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Group & Teamwork First: How The Gods Work With Us

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
When one works for the Gods on a highest level, they are graced and it’s important to know how to use this time not only for succeeding in the given mission one has for them, but also to extend their own life and advancement faster.

People who do not do any work for the Gods or don’t have any serious topic or aim for the JoS or humanity, I have found, are almost always delusional about where they stand with the Gods. When one that does nothing issues any statements like this, they are almost never where they assume they are. They are living it solo in their mind.

I have verified this case after knowing it for years from any Ancient text I have read. The Gods put people on a trajectory of social growth and a mission or a task, and that is a key to develop them as individuals as well. Groups of people who do these things, are furthered both as a group and as individuals, in a far better way.

When you have this privilege (many do not understand its value and therefore do not partake in social affairs, or Spiritual Satanism as a whole), it can also be used to get priority when it comes to your personal growth. Ie, yes, the Gods will answer you about work related to topics to help you extend your mission and grow from it. But you also get a privilege of being first in line when it comes to receiving help, guidance or empowerment to proceed with your personal goals or personal development.

Focusing only on your individual self, is a very basic level for beginners. This is where you need to build up yourself from ruins of ignorance, there you must develop a strong sense of individual self. But even this process is widely accelerated when you partake in the community. Things you wouldn't find in 10 years time "alone", the community and others can accelerate you forward in finding out faster.

Yes, the Gods also help others who are on a loner path too, but for example, helping you have better health or a better organization of your time, is not the same importance as a general other person who is literally living is solo.

Hyper individualism is just delusion and death. Balanced individualism and a unity, is the way of life. One’s existence however good it might be, does not interact in anyway to make the existence of others or the common good better. Making your best version of yourself is one thing, but if it only benefits you alone, then it's only a task that matters to you.

It’s not that useful if you look at it from an alien standpoint. The reason of the investment only feeds a cancerous “ego” and nothing else. No net gain for anyone and anything else. If you look at the current Western Civilization, it promotes this topic all the time, "hyper-individualism". The results are broken societies, depressed people, even those who embark in this so called "Individualist Journey". It does not lead anyone far, nor the person practicing that in the majority of cases.

If a whole body and all it's cells are doing better, guided by better cells to restore their health, then the body grows, and there is a cycle of growth. But if an isolated cell somewhere in a body is doing "very well", that does not help the body and it eventually dies, and this cell will die also despite of how it perceives the subject.

Cases where "individual cells" also do not show growth but rather show death and detriment circumstances, do amount to a disease that is known as cancer. Beings who only care to improve "themselves" and nobody else, oftentimes have no idea what this "improvement" is about, and tend in 9 out of 10 cases to not even really improve, but improve at the "expense of" something else.

That “excessive ego” empowerment, is very much likely to work on the detriment of others, too. So the Gods put humans in social affairs to grow them both exponentially, but also to prolong the species and the important groups they exist into. That’s where the real full persona of a person can come out, to assist other beings and get assisted in return.

If you want maximum power of self, true individuality, and to experience a VIP status in front of the Gods, you must participate in tasks that require teamwork with others, such as projects from the JoS, giving donations, and essentially being part of the constructive vortex of this striving to communal development. This is where your own power will multiply, and that will also benefit others to have their own power multiplied, in an ever-going cycle of creative process.

If you also envision yourself as a being that will sit among the Gods one day, it's important for you to start considering their outlook of things, rather than your sole own. In this case, the point I explain comes again to be verified by this case: You must walk out of your own "self" a bit, to grow up a better self.

Very normal is the case that the Gods will help people who help others. That is a net gain for everyone else. The above is very obvious in the case that improving your case in anyway, also improves the general goals of our midst or the people affected by your own growth. It’s no wonder that this priority is the case, the people who get more responsibility, get more in front of that line, because them being better = the group succeeds better = everyone gets more help from these people = people grow and then this growth flows back in the group itself, helping more people in a never-ending cycle.

The hyper-individualist, "lone wolf" and the self deluded "individualist", is not flowing any of the creative energy invested into them into nobody else. The energy dies with them. Therefore, it does not procure a cycle of growth.

A Golden Age will do for individuals and every ego out there more than anything any “ego” can do for themselves. Social work is a grand accelerator, and the Gods want to teach us to be social beings, not isolated “egos” that are unable to function or operate. The ego-pathological isolation of the self where one does not lift a finger for nobody else, is not a very power or health or happiness prolonging state.

The Gods work as units in a unity, not only as individuals on a lone hunter game. One helps the other, and they are all working in chains and in commands and in teams. They help Satan and in turn Satan helps them all. They have a formal hierarchy for this process, where it's filled with leaders, powerful entities and extremely powerful selves, that all work in a formal unity of organization, not as "lone actors". Then all of them partake their portion according to their grown ego, which is constantly accelerated by the rest of their existence as a unified whole.

