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Group Ritual for Tuesday through Saturday the 4th - 8th of November

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Founder Of The Joy Of Satan
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
    Copies of everything you need can be found here:   http://spiritualwarfare666.webs.com/Sat ... pdates.htm   http://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/Re ... itual.html   http://www.exposingcommunism.com/Revers ... Ritual.pdf   http://www.exposingcommunism.com/Revers ... Ritual.mp3   http://www.exposingcommunism.com/RAUM.mp3     High Priestess Maxine Dietrich http://www.joyofsatan.com   The Ritual:   The following ritual is of extreme importance to Satan and our Gods. It can be done anytime beginning Tuesday 4th of November through Saturday, the 8th of November. Everyone should do this ritual at least once. Please do not procrastinate or put it off. This will be done during the cycle of the next full Moon, which is in orb on Tuesday. Feel free to do this ritual every day or even more times during this period.   The purpose of this ritual is to reverse the curse upon the serpent that is in the bible. This ritual is a repeat from the Spring Equinox ritual. Because the Jews all around the world enforce these curses through the reading of their torah [all read the same verses at the same times weekly], we need to repeat this ritual and more will be forthcoming. Because this ritual has already been done last spring, our repeating it will give it more power and reinforce it. The words below are to be vibrated. By vibrating these words, this will lift a powerful curse. The more people we have who will be doing this ritual, the better, as there is both strength and power in numbers. This ritual is a beginning of a series of rituals of which we will be doing similar each month or in some cases, twice a month in harmony with planetary energies. This ritual is not a curse, it is reversing a curse. We are removing the weapons from the enemy's hands.   Many of the words below are guttural. This means many syllables are vibrated in the back of the throat. Just do the best that you can. Practice the words [I have included an mp3 of the words for you all to download], as much as you can before performing the ritual. The words on the mp3 are stated slowly so that you can pick up on the correct pronunciation.   You can perform the RAUM meditation to raise your powers before performing the ritual. If you are experienced, then do whatever works for you to raise your energies before doing this ritual. The important thing is that you raise your energies. The RAUM is a standard practice for those who are inexperienced as well as those who are experienced to raise energies.   Vibrate RAUM:   RRR into your base chakra [be sure to roll the R's] AHH into your sacral chakra UUU into your solar plexus chakra MMM into your heart chakra RRR into your heart chakra [be sure to roll the R's] AAAH into your throat chakra UUU into your 6th chakra MMM into your crown chakra. The above is one round. Do several rounds. It is best to do 13 rounds, or a multiple of 13.   Following the completion of the above, vibrate I-O. I is the symbol for the masculine side of the soul [representing the penis] and O is the symbol for the feminine side of the soul [representing the vagina]. This is especially seen in the Sigils of our Gods. This is also taken from the Greek legend of IO, Princess of Argos, which is an allegory. Argos is of Agares.   Vibrate EEEE focusing on the right side of your body and immediately follow by vibrating OOOOH focusing on the left side of your body [going back and forth], 40 times. For example, vibrate EEEE focusing on the right side of your body [torso], then immediately vibrate OOOH focusing on the left side of your body. That is one round. Then, immediately vibrate EEEE on the right, then immediately vibrate OOOH on the left. That is the second round. Do 40 rounds of vibrating I then O using a Satanic rosary. A Satanic rosary is used so one is not distracted when vibrating high numbers of repetitions, by trying to keep count.   The I vibration, pronounced as EEE, is pronounced as the long American English E, as in the American English words SEE, TEA, and ME. The OOOH vibration is the American English long O, such as in the words HOLD, and NO.   Following the completion of the above, vibrate E-A. Vibrate E, pronounced AY, as in the American English words MAY, SAY, DAY; focusing on the front of your body, and then AHHHH, focusing on your entire spine.   For example, vibrate AAAAYYYYY, focusing on the front of your body- just your torso, then immediately vibrate AAAH focusing on your entire spine. That is one round. Then, immediately vibrate AAYYY on focusing on the front of your body, then immediately vibrate AAAH focusing on your entire spine. That is the second round. Do 40 rounds of vibrating E then A using a Satanic rosary.   This meditation empowers the entire soul. The heart chakra is a connector and energy vibrated into it from below will then connect to and transfer into the upper chakras in the second part of the meditation. Just be aware, this is exceptionally powerful and you will definitely feel it the very first time. This is a powerful meditation to use both before a formal ritual or any informal working.   _____________________________________________________________   RITUAL:   INVOCATION TO SATAN: In Nomine Dei Nostri Satanas, Luciferi Excelsi. In the Name of Satan, Ruler of the Earth, True God, Almighty, and Ineffable, Who hast created man to reflect in Thine own image and likeness, I invite the Forces of Hell to bestow their great power upon me. Come forth to greet me as your Brother/Sister and friend. Deliver me O Mighty Satan from all past error and delusion, fill me with truth, wisdom and understanding, keep me strong in my faith and service, that I may abide always in Thee with Praise, Honor and Glory be given Thee forever and ever.   Vibrate the following words below 9 times. What this means is vibrate each of the words below, every word from the first word to the last. That is one time. Then, vibrate the same again and again until you have done this 9 times.   AHKH-YEHY-KHAH • YAYM-UHY • LAHK • LAHKH-OHT • RRAHFF-HAH-UV • KHAYL-AYT • AKH-NOKH-UHGG • LAH • EHD-AHS-HAH • TAH-YH-AKH • LOHK-EEM-OO • AHM-YAYH-UHB-AHH • LAHK-EEM • HAHT-AH • RR-OO-RRAH • T-OH-ZZ • AHT-YHEES-AHH • EEK • SH-AKH-AHN-AH LEH • MEE-HO-LEH • AHV-OH-HUH-Y • RREHMM-OH-YEE-AHV   After vibrating the above paragraph 9 times, state with conviction 9 times:   Vibrate AUM [AHH-UUU-MMM] The Serpent is free, The Serpent is exalted, The Serpent is Forever! Vibrate AUM [AHH-UUU-MMM] HAIL SATAN FOREVER!! End of Ritual Key to pronouncing the words correctly:   AH as in the American English word father AI and AY as in the American English words name and came EE as in the American English words seek and week EH as in the American English words pet, set, and let KH is guttural and the sound is made in the back of the throat OH as in the American English words oh and go OO as in the American English words sooth and tooth R's should be rolled UH as in the American English word cut and tub                  
This will be a silly question but can this ritual be done without the candles and the like?
Just raising my energies, saying the invocation to Satan and then starting vibrating the words for reversing the curse... Is this good?I am asking because it will be a bit of a hassle if I want to do this, for example twice a day (since the candle is black etc, I have to be really discreet, lock my door etc). Either way, my parents won't bother me knowing that I "meditate" but it still makes me a bit anxious.
Is it powerful the same way, with or without the candle?

