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Group Binding/Destruction Ritual Version 1.1

Feb 1, 2006

This will be one of several binding rituals that I have in mind and thought for what opportunity will fall upon us on May 11th that this will be an opportune time to perform it. All throughout the kike's history they have worked through confusion and fear to ensure that whatever power they have will be effective over our gentile people. Due to our Gentile people awakening and the kike always being a coward all they have is that small piece of power within their poisionous soul. With our power being great and their power weak it will not be impossible to bind the kike species from ever knowing success through magical means again. That will be the continuous point of my binding rituals of not only the kikes but of Gentiles as well. Before anyone comments on my idea of binding Gentiles my advice to you is to wait and see what I have in mind before you voice your opinion

Date of Ritual
This ritual will fall on Saturday May 5th during the hours of Saturn.

I chose this day for several reasons, first the moon will be in the sign of Scorpio giving us the following benefits

This is one of the best signs for black magickal workings. Revenge, hatred, venting, exposing secrets, death spells, surgery, transformation, obsession, pure sex, the occult, the darker side of things, extremes, research, banishing spells, ending things permanently, death and dying. This is the most powerful and intense of all the moon signs. Secret, underhanded, and covert operations, willpower, drastic destruction. Like its opposite sign Taurus, Scorpio is usually permanent. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the pelvis, reproductive or sex organs at this time. Magickal workings ruled by Pluto are successful at this time.
Second and a reason that I do not have to explain but the day of Saturday is ruled by Saturn giving us great support as well.

Third not only is the moon in Scorpio but on the 5th it will be a full moon, shedding great and powerful energies upon us.

Fourthly their will be a beneficial transit on this day. On this day Mercury will be in opposition to Saturn giving us the following benefits.

This transit brings danger of mental trouble , anxiety, depression,

This transit inclines to serious thinking. You are concerned with one area that others might consider rather abstract, and that is your identity. Under this transit, you tend to dwell on your sense of personal isolation, lonliness, difficulties in relationships and other depressing thoughts.

vague feelings of forgetting important details could figure now. Red tape, re-doing tasks you thought you finished, problems getting from point A to point B, delays in communication, negative thinking, hyper-sensitivity and encountering criticism from others

***Someone may ask why some of the things apply to such a working, and my advice to you is to think about it as a warrior would. Anything and everything can be applied in some way to a desired outcome, you just have to be smart and again think like a warrior. ***

****Although this ritual is set for a specific day, if you are unable to perform it on this day is no excuse to not perform it at a later date. Also a ritual like this whether of your own creation, this one, or future binding rtuals should be done as often as possible so that the enemy looses their last means of survival which as explained before is their minimal spiritual power.****
Runes Being Used

1.Fehu- Instills cowardliness, dullness, breaks the spirit, binds an enemy; instills fear and dependence in an enemy.


3.Isa- prevents prosperity, causes depression, and serves as an obstacle to action. Can be used to cause paralyzing fear or obsession and to prevent or stop movement, both that of growth and disintegration

4.Gebo- Can be used to bind another to an unwanted obligation and can be used in casting love spells. When used in Black Magick, it brings pain and sacrifice upon the victim with no reward. Used with the Isa rune, the combination is powerful in binding enemies

The Sigil-

The sigil should be two circles, one big one and a smaller one on the inside. In-between the two circles should be the runes we are using, circling within that space. In the center of the smaller circle should be a jewish star. On top of the star one should draw the four runes again.

Ritual Affirmation- "The jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity"

Runic Affirmation- "the energies (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species has no magical success for all eternity"

Enochian Key Being Used


Ritual Declaration

War, Death, Slave Masters, Destruction of both Gentiles and the Earth, everything in which the jew has caused and sought after with the power given to them by the enemies of the Gods and Gentile Nations. Before the revolting jewish presence stained the earth the power of God that burns within every Gentile was never abused as the Gentile Nations lived in harmony with each other and the Earth. These gifts within every Gentile were kept in perfect balance with our own desires, the advancement of the Nations and in perfect and complete balance of the Earth. As a result our ancestors remained strong and the Nations they kept were of peace and pleasure.

Despite the highest of generosity from our Gods, the TRUE Gods, our enemies and their creators who have plagued us with their existence and that of their filthy hatchlings, have found the means to corrupt and destroy our ways of life, with the very knowledge and gifts we used to create it. Although deluded and weaker than that of our own kundalini, our enemy has used their abilities to bring confusion to our Gentile people. As a result severing our connection to the laws of nature and all sense of the meaning of balance has faded with the passing of time.

As time progressed, the confusion brought by the kikes increased within our ancestors and continues to poision the minds of the Gentiles of present day. Through this confusion the kikes through their knowledge of energy and the strength of the mind have rendered all Gentiles within their grasps to become as sheep waiting for the slaughter. With a blank mind the kike was able to command our Gentile people into slavery, directing us to do their bidding, turning Gentile against Gentile, Gentile against our Gods, Gentile against the Earth, and completely destroying our connection to everything that once made us masters of our own destiny, leading us to our own self -annihilation.

Rendering us helpless with no clue as to who we are or to what our purpose has and always will be, the jew posing as our master had full advantage over our Gentile people through spiritual strength due to ours fading away with our Gentile heritage that has long been forgotten. With their new found freedom the jew has destroyed everything that took thousands of years for our Gentile ancestors to create. Our perfect society is now mere rubble with the hands of the jews being stained with the blood of the Gentiles they killed to achieve such outcomes.

Oh but the jew has and always will be a coward, working behind the
curtain and having others to do their dirty work. It is by their knowledge of energy and spiritual workings that they were able to cause such destruction and unrest in our Gentile nations. For this reason they are most vulnerable. Comparing the kundalini of a jew with that of a Gentile is like comparing the flame of a candle to that of the sun. By we the warriors of Hell, by we the warriors of the Gods, by we the warriors of the Gentile Nations, weighing our kundalini against that of the jew and binding them from ever being able to successfully use their abilities again, we the Warriors, We the Guardians We the Protectors of the future Gentile Generations can ensure as our Gentile people continue to grow in strength, that it will soon be the jews waiting for the slaughter until their entire race is removed from all means of existence.
Through the Energies presented to me by the heavens, and through the energies that burn within me, I (state your full name) will see it done.

Hail Satan
Hail Beelzebub
Hail Astaroth
Hail Azazel
Hail To All Gods of Hell

Heil Hitler
Heil Heinrich Himmler

Hail To All Members of Hell's True Army
Hail To Our Most Certain Victory
And Hail to the everlasting DESTRUCTION of the kikes

The Ritual

1.Begin by taking a minute or two and raise your energies. This can be done through the "breath of fire" or alternate nostril breathing. This is one way you can protect yourself from the negative energies that are going to be raised during the ritual.

2.Begin by opening the ritual as you normally would, through either the standard ritual or as described by HP Vovim on his website.

3.Read the tenth enochian key either in English or enochian. Although by reading in enochian it is much more effective. When reading it in either way see the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color.

4. Read the ritual declaration with much passion as you can, feeling the anger toward the jew and at the same time seeing the desired outcome in your mind.

5.Burn the ritual declaration. Unfortunatly for those who cannot burn it anything it would be unwise to put such energy into the earth. For those who have trouble burning anything I will post message at the end of this posting.

6.Place the sigil on your alter and begin by repeating the ritual affirmation nine times and seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty red-grayish color.

7.Now move onto the runes and begin with Fehu, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent " the energies of Fehu are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having no magical success for all eternity" and see all the Fehu runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

8.Next Move onto Hagl, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of hagl are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the hagl runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

9.Next Move onto Isa, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of Isa are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the Isa runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

10.Next Move onto Gebo, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of gebo are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the gebo runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

11.Write the ritual affirmation on the back of the sigil

12.Meditate a few minutes and see the desired outcome

13.Burn the sigil while repeating the ritual affirmation nine times.

***Now for those who cannot burn anything I am afraid all I have is advice. You do not have to burn the pieces of paper right away, it is more than ok to wait until like three in the morning until you do so when your family is asleep. Even if you have to wait until the next morning when they are out somewhere. My advice is to place a protective barrier ABOVE the sigil, NOT on the sigil. You can do this by using the rune Algiz and use such an affirmation as "the energies of Algiz are continuously working to completely and totally protect the energies within the sigil. While doing so see a transparent White-gold barrier overtop of your sigil, NOT touching it. For if it touches it both will cancel out eachother. If this is not an option either, simply perform it at a later date. Just be creative and you will find a way***
I can't understand why you would want to Bind any of our ppl. Every1 should be given time to find Father, and those that don't will die (hopefully naturally) out of their current lifetime and be reborn sometime in Aquarius so we will all someday be on the same page. I may not understand republics, but I understand that someday we will all be Awakened to Father, born into it in a later life or not.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@... wrote:


This will be one of several binding rituals that I have in mind and thought for what opportunity will fall upon us on May 11th that this will be an opportune time to perform it. All throughout the kike's history they have worked through confusion and fear to ensure that whatever power they have will be effective over our gentile people. Due to our Gentile people awakening and the kike always being a coward all they have is that small piece of power within their poisionous soul. With our power being great and their power weak it will not be impossible to bind the kike species from ever knowing success through magical means again. That will be the continuous point of my binding rituals of not only the kikes but of Gentiles as well. Before anyone comments on my idea of binding Gentiles my advice to you is to wait and see what I have in mind before you voice your opinion

Date of Ritual
This ritual will fall on Saturday May 5th during the hours of Saturn.

I chose this day for several reasons, first the moon will be in the sign of Scorpio giving us the following benefits

This is one of the best signs for black magickal workings. Revenge, hatred, venting, exposing secrets, death spells, surgery, transformation, obsession, pure sex, the occult, the darker side of things, extremes, research, banishing spells, ending things permanently, death and dying. This is the most powerful and intense of all the moon signs. Secret, underhanded, and covert operations, willpower, drastic destruction. Like its opposite sign Taurus, Scorpio is usually permanent. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the pelvis, reproductive or sex organs at this time. Magickal workings ruled by Pluto are successful at this time.
Second and a reason that I do not have to explain but the day of Saturday is ruled by Saturn giving us great support as well.

Third not only is the moon in Scorpio but on the 5th it will be a full moon, shedding great and powerful energies upon us.

Fourthly their will be a beneficial transit on this day. On this day Mercury will be in opposition to Saturn giving us the following benefits.

This transit brings danger of mental trouble , anxiety, depression,

This transit inclines to serious thinking. You are concerned with one area that others might consider rather abstract, and that is your identity. Under this transit, you tend to dwell on your sense of personal isolation, lonliness, difficulties in relationships and other depressing thoughts.

vague feelings of forgetting important details could figure now. Red tape, re-doing tasks you thought you finished, problems getting from point A to point B, delays in communication, negative thinking, hyper-sensitivity and encountering criticism from others

***Someone may ask why some of the things apply to such a working, and my advice to you is to think about it as a warrior would. Anything and everything can be applied in some way to a desired outcome, you just have to be smart and again think like a warrior. ***

****Although this ritual is set for a specific day, if you are unable to perform it on this day is no excuse to not perform it at a later date. Also a ritual like this whether of your own creation, this one, or future binding rtuals should be done as often as possible so that the enemy looses their last means of survival which as explained before is their minimal spiritual power.****
Runes Being Used

1.Fehu- Instills cowardliness, dullness, breaks the spirit, binds an enemy; instills fear and dependence in an enemy.


3.Isa- prevents prosperity, causes depression, and serves as an obstacle to action. Can be used to cause paralyzing fear or obsession and to prevent or stop movement, both that of growth and disintegration

4.Gebo- Can be used to bind another to an unwanted obligation and can be used in casting love spells. When used in Black Magick, it brings pain and sacrifice upon the victim with no reward. Used with the Isa rune, the combination is powerful in binding enemies

The Sigil-

The sigil should be two circles, one big one and a smaller one on the inside. In-between the two circles should be the runes we are using, circling within that space. In the center of the smaller circle should be a jewish star. On top of the star one should draw the four runes again.

Ritual Affirmation- "The jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity"

Runic Affirmation- "the energies (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species has no magical success for all eternity"

Enochian Key Being Used


Ritual Declaration

War, Death, Slave Masters, Destruction of both Gentiles and the Earth, everything in which the jew has caused and sought after with the power given to them by the enemies of the Gods and Gentile Nations. Before the revolting jewish presence stained the earth the power of God that burns within every Gentile was never abused as the Gentile Nations lived in harmony with each other and the Earth. These gifts within every Gentile were kept in perfect balance with our own desires, the advancement of the Nations and in perfect and complete balance of the Earth. As a result our ancestors remained strong and the Nations they kept were of peace and pleasure.

Despite the highest of generosity from our Gods, the TRUE Gods, our enemies and their creators who have plagued us with their existence and that of their filthy hatchlings, have found the means to corrupt and destroy our ways of life, with the very knowledge and gifts we used to create it. Although deluded and weaker than that of our own kundalini, our enemy has used their abilities to bring confusion to our Gentile people. As a result severing our connection to the laws of nature and all sense of the meaning of balance has faded with the passing of time.

As time progressed, the confusion brought by the kikes increased within our ancestors and continues to poision the minds of the Gentiles of present day. Through this confusion the kikes through their knowledge of energy and the strength of the mind have rendered all Gentiles within their grasps to become as sheep waiting for the slaughter. With a blank mind the kike was able to command our Gentile people into slavery, directing us to do their bidding, turning Gentile against Gentile, Gentile against our Gods, Gentile against the Earth, and completely destroying our connection to everything that once made us masters of our own destiny, leading us to our own self -annihilation.

Rendering us helpless with no clue as to who we are or to what our purpose has and always will be, the jew posing as our master had full advantage over our Gentile people through spiritual strength due to ours fading away with our Gentile heritage that has long been forgotten. With their new found freedom the jew has destroyed everything that took thousands of years for our Gentile ancestors to create. Our perfect society is now mere rubble with the hands of the jews being stained with the blood of the Gentiles they killed to achieve such outcomes.

Oh but the jew has and always will be a coward, working behind the
curtain and having others to do their dirty work. It is by their knowledge of energy and spiritual workings that they were able to cause such destruction and unrest in our Gentile nations. For this reason they are most vulnerable. Comparing the kundalini of a jew with that of a Gentile is like comparing the flame of a candle to that of the sun. By we the warriors of Hell, by we the warriors of the Gods, by we the warriors of the Gentile Nations, weighing our kundalini against that of the jew and binding them from ever being able to successfully use their abilities again, we the Warriors, We the Guardians We the Protectors of the future Gentile Generations can ensure as our Gentile people continue to grow in strength, that it will soon be the jews waiting for the slaughter until their entire race is removed from all means of existence.
Through the Energies presented to me by the heavens, and through the energies that burn within me, I (state your full name) will see it done.

Hail Satan
Hail Beelzebub
Hail Astaroth
Hail Azazel
Hail To All Gods of Hell

Heil Hitler
Heil Heinrich Himmler

Hail To All Members of Hell's True Army
Hail To Our Most Certain Victory
And Hail to the everlasting DESTRUCTION of the kikes

The Ritual

1.Begin by taking a minute or two and raise your energies. This can be done through the "breath of fire" or alternate nostril breathing. This is one way you can protect yourself from the negative energies that are going to be raised during the ritual.

2.Begin by opening the ritual as you normally would, through either the standard ritual or as described by HP Vovim on his website.

3.Read the tenth enochian key either in English or enochian. Although by reading in enochian it is much more effective. When reading it in either way see the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color.

4. Read the ritual declaration with much passion as you can, feeling the anger toward the jew and at the same time seeing the desired outcome in your mind.

5.Burn the ritual declaration. Unfortunatly for those who cannot burn it anything it would be unwise to put such energy into the earth. For those who have trouble burning anything I will post message at the end of this posting.

6.Place the sigil on your alter and begin by repeating the ritual affirmation nine times and seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty red-grayish color.

7.Now move onto the runes and begin with Fehu, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent " the energies of Fehu are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having no magical success for all eternity" and see all the Fehu runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

8.Next Move onto Hagl, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of hagl are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the hagl runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

9.Next Move onto Isa, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of Isa are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the Isa runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

10.Next Move onto Gebo, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of gebo are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the gebo runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

11.Write the ritual affirmation on the back of the sigil

12.Meditate a few minutes and see the desired outcome

13.Burn the sigil while repeating the ritual affirmation nine times.

***Now for those who cannot burn anything I am afraid all I have is advice. You do not have to burn the pieces of paper right away, it is more than ok to wait until like three in the morning until you do so when your family is asleep. Even if you have to wait until the next morning when they are out somewhere. My advice is to place a protective barrier ABOVE the sigil, NOT on the sigil. You can do this by using the rune Algiz and use such an affirmation as "the energies of Algiz are continuously working to completely and totally protect the energies within the sigil. While doing so see a transparent White-gold barrier overtop of your sigil, NOT touching it. For if it touches it both will cancel out eachother. If this is not an option either, simply perform it at a later date. Just be creative and you will find a way***
Very clever.
On Thu, May 3, 2012 2:03 PM PDT strengththroughsatan89 wrote:


This will be one of several binding rituals that I have in mind and thought for what opportunity will fall upon us on May 11th that this will be an opportune time to perform it. All throughout the kike's history they have worked through confusion and fear to ensure that whatever power they have will be effective over our gentile people. Due to our Gentile people awakening and the kike always being a coward all they have is that small piece of power within their poisionous soul. With our power being great and their power weak it will not be impossible to bind the kike species from ever knowing success through magical means again. That will be the continuous point of my binding rituals of not only the kikes but of Gentiles as well. Before anyone comments on my idea of binding Gentiles my advice to you is to wait and see what I have in mind before you voice your opinion

Date of Ritual
This ritual will fall on Saturday May 5th during the hours of Saturn.

I chose this day for several reasons, first the moon will be in the sign of Scorpio giving us the following benefits

This is one of the best signs for black magickal workings. Revenge, hatred, venting, exposing secrets, death spells, surgery, transformation, obsession, pure sex, the occult, the darker side of things, extremes, research, banishing spells, ending things permanently, death and dying. This is the most powerful and intense of all the moon signs. Secret, underhanded, and covert operations, willpower, drastic destruction. Like its opposite sign Taurus, Scorpio is usually permanent. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the pelvis, reproductive or sex organs at this time. Magickal workings ruled by Pluto are successful at this time.
Second and a reason that I do not have to explain but the day of Saturday is ruled by Saturn giving us great support as well.

Third not only is the moon in Scorpio but on the 5th it will be a full moon, shedding great and powerful energies upon us.

Fourthly their will be a beneficial transit on this day. On this day Mercury will be in opposition to Saturn giving us the following benefits.

This transit brings danger of mental trouble , anxiety, depression,

This transit inclines to serious thinking. You are concerned with one area that others might consider rather abstract, and that is your identity. Under this transit, you tend to dwell on your sense of personal isolation, lonliness, difficulties in relationships and other depressing thoughts.

vague feelings of forgetting important details could figure now. Red tape, re-doing tasks you thought you finished, problems getting from point A to point B, delays in communication, negative thinking, hyper-sensitivity and encountering criticism from others

***Someone may ask why some of the things apply to such a working, and my advice to you is to think about it as a warrior would. Anything and everything can be applied in some way to a desired outcome, you just have to be smart and again think like a warrior. ***

****Although this ritual is set for a specific day, if you are unable to perform it on this day is no excuse to not perform it at a later date. Also a ritual like this whether of your own creation, this one, or future binding rtuals should be done as often as possible so that the enemy looses their last means of survival which as explained before is their minimal spiritual power.****
Runes Being Used

1.Fehu- Instills cowardliness, dullness, breaks the spirit, binds an enemy; instills fear and dependence in an enemy.


3.Isa- prevents prosperity, causes depression, and serves as an obstacle to action. Can be used to cause paralyzing fear or obsession and to prevent or stop movement, both that of growth and disintegration

4.Gebo- Can be used to bind another to an unwanted obligation and can be used in casting love spells. When used in Black Magick, it brings pain and sacrifice upon the victim with no reward. Used with the Isa rune, the combination is powerful in binding enemies

The Sigil-

The sigil should be two circles, one big one and a smaller one on the inside. In-between the two circles should be the runes we are using, circling within that space. In the center of the smaller circle should be a jewish star. On top of the star one should draw the four runes again.

Ritual Affirmation- "The jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity"

Runic Affirmation- "the energies (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species has no magical success for all eternity"

Enochian Key Being Used

1. #10,

Ritual Declaration

War, Death, Slave Masters, Destruction of both Gentiles and the Earth, everything in which the jew has caused and sought after with the power given to them by the enemies of the Gods and Gentile Nations. Before the revolting jewish presence stained the earth the power of God that burns within every Gentile was never abused as the Gentile Nations lived in harmony with each other and the Earth. These gifts within every Gentile were kept in perfect balance with our own desires, the advancement of the Nations and in perfect and complete balance of the Earth. As a result our ancestors remained strong and the Nations they kept were of peace and pleasure.

Despite the highest of generosity from our Gods, the TRUE Gods, our enemies and their creators who have plagued us with their existence and that of their filthy hatchlings, have found the means to corrupt and destroy our ways of life, with the very knowledge and gifts we used to create it. Although deluded and weaker than that of our own kundalini, our enemy has used their abilities to bring confusion to our Gentile people. As a result severing our connection to the laws of nature and all sense of the meaning of balance has faded with the passing of time.

As time progressed, the confusion brought by the kikes increased within our ancestors and continues to poision the minds of the Gentiles of present day. Through this confusion the kikes through their knowledge of energy and the strength of the mind have rendered all Gentiles within their grasps to become as sheep waiting for the slaughter. With a blank mind the kike was able to command our Gentile people into slavery, directing us to do their bidding, turning Gentile against Gentile, Gentile against our Gods, Gentile against the Earth, and completely destroying our connection to everything that once made us masters of our own destiny, leading us to our own self -annihilation.

Rendering us helpless with no clue as to who we are or to what our purpose has and always will be, the jew posing as our master had full advantage over our Gentile people through spiritual strength due to ours fading away with our Gentile heritage that has long been forgotten. With their new found freedom the jew has destroyed everything that took thousands of years for our Gentile ancestors to create. Our perfect society is now mere rubble with the hands of the jews being stained with the blood of the Gentiles they killed to achieve such outcomes.

Oh but the jew has and always will be a coward, working behind the
curtain and having others to do their dirty work. It is by their knowledge of energy and spiritual workings that they were able to cause such destruction and unrest in our Gentile nations. For this reason they are most vulnerable. Comparing the kundalini of a jew with that of a Gentile is like comparing the flame of a candle to that of the sun. By we the warriors of Hell, by we the warriors of the Gods, by we the warriors of the Gentile Nations, weighing our kundalini against that of the jew and binding them from ever being able to successfully use their abilities again, we the Warriors, We the Guardians We the Protectors of the future Gentile Generations can ensure as our Gentile people continue to grow in strength, that it will soon be the jews waiting for the slaughter until their entire race is removed from all means of existence.
Through the Energies presented to me by the heavens, and through the energies that burn within me, I (state your full name) will see it done.

Hail Satan
Hail Beelzebub
Hail Astaroth
Hail Azazel
Hail To All Gods of Hell

Heil Hitler
Heil Heinrich Himmler

Hail To All Members of Hell's True Army
Hail To Our Most Certain Victory
And Hail to the everlasting DESTRUCTION of the kikes

The Ritual

1.Begin by taking a minute or two and raise your energies. This can be done through the "breath of fire" or alternate nostril breathing. This is one way you can protect yourself from the negative energies that are going to be raised during the ritual.

2.Begin by opening the ritual as you normally would, through either the standard ritual or as described by HP Vovim on his website.

3.Read the tenth enochian key either in English or enochian. Although by reading in enochian it is much more effective. When reading it in either way see the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color.

4. Read the ritual declaration with much passion as you can, feeling the anger toward the jew and at the same time seeing the desired outcome in your mind.

5. Burn the ritual declaration. Unfortunatly for those who cannot burn it anything it would be unwise to put such energy into the earth. For those who have trouble burning anything I will post message at the end of this posting.

6. Place the sigil on your alter and begin by repeating the ritual affirmation nine times and seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty red-grayish color.

7. Now move onto the runes and begin with Fehu, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent " the energies of Fehu are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having no magical success for all eternity" and see all the Fehu runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

8. Next Move onto Hagl, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of hagl are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the hagl runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

9. Next Move onto Isa, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of Isa are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the Isa runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

10. Next Move onto Gebo, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of gebo are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the gebo runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

11. Write the ritual affirmation on the back of the sigil

12. Meditate a few minutes and see the desired outcome

13. Burn the sigil while repeating the ritual affirmation nine times.

***Now for those who cannot burn anything I am afraid all I have is advice. You do not have to burn the pieces of paper right away, it is more than ok to wait until like three in the morning until you do so when your family is asleep. Even if you have to wait until the next morning when they are out somewhere. My advice is to place a protective barrier ABOVE the sigil, NOT on the sigil. You can do this by using the rune Algiz and use such an affirmation as "the energies of Algiz are continuously working to completely and totally protect the energies within the sigil. While doing so see a transparent White-gold barrier overtop of your sigil, NOT touching it. For if it touches it both will cancel out eachother. If this is not an option either, simply perform it at a later date. Just be creative and you will find a way***
That is why I said to wait and see what I have planned before voicing your opinion about it. If you waited as I said I would explain it in the near future you would not have to say you do not understand.

I will comment however that what you stated in your post is pathetic. You say everyone should be given all the time in the world to find father? Than I guess all of our awakening rituals go against your beliefs as well. Every day billions of Gentiles pray to the enemy, invoking tons of negative energy which is destroying our Gentile people, and the earth. By saying we should let them do this until they eventually wake up to what has been in front of them already is like saying we can let the jews continue to destroy us, for our Gentile people are carrying out the wishes and desires of the jews.

If we can stop this energy from being raised by our Gentile people either by helping to awaken them with positive and life lifting energy as we have done with our awakening rituals or by ensuring that they are unable to raise such destructive energy that destroys the earth and our people.