These "free for all" games exist only in television and nowhere else in the higher universe. The "free for all" person wouldn't last more than a week in the wilderness. The state of being able to live solely on your own is a temporary state and you never truly exist "only on your own".

"Only on your own" when there are militaries, supermarkets, hospitals and nursing homes (run by others) is also a delusion. "On your own" when you are reading the work of others, benefit from this, or when you inquire the Gods, or when a disease leads you to the hospital, is also another case of perpetual self delusion that does not exist - you are not on your own, you are pretending you are.

As a member of Spiritual Satanism you have your rights to yourself, privacy, loneliness if you want even, individuality at any point you consider, but you also are part of a larger family, and that is a good thing! Why not make use of this ability to prolong your existence and all your gifts, whilst also gaining favor from the Gods for this?

Some people also sometimes tell me things like "I am alone" in this and so on. You are NOT alone in this, we are NEVER alone! If you are doing things to back others up, the others will also have your back.

Spiritual Satanism will make an exceptional individual out of you, and you can see this in comparison to outsiders as well. This exceptionalism has to be brought to ally itself with our common objectives. Then this exceptionalism will multiply itself, while multiplying others.

So if you have any issues that need solving, do not hesitate to contact them and if you work for them and their purposes, that will help you immeasurably in getting more help. That help you receive improves YOU, and then YOU improve other people, who in turn improve others, in a cycle. Go to them and as you grow everything you grow too, they will help you. Those who do more always get more in return in this.

The incentive here is to grow you and grow everyone around you, at the same time. Just do it and also go to them to help you if you ever need it.

A literally infinite never cycle of growth and expansion, eternal life and advancement, is the ideal of Spiritual Satanism.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
My heart is overflowing with love as I read this 😭. It may be cliché, but I don't care.

I want to embody the teaching and the gift of the Gods, to be living proof of their existence, their profusion, their kindness.

The only thing that matters to me is not to shame the Gods, and that helps me a lot to become a better person.

There are no words big enough to express my gratitude to the Gods and to JoS. So I try to do. Acts.

Great sermon!!
An infinite never-ending cycle of growth and expansion, eternal life and advancement, is the ideal of Spiritual Satanism.
Thank you HPHC 666,
Hail The JoS,
Hail Father Satan Forever!
A big problem for newer Satanists or even those here a long time is in considering those 'out there' as beneath oneself.

Obviously there are a lot of assholes, scumbags and lunatics in the world, but you can still learn from a lot of people. I help dyslexics and a lot of them have very intelligent minds with an amazing understanding of imagery, they can pick up on things that I didn't pay attention to. I have mastered the skill of being able to write words but that doesn't mean they cannot teach me anything.

Many times, I had to be humbled in assumptions. Hierarchy exists, but hierarchy does not mean someone higher can never learn from those on a lower tier. The higher you go mentally, sometimes, the more you forget of the basics of life.

Now, obviously, we shouldn't take this to extremes like those of the enemy do. Xians pretend they are 'enlightened' by braindead children with extreme genetic disorders who deserve to be kept alive more than their healthy children. The case with liberals is that some 'tribal elder' encouraging FGM or thug hittting a baby stroller with bullets apparently has a lot to teach us. Everything must be understood in a sane context.
I'm constantly improving, but I wish I could do more for the JoS. However society dictates responsibility for anything essential, such as other work, therefore limiting time to personal advancement.
This is one of the most beautiful sermons I’ve read! You’ve been cutting diamonds lately HP, blessed may you be!
Hail Satan! Hail HPHC!
I just learned something here. And a very important lesson as well.
I didn't think it was bad being the Lone Wolf at first. Feeling like I should have studied more or listened more. On both perspectives. We learn from our mistakes and I certainly did. And I took the time to make a few changes. Learning for myself what is right from wrong? No it's not always going to be good for me to be alone and I am actually very thankful that I have friends on here and that I can share things together as a community and a family. Nothing makes me feel more wanted and appreciated than being here!❤️🔥 and I am happy to admit that. And it is an honor for me to take the time to express this. ✨️ Feeling like a team working together makes things a lot easier. To learn to study and to want to study? To put forth the time and the effort to listen to those that are teaching and willing to teach and willing to help. And I too am willing to help and teach and to go as far as I can to show my worthiness to the Gods. And taking my time to improve myself as well in the process. Thank you for sharing this article Brother HP HoodedCobra666 ❤️🙏 This was deep, and it hit home with me on all levels. And I appreciate that! This was Powerful and Beautiful.
Thank you, High Priest, for your sermon. Your article reminded me of anarchism. Anarchism emphasizes an extreme individualism, even so extreme that it believes that the state and the collective restrict individual freedom. It's simply a cult. Just imagine how chaotic a civilization would become without a collective, a country, an order, and a cooperation. Anarchism places too much emphasis on extreme individualism and neglects collective solidarity. This is not helpful to society and human progress at all. Anarchism is a cult that truly divides human civilization.

I think new humans should know how to unite with each other, understand each other, and work as a team. Only in this way can human civilization usher in greater progress. Because humans are a big group.

