) or master of one.
I would say that that is a jew limitation put upon Humans, to keep us down. If we can live forever, then we can be master of all (required and interesting) trades. I realise what (I think) you mean - that each individual leans more towards one or a few things and focusses upon them, instead of engaging in all things. e.g. some Gods and Goddesses prefer plants, while others prefer answering questions while others bestow sexual performance while others help find lost items, etc.; all Gods and Goddesses could do all of these things, but choose which They prefer, which are more important to them, I presume. (I had a tiny amount of time being... not troubled by this, but sort of wondering why a list of Gods and Goddesses specified which of Them did what, until I realised surely it must be what They prefer and what is most important to Them; I seriously doubt a God or Goddess who prefers to help find lost items could not also bestow sexual performance or answer questions or use herbs to do Magick with, etc.)
Henu the Great said:
luis said:
I do think it needs to be trained. Would you imagine any God not being able to do it? A "side effects" of being able to control your thoughts and being able to control energy would be telekinesis. So they are all connected in my opinion.
Eventually yes, as everyone will have some baseline skill of all skills. Thing is, those who prefer another path of specialization will train something else as their primary skill.

Just to be clear, I did not say not to train this. I am saying that we are individuals and our paths differ.
Ok I understand now.
I believe that practicing telekinesis and getting stronger you can move heavy objects with time we have no limits if the website says that
Every once in a while I read on the forums people asking advice about Telekinesis and how to get better at it. I've been practicing Telekinesis for several months now, i wrote this post on the Italian forum some months ago. Hope this helps.

I start with an introduction on the subject.

Telekinesis is a skill present in every human. You don't have to be particularly gifted from birth to get it, and it's not a skill reserved for a select few. With the right training, and with consistency, anyone can develop it. It takes energy, focus, and the ability to maintain a light trance with your eyes open, so in order to successfully advance in Telekinesis you need to meditate daily.

In the section of Satanic Magic Telekinesis is placed in the "advanced" section, but personally I believe that even the intermediate Satanists can practice it safely, and be successful.
Some may think that training in Telekinesis without being very advanced is a waste of time, but they are completely wrong! Practicing Telekinesis on a daily basis will improve every fundamental skill useful in Magic, and a lot! Training in Telekinesis improves the ability to concentrate, the ability to direct energy and the ability to maintain the trance with open eyes. These abilities are the basis for many other powers! Virtually almost all of them.

Another huge benefit of practicing Telekinesis successfully is the tremendous increase in confidence in one's powers, which is fundamental in any magical operation. You will have concrete proof that your energy is real and powerful. This gives a great sense of satisfaction and confidence! It can help skeptics a lot, those who are not very convinced of the reality of the occult. Once the object moves, there will be no more room for doubts and insecurities.

Now, as far as the psychological aspect is concerned, it is very important. Having the right mindset and the right approach will make all the difference. Whoever underestimates this aspect is destined to fail, whoever takes it with the right seriousness is destined to be successful.
We must first understand this important concept: Telekinesis is a skill. Each skill takes time to acquire, and gradually improves. You have to accept the fact that as in any other skill the first few times you are not good at all, but if you persist, success is inevitable. Telekinesis isn't something you either have or don't have, it's something that requires daily training. Never give up.

As I have said many times this planet is on low frequencies, which will try to stop you every time you try to progress spiritually, in any area. This powerful enemy must be recognized. Thoughts such as "it's all useless, better let it go", "I'm not capable anyway" etc, will enter your mind, with the intent of stopping you, because they know that once you get to a certain point, it will be impossible for them to stop you. The enemy wants you to underestimate all of this, to think it's just a fantasy, but with this mechanism they are able to stop A LOT of people, and prevent them from getting these powers. I repeat endlessly that we must never give up. If you follow this advice, you will get Telekinesis without a doubt!

No matter how strong your mind and Aura may be, it doesn't mean that you will be able to move an object the first session. The potential is there, of course, but I repeat that Telekinesis is a skill, and most likely you will not be able to move anything in the first few weeks, even if you are advanced. A mistake that you absolutely must not make is to think that the sessions in which you have not been able to move anything were useless. Very wrong! You have trained the "telekinetic muscle" regardless, and by the next session you will be more capable. Never get discouraged.