Στις 6:17 π.μ. Δευτέρα, 3 Νοεμβρίου 2014, ο/η "twentytwosurya@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] έγραψε:

  I am definitely doing this!!
Hail Satan!

AGH the mp3 won't load!! :(I hope you will have uploaded again somewhere before tomorrow. D;

Στις 11:45 μ.μ. Δευτέρα, 3 Νοεμβρίου 2014, ο/η "Light Yagami tapapakiastinseira@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] έγραψε:

  This will be a silly question but can this ritual be done without the candles and the like?
Just raising my energies, saying the invocation to Satan and then starting vibrating the words for reversing the curse... Is this good?I am asking because it will be a bit of a hassle if I want to do this, for example twice a day (since the candle is black etc, I have to be really discreet, lock my door etc). Either way, my parents won't bother me knowing that I "meditate" but it still makes me a bit anxious.
Is it powerful the same way, with or without the candle?

Στις 6:17 π.μ. Δευτέρα, 3 Νοεμβρίου 2014, ο/η "twentytwosurya@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] έγραψε:

  I am definitely doing this!!
Hail Satan!

You don't have to use a candle if it would be a hassle. I don't  use candles for my rituals indoors (because it sets off the fire alarm) and my workings and rituals work well without a candle.
Hail Satan! On Monday, November 3, 2014 4:45 PM, "Light Yagami tapapakiastinseira@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  This will be a silly question but can this ritual be done without the candles and the like?
Just raising my energies, saying the invocation to Satan and then starting vibrating the words for reversing the curse... Is this good?I am asking because it will be a bit of a hassle if I want to do this, for example twice a day (since the candle is black etc, I have to be really discreet, lock my door etc). Either way, my parents won't bother me knowing that I "meditate" but it still makes me a bit anxious.
Is it powerful the same way, with or without the candle?

Στις 6:17 π.μ. Δευτέρα, 3 Νοεμβρίου 2014, ο/η "twentytwosurya@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] έγραψε:

  I am definitely doing this!!
Hail Satan!

the power lies in the vibration obviously , candles effects are minimal and you surely can go without them! your ritual will still be very very effective without the candles !
Okay, I've got most of this, but, you've officially got me on how to pronounce the "Y's".
Say what you will, but remember, I am still very new to all of this.

This is so *learning that my definition of weird/funny has been undoubtable presence of Father Lucifer* I had been slacking somewhat with my meditation ( I know this is normal every while or so). But I had an urge a few days ago to snap right back on track. Drinking more water, eating cleaner.  A VERY strong desire to meditate, via 40 day program and I have been extremely energized.  Buzzing feeling, warmth. Today I'm fully back on track for becoming stronger/ closer to Satan. I will definitely be doing this. Satan many times this week or any helping demons have really been guiding me back to good health and clean energy. Satan looks out for his own! Please don't get discouraged guys! For a beginner myself it looks difficult, maybe even intimidating, but if you have been true, Satan has done nothing but make life pleasant and been a kind teacher. Do this for father Satan and yourself! Thank you for providing this!! <3
On Nov 3, 2014 5:38 PM, "Magus Immortalis magus.immortalis@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  You don't have to use a candle if it would be a hassle. I don't  use candles for my rituals indoors (because it sets off the fire alarm) and my workings and rituals work well without a candle.
Hail Satan! On Monday, November 3, 2014 4:45 PM, "Light Yagami tapapakiastinseira@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  This will be a silly question but can this ritual be done without the candles and the like?
Just raising my energies, saying the invocation to Satan and then starting vibrating the words for reversing the curse... Is this good?I am asking because it will be a bit of a hassle if I want to do this, for example twice a day (since the candle is black etc, I have to be really discreet, lock my door etc). Either way, my parents won't bother me knowing that I "meditate" but it still makes me a bit anxious.
Is it powerful the same way, with or without the candle?

Στις 6:17 π.μ. Δευτέρα, 3 Νοεμβρίου 2014, ο/η "twentytwosurya@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] έγραψε:

  I am definitely doing this!!
Hail Satan!
Count me in.. I will also be doing my part in performing this ritual, as always.
Thank you so much for your help in doing this ritual please help me with more rituls much thanks again Hail Satan  Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE device  ------ Original message------ From: 'High Priestess Maxine Dietrich ' ... Date: Sun, 11/2/2014 10:59 AMTo: [email protected];[email protected];[email protected];[email protected];[email protected];[email protected];[email protected];[email protected];[email protected];[email protected];Subject:[JoyofSatan666] Group Ritual for Tuesday through Saturday the 4th - 8th of November        Copies of everything you need can be found here:   http://spiritualwarfare666.webs.com/Satans_Library_Updates.htmhttp://spiritualwarfare666.webs.com/Sat ... pdates.htm   http://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/Reverse_Bereshit_314Ritual.htmlhttp://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/Re ... itual.html   http://www.exposingcommunism.com/Reverse Bereshit 3 14 Ritual.pdfhttp://www.exposingcommunism.com/Revers ... Ritual.pdf   http://www.exposingcommunism.com/Reverse Bereshit 3 14 Ritual.mp3http://www.exposingcommunism.com/Revers ... Ritual.mp3   http://www.exposingcommunism.com/RAUM.mp3http://www.exposingcommunism.com/RAUM.mp3     High Priestess Maxine Dietrich http://www.joyofsatan.com/http://www.joyofsatan.com   The Ritual:   The following ritual is of extreme importance to Satan and our Gods. It can be done anytime beginning Tuesday 4th of November through Saturday, the 8th of November. Everyone should do this ritual at least once. Please do not procrastinate or put it off. This will be done during the cycle of the next full Moon, which is in orb on Tuesday. Feel free to do this ritual every day or even more times during this period.   The purpose of this ritual is to reverse the curse upon the serpent that is in the bible. This ritual is a repeat from the Spring Equinox ritual. Because the Jews all around the world enforce these curses through the reading of their torah [all read the same verses at the same times weekly], we need to repeat this ritual and more will be forthcoming. Because this ritual has already been done last spring, our repeating it will give it more power and reinforce it. The words below are to be vibrated. By vibrating these words, this will lift a powerful curse. The more people we have who will be doing this ritual, the better, as there is both strength and power in numbers. This ritual is a beginning of a series of rituals of which we will be doing similar each month or in some cases, twice a month in harmony with planetary energies. This ritual is not a curse, it is reversing a curse. We are removing the weapons from the enemy's hands.   Many of the words below are guttural. This means many syllables are vibrated in the back of the throat. Just do the best that you can. Practice the words [I have included an mp3 of the words for you all to download], as much as you can before performing the ritual. The words on the mp3 are stated slowly so that you can pick up on the correct pronunciation.   You can perform the RAUM meditation to raise your powers before performing the ritual. If you are experienced, then do whatever works for you to raise your energies before doing this ritual. The important thing is that you raise your energies. The RAUM is a standard practice for those who are inexperienced as well as those who are experienced to raise energies.   Vibrate RAUM:   RRR into your base chakra [be sure to roll the R's] AHH into your sacral chakra UUU into your solar plexus chakra MMM into your heart chakra RRR into your heart chakra [be sure to roll the R's] AAAH into your throat chakra UUU into your 6th chakra MMM into your crown chakra. The above is one round. Do several rounds. It is best to do 13 rounds, or a multiple of 13.   Following the completion of the above, vibrate I-O. I is the symbol for the masculine side of the soul [representing the penis] and O is the symbol for the feminine side of the soul [representing the vagina]. This is especially seen in the Sigils of our Gods. This is also taken from the Greek legend of IO, Princess of Argos, which is an allegory. Argos is of Agares.   Vibrate EEEE focusing on the right side of your body and immediately follow by vibrating OOOOH focusing on the left side of your body [going back and forth], 40 times. For example, vibrate EEEE focusing on the right side of your body [torso], then immediately vibrate OOOH focusing on the left side of your body. That is one round. Then, immediately vibrate EEEE on the right, then immediately vibrate OOOH on the left. That is the second round. Do 40 rounds of vibrating I then O using a Satanic rosary. A Satanic rosary is used so one is not distracted when vibrating high numbers of repetitions, by trying to keep count.   The I vibration, pronounced as EEE, is pronounced as the long American English E, as in the American English words SEE, TEA, and ME. The OOOH vibration is the American English long O, such as in the words HOLD, and NO.   Following the completion of the above, vibrate E-A. Vibrate E, pronounced AY, as in the American English words MAY, SAY, DAY; focusing on the front of your body, and then AHHHH, focusing on your entire spine.   For example, vibrate AAAAYYYYY, focusing on the front of your body- just your torso, then immediately vibrate AAAH focusing on your entire spine. That is one round. Then, immediately vibrate AAYYY on focusing on the front of your body, then immediately vibrate AAAH focusing on your entire spine. That is the second round. Do 40 rounds of vibrating E then A using a Satanic rosary.   This meditation empowers the entire soul. The heart chakra is a connector and energy vibrated into it from below will then connect to and transfer into the upper chakras in the second part of the meditation. Just be aware, this is exceptionally powerful and you will definitely feel it the very first time. This is a powerful meditation to use both before a formal ritual or any informal working.   _____________________________________________________________   RITUAL:   INVOCATION TO SATAN: In Nomine Dei Nostri Satanas, Luciferi Excelsi. In the Name of Satan, Ruler of the Earth, True God, Almighty, and Ineffable, Who hast created man to reflect in Thine own image and likeness, I invite the Forces of Hell to bestow their great power upon me. Come forth to greet me as your Brother/Sister and friend. Deliver me O Mighty Satan from all past error and delusion, fill me with truth, wisdom and understanding, keep me strong in my faith and service, that I may abide always in Thee with Praise, Honor and Glory be given Thee forever and ever.   Vibrate the following words below 9 times. What this means is vibrate each of the words below, every word from the first word to the last. That is one time. Then, vibrate the same again and again until you have done this 9 times.   AHKH-YEHY-KHAH • YAYM-UHY • LAHK • LAHKH-OHT • RRAHFF-HAH-UV • KHAYL-AYT • AKH-NOKH-UHGG • LAH • EHD-AHS-HAH • TAH-YH-AKH • LOHK-EEM-OO • AHM-YAYH-UHB-AHH • LAHK-EEM • HAHT-AH • RR-OO-RRAH • T-OH-ZZ • AHT-YHEES-AHH • EEK • SH-AKH-AHN-AH LEH • MEE-HO-LEH • AHV-OH-HUH-Y • RREHMM-OH-YEE-AHV   After vibrating the above paragraph 9 times, state with conviction 9 times:   Vibrate AUM [AHH-UUU-MMM] The Serpent is free, The Serpent is exalted, The Serpent is Forever! Vibrate AUM [AHH-UUU-MMM] HAIL SATAN FOREVER!! End of Ritual Key to pronouncing the words correctly:   AH as in the American English word father AI and AY as in the American English words name and came EE as in the American English words seek and week EH as in the American English words pet, set, and let KH is guttural and the sound is made in the back of the throat OH as in the American English words oh and go OO as in the American English words sooth and tooth R's should be rolled UH as in the American English word cut and tub                  
Attachments :