I like a saying very much: If a genius thinks that he alone can control the development of the world and does not cooperate with others to make progress, then he is a fool.
Excellent sermon!
If you want maximum power of self, true individuality, and to experience a VIP status in front of the Gods, you must participate in tasks that require teamwork with others, such as projects from the JoS, giving donations, and essentially being part of the constructive vortex of this striving to communal development. This is where your own power will multiply, and that will also benefit others to have their own power multiplied, in an ever-going cycle of creative process.
None of the Gods are loners. They all have teams and work together. This is clearly evident everywhere.

I thought I was a loner myself for a while, after certain challenges in life. But I was reading the JoS, which was created by HPS Maxine, so therefore I was not alone. Then my GD at the time, Lord Set, advised me to join the yahoo groups.

And whenever I stopped participating as much (I never left the JoS, always kept up with group rituals and read sermons, I just wasn't really into online communications), the Gods kept encouraging me to participate more in the forums. And now I'm clergy. This did not happen by going solo or from just personal spiritual advancement, it happened in large part by teamwork on JoS projects (working with JG ThomasSs on the SS Calendar to start, then being involved in other projects), and helping others however I could.

And also by doing my own projects and writings... which in turn help other SS (current projects ongoing btw). The projects I do solo is ultimately for other members to help them, and I am so excited for that. That's what get's me out of bed with excitement in my day, the knowledge that I am working on things that will help other members :)

The Gods want us to work together. They created us like this, as it is how they are. Civilization, society, these are actually good things. People only think they are bad because of current problems in society and the failure of governments to take proper care of their true citizens.

Imagine a Satanic Society. Spend some time thinking on this. Let it hit home to you, how important it is to achieve a Satanic Society here on Earth. How will this happen? Not by going YOLO, but by working together to create something bigger than any of us as an individual.

Teamwork will lead to the advancement of Satan's Agenda here on Earth.

Teamwork will lead to Utopia here on Earth.

Teamwork will lead to advancement of every individual, with individuals helping each other advance more than was possible otherwise.
Beautiful ❤️
I never wanted to burden anybody with the things I carry. It's a test of my worth to overcome them alone. Win or lose, it will give me an answer to an old question.
Excellent sermon!

None of the Gods are loners. They all have teams and work together. This is clearly evident everywhere.

I thought I was a loner myself for a while, after certain challenges in life. But I was reading the JoS, which was created by HPS Maxine, so therefore I was not alone. Then my GD at the time, Lord Set, advised me to join the yahoo groups.

And whenever I stopped participating as much (I never left the JoS, always kept up with group rituals and read sermons, I just wasn't really into online communications), the Gods kept encouraging me to participate more in the forums. And now I'm clergy. This did not happen by going solo or from just personal spiritual advancement, it happened in large part by teamwork on JoS projects (working with JG ThomasSs on the SS Calendar to start, then being involved in other projects), and helping others however I could.

And also by doing my own projects and writings... which in turn help other SS (current projects ongoing btw). The projects I do solo is ultimately for other members to help them, and I am so excited for that. That's what get's me out of bed with excitement in my day, the knowledge that I am working on things that will help other members :)

The Gods want us to work together. They created us like this, as it is how they are. Civilization, society, these are actually good things. People only think they are bad because of current problems in society and the failure of governments to take proper care of their true citizens.

Imagine a Satanic Society. Spend some time thinking on this. Let it hit home to you, how important it is to achieve a Satanic Society here on Earth. How will this happen? Not by going YOLO, but by working together to create something bigger than any of us as an individual.

Teamwork will lead to the advancement of Satan's Agenda here on Earth.

Teamwork will lead to Utopia here on Earth.

Teamwork will lead to advancement of every individual, with individuals helping each other advance more than was possible otherwise.
You wrote it all very beautifully and I willingly believe you, but I believe that all this at home in your country will work, but not in ukraine to create something. I can not communicate with local natives, because I see the manifestation of indifference and often meanness. I just can not be around such people, I become very bad at heart, up to taking sedative pills, figuratively speaking((
It is imperative for us to impart our knowledge and skills to our communities, in order to fill specialized roles of what we individually excel in. The concept of giving before one can receive, is something that has helped me realize the importance of assisting others with our abilities, and in turn, we learn and receive from them.

For example, I am usually not the type of person to post, talk or share my thoughts at all unless I possess adequate knowledge and experience, or unless I feel like I really have to. Meaning, if I had continued to remain silent when JoS Translations required assistance for one of my spoken languages, the site for that language would likely not have been completed. And if I hadn't been inspired by that one thread by PowerOfJustice of giving and receiving, I would not have released the guide on how to draw (let alone at that level of depth), and experienced the opportunity to assist the community in my specialized field of expertise.

There is a particular sense of fulfilment upon discovering that one's knowledge has contributed to another person's growth. Knowing that part of what you've toiled for to gain and learn over many years, now comprises part of another individual's learning and knowledge. And that they, too, will inspire people down the line in their own way... it's like your knowledge eventually becomes a piece of everywhere and everyone it reaches.