This is not to mention I said that my binding rituals will not be just focused on the jews but directed and involve the Gentiles as well, so I aks you where did I say I would actually be binding the Gentiles? Remember there is more than one way to bind someone without actually binding the actual person.

This is why i tell people to think like warrior as in magic there is never just black and white but alot of grey. It is this grey that wins wars.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "sorceressofenki88" <kcmsopranobella@... wrote:

I can't understand why you would want to Bind any of our ppl. Every1 should be given time to find Father, and those that don't will die (hopefully naturally) out of their current lifetime and be reborn sometime in Aquarius so we will all someday be on the same page. I may not understand republics, but I understand that someday we will all be Awakened to Father, born into it in a later life or not.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:


This will be one of several binding rituals that I have in mind and thought for what opportunity will fall upon us on May 11th that this will be an opportune time to perform it. All throughout the kike's history they have worked through confusion and fear to ensure that whatever power they have will be effective over our gentile people. Due to our Gentile people awakening and the kike always being a coward all they have is that small piece of power within their poisionous soul. With our power being great and their power weak it will not be impossible to bind the kike species from ever knowing success through magical means again. That will be the continuous point of my binding rituals of not only the kikes but of Gentiles as well. Before anyone comments on my idea of binding Gentiles my advice to you is to wait and see what I have in mind before you voice your opinion

Date of Ritual
This ritual will fall on Saturday May 5th during the hours of Saturn.

I chose this day for several reasons, first the moon will be in the sign of Scorpio giving us the following benefits

This is one of the best signs for black magickal workings. Revenge, hatred, venting, exposing secrets, death spells, surgery, transformation, obsession, pure sex, the occult, the darker side of things, extremes, research, banishing spells, ending things permanently, death and dying. This is the most powerful and intense of all the moon signs. Secret, underhanded, and covert operations, willpower, drastic destruction. Like its opposite sign Taurus, Scorpio is usually permanent. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the pelvis, reproductive or sex organs at this time. Magickal workings ruled by Pluto are successful at this time.
Second and a reason that I do not have to explain but the day of Saturday is ruled by Saturn giving us great support as well.

Third not only is the moon in Scorpio but on the 5th it will be a full moon, shedding great and powerful energies upon us.

Fourthly their will be a beneficial transit on this day. On this day Mercury will be in opposition to Saturn giving us the following benefits.

This transit brings danger of mental trouble , anxiety, depression,

This transit inclines to serious thinking. You are concerned with one area that others might consider rather abstract, and that is your identity. Under this transit, you tend to dwell on your sense of personal isolation, lonliness, difficulties in relationships and other depressing thoughts.

vague feelings of forgetting important details could figure now. Red tape, re-doing tasks you thought you finished, problems getting from point A to point B, delays in communication, negative thinking, hyper-sensitivity and encountering criticism from others

***Someone may ask why some of the things apply to such a working, and my advice to you is to think about it as a warrior would. Anything and everything can be applied in some way to a desired outcome, you just have to be smart and again think like a warrior. ***

****Although this ritual is set for a specific day, if you are unable to perform it on this day is no excuse to not perform it at a later date. Also a ritual like this whether of your own creation, this one, or future binding rtuals should be done as often as possible so that the enemy looses their last means of survival which as explained before is their minimal spiritual power.****
Runes Being Used

1.Fehu- Instills cowardliness, dullness, breaks the spirit, binds an enemy; instills fear and dependence in an enemy.


3.Isa- prevents prosperity, causes depression, and serves as an obstacle to action. Can be used to cause paralyzing fear or obsession and to prevent or stop movement, both that of growth and disintegration

4.Gebo- Can be used to bind another to an unwanted obligation and can be used in casting love spells. When used in Black Magick, it brings pain and sacrifice upon the victim with no reward. Used with the Isa rune, the combination is powerful in binding enemies

The Sigil-

The sigil should be two circles, one big one and a smaller one on the inside. In-between the two circles should be the runes we are using, circling within that space. In the center of the smaller circle should be a jewish star. On top of the star one should draw the four runes again.

Ritual Affirmation- "The jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity"

Runic Affirmation- "the energies (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species has no magical success for all eternity"

Enochian Key Being Used


Ritual Declaration

War, Death, Slave Masters, Destruction of both Gentiles and the Earth, everything in which the jew has caused and sought after with the power given to them by the enemies of the Gods and Gentile Nations. Before the revolting jewish presence stained the earth the power of God that burns within every Gentile was never abused as the Gentile Nations lived in harmony with each other and the Earth. These gifts within every Gentile were kept in perfect balance with our own desires, the advancement of the Nations and in perfect and complete balance of the Earth. As a result our ancestors remained strong and the Nations they kept were of peace and pleasure.

Despite the highest of generosity from our Gods, the TRUE Gods, our enemies and their creators who have plagued us with their existence and that of their filthy hatchlings, have found the means to corrupt and destroy our ways of life, with the very knowledge and gifts we used to create it. Although deluded and weaker than that of our own kundalini, our enemy has used their abilities to bring confusion to our Gentile people. As a result severing our connection to the laws of nature and all sense of the meaning of balance has faded with the passing of time.

As time progressed, the confusion brought by the kikes increased within our ancestors and continues to poision the minds of the Gentiles of present day. Through this confusion the kikes through their knowledge of energy and the strength of the mind have rendered all Gentiles within their grasps to become as sheep waiting for the slaughter. With a blank mind the kike was able to command our Gentile people into slavery, directing us to do their bidding, turning Gentile against Gentile, Gentile against our Gods, Gentile against the Earth, and completely destroying our connection to everything that once made us masters of our own destiny, leading us to our own self -annihilation.

Rendering us helpless with no clue as to who we are or to what our purpose has and always will be, the jew posing as our master had full advantage over our Gentile people through spiritual strength due to ours fading away with our Gentile heritage that has long been forgotten. With their new found freedom the jew has destroyed everything that took thousands of years for our Gentile ancestors to create. Our perfect society is now mere rubble with the hands of the jews being stained with the blood of the Gentiles they killed to achieve such outcomes.

Oh but the jew has and always will be a coward, working behind the
curtain and having others to do their dirty work. It is by their knowledge of energy and spiritual workings that they were able to cause such destruction and unrest in our Gentile nations. For this reason they are most vulnerable. Comparing the kundalini of a jew with that of a Gentile is like comparing the flame of a candle to that of the sun. By we the warriors of Hell, by we the warriors of the Gods, by we the warriors of the Gentile Nations, weighing our kundalini against that of the jew and binding them from ever being able to successfully use their abilities again, we the Warriors, We the Guardians We the Protectors of the future Gentile Generations can ensure as our Gentile people continue to grow in strength, that it will soon be the jews waiting for the slaughter until their entire race is removed from all means of existence.
Through the Energies presented to me by the heavens, and through the energies that burn within me, I (state your full name) will see it done.

Hail Satan
Hail Beelzebub
Hail Astaroth
Hail Azazel
Hail To All Gods of Hell

Heil Hitler
Heil Heinrich Himmler

Hail To All Members of Hell's True Army
Hail To Our Most Certain Victory
And Hail to the everlasting DESTRUCTION of the kikes

The Ritual

1.Begin by taking a minute or two and raise your energies. This can be done through the "breath of fire" or alternate nostril breathing. This is one way you can protect yourself from the negative energies that are going to be raised during the ritual.

2.Begin by opening the ritual as you normally would, through either the standard ritual or as described by HP Vovim on his website.

3.Read the tenth enochian key either in English or enochian. Although by reading in enochian it is much more effective. When reading it in either way see the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color.

4. Read the ritual declaration with much passion as you can, feeling the anger toward the jew and at the same time seeing the desired outcome in your mind.

5.Burn the ritual declaration. Unfortunatly for those who cannot burn it anything it would be unwise to put such energy into the earth. For those who have trouble burning anything I will post message at the end of this posting.

6.Place the sigil on your alter and begin by repeating the ritual affirmation nine times and seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty red-grayish color.

7.Now move onto the runes and begin with Fehu, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent " the energies of Fehu are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having no magical success for all eternity" and see all the Fehu runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

8.Next Move onto Hagl, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of hagl are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the hagl runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

9.Next Move onto Isa, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of Isa are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the Isa runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

10.Next Move onto Gebo, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of gebo are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the gebo runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

11.Write the ritual affirmation on the back of the sigil

12.Meditate a few minutes and see the desired outcome

13.Burn the sigil while repeating the ritual affirmation nine times.

***Now for those who cannot burn anything I am afraid all I have is advice. You do not have to burn the pieces of paper right away, it is more than ok to wait until like three in the morning until you do so when your family is asleep. Even if you have to wait until the next morning when they are out somewhere. My advice is to place a protective barrier ABOVE the sigil, NOT on the sigil. You can do this by using the rune Algiz and use such an affirmation as "the energies of Algiz are continuously working to completely and totally protect the energies within the sigil. While doing so see a transparent White-gold barrier overtop of your sigil, NOT touching it. For if it touches it both will cancel out eachother. If this is not an option either, simply perform it at a later date. Just be creative and you will find a way***
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "sorceressofenki88" <kcmsopranobella@... wrote:
I can't understand why you would want to Bind any of our ppl. Every1 should be given time to find Father, and those that don't will die (hopefully naturally) out of their current lifetime and be reborn sometime in Aquarius so we will all someday be on the same page. I may not understand republics, but I understand that someday we will all be Awakened to Father, born into it in a later life or not.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:


This will be one of several binding rituals that I have in mind and thought for what opportunity will fall upon us on May 11th that this will be an opportune time to perform it. All throughout the kike's history they have worked through confusion and fear to ensure that whatever power they have will be effective over our gentile people. Due to our Gentile people awakening and the kike always being a coward all they have is that small piece of power within their poisionous soul. With our power being great and their power weak it will not be impossible to bind the kike species from ever knowing success through magical means again. That will be the continuous point of my binding rituals of not only the kikes but of Gentiles as well. Before anyone comments on my idea of binding Gentiles my advice to you is to wait and see what I have in mind before you voice your opinion

Date of Ritual
This ritual will fall on Saturday May 5th during the hours of Saturn.

I chose this day for several reasons, first the moon will be in the sign of Scorpio giving us the following benefits

This is one of the best signs for black magickal workings. Revenge, hatred, venting, exposing secrets, death spells, surgery, transformation, obsession, pure sex, the occult, the darker side of things, extremes, research, banishing spells, ending things permanently, death and dying. This is the most powerful and intense of all the moon signs. Secret, underhanded, and covert operations, willpower, drastic destruction. Like its opposite sign Taurus, Scorpio is usually permanent. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the pelvis, reproductive or sex organs at this time. Magickal workings ruled by Pluto are successful at this time.
Second and a reason that I do not have to explain but the day of Saturday is ruled by Saturn giving us great support as well.

Third not only is the moon in Scorpio but on the 5th it will be a full moon, shedding great and powerful energies upon us.

Fourthly their will be a beneficial transit on this day. On this day Mercury will be in opposition to Saturn giving us the following benefits.

This transit brings danger of mental trouble , anxiety, depression,

This transit inclines to serious thinking. You are concerned with one area that others might consider rather abstract, and that is your identity. Under this transit, you tend to dwell on your sense of personal isolation, lonliness, difficulties in relationships and other depressing thoughts.

vague feelings of forgetting important details could figure now. Red tape, re-doing tasks you thought you finished, problems getting from point A to point B, delays in communication, negative thinking, hyper-sensitivity and encountering criticism from others

***Someone may ask why some of the things apply to such a working, and my advice to you is to think about it as a warrior would. Anything and everything can be applied in some way to a desired outcome, you just have to be smart and again think like a warrior. ***

****Although this ritual is set for a specific day, if you are unable to perform it on this day is no excuse to not perform it at a later date. Also a ritual like this whether of your own creation, this one, or future binding rtuals should be done as often as possible so that the enemy looses their last means of survival which as explained before is their minimal spiritual power.****
Runes Being Used

1.Fehu- Instills cowardliness, dullness, breaks the spirit, binds an enemy; instills fear and dependence in an enemy.


3.Isa- prevents prosperity, causes depression, and serves as an obstacle to action. Can be used to cause paralyzing fear or obsession and to prevent or stop movement, both that of growth and disintegration

4.Gebo- Can be used to bind another to an unwanted obligation and can be used in casting love spells. When used in Black Magick, it brings pain and sacrifice upon the victim with no reward. Used with the Isa rune, the combination is powerful in binding enemies

The Sigil-

The sigil should be two circles, one big one and a smaller one on the inside. In-between the two circles should be the runes we are using, circling within that space. In the center of the smaller circle should be a jewish star. On top of the star one should draw the four runes again.

Ritual Affirmation- "The jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity"

Runic Affirmation- "the energies (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species has no magical success for all eternity"

Enochian Key Being Used


Ritual Declaration

War, Death, Slave Masters, Destruction of both Gentiles and the Earth, everything in which the jew has caused and sought after with the power given to them by the enemies of the Gods and Gentile Nations. Before the revolting jewish presence stained the earth the power of God that burns within every Gentile was never abused as the Gentile Nations lived in harmony with each other and the Earth. These gifts within every Gentile were kept in perfect balance with our own desires, the advancement of the Nations and in perfect and complete balance of the Earth. As a result our ancestors remained strong and the Nations they kept were of peace and pleasure.

Despite the highest of generosity from our Gods, the TRUE Gods, our enemies and their creators who have plagued us with their existence and that of their filthy hatchlings, have found the means to corrupt and destroy our ways of life, with the very knowledge and gifts we used to create it. Although deluded and weaker than that of our own kundalini, our enemy has used their abilities to bring confusion to our Gentile people. As a result severing our connection to the laws of nature and all sense of the meaning of balance has faded with the passing of time.

As time progressed, the confusion brought by the kikes increased within our ancestors and continues to poision the minds of the Gentiles of present day. Through this confusion the kikes through their knowledge of energy and the strength of the mind have rendered all Gentiles within their grasps to become as sheep waiting for the slaughter. With a blank mind the kike was able to command our Gentile people into slavery, directing us to do their bidding, turning Gentile against Gentile, Gentile against our Gods, Gentile against the Earth, and completely destroying our connection to everything that once made us masters of our own destiny, leading us to our own self -annihilation.

Rendering us helpless with no clue as to who we are or to what our purpose has and always will be, the jew posing as our master had full advantage over our Gentile people through spiritual strength due to ours fading away with our Gentile heritage that has long been forgotten. With their new found freedom the jew has destroyed everything that took thousands of years for our Gentile ancestors to create. Our perfect society is now mere rubble with the hands of the jews being stained with the blood of the Gentiles they killed to achieve such outcomes.

Oh but the jew has and always will be a coward, working behind the
curtain and having others to do their dirty work. It is by their knowledge of energy and spiritual workings that they were able to cause such destruction and unrest in our Gentile nations. For this reason they are most vulnerable. Comparing the kundalini of a jew with that of a Gentile is like comparing the flame of a candle to that of the sun. By we the warriors of Hell, by we the warriors of the Gods, by we the warriors of the Gentile Nations, weighing our kundalini against that of the jew and binding them from ever being able to successfully use their abilities again, we the Warriors, We the Guardians We the Protectors of the future Gentile Generations can ensure as our Gentile people continue to grow in strength, that it will soon be the jews waiting for the slaughter until their entire race is removed from all means of existence.
Through the Energies presented to me by the heavens, and through the energies that burn within me, I (state your full name) will see it done.

Hail Satan
Hail Beelzebub
Hail Astaroth
Hail Azazel
Hail To All Gods of Hell

Heil Hitler
Heil Heinrich Himmler

Hail To All Members of Hell's True Army
Hail To Our Most Certain Victory
And Hail to the everlasting DESTRUCTION of the kikes

The Ritual

1.Begin by taking a minute or two and raise your energies. This can be done through the "breath of fire" or alternate nostril breathing. This is one way you can protect yourself from the negative energies that are going to be raised during the ritual.

2.Begin by opening the ritual as you normally would, through either the standard ritual or as described by HP Vovim on his website.

3.Read the tenth enochian key either in English or enochian. Although by reading in enochian it is much more effective. When reading it in either way see the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color.

4. Read the ritual declaration with much passion as you can, feeling the anger toward the jew and at the same time seeing the desired outcome in your mind.

5.Burn the ritual declaration. Unfortunatly for those who cannot burn it anything it would be unwise to put such energy into the earth. For those who have trouble burning anything I will post message at the end of this posting.

6.Place the sigil on your alter and begin by repeating the ritual affirmation nine times and seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty red-grayish color.

7.Now move onto the runes and begin with Fehu, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent " the energies of Fehu are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having no magical success for all eternity" and see all the Fehu runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

8.Next Move onto Hagl, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of hagl are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the hagl runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

9.Next Move onto Isa, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of Isa are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the Isa runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

10.Next Move onto Gebo, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of gebo are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the gebo runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

11.Write the ritual affirmation on the back of the sigil

12.Meditate a few minutes and see the desired outcome

13.Burn the sigil while repeating the ritual affirmation nine times.

***Now for those who cannot burn anything I am afraid all I have is advice. You do not have to burn the pieces of paper right away, it is more than ok to wait until like three in the morning until you do so when your family is asleep. Even if you have to wait until the next morning when they are out somewhere. My advice is to place a protective barrier ABOVE the sigil, NOT on the sigil. You can do this by using the rune Algiz and use such an affirmation as "the energies of Algiz are continuously working to completely and totally protect the energies within the sigil. While doing so see a transparent White-gold barrier overtop of your sigil, NOT touching it. For if it touches it both will cancel out eachother. If this is not an option either, simply perform it at a later date. Just be creative and you will find a way***
I had similiar if not same ideas in regards to rituals. Its GRAY magick that wins wars. Empower your own ,weaken and bind the enemy. Thats how we will win. Every day the Gentile Humans of Satan remain with their enemies or alone, they are getting further destroyed and there is no time, no need and no reason to let them wander. IF not bring them to Satan, which is their choice again to make yes or not, we have to do what we have to do and destroy the enemy. And we don't take any fucking clarification from putting this criminal race down. We can't wait for all those asleep because if we do, it will take forever. Our actions may seem dogmatic or who knows even cruel- sadly even to our own people, but they are in fact Satan's Divine Will and consciousness that guides all of Us to ACT before the enemy and more than them.

I already explained this once in another posting on this thread to another member, I am sorry but I do not feel like repeating myself. Look at that posting on this thread and you will get a small understanding. Once you have been fighting this war as long as some of the other members on these boards have, once you have awakened yourself to the seriousness of this war like others have, you will see why.

Like I said read that other posting especially the last two paragraphs.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Proppa Bloke" <enkiloveryeah@... wrote:

Can I ask, why the gentile people?
I am glad to see I have some brothers and sisters who know the importance of binding. Its good to know I have you at my side brother.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@... wrote:

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "sorceressofenki88" <kcmsopranobella@ wrote:

I can't understand why you would want to Bind any of our ppl. Every1 should be given time to find Father, and those that don't will die (hopefully naturally) out of their current lifetime and be reborn sometime in Aquarius so we will all someday be on the same page. I may not understand republics, but I understand that someday we will all be Awakened to Father, born into it in a later life or not.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:


This will be one of several binding rituals that I have in mind and thought for what opportunity will fall upon us on May 11th that this will be an opportune time to perform it. All throughout the kike's history they have worked through confusion and fear to ensure that whatever power they have will be effective over our gentile people. Due to our Gentile people awakening and the kike always being a coward all they have is that small piece of power within their poisionous soul. With our power being great and their power weak it will not be impossible to bind the kike species from ever knowing success through magical means again. That will be the continuous point of my binding rituals of not only the kikes but of Gentiles as well. Before anyone comments on my idea of binding Gentiles my advice to you is to wait and see what I have in mind before you voice your opinion

Date of Ritual
This ritual will fall on Saturday May 5th during the hours of Saturn.

I chose this day for several reasons, first the moon will be in the sign of Scorpio giving us the following benefits

This is one of the best signs for black magickal workings. Revenge, hatred, venting, exposing secrets, death spells, surgery, transformation, obsession, pure sex, the occult, the darker side of things, extremes, research, banishing spells, ending things permanently, death and dying. This is the most powerful and intense of all the moon signs. Secret, underhanded, and covert operations, willpower, drastic destruction. Like its opposite sign Taurus, Scorpio is usually permanent. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the pelvis, reproductive or sex organs at this time. Magickal workings ruled by Pluto are successful at this time.
Second and a reason that I do not have to explain but the day of Saturday is ruled by Saturn giving us great support as well.

Third not only is the moon in Scorpio but on the 5th it will be a full moon, shedding great and powerful energies upon us.

Fourthly their will be a beneficial transit on this day. On this day Mercury will be in opposition to Saturn giving us the following benefits.

This transit brings danger of mental trouble , anxiety, depression,

This transit inclines to serious thinking. You are concerned with one area that others might consider rather abstract, and that is your identity. Under this transit, you tend to dwell on your sense of personal isolation, lonliness, difficulties in relationships and other depressing thoughts.

vague feelings of forgetting important details could figure now. Red tape, re-doing tasks you thought you finished, problems getting from point A to point B, delays in communication, negative thinking, hyper-sensitivity and encountering criticism from others

***Someone may ask why some of the things apply to such a working, and my advice to you is to think about it as a warrior would. Anything and everything can be applied in some way to a desired outcome, you just have to be smart and again think like a warrior. ***

****Although this ritual is set for a specific day, if you are unable to perform it on this day is no excuse to not perform it at a later date. Also a ritual like this whether of your own creation, this one, or future binding rtuals should be done as often as possible so that the enemy looses their last means of survival which as explained before is their minimal spiritual power.****
Runes Being Used

1.Fehu- Instills cowardliness, dullness, breaks the spirit, binds an enemy; instills fear and dependence in an enemy.


3.Isa- prevents prosperity, causes depression, and serves as an obstacle to action. Can be used to cause paralyzing fear or obsession and to prevent or stop movement, both that of growth and disintegration

4.Gebo- Can be used to bind another to an unwanted obligation and can be used in casting love spells. When used in Black Magick, it brings pain and sacrifice upon the victim with no reward. Used with the Isa rune, the combination is powerful in binding enemies

The Sigil-

The sigil should be two circles, one big one and a smaller one on the inside. In-between the two circles should be the runes we are using, circling within that space. In the center of the smaller circle should be a jewish star. On top of the star one should draw the four runes again.

Ritual Affirmation- "The jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity"

Runic Affirmation- "the energies (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species has no magical success for all eternity"

Enochian Key Being Used


Ritual Declaration

War, Death, Slave Masters, Destruction of both Gentiles and the Earth, everything in which the jew has caused and sought after with the power given to them by the enemies of the Gods and Gentile Nations. Before the revolting jewish presence stained the earth the power of God that burns within every Gentile was never abused as the Gentile Nations lived in harmony with each other and the Earth. These gifts within every Gentile were kept in perfect balance with our own desires, the advancement of the Nations and in perfect and complete balance of the Earth. As a result our ancestors remained strong and the Nations they kept were of peace and pleasure.

Despite the highest of generosity from our Gods, the TRUE Gods, our enemies and their creators who have plagued us with their existence and that of their filthy hatchlings, have found the means to corrupt and destroy our ways of life, with the very knowledge and gifts we used to create it. Although deluded and weaker than that of our own kundalini, our enemy has used their abilities to bring confusion to our Gentile people. As a result severing our connection to the laws of nature and all sense of the meaning of balance has faded with the passing of time.

As time progressed, the confusion brought by the kikes increased within our ancestors and continues to poision the minds of the Gentiles of present day. Through this confusion the kikes through their knowledge of energy and the strength of the mind have rendered all Gentiles within their grasps to become as sheep waiting for the slaughter. With a blank mind the kike was able to command our Gentile people into slavery, directing us to do their bidding, turning Gentile against Gentile, Gentile against our Gods, Gentile against the Earth, and completely destroying our connection to everything that once made us masters of our own destiny, leading us to our own self -annihilation.

Rendering us helpless with no clue as to who we are or to what our purpose has and always will be, the jew posing as our master had full advantage over our Gentile people through spiritual strength due to ours fading away with our Gentile heritage that has long been forgotten. With their new found freedom the jew has destroyed everything that took thousands of years for our Gentile ancestors to create. Our perfect society is now mere rubble with the hands of the jews being stained with the blood of the Gentiles they killed to achieve such outcomes.

Oh but the jew has and always will be a coward, working behind the
curtain and having others to do their dirty work. It is by their knowledge of energy and spiritual workings that they were able to cause such destruction and unrest in our Gentile nations. For this reason they are most vulnerable. Comparing the kundalini of a jew with that of a Gentile is like comparing the flame of a candle to that of the sun. By we the warriors of Hell, by we the warriors of the Gods, by we the warriors of the Gentile Nations, weighing our kundalini against that of the jew and binding them from ever being able to successfully use their abilities again, we the Warriors, We the Guardians We the Protectors of the future Gentile Generations can ensure as our Gentile people continue to grow in strength, that it will soon be the jews waiting for the slaughter until their entire race is removed from all means of existence.
Through the Energies presented to me by the heavens, and through the energies that burn within me, I (state your full name) will see it done.

Hail Satan
Hail Beelzebub
Hail Astaroth
Hail Azazel
Hail To All Gods of Hell

Heil Hitler
Heil Heinrich Himmler

Hail To All Members of Hell's True Army
Hail To Our Most Certain Victory
And Hail to the everlasting DESTRUCTION of the kikes

The Ritual

1.Begin by taking a minute or two and raise your energies. This can be done through the "breath of fire" or alternate nostril breathing. This is one way you can protect yourself from the negative energies that are going to be raised during the ritual.

2.Begin by opening the ritual as you normally would, through either the standard ritual or as described by HP Vovim on his website.

3.Read the tenth enochian key either in English or enochian. Although by reading in enochian it is much more effective. When reading it in either way see the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color.

4. Read the ritual declaration with much passion as you can, feeling the anger toward the jew and at the same time seeing the desired outcome in your mind.

5.Burn the ritual declaration. Unfortunatly for those who cannot burn it anything it would be unwise to put such energy into the earth. For those who have trouble burning anything I will post message at the end of this posting.

6.Place the sigil on your alter and begin by repeating the ritual affirmation nine times and seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty red-grayish color.

