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Group Destruction Ritual Against Vatican March 5th

Feb 1, 2006
Group Ritual: Attacking the social standings of the vatican


it has been roughly five months since I last wrote any rituals due to troubling times in my life. But with the light at the end of the tunnel and my strength and energy returning I think its about time I start writing these rituals again so we can once again attribute our combined energy in bringing down our enemies.

Purpose of Ritual:

Without a pope the Vatican is now in a very weak state. As Maxine had posted the enemy is in a very tough spot right now and we need to attack them now when they are down. This is also a prime ritual to be performed for as others have posted we are nearing the last pope of the Vatican. Saying that we should be directing our aim as much as possible solely to the Vatican as possible, for ad we all know the Vatican (catholic church) is the root of Christianity.

For this first ritual I will be posting regarding the Vatican I will be attacking their standing in society. Many people are turning their back on the Vatican and their corrupt ways, for this means they are losing power and therefore strength. By attacking their standing we can further this to the point where they are nothing but vulnerable. The Vatican (therefore the jews) rely on the energy raised through prayers to their god. By turning people further away from the Vatican (root of Christianity) they will have less and less power.

Date of Ritual-

This ritual will fall on Tuesday March 5th. The reason behind this is that on this day the moon will be in the sign of Capricorn which is an excellent sign for black magic. This sign will give us the following benefits

long-term results. Honors, social standing, responsibility, authority, structure, setting long-term goals and plans for the future. Magickal workings and spells that manipulate people, business, banishing.

This day is as stated above a Tuesday and is ruled by the planet Mars. This an excellent time for Capricorn is the exalted sign ruled by Mars. This planet will also give us the following benefits
Rules: weapons of war, fire, quarrels, ambitions, hurts by violence, male relations, enemies, strife, glory in battle (our glory in bringing them down)

Time of ritual-

During the hours of Mars

******DO NOT perform this ritual before 714pm EST for their will be a void moon before this******

Ritual Affirmations-

Ritual Affirmation: "Any and all positive perceptions the Vatican holds within society are completely and totally destroyed, now and for all eternity"

Runic Affirmation: "The energies of (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally destroy any and all positive perceptions the Vatican holds within society now and for all eternity."

Runes to be used-

Fehu- breaks the spirit, instills cowardniess, creates dependence

Thurisaz- makes an enemy defenseless, confusion

Kenaz- stupidity, makes enemy unaware

Wunjo- overconfidence, trust in wrong things and wrong people

***Separate rune***
Gebo- sacrifice, bind another to unwanted obligation (destruction of positive perception through own actions)

Sigil to be used-

The image will be the symbol of the catholic church, go online and look it up and print it out. Over top of this should be three circles. One circle surrounding the image, a larger one surrounding the first circle and an even larger one on the outside.

In between the center and second largest circles place the first four runes. Do this all the way around the space, with the same number of each rune being presented. Than inbetween the second largest and outer most circles place the rune Gebo four times. One on top, one on bottom, one on far right and one on far left.

Now in the center overtop the image place the first four rituals so that the entire image is covered.

Ritual Declaration-

Time and time again in the dawn of this the new and permanent age of the Gentiles have we triumphed in disrupting the advances of the enemies of the Gentile Nations and destroying any efforts they make to disrupt our true and unbreakable willpower. The once strong Vatican, the seat and sole house of power within the entire right hand path is crumbling from within side.

Losing power daily they are becoming confused, distraught angry and lost in which way to turn. They have upped their attack only to be met by the strengthening force of we, the Warriors of Hell and complete and utter failure. They may twist and lie all they want, as they have done for centuries but the world is known to their corruption and for this they will up their attack.

Regardless of what they may do their fate is sealed within the stars and within the desire of all Gentiles. Their power is diminishing and their exposure is imminent. Their walls are ready to fall and with it so shall fall the right hand path, so shall fall the jew.

And by the energies I (state your full name) raise here tonight I shall see it done.

The Ritual-

1.Before you begin do the following- raise your energies either through alternate nostril breathing or breath of fire. This is to ensure you raise your energies during this destructive ritual and also to bring some extra energy into it. Next clean your ritual space of all conflicting energies by cleansing the area with blue satanic flames. See these flames burning over your ritual area and affirm they are doing their job.