So I do encourage one to share the knowledge that they can, in ways that assist in others' growth. Because one too will grow from this very act, themselves.
The enemy programs are full of hyper individualism. Feminists say all the time: "I don't need a man!", MGTOW say "I don't need a girlfriend, a woman", the acronym MGTOW means "men going their own way", movies are full of lone warriors and heroes... the very existence of movements like feminism, mgtow, lgbt, enemy programs like christianity, islam, what these do is to divide people and inflate egos of people involved, therefore we have a movement only for women, another for men, another for gays, and there is no movement who thinks about all of humanity together. What I'm saying here doesn't apply to races, which are the only things that need to go separate.

Sure, a woman, if she wants to do everything alone, she can make it. She can learn how to repair a car, go to work, etc... Anyone can attain complete independence... but why? Why not form sane societies instead? Why not getting help? Sometimes, asking for help is the most difficult, but the most useful, thing someone can do in their life. In a society that laughs at you for asking for help and therefore being "weak", it has become difficult to do it.
Plus, you never attain complete independence, because if you live in a city, or even in countryside, you would still need to go to buy groceries. Full, complete independence means you provide for your own house, clothes, electricity, food, sewage system, etc.

Once I read somewhere: "If you want to go fast in life, go alone. If you want to go far, go with others."
And I also read somewhere: "The purpose of life is to improve oneself and the Universe".

Once I watched a video about a woman who said she doesn't prepare any job meal for her husband, because "he is a grown ass man and he can do it alone". Yes, he can do it alone, he is grown up, but why? Where is love? Where is teamwork? Where is humanity? That woman is probably the same that says things like "chivalry is dead" or "men do not open up, they don't show emotions" or she even says the opposite "men who cry are weak".

These things happen when humanity puts material things above human value. Above humanity. With this, I'm not saying material things are not important, we need to be wealthy, but true happiness comes with humanity, with being human, with being in a sane social network (not social network like facebook or instagram, human social network!), happiness comes with loving someone, doing things not only for a simple personal gain, but when you see someone happy, your brother, sister, lover, or our community, our JoS! And if you are rich in material things, but you also put your family, country and our religion, then you won in life!

Now, imagine if High Priestess Maxine Dietrich, gods bless her, didn't want to share her knowledge, didn't start the Joy of Satan, but instead she headed on the top of a mountain, to play the love wolf, we wouldn't even be here, we would fight in WW3 for the jews.

Personally, i've been a loner my whole life, I participated to RTRs, but I didn't participate in topics our forums, but now I want to be more involved in our community.

Hail Satan!
So many excellent responses on this thread, everyone should read every single response on that thread.
When one works for the Gods on a highest level, they are graced and it’s important to know how to use this time not only for succeeding in the given mission one has for them, but also to extend their own life and advancement faster.

People who do not do any work for the Gods or don’t have any serious topic or aim for the JoS or humanity, I have found, are almost always delusional about where they stand with the Gods. When one that does nothing issues any statements like this, they are almost never where they assume they are. They are living it solo in their mind.

I have verified this case after knowing it for years from any Ancient text I have read. The Gods put people on a trajectory of social growth and a mission or a task, and that is a key to develop them as individuals as well. Groups of people who do these things, are furthered both as a group and as individuals, in a far better way.

When you have this privilege (many do not understand its value and therefore do not partake in social affairs, or Spiritual Satanism as a whole), it can also be used to get priority when it comes to your personal growth. Ie, yes, the Gods will answer you about work related to topics to help you extend your mission and grow from it. But you also get a privilege of being first in line when it comes to receiving help, guidance or empowerment to proceed with your personal goals or personal development.

Focusing only on your individual self, is a very basic level for beginners. This is where you need to build up yourself from ruins of ignorance, there you must develop a strong sense of individual self. But even this process is widely accelerated when you partake in the community. Things you wouldn't find in 10 years time "alone", the community and others can accelerate you forward in finding out faster.

Yes, the Gods also help others who are on a loner path too, but for example, helping you have better health or a better organization of your time, is not the same importance as a general other person who is literally living is solo.

Hyper individualism is just delusion and death. Balanced individualism and a unity, is the way of life. One’s existence however good it might be, does not interact in anyway to make the existence of others or the common good better. Making your best version of yourself is one thing, but if it only benefits you alone, then it's only a task that matters to you.

It’s not that useful if you look at it from an alien standpoint. The reason of the investment only feeds a cancerous “ego” and nothing else. No net gain for anyone and anything else. If you look at the current Western Civilization, it promotes this topic all the time, "hyper-individualism". The results are broken societies, depressed people, even those who embark in this so called "Individualist Journey". It does not lead anyone far, nor the person practicing that in the majority of cases.

If a whole body and all it's cells are doing better, guided by better cells to restore their health, then the body grows, and there is a cycle of growth. But if an isolated cell somewhere in a body is doing "very well", that does not help the body and it eventually dies, and this cell will die also despite of how it perceives the subject.