7.Now move onto the runes and begin with Fehu, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent " the energies of Fehu are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having no magical success for all eternity" and see all the Fehu runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

8.Next Move onto Hagl, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of hagl are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the hagl runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

9.Next Move onto Isa, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of Isa are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the Isa runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

10.Next Move onto Gebo, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of gebo are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the gebo runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

11.Write the ritual affirmation on the back of the sigil

12.Meditate a few minutes and see the desired outcome

13.Burn the sigil while repeating the ritual affirmation nine times.

***Now for those who cannot burn anything I am afraid all I have is advice. You do not have to burn the pieces of paper right away, it is more than ok to wait until like three in the morning until you do so when your family is asleep. Even if you have to wait until the next morning when they are out somewhere. My advice is to place a protective barrier ABOVE the sigil, NOT on the sigil. You can do this by using the rune Algiz and use such an affirmation as "the energies of Algiz are continuously working to completely and totally protect the energies within the sigil. While doing so see a transparent White-gold barrier overtop of your sigil, NOT touching it. For if it touches it both will cancel out eachother. If this is not an option either, simply perform it at a later date. Just be creative and you will find a way***

I had similiar if not same ideas in regards to rituals. Its GRAY magick that wins wars. Empower your own ,weaken and bind the enemy. Thats how we will win. Every day the Gentile Humans of Satan remain with their enemies or alone, they are getting further destroyed and there is no time, no need and no reason to let them wander. IF not bring them to Satan, which is their choice again to make yes or not, we have to do what we have to do and destroy the enemy. And we don't take any fucking clarification from putting this criminal race down. We can't wait for all those asleep because if we do, it will take forever. Our actions may seem dogmatic or who knows even cruel- sadly even to our own people, but they are in fact Satan's Divine Will and consciousness that guides all of Us to ACT before the enemy and more than them.

<td val[/IMG]Because we are the only deserving people.

Hail Enki

--- On Fri, 5/4/12, Proppa Bloke <enkiloveryeah@... wrote:
From: Proppa Bloke <enkiloveryeah@...
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Group Binding/Destruction Ritual Version 1.1
To: [email protected]
Date: Friday, May 4, 2012, 6:53 PM

  Can I ask, why the gentile people?
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@... wrote:
I am glad to see I have some brothers and sisters who know the importance of binding. Its good to know I have you at my side brother.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@ wrote:

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "sorceressofenki88" <kcmsopranobella@ wrote:

I can't understand why you would want to Bind any of our ppl. Every1 should be given time to find Father, and those that don't will die (hopefully naturally) out of their current lifetime and be reborn sometime in Aquarius so we will all someday be on the same page. I may not understand republics, but I understand that someday we will all be Awakened to Father, born into it in a later life or not.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:


This will be one of several binding rituals that I have in mind and thought for what opportunity will fall upon us on May 11th that this will be an opportune time to perform it. All throughout the kike's history they have worked through confusion and fear to ensure that whatever power they have will be effective over our gentile people. Due to our Gentile people awakening and the kike always being a coward all they have is that small piece of power within their poisionous soul. With our power being great and their power weak it will not be impossible to bind the kike species from ever knowing success through magical means again. That will be the continuous point of my binding rituals of not only the kikes but of Gentiles as well. Before anyone comments on my idea of binding Gentiles my advice to you is to wait and see what I have in mind before you voice your opinion

Date of Ritual
This ritual will fall on Saturday May 5th during the hours of Saturn.

I chose this day for several reasons, first the moon will be in the sign of Scorpio giving us the following benefits

This is one of the best signs for black magickal workings. Revenge, hatred, venting, exposing secrets, death spells, surgery, transformation, obsession, pure sex, the occult, the darker side of things, extremes, research, banishing spells, ending things permanently, death and dying. This is the most powerful and intense of all the moon signs. Secret, underhanded, and covert operations, willpower, drastic destruction. Like its opposite sign Taurus, Scorpio is usually permanent. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the pelvis, reproductive or sex organs at this time. Magickal workings ruled by Pluto are successful at this time.
Second and a reason that I do not have to explain but the day of Saturday is ruled by Saturn giving us great support as well.

Third not only is the moon in Scorpio but on the 5th it will be a full moon, shedding great and powerful energies upon us.

Fourthly their will be a beneficial transit on this day. On this day Mercury will be in opposition to Saturn giving us the following benefits.

This transit brings danger of mental trouble , anxiety, depression,

This transit inclines to serious thinking. You are concerned with one area that others might consider rather abstract, and that is your identity. Under this transit, you tend to dwell on your sense of personal isolation, lonliness, difficulties in relationships and other depressing thoughts.

vague feelings of forgetting important details could figure now. Red tape, re-doing tasks you thought you finished, problems getting from point A to point B, delays in communication, negative thinking, hyper-sensitivity and encountering criticism from others

***Someone may ask why some of the things apply to such a working, and my advice to you is to think about it as a warrior would. Anything and everything can be applied in some way to a desired outcome, you just have to be smart and again think like a warrior. ***

****Although this ritual is set for a specific day, if you are unable to perform it on this day is no excuse to not perform it at a later date. Also a ritual like this whether of your own creation, this one, or future binding rtuals should be done as often as possible so that the enemy looses their last means of survival which as explained before is their minimal spiritual power.****
Runes Being Used

1.Fehu- Instills cowardliness, dullness, breaks the spirit, binds an enemy; instills fear and dependence in an enemy.


3.Isa- prevents prosperity, causes depression, and serves as an obstacle to action. Can be used to cause paralyzing fear or obsession and to prevent or stop movement, both that of growth and disintegration

4.Gebo- Can be used to bind another to an unwanted obligation and can be used in casting love spells. When used in Black Magick, it brings pain and sacrifice upon the victim with no reward. Used with the Isa rune, the combination is powerful in binding enemies

The Sigil-

The sigil should be two circles, one big one and a smaller one on the inside. In-between the two circles should be the runes we are using, circling within that space. In the center of the smaller circle should be a jewish star. On top of the star one should draw the four runes again.

Ritual Affirmation- "The jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity"

Runic Affirmation- "the energies (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species has no magical success for all eternity"

Enochian Key Being Used


Ritual Declaration

War, Death, Slave Masters, Destruction of both Gentiles and the Earth, everything in which the jew has caused and sought after with the power given to them by the enemies of the Gods and Gentile Nations. Before the revolting jewish presence stained the earth the power of God that burns within every Gentile was never abused as the Gentile Nations lived in harmony with each other and the Earth. These gifts within every Gentile were kept in perfect balance with our own desires, the advancement of the Nations and in perfect and complete balance of the Earth. As a result our ancestors remained strong and the Nations they kept were of peace and pleasure.

Despite the highest of generosity from our Gods, the TRUE Gods, our enemies and their creators who have plagued us with their existence and that of their filthy hatchlings, have found the means to corrupt and destroy our ways of life, with the very knowledge and gifts we used to create it. Although deluded and weaker than that of our own kundalini, our enemy has used their abilities to bring confusion to our Gentile people. As a result severing our connection to the laws of nature and all sense of the meaning of balance has faded with the passing of time.

As time progressed, the confusion brought by the kikes increased within our ancestors and continues to poision the minds of the Gentiles of present day. Through this confusion the kikes through their knowledge of energy and the strength of the mind have rendered all Gentiles within their grasps to become as sheep waiting for the slaughter. With a blank mind the kike was able to command our Gentile people into slavery, directing us to do their bidding, turning Gentile against Gentile, Gentile against our Gods, Gentile against the Earth, and completely destroying our connection to everything that once made us masters of our own destiny, leading us to our own self -annihilation.

Rendering us helpless with no clue as to who we are or to what our purpose has and always will be, the jew posing as our master had full advantage over our Gentile people through spiritual strength due to ours fading away with our Gentile heritage that has long been forgotten. With their new found freedom the jew has destroyed everything that took thousands of years for our Gentile ancestors to create. Our perfect society is now mere rubble with the hands of the jews being stained with the blood of the Gentiles they killed to achieve such outcomes.

Oh but the jew has and always will be a coward, working behind the
curtain and having others to do their dirty work. It is by their knowledge of energy and spiritual workings that they were able to cause such destruction and unrest in our Gentile nations. For this reason they are most vulnerable. Comparing the kundalini of a jew with that of a Gentile is like comparing the flame of a candle to that of the sun. By we the warriors of Hell, by we the warriors of the Gods, by we the warriors of the Gentile Nations, weighing our kundalini against that of the jew and binding them from ever being able to successfully use their abilities again, we the Warriors, We the Guardians We the Protectors of the future Gentile Generations can ensure as our Gentile people continue to grow in strength, that it will soon be the jews waiting for the slaughter until their entire race is removed from all means of existence.
Through the Energies presented to me by the heavens, and through the energies that burn within me, I (state your full name) will see it done.

Hail Satan
Hail Beelzebub
Hail Astaroth
Hail Azazel
Hail To All Gods of Hell

Heil Hitler
Heil Heinrich Himmler

Hail To All Members of Hell's True Army
Hail To Our Most Certain Victory
And Hail to the everlasting DESTRUCTION of the kikes

The Ritual

1.Begin by taking a minute or two and raise your energies. This can be done through the "breath of fire" or alternate nostril breathing. This is one way you can protect yourself from the negative energies that are going to be raised during the ritual.

2.Begin by opening the ritual as you normally would, through either the standard ritual or as described by HP Vovim on his website.

3.Read the tenth enochian key either in English or enochian. Although by reading in enochian it is much more effective. When reading it in either way see the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color.

4. Read the ritual declaration with much passion as you can, feeling the anger toward the jew and at the same time seeing the desired outcome in your mind.

5.Burn the ritual declaration. Unfortunatly for those who cannot burn it anything it would be unwise to put such energy into the earth. For those who have trouble burning anything I will post message at the end of this posting.

6.Place the sigil on your alter and begin by repeating the ritual affirmation nine times and seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty red-grayish color.

7.Now move onto the runes and begin with Fehu, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent " the energies of Fehu are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having no magical success for all eternity" and see all the Fehu runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

8.Next Move onto Hagl, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of hagl are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the hagl runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

9.Next Move onto Isa, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of Isa are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the Isa runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

10.Next Move onto Gebo, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of gebo are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the gebo runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

11.Write the ritual affirmation on the back of the sigil

12.Meditate a few minutes and see the desired outcome

13.Burn the sigil while repeating the ritual affirmation nine times.

***Now for those who cannot burn anything I am afraid all I have is advice. You do not have to burn the pieces of paper right away, it is more than ok to wait until like three in the morning until you do so when your family is asleep. Even if you have to wait until the next morning when they are out somewhere. My advice is to place a protective barrier ABOVE the sigil, NOT on the sigil. You can do this by using the rune Algiz and use such an affirmation as "the energies of Algiz are continuously working to completely and totally protect the energies within the sigil. While doing so see a transparent White-gold barrier overtop of your sigil, NOT touching it. For if it touches it both will cancel out eachother. If this is not an option either, simply perform it at a later date. Just be creative and you will find a way***

I had similiar if not same ideas in regards to rituals. Its GRAY magick that wins wars. Empower your own ,weaken and bind the enemy. Thats how we will win. Every day the Gentile Humans of Satan remain with their enemies or alone, they are getting further destroyed and there is no time, no need and no reason to let them wander. IF not bring them to Satan, which is their choice again to make yes or not, we have to do what we have to do and destroy the enemy. And we don't take any fucking clarification from putting this criminal race down. We can't wait for all those asleep because if we do, it will take forever. Our actions may seem dogmatic or who knows even cruel- sadly even to our own people, but they are in fact Satan's Divine Will and consciousness that guides all of Us to ACT before the enemy and more than them.

Its a honorable life we live in this war. I could never wish for a better cause.

Call me on this +254700442806

Sent from my Nokia phone

------Original message------
From: strengththroughsatan89 <horrorfan89@...
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Saturday, May 5, 2012 10:52:19 AM GMT-0000
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Group Binding/Destruction Ritual Version 1.1

I am glad to see I have some brothers and sisters who know the importance of binding. Its good to know I have you at my side brother.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@... wrote:

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "sorceressofenki88" <kcmsopranobella@ wrote:

I can't understand why you would want to Bind any of our ppl. Every1 should be given time to find Father, and those that don't will die (hopefully naturally) out of their current lifetime and be reborn sometime in Aquarius so we will all someday be on the same page. I may not understand republics, but I understand that someday we will all be Awakened to Father, born into it in a later life or not.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:


This will be one of several binding rituals that I have in mind and thought for what opportunity will fall upon us on May 11th that this will be an opportune time to perform it. All throughout the kike's history they have worked through confusion and fear to ensure that whatever power they have will be effective over our gentile people. Due to our Gentile people awakening and the kike always being a coward all they have is that small piece of power within their poisionous soul. With our power being great and their power weak it will not be impossible to bind the kike species from ever knowing success through magical means again. That will be the continuous point of my binding rituals of not only the kikes but of Gentiles as well. Before anyone comments on my idea of binding Gentiles my advice to you is to wait and see what I have in mind before you voice your opinion

Date of Ritual
This ritual will fall on Saturday May 5th during the hours of Saturn.

I chose this day for several reasons, first the moon will be in the sign of Scorpio giving us the following benefits

This is one of the best signs for black magickal workings. Revenge, hatred, venting, exposing secrets, death spells, surgery, transformation, obsession, pure sex, the occult, the darker side of things, extremes, research, banishing spells, ending things permanently, death and dying. This is the most powerful and intense of all the moon signs. Secret, underhanded, and covert operations, willpower, drastic destruction. Like its opposite sign Taurus, Scorpio is usually permanent. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the pelvis, reproductive or sex organs at this time. Magickal workings ruled by Pluto are successful at this time.
Second and a reason that I do not have to explain but the day of Saturday is ruled by Saturn giving us great support as well.

Third not only is the moon in Scorpio but on the 5th it will be a full moon, shedding great and powerful energies upon us.

Fourthly their will be a beneficial transit on this day. On this day Mercury will be in opposition to Saturn giving us the following benefits.

This transit brings danger of mental trouble , anxiety, depression,

This transit inclines to serious thinking. You are concerned with one area that others might consider rather abstract, and that is your identity Under this transit, you tend to dwell on your sense of personal isolation, lonliness, difficulties in relationships and other depressing thoughts.

vague feelings of forgetting important details could figure now. Red tape, re-doing tasks you thought you finished, problems getting from point A to point B, delays in communication, negative thinking, hyper-sensitivity and encountering criticism from others

***Someone may ask why some of the things apply to such a working, and my advice to you is to think about it as a warrior would. Anything and everything can be applied in some way to a desired outcome, you just have to be smart and again think like a warrior. ***

****Although this ritual is set for a specific day, if you are unable to perform it on this day is no excuse to not perform it at a later date. Also a ritual like this whether of your own creation, this one, or future binding rtuals should be done as often as possible so that the enemy looses their last means of survival which as explained before is their minimal spiritual power.****
Runes Being Used

1.Fehu- Instills cowardliness, dullness, breaks the spirit, binds an enemy; instills fear and dependence in an enemy.


3.Isa- prevents prosperity, causes depression, and serves as an obstacle to action. Can be used to cause paralyzing fear or obsession and to prevent or stop movement, both that of growth and disintegration

4.Gebo- Can be used to bind another to an unwanted obligation and can be used in casting love spells. When used in Black Magick, it brings pain and sacrifice upon the victim with no reward. Used with the Isa rune, the combination is powerful in binding enemies

The Sigil-

The sigil should be two circles, one big one and a smaller one on the inside. In-between the two circles should be the runes we are using, circling within that space. In the center of the smaller circle should be a jewish star. On top of the star one should draw the four runes again.

Ritual Affirmation- "The jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity"

Runic Affirmation- "the energies (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species has no magical success for all eternity"

Enochian Key Being Used


Ritual Declaration

War, Death, Slave Masters, Destruction of both Gentiles and the Earth, everything in which the jew has caused and sought after with the power given to them by the enemies of the Gods and Gentile Nations. Before the revolting jewish presence stained the earth the power of God that burns within every Gentile was never abused as the Gentile Nations lived in harmony with each other and the Earth. These gifts within every Gentile were kept in perfect balance with our own desires, the advancement of the Nations and in perfect and complete balance of the Earth. As a result our ancestors remained strong and the Nations they kept were of peace and pleasure.

Despite the highest of generosity from our Gods, the TRUE Gods, our enemies and their creators who have plagued us with their existence and that of their filthy hatchlings, have found the means to corrupt and destroy our ways of life, with the very knowledge and gifts we used to create it. Although deluded and weaker than that of our own kundalini, our enemy has used their abilities to bring confusion to our Gentile people. As a result severing our connection to the laws of nature and all sense of the meaning of balance has faded with the passing of time.

As time progressed, the confusion brought by the kikes increased within our ancestors and continues to poision the minds of the Gentiles of present day. Through this confusion the kikes through their knowledge of energy and the strength of the mind have rendered all Gentiles within their grasps to become as sheep waiting for the slaughter. With a blank mind the kike was able to command our Gentile people into slavery, directing us to do their bidding, turning Gentile against Gentile, Gentile against our Gods, Gentile against the Earth, and completely destroying our connection to everything that once made us masters of our own destiny, leading us to our own self -annihilation.

Rendering us helpless with no clue as to who we are or to what our purpose has and always will be, the jew posing as our master had full advantage over our Gentile people through spiritual strength due to ours fading away with our Gentile heritage that has long been forgotten. With their new found freedom the jew has destroyed everything that took thousands of years for our Gentile ancestors to create. Our perfect society is now mere rubble with the hands of the jews being stained with the blood of the Gentiles they killed to achieve such outcomes.

Oh but the jew has and always will be a coward, working behind the
curtain and having others to do their dirty work. It is by their knowledge of energy and spiritual workings that they were able to cause such destruction and unrest in our Gentile nations. For this reason they are most vulnerable. Comparing the kundalini of a jew with that of a Gentile is like comparing the flame of a candle to that of the sun. By we the warriors of Hell, by we the warriors of the Gods, by we the warriors of the Gentile Nations, weighing our kundalini against that of the jew and binding them from ever being able to successfully use their abilities again, we the Warriors, We the Guardians We the Protectors of the future Gentile Generations can ensure as our Gentile people continue to grow in strength, that it will soon be the jews waiting for the slaughter until their entire race is removed from all means of existence.
Through the Energies presented to me by the heavens, and through the energies that burn within me, I (state your full name) will see it done.

Hail Satan
Hail Beelzebub
Hail Astaroth
Hail Azazel
Hail To All Gods of Hell

Heil Hitler
Heil Heinrich Himmler

Hail To All Members of Hell's True Army
Hail To Our Most Certain Victory
And Hail to the everlasting DESTRUCTION of the kikes

The Ritual

1.Begin by taking a minute or two and raise your energies. This can be done through the "breath of fire" or alternate nostril breathing. This is one way you can protect yourself from the negative energies that are going to be raised during the ritual.

2.Begin by opening the ritual as you normally would, through either the standard ritual or as described by HP Vovim on his website.

3.Read the tenth enochian key either in English or enochian. Although by reading in enochian it is much more effective. When reading it in either way see the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color.

4. Read the ritual declaration with much passion as you can, feeling the anger toward the jew and at the same time seeing the desired outcome in your mind.

5.Burn the ritual declaration. Unfortunatly for those who cannot burn it anything it would be unwise to put such energy into the earth. For those who have trouble burning anything I will post message at the end of this posting.

6.Place the sigil on your alter and begin by repeating the ritual affirmation nine times and seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty red-grayish color.

7.Now move onto the runes and begin with Fehu, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent " the energies of Fehu are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having no magical success for all eternity" and see all the Fehu runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

8.Next Move onto Hagl, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of hagl are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the hagl runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

9.Next Move onto Isa, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of Isa are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the Isa runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

10.Next Move onto Gebo, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of gebo are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the gebo runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

11.Write the ritual affirmation on the back of the sigil

12.Meditate a few minutes and see the desired outcome

13.Burn the sigil while repeating the ritual affirmation nine times.

***Now for those who cannot burn anything I am afraid all I have is advice. You do not have to burn the pieces of paper right away, it is more than ok to wait until like three in the morning until you do so when your family is asleep. Even if you have to wait until the next morning when they are out somewhere. My advice is to place a protective barrier ABOVE the sigil, NOT on the sigil. You can do this by using the rune Algiz and use such an affirmation as "the energies of Algiz are continuously working to completely and totally protect the energies within the sigil. While doing so see a transparent White-gold barrier overtop of your sigil, NOT touching it. For if it touches it both will cancel out eachother. If this is not an option either, simply perform it at a later date. Just be creative and you will find a way***

I had similiar if not same ideas in regards to rituals. Its GRAY magick that wins wars. Empower your own ,weaken and bind the enemy. Thats how we will win. Every day the Gentile Humans of Satan remain with their enemies or alone, they are getting further destroyed and there is no time, no need and no reason to let them wander. IF not bring them to Satan, which is their choice again to make yes or not, we have to do what we have to do and destroy the enemy. And we don't take any fucking clarification from putting this criminal race down. We can't wait for all those asleep because if we do, it will take forever. Our actions may seem dogmatic or who knows even cruel- sadly even to our own people, but they are in fact Satan's Divine Will and consciousness that guides all of Us to ACT before the enemy and more than them.

Horror fan can yu b of help? I wnt to be of father satan

Sent from my Nokia phone

------Original message------
From: strengththroughsatan89 <horrorfan89@...
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Saturday, May 5, 2012 10:52:19 AM GMT-0000
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Group Binding/Destruction Ritual Version 1.1

I am glad to see I have some brothers and sisters who know the importance of binding. Its good to know I have you at my side brother.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@... wrote:

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "sorceressofenki88" <kcmsopranobella@ wrote:

I can't understand why you would want to Bind any of our ppl. Every1 should be given time to find Father, and those that don't will die (hopefully naturally) out of their current lifetime and be reborn sometime in Aquarius so we will all someday be on the same page. I may not understand republics, but I understand that someday we will all be Awakened to Father, born into it in a later life or not.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:


This will be one of several binding rituals that I have in mind and thought for what opportunity will fall upon us on May 11th that this will be an opportune time to perform it. All throughout the kike's history they have worked through confusion and fear to ensure that whatever power they have will be effective over our gentile people. Due to our Gentile people awakening and the kike always being a coward all they have is that small piece of power within their poisionous soul. With our power being great and their power weak it will not be impossible to bind the kike species from ever knowing success through magical means again. That will be the continuous point of my binding rituals of not only the kikes but of Gentiles as well. Before anyone comments on my idea of binding Gentiles my advice to you is to wait and see what I have in mind before you voice your opinion

Date of Ritual
This ritual will fall on Saturday May 5th during the hours of Saturn.

I chose this day for several reasons, first the moon will be in the sign of Scorpio giving us the following benefits

This is one of the best signs for black magickal workings. Revenge, hatred, venting, exposing secrets, death spells, surgery, transformation, obsession, pure sex, the occult, the darker side of things, extremes, research, banishing spells, ending things permanently, death and dying. This is the most powerful and intense of all the moon signs. Secret, underhanded, and covert operations, willpower, drastic destruction. Like its opposite sign Taurus, Scorpio is usually permanent. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the pelvis, reproductive or sex organs at this time. Magickal workings ruled by Pluto are successful at this time.
Second and a reason that I do not have to explain but the day of Saturday is ruled by Saturn giving us great support as well.

Third not only is the moon in Scorpio but on the 5th it will be a full moon, shedding great and powerful energies upon us.

Fourthly their will be a beneficial transit on this day. On this day Mercury will be in opposition to Saturn giving us the following benefits.

This transit brings danger of mental trouble , anxiety, depression,

This transit inclines to serious thinking. You are concerned with one area that others might consider rather abstract, and that is your identity Under this transit, you tend to dwell on your sense of personal isolation, lonliness, difficulties in relationships and other depressing thoughts.

vague feelings of forgetting important details could figure now. Red tape, re-doing tasks you thought you finished, problems getting from point A to point B, delays in communication, negative thinking, hyper-sensitivity and encountering criticism from others

***Someone may ask why some of the things apply to such a working, and my advice to you is to think about it as a warrior would. Anything and everything can be applied in some way to a desired outcome, you just have to be smart and again think like a warrior. ***

****Although this ritual is set for a specific day, if you are unable to perform it on this day is no excuse to not perform it at a later date. Also a ritual like this whether of your own creation, this one, or future binding rtuals should be done as often as possible so that the enemy looses their last means of survival which as explained before is their minimal spiritual power.****
Runes Being Used

1.Fehu- Instills cowardliness, dullness, breaks the spirit, binds an enemy; instills fear and dependence in an enemy.


3.Isa- prevents prosperity, causes depression, and serves as an obstacle to action. Can be used to cause paralyzing fear or obsession and to prevent or stop movement, both that of growth and disintegration

4.Gebo- Can be used to bind another to an unwanted obligation and can be used in casting love spells. When used in Black Magick, it brings pain and sacrifice upon the victim with no reward. Used with the Isa rune, the combination is powerful in binding enemies

The Sigil-

The sigil should be two circles, one big one and a smaller one on the inside. In-between the two circles should be the runes we are using, circling within that space. In the center of the smaller circle should be a jewish star. On top of the star one should draw the four runes again.

Ritual Affirmation- "The jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity"

Runic Affirmation- "the energies (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species has no magical success for all eternity"

Enochian Key Being Used


Ritual Declaration

War, Death, Slave Masters, Destruction of both Gentiles and the Earth, everything in which the jew has caused and sought after with the power given to them by the enemies of the Gods and Gentile Nations. Before the revolting jewish presence stained the earth the power of God that burns within every Gentile was never abused as the Gentile Nations lived in harmony with each other and the Earth. These gifts within every Gentile were kept in perfect balance with our own desires, the advancement of the Nations and in perfect and complete balance of the Earth. As a result our ancestors remained strong and the Nations they kept were of peace and pleasure.