On Tue, Nov 4, 2014 at 7:17 PM, 'michaelsloan988@...' michaelsloan988@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Thank you so much for your help in doing this ritual please help me with more rituls much thanks again Hail Satan  Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE device  ------ Original message------ From: 'High Priestess Maxine Dietrich ' ... Date: Sun, 11/2/2014 10:59 AMTo: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];Subject:[JoyofSatan666] Group Ritual for Tuesday through Saturday the 4th - 8th of November        Copies of everything you need can be found here:   http://spiritualwarfare666.webs.com/Satans_Library_Updates.htmhttp://spiritualwarfare666.webs.com/Sat ... pdates.htmhttp://spiritualwarfare666.webs.com/Satans_Library_Updates.htm   http://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/Reverse_Bereshit_314Ritual.htmlhttp://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/Re ... itual.html http://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/Reverse_Bereshit_314Ritual.html   http://www.exposingcommunism.com/Reverse Bereshit 3 14 Ritual.pdfhttp://www.exposingcommunism.com/Revers ... Ritual.pdf   http://www.exposingcommunism.com/Reverse Bereshit 3 14 Ritual.mp3http://www.exposingcommunism.com/Revers ... Ritual.mp3   http://www.exposingcommunism.com/RAUM.mp3http://www.exposingcommunism.com/RAUM.mp3     High Priestess Maxine Dietrich http://www.joyofsatan.com/http://www.joyofsatan.com   The Ritual:   The following ritual is of extreme importance to Satan and our Gods. It can be done anytime beginning Tuesday 4th of November through Saturday, the 8th of November. Everyone should do this ritual at least once. Please do not procrastinate or put it off. This will be done during the cycle of the next full Moon, which is in orb on Tuesday. Feel free to do this ritual every day or even more times during this period.   The purpose of this ritual is to reverse the curse upon the serpent that is in the bible. This ritual is a repeat from the Spring Equinox ritual. Because the Jews all around the world enforce these curses through the reading of their torah [all read the same verses at the same times weekly], we need to repeat this ritual and more will be forthcoming. Because this ritual has already been done last spring, our repeating it will give it more power and reinforce it. The words below are to be vibrated. By vibrating these words, this will lift a powerful curse. The more people we have who will be doing this ritual, the better, as there is both strength and power in numbers. This ritual is a beginning of a series of rituals of which we will be doing similar each month or in some cases, twice a month in harmony with planetary energies. This ritual is not a curse, it is reversing a curse. We are removing the weapons from the enemy's hands.   Many of the words below are guttural. This means many syllables are vibrated in the back of the throat. Just do the best that you can. Practice the words [I have included an mp3 of the words for you all to download], as much as you can before performing the ritual. The words on the mp3 are stated slowly so that you can pick up on the correct pronunciation.   You can perform the RAUM meditation to raise your powers before performing the ritual. If you are experienced, then do whatever works for you to raise your energies before doing this ritual. The important thing is that you raise your energies. The RAUM is a standard practice for those who are inexperienced as well as those who are experienced to raise energies.   Vibrate RAUM:   RRR into your base chakra [be sure to roll the R's] AHH into your sacral chakra UUU into your solar plexus chakra MMM into your heart chakra RRR into your heart chakra [be sure to roll the R's] AAAH into your throat chakra UUU into your 6th chakra MMM into your crown chakra. The above is one round. Do several rounds. It is best to do 13 rounds, or a multiple of 13.   Following the completion of the above, vibrate I-O. I is the symbol for the masculine side of the soul [representing the penis] and O is the symbol for the feminine side of the soul [representing the vagina]. This is especially seen in the Sigils of our Gods. This is also taken from the Greek legend of IO, Princess of Argos, which is an allegory. Argos is of Agares.   Vibrate EEEE focusing on the right side of your body and immediately follow by vibrating OOOOH focusing on the left side of your body [going back and forth], 40 times. For example, vibrate EEEE focusing on the right side of your body [torso], then immediately vibrate OOOH focusing on the left side of your body. That is one round. Then, immediately vibrate EEEE on the right, then immediately vibrate OOOH on the left. That is the second round. Do 40 rounds of vibrating I then O using a Satanic rosary. A Satanic rosary is used so one is not distracted when vibrating high numbers of repetitions, by trying to keep count.   The I vibration, pronounced as EEE, is pronounced as the long American English E, as in the American English words SEE, TEA, and ME. The OOOH vibration is the American English long O, such as in the words HOLD, and NO.   Following the completion of the above, vibrate E-A. Vibrate E, pronounced AY, as in the American English words MAY, SAY, DAY; focusing on the front of your body, and then AHHHH, focusing on your entire spine.   For example, vibrate AAAAYYYYY, focusing on the front of your body- just your torso, then immediately vibrate AAAH focusing on your entire spine. That is one round. Then, immediately vibrate AAYYY on focusing on the front of your body, then immediately vibrate AAAH focusing on your entire spine. That is the second round. Do 40 rounds of vibrating E then A using a Satanic rosary.   This meditation empowers the entire soul. The heart chakra is a connector and energy vibrated into it from below will then connect to and transfer into the upper chakras in the second part of the meditation. Just be aware, this is exceptionally powerful and you will definitely feel it the very first time. This is a powerful meditation to use both before a formal ritual or any informal working.   _____________________________________________________________   RITUAL:   INVOCATION TO SATAN: In Nomine Dei Nostri Satanas, Luciferi Excelsi. In the Name of Satan, Ruler of the Earth, True God, Almighty, and Ineffable, Who hast created man to reflect in Thine own image and likeness, I invite the Forces of Hell to bestow their great power upon me. Come forth to greet me as your Brother/Sister and friend. Deliver me O Mighty Satan from all past error and delusion, fill me with truth, wisdom and understanding, keep me strong in my faith and service, that I may abide always in Thee with Praise, Honor and Glory be given Thee forever and ever.   Vibrate the following words below 9 times. What this means is vibrate each of the words below, every word from the first word to the last. That is one time. Then, vibrate the same again and again until you have done this 9 times.   AHKH-YEHY-KHAH • YAYM-UHY • LAHK • LAHKH-OHT • RRAHFF-HAH-UV • KHAYL-AYT • AKH-NOKH-UHGG • LAH • EHD-AHS-HAH • TAH-YH-AKH • LOHK-EEM-OO • AHM-YAYH-UHB-AHH • LAHK-EEM • HAHT-AH • RR-OO-RRAH • T-OH-ZZ • AHT-YHEES-AHH • EEK • SH-AKH-AHN-AH LEH • MEE-HO-LEH • AHV-OH-HUH-Y • RREHMM-OH-YEE-AHV   After vibrating the above paragraph 9 times, state with conviction 9 times:   Vibrate AUM [AHH-UUU-MMM] The Serpent is free, The Serpent is exalted, The Serpent is Forever! Vibrate AUM [AHH-UUU-MMM] HAIL SATAN FOREVER!! End of Ritual Key to pronouncing the words correctly:   AH as in the American English word father AI and AY as in the American English words name and came EE as in the American English words seek and week EH as in the American English words pet, set, and let KH is guttural and the sound is made in the back of the throat OH as in the American English words oh and go OO as in the American English words sooth and tooth R's should be rolled UH as in the American English word cut and tub                  
Attachments :
You need no ritual items, except for paper, and a candle I suppose. The bowl, I did not have. I live in a xian household, and every item I could have used has been cursed by the enemies energy. I had no sigils. I basically only had a candle and paper, along with a tack for drawing blood. I luckily had black clothing, but that is also optional.