Cases where "individual cells" also do not show growth but rather show death and detriment circumstances, do amount to a disease that is known as cancer. Beings who only care to improve "themselves" and nobody else, oftentimes have no idea what this "improvement" is about, and tend in 9 out of 10 cases to not even really improve, but improve at the "expense of" something else.

That “excessive ego” empowerment, is very much likely to work on the detriment of others, too. So the Gods put humans in social affairs to grow them both exponentially, but also to prolong the species and the important groups they exist into. That’s where the real full persona of a person can come out, to assist other beings and get assisted in return.

If you want maximum power of self, true individuality, and to experience a VIP status in front of the Gods, you must participate in tasks that require teamwork with others, such as projects from the JoS, giving donations, and essentially being part of the constructive vortex of this striving to communal development. This is where your own power will multiply, and that will also benefit others to have their own power multiplied, in an ever-going cycle of creative process.

If you also envision yourself as a being that will sit among the Gods one day, it's important for you to start considering their outlook of things, rather than your sole own. In this case, the point I explain comes again to be verified by this case: You must walk out of your own "self" a bit, to grow up a better self.

Very normal is the case that the Gods will help people who help others. That is a net gain for everyone else. The above is very obvious in the case that improving your case in anyway, also improves the general goals of our midst or the people affected by your own growth. It’s no wonder that this priority is the case, the people who get more responsibility, get more in front of that line, because them being better = the group succeeds better = everyone gets more help from these people = people grow and then this growth flows back in the group itself, helping more people in a never-ending cycle.

The hyper-individualist, "lone wolf" and the self deluded "individualist", is not flowing any of the creative energy invested into them into nobody else. The energy dies with them. Therefore, it does not procure a cycle of growth.

A Golden Age will do for individuals and every ego out there more than anything any “ego” can do for themselves. Social work is a grand accelerator, and the Gods want to teach us to be social beings, not isolated “egos” that are unable to function or operate. The ego-pathological isolation of the self where one does not lift a finger for nobody else, is not a very power or health or happiness prolonging state.

The Gods work as units in a unity, not only as individuals on a lone hunter game. One helps the other, and they are all working in chains and in commands and in teams. They help Satan and in turn Satan helps them all. They have a formal hierarchy for this process, where it's filled with leaders, powerful entities and extremely powerful selves, that all work in a formal unity of organization, not as "lone actors". Then all of them partake their portion according to their grown ego, which is constantly accelerated by the rest of their existence as a unified whole.

These "free for all" games exist only in television and nowhere else in the higher universe. The "free for all" person wouldn't last more than a week in the wilderness. The state of being able to live solely on your own is a temporary state and you never truly exist "only on your own".

"Only on your own" when there are militaries, supermarkets, hospitals and nursing homes (run by others) is also a delusion. "On your own" when you are reading the work of others, benefit from this, or when you inquire the Gods, or when a disease leads you to the hospital, is also another case of perpetual self delusion that does not exist - you are not on your own, you are pretending you are.

As a member of Spiritual Satanism you have your rights to yourself, privacy, loneliness if you want even, individuality at any point you consider, but you also are part of a larger family, and that is a good thing! Why not make use of this ability to prolong your existence and all your gifts, whilst also gaining favor from the Gods for this?

Some people also sometimes tell me things like "I am alone" in this and so on. You are NOT alone in this, we are NEVER alone! If you are doing things to back others up, the others will also have your back.

Spiritual Satanism will make an exceptional individual out of you, and you can see this in comparison to outsiders as well. This exceptionalism has to be brought to ally itself with our common objectives. Then this exceptionalism will multiply itself, while multiplying others.

So if you have any issues that need solving, do not hesitate to contact them and if you work for them and their purposes, that will help you immeasurably in getting more help. That help you receive improves YOU, and then YOU improve other people, who in turn improve others, in a cycle. Go to them and as you grow everything you grow too, they will help you. Those who do more always get more in return in this.

The incentive here is to grow you and grow everyone around you, at the same time. Just do it and also go to them to help you if you ever need it.

A literally infinite never cycle of growth and expansion, eternal life and advancement, is the ideal of Spiritual Satanism.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Many people have never had a proper organization or family to belong to, therefore this concept can be foreign to them. We can look around and see how some jobs treat you like a slave, rather than a valuable part of their operation.

If someone attempts to only stay on their own, I believe their own advancement will eventually lead them outwards again. Even the most egotistical person still needs someone or something to show off to, or even dominate, and therefore they are forced to find people to be around.

We can also see in the Wunjo rune that fulfillment is linked to interaction with others. It is actually very interesting to me how powerful relationships with others can be for our health, for better or worse. We can see in human history how many people survived the most terrible conditions only because they were amongst a group of people struggling alongside them.