Despite the highest of generosity from our Gods, the TRUE Gods, our enemies and their creators who have plagued us with their existence and that of their filthy hatchlings, have found the means to corrupt and destroy our ways of life, with the very knowledge and gifts we used to create it. Although deluded and weaker than that of our own kundalini, our enemy has used their abilities to bring confusion to our Gentile people. As a result severing our connection to the laws of nature and all sense of the meaning of balance has faded with the passing of time.

As time progressed, the confusion brought by the kikes increased within our ancestors and continues to poision the minds of the Gentiles of present day. Through this confusion the kikes through their knowledge of energy and the strength of the mind have rendered all Gentiles within their grasps to become as sheep waiting for the slaughter. With a blank mind the kike was able to command our Gentile people into slavery, directing us to do their bidding, turning Gentile against Gentile, Gentile against our Gods, Gentile against the Earth, and completely destroying our connection to everything that once made us masters of our own destiny, leading us to our own self -annihilation.

Rendering us helpless with no clue as to who we are or to what our purpose has and always will be, the jew posing as our master had full advantage over our Gentile people through spiritual strength due to ours fading away with our Gentile heritage that has long been forgotten. With their new found freedom the jew has destroyed everything that took thousands of years for our Gentile ancestors to create. Our perfect society is now mere rubble with the hands of the jews being stained with the blood of the Gentiles they killed to achieve such outcomes.

Oh but the jew has and always will be a coward, working behind the
curtain and having others to do their dirty work. It is by their knowledge of energy and spiritual workings that they were able to cause such destruction and unrest in our Gentile nations. For this reason they are most vulnerable. Comparing the kundalini of a jew with that of a Gentile is like comparing the flame of a candle to that of the sun. By we the warriors of Hell, by we the warriors of the Gods, by we the warriors of the Gentile Nations, weighing our kundalini against that of the jew and binding them from ever being able to successfully use their abilities again, we the Warriors, We the Guardians We the Protectors of the future Gentile Generations can ensure as our Gentile people continue to grow in strength, that it will soon be the jews waiting for the slaughter until their entire race is removed from all means of existence.
Through the Energies presented to me by the heavens, and through the energies that burn within me, I (state your full name) will see it done.

Hail Satan
Hail Beelzebub
Hail Astaroth
Hail Azazel
Hail To All Gods of Hell

Heil Hitler
Heil Heinrich Himmler

Hail To All Members of Hell's True Army
Hail To Our Most Certain Victory
And Hail to the everlasting DESTRUCTION of the kikes

The Ritual

1.Begin by taking a minute or two and raise your energies. This can be done through the "breath of fire" or alternate nostril breathing. This is one way you can protect yourself from the negative energies that are going to be raised during the ritual.

2.Begin by opening the ritual as you normally would, through either the standard ritual or as described by HP Vovim on his website.

3.Read the tenth enochian key either in English or enochian. Although by reading in enochian it is much more effective. When reading it in either way see the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color.

4. Read the ritual declaration with much passion as you can, feeling the anger toward the jew and at the same time seeing the desired outcome in your mind.

5.Burn the ritual declaration. Unfortunatly for those who cannot burn it anything it would be unwise to put such energy into the earth. For those who have trouble burning anything I will post message at the end of this posting.

6.Place the sigil on your alter and begin by repeating the ritual affirmation nine times and seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty red-grayish color.

7.Now move onto the runes and begin with Fehu, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent " the energies of Fehu are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having no magical success for all eternity" and see all the Fehu runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

8.Next Move onto Hagl, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of hagl are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the hagl runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

9.Next Move onto Isa, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of Isa are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the Isa runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

10.Next Move onto Gebo, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of gebo are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the gebo runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

11.Write the ritual affirmation on the back of the sigil

12.Meditate a few minutes and see the desired outcome

13.Burn the sigil while repeating the ritual affirmation nine times.

***Now for those who cannot burn anything I am afraid all I have is advice. You do not have to burn the pieces of paper right away, it is more than ok to wait until like three in the morning until you do so when your family is asleep. Even if you have to wait until the next morning when they are out somewhere. My advice is to place a protective barrier ABOVE the sigil, NOT on the sigil. You can do this by using the rune Algiz and use such an affirmation as "the energies of Algiz are continuously working to completely and totally protect the energies within the sigil. While doing so see a transparent White-gold barrier overtop of your sigil, NOT touching it. For if it touches it both will cancel out eachother. If this is not an option either, simply perform it at a later date. Just be creative and you will find a way***

I had similiar if not same ideas in regards to rituals. Its GRAY magick that wins wars. Empower your own ,weaken and bind the enemy. Thats how we will win. Every day the Gentile Humans of Satan remain with their enemies or alone, they are getting further destroyed and there is no time, no need and no reason to let them wander. IF not bring them to Satan, which is their choice again to make yes or not, we have to do what we have to do and destroy the enemy. And we don't take any fucking clarification from putting this criminal race down. We can't wait for all those asleep because if we do, it will take forever. Our actions may seem dogmatic or who knows even cruel- sadly even to our own people, but they are in fact Satan's Divine Will and consciousness that guides all of Us to ACT before the enemy and more than them.

Oh, I see now, thank you and sorry for my ignorance

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@... wrote:

I already explained this once in another posting on this thread to another member, I am sorry but I do not feel like repeating myself. Look at that posting on this thread and you will get a small understanding. Once you have been fighting this war as long as some of the other members on these boards have, once you have awakened yourself to the seriousness of this war like others have, you will see why.

Like I said read that other posting especially the last two paragraphs.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Proppa Bloke" <enkiloveryeah@ wrote:

Can I ask, why the gentile people?
Hey but wont this ritual stop our magickal success to??
On Sat, May 5, 2012 3:50 AM PDT strengththroughsatan89 wrote:

I already explained this once in another posting on this thread to another member, I am sorry but I do not feel like repeating myself. Look at that posting on this thread and you will get a small understanding. Once you have been fighting this war as long as some of the other members on these boards have, once you have awakened yourself to the seriousness of this war like others have, you will see why.

Like I said read that other posting especially the last two paragraphs.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Proppa Bloke" <enkiloveryeah@... wrote:

Can I ask, why the gentile people?
The ritual that took place on May 5th was directed at the jews, as shown in the ritual declaration, ritual affirmation and runic affirmation.

The ritual dealing with the Gentiles which I am NOT backing away from is going to benefit our goals and will not effect us. The ritual I have planned for the Gentiles will involve and direct our attention toward Gentiles but the end result will be the jews being more effected than our fellow Gentiles will be. Trust me when I say I am in the right state of mind and have a good idea that will aid us in this war.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], jeremy montoya <jeremymontoya14@... wrote:

Hey but wont this ritual stop our magickal success to??
On Sat, May 5, 2012 3:50 AM PDT strengththroughsatan89 wrote:

I already explained this once in another posting on this thread to another member, I am sorry but I do not feel like repeating myself. Look at that posting on this thread and you will get a small understanding. Once you have been fighting this war as long as some of the other members on these boards have, once you have awakened yourself to the seriousness of this war like others have, you will see why.

Like I said read that other posting especially the last two paragraphs.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Proppa Bloke" <enkiloveryeah@ wrote:

Can I ask, why the gentile people?
There was no ignorance involved within your question, so no worries.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Proppa Bloke" <enkiloveryeah@... wrote:

Oh, I see now, thank you and sorry for my ignorance

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:

I already explained this once in another posting on this thread to another member, I am sorry but I do not feel like repeating myself. Look at that posting on this thread and you will get a small understanding. Once you have been fighting this war as long as some of the other members on these boards have, once you have awakened yourself to the seriousness of this war like others have, you will see why.

Like I said read that other posting especially the last two paragraphs.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Proppa Bloke" <enkiloveryeah@ wrote:

Can I ask, why the gentile people?
I already responded to you through the private email you sent me, so I will not post my response to you again. But I will say again DO NOT post your phone number on the groups. Not only does it give the infiltrators a doorway into your private life but it also makes the members of these groups weary to your intentions as this is a common tactic by our enemies within the e-groups/

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Kingseth Haggai" <kingsethhaggai@... wrote:

Horror fan can yu b of help? I wnt to be of father satan

Sent from my Nokia phone

------Original message------
From: strengththroughsatan89 <horrorfan89@...
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Saturday, May 5, 2012 10:52:19 AM GMT-0000
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Group Binding/Destruction Ritual Version 1.1

I am glad to see I have some brothers and sisters who know the importance of binding. Its good to know I have you at my side brother.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@ wrote:

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "sorceressofenki88" <kcmsopranobella@ wrote:

I can't understand why you would want to Bind any of our ppl. Every1 should be given time to find Father, and those that don't will die (hopefully naturally) out of their current lifetime and be reborn sometime in Aquarius so we will all someday be on the same page. I may not understand republics, but I understand that someday we will all be Awakened to Father, born into it in a later life or not.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:


This will be one of several binding rituals that I have in mind and thought for what opportunity will fall upon us on May 11th that this will be an opportune time to perform it. All throughout the kike's history they have worked through confusion and fear to ensure that whatever power they have will be effective over our gentile people. Due to our Gentile people awakening and the kike always being a coward all they have is that small piece of power within their poisionous soul. With our power being great and their power weak it will not be impossible to bind the kike species from ever knowing success through magical means again. That will be the continuous point of my binding rituals of not only the kikes but of Gentiles as well. Before anyone comments on my idea of binding Gentiles my advice to you is to wait and see what I have in mind before you voice your opinion

Date of Ritual
This ritual will fall on Saturday May 5th during the hours of Saturn.

I chose this day for several reasons, first the moon will be in the sign of Scorpio giving us the following benefits

This is one of the best signs for black magickal workings. Revenge, hatred, venting, exposing secrets, death spells, surgery, transformation, obsession, pure sex, the occult, the darker side of things, extremes, research, banishing spells, ending things permanently, death and dying. This is the most powerful and intense of all the moon signs. Secret, underhanded, and covert operations, willpower, drastic destruction. Like its opposite sign Taurus, Scorpio is usually permanent. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the pelvis, reproductive or sex organs at this time. Magickal workings ruled by Pluto are successful at this time.
Second and a reason that I do not have to explain but the day of Saturday is ruled by Saturn giving us great support as well.

Third not only is the moon in Scorpio but on the 5th it will be a full moon, shedding great and powerful energies upon us.

Fourthly their will be a beneficial transit on this day. On this day Mercury will be in opposition to Saturn giving us the following benefits.

This transit brings danger of mental trouble , anxiety, depression,

This transit inclines to serious thinking. You are concerned with one area that others might consider rather abstract, and that is your identity Under this transit, you tend to dwell on your sense of personal isolation, lonliness, difficulties in relationships and other depressing thoughts.

vague feelings of forgetting important details could figure now. Red tape, re-doing tasks you thought you finished, problems getting from point A to point B, delays in communication, negative thinking, hyper-sensitivity and encountering criticism from others

***Someone may ask why some of the things apply to such a working, and my advice to you is to think about it as a warrior would. Anything and everything can be applied in some way to a desired outcome, you just have to be smart and again think like a warrior. ***

****Although this ritual is set for a specific day, if you are unable to perform it on this day is no excuse to not perform it at a later date. Also a ritual like this whether of your own creation, this one, or future binding rtuals should be done as often as possible so that the enemy looses their last means of survival which as explained before is their minimal spiritual power.****
Runes Being Used

1.Fehu- Instills cowardliness, dullness, breaks the spirit, binds an enemy; instills fear and dependence in an enemy.


3.Isa- prevents prosperity, causes depression, and serves as an obstacle to action. Can be used to cause paralyzing fear or obsession and to prevent or stop movement, both that of growth and disintegration

4.Gebo- Can be used to bind another to an unwanted obligation and can be used in casting love spells. When used in Black Magick, it brings pain and sacrifice upon the victim with no reward. Used with the Isa rune, the combination is powerful in binding enemies

The Sigil-

The sigil should be two circles, one big one and a smaller one on the inside. In-between the two circles should be the runes we are using, circling within that space. In the center of the smaller circle should be a jewish star. On top of the star one should draw the four runes again.

Ritual Affirmation- "The jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity"

Runic Affirmation- "the energies (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species has no magical success for all eternity"

Enochian Key Being Used


Ritual Declaration

War, Death, Slave Masters, Destruction of both Gentiles and the Earth, everything in which the jew has caused and sought after with the power given to them by the enemies of the Gods and Gentile Nations. Before the revolting jewish presence stained the earth the power of God that burns within every Gentile was never abused as the Gentile Nations lived in harmony with each other and the Earth. These gifts within every Gentile were kept in perfect balance with our own desires, the advancement of the Nations and in perfect and complete balance of the Earth. As a result our ancestors remained strong and the Nations they kept were of peace and pleasure.

Despite the highest of generosity from our Gods, the TRUE Gods, our enemies and their creators who have plagued us with their existence and that of their filthy hatchlings, have found the means to corrupt and destroy our ways of life, with the very knowledge and gifts we used to create it. Although deluded and weaker than that of our own kundalini, our enemy has used their abilities to bring confusion to our Gentile people. As a result severing our connection to the laws of nature and all sense of the meaning of balance has faded with the passing of time.

As time progressed, the confusion brought by the kikes increased within our ancestors and continues to poision the minds of the Gentiles of present day. Through this confusion the kikes through their knowledge of energy and the strength of the mind have rendered all Gentiles within their grasps to become as sheep waiting for the slaughter. With a blank mind the kike was able to command our Gentile people into slavery, directing us to do their bidding, turning Gentile against Gentile, Gentile against our Gods, Gentile against the Earth, and completely destroying our connection to everything that once made us masters of our own destiny, leading us to our own self -annihilation.

Rendering us helpless with no clue as to who we are or to what our purpose has and always will be, the jew posing as our master had full advantage over our Gentile people through spiritual strength due to ours fading away with our Gentile heritage that has long been forgotten. With their new found freedom the jew has destroyed everything that took thousands of years for our Gentile ancestors to create. Our perfect society is now mere rubble with the hands of the jews being stained with the blood of the Gentiles they killed to achieve such outcomes.

Oh but the jew has and always will be a coward, working behind the
curtain and having others to do their dirty work. It is by their knowledge of energy and spiritual workings that they were able to cause such destruction and unrest in our Gentile nations. For this reason they are most vulnerable. Comparing the kundalini of a jew with that of a Gentile is like comparing the flame of a candle to that of the sun. By we the warriors of Hell, by we the warriors of the Gods, by we the warriors of the Gentile Nations, weighing our kundalini against that of the jew and binding them from ever being able to successfully use their abilities again, we the Warriors, We the Guardians We the Protectors of the future Gentile Generations can ensure as our Gentile people continue to grow in strength, that it will soon be the jews waiting for the slaughter until their entire race is removed from all means of existence.
Through the Energies presented to me by the heavens, and through the energies that burn within me, I (state your full name) will see it done.

Hail Satan
Hail Beelzebub
Hail Astaroth
Hail Azazel
Hail To All Gods of Hell

Heil Hitler
Heil Heinrich Himmler

Hail To All Members of Hell's True Army
Hail To Our Most Certain Victory
And Hail to the everlasting DESTRUCTION of the kikes

The Ritual

1.Begin by taking a minute or two and raise your energies. This can be done through the "breath of fire" or alternate nostril breathing. This is one way you can protect yourself from the negative energies that are going to be raised during the ritual.

2.Begin by opening the ritual as you normally would, through either the standard ritual or as described by HP Vovim on his website.

3.Read the tenth enochian key either in English or enochian. Although by reading in enochian it is much more effective. When reading it in either way see the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color.

4. Read the ritual declaration with much passion as you can, feeling the anger toward the jew and at the same time seeing the desired outcome in your mind.

5.Burn the ritual declaration. Unfortunatly for those who cannot burn it anything it would be unwise to put such energy into the earth. For those who have trouble burning anything I will post message at the end of this posting.

6.Place the sigil on your alter and begin by repeating the ritual affirmation nine times and seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty red-grayish color.

7.Now move onto the runes and begin with Fehu, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent " the energies of Fehu are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having no magical success for all eternity" and see all the Fehu runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

8.Next Move onto Hagl, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of hagl are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the hagl runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

9.Next Move onto Isa, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of Isa are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the Isa runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

10.Next Move onto Gebo, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of gebo are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the gebo runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

11.Write the ritual affirmation on the back of the sigil

12.Meditate a few minutes and see the desired outcome

13.Burn the sigil while repeating the ritual affirmation nine times.

***Now for those who cannot burn anything I am afraid all I have is advice. You do not have to burn the pieces of paper right away, it is more than ok to wait until like three in the morning until you do so when your family is asleep. Even if you have to wait until the next morning when they are out somewhere. My advice is to place a protective barrier ABOVE the sigil, NOT on the sigil. You can do this by using the rune Algiz and use such an affirmation as "the energies of Algiz are continuously working to completely and totally protect the energies within the sigil. While doing so see a transparent White-gold barrier overtop of your sigil, NOT touching it. For if it touches it both will cancel out eachother. If this is not an option either, simply perform it at a later date. Just be creative and you will find a way***

I had similiar if not same ideas in regards to rituals. Its GRAY magick that wins wars. Empower your own ,weaken and bind the enemy. Thats how we will win. Every day the Gentile Humans of Satan remain with their enemies or alone, they are getting further destroyed and there is no time, no need and no reason to let them wander. IF not bring them to Satan, which is their choice again to make yes or not, we have to do what we have to do and destroy the enemy. And we don't take any fucking clarification from putting this criminal race down. We can't wait for all those asleep because if we do, it will take forever. Our actions may seem dogmatic or who knows even cruel- sadly even to our own people, but they are in fact Satan's Divine Will and consciousness that guides all of Us to ACT before the enemy and more than them.

Same Here,

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@... wrote:

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:

I am glad to see I have some brothers and sisters who know the importance of binding. Its good to know I have you at my side brother.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@ wrote:

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "sorceressofenki88" <kcmsopranobella@ wrote:

I can't understand why you would want to Bind any of our ppl. Every1 should be given time to find Father, and those that don't will die (hopefully naturally) out of their current lifetime and be reborn sometime in Aquarius so we will all someday be on the same page. I may not understand republics, but I understand that someday we will all be Awakened to Father, born into it in a later life or not.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:


This will be one of several binding rituals that I have in mind and thought for what opportunity will fall upon us on May 11th that this will be an opportune time to perform it. All throughout the kike's history they have worked through confusion and fear to ensure that whatever power they have will be effective over our gentile people. Due to our Gentile people awakening and the kike always being a coward all they have is that small piece of power within their poisionous soul. With our power being great and their power weak it will not be impossible to bind the kike species from ever knowing success through magical means again. That will be the continuous point of my binding rituals of not only the kikes but of Gentiles as well. Before anyone comments on my idea of binding Gentiles my advice to you is to wait and see what I have in mind before you voice your opinion

Date of Ritual
This ritual will fall on Saturday May 5th during the hours of Saturn.

I chose this day for several reasons, first the moon will be in the sign of Scorpio giving us the following benefits

This is one of the best signs for black magickal workings. Revenge, hatred, venting, exposing secrets, death spells, surgery, transformation, obsession, pure sex, the occult, the darker side of things, extremes, research, banishing spells, ending things permanently, death and dying. This is the most powerful and intense of all the moon signs. Secret, underhanded, and covert operations, willpower, drastic destruction. Like its opposite sign Taurus, Scorpio is usually permanent. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the pelvis, reproductive or sex organs at this time. Magickal workings ruled by Pluto are successful at this time.
Second and a reason that I do not have to explain but the day of Saturday is ruled by Saturn giving us great support as well.

Third not only is the moon in Scorpio but on the 5th it will be a full moon, shedding great and powerful energies upon us.

Fourthly their will be a beneficial transit on this day. On this day Mercury will be in opposition to Saturn giving us the following benefits.

This transit brings danger of mental trouble , anxiety, depression,

This transit inclines to serious thinking. You are concerned with one area that others might consider rather abstract, and that is your identity. Under this transit, you tend to dwell on your sense of personal isolation, lonliness, difficulties in relationships and other depressing thoughts.

vague feelings of forgetting important details could figure now. Red tape, re-doing tasks you thought you finished, problems getting from point A to point B, delays in communication, negative thinking, hyper-sensitivity and encountering criticism from others

***Someone may ask why some of the things apply to such a working, and my advice to you is to think about it as a warrior would. Anything and everything can be applied in some way to a desired outcome, you just have to be smart and again think like a warrior. ***

****Although this ritual is set for a specific day, if you are unable to perform it on this day is no excuse to not perform it at a later date. Also a ritual like this whether of your own creation, this one, or future binding rtuals should be done as often as possible so that the enemy looses their last means of survival which as explained before is their minimal spiritual power.****
Runes Being Used

1.Fehu- Instills cowardliness, dullness, breaks the spirit, binds an enemy; instills fear and dependence in an enemy.


3.Isa- prevents prosperity, causes depression, and serves as an obstacle to action. Can be used to cause paralyzing fear or obsession and to prevent or stop movement, both that of growth and disintegration

4.Gebo- Can be used to bind another to an unwanted obligation and can be used in casting love spells. When used in Black Magick, it brings pain and sacrifice upon the victim with no reward. Used with the Isa rune, the combination is powerful in binding enemies

The Sigil-

The sigil should be two circles, one big one and a smaller one on the inside. In-between the two circles should be the runes we are using, circling within that space. In the center of the smaller circle should be a jewish star. On top of the star one should draw the four runes again.

Ritual Affirmation- "The jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity"

Runic Affirmation- "the energies (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species has no magical success for all eternity"

Enochian Key Being Used


Ritual Declaration

War, Death, Slave Masters, Destruction of both Gentiles and the Earth, everything in which the jew has caused and sought after with the power given to them by the enemies of the Gods and Gentile Nations. Before the revolting jewish presence stained the earth the power of God that burns within every Gentile was never abused as the Gentile Nations lived in harmony with each other and the Earth. These gifts within every Gentile were kept in perfect balance with our own desires, the advancement of the Nations and in perfect and complete balance of the Earth. As a result our ancestors remained strong and the Nations they kept were of peace and pleasure.

Despite the highest of generosity from our Gods, the TRUE Gods, our enemies and their creators who have plagued us with their existence and that of their filthy hatchlings, have found the means to corrupt and destroy our ways of life, with the very knowledge and gifts we used to create it. Although deluded and weaker than that of our own kundalini, our enemy has used their abilities to bring confusion to our Gentile people. As a result severing our connection to the laws of nature and all sense of the meaning of balance has faded with the passing of time.

As time progressed, the confusion brought by the kikes increased within our ancestors and continues to poision the minds of the Gentiles of present day. Through this confusion the kikes through their knowledge of energy and the strength of the mind have rendered all Gentiles within their grasps to become as sheep waiting for the slaughter. With a blank mind the kike was able to command our Gentile people into slavery, directing us to do their bidding, turning Gentile against Gentile, Gentile against our Gods, Gentile against the Earth, and completely destroying our connection to everything that once made us masters of our own destiny, leading us to our own self -annihilation.

Rendering us helpless with no clue as to who we are or to what our purpose has and always will be, the jew posing as our master had full advantage over our Gentile people through spiritual strength due to ours fading away with our Gentile heritage that has long been forgotten. With their new found freedom the jew has destroyed everything that took thousands of years for our Gentile ancestors to create. Our perfect society is now mere rubble with the hands of the jews being stained with the blood of the Gentiles they killed to achieve such outcomes.

Oh but the jew has and always will be a coward, working behind the
curtain and having others to do their dirty work. It is by their knowledge of energy and spiritual workings that they were able to cause such destruction and unrest in our Gentile nations. For this reason they are most vulnerable. Comparing the kundalini of a jew with that of a Gentile is like comparing the flame of a candle to that of the sun. By we the warriors of Hell, by we the warriors of the Gods, by we the warriors of the Gentile Nations, weighing our kundalini against that of the jew and binding them from ever being able to successfully use their abilities again, we the Warriors, We the Guardians We the Protectors of the future Gentile Generations can ensure as our Gentile people continue to grow in strength, that it will soon be the jews waiting for the slaughter until their entire race is removed from all means of existence.
Through the Energies presented to me by the heavens, and through the energies that burn within me, I (state your full name) will see it done.

Hail Satan
Hail Beelzebub
Hail Astaroth
Hail Azazel
Hail To All Gods of Hell

Heil Hitler
Heil Heinrich Himmler

Hail To All Members of Hell's True Army
Hail To Our Most Certain Victory
And Hail to the everlasting DESTRUCTION of the kikes

The Ritual

1.Begin by taking a minute or two and raise your energies. This can be done through the "breath of fire" or alternate nostril breathing. This is one way you can protect yourself from the negative energies that are going to be raised during the ritual.

2.Begin by opening the ritual as you normally would, through either the standard ritual or as described by HP Vovim on his website.

3.Read the tenth enochian key either in English or enochian. Although by reading in enochian it is much more effective. When reading it in either way see the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color.

4. Read the ritual declaration with much passion as you can, feeling the anger toward the jew and at the same time seeing the desired outcome in your mind.

5.Burn the ritual declaration. Unfortunatly for those who cannot burn it anything it would be unwise to put such energy into the earth. For those who have trouble burning anything I will post message at the end of this posting.

6.Place the sigil on your alter and begin by repeating the ritual affirmation nine times and seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty red-grayish color.

7.Now move onto the runes and begin with Fehu, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent " the energies of Fehu are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having no magical success for all eternity" and see all the Fehu runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

8.Next Move onto Hagl, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of hagl are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the hagl runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

9.Next Move onto Isa, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of Isa are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the Isa runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

10.Next Move onto Gebo, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of gebo are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the gebo runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

11.Write the ritual affirmation on the back of the sigil

12.Meditate a few minutes and see the desired outcome

13.Burn the sigil while repeating the ritual affirmation nine times.