You can even say HAIL SATAN in you head if it will maintain secrecy. You can recite the invocation in your head as well, even write it down on a piece of paper(which you would obviously want to dispose of later on after the ritual) if you cannot remember it, I did. Any candle color will work. It's what's in the heart that counts. Hell, if it comes down to it, and you have people you cannot dodge in any way, you can perform the dedication ritual in your astral temple. But, when you are ready, DO NOT procrastinate. It's what the enemy wants.
Can you direct me to where i can find the sigal for my learning and meditation  Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE device  ------ Original message------ From: 'High Priestess Maxine Dietrich ' ... Date: Sun, 11/2/2014 10:59 AMTo: [email protected];[email protected];[email protected];[email protected];[email protected];[email protected];[email protected];[email protected];[email protected];[email protected];Subject:[JoyofSatan666] Group Ritual for Tuesday through Saturday the 4th - 8th of November        Copies of everything you need can be found here:   http://spiritualwarfare666.webs.com/Satans_Library_Updates.htmhttp://spiritualwarfare666.webs.com/Sat ... pdates.htm   http://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/Reverse_Bereshit_314Ritual.htmlhttp://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/Re ... itual.html   http://www.exposingcommunism.com/Reverse Bereshit 3 14 Ritual.pdfhttp://www.exposingcommunism.com/Revers ... Ritual.pdf   http://www.exposingcommunism.com/Reverse Bereshit 3 14 Ritual.mp3http://www.exposingcommunism.com/Revers ... Ritual.mp3   http://www.exposingcommunism.com/RAUM.mp3http://www.exposingcommunism.com/RAUM.mp3     High Priestess Maxine Dietrich http://www.joyofsatan.com/http://www.joyofsatan.com   The Ritual:   The following ritual is of extreme importance to Satan and our Gods. It can be done anytime beginning Tuesday 4th of November through Saturday, the 8th of November. Everyone should do this ritual at least once. Please do not procrastinate or put it off. This will be done during the cycle of the next full Moon, which is in orb on Tuesday. Feel free to do this ritual every day or even more times during this period.   The purpose of this ritual is to reverse the curse upon the serpent that is in the bible. This ritual is a repeat from the Spring Equinox ritual. Because the Jews all around the world enforce these curses through the reading of their torah [all read the same verses at the same times weekly], we need to repeat this ritual and more will be forthcoming. Because this ritual has already been done last spring, our repeating it will give it more power and reinforce it. The words below are to be vibrated. By vibrating these words, this will lift a powerful curse. The more people we have who will be doing this ritual, the better, as there is both strength and power in numbers. This ritual is a beginning of a series of rituals of which we will be doing similar each month or in some cases, twice a month in harmony with planetary energies. This ritual is not a curse, it is reversing a curse. We are removing the weapons from the enemy's hands.   Many of the words below are guttural. This means many syllables are vibrated in the back of the throat. Just do the best that you can. Practice the words [I have included an mp3 of the words for you all to download], as much as you can before performing the ritual. The words on the mp3 are stated slowly so that you can pick up on the correct pronunciation.   You can perform the RAUM meditation to raise your powers before performing the ritual. If you are experienced, then do whatever works for you to raise your energies before doing this ritual. The important thing is that you raise your energies. The RAUM is a standard practice for those who are inexperienced as well as those who are experienced to raise energies.   Vibrate RAUM:   RRR into your base chakra [be sure to roll the R's] AHH into your sacral chakra UUU into your solar plexus chakra MMM into your heart chakra RRR into your heart chakra [be sure to roll the R's] AAAH into your throat chakra UUU into your 6th chakra MMM into your crown chakra. The above is one round. Do several rounds. It is best to do 13 rounds, or a multiple of 13.   Following the completion of the above, vibrate I-O. I is the symbol for the masculine side of the soul [representing the penis] and O is the symbol for the feminine side of the soul [representing the vagina]. This is especially seen in the Sigils of our Gods. This is also taken from the Greek legend of IO, Princess of Argos, which is an allegory. Argos is of Agares.   Vibrate EEEE focusing on the right side of your body and immediately follow by vibrating OOOOH focusing on the left side of your body [going back and forth], 40 times. For example, vibrate EEEE focusing on the right side of your body [torso], then immediately vibrate OOOH focusing on the left side of your body. That is one round. Then, immediately vibrate EEEE on the right, then immediately vibrate OOOH on the left. That is the second round. Do 40 rounds of vibrating I then O using a Satanic rosary. A Satanic rosary is used so one is not distracted when vibrating high numbers of repetitions, by trying to keep count.   The I vibration, pronounced as EEE, is pronounced as the long American English E, as in the American English words SEE, TEA, and ME. The OOOH vibration is the American English long O, such as in the words HOLD, and NO.   Following the completion of the above, vibrate E-A. Vibrate E, pronounced AY, as in the American English words MAY, SAY, DAY; focusing on the front of your body, and then AHHHH, focusing on your entire spine.   For example, vibrate AAAAYYYYY, focusing on the front of your body- just your torso, then immediately vibrate AAAH focusing on your entire spine. That is one round. Then, immediately vibrate AAYYY on focusing on the front of your body, then immediately vibrate AAAH focusing on your entire spine. That is the second round. Do 40 rounds of vibrating E then A using a Satanic rosary.   This meditation empowers the entire soul. The heart chakra is a connector and energy vibrated into it from below will then connect to and transfer into the upper chakras in the second part of the meditation. Just be aware, this is exceptionally powerful and you will definitely feel it the very first time. This is a powerful meditation to use both before a formal ritual or any informal working.   _____________________________________________________________   RITUAL:   INVOCATION TO SATAN: In Nomine Dei Nostri Satanas, Luciferi Excelsi. In the Name of Satan, Ruler of the Earth, True God, Almighty, and Ineffable, Who hast created man to reflect in Thine own image and likeness, I invite the Forces of Hell to bestow their great power upon me. Come forth to greet me as your Brother/Sister and friend. Deliver me O Mighty Satan from all past error and delusion, fill me with truth, wisdom and understanding, keep me strong in my faith and service, that I may abide always in Thee with Praise, Honor and Glory be given Thee forever and ever.   Vibrate the following words below 9 times. What this means is vibrate each of the words below, every word from the first word to the last. That is one time. Then, vibrate the same again and again until you have done this 9 times.   AHKH-YEHY-KHAH • YAYM-UHY • LAHK • LAHKH-OHT • RRAHFF-HAH-UV • KHAYL-AYT • AKH-NOKH-UHGG • LAH • EHD-AHS-HAH • TAH-YH-AKH • LOHK-EEM-OO • AHM-YAYH-UHB-AHH • LAHK-EEM • HAHT-AH • RR-OO-RRAH • T-OH-ZZ • AHT-YHEES-AHH • EEK • SH-AKH-AHN-AH LEH • MEE-HO-LEH • AHV-OH-HUH-Y • RREHMM-OH-YEE-AHV   After vibrating the above paragraph 9 times, state with conviction 9 times:   Vibrate AUM [AHH-UUU-MMM] The Serpent is free, The Serpent is exalted, The Serpent is Forever! Vibrate AUM [AHH-UUU-MMM] HAIL SATAN FOREVER!! End of Ritual Key to pronouncing the words correctly:   AH as in the American English word father AI and AY as in the American English words name and came EE as in the American English words seek and week EH as in the American English words pet, set, and let KH is guttural and the sound is made in the back of the throat OH as in the American English words oh and go OO as in the American English words sooth and tooth R's should be rolled UH as in the American English word cut and tub                  
<td val[/IMG]They infect babies with rabies. Disgusting.
From:"'izzyhendrix@...' deontabray@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected]
Date:Thu, 6 Nov, 2014 at 21:19
Subject:Re: [JoyofSatan666] Group Ritual for Tuesday through Saturday the 4th - 8th of November