Finally, as regards the psychological aspect, I want to talk about self-confidence. You have to have faith in your abilities, you have to believe that you can succeed. Just like in any other magical operation, here as well you must have faith in your success, otherwise you will be hindering yourself.

Now, lastly, how to train properly. The type of energy used to move objects in Telekinesis is not physical, but spiritual. Like any other spiritual skill, Telekinesis is ruled by the right side of the brain. So pulling your muscles, being tense, being nervous and frustrated is completely wrong. As I said, you have to be in a light trance. The muscles must be relaxed (even those of the face), the mind must be empty, and the energy is directed.

The mistake many make is to get nervous when the object is not moving, so they lose the trance and relaxation of the body. Or when the object starts to move they get very excited, and again, they lose the trance and the necessary mental state. The mental state must remain the same regardless, throughout the session.

Connect your Aura to that of the object. This is very important. Moving an object with which we have connected our Aura is much easier. There are many ways to connect our Aura to the object. This can be done simply by touching it, visualizing our Aura connecting with the Aura of the object and also with the Fusion of Consciousness. This exercise is also present on JoS, practically it is about merging with the object, imagining as vividly as possible to be the object itself. Connecting your Aura to that of the object even for a few seconds while practicing is very useful. You can also do a few separate sessions, where you simply focus on connecting your Aura to the Aura of the object.

Personal experience: I use the JoS exercise to train. I hang a pencil and push it, or draw it to me, using the energy of my fingers. I have noticed that it works much better for me this way rather than directing energy from the palms. Pushing the object seems simpler than attracting it, again from experience, so to start I just recommend pushing it.

The first few times the pencil did not move at all, but over time I have improved more and more, and now I can move it with much more decision and speed, I still have a lot of work to do, and I think I will never stop training, because room for improvement is huge. As you progress move further away from the object and use increasingly heavier objects.

*Note: I wrote this post some months ago, since then i never stopped training, and i got much better, i have more control on the object and i can move it with much more speed. Telekinesis like any other skill is about consistent practice, there is no big secret or shortcut.
How long do you practice this skill a day
How long do you practice this skill a day
10 minutes is okay to start, but as you go on you can increase it to 20-30 minutes. The quality of the training is what truly makes the difference, the intensity of your focus. Few things trained my focus and will like telekinesis, it can get so boring at times, but thanks to this boredom and the numerous challenges that this training presents, I learned so many things about void meditation, trance and trance with your eyes open, breath, directing energy, how to really develop the proper mental state to use in all types of Magick in general for the best results. And I gained sooo much patience.

I see people often looking down on this type of training, labeling it as a silly waste of time and so on, but it taught me so much about Meditation and Magick that I can write a whole book about it.
Theres this guy on youtube called Telekinesis Guru, also his channel name. I believe he is legit, but I sadly also believe the enemy got to him. He is good at pyrokinesis and telekinesis, but apparently burned his face accidentally while practicing pyrokinesis, which if true, I believe was an interference from the enemy.

His last videos were from some problems in his life that were negatively impacting him, and he hasnt posted sonce... i hope he is doing fine... its people like these that need to find JoS the most.. its exactly like HPS Maxine said...
10 minutes is okay to start, but as you go on you can increase it to 20-30 minutes. The quality of the training is what truly makes the difference, the intensity of your focus. Few things trained my focus and will like telekinesis, it can get so boring at times, but thanks to this boredom and the numerous challenges that this training presents, I learned so many things about void meditation, trance and trance with your eyes open, breath, directing energy, how to really develop the proper mental state to use in all types of Magick in general for the best results. And I gained sooo much patience.

I see people often looking down on this type of training, labeling it as a silly waste of time and so on, but it taught me so much about Meditation and Magick that I can write a whole book about it.
Thank you and did you master the beginning section before trying or did it all together
Thank you and did you master the beginning section before trying or did it all together
I started training many years after my dedication. In the beginning you have to put your focus on building yourself, working on the basics, cleaning, visualization, void meditation, trance and so on. In the post I said even if you are intermediate level you can begin in my opinion, but the more advanced you are the better it is, because you're going to see faster results and it's going to be easier to stay motivated.

Also, if you are short on time my advice would be to give priority to other things. Like let's say you can dedicate only 40 minutes a day to your practices, you should spend all those 40 minutes cleaning, doing AoP, doing Yoga, visualizing etc.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