***Now for those who cannot burn anything I am afraid all I have is advice. You do not have to burn the pieces of paper right away, it is more than ok to wait until like three in the morning until you do so when your family is asleep. Even if you have to wait until the next morning when they are out somewhere. My advice is to place a protective barrier ABOVE the sigil, NOT on the sigil. You can do this by using the rune Algiz and use such an affirmation as "the energies of Algiz are continuously working to completely and totally protect the energies within the sigil. While doing so see a transparent White-gold barrier overtop of your sigil, NOT touching it. For if it touches it both will cancel out eachother. If this is not an option either, simply perform it at a later date. Just be creative and you will find a way***

I had similiar if not same ideas in regards to rituals. Its GRAY magick that wins wars. Empower your own ,weaken and bind the enemy. Thats how we will win. Every day the Gentile Humans of Satan remain with their enemies or alone, they are getting further destroyed and there is no time, no need and no reason to let them wander. IF not bring them to Satan, which is their choice again to make yes or not, we have to do what we have to do and destroy the enemy. And we don't take any fucking clarification from putting this criminal race down. We can't wait for all those asleep because if we do, it will take forever. Our actions may seem dogmatic or who knows even cruel- sadly even to our own people, but they are in fact Satan's Divine Will and consciousness that guides all of Us to ACT before the enemy and more than them.


Its a honorable life we live in this war. I could never wish for a better cause.

CRAP I am soooo sorry for missing this! I spent 16 hours that day in airports and airplanes and lost time going to a time zone 11 hours ahead but that still shouldn't be an excuse, I told myself I would check the groups every 2-3 days for rituals and do any in my astral temple while on airplanes if need be.

I will calculate the next suitable time to do this. Better late than never. But I still feel mad at myself for missing saturday's great timing.

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Set!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@... wrote:


This will be one of several binding rituals that I have in mind and thought for what opportunity will fall upon us on May 11th that this will be an opportune time to perform it. All throughout the kike's history they have worked through confusion and fear to ensure that whatever power they have will be effective over our gentile people. Due to our Gentile people awakening and the kike always being a coward all they have is that small piece of power within their poisionous soul. With our power being great and their power weak it will not be impossible to bind the kike species from ever knowing success through magical means again. That will be the continuous point of my binding rituals of not only the kikes but of Gentiles as well. Before anyone comments on my idea of binding Gentiles my advice to you is to wait and see what I have in mind before you voice your opinion

Date of Ritual
This ritual will fall on Saturday May 5th during the hours of Saturn.

I chose this day for several reasons, first the moon will be in the sign of Scorpio giving us the following benefits

This is one of the best signs for black magickal workings. Revenge, hatred, venting, exposing secrets, death spells, surgery, transformation, obsession, pure sex, the occult, the darker side of things, extremes, research, banishing spells, ending things permanently, death and dying. This is the most powerful and intense of all the moon signs. Secret, underhanded, and covert operations, willpower, drastic destruction. Like its opposite sign Taurus, Scorpio is usually permanent. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the pelvis, reproductive or sex organs at this time. Magickal workings ruled by Pluto are successful at this time.
Second and a reason that I do not have to explain but the day of Saturday is ruled by Saturn giving us great support as well.

Third not only is the moon in Scorpio but on the 5th it will be a full moon, shedding great and powerful energies upon us.

Fourthly their will be a beneficial transit on this day. On this day Mercury will be in opposition to Saturn giving us the following benefits.

This transit brings danger of mental trouble , anxiety, depression,

This transit inclines to serious thinking. You are concerned with one area that others might consider rather abstract, and that is your identity. Under this transit, you tend to dwell on your sense of personal isolation, lonliness, difficulties in relationships and other depressing thoughts.

vague feelings of forgetting important details could figure now. Red tape, re-doing tasks you thought you finished, problems getting from point A to point B, delays in communication, negative thinking, hyper-sensitivity and encountering criticism from others

***Someone may ask why some of the things apply to such a working, and my advice to you is to think about it as a warrior would. Anything and everything can be applied in some way to a desired outcome, you just have to be smart and again think like a warrior. ***

****Although this ritual is set for a specific day, if you are unable to perform it on this day is no excuse to not perform it at a later date. Also a ritual like this whether of your own creation, this one, or future binding rtuals should be done as often as possible so that the enemy looses their last means of survival which as explained before is their minimal spiritual power.****
Runes Being Used

1.Fehu- Instills cowardliness, dullness, breaks the spirit, binds an enemy; instills fear and dependence in an enemy.


3.Isa- prevents prosperity, causes depression, and serves as an obstacle to action. Can be used to cause paralyzing fear or obsession and to prevent or stop movement, both that of growth and disintegration

4.Gebo- Can be used to bind another to an unwanted obligation and can be used in casting love spells. When used in Black Magick, it brings pain and sacrifice upon the victim with no reward. Used with the Isa rune, the combination is powerful in binding enemies

The Sigil-

The sigil should be two circles, one big one and a smaller one on the inside. In-between the two circles should be the runes we are using, circling within that space. In the center of the smaller circle should be a jewish star. On top of the star one should draw the four runes again.

Ritual Affirmation- "The jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity"

Runic Affirmation- "the energies (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species has no magical success for all eternity"

Enochian Key Being Used


Ritual Declaration

War, Death, Slave Masters, Destruction of both Gentiles and the Earth, everything in which the jew has caused and sought after with the power given to them by the enemies of the Gods and Gentile Nations. Before the revolting jewish presence stained the earth the power of God that burns within every Gentile was never abused as the Gentile Nations lived in harmony with each other and the Earth. These gifts within every Gentile were kept in perfect balance with our own desires, the advancement of the Nations and in perfect and complete balance of the Earth. As a result our ancestors remained strong and the Nations they kept were of peace and pleasure.

Despite the highest of generosity from our Gods, the TRUE Gods, our enemies and their creators who have plagued us with their existence and that of their filthy hatchlings, have found the means to corrupt and destroy our ways of life, with the very knowledge and gifts we used to create it. Although deluded and weaker than that of our own kundalini, our enemy has used their abilities to bring confusion to our Gentile people. As a result severing our connection to the laws of nature and all sense of the meaning of balance has faded with the passing of time.

As time progressed, the confusion brought by the kikes increased within our ancestors and continues to poision the minds of the Gentiles of present day. Through this confusion the kikes through their knowledge of energy and the strength of the mind have rendered all Gentiles within their grasps to become as sheep waiting for the slaughter. With a blank mind the kike was able to command our Gentile people into slavery, directing us to do their bidding, turning Gentile against Gentile, Gentile against our Gods, Gentile against the Earth, and completely destroying our connection to everything that once made us masters of our own destiny, leading us to our own self -annihilation.

Rendering us helpless with no clue as to who we are or to what our purpose has and always will be, the jew posing as our master had full advantage over our Gentile people through spiritual strength due to ours fading away with our Gentile heritage that has long been forgotten. With their new found freedom the jew has destroyed everything that took thousands of years for our Gentile ancestors to create. Our perfect society is now mere rubble with the hands of the jews being stained with the blood of the Gentiles they killed to achieve such outcomes.

Oh but the jew has and always will be a coward, working behind the
curtain and having others to do their dirty work. It is by their knowledge of energy and spiritual workings that they were able to cause such destruction and unrest in our Gentile nations. For this reason they are most vulnerable. Comparing the kundalini of a jew with that of a Gentile is like comparing the flame of a candle to that of the sun. By we the warriors of Hell, by we the warriors of the Gods, by we the warriors of the Gentile Nations, weighing our kundalini against that of the jew and binding them from ever being able to successfully use their abilities again, we the Warriors, We the Guardians We the Protectors of the future Gentile Generations can ensure as our Gentile people continue to grow in strength, that it will soon be the jews waiting for the slaughter until their entire race is removed from all means of existence.
Through the Energies presented to me by the heavens, and through the energies that burn within me, I (state your full name) will see it done.

Hail Satan
Hail Beelzebub
Hail Astaroth
Hail Azazel
Hail To All Gods of Hell

Heil Hitler
Heil Heinrich Himmler

Hail To All Members of Hell's True Army
Hail To Our Most Certain Victory
And Hail to the everlasting DESTRUCTION of the kikes

The Ritual

1.Begin by taking a minute or two and raise your energies. This can be done through the "breath of fire" or alternate nostril breathing. This is one way you can protect yourself from the negative energies that are going to be raised during the ritual.

2.Begin by opening the ritual as you normally would, through either the standard ritual or as described by HP Vovim on his website.

3.Read the tenth enochian key either in English or enochian. Although by reading in enochian it is much more effective. When reading it in either way see the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color.

4. Read the ritual declaration with much passion as you can, feeling the anger toward the jew and at the same time seeing the desired outcome in your mind.

5.Burn the ritual declaration. Unfortunatly for those who cannot burn it anything it would be unwise to put such energy into the earth. For those who have trouble burning anything I will post message at the end of this posting.

6.Place the sigil on your alter and begin by repeating the ritual affirmation nine times and seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty red-grayish color.

7.Now move onto the runes and begin with Fehu, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent " the energies of Fehu are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having no magical success for all eternity" and see all the Fehu runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

8.Next Move onto Hagl, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of hagl are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the hagl runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

9.Next Move onto Isa, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of Isa are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the Isa runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

10.Next Move onto Gebo, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of gebo are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the gebo runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

11.Write the ritual affirmation on the back of the sigil

12.Meditate a few minutes and see the desired outcome

13.Burn the sigil while repeating the ritual affirmation nine times.

***Now for those who cannot burn anything I am afraid all I have is advice. You do not have to burn the pieces of paper right away, it is more than ok to wait until like three in the morning until you do so when your family is asleep. Even if you have to wait until the next morning when they are out somewhere. My advice is to place a protective barrier ABOVE the sigil, NOT on the sigil. You can do this by using the rune Algiz and use such an affirmation as "the energies of Algiz are continuously working to completely and totally protect the energies within the sigil. While doing so see a transparent White-gold barrier overtop of your sigil, NOT touching it. For if it touches it both will cancel out eachother. If this is not an option either, simply perform it at a later date. Just be creative and you will find a way***
<td val[/IMG]Just glad you are ok sister hope you are enjoying yourself too.:)

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android [/TD]
From: lydia_666@... <lydia_666@...;
To: <[email protected];
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Group Binding/Destruction Ritual Version 1.1
Sent: Sun, May 6, 2012 7:05:49 PM

<td val[/IMG]   CRAP I am soooo sorry for missing this! I spent 16 hours that day in airports and airplanes and lost time going to a time zone 11 hours ahead but that still shouldn't be an excuse, I told myself I would check the groups every 2-3 days for rituals and do any in my astral temple while on airplanes if need be.

I will calculate the next suitable time to do this. Better late than never. But I still feel mad at myself for missing saturday's great timing.

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Set!

--- [/IMG][email protected], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@... wrote:


This will be one of several binding rituals that I have in mind and thought for what opportunity will fall upon us on May 11th that this will be an opportune time to perform it. All throughout the kike's history they have worked through confusion and fear to ensure that whatever power they have will be effective over our gentile people. Due to our Gentile people awakening and the kike always being a coward all they have is that small piece of power within their poisionous soul. With our power being great and their power weak it will not be impossible to bind the kike species from ever knowing success through magical means again. That will be the continuous point of my binding rituals of not only the kikes but of Gentiles as well. Before anyone comments on my idea of binding Gentiles my advice to you is to wait and see what I have in mind before you voice your opinion

Date of Ritual
This ritual will fall on Saturday May 5th during the hours of Saturn.

I chose this day for several reasons, first the moon will be in the sign of Scorpio giving us the following benefits

This is one of the best signs for black magickal workings. Revenge, hatred, venting, exposing secrets, death spells, surgery, transformation, obsession, pure sex, the occult, the darker side of things, extremes, research, banishing spells, ending things permanently, death and dying. This is the most powerful and intense of all the moon signs. Secret, underhanded, and covert operations, willpower, drastic destruction. Like its opposite sign Taurus, Scorpio is usually permanent. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the pelvis, reproductive or sex organs at this time. Magickal workings ruled by Pluto are successful at this time.
Second and a reason that I do not have to explain but the day of Saturday is ruled by Saturn giving us great support as well.

Third not only is the moon in Scorpio but on the 5th it will be a full moon, shedding great and powerful energies upon us.

Fourthly their will be a beneficial transit on this day. On this day Mercury will be in opposition to Saturn giving us the following benefits.

This transit brings danger of mental trouble , anxiety, depression,

This transit inclines to serious thinking. You are concerned with one area that others might consider rather abstract, and that is your identity. Under this transit, you tend to dwell on your sense of personal isolation, lonliness, difficulties in relationships and other depressing thoughts.

vague feelings of forgetting important details could figure now. Red tape, re-doing tasks you thought you finished, problems getting from point A to point B, delays in communication, negative thinking, hyper-sensitivity and encountering criticism from others

***Someone may ask why some of the things apply to such a working, and my advice to you is to think about it as a warrior would. Anything and everything can be applied in some way to a desired outcome, you just have to be smart and again think like a warrior. ***

****Although this ritual is set for a specific day, if you are unable to perform it on this day is no excuse to not perform it at a later date. Also a ritual like this whether of your own creation, this one, or future binding rtuals should be done as often as possible so that the enemy looses their last means of survival which as explained before is their minimal spiritual power.****
Runes Being Used

1.Fehu- Instills cowardliness, dullness, breaks the spirit, binds an enemy; instills fear and dependence in an enemy.


3.Isa- prevents prosperity, causes depression, and serves as an obstacle to action. Can be used to cause paralyzing fear or obsession and to prevent or stop movement, both that of growth and disintegration

4.Gebo- Can be used to bind another to an unwanted obligation and can be used in casting love spells. When used in Black Magick, it brings pain and sacrifice upon the victim with no reward. Used with the Isa rune, the combination is powerful in binding enemies

The Sigil-

The sigil should be two circles, one big one and a smaller one on the inside. In-between the two circles should be the runes we are using, circling within that space. In the center of the smaller circle should be a jewish star. On top of the star one should draw the four runes again.

Ritual Affirmation- "The jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity"

Runic Affirmation- "the energies (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species has no magical success for all eternity"

Enochian Key Being Used


Ritual Declaration

War, Death, Slave Masters, Destruction of both Gentiles and the Earth, everything in which the jew has caused and sought after with the power given to them by the enemies of the Gods and Gentile Nations. Before the revolting jewish presence stained the earth the power of God that burns within every Gentile was never abused as the Gentile Nations lived in harmony with each other and the Earth. These gifts within every Gentile were kept in perfect balance with our own desires, the advancement of the Nations and in perfect and complete balance of the Earth. As a result our ancestors remained strong and the Nations they kept were of peace and pleasure.

Despite the highest of generosity from our Gods, the TRUE Gods, our enemies and their creators who have plagued us with their existence and that of their filthy hatchlings, have found the means to corrupt and destroy our ways of life, with the very knowledge and gifts we used to create it. Although deluded and weaker than that of our own kundalini, our enemy has used their abilities to bring confusion to our Gentile people. As a result severing our connection to the laws of nature and all sense of the meaning of balance has faded with the passing of time.

As time progressed, the confusion brought by the kikes increased within our ancestors and continues to poision the minds of the Gentiles of present day. Through this confusion the kikes through their knowledge of energy and the strength of the mind have rendered all Gentiles within their grasps to become as sheep waiting for the slaughter. With a blank mind the kike was able to command our Gentile people into slavery, directing us to do their bidding, turning Gentile against Gentile, Gentile against our Gods, Gentile against the Earth, and completely destroying our connection to everything that once made us masters of our own destiny, leading us to our own self -annihilation.

Rendering us helpless with no clue as to who we are or to what our purpose has and always will be, the jew posing as our master had full advantage over our Gentile people through spiritual strength due to ours fading away with our Gentile heritage that has long been forgotten. With their new found freedom the jew has destroyed everything that took thousands of years for our Gentile ancestors to create. Our perfect society is now mere rubble with the hands of the jews being stained with the blood of the Gentiles they killed to achieve such outcomes.

Oh but the jew has and always will be a coward, working behind the
curtain and having others to do their dirty work. It is by their knowledge of energy and spiritual workings that they were able to cause such destruction and unrest in our Gentile nations. For this reason they are most vulnerable. Comparing the kundalini of a jew with that of a Gentile is like comparing the flame of a candle to that of the sun. By we the warriors of Hell, by we the warriors of the Gods, by we the warriors of the Gentile Nations, weighing our kundalini against that of the jew and binding them from ever being able to successfully use their abilities again, we the Warriors, We the Guardians We the Protectors of the future Gentile Generations can ensure as our Gentile people continue to grow in strength, that it will soon be the jews waiting for the slaughter until their entire race is removed from all means of existence.
Through the Energies presented to me by the heavens, and through the energies that burn within me, I (state your full name) will see it done.

Hail Satan
Hail Beelzebub
Hail Astaroth
Hail Azazel
Hail To All Gods of Hell

Heil Hitler
Heil Heinrich Himmler

Hail To All Members of Hell's True Army
Hail To Our Most Certain Victory
And Hail to the everlasting DESTRUCTION of the kikes

The Ritual

1.Begin by taking a minute or two and raise your energies. This can be done through the "breath of fire" or alternate nostril breathing. This is one way you can protect yourself from the negative energies that are going to be raised during the ritual.

2.Begin by opening the ritual as you normally would, through either the standard ritual or as described by HP Vovim on his website.

3.Read the tenth enochian key either in English or enochian. Although by reading in enochian it is much more effective. When reading it in either way see the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color.

4. Read the ritual declaration with much passion as you can, feeling the anger toward the jew and at the same time seeing the desired outcome in your mind.

5.Burn the ritual declaration. Unfortunatly for those who cannot burn it anything it would be unwise to put such energy into the earth. For those who have trouble burning anything I will post message at the end of this posting.

6.Place the sigil on your alter and begin by repeating the ritual affirmation nine times and seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty red-grayish color.

7.Now move onto the runes and begin with Fehu, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent " the energies of Fehu are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having no magical success for all eternity" and see all the Fehu runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

8.Next Move onto Hagl, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of hagl are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the hagl runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

9.Next Move onto Isa, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of Isa are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the Isa runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

10.Next Move onto Gebo, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of gebo are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the gebo runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

11.Write the ritual affirmation on the back of the sigil

12.Meditate a few minutes and see the desired outcome

13.Burn the sigil while repeating the ritual affirmation nine times.

***Now for those who cannot burn anything I am afraid all I have is advice. You do not have to burn the pieces of paper right away, it is more than ok to wait until like three in the morning until you do so when your family is asleep. Even if you have to wait until the next morning when they are out somewhere. My advice is to place a protective barrier ABOVE the sigil, NOT on the sigil. You can do this by using the rune Algiz and use such an affirmation as "the energies of Algiz are continuously working to completely and totally protect the energies within the sigil. While doing so see a transparent White-gold barrier overtop of your sigil, NOT touching it. For if it touches it both will cancel out eachother. If this is not an option either, simply perform it at a later date. Just be creative and you will find a way***
Hey Sister,

As Brian said I am just glad to see everything is fine and that you are ok, due to the fact I know you are a regular poster and have not seen you for a few days.

For reasons like yours I try to post my rituals 3 or so days before hand. But with me getting caught up in other things I completely forgot and posted later than I wanted to. So for this I apologize to you, for if I posted it earlier you would have been able to see it.

Don't be sorry for missing this as compare to the idea that is continuously formulating in my head, this ritual is mere childs play to what I have planned.

To Better Days Sister,

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "lydia_666@..." <lydia_666@... wrote:

CRAP I am soooo sorry for missing this! I spent 16 hours that day in airports and airplanes and lost time going to a time zone 11 hours ahead but that still shouldn't be an excuse, I told myself I would check the groups every 2-3 days for rituals and do any in my astral temple while on airplanes if need be.

I will calculate the next suitable time to do this. Better late than never. But I still feel mad at myself for missing saturday's great timing.

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Set!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:


This will be one of several binding rituals that I have in mind and thought for what opportunity will fall upon us on May 11th that this will be an opportune time to perform it. All throughout the kike's history they have worked through confusion and fear to ensure that whatever power they have will be effective over our gentile people. Due to our Gentile people awakening and the kike always being a coward all they have is that small piece of power within their poisionous soul. With our power being great and their power weak it will not be impossible to bind the kike species from ever knowing success through magical means again. That will be the continuous point of my binding rituals of not only the kikes but of Gentiles as well. Before anyone comments on my idea of binding Gentiles my advice to you is to wait and see what I have in mind before you voice your opinion

Date of Ritual
This ritual will fall on Saturday May 5th during the hours of Saturn.

I chose this day for several reasons, first the moon will be in the sign of Scorpio giving us the following benefits

This is one of the best signs for black magickal workings. Revenge, hatred, venting, exposing secrets, death spells, surgery, transformation, obsession, pure sex, the occult, the darker side of things, extremes, research, banishing spells, ending things permanently, death and dying. This is the most powerful and intense of all the moon signs. Secret, underhanded, and covert operations, willpower, drastic destruction. Like its opposite sign Taurus, Scorpio is usually permanent. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the pelvis, reproductive or sex organs at this time. Magickal workings ruled by Pluto are successful at this time.
Second and a reason that I do not have to explain but the day of Saturday is ruled by Saturn giving us great support as well.

Third not only is the moon in Scorpio but on the 5th it will be a full moon, shedding great and powerful energies upon us.

Fourthly their will be a beneficial transit on this day. On this day Mercury will be in opposition to Saturn giving us the following benefits.

This transit brings danger of mental trouble , anxiety, depression,

This transit inclines to serious thinking. You are concerned with one area that others might consider rather abstract, and that is your identity. Under this transit, you tend to dwell on your sense of personal isolation, lonliness, difficulties in relationships and other depressing thoughts.

vague feelings of forgetting important details could figure now. Red tape, re-doing tasks you thought you finished, problems getting from point A to point B, delays in communication, negative thinking, hyper-sensitivity and encountering criticism from others

***Someone may ask why some of the things apply to such a working, and my advice to you is to think about it as a warrior would. Anything and everything can be applied in some way to a desired outcome, you just have to be smart and again think like a warrior. ***

****Although this ritual is set for a specific day, if you are unable to perform it on this day is no excuse to not perform it at a later date. Also a ritual like this whether of your own creation, this one, or future binding rtuals should be done as often as possible so that the enemy looses their last means of survival which as explained before is their minimal spiritual power.****
Runes Being Used

1.Fehu- Instills cowardliness, dullness, breaks the spirit, binds an enemy; instills fear and dependence in an enemy.


3.Isa- prevents prosperity, causes depression, and serves as an obstacle to action. Can be used to cause paralyzing fear or obsession and to prevent or stop movement, both that of growth and disintegration

4.Gebo- Can be used to bind another to an unwanted obligation and can be used in casting love spells. When used in Black Magick, it brings pain and sacrifice upon the victim with no reward. Used with the Isa rune, the combination is powerful in binding enemies

The Sigil-

The sigil should be two circles, one big one and a smaller one on the inside. In-between the two circles should be the runes we are using, circling within that space. In the center of the smaller circle should be a jewish star. On top of the star one should draw the four runes again.

Ritual Affirmation- "The jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity"

Runic Affirmation- "the energies (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species has no magical success for all eternity"

Enochian Key Being Used


Ritual Declaration

War, Death, Slave Masters, Destruction of both Gentiles and the Earth, everything in which the jew has caused and sought after with the power given to them by the enemies of the Gods and Gentile Nations. Before the revolting jewish presence stained the earth the power of God that burns within every Gentile was never abused as the Gentile Nations lived in harmony with each other and the Earth. These gifts within every Gentile were kept in perfect balance with our own desires, the advancement of the Nations and in perfect and complete balance of the Earth. As a result our ancestors remained strong and the Nations they kept were of peace and pleasure.

Despite the highest of generosity from our Gods, the TRUE Gods, our enemies and their creators who have plagued us with their existence and that of their filthy hatchlings, have found the means to corrupt and destroy our ways of life, with the very knowledge and gifts we used to create it. Although deluded and weaker than that of our own kundalini, our enemy has used their abilities to bring confusion to our Gentile people. As a result severing our connection to the laws of nature and all sense of the meaning of balance has faded with the passing of time.

As time progressed, the confusion brought by the kikes increased within our ancestors and continues to poision the minds of the Gentiles of present day. Through this confusion the kikes through their knowledge of energy and the strength of the mind have rendered all Gentiles within their grasps to become as sheep waiting for the slaughter. With a blank mind the kike was able to command our Gentile people into slavery, directing us to do their bidding, turning Gentile against Gentile, Gentile against our Gods, Gentile against the Earth, and completely destroying our connection to everything that once made us masters of our own destiny, leading us to our own self -annihilation.

Rendering us helpless with no clue as to who we are or to what our purpose has and always will be, the jew posing as our master had full advantage over our Gentile people through spiritual strength due to ours fading away with our Gentile heritage that has long been forgotten. With their new found freedom the jew has destroyed everything that took thousands of years for our Gentile ancestors to create. Our perfect society is now mere rubble with the hands of the jews being stained with the blood of the Gentiles they killed to achieve such outcomes.

Oh but the jew has and always will be a coward, working behind the
curtain and having others to do their dirty work. It is by their knowledge of energy and spiritual workings that they were able to cause such destruction and unrest in our Gentile nations. For this reason they are most vulnerable. Comparing the kundalini of a jew with that of a Gentile is like comparing the flame of a candle to that of the sun. By we the warriors of Hell, by we the warriors of the Gods, by we the warriors of the Gentile Nations, weighing our kundalini against that of the jew and binding them from ever being able to successfully use their abilities again, we the Warriors, We the Guardians We the Protectors of the future Gentile Generations can ensure as our Gentile people continue to grow in strength, that it will soon be the jews waiting for the slaughter until their entire race is removed from all means of existence.
Through the Energies presented to me by the heavens, and through the energies that burn within me, I (state your full name) will see it done.

Hail Satan
Hail Beelzebub
Hail Astaroth
Hail Azazel
Hail To All Gods of Hell

Heil Hitler
Heil Heinrich Himmler

Hail To All Members of Hell's True Army
Hail To Our Most Certain Victory
And Hail to the everlasting DESTRUCTION of the kikes

The Ritual

1.Begin by taking a minute or two and raise your energies. This can be done through the "breath of fire" or alternate nostril breathing. This is one way you can protect yourself from the negative energies that are going to be raised during the ritual.

2.Begin by opening the ritual as you normally would, through either the standard ritual or as described by HP Vovim on his website.

3.Read the tenth enochian key either in English or enochian. Although by reading in enochian it is much more effective. When reading it in either way see the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color.