http://spiritualwarfare666.webs.com/Sat ... pdates.htmhttp://spiritualwarfare666.webs.com/Satans_Library_Updates.htm   http://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/Reverse_Bereshit_314Ritual.htmlhttp://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/Re ... itual.html http://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/Reverse_Bereshit_314Ritual.html   http://www.exposingcommunism.com/Reverse Bereshit 3 14 Ritual.pdfhttp://www.exposingcommunism.com/Revers ... Ritual.pdf   http://www.exposingcommunism.com/Reverse Bereshit 3 14 Ritual.mp3http://www.exposingcommunism.com/Revers ... Ritual.mp3   http://www.exposingcommunism.com/RAUM.mp3http://www.exposingcommunism.com/RAUM.mp3     High Priestess Maxine Dietrich http://www.joyofsatan.com/http://www.joyofsatan.com   The Ritual:   The following ritual is of extreme importance to Satan and our Gods. It can be done anytime beginning Tuesday 4th of November through Saturday, the 8th of November. Everyone should do this ritual at least once. Please do not procrastinate or put it off. This will be done during the cycle of the next full Moon, which is in orb on Tuesday. Feel free to do this ritual every day or even more times during this period.   The purpose of this ritual is to reverse the curse upon the serpent that is in the bible. This ritual is a repeat from the Spring Equinox ritual. Because the Jews all around the world enforce these curses through the reading of their torah [all read the same verses at the same times weekly], we need to repeat this ritual and more will be forthcoming. Because this ritual has already been done last spring, our repeating it will give it more power and reinforce it. The words below are to be vibrated. By vibrating these words, this will lift a powerful curse. The more people we have who will be doing this ritual, the better, as there is both strength and power in numbers. This ritual is a beginning of a series of rituals of which we will be doing similar each month or in some cases, twice a month in harmony with planetary energies. This ritual is not a curse, it is reversing a curse. We are removing the weapons from the enemy's hands.   Many of the words below are guttural. This means many syllables are vibrated in the back of the throat. Just do the best that you can. Practice the words [I have included an mp3 of the words for you all to download], as much as you can before performing the ritual. The words on the mp3 are stated slowly so that you can pick up on the correct pronunciation.   You can perform the RAUM meditation to raise your powers before performing the ritual. If you are experienced, then do whatever works for you to raise your energies before doing this ritual. The important thing is that you raise your energies. The RAUM is a standard practice for those who are inexperienced as well as those who are experienced to raise energies.   Vibrate RAUM:   RRR into your base chakra [be sure to roll the R's] AHH into your sacral chakra UUU into your solar plexus chakra MMM into your heart chakra RRR into your heart chakra [be sure to roll the R's] AAAH into your throat chakra UUU into your 6th chakra MMM into your crown chakra. The above is one round. Do several rounds. It is best to do 13 rounds, or a multiple of 13.   Following the completion of the above, vibrate I-O. I is the symbol for the masculine side of the soul [representing the penis] and O is the symbol for the feminine side of the soul [representing the vagina]. This is especially seen in the Sigils of our Gods. This is also taken from the Greek legend of IO, Princess of Argos, which is an allegory. Argos is of Agares.   Vibrate EEEE focusing on the right side of your body and immediately follow by vibrating OOOOH focusing on the left side of your body [going back and forth], 40 times. For example, vibrate EEEE focusing on the right side of your body [torso], then immediately vibrate OOOH focusing on the left side of your body. That is one round. Then, immediately vibrate EEEE on the right, then immediately vibrate OOOH on the left. That is the second round. Do 40 rounds of vibrating I then O using a Satanic rosary. A Satanic rosary is used so one is not distracted when vibrating high numbers of repetitions, by trying to keep count.   The I vibration, pronounced as EEE, is pronounced as the long American English E, as in the American English words SEE, TEA, and ME. The OOOH vibration is the American English long O, such as in the words HOLD, and NO.   Following the completion of the above, vibrate E-A. Vibrate E, pronounced AY, as in the American English words MAY, SAY, DAY; focusing on the front of your body, and then AHHHH, focusing on your entire spine.   For example, vibrate AAAAYYYYY, focusing on the front of your body- just your torso, then immediately vibrate AAAH focusing on your entire spine. That is one round. Then, immediately vibrate AAYYY on focusing on the front of your body, then immediately vibrate AAAH focusing on your entire spine. That is the second round. Do 40 rounds of vibrating E then A using a Satanic rosary.   This meditation empowers the entire soul. The heart chakra is a connector and energy vibrated into it from below will then connect to and transfer into the upper chakras in the second part of the meditation. Just be aware, this is exceptionally powerful and you will definitely feel it the very first time. This is a powerful meditation to use both before a formal ritual or any informal working.   _____________________________________________________________   RITUAL:   INVOCATION TO SATAN: In Nomine Dei Nostri Satanas, Luciferi Excelsi. In the Name of Satan, Ruler of the Earth, True God, Almighty, and Ineffable, Who hast created man to reflect in Thine own image and likeness, I invite the Forces of Hell to bestow their great power upon me. Come forth to greet me as your Brother/Sister and friend. Deliver me O Mighty Satan from all past error and delusion, fill me with truth, wisdom and understanding, keep me strong in my faith and service, that I may abide always in Thee with Praise, Honor and Glory be given Thee forever and ever.   Vibrate the following words below 9 times. What this means is vibrate each of the words below, every word from the first word to the last. That is one time. Then, vibrate the same again and again until you have done this 9 times.   AHKH-YEHY-KHAH • YAYM-UHY • LAHK • LAHKH-OHT • RRAHFF-HAH-UV • KHAYL-AYT • AKH-NOKH-UHGG • LAH • EHD-AHS-HAH • TAH-YH-AKH • LOHK-EEM-OO • AHM-YAYH-UHB-AHH • LAHK-EEM • HAHT-AH • RR-OO-RRAH • T-OH-ZZ • AHT-YHEES-AHH • EEK • SH-AKH-AHN-AH LEH • MEE-HO-LEH • AHV-OH-HUH-Y • RREHMM-OH-YEE-AHV   After vibrating the above paragraph 9 times, state with conviction 9 times:   Vibrate AUM [AHH-UUU-MMM] The Serpent is free, The Serpent is exalted, The Serpent is Forever! Vibrate AUM [AHH-UUU-MMM] HAIL SATAN FOREVER!! End of Ritual Key to pronouncing the words correctly:   AH as in the American English word father AI and AY as in the American English words name and came EE as in the American English words seek and week EH as in the American English words pet, set, and let KH is guttural and the sound is made in the back of the throat OH as in the American English words oh and go OO as in the American English words sooth and tooth R's should be rolled UH as in the American English word cut and tub                  