In the judgement of personal identity and righteousness, I have found people will cite their behavior towards others as a way to analyze what kind of a person they are. For example, they may classify themselves as a "Good or bad" friend, father, lover, worker, and so on. For this reason, it can more stressful when we fail some sort of social expectation, rather than our personal goals.

The average lonely person today is usually not truly "alone", but rather they usually engage in something to fulfill their social needs, with the most likely source of this being video games. Alternatively, I had listened to stories where the individual dreamed up worlds in their heads, or talked to trees, and so on.

So while they may be isolated in practice, they still try to create or participate in a social setting of sorts. When done out of choice, I believe this is usually due to lack of personal confidence or competency, or prior trauma, rather than some sort of educated decision or life path.
I knew about Satanism for maybe almost a year when I saw in the announcements/updates in the top of Joy of Satan website that this group was created. I didn't care about any kind of internet group, and it sounded like a waste of time to me. If we already have Joy of Satan website, then what else is there to say? I thought it would basically be people who are too lazy to read the website, asking what does the website say? So I didn't look at it or make an account until 2 or 3 months later.

The gods told me basically "You have to make an account here. It will become much more important than you realize now. Just do it."
All this is well written, but how can it help me and others to avoid robbery electricity tariffs? If they raise prices to 10 in ukraine, it's "death".... How can all this help when the country is in a total asshole?(((
I have been a loner for as long as I can remember, the times I have tried to approach someone in the path of Spiritual Satanism it has always ended badly (not that I am doing so much better in life, I have pretty bad karma with others). But I realized that my path is not a lonely one, at least in this path, as @HPS Lydia experienced, it was my GD who pushed me to join here, and he did it at the best time.
Probably everything I have experienced before has served as a kind of gym to sharpen the edges of my character, making me a completely different person today and preparing me for the present.

I'll be honest, it's not easy, but I push myself beyond my limits and comfort zone to be a part of the community, every day. As my Guardian once told me: "Patterns are defeated by living and deconstructing them, not by running away."

There are so many topics I would like to share in posts, but I am a perfectionist, so very slow😅, but sooner or later I will take that step too.
When one works for the Gods on a highest level, they are graced and it’s important to know how to use this time not only for succeeding in the given mission one has for them, but also to extend their own life and advancement faster.

People who do not do any work for the Gods or don’t have any serious topic or aim for the JoS or humanity, I have found, are almost always delusional about where they stand with the Gods. When one that does nothing issues any statements like this, they are almost never where they assume they are. They are living it solo in their mind.

I have verified this case after knowing it for years from any Ancient text I have read. The Gods put people on a trajectory of social growth and a mission or a task, and that is a key to develop them as individuals as well. Groups of people who do these things, are furthered both as a group and as individuals, in a far better way.

When you have this privilege (many do not understand its value and therefore do not partake in social affairs, or Spiritual Satanism as a whole), it can also be used to get priority when it comes to your personal growth. Ie, yes, the Gods will answer you about work related to topics to help you extend your mission and grow from it. But you also get a privilege of being first in line when it comes to receiving help, guidance or empowerment to proceed with your personal goals or personal development.

Focusing only on your individual self, is a very basic level for beginners. This is where you need to build up yourself from ruins of ignorance, there you must develop a strong sense of individual self. But even this process is widely accelerated when you partake in the community. Things you wouldn't find in 10 years time "alone", the community and others can accelerate you forward in finding out faster.

Yes, the Gods also help others who are on a loner path too, but for example, helping you have better health or a better organization of your time, is not the same importance as a general other person who is literally living is solo.

Hyper individualism is just delusion and death. Balanced individualism and a unity, is the way of life. One’s existence however good it might be, does not interact in anyway to make the existence of others or the common good better. Making your best version of yourself is one thing, but if it only benefits you alone, then it's only a task that matters to you.

It’s not that useful if you look at it from an alien standpoint. The reason of the investment only feeds a cancerous “ego” and nothing else. No net gain for anyone and anything else. If you look at the current Western Civilization, it promotes this topic all the time, "hyper-individualism". The results are broken societies, depressed people, even those who embark in this so called "Individualist Journey". It does not lead anyone far, nor the person practicing that in the majority of cases.

If a whole body and all it's cells are doing better, guided by better cells to restore their health, then the body grows, and there is a cycle of growth. But if an isolated cell somewhere in a body is doing "very well", that does not help the body and it eventually dies, and this cell will die also despite of how it perceives the subject.

Cases where "individual cells" also do not show growth but rather show death and detriment circumstances, do amount to a disease that is known as cancer. Beings who only care to improve "themselves" and nobody else, oftentimes have no idea what this "improvement" is about, and tend in 9 out of 10 cases to not even really improve, but improve at the "expense of" something else.

That “excessive ego” empowerment, is very much likely to work on the detriment of others, too. So the Gods put humans in social affairs to grow them both exponentially, but also to prolong the species and the important groups they exist into. That’s where the real full persona of a person can come out, to assist other beings and get assisted in return.