4. Read the ritual declaration with much passion as you can, feeling the anger toward the jew and at the same time seeing the desired outcome in your mind.

5.Burn the ritual declaration. Unfortunatly for those who cannot burn it anything it would be unwise to put such energy into the earth. For those who have trouble burning anything I will post message at the end of this posting.

6.Place the sigil on your alter and begin by repeating the ritual affirmation nine times and seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty red-grayish color.

7.Now move onto the runes and begin with Fehu, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent " the energies of Fehu are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having no magical success for all eternity" and see all the Fehu runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

8.Next Move onto Hagl, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of hagl are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the hagl runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

9.Next Move onto Isa, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of Isa are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the Isa runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

10.Next Move onto Gebo, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of gebo are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the gebo runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

11.Write the ritual affirmation on the back of the sigil

12.Meditate a few minutes and see the desired outcome

13.Burn the sigil while repeating the ritual affirmation nine times.

***Now for those who cannot burn anything I am afraid all I have is advice. You do not have to burn the pieces of paper right away, it is more than ok to wait until like three in the morning until you do so when your family is asleep. Even if you have to wait until the next morning when they are out somewhere. My advice is to place a protective barrier ABOVE the sigil, NOT on the sigil. You can do this by using the rune Algiz and use such an affirmation as "the energies of Algiz are continuously working to completely and totally protect the energies within the sigil. While doing so see a transparent White-gold barrier overtop of your sigil, NOT touching it. For if it touches it both will cancel out eachother. If this is not an option either, simply perform it at a later date. Just be creative and you will find a way***
I would love to participate in these rituals but i am not capable yet of going into a trance and i dont know how to use the runez(i know im weak still) but is their any other way i can do these i would love to help. Much respect to you all.. HAIL ENKI
On Sun, May 6, 2012 12:05 PM PDT lydia_666@... wrote:

CRAP I am soooo sorry for missing this! I spent 16 hours that day in airports and airplanes and lost time going to a time zone 11 hours ahead but that still shouldn't be an excuse, I told myself I would check the groups every 2-3 days for rituals and do any in my astral temple while on airplanes if need be.

I will calculate the next suitable time to do this. Better late than never. But I still feel mad at myself for missing saturday's great timing.

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Set!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@... wrote:


This will be one of several binding rituals that I have in mind and thought for what opportunity will fall upon us on May 11th that this will be an opportune time to perform it. All throughout the kike's history they have worked through confusion and fear to ensure that whatever power they have will be effective over our gentile people. Due to our Gentile people awakening and the kike always being a coward all they have is that small piece of power within their poisionous soul. With our power being great and their power weak it will not be impossible to bind the kike species from ever knowing success through magical means again. That will be the continuous point of my binding rituals of not only the kikes but of Gentiles as well. Before anyone comments on my idea of binding Gentiles my advice to you is to wait and see what I have in mind before you voice your opinion

Date of Ritual
This ritual will fall on Saturday May 5th during the hours of Saturn.

I chose this day for several reasons, first the moon will be in the sign of Scorpio giving us the following benefits

This is one of the best signs for black magickal workings. Revenge, hatred, venting, exposing secrets, death spells, surgery, transformation, obsession, pure sex, the occult, the darker side of things, extremes, research, banishing spells, ending things permanently, death and dying. This is the most powerful and intense of all the moon signs. Secret, underhanded, and covert operations, willpower, drastic destruction. Like its opposite sign Taurus, Scorpio is usually permanent. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the pelvis, reproductive or sex organs at this time. Magickal workings ruled by Pluto are successful at this time.
Second and a reason that I do not have to explain but the day of Saturday is ruled by Saturn giving us great support as well.

Third not only is the moon in Scorpio but on the 5th it will be a full moon, shedding great and powerful energies upon us.

Fourthly their will be a beneficial transit on this day. On this day Mercury will be in opposition to Saturn giving us the following benefits.

This transit brings danger of mental trouble , anxiety, depression,

This transit inclines to serious thinking. You are concerned with one area that others might consider rather abstract, and that is your identity. Under this transit, you tend to dwell on your sense of personal isolation, lonliness, difficulties in relationships and other depressing thoughts.

vague feelings of forgetting important details could figure now. Red tape, re-doing tasks you thought you finished, problems getting from point A to point B, delays in communication, negative thinking, hyper-sensitivity and encountering criticism from others

***Someone may ask why some of the things apply to such a working, and my advice to you is to think about it as a warrior would. Anything and everything can be applied in some way to a desired outcome, you just have to be smart and again think like a warrior. ***

****Although this ritual is set for a specific day, if you are unable to perform it on this day is no excuse to not perform it at a later date. Also a ritual like this whether of your own creation, this one, or future binding rtuals should be done as often as possible so that the enemy looses their last means of survival which as explained before is their minimal spiritual power.****
Runes Being Used

1.Fehu- Instills cowardliness, dullness, breaks the spirit, binds an enemy; instills fear and dependence in an enemy.


3.Isa- prevents prosperity, causes depression, and serves as an obstacle to action. Can be used to cause paralyzing fear or obsession and to prevent or stop movement, both that of growth and disintegration

4.Gebo- Can be used to bind another to an unwanted obligation and can be used in casting love spells. When used in Black Magick, it brings pain and sacrifice upon the victim with no reward. Used with the Isa rune, the combination is powerful in binding enemies

The Sigil-

The sigil should be two circles, one big one and a smaller one on the inside. In-between the two circles should be the runes we are using, circling within that space. In the center of the smaller circle should be a jewish star. On top of the star one should draw the four runes again.

Ritual Affirmation- "The jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity"

Runic Affirmation- "the energies (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species has no magical success for all eternity"

Enochian Key Being Used

1. #10,

Ritual Declaration

War, Death, Slave Masters, Destruction of both Gentiles and the Earth, everything in which the jew has caused and sought after with the power given to them by the enemies of the Gods and Gentile Nations. Before the revolting jewish presence stained the earth the power of God that burns within every Gentile was never abused as the Gentile Nations lived in harmony with each other and the Earth. These gifts within every Gentile were kept in perfect balance with our own desires, the advancement of the Nations and in perfect and complete balance of the Earth. As a result our ancestors remained strong and the Nations they kept were of peace and pleasure.

Despite the highest of generosity from our Gods, the TRUE Gods, our enemies and their creators who have plagued us with their existence and that of their filthy hatchlings, have found the means to corrupt and destroy our ways of life, with the very knowledge and gifts we used to create it. Although deluded and weaker than that of our own kundalini, our enemy has used their abilities to bring confusion to our Gentile people. As a result severing our connection to the laws of nature and all sense of the meaning of balance has faded with the passing of time.

As time progressed, the confusion brought by the kikes increased within our ancestors and continues to poision the minds of the Gentiles of present day. Through this confusion the kikes through their knowledge of energy and the strength of the mind have rendered all Gentiles within their grasps to become as sheep waiting for the slaughter. With a blank mind the kike was able to command our Gentile people into slavery, directing us to do their bidding, turning Gentile against Gentile, Gentile against our Gods, Gentile against the Earth, and completely destroying our connection to everything that once made us masters of our own destiny, leading us to our own self -annihilation.

Rendering us helpless with no clue as to who we are or to what our purpose has and always will be, the jew posing as our master had full advantage over our Gentile people through spiritual strength due to ours fading away with our Gentile heritage that has long been forgotten. With their new found freedom the jew has destroyed everything that took thousands of years for our Gentile ancestors to create. Our perfect society is now mere rubble with the hands of the jews being stained with the blood of the Gentiles they killed to achieve such outcomes.

Oh but the jew has and always will be a coward, working behind the
curtain and having others to do their dirty work. It is by their knowledge of energy and spiritual workings that they were able to cause such destruction and unrest in our Gentile nations. For this reason they are most vulnerable. Comparing the kundalini of a jew with that of a Gentile is like comparing the flame of a candle to that of the sun. By we the warriors of Hell, by we the warriors of the Gods, by we the warriors of the Gentile Nations, weighing our kundalini against that of the jew and binding them from ever being able to successfully use their abilities again, we the Warriors, We the Guardians We the Protectors of the future Gentile Generations can ensure as our Gentile people continue to grow in strength, that it will soon be the jews waiting for the slaughter until their entire race is removed from all means of existence.
Through the Energies presented to me by the heavens, and through the energies that burn within me, I (state your full name) will see it done.

Hail Satan
Hail Beelzebub
Hail Astaroth
Hail Azazel
Hail To All Gods of Hell

Heil Hitler
Heil Heinrich Himmler

Hail To All Members of Hell's True Army
Hail To Our Most Certain Victory
And Hail to the everlasting DESTRUCTION of the kikes

The Ritual

1.Begin by taking a minute or two and raise your energies. This can be done through the "breath of fire" or alternate nostril breathing. This is one way you can protect yourself from the negative energies that are going to be raised during the ritual.

2.Begin by opening the ritual as you normally would, through either the standard ritual or as described by HP Vovim on his website.

3.Read the tenth enochian key either in English or enochian. Although by reading in enochian it is much more effective. When reading it in either way see the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color.

4. Read the ritual declaration with much passion as you can, feeling the anger toward the jew and at the same time seeing the desired outcome in your mind.

5. Burn the ritual declaration. Unfortunatly for those who cannot burn it anything it would be unwise to put such energy into the earth. For those who have trouble burning anything I will post message at the end of this posting.

6. Place the sigil on your alter and begin by repeating the ritual affirmation nine times and seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty red-grayish color.

7. Now move onto the runes and begin with Fehu, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent " the energies of Fehu are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having no magical success for all eternity" and see all the Fehu runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

8. Next Move onto Hagl, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of hagl are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the hagl runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

9. Next Move onto Isa, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of Isa are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the Isa runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

10. Next Move onto Gebo, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of gebo are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the gebo runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

11. Write the ritual affirmation on the back of the sigil

12. Meditate a few minutes and see the desired outcome

13. Burn the sigil while repeating the ritual affirmation nine times.

***Now for those who cannot burn anything I am afraid all I have is advice. You do not have to burn the pieces of paper right away, it is more than ok to wait until like three in the morning until you do so when your family is asleep. Even if you have to wait until the next morning when they are out somewhere. My advice is to place a protective barrier ABOVE the sigil, NOT on the sigil. You can do this by using the rune Algiz and use such an affirmation as "the energies of Algiz are continuously working to completely and totally protect the energies within the sigil. While doing so see a transparent White-gold barrier overtop of your sigil, NOT touching it. For if it touches it both will cancel out eachother. If this is not an option either, simply perform it at a later date. Just be creative and you will find a way***
  Hail our Creator God Satan.
From: "lydia_666@..." <lydia_666@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Sunday, May 6, 2012 3:05 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Group Binding/Destruction Ritual Version 1.1

  CRAP I am soooo sorry for missing this! I spent 16 hours that day in airports and airplanes and lost time going to a time zone 11 hours ahead but that still shouldn't be an excuse, I told myself I would check the groups every 2-3 days for rituals and do any in my astral temple while on airplanes if need be.

I will calculate the next suitable time to do this. Better late than never. But I still feel mad at myself for missing saturday's great timing.

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Set!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@... wrote:


This will be one of several binding rituals that I have in mind and thought for what opportunity will fall upon us on May 11th that this will be an opportune time to perform it. All throughout the kike's history they have worked through confusion and fear to ensure that whatever power they have will be effective over our gentile people. Due to our Gentile people awakening and the kike always being a coward all they have is that small piece of power within their poisionous soul. With our power being great and their power weak it will not be impossible to bind the kike species from ever knowing success through magical means again. That will be the continuous point of my binding rituals of not only the kikes but of Gentiles as well. Before anyone comments on my idea of binding Gentiles my advice to you is to wait and see what I have in mind before you voice your opinion

Date of Ritual
This ritual will fall on Saturday May 5th during the hours of Saturn.

I chose this day for several reasons, first the moon will be in the sign of Scorpio giving us the following benefits

This is one of the best signs for black magickal workings. Revenge, hatred, venting, exposing secrets, death spells, surgery, transformation, obsession, pure sex, the occult, the darker side of things, extremes, research, banishing spells, ending things permanently, death and dying. This is the most powerful and intense of all the moon signs. Secret, underhanded, and covert operations, willpower, drastic destruction. Like its opposite sign Taurus, Scorpio is usually permanent. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the pelvis, reproductive or sex organs at this time. Magickal workings ruled by Pluto are successful at this time.
Second and a reason that I do not have to explain but the day of Saturday is ruled by Saturn giving us great support as well.

Third not only is the moon in Scorpio but on the 5th it will be a full moon, shedding great and powerful energies upon us.

Fourthly their will be a beneficial transit on this day. On this day Mercury will be in opposition to Saturn giving us the following benefits.

This transit brings danger of mental trouble , anxiety, depression,

This transit inclines to serious thinking. You are concerned with one area that others might consider rather abstract, and that is your identity. Under this transit, you tend to dwell on your sense of personal isolation, lonliness, difficulties in relationships and other depressing thoughts.

vague feelings of forgetting important details could figure now. Red tape, re-doing tasks you thought you finished, problems getting from point A to point B, delays in communication, negative thinking, hyper-sensitivity and encountering criticism from others

***Someone may ask why some of the things apply to such a working, and my advice to you is to think about it as a warrior would. Anything and everything can be applied in some way to a desired outcome, you just have to be smart and again think like a warrior. ***

****Although this ritual is set for a specific day, if you are unable to perform it on this day is no excuse to not perform it at a later date. Also a ritual like this whether of your own creation, this one, or future binding rtuals should be done as often as possible so that the enemy looses their last means of survival which as explained before is their minimal spiritual power.****
Runes Being Used

1.Fehu- Instills cowardliness, dullness, breaks the spirit, binds an enemy; instills fear and dependence in an enemy.


3.Isa- prevents prosperity, causes depression, and serves as an obstacle to action. Can be used to cause paralyzing fear or obsession and to prevent or stop movement, both that of growth and disintegration

4.Gebo- Can be used to bind another to an unwanted obligation and can be used in casting love spells. When used in Black Magick, it brings pain and sacrifice upon the victim with no reward. Used with the Isa rune, the combination is powerful in binding enemies

The Sigil-

The sigil should be two circles, one big one and a smaller one on the inside. In-between the two circles should be the runes we are using, circling within that space. In the center of the smaller circle should be a jewish star. On top of the star one should draw the four runes again.

Ritual Affirmation- "The jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity"

Runic Affirmation- "the energies (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species has no magical success for all eternity"

Enochian Key Being Used

1. #10,

Ritual Declaration

War, Death, Slave Masters, Destruction of both Gentiles and the Earth, everything in which the jew has caused and sought after with the power given to them by the enemies of the Gods and Gentile Nations. Before the revolting jewish presence stained the earth the power of God that burns within every Gentile was never abused as the Gentile Nations lived in harmony with each other and the Earth. These gifts within every Gentile were kept in perfect balance with our own desires, the advancement of the Nations and in perfect and complete balance of the Earth. As a result our ancestors remained strong and the Nations they kept were of peace and pleasure.

Despite the highest of generosity from our Gods, the TRUE Gods, our enemies and their creators who have plagued us with their existence and that of their filthy hatchlings, have found the means to corrupt and destroy our ways of life, with the very knowledge and gifts we used to create it. Although deluded and weaker than that of our own kundalini, our enemy has used their abilities to bring confusion to our Gentile people. As a result severing our connection to the laws of nature and all sense of the meaning of balance has faded with the passing of time.

As time progressed, the confusion brought by the kikes increased within our ancestors and continues to poision the minds of the Gentiles of present day. Through this confusion the kikes through their knowledge of energy and the strength of the mind have rendered all Gentiles within their grasps to become as sheep waiting for the slaughter. With a blank mind the kike was able to command our Gentile people into slavery, directing us to do their bidding, turning Gentile against Gentile, Gentile against our Gods, Gentile against the Earth, and completely destroying our connection to everything that once made us masters of our own destiny, leading us to our own self -annihilation.

Rendering us helpless with no clue as to who we are or to what our purpose has and always will be, the jew posing as our master had full advantage over our Gentile people through spiritual strength due to ours fading away with our Gentile heritage that has long been forgotten. With their new found freedom the jew has destroyed everything that took thousands of years for our Gentile ancestors to create. Our perfect society is now mere rubble with the hands of the jews being stained with the blood of the Gentiles they killed to achieve such outcomes.

Oh but the jew has and always will be a coward, working behind the
curtain and having others to do their dirty work. It is by their knowledge of energy and spiritual workings that they were able to cause such destruction and unrest in our Gentile nations. For this reason they are most vulnerable. Comparing the kundalini of a jew with that of a Gentile is like comparing the flame of a candle to that of the sun. By we the warriors of Hell, by we the warriors of the Gods, by we the warriors of the Gentile Nations, weighing our kundalini against that of the jew and binding them from ever being able to successfully use their abilities again, we the Warriors, We the Guardians We the Protectors of the future Gentile Generations can ensure as our Gentile people continue to grow in strength, that it will soon be the jews waiting for the slaughter until their entire race is removed from all means of existence.
Through the Energies presented to me by the heavens, and through the energies that burn within me, I (state your full name) will see it done.

Hail Satan
Hail Beelzebub
Hail Astaroth
Hail Azazel
Hail To All Gods of Hell

Heil Hitler
Heil Heinrich Himmler

Hail To All Members of Hell's True Army
Hail To Our Most Certain Victory
And Hail to the everlasting DESTRUCTION of the kikes

The Ritual

1.Begin by taking a minute or two and raise your energies. This can be done through the "breath of fire" or alternate nostril breathing. This is one way you can protect yourself from the negative energies that are going to be raised during the ritual.

2.Begin by opening the ritual as you normally would, through either the standard ritual or as described by HP Vovim on his website.

3.Read the tenth enochian key either in English or enochian. Although by reading in enochian it is much more effective. When reading it in either way see the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color.

4. Read the ritual declaration with much passion as you can, feeling the anger toward the jew and at the same time seeing the desired outcome in your mind.

5. Burn the ritual declaration. Unfortunatly for those who cannot burn it anything it would be unwise to put such energy into the earth. For those who have trouble burning anything I will post message at the end of this posting.

6. Place the sigil on your alter and begin by repeating the ritual affirmation nine times and seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty red-grayish color.

7. Now move onto the runes and begin with Fehu, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent " the energies of Fehu are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having no magical success for all eternity" and see all the Fehu runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

8. Next Move onto Hagl, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of hagl are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the hagl runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

9. Next Move onto Isa, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of Isa are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the Isa runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

10. Next Move onto Gebo, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of gebo are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the gebo runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

11. Write the ritual affirmation on the back of the sigil

12. Meditate a few minutes and see the desired outcome

13. Burn the sigil while repeating the ritual affirmation nine times.

***Now for those who cannot burn anything I am afraid all I have is advice. You do not have to burn the pieces of paper right away, it is more than ok to wait until like three in the morning until you do so when your family is asleep. Even if you have to wait until the next morning when they are out somewhere. My advice is to place a protective barrier ABOVE the sigil, NOT on the sigil. You can do this by using the rune Algiz and use such an affirmation as "the energies of Algiz are continuously working to completely and totally protect the energies within the sigil. While doing so see a transparent White-gold barrier overtop of your sigil, NOT touching it. For if it touches it both will cancel out eachother. If this is not an option either, simply perform it at a later date. Just be creative and you will find a way***

 BRILLIANT rituals bro. Man its hard to believe this ones childs play when me and my cousin did it our energies were HOT as FUCK . I really felt the energies in this one. The only problem was we couldnt open it standardly (invoking the gods) but im sure its no biggy. Cant wait for the next ones to come keep it up bro!  HAIL SATAN!
From: strengththroughsatan89 <horrorfan89@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Sunday, May 6, 2012 1:18 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Group Binding/Destruction Ritual Version 1.1

  Hey Sister,

As Brian said I am just glad to see everything is fine and that you are ok, due to the fact I know you are a regular poster and have not seen you for a few days.

For reasons like yours I try to post my rituals 3 or so days before hand. But with me getting caught up in other things I completely forgot and posted later than I wanted to. So for this I apologize to you, for if I posted it earlier you would have been able to see it.

Don't be sorry for missing this as compare to the idea that is continuously formulating in my head, this ritual is mere childs play to what I have planned.

To Better Days Sister,

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "lydia_666@..." <lydia_666@... wrote:

CRAP I am soooo sorry for missing this! I spent 16 hours that day in airports and airplanes and lost time going to a time zone 11 hours ahead but that still shouldn't be an excuse, I told myself I would check the groups every 2-3 days for rituals and do any in my astral temple while on airplanes if need be.

I will calculate the next suitable time to do this. Better late than never. But I still feel mad at myself for missing saturday's great timing.

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Set!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:


This will be one of several binding rituals that I have in mind and thought for what opportunity will fall upon us on May 11th that this will be an opportune time to perform it. All throughout the kike's history they have worked through confusion and fear to ensure that whatever power they have will be effective over our gentile people. Due to our Gentile people awakening and the kike always being a coward all they have is that small piece of power within their poisionous soul. With our power being great and their power weak it will not be impossible to bind the kike species from ever knowing success through magical means again. That will be the continuous point of my binding rituals of not only the kikes but of Gentiles as well. Before anyone comments on my idea of binding Gentiles my advice to you is to wait and see what I have in mind before you voice your opinion

Date of Ritual
This ritual will fall on Saturday May 5th during the hours of Saturn.

I chose this day for several reasons, first the moon will be in the sign of Scorpio giving us the following benefits

This is one of the best signs for black magickal workings. Revenge, hatred, venting, exposing secrets, death spells, surgery, transformation, obsession, pure sex, the occult, the darker side of things, extremes, research, banishing spells, ending things permanently, death and dying. This is the most powerful and intense of all the moon signs. Secret, underhanded, and covert operations, willpower, drastic destruction. Like its opposite sign Taurus, Scorpio is usually permanent. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the pelvis, reproductive or sex organs at this time. Magickal workings ruled by Pluto are successful at this time.
Second and a reason that I do not have to explain but the day of Saturday is ruled by Saturn giving us great support as well.

Third not only is the moon in Scorpio but on the 5th it will be a full moon, shedding great and powerful energies upon us.

Fourthly their will be a beneficial transit on this day. On this day Mercury will be in opposition to Saturn giving us the following benefits.

This transit brings danger of mental trouble , anxiety, depression,

This transit inclines to serious thinking. You are concerned with one area that others might consider rather abstract, and that is your identity. Under this transit, you tend to dwell on your sense of personal isolation, lonliness, difficulties in relationships and other depressing thoughts.

vague feelings of forgetting important details could figure now. Red tape, re-doing tasks you thought you finished, problems getting from point A to point B, delays in communication, negative thinking, hyper-sensitivity and encountering criticism from others

***Someone may ask why some of the things apply to such a working, and my advice to you is to think about it as a warrior would. Anything and everything can be applied in some way to a desired outcome, you just have to be smart and again think like a warrior. ***

****Although this ritual is set for a specific day, if you are unable to perform it on this day is no excuse to not perform it at a later date. Also a ritual like this whether of your own creation, this one, or future binding rtuals should be done as often as possible so that the enemy looses their last means of survival which as explained before is their minimal spiritual power.****
Runes Being Used

1.Fehu- Instills cowardliness, dullness, breaks the spirit, binds an enemy; instills fear and dependence in an enemy.


3.Isa- prevents prosperity, causes depression, and serves as an obstacle to action. Can be used to cause paralyzing fear or obsession and to prevent or stop movement, both that of growth and disintegration

4.Gebo- Can be used to bind another to an unwanted obligation and can be used in casting love spells. When used in Black Magick, it brings pain and sacrifice upon the victim with no reward. Used with the Isa rune, the combination is powerful in binding enemies

The Sigil-

The sigil should be two circles, one big one and a smaller one on the inside. In-between the two circles should be the runes we are using, circling within that space. In the center of the smaller circle should be a jewish star. On top of the star one should draw the four runes again.

Ritual Affirmation- "The jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity"

Runic Affirmation- "the energies (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species has no magical success for all eternity"

Enochian Key Being Used


Ritual Declaration

War, Death, Slave Masters, Destruction of both Gentiles and the Earth, everything in which the jew has caused and sought after with the power given to them by the enemies of the Gods and Gentile Nations. Before the revolting jewish presence stained the earth the power of God that burns within every Gentile was never abused as the Gentile Nations lived in harmony with each other and the Earth. These gifts within every Gentile were kept in perfect balance with our own desires, the advancement of the Nations and in perfect and complete balance of the Earth. As a result our ancestors remained strong and the Nations they kept were of peace and pleasure.

Despite the highest of generosity from our Gods, the TRUE Gods, our enemies and their creators who have plagued us with their existence and that of their filthy hatchlings, have found the means to corrupt and destroy our ways of life, with the very knowledge and gifts we used to create it. Although deluded and weaker than that of our own kundalini, our enemy has used their abilities to bring confusion to our Gentile people. As a result severing our connection to the laws of nature and all sense of the meaning of balance has faded with the passing of time.

As time progressed, the confusion brought by the kikes increased within our ancestors and continues to poision the minds of the Gentiles of present day. Through this confusion the kikes through their knowledge of energy and the strength of the mind have rendered all Gentiles within their grasps to become as sheep waiting for the slaughter. With a blank mind the kike was able to command our Gentile people into slavery, directing us to do their bidding, turning Gentile against Gentile, Gentile against our Gods, Gentile against the Earth, and completely destroying our connection to everything that once made us masters of our own destiny, leading us to our own self -annihilation.

Rendering us helpless with no clue as to who we are or to what our purpose has and always will be, the jew posing as our master had full advantage over our Gentile people through spiritual strength due to ours fading away with our Gentile heritage that has long been forgotten. With their new found freedom the jew has destroyed everything that took thousands of years for our Gentile ancestors to create. Our perfect society is now mere rubble with the hands of the jews being stained with the blood of the Gentiles they killed to achieve such outcomes.