Attachments :
funny i sent this exact picture  out yesterday great minds think alike 
On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 2:22 PM, Yii Pipur yiipipur@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  [Attach[/IMG]<font>They infect babies with rabies. Disgusting.
<font>[url=https://overv[/IMG] From:"'[email=izzyhendrix@...]izzyhendrix@...[/email]' [email=deontabray@...]deontabray@...[/email] [JoyofSatan666]" <[[email protected]][url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/email]
Date:Thu, 6 Nov, 2014 at 21:19
Subject:Re: [JoyofSatan666] Group Ritual for Tuesday through Saturday the 4th - 8th of November


On Tue, Nov 4, 2014 at 7:17 P[/IMG][/IMG][/IMG][email protected] wrote:
  Thank you so [/IMG][e[/IMG][e[/IMG][e[/IMG][e[/IMG][e[/IMG][e[/IMG][e[/IMG][e[/IMG][e[/IMG][email protected];Subject:[JoyofSatan666] Group Ritual for Tuesday through Saturday the 4th - 8th of November        Copies of everything you need can be found here:   http://spiritualwarfare666.webs.com/Satans_Library_Updates.htmhttp://spiritualwarfare666.webs.com/Sat ... pdates.htmhttp://spiritualwarfare666.webs.com/Satans_Library_Updates.htm   http://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/Reverse_Bereshit_314Ritual.htmlhttp://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/Re ... itual.html http://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/Reverse_Bereshit_314Ritual.html   http://www.exposingcommunism.com/Reverse Bereshit 3 14 Ritual.pdfhttp://www.exposingcommunism.com/Revers ... Ritual.pdf   http://www.exposingcommunism.com/Reverse Bereshit 3 14 Ritual.mp3http://www.exposingcommunism.com/Revers ... Ritual.mp3   http://www.exposingcommunism.com/RAUM.mp3http://www.exposingcommunism.com/RAUM.mp3     High Priestess Maxine Dietrich http://www.joyofsatan.com/http://www.joyofsatan.com   The Ritual:   The following ritual is of extreme importance to Satan and our Gods. It can be done anytime beginning Tuesday 4th of November through Saturday, the 8th of November. Everyone should do this ritual at least once. Please do not procrastinate or put it off. This will be done during the cycle of the next full Moon, which is in orb on Tuesday. Feel free to do this ritual every day or even more times during this period.   The purpose of this ritual is to reverse the curse upon the serpent that is in the bible. This ritual is a repeat from the Spring Equinox ritual. Because the Jews all around the world enforce these curses through the reading of their torah [all read the same verses at the same times weekly], we need to repeat this ritual and more will be forthcoming. Because this ritual has already been done last spring, our repeating it will give it more power and reinforce it. The words below are to be vibrated. By vibrating these words, this will lift a powerful curse. The more people we have who will be doing this ritual, the better, as there is both strength and power in numbers. This ritual is a beginning of a series of rituals of which we will be doing similar each month or in some cases, twice a month in harmony with planetary energies. This ritual is not a curse, it is reversing a curse. We are removing the weapons from the enemy's hands.   Many of the words below are guttural. This means many syllables are vibrated in the back of the throat. Just do the best that you can. Practice the words [I have included an mp3 of the words for you all to download], as much as you can before performing the ritual. The words on the mp3 are stated slowly so that you can pick up on the correct pronunciation.   You can perform the RAUM meditation to raise your powers before performing the ritual. If you are experienced, then do whatever works for you to raise your energies before doing this ritual. The important thing is that you raise your energies. The RAUM is a standard practice for those who are inexperienced as well as those who are experienced to raise energies.   Vibrate RAUM:   RRR into your base chakra [be sure to roll the R's] AHH into your sacral chakra UUU into your solar plexus chakra MMM into your heart chakra RRR into your heart chakra [be sure to roll the R's] AAAH into your throat chakra UUU into your 6th chakra MMM into your crown chakra. The above is one round. Do several rounds. It is best to do 13 rounds, or a multiple of 13.   Following the completion of the above, vibrate I-O. I is the symbol for the masculine side of the soul [representing the penis] and O is the symbol for the feminine side of the soul [representing the vagina]. This is especially seen in the Sigils of our Gods. This is also taken from the Greek legend of IO, Princess of Argos, which is an allegory. Argos is of Agares.   