If you want maximum power of self, true individuality, and to experience a VIP status in front of the Gods, you must participate in tasks that require teamwork with others, such as projects from the JoS, giving donations, and essentially being part of the constructive vortex of this striving to communal development. This is where your own power will multiply, and that will also benefit others to have their own power multiplied, in an ever-going cycle of creative process.

If you also envision yourself as a being that will sit among the Gods one day, it's important for you to start considering their outlook of things, rather than your sole own. In this case, the point I explain comes again to be verified by this case: You must walk out of your own "self" a bit, to grow up a better self.

Very normal is the case that the Gods will help people who help others. That is a net gain for everyone else. The above is very obvious in the case that improving your case in anyway, also improves the general goals of our midst or the people affected by your own growth. It’s no wonder that this priority is the case, the people who get more responsibility, get more in front of that line, because them being better = the group succeeds better = everyone gets more help from these people = people grow and then this growth flows back in the group itself, helping more people in a never-ending cycle.

The hyper-individualist, "lone wolf" and the self deluded "individualist", is not flowing any of the creative energy invested into them into nobody else. The energy dies with them. Therefore, it does not procure a cycle of growth.

A Golden Age will do for individuals and every ego out there more than anything any “ego” can do for themselves. Social work is a grand accelerator, and the Gods want to teach us to be social beings, not isolated “egos” that are unable to function or operate. The ego-pathological isolation of the self where one does not lift a finger for nobody else, is not a very power or health or happiness prolonging state.

The Gods work as units in a unity, not only as individuals on a lone hunter game. One helps the other, and they are all working in chains and in commands and in teams. They help Satan and in turn Satan helps them all. They have a formal hierarchy for this process, where it's filled with leaders, powerful entities and extremely powerful selves, that all work in a formal unity of organization, not as "lone actors". Then all of them partake their portion according to their grown ego, which is constantly accelerated by the rest of their existence as a unified whole.

These "free for all" games exist only in television and nowhere else in the higher universe. The "free for all" person wouldn't last more than a week in the wilderness. The state of being able to live solely on your own is a temporary state and you never truly exist "only on your own".

"Only on your own" when there are militaries, supermarkets, hospitals and nursing homes (run by others) is also a delusion. "On your own" when you are reading the work of others, benefit from this, or when you inquire the Gods, or when a disease leads you to the hospital, is also another case of perpetual self delusion that does not exist - you are not on your own, you are pretending you are.

As a member of Spiritual Satanism you have your rights to yourself, privacy, loneliness if you want even, individuality at any point you consider, but you also are part of a larger family, and that is a good thing! Why not make use of this ability to prolong your existence and all your gifts, whilst also gaining favor from the Gods for this?

Some people also sometimes tell me things like "I am alone" in this and so on. You are NOT alone in this, we are NEVER alone! If you are doing things to back others up, the others will also have your back.

Spiritual Satanism will make an exceptional individual out of you, and you can see this in comparison to outsiders as well. This exceptionalism has to be brought to ally itself with our common objectives. Then this exceptionalism will multiply itself, while multiplying others.

So if you have any issues that need solving, do not hesitate to contact them and if you work for them and their purposes, that will help you immeasurably in getting more help. That help you receive improves YOU, and then YOU improve other people, who in turn improve others, in a cycle. Go to them and as you grow everything you grow too, they will help you. Those who do more always get more in return in this.

The incentive here is to grow you and grow everyone around you, at the same time. Just do it and also go to them to help you if you ever need it.

A literally infinite never cycle of growth and expansion, eternal life and advancement, is the ideal of Spiritual Satanism.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Sermons of HPHC666 always speaks straight to my heart..

First time I have read one of them I remember my thoughts was, ok this is what I have to read every thing trought in and out, first and firemost, every thing else later., this is what I would like to be like…”

Thank you HPHC666

Where I could find more valuable knowledge to learn if not from You and Maxine in the world, which is most needed now for me and others?

Looking at it this way I have never been individualistic or solitary in my path as SS, already in 2013 when I started, I also started to work on the Spanish translations as a team with the HPS who at that time ran the Spanish site and to translate the first RTRs when it came out and I have always participated in the group rituals without exception.
And I have always felt the strong desire to stay as close as possible to the Gods.
Sometimes I do feel disconnected to the outside world because they all live in the jewtrix veil and these xian and mossies views are so harmful and infuriating there very little people to relate to because most of it are lies and they are fully brainwashed with the jewish filth but in all honesty I always felt happy and more stronger when am around someone that was dedicated for example my friend who dedicated right before me for some months back in 2018 bit truly rare to find some from jos in person but there are few of us South Africa I hope we hit the one billion mark before the end of this decade or maybe more
We always hear that we are Social beings. I begin to wonder the deeper implications of this statement.

One of those hidden truths embedded deep within our memory.

Remembering being a child and wanting to be "popular" or at least not the "weird kid". Now it is of course OK to be wierd and quirky, but going too far along this quirky path could frame yourself as lacking social intelligence.