Oh but the jew has and always will be a coward, working behind the
curtain and having others to do their dirty work. It is by their knowledge of energy and spiritual workings that they were able to cause such destruction and unrest in our Gentile nations. For this reason they are most vulnerable. Comparing the kundalini of a jew with that of a Gentile is like comparing the flame of a candle to that of the sun. By we the warriors of Hell, by we the warriors of the Gods, by we the warriors of the Gentile Nations, weighing our kundalini against that of the jew and binding them from ever being able to successfully use their abilities again, we the Warriors, We the Guardians We the Protectors of the future Gentile Generations can ensure as our Gentile people continue to grow in strength, that it will soon be the jews waiting for the slaughter until their entire race is removed from all means of existence.
Through the Energies presented to me by the heavens, and through the energies that burn within me, I (state your full name) will see it done.

Hail Satan
Hail Beelzebub
Hail Astaroth
Hail Azazel
Hail To All Gods of Hell

Heil Hitler
Heil Heinrich Himmler

Hail To All Members of Hell's True Army
Hail To Our Most Certain Victory
And Hail to the everlasting DESTRUCTION of the kikes

The Ritual

1.Begin by taking a minute or two and raise your energies. This can be done through the "breath of fire" or alternate nostril breathing. This is one way you can protect yourself from the negative energies that are going to be raised during the ritual.

2.Begin by opening the ritual as you normally would, through either the standard ritual or as described by HP Vovim on his website.

3.Read the tenth enochian key either in English or enochian. Although by reading in enochian it is much more effective. When reading it in either way see the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color.

4. Read the ritual declaration with much passion as you can, feeling the anger toward the jew and at the same time seeing the desired outcome in your mind.

5.Burn the ritual declaration. Unfortunatly for those who cannot burn it anything it would be unwise to put such energy into the earth. For those who have trouble burning anything I will post message at the end of this posting.

6.Place the sigil on your alter and begin by repeating the ritual affirmation nine times and seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty red-grayish color.

7.Now move onto the runes and begin with Fehu, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent " the energies of Fehu are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having no magical success for all eternity" and see all the Fehu runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

8.Next Move onto Hagl, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of hagl are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the hagl runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

9.Next Move onto Isa, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of Isa are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the Isa runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

10.Next Move onto Gebo, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of gebo are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the gebo runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

11.Write the ritual affirmation on the back of the sigil

12.Meditate a few minutes and see the desired outcome

13.Burn the sigil while repeating the ritual affirmation nine times.

***Now for those who cannot burn anything I am afraid all I have is advice. You do not have to burn the pieces of paper right away, it is more than ok to wait until like three in the morning until you do so when your family is asleep. Even if you have to wait until the next morning when they are out somewhere. My advice is to place a protective barrier ABOVE the sigil, NOT on the sigil. You can do this by using the rune Algiz and use such an affirmation as "the energies of Algiz are continuously working to completely and totally protect the energies within the sigil. While doing so see a transparent White-gold barrier overtop of your sigil, NOT touching it. For if it touches it both will cancel out eachother. If this is not an option either, simply perform it at a later date. Just be creative and you will find a way***

Thanks Strength, Brian, and Shannon. I'm trying my best to keep up with my regular routine, but it's difficult when travelling with someone. I'm just glad that all this muslim energy around me doesn't seem to be having any effect whatsoever, in fact I am feeling great, even though I'm only doing half the yoga I was before, and less meditating too. I guess my aura of protection is pretty strong :). But I'm going to be away from home for another 2 weeks (I left 1 week ago) so I need to buckle down and get back to my routine, and do more warfare.

I'm really looking forward to seeing (and doing!) the rituals you have planned, Strength! This is going to be an incredible year for us SS!

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Set!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@... wrote:

Hey Sister,

As Brian said I am just glad to see everything is fine and that you are ok, due to the fact I know you are a regular poster and have not seen you for a few days.

For reasons like yours I try to post my rituals 3 or so days before hand. But with me getting caught up in other things I completely forgot and posted later than I wanted to. So for this I apologize to you, for if I posted it earlier you would have been able to see it.

Don't be sorry for missing this as compare to the idea that is continuously formulating in my head, this ritual is mere childs play to what I have planned.

To Better Days Sister,

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "lydia_666@" <lydia_666@ wrote:

CRAP I am soooo sorry for missing this! I spent 16 hours that day in airports and airplanes and lost time going to a time zone 11 hours ahead but that still shouldn't be an excuse, I told myself I would check the groups every 2-3 days for rituals and do any in my astral temple while on airplanes if need be.

I will calculate the next suitable time to do this. Better late than never. But I still feel mad at myself for missing saturday's great timing.

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Set!
<td val[/IMG]I totally agree lydia.Traveling does have its set backs when it comes to our program.But my opinion is that recreation is also a part of having the full life that Enki wants for us too.Cant wait to go to the beach with Raven this summer too.I am a beach comer at heart.:)Enjoy yourself my friend.

Hail Enki

--- On Mon, 5/7/12, lydia_666@... <lydia_666@... wrote:
From: lydia_666@... <lydia_666@...
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Group Binding/Destruction Ritual Version 1.1
To: [email protected]
Date: Monday, May 7, 2012, 4:07 PM

  Thanks Strength, Brian, and Shannon. I'm trying my best to keep up with my regular routine, but it's difficult when travelling with someone. I'm just glad that all this muslim energy around me doesn't seem to be having any effect whatsoever, in fact I am feeling great, even though I'm only doing half the yoga I was before, and less meditating too. I guess my aura of protection is pretty strong :). But I'm going to be away from home for another 2 weeks (I left 1 week ago) so I need to buckle down and get back to my routine, and do more warfare.

I'm really looking forward to seeing (and doing!) the rituals you have planned, Strength! This is going to be an incredible year for us SS!

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Set!

--- [/IMG][email protected], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@... wrote:

Hey Sister,

As Brian said I am just glad to see everything is fine and that you are ok, due to the fact I know you are a regular poster and have not seen you for a few days.

For reasons like yours I try to post my rituals 3 or so days before hand. But with me getting caught up in other things I completely forgot and posted later than I wanted to. So for this I apologize to you, for if I posted it earlier you would have been able to see it.

Don't be sorry for missing this as compare to the idea that is continuously formulating in my head, this ritual is mere childs play to what I have planned.

To Better Days Sister,

Hail Satan

--- [/IMG][email protected], "lydia_666@" <lydia_666@ wrote:

CRAP I am soooo sorry for missing this! I spent 16 hours that day in airports and airplanes and lost time going to a time zone 11 hours ahead but that still shouldn't be an excuse, I told myself I would check the groups every 2-3 days for rituals and do any in my astral temple while on airplanes if need be.

I will calculate the next suitable time to do this. Better late than never. But I still feel mad at myself for missing saturday's great timing.

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Set!
so basically what you're thinking is to bind xians muslims and such because they're basically walking energy sources for the enemy? Smart I'm glad we have you as a brother. I've never done a ritual before i was working on empowering myself and believed i wouldn't make a difference for how weak i am but i think i'll do it anyways this is no time to take chances and i have to do my part!

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@... wrote:


This will be one of several binding rituals that I have in mind and thought for what opportunity will fall upon us on May 11th that this will be an opportune time to perform it. All throughout the kike's history they have worked through confusion and fear to ensure that whatever power they have will be effective over our gentile people. Due to our Gentile people awakening and the kike always being a coward all they have is that small piece of power within their poisionous soul. With our power being great and their power weak it will not be impossible to bind the kike species from ever knowing success through magical means again. That will be the continuous point of my binding rituals of not only the kikes but of Gentiles as well. Before anyone comments on my idea of binding Gentiles my advice to you is to wait and see what I have in mind before you voice your opinion

Date of Ritual
This ritual will fall on Saturday May 5th during the hours of Saturn.

I chose this day for several reasons, first the moon will be in the sign of Scorpio giving us the following benefits

This is one of the best signs for black magickal workings. Revenge, hatred, venting, exposing secrets, death spells, surgery, transformation, obsession, pure sex, the occult, the darker side of things, extremes, research, banishing spells, ending things permanently, death and dying. This is the most powerful and intense of all the moon signs. Secret, underhanded, and covert operations, willpower, drastic destruction. Like its opposite sign Taurus, Scorpio is usually permanent. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the pelvis, reproductive or sex organs at this time. Magickal workings ruled by Pluto are successful at this time.
Second and a reason that I do not have to explain but the day of Saturday is ruled by Saturn giving us great support as well.

Third not only is the moon in Scorpio but on the 5th it will be a full moon, shedding great and powerful energies upon us.

Fourthly their will be a beneficial transit on this day. On this day Mercury will be in opposition to Saturn giving us the following benefits.

This transit brings danger of mental trouble , anxiety, depression,

This transit inclines to serious thinking. You are concerned with one area that others might consider rather abstract, and that is your identity. Under this transit, you tend to dwell on your sense of personal isolation, lonliness, difficulties in relationships and other depressing thoughts.

vague feelings of forgetting important details could figure now. Red tape, re-doing tasks you thought you finished, problems getting from point A to point B, delays in communication, negative thinking, hyper-sensitivity and encountering criticism from others

***Someone may ask why some of the things apply to such a working, and my advice to you is to think about it as a warrior would. Anything and everything can be applied in some way to a desired outcome, you just have to be smart and again think like a warrior. ***

****Although this ritual is set for a specific day, if you are unable to perform it on this day is no excuse to not perform it at a later date. Also a ritual like this whether of your own creation, this one, or future binding rtuals should be done as often as possible so that the enemy looses their last means of survival which as explained before is their minimal spiritual power.****
Runes Being Used

1.Fehu- Instills cowardliness, dullness, breaks the spirit, binds an enemy; instills fear and dependence in an enemy.


3.Isa- prevents prosperity, causes depression, and serves as an obstacle to action. Can be used to cause paralyzing fear or obsession and to prevent or stop movement, both that of growth and disintegration

4.Gebo- Can be used to bind another to an unwanted obligation and can be used in casting love spells. When used in Black Magick, it brings pain and sacrifice upon the victim with no reward. Used with the Isa rune, the combination is powerful in binding enemies

The Sigil-

The sigil should be two circles, one big one and a smaller one on the inside. In-between the two circles should be the runes we are using, circling within that space. In the center of the smaller circle should be a jewish star. On top of the star one should draw the four runes again.

Ritual Affirmation- "The jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity"

Runic Affirmation- "the energies (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species has no magical success for all eternity"

Enochian Key Being Used


Ritual Declaration

War, Death, Slave Masters, Destruction of both Gentiles and the Earth, everything in which the jew has caused and sought after with the power given to them by the enemies of the Gods and Gentile Nations. Before the revolting jewish presence stained the earth the power of God that burns within every Gentile was never abused as the Gentile Nations lived in harmony with each other and the Earth. These gifts within every Gentile were kept in perfect balance with our own desires, the advancement of the Nations and in perfect and complete balance of the Earth. As a result our ancestors remained strong and the Nations they kept were of peace and pleasure.

Despite the highest of generosity from our Gods, the TRUE Gods, our enemies and their creators who have plagued us with their existence and that of their filthy hatchlings, have found the means to corrupt and destroy our ways of life, with the very knowledge and gifts we used to create it. Although deluded and weaker than that of our own kundalini, our enemy has used their abilities to bring confusion to our Gentile people. As a result severing our connection to the laws of nature and all sense of the meaning of balance has faded with the passing of time.

As time progressed, the confusion brought by the kikes increased within our ancestors and continues to poision the minds of the Gentiles of present day. Through this confusion the kikes through their knowledge of energy and the strength of the mind have rendered all Gentiles within their grasps to become as sheep waiting for the slaughter. With a blank mind the kike was able to command our Gentile people into slavery, directing us to do their bidding, turning Gentile against Gentile, Gentile against our Gods, Gentile against the Earth, and completely destroying our connection to everything that once made us masters of our own destiny, leading us to our own self -annihilation.

Rendering us helpless with no clue as to who we are or to what our purpose has and always will be, the jew posing as our master had full advantage over our Gentile people through spiritual strength due to ours fading away with our Gentile heritage that has long been forgotten. With their new found freedom the jew has destroyed everything that took thousands of years for our Gentile ancestors to create. Our perfect society is now mere rubble with the hands of the jews being stained with the blood of the Gentiles they killed to achieve such outcomes.

Oh but the jew has and always will be a coward, working behind the
curtain and having others to do their dirty work. It is by their knowledge of energy and spiritual workings that they were able to cause such destruction and unrest in our Gentile nations. For this reason they are most vulnerable. Comparing the kundalini of a jew with that of a Gentile is like comparing the flame of a candle to that of the sun. By we the warriors of Hell, by we the warriors of the Gods, by we the warriors of the Gentile Nations, weighing our kundalini against that of the jew and binding them from ever being able to successfully use their abilities again, we the Warriors, We the Guardians We the Protectors of the future Gentile Generations can ensure as our Gentile people continue to grow in strength, that it will soon be the jews waiting for the slaughter until their entire race is removed from all means of existence.
Through the Energies presented to me by the heavens, and through the energies that burn within me, I (state your full name) will see it done.

Hail Satan
Hail Beelzebub
Hail Astaroth
Hail Azazel
Hail To All Gods of Hell

Heil Hitler
Heil Heinrich Himmler

Hail To All Members of Hell's True Army
Hail To Our Most Certain Victory
And Hail to the everlasting DESTRUCTION of the kikes

The Ritual

1.Begin by taking a minute or two and raise your energies. This can be done through the "breath of fire" or alternate nostril breathing. This is one way you can protect yourself from the negative energies that are going to be raised during the ritual.

2.Begin by opening the ritual as you normally would, through either the standard ritual or as described by HP Vovim on his website.

3.Read the tenth enochian key either in English or enochian. Although by reading in enochian it is much more effective. When reading it in either way see the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color.

4. Read the ritual declaration with much passion as you can, feeling the anger toward the jew and at the same time seeing the desired outcome in your mind.

5.Burn the ritual declaration. Unfortunatly for those who cannot burn it anything it would be unwise to put such energy into the earth. For those who have trouble burning anything I will post message at the end of this posting.

6.Place the sigil on your alter and begin by repeating the ritual affirmation nine times and seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty red-grayish color.

7.Now move onto the runes and begin with Fehu, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent " the energies of Fehu are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having no magical success for all eternity" and see all the Fehu runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

8.Next Move onto Hagl, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of hagl are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the hagl runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

9.Next Move onto Isa, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of Isa are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the Isa runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

10.Next Move onto Gebo, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of gebo are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the gebo runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

11.Write the ritual affirmation on the back of the sigil

12.Meditate a few minutes and see the desired outcome

13.Burn the sigil while repeating the ritual affirmation nine times.

***Now for those who cannot burn anything I am afraid all I have is advice. You do not have to burn the pieces of paper right away, it is more than ok to wait until like three in the morning until you do so when your family is asleep. Even if you have to wait until the next morning when they are out somewhere. My advice is to place a protective barrier ABOVE the sigil, NOT on the sigil. You can do this by using the rune Algiz and use such an affirmation as "the energies of Algiz are continuously working to completely and totally protect the energies within the sigil. While doing so see a transparent White-gold barrier overtop of your sigil, NOT touching it. For if it touches it both will cancel out eachother. If this is not an option either, simply perform it at a later date. Just be creative and you will find a way***
also the comment i just a few mins ago meant to rephrase it, "would it be smart to stop our enemies from preying on our gentile people" and do that because i don't know the repercussions to that

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@... wrote:


This will be one of several binding rituals that I have in mind and thought for what opportunity will fall upon us on May 11th that this will be an opportune time to perform it. All throughout the kike's history they have worked through confusion and fear to ensure that whatever power they have will be effective over our gentile people. Due to our Gentile people awakening and the kike always being a coward all they have is that small piece of power within their poisionous soul. With our power being great and their power weak it will not be impossible to bind the kike species from ever knowing success through magical means again. That will be the continuous point of my binding rituals of not only the kikes but of Gentiles as well. Before anyone comments on my idea of binding Gentiles my advice to you is to wait and see what I have in mind before you voice your opinion

Date of Ritual
This ritual will fall on Saturday May 5th during the hours of Saturn.

I chose this day for several reasons, first the moon will be in the sign of Scorpio giving us the following benefits

This is one of the best signs for black magickal workings. Revenge, hatred, venting, exposing secrets, death spells, surgery, transformation, obsession, pure sex, the occult, the darker side of things, extremes, research, banishing spells, ending things permanently, death and dying. This is the most powerful and intense of all the moon signs. Secret, underhanded, and covert operations, willpower, drastic destruction. Like its opposite sign Taurus, Scorpio is usually permanent. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the pelvis, reproductive or sex organs at this time. Magickal workings ruled by Pluto are successful at this time.
Second and a reason that I do not have to explain but the day of Saturday is ruled by Saturn giving us great support as well.

Third not only is the moon in Scorpio but on the 5th it will be a full moon, shedding great and powerful energies upon us.

Fourthly their will be a beneficial transit on this day. On this day Mercury will be in opposition to Saturn giving us the following benefits.

This transit brings danger of mental trouble , anxiety, depression,

This transit inclines to serious thinking. You are concerned with one area that others might consider rather abstract, and that is your identity. Under this transit, you tend to dwell on your sense of personal isolation, lonliness, difficulties in relationships and other depressing thoughts.

vague feelings of forgetting important details could figure now. Red tape, re-doing tasks you thought you finished, problems getting from point A to point B, delays in communication, negative thinking, hyper-sensitivity and encountering criticism from others

***Someone may ask why some of the things apply to such a working, and my advice to you is to think about it as a warrior would. Anything and everything can be applied in some way to a desired outcome, you just have to be smart and again think like a warrior. ***

****Although this ritual is set for a specific day, if you are unable to perform it on this day is no excuse to not perform it at a later date. Also a ritual like this whether of your own creation, this one, or future binding rtuals should be done as often as possible so that the enemy looses their last means of survival which as explained before is their minimal spiritual power.****
Runes Being Used

1.Fehu- Instills cowardliness, dullness, breaks the spirit, binds an enemy; instills fear and dependence in an enemy.


3.Isa- prevents prosperity, causes depression, and serves as an obstacle to action. Can be used to cause paralyzing fear or obsession and to prevent or stop movement, both that of growth and disintegration

4.Gebo- Can be used to bind another to an unwanted obligation and can be used in casting love spells. When used in Black Magick, it brings pain and sacrifice upon the victim with no reward. Used with the Isa rune, the combination is powerful in binding enemies

The Sigil-

The sigil should be two circles, one big one and a smaller one on the inside. In-between the two circles should be the runes we are using, circling within that space. In the center of the smaller circle should be a jewish star. On top of the star one should draw the four runes again.

Ritual Affirmation- "The jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity"

Runic Affirmation- "the energies (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species has no magical success for all eternity"

Enochian Key Being Used


Ritual Declaration

War, Death, Slave Masters, Destruction of both Gentiles and the Earth, everything in which the jew has caused and sought after with the power given to them by the enemies of the Gods and Gentile Nations. Before the revolting jewish presence stained the earth the power of God that burns within every Gentile was never abused as the Gentile Nations lived in harmony with each other and the Earth. These gifts within every Gentile were kept in perfect balance with our own desires, the advancement of the Nations and in perfect and complete balance of the Earth. As a result our ancestors remained strong and the Nations they kept were of peace and pleasure.

Despite the highest of generosity from our Gods, the TRUE Gods, our enemies and their creators who have plagued us with their existence and that of their filthy hatchlings, have found the means to corrupt and destroy our ways of life, with the very knowledge and gifts we used to create it. Although deluded and weaker than that of our own kundalini, our enemy has used their abilities to bring confusion to our Gentile people. As a result severing our connection to the laws of nature and all sense of the meaning of balance has faded with the passing of time.

As time progressed, the confusion brought by the kikes increased within our ancestors and continues to poision the minds of the Gentiles of present day. Through this confusion the kikes through their knowledge of energy and the strength of the mind have rendered all Gentiles within their grasps to become as sheep waiting for the slaughter. With a blank mind the kike was able to command our Gentile people into slavery, directing us to do their bidding, turning Gentile against Gentile, Gentile against our Gods, Gentile against the Earth, and completely destroying our connection to everything that once made us masters of our own destiny, leading us to our own self -annihilation.

Rendering us helpless with no clue as to who we are or to what our purpose has and always will be, the jew posing as our master had full advantage over our Gentile people through spiritual strength due to ours fading away with our Gentile heritage that has long been forgotten. With their new found freedom the jew has destroyed everything that took thousands of years for our Gentile ancestors to create. Our perfect society is now mere rubble with the hands of the jews being stained with the blood of the Gentiles they killed to achieve such outcomes.

Oh but the jew has and always will be a coward, working behind the
curtain and having others to do their dirty work. It is by their knowledge of energy and spiritual workings that they were able to cause such destruction and unrest in our Gentile nations. For this reason they are most vulnerable. Comparing the kundalini of a jew with that of a Gentile is like comparing the flame of a candle to that of the sun. By we the warriors of Hell, by we the warriors of the Gods, by we the warriors of the Gentile Nations, weighing our kundalini against that of the jew and binding them from ever being able to successfully use their abilities again, we the Warriors, We the Guardians We the Protectors of the future Gentile Generations can ensure as our Gentile people continue to grow in strength, that it will soon be the jews waiting for the slaughter until their entire race is removed from all means of existence.
Through the Energies presented to me by the heavens, and through the energies that burn within me, I (state your full name) will see it done.

Hail Satan
Hail Beelzebub
Hail Astaroth
Hail Azazel
Hail To All Gods of Hell

Heil Hitler
Heil Heinrich Himmler

Hail To All Members of Hell's True Army
Hail To Our Most Certain Victory
And Hail to the everlasting DESTRUCTION of the kikes

The Ritual

1.Begin by taking a minute or two and raise your energies. This can be done through the "breath of fire" or alternate nostril breathing. This is one way you can protect yourself from the negative energies that are going to be raised during the ritual.

2.Begin by opening the ritual as you normally would, through either the standard ritual or as described by HP Vovim on his website.

3.Read the tenth enochian key either in English or enochian. Although by reading in enochian it is much more effective. When reading it in either way see the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color.

4. Read the ritual declaration with much passion as you can, feeling the anger toward the jew and at the same time seeing the desired outcome in your mind.

5.Burn the ritual declaration. Unfortunatly for those who cannot burn it anything it would be unwise to put such energy into the earth. For those who have trouble burning anything I will post message at the end of this posting.

6.Place the sigil on your alter and begin by repeating the ritual affirmation nine times and seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty red-grayish color.

7.Now move onto the runes and begin with Fehu, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent " the energies of Fehu are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having no magical success for all eternity" and see all the Fehu runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

8.Next Move onto Hagl, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of hagl are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the hagl runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

9.Next Move onto Isa, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of Isa are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the Isa runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

10.Next Move onto Gebo, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of gebo are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the gebo runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

11.Write the ritual affirmation on the back of the sigil

12.Meditate a few minutes and see the desired outcome

13.Burn the sigil while repeating the ritual affirmation nine times.

***Now for those who cannot burn anything I am afraid all I have is advice. You do not have to burn the pieces of paper right away, it is more than ok to wait until like three in the morning until you do so when your family is asleep. Even if you have to wait until the next morning when they are out somewhere. My advice is to place a protective barrier ABOVE the sigil, NOT on the sigil. You can do this by using the rune Algiz and use such an affirmation as "the energies of Algiz are continuously working to completely and totally protect the energies within the sigil. While doing so see a transparent White-gold barrier overtop of your sigil, NOT touching it. For if it touches it both will cancel out eachother. If this is not an option either, simply perform it at a later date. Just be creative and you will find a way***
I have been doing some Awakenings, but they don't seem to be doing much where I'm at right now. In fact, mom's going DEEPER into xianity the closer we get to Aquarius, which I think is more than a little strange. o_O There's more than 1 way to bind ppl?! *sits down w/ bag of popcorn and waits to learn awesome new stuffs* I hope don't make you more angry, but I have mild Autism and am quite empathatic and sensitive, and when you explain things in that way my brain interprets that as yelling/punish/he doesn't like me/I'll probabaly always be an outcast/avoid that guy he's scary. <- Sorry I said that. I am one of those people where being calm, patient, and not so forceful works better. *tries to calm down and be less worked up about the whole thing w/ some lavender-colored energy* Ahh. That feels better. So how and in what ways do you want to bind Gentiles? Oh! You want to bind and contain the negative energies that those who are stuck in xainity and islam in this life emit so those energies will no longer effect us (or at least weaken their effects) while we are waiting for them to be reborn, not the ppl themselves! If they're Gentile, I'd rather not kill someone, the kikes have turned us against each other for too long, whether it's our families or entire raco/ethnic groups. I like lighting up the landscapes around me w/ white-gold energy to cleanse some of that like Indigo says to do. :3 That makes the earth feel happy! ;3 :D We ppl w/ Auspergers think in very black/white good/evil terms, so it was easy for me to switch the roles of angels and Demons in my head, but polotics, race (some of it, like how it's like if you mix chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry ice cream together it's hard to taste a single unique flavor, which is very, very, bad), and roles (I'm straight, want to have kids, but also want to make art of some sort) are grey things, areas that are hard for me to understand correctly and/or fully. I will try to think in "maybes" more often. n.n Please don't get mad at me again, or at least try. I like the part at the end with the light dome! I'll have to experiment w/ that a bit. *off to try it on random objects* On an unrelated note, I sometimes wonder why I'm even alive, I do seem like a disgrace to everyone around me, and what you said confirms it. I can't see why, after all the doctors and mom did to keep me alive through my hardships as a baby, why I should be here. I survied thanks to smart and caring brains and alot of machines (like an incubator for instance, and feeding tubes). Is my very existance unnatural? Had I been born any earlier in time I would have died. Does that mean that I should've been stillborn and not alive at all? Is my very existance an insult to Father? Now I'm even more depressed then I was a week ago!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@... wrote:

That is why I said to wait and see what I have planned before voicing your opinion about it. If you waited as I said I would explain it in the near future you would not have to say you do not understand.

I will comment however that what you stated in your post is pathetic. You say everyone should be given all the time in the world to find father? Than I guess all of our awakening rituals go against your beliefs as well. Every day billions of Gentiles pray to the enemy, invoking tons of negative energy which is destroying our Gentile people, and the earth. By saying we should let them do this until they eventually wake up to what has been in front of them already is like saying we can let the jews continue to destroy us, for our Gentile people are carrying out the wishes and desires of the jews.