2.Open the ritual using the basic ritual format found on the JoS or the format created by HP Vovim found on his site

3.Read your ritual prayer with passion and know it what is stated in the ritual prayer is occurring in real life

4.Burn the prayer or save it until the end and burn it with the sigil

5.Now place the sigil on your alter and begin by stating the ritual affirmation. As you are doing this see the entire sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color

6.Begin with the rune Fehu. Now begin to breath, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the fehu runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the nineth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

7.Move onto the rune Thurisaz. Now begin to breath, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the thurisaz runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

8.Move onto the rune Kenaz. Now begin to breath, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the kenaz runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

9.Move onto the rune Wunjo. Now begin to breath, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Wunjo runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

10.Move onto the rune Gebo. Now begin to breath, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Gebo runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

11.Now take a sterilized needle and make a small cut on your left index finger. Trace the gebo rune in your own blood in the center of the sigil while vibrating the rune. See your blood glowing In a dirty reddish-grey color while stating the following affirmation

"The energies within my blood, within my life force are binding the Vatican to its fate, to its demise and to its complete and total destruction"

12.Sit for a few minutes and meditate on your desired outcome. Think of all of the horrible things the Vatican has done in the past centuries agains tour people and our Gods. Raise this anger and disgust and direct it into the sigil.

13.Burn the sigil while repeating the ritual affirmation for as long as it takes for the flames to die out.

14.Close the ritual

15.Cleanse your aura and raise your energies.
Awesome ritual. It's great to see you again, Strength!


High Priest Jake Carlson

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@... wrote:

Group Ritual: Attacking the social standings of the vatican


it has been roughly five months since I last wrote any rituals due to troubling times in my life. But with the light at the end of the tunnel and my strength and energy returning I think its about time I start writing these rituals again so we can once again attribute our combined energy in bringing down our enemies.

Purpose of Ritual:

Without a pope the Vatican is now in a very weak state. As Maxine had posted the enemy is in a very tough spot right now and we need to attack them now when they are down. This is also a prime ritual to be performed for as others have posted we are nearing the last pope of the Vatican. Saying that we should be directing our aim as much as possible solely to the Vatican as possible, for ad we all know the Vatican (catholic church) is the root of Christianity.

For this first ritual I will be posting regarding the Vatican I will be attacking their standing in society. Many people are turning their back on the Vatican and their corrupt ways, for this means they are losing power and therefore strength. By attacking their standing we can further this to the point where they are nothing but vulnerable. The Vatican (therefore the jews) rely on the energy raised through prayers to their god. By turning people further away from the Vatican (root of Christianity) they will have less and less power.

Date of Ritual-

This ritual will fall on Tuesday March 5th. The reason behind this is that on this day the moon will be in the sign of Capricorn which is an excellent sign for black magic. This sign will give us the following benefits

long-term results. Honors, social standing, responsibility, authority, structure, setting long-term goals and plans for the future. Magickal workings and spells that manipulate people, business, banishing.

This day is as stated above a Tuesday and is ruled by the planet Mars. This an excellent time for Capricorn is the exalted sign ruled by Mars. This planet will also give us the following benefits
Rules: weapons of war, fire, quarrels, ambitions, hurts by violence, male relations, enemies, strife, glory in battle (our glory in bringing them down)

Time of ritual-

During the hours of Mars

******DO NOT perform this ritual before 714pm EST for their will be a void moon before this******

Ritual Affirmations-

Ritual Affirmation: "Any and all positive perceptions the Vatican holds within society are completely and totally destroyed, now and for all eternity"

Runic Affirmation: "The energies of (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally destroy any and all positive perceptions the Vatican holds within society now and for all eternity."

Runes to be used-

Fehu- breaks the spirit, instills cowardniess, creates dependence

Thurisaz- makes an enemy defenseless, confusion

Kenaz- stupidity, makes enemy unaware

Wunjo- overconfidence, trust in wrong things and wrong people

***Separate rune***
Gebo- sacrifice, bind another to unwanted obligation (destruction of positive perception through own actions)

Sigil to be used-

The image will be the symbol of the catholic church, go online and look it up and print it out. Over top of this should be three circles. One circle surrounding the image, a larger one surrounding the first circle and an even larger one on the outside.

In between the center and second largest circles place the first four runes. Do this all the way around the space, with the same number of each rune being presented. Than inbetween the second largest and outer most circles place the rune Gebo four times. One on top, one on bottom, one on far right and one on far left.