Vibrate EEEE focusing on the right side of your body and immediately follow by vibrating OOOOH focusing on the left side of your body [going back and forth], 40 times. For example, vibrate EEEE focusing on the right side of your body [torso], then immediately vibrate OOOH focusing on the left side of your body. That is one round. Then, immediately vibrate EEEE on the right, then immediately vibrate OOOH on the left. That is the second round. Do 40 rounds of vibrating I then O using a Satanic rosary. A Satanic rosary is used so one is not distracted when vibrating high numbers of repetitions, by trying to keep count.   The I vibration, pronounced as EEE, is pronounced as the long American English E, as in the American English words SEE, TEA, and ME. The OOOH vibration is the American English long O, such as in the words HOLD, and NO.   Following the completion of the above, vibrate E-A. Vibrate E, pronounced AY, as in the American English words MAY, SAY, DAY; focusing on the front of your body, and then AHHHH, focusing on your entire spine.   For example, vibrate AAAAYYYYY, focusing on the front of your body- just your torso, then immediately vibrate AAAH focusing on your entire spine. That is one round. Then, immediately vibrate AAYYY on focusing on the front of your body, then immediately vibrate AAAH focusing on your entire spine. That is the second round. Do 40 rounds of vibrating E then A using a Satanic rosary.   This meditation empowers the entire soul. The heart chakra is a connector and energy vibrated into it from below will then connect to and transfer into the upper chakras in the second part of the meditation. Just be aware, this is exceptionally powerful and you will definitely feel it the very first time. This is a powerful meditation to use both before a formal ritual or any informal working.   _____________________________________________________________   RITUAL:   INVOCATION TO SATAN: In Nomine Dei Nostri Satanas, Luciferi Excelsi. In the Name of Satan, Ruler of the Earth, True God, Almighty, and Ineffable, Who hast created man to reflect in Thine own image and likeness, I invite the Forces of Hell to bestow their great power upon me. Come forth to greet me as your Brother/Sister and friend. Deliver me O Mighty Satan from all past error and delusion, fill me with truth, wisdom and understanding, keep me strong in my faith and service, that I may abide always in Thee with Praise, Honor and Glory be given Thee forever and ever.   Vibrate the following words below 9 times. What this means is vibrate each of the words below, every word from the first word to the last. That is one time. Then, vibrate the same again and again until you have done this 9 times.   AHKH-YEHY-KHAH • YAYM-UHY • LAHK • LAHKH-OHT • RRAHFF-HAH-UV • KHAYL-AYT • AKH-NOKH-UHGG • LAH • EHD-AHS-HAH • TAH-YH-AKH • LOHK-EEM-OO • AHM-YAYH-UHB-AHH • LAHK-EEM • HAHT-AH • RR-OO-RRAH • T-OH-ZZ • AHT-YHEES-AHH • EEK • SH-AKH-AHN-AH LEH • MEE-HO-LEH • AHV-OH-HUH-Y • RREHMM-OH-YEE-AHV   After vibrating the above paragraph 9 times, state with conviction 9 times:   Vibrate AUM [AHH-UUU-MMM] The Serpent is free, The Serpent is exalted, The Serpent is Forever! Vibrate AUM [AHH-UUU-MMM] HAIL SATAN FOREVER!! End of Ritual Key to pronouncing the words correctly:   AH as in the American English word father AI and AY as in the American English words name and came EE as in the American English words seek and week EH as in the American English words pet, set, and let KH is guttural and the sound is made in the back of the throat OH as in the American English words oh and go OO as in the American English words sooth and tooth R's should be rolled UH as in the American English word cut and tub                  

[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE][/TD][/TR][/TABLE]

Can I do this ritual more than once a day? If it helps lift the curses of the Christian religion, I'll do anything. I greatly hate this religion. I was raised in and still am a very Christian family. My grandpa is a pastor so my whole childhood was basically about the Christian BS and it did absolutely nothing until I found this site. It literally saved my life. All my life I've heard voices and seen crazy stuff and I prayed to the Christian god and absolutely nothing happened so I looked for this and found it and it all made perfect sense. Anyway, my point is, I want the Christian BS gone.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