I was thinking yesterday about the fake it till you make it thing. That perhaps I should force myself into those "louder and outgoing" groups, so that I can develop that side of myself which I don't find particularly appealing in others.

There is that side of me that wants to give Epic Tales, and that feeling of someone being happy and excited to be around you is a incredible feeling. I am in truth still overwhelmed by people being too outgoing towards me. Or in some circumstances being the center of attention, makes me want to hide, I guess I never truly got over my shyness.

If it means I can influence the Energy of the room towards a more brilliant light. Then it should be something I aspire to discover more about. And only through true experiences can I even begin to consider what all of this really means.
In response to my previous post above.. I remember how I used to be overly positive. And I came to a rude awakening, that sometimes things are just NOT OK. That it's normal for us to be depressed, tired, anxious, lonely. These things are true human expressions.

And I found a reminder of the person I was as a teenager, I cannot deny that I love heavy metal, hard-core music, that shit drives me more than any other music.

And I have this deep fascination too with those darker themes, Ninjas, Assassins, pirates, Rouges, Dark Fantasy. And being that hidden force of intense Strength against all odds. No matter the opponent.

It's OK to NOT BE OK, but even in this, we must find a way to Inspire others to Overcome against any and all odds or tragedies.

Even in the mythological stories we hear more of these dark themes, I do find them fascinating. And in truth this is strongly connected to my own cultural identity. Being a rebel against tyranny and building intense inner strength.

So I must find that balance of being socially outgoing, being a leader and a true example. While also being the "emperor" of my own Life, against all arenas and tragedies this natural and unnatural world I find myself within.
There is a particular sense of fulfilment upon discovering that one's knowledge has contributed to another person's growth. Knowing that part of what you've toiled for to gain and learn over many years, now comprises part of another individual's learning and knowledge. And that they, too, will inspire people down the line in their own way... it's like your knowledge eventually becomes a piece of everywhere and everyone it reaches.
I can relate to this a lot. I have been really active in translations lately, and all these years of perfecting my orthography are now fueling the advancement of the Joy of Satan in Greece.
Hello... if I may, I would have a question... but if a person struggles to help themselves, how do they know how to help others?
That's why working on ourselves is advised as much as working for society. There are periods in our lives when we need to focus more on one of the two, but overall it should be 50/50. You will obviously focus more on yourself when you have exams coming up.
Hello... if I may, I would have a question... but if a person struggles to help themselves, how do they know how to help others?
Anyone can help others no matter how bad their life may seem. Just by doing little things to help themselves (improve their sleep, get strong routines going, always looking to the positive in life, etc) this act alone helps others.

I live with xians and to tell you the truth I used to have this idea that I should never care about them 100%, that I should always have an emotional guard and only show that I care about 'shared ' things such as the animal, the weather, events happening in the world, etc.

I've realized that even here, caring about their feelings and things on a deep emotional level isn't always bad! I can do this and still not feel drained, I just do it in a way that doesn't put me out and where I'm not too emotionally vulnerable and swayed into their way of thinking.

Just by being ourselves and being strong in our values (caring for others' feelings, empowering/inspiring them and being empathetic) while not giving into falsehoods and lies by itself helps other people. Sometimes its about leading by example in those little things that we do in our daily life. We all need to feel that connection to others and by having it in a balanced in healthy way while working on ourselves in our wisdom, experience, knowledge, meditation and so forth - we become a beautiful thing in this world. Don't ever sell yourself short because you, me and every gentile is a divine creation of our lord Satan! Even if things are hard/unfair/etc, we can change that reality through our beliefs, perceptions and actions over time. It's all about mindset, trust me there.
Some are commenting here on being loners, I totally understand that. Personally, I do not choose too much non-necessary association with random people in this world, not due to being "anti-social", but because primarily of the fact I enjoy other pursuits such as the community here, or the Gods, or studying and related subjects. I would be someone who stands on the middle on this topic where the external world is concerned.

Being "Social" for no reason, can also be equally bad as if one is anti-social again for no reason. A balance must be established.

My topic here was in the context of community existence in Spiritual Satanism, not in general. But also in general, you need to develop an existence into society (in accordance to your tolerance and what you want to do), in order to be safer in many cases by having some at least decent company.

About others asking in regard to having to build yourselves first, yes, that is also the case and must be done if one has to do it. No problems here. But one must also know that doing something useful in the communal setting, is also giving you skills and improving you as a person. So it can help you while you help others.
Everything in this community feels so genuine and heart-warming because… guess what? It truly is!
I think this is why I was attracted to Nazism and JoS later on. There is a peaceful sense of community, people gathering together trying to become better and better.

I still remember how I cried the first time I donated to JoS. Just because I felt so happy and useful at the same time.
Thank you HP.

For a long time I have viewed interactions on the forums a little too anxiety and stress inducing, but I'll try to be more active.

Most of the time I just browse the forums offline, but I'll be more active.
The nudge I felt to be more active is right.

Thank you. :)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