Now in the center overtop the image place the first four rituals so that the entire image is covered.

Ritual Declaration-

Time and time again in the dawn of this the new and permanent age of the Gentiles have we triumphed in disrupting the advances of the enemies of the Gentile Nations and destroying any efforts they make to disrupt our true and unbreakable willpower. The once strong Vatican, the seat and sole house of power within the entire right hand path is crumbling from within side.

Losing power daily they are becoming confused, distraught angry and lost in which way to turn. They have upped their attack only to be met by the strengthening force of we, the Warriors of Hell and complete and utter failure. They may twist and lie all they want, as they have done for centuries but the world is known to their corruption and for this they will up their attack.

Regardless of what they may do their fate is sealed within the stars and within the desire of all Gentiles. Their power is diminishing and their exposure is imminent. Their walls are ready to fall and with it so shall fall the right hand path, so shall fall the jew.

And by the energies I (state your full name) raise here tonight I shall see it done.

The Ritual-

1.Before you begin do the following- raise your energies either through alternate nostril breathing or breath of fire. This is to ensure you raise your energies during this destructive ritual and also to bring some extra energy into it. Next clean your ritual space of all conflicting energies by cleansing the area with blue satanic flames. See these flames burning over your ritual area and affirm they are doing their job.

2.Open the ritual using the basic ritual format found on the JoS or the format created by HP Vovim found on his site

3.Read your ritual prayer with passion and know it what is stated in the ritual prayer is occurring in real life

4.Burn the prayer or save it until the end and burn it with the sigil

5.Now place the sigil on your alter and begin by stating the ritual affirmation. As you are doing this see the entire sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color

6.Begin with the rune Fehu. Now begin to breath, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the fehu runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the nineth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

7.Move onto the rune Thurisaz. Now begin to breath, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the thurisaz runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

8.Move onto the rune Kenaz. Now begin to breath, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the kenaz runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

9.Move onto the rune Wunjo. Now begin to breath, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Wunjo runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

10.Move onto the rune Gebo. Now begin to breath, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Gebo runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

11.Now take a sterilized needle and make a small cut on your left index finger. Trace the gebo rune in your own blood in the center of the sigil while vibrating the rune. See your blood glowing In a dirty reddish-grey color while stating the following affirmation

"The energies within my blood, within my life force are binding the Vatican to its fate, to its demise and to its complete and total destruction"

12.Sit for a few minutes and meditate on your desired outcome. Think of all of the horrible things the Vatican has done in the past centuries agains tour people and our Gods. Raise this anger and disgust and direct it into the sigil.

13.Burn the sigil while repeating the ritual affirmation for as long as it takes for the flames to die out.

14.Close the ritual

15.Cleanse your aura and raise your energies.
Thank you as always HP Jake,

Its always good to hear from you and hope everything is going great in your life.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hammerofthegods_666" <hammerofthegods_666@... wrote:

Awesome ritual. It's great to see you again, Strength!


High Priest Jake Carlson

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:

Group Ritual: Attacking the social standings of the vatican


it has been roughly five months since I last wrote any rituals due to troubling times in my life. But with the light at the end of the tunnel and my strength and energy returning I think its about time I start writing these rituals again so we can once again attribute our combined energy in bringing down our enemies.

Purpose of Ritual:

Without a pope the Vatican is now in a very weak state. As Maxine had posted the enemy is in a very tough spot right now and we need to attack them now when they are down. This is also a prime ritual to be performed for as others have posted we are nearing the last pope of the Vatican. Saying that we should be directing our aim as much as possible solely to the Vatican as possible, for ad we all know the Vatican (catholic church) is the root of Christianity.

For this first ritual I will be posting regarding the Vatican I will be attacking their standing in society. Many people are turning their back on the Vatican and their corrupt ways, for this means they are losing power and therefore strength. By attacking their standing we can further this to the point where they are nothing but vulnerable. The Vatican (therefore the jews) rely on the energy raised through prayers to their god. By turning people further away from the Vatican (root of Christianity) they will have less and less power.

Date of Ritual-

This ritual will fall on Tuesday March 5th. The reason behind this is that on this day the moon will be in the sign of Capricorn which is an excellent sign for black magic. This sign will give us the following benefits

long-term results. Honors, social standing, responsibility, authority, structure, setting long-term goals and plans for the future. Magickal workings and spells that manipulate people, business, banishing.

This day is as stated above a Tuesday and is ruled by the planet Mars. This an excellent time for Capricorn is the exalted sign ruled by Mars. This planet will also give us the following benefits
Rules: weapons of war, fire, quarrels, ambitions, hurts by violence, male relations, enemies, strife, glory in battle (our glory in bringing them down)

Time of ritual-

During the hours of Mars

******DO NOT perform this ritual before 714pm EST for their will be a void moon before this******

Ritual Affirmations-

Ritual Affirmation: "Any and all positive perceptions the Vatican holds within society are completely and totally destroyed, now and for all eternity"

Runic Affirmation: "The energies of (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally destroy any and all positive perceptions the Vatican holds within society now and for all eternity."

Runes to be used-

Fehu- breaks the spirit, instills cowardniess, creates dependence

Thurisaz- makes an enemy defenseless, confusion

Kenaz- stupidity, makes enemy unaware

Wunjo- overconfidence, trust in wrong things and wrong people

***Separate rune***
Gebo- sacrifice, bind another to unwanted obligation (destruction of positive perception through own actions)

Sigil to be used-

The image will be the symbol of the catholic church, go online and look it up and print it out. Over top of this should be three circles. One circle surrounding the image, a larger one surrounding the first circle and an even larger one on the outside.

In between the center and second largest circles place the first four runes. Do this all the way around the space, with the same number of each rune being presented. Than inbetween the second largest and outer most circles place the rune Gebo four times. One on top, one on bottom, one on far right and one on far left.

Now in the center overtop the image place the first four rituals so that the entire image is covered.

Ritual Declaration-

Time and time again in the dawn of this the new and permanent age of the Gentiles have we triumphed in disrupting the advances of the enemies of the Gentile Nations and destroying any efforts they make to disrupt our true and unbreakable willpower. The once strong Vatican, the seat and sole house of power within the entire right hand path is crumbling from within side.

Losing power daily they are becoming confused, distraught angry and lost in which way to turn. They have upped their attack only to be met by the strengthening force of we, the Warriors of Hell and complete and utter failure. They may twist and lie all they want, as they have done for centuries but the world is known to their corruption and for this they will up their attack.

Regardless of what they may do their fate is sealed within the stars and within the desire of all Gentiles. Their power is diminishing and their exposure is imminent. Their walls are ready to fall and with it so shall fall the right hand path, so shall fall the jew.

And by the energies I (state your full name) raise here tonight I shall see it done.

The Ritual-

1.Before you begin do the following- raise your energies either through alternate nostril breathing or breath of fire. This is to ensure you raise your energies during this destructive ritual and also to bring some extra energy into it. Next clean your ritual space of all conflicting energies by cleansing the area with blue satanic flames. See these flames burning over your ritual area and affirm they are doing their job.

2.Open the ritual using the basic ritual format found on the JoS or the format created by HP Vovim found on his site

3.Read your ritual prayer with passion and know it what is stated in the ritual prayer is occurring in real life

4.Burn the prayer or save it until the end and burn it with the sigil

5.Now place the sigil on your alter and begin by stating the ritual affirmation. As you are doing this see the entire sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color

6.Begin with the rune Fehu. Now begin to breath, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the fehu runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the nineth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

7.Move onto the rune Thurisaz. Now begin to breath, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the thurisaz runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

8.Move onto the rune Kenaz. Now begin to breath, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the kenaz runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

9.Move onto the rune Wunjo. Now begin to breath, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Wunjo runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

10.Move onto the rune Gebo. Now begin to breath, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Gebo runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

11.Now take a sterilized needle and make a small cut on your left index finger. Trace the gebo rune in your own blood in the center of the sigil while vibrating the rune. See your blood glowing In a dirty reddish-grey color while stating the following affirmation

"The energies within my blood, within my life force are binding the Vatican to its fate, to its demise and to its complete and total destruction"

12.Sit for a few minutes and meditate on your desired outcome. Think of all of the horrible things the Vatican has done in the past centuries agains tour people and our Gods. Raise this anger and disgust and direct it into the sigil.

13.Burn the sigil while repeating the ritual affirmation for as long as it takes for the flames to die out.

14.Close the ritual

15.Cleanse your aura and raise your energies.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