If we can stop this energy from being raised by our Gentile people either by helping to awaken them with positive and life lifting energy as we have done with our awakening rituals or by ensuring that they are unable to raise such destructive energy that destroys the earth and our people.

This is not to mention I said that my binding rituals will not be just focused on the jews but directed and involve the Gentiles as well, so I aks you where did I say I would actually be binding the Gentiles? Remember there is more than one way to bind someone without actually binding the actual person.

This is why i tell people to think like warrior as in magic there is never just black and white but alot of grey. It is this grey that wins wars.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "sorceressofenki88" <kcmsopranobella@ wrote:

I can't understand why you would want to Bind any of our ppl. Every1 should be given time to find Father, and those that don't will die (hopefully naturally) out of their current lifetime and be reborn sometime in Aquarius so we will all someday be on the same page. I may not understand republics, but I understand that someday we will all be Awakened to Father, born into it in a later life or not.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:


This will be one of several binding rituals that I have in mind and thought for what opportunity will fall upon us on May 11th that this will be an opportune time to perform it. All throughout the kike's history they have worked through confusion and fear to ensure that whatever power they have will be effective over our gentile people. Due to our Gentile people awakening and the kike always being a coward all they have is that small piece of power within their poisionous soul. With our power being great and their power weak it will not be impossible to bind the kike species from ever knowing success through magical means again. That will be the continuous point of my binding rituals of not only the kikes but of Gentiles as well. Before anyone comments on my idea of binding Gentiles my advice to you is to wait and see what I have in mind before you voice your opinion

Date of Ritual
This ritual will fall on Saturday May 5th during the hours of Saturn.

I chose this day for several reasons, first the moon will be in the sign of Scorpio giving us the following benefits

This is one of the best signs for black magickal workings. Revenge, hatred, venting, exposing secrets, death spells, surgery, transformation, obsession, pure sex, the occult, the darker side of things, extremes, research, banishing spells, ending things permanently, death and dying. This is the most powerful and intense of all the moon signs. Secret, underhanded, and covert operations, willpower, drastic destruction. Like its opposite sign Taurus, Scorpio is usually permanent. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the pelvis, reproductive or sex organs at this time. Magickal workings ruled by Pluto are successful at this time.
Second and a reason that I do not have to explain but the day of Saturday is ruled by Saturn giving us great support as well.

Third not only is the moon in Scorpio but on the 5th it will be a full moon, shedding great and powerful energies upon us.

Fourthly their will be a beneficial transit on this day. On this day Mercury will be in opposition to Saturn giving us the following benefits.

This transit brings danger of mental trouble , anxiety, depression,

This transit inclines to serious thinking. You are concerned with one area that others might consider rather abstract, and that is your identity. Under this transit, you tend to dwell on your sense of personal isolation, lonliness, difficulties in relationships and other depressing thoughts.

vague feelings of forgetting important details could figure now. Red tape, re-doing tasks you thought you finished, problems getting from point A to point B, delays in communication, negative thinking, hyper-sensitivity and encountering criticism from others

***Someone may ask why some of the things apply to such a working, and my advice to you is to think about it as a warrior would. Anything and everything can be applied in some way to a desired outcome, you just have to be smart and again think like a warrior. ***

****Although this ritual is set for a specific day, if you are unable to perform it on this day is no excuse to not perform it at a later date. Also a ritual like this whether of your own creation, this one, or future binding rtuals should be done as often as possible so that the enemy looses their last means of survival which as explained before is their minimal spiritual power.****
Runes Being Used

1.Fehu- Instills cowardliness, dullness, breaks the spirit, binds an enemy; instills fear and dependence in an enemy.


3.Isa- prevents prosperity, causes depression, and serves as an obstacle to action. Can be used to cause paralyzing fear or obsession and to prevent or stop movement, both that of growth and disintegration

4.Gebo- Can be used to bind another to an unwanted obligation and can be used in casting love spells. When used in Black Magick, it brings pain and sacrifice upon the victim with no reward. Used with the Isa rune, the combination is powerful in binding enemies

The Sigil-

The sigil should be two circles, one big one and a smaller one on the inside. In-between the two circles should be the runes we are using, circling within that space. In the center of the smaller circle should be a jewish star. On top of the star one should draw the four runes again.

Ritual Affirmation- "The jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity"

Runic Affirmation- "the energies (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species has no magical success for all eternity"

Enochian Key Being Used


Ritual Declaration

War, Death, Slave Masters, Destruction of both Gentiles and the Earth, everything in which the jew has caused and sought after with the power given to them by the enemies of the Gods and Gentile Nations. Before the revolting jewish presence stained the earth the power of God that burns within every Gentile was never abused as the Gentile Nations lived in harmony with each other and the Earth. These gifts within every Gentile were kept in perfect balance with our own desires, the advancement of the Nations and in perfect and complete balance of the Earth. As a result our ancestors remained strong and the Nations they kept were of peace and pleasure.

Despite the highest of generosity from our Gods, the TRUE Gods, our enemies and their creators who have plagued us with their existence and that of their filthy hatchlings, have found the means to corrupt and destroy our ways of life, with the very knowledge and gifts we used to create it. Although deluded and weaker than that of our own kundalini, our enemy has used their abilities to bring confusion to our Gentile people. As a result severing our connection to the laws of nature and all sense of the meaning of balance has faded with the passing of time.

As time progressed, the confusion brought by the kikes increased within our ancestors and continues to poision the minds of the Gentiles of present day. Through this confusion the kikes through their knowledge of energy and the strength of the mind have rendered all Gentiles within their grasps to become as sheep waiting for the slaughter. With a blank mind the kike was able to command our Gentile people into slavery, directing us to do their bidding, turning Gentile against Gentile, Gentile against our Gods, Gentile against the Earth, and completely destroying our connection to everything that once made us masters of our own destiny, leading us to our own self -annihilation.

Rendering us helpless with no clue as to who we are or to what our purpose has and always will be, the jew posing as our master had full advantage over our Gentile people through spiritual strength due to ours fading away with our Gentile heritage that has long been forgotten. With their new found freedom the jew has destroyed everything that took thousands of years for our Gentile ancestors to create. Our perfect society is now mere rubble with the hands of the jews being stained with the blood of the Gentiles they killed to achieve such outcomes.

Oh but the jew has and always will be a coward, working behind the
curtain and having others to do their dirty work. It is by their knowledge of energy and spiritual workings that they were able to cause such destruction and unrest in our Gentile nations. For this reason they are most vulnerable. Comparing the kundalini of a jew with that of a Gentile is like comparing the flame of a candle to that of the sun. By we the warriors of Hell, by we the warriors of the Gods, by we the warriors of the Gentile Nations, weighing our kundalini against that of the jew and binding them from ever being able to successfully use their abilities again, we the Warriors, We the Guardians We the Protectors of the future Gentile Generations can ensure as our Gentile people continue to grow in strength, that it will soon be the jews waiting for the slaughter until their entire race is removed from all means of existence.
Through the Energies presented to me by the heavens, and through the energies that burn within me, I (state your full name) will see it done.

Hail Satan
Hail Beelzebub
Hail Astaroth
Hail Azazel
Hail To All Gods of Hell

Heil Hitler
Heil Heinrich Himmler

Hail To All Members of Hell's True Army
Hail To Our Most Certain Victory
And Hail to the everlasting DESTRUCTION of the kikes

The Ritual

1.Begin by taking a minute or two and raise your energies. This can be done through the "breath of fire" or alternate nostril breathing. This is one way you can protect yourself from the negative energies that are going to be raised during the ritual.

2.Begin by opening the ritual as you normally would, through either the standard ritual or as described by HP Vovim on his website.

3.Read the tenth enochian key either in English or enochian. Although by reading in enochian it is much more effective. When reading it in either way see the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color.

4. Read the ritual declaration with much passion as you can, feeling the anger toward the jew and at the same time seeing the desired outcome in your mind.

5.Burn the ritual declaration. Unfortunatly for those who cannot burn it anything it would be unwise to put such energy into the earth. For those who have trouble burning anything I will post message at the end of this posting.

6.Place the sigil on your alter and begin by repeating the ritual affirmation nine times and seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty red-grayish color.

7.Now move onto the runes and begin with Fehu, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent " the energies of Fehu are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having no magical success for all eternity" and see all the Fehu runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

8.Next Move onto Hagl, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of hagl are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the hagl runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

9.Next Move onto Isa, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of Isa are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the Isa runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

10.Next Move onto Gebo, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of gebo are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the gebo runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

11.Write the ritual affirmation on the back of the sigil

12.Meditate a few minutes and see the desired outcome

13.Burn the sigil while repeating the ritual affirmation nine times.

***Now for those who cannot burn anything I am afraid all I have is advice. You do not have to burn the pieces of paper right away, it is more than ok to wait until like three in the morning until you do so when your family is asleep. Even if you have to wait until the next morning when they are out somewhere. My advice is to place a protective barrier ABOVE the sigil, NOT on the sigil. You can do this by using the rune Algiz and use such an affirmation as "the energies of Algiz are continuously working to completely and totally protect the energies within the sigil. While doing so see a transparent White-gold barrier overtop of your sigil, NOT touching it. For if it touches it both will cancel out eachother. If this is not an option either, simply perform it at a later date. Just be creative and you will find a way***
Energy from awakening rituals or from any ritual you may perform is not going to cause major changes of awakening or destruction overnight. This is going to take time, and all depends on how strong your aura and mind are. You just have to keep doing so until you think you have done enough to make an eventual time and place.

I was not angry with you but at what you said. This war we are fighting is serious in nature and we must continously fight it. There are things that is not called for and that as you said is the death of the ignorant Gentiles. This is why we awaken them and destroy our enemies. By awakening them we are not forcing anything on them, we are simply speeding up the process that are soon to be. We do this for we can not wait until the age of aquarius for this will only mean more death and suffering for our people. It is our duty to ensure this war ends as soon as possible and this will not happen if we just sit back and wait for the energies of the stars to win this war for us. Although they are loosing the enemy is not backing off, in fact they have upped the attack and we have to return such attacks in abundance.

When I see someone either supporting our enemies even in the slightlest ways, saying we should not fight this war in whatever way, or etc than YES I will get angry. I will not apologize for getting angry but I will say that if I do ever express anger to something that you might say, to ignore the anger and to take what you can out of it. I will never do something like start up a cursing storm or something else childish like that but I will feel free to express my feelings to what is said.

I understand your condition and do not take this the wrong way but your weaknesses are not excuses to feel the way you do. Satanism is about continuous growth and one way we must grow on this path is to learn how to turn every one of our weaknesses, every one of our limitations into our own persoanl strengths. No one can tell you how this is possible you must learn this on your own. However know that nothing is out of the question and nothing is permanent. Our past and current lives and ways of life and acceptance are mere stepping stones until we get to our ultimate goal of spirtual perfection. This requires three things, spiritual, mental and physical perfection. By thinking the way you do, you have yet achieved mental perfection and this will only come about when you learn to do what I explained above.

Only RHP'ers think the way you do when it comes to technology and health. RHP'ers feel if their god did not intend for them to live than they should die and receive no help. Technology is a gift from Satan and the Gods and if you were kept alive through technology than this should be one means of thanks you should have directed toward the Gods. Satan calls his TRUE children home to assist him and the Gods in this war, which means you are not here without cause.

One last bit of advice. You need to stop concerning yourself with the thoughts and opinions of others and concentrate more on your own strength as the most important thing one can have is strength within the self. Having strength in the self will drive you to your ultimate desires. This is not to say you should think that doing anything and saying anything is ok for their are eternal laws of nature and such things as respect and things that should be take seriously. These are also the things you need to work out on your own, for seeing ways of balance is better than having people tell you about it.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "sorceressofenki88" <kcmsopranobella@... wrote:

I have been doing some Awakenings, but they don't seem to be doing much where I'm at right now. In fact, mom's going DEEPER into xianity the closer we get to Aquarius, which I think is more than a little strange. o_O There's more than 1 way to bind ppl?! *sits down w/ bag of popcorn and waits to learn awesome new stuffs* I hope don't make you more angry, but I have mild Autism and am quite empathatic and sensitive, and when you explain things in that way my brain interprets that as yelling/punish/he doesn't like me/I'll probabaly always be an outcast/avoid that guy he's scary. <- Sorry I said that. I am one of those people where being calm, patient, and not so forceful works better. *tries to calm down and be less worked up about the whole thing w/ some lavender-colored energy* Ahh. That feels better. So how and in what ways do you want to bind Gentiles? Oh! You want to bind and contain the negative energies that those who are stuck in xainity and islam in this life emit so those energies will no longer effect us (or at least weaken their effects) while we are waiting for them to be reborn, not the ppl themselves! If they're Gentile, I'd rather not kill someone, the kikes have turned us against each other for too long, whether it's our families or entire raco/ethnic groups. I like lighting up the landscapes around me w/ white-gold energy to cleanse some of that like Indigo says to do. :3 That makes the earth feel happy! ;3 :D We ppl w/ Auspergers think in very black/white good/evil terms, so it was easy for me to switch the roles of angels and Demons in my head, but polotics, race (some of it, like how it's like if you mix chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry ice cream together it's hard to taste a single unique flavor, which is very, very, bad), and roles (I'm straight, want to have kids, but also want to make art of some sort) are grey things, areas that are hard for me to understand correctly and/or fully. I will try to think in "maybes" more often. n.n Please don't get mad at me again, or at least try. I like the part at the end with the light dome! I'll have to experiment w/ that a bit. *off to try it on random objects* On an unrelated note, I sometimes wonder why I'm even alive, I do seem like a disgrace to everyone around me, and what you said confirms it. I can't see why, after all the doctors and mom did to keep me alive through my hardships as a baby, why I should be here. I survied thanks to smart and caring brains and alot of machines (like an incubator for instance, and feeding tubes). Is my very existance unnatural? Had I been born any earlier in time I would have died. Does that mean that I should've been stillborn and not alive at all? Is my very existance an insult to Father? Now I'm even more depressed then I was a week ago!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:

That is why I said to wait and see what I have planned before voicing your opinion about it. If you waited as I said I would explain it in the near future you would not have to say you do not understand.

I will comment however that what you stated in your post is pathetic. You say everyone should be given all the time in the world to find father? Than I guess all of our awakening rituals go against your beliefs as well. Every day billions of Gentiles pray to the enemy, invoking tons of negative energy which is destroying our Gentile people, and the earth. By saying we should let them do this until they eventually wake up to what has been in front of them already is like saying we can let the jews continue to destroy us, for our Gentile people are carrying out the wishes and desires of the jews.

If we can stop this energy from being raised by our Gentile people either by helping to awaken them with positive and life lifting energy as we have done with our awakening rituals or by ensuring that they are unable to raise such destructive energy that destroys the earth and our people.

This is not to mention I said that my binding rituals will not be just focused on the jews but directed and involve the Gentiles as well, so I aks you where did I say I would actually be binding the Gentiles? Remember there is more than one way to bind someone without actually binding the actual person.

This is why i tell people to think like warrior as in magic there is never just black and white but alot of grey. It is this grey that wins wars.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "sorceressofenki88" <kcmsopranobella@ wrote:

I can't understand why you would want to Bind any of our ppl. Every1 should be given time to find Father, and those that don't will die (hopefully naturally) out of their current lifetime and be reborn sometime in Aquarius so we will all someday be on the same page. I may not understand republics, but I understand that someday we will all be Awakened to Father, born into it in a later life or not.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:


This will be one of several binding rituals that I have in mind and thought for what opportunity will fall upon us on May 11th that this will be an opportune time to perform it. All throughout the kike's history they have worked through confusion and fear to ensure that whatever power they have will be effective over our gentile people. Due to our Gentile people awakening and the kike always being a coward all they have is that small piece of power within their poisionous soul. With our power being great and their power weak it will not be impossible to bind the kike species from ever knowing success through magical means again. That will be the continuous point of my binding rituals of not only the kikes but of Gentiles as well. Before anyone comments on my idea of binding Gentiles my advice to you is to wait and see what I have in mind before you voice your opinion

Date of Ritual
This ritual will fall on Saturday May 5th during the hours of Saturn.

I chose this day for several reasons, first the moon will be in the sign of Scorpio giving us the following benefits

This is one of the best signs for black magickal workings. Revenge, hatred, venting, exposing secrets, death spells, surgery, transformation, obsession, pure sex, the occult, the darker side of things, extremes, research, banishing spells, ending things permanently, death and dying. This is the most powerful and intense of all the moon signs. Secret, underhanded, and covert operations, willpower, drastic destruction. Like its opposite sign Taurus, Scorpio is usually permanent. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the pelvis, reproductive or sex organs at this time. Magickal workings ruled by Pluto are successful at this time.
Second and a reason that I do not have to explain but the day of Saturday is ruled by Saturn giving us great support as well.

Third not only is the moon in Scorpio but on the 5th it will be a full moon, shedding great and powerful energies upon us.

Fourthly their will be a beneficial transit on this day. On this day Mercury will be in opposition to Saturn giving us the following benefits.

This transit brings danger of mental trouble , anxiety, depression,

This transit inclines to serious thinking. You are concerned with one area that others might consider rather abstract, and that is your identity. Under this transit, you tend to dwell on your sense of personal isolation, lonliness, difficulties in relationships and other depressing thoughts.

vague feelings of forgetting important details could figure now. Red tape, re-doing tasks you thought you finished, problems getting from point A to point B, delays in communication, negative thinking, hyper-sensitivity and encountering criticism from others

***Someone may ask why some of the things apply to such a working, and my advice to you is to think about it as a warrior would. Anything and everything can be applied in some way to a desired outcome, you just have to be smart and again think like a warrior. ***

****Although this ritual is set for a specific day, if you are unable to perform it on this day is no excuse to not perform it at a later date. Also a ritual like this whether of your own creation, this one, or future binding rtuals should be done as often as possible so that the enemy looses their last means of survival which as explained before is their minimal spiritual power.****
Runes Being Used

1.Fehu- Instills cowardliness, dullness, breaks the spirit, binds an enemy; instills fear and dependence in an enemy.


3.Isa- prevents prosperity, causes depression, and serves as an obstacle to action. Can be used to cause paralyzing fear or obsession and to prevent or stop movement, both that of growth and disintegration

4.Gebo- Can be used to bind another to an unwanted obligation and can be used in casting love spells. When used in Black Magick, it brings pain and sacrifice upon the victim with no reward. Used with the Isa rune, the combination is powerful in binding enemies

The Sigil-

The sigil should be two circles, one big one and a smaller one on the inside. In-between the two circles should be the runes we are using, circling within that space. In the center of the smaller circle should be a jewish star. On top of the star one should draw the four runes again.

Ritual Affirmation- "The jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity"

Runic Affirmation- "the energies (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species has no magical success for all eternity"

Enochian Key Being Used


Ritual Declaration

War, Death, Slave Masters, Destruction of both Gentiles and the Earth, everything in which the jew has caused and sought after with the power given to them by the enemies of the Gods and Gentile Nations. Before the revolting jewish presence stained the earth the power of God that burns within every Gentile was never abused as the Gentile Nations lived in harmony with each other and the Earth. These gifts within every Gentile were kept in perfect balance with our own desires, the advancement of the Nations and in perfect and complete balance of the Earth. As a result our ancestors remained strong and the Nations they kept were of peace and pleasure.

Despite the highest of generosity from our Gods, the TRUE Gods, our enemies and their creators who have plagued us with their existence and that of their filthy hatchlings, have found the means to corrupt and destroy our ways of life, with the very knowledge and gifts we used to create it. Although deluded and weaker than that of our own kundalini, our enemy has used their abilities to bring confusion to our Gentile people. As a result severing our connection to the laws of nature and all sense of the meaning of balance has faded with the passing of time.

As time progressed, the confusion brought by the kikes increased within our ancestors and continues to poision the minds of the Gentiles of present day. Through this confusion the kikes through their knowledge of energy and the strength of the mind have rendered all Gentiles within their grasps to become as sheep waiting for the slaughter. With a blank mind the kike was able to command our Gentile people into slavery, directing us to do their bidding, turning Gentile against Gentile, Gentile against our Gods, Gentile against the Earth, and completely destroying our connection to everything that once made us masters of our own destiny, leading us to our own self -annihilation.

Rendering us helpless with no clue as to who we are or to what our purpose has and always will be, the jew posing as our master had full advantage over our Gentile people through spiritual strength due to ours fading away with our Gentile heritage that has long been forgotten. With their new found freedom the jew has destroyed everything that took thousands of years for our Gentile ancestors to create. Our perfect society is now mere rubble with the hands of the jews being stained with the blood of the Gentiles they killed to achieve such outcomes.

Oh but the jew has and always will be a coward, working behind the
curtain and having others to do their dirty work. It is by their knowledge of energy and spiritual workings that they were able to cause such destruction and unrest in our Gentile nations. For this reason they are most vulnerable. Comparing the kundalini of a jew with that of a Gentile is like comparing the flame of a candle to that of the sun. By we the warriors of Hell, by we the warriors of the Gods, by we the warriors of the Gentile Nations, weighing our kundalini against that of the jew and binding them from ever being able to successfully use their abilities again, we the Warriors, We the Guardians We the Protectors of the future Gentile Generations can ensure as our Gentile people continue to grow in strength, that it will soon be the jews waiting for the slaughter until their entire race is removed from all means of existence.
Through the Energies presented to me by the heavens, and through the energies that burn within me, I (state your full name) will see it done.

Hail Satan
Hail Beelzebub
Hail Astaroth
Hail Azazel
Hail To All Gods of Hell

Heil Hitler
Heil Heinrich Himmler

Hail To All Members of Hell's True Army
Hail To Our Most Certain Victory
And Hail to the everlasting DESTRUCTION of the kikes

The Ritual

1.Begin by taking a minute or two and raise your energies. This can be done through the "breath of fire" or alternate nostril breathing. This is one way you can protect yourself from the negative energies that are going to be raised during the ritual.

2.Begin by opening the ritual as you normally would, through either the standard ritual or as described by HP Vovim on his website.

3.Read the tenth enochian key either in English or enochian. Although by reading in enochian it is much more effective. When reading it in either way see the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color.

4. Read the ritual declaration with much passion as you can, feeling the anger toward the jew and at the same time seeing the desired outcome in your mind.

5.Burn the ritual declaration. Unfortunatly for those who cannot burn it anything it would be unwise to put such energy into the earth. For those who have trouble burning anything I will post message at the end of this posting.

6.Place the sigil on your alter and begin by repeating the ritual affirmation nine times and seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty red-grayish color.

7.Now move onto the runes and begin with Fehu, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent " the energies of Fehu are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having no magical success for all eternity" and see all the Fehu runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

8.Next Move onto Hagl, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of hagl are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the hagl runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

9.Next Move onto Isa, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of Isa are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the Isa runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

10.Next Move onto Gebo, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of gebo are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the gebo runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

11.Write the ritual affirmation on the back of the sigil

12.Meditate a few minutes and see the desired outcome

13.Burn the sigil while repeating the ritual affirmation nine times.

***Now for those who cannot burn anything I am afraid all I have is advice. You do not have to burn the pieces of paper right away, it is more than ok to wait until like three in the morning until you do so when your family is asleep. Even if you have to wait until the next morning when they are out somewhere. My advice is to place a protective barrier ABOVE the sigil, NOT on the sigil. You can do this by using the rune Algiz and use such an affirmation as "the energies of Algiz are continuously working to completely and totally protect the energies within the sigil. While doing so see a transparent White-gold barrier overtop of your sigil, NOT touching it. For if it touches it both will cancel out eachother. If this is not an option either, simply perform it at a later date. Just be creative and you will find a way***
Thanks Brother, and actually what I have in mind goes above and beyound what you stated here. While it is the stength of the aura and mind that determines how strong our working is, it is also not ok to skip rituals for this purpose. When one does the runes they are raising energy simply by doing vibrations. It is an easy tactic that can be done by anybody. Even though you may feel like you can not make a difference, just know that you can. Not to mention by having already started to empower yourself you have more to offer than you may think. Every bit of energy is better than none, and every bit of energy will help us win this war all that much faster.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "ninja2skilled" <zacharylk1@... wrote:

so basically what you're thinking is to bind xians muslims and such because they're basically walking energy sources for the enemy? Smart I'm glad we have you as a brother. I've never done a ritual before i was working on empowering myself and believed i wouldn't make a difference for how weak i am but i think i'll do it anyways this is no time to take chances and i have to do my part!

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:


This will be one of several binding rituals that I have in mind and thought for what opportunity will fall upon us on May 11th that this will be an opportune time to perform it. All throughout the kike's history they have worked through confusion and fear to ensure that whatever power they have will be effective over our gentile people. Due to our Gentile people awakening and the kike always being a coward all they have is that small piece of power within their poisionous soul. With our power being great and their power weak it will not be impossible to bind the kike species from ever knowing success through magical means again. That will be the continuous point of my binding rituals of not only the kikes but of Gentiles as well. Before anyone comments on my idea of binding Gentiles my advice to you is to wait and see what I have in mind before you voice your opinion

Date of Ritual
This ritual will fall on Saturday May 5th during the hours of Saturn.

I chose this day for several reasons, first the moon will be in the sign of Scorpio giving us the following benefits

This is one of the best signs for black magickal workings. Revenge, hatred, venting, exposing secrets, death spells, surgery, transformation, obsession, pure sex, the occult, the darker side of things, extremes, research, banishing spells, ending things permanently, death and dying. This is the most powerful and intense of all the moon signs. Secret, underhanded, and covert operations, willpower, drastic destruction. Like its opposite sign Taurus, Scorpio is usually permanent. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the pelvis, reproductive or sex organs at this time. Magickal workings ruled by Pluto are successful at this time.
Second and a reason that I do not have to explain but the day of Saturday is ruled by Saturn giving us great support as well.

Third not only is the moon in Scorpio but on the 5th it will be a full moon, shedding great and powerful energies upon us.

Fourthly their will be a beneficial transit on this day. On this day Mercury will be in opposition to Saturn giving us the following benefits.

This transit brings danger of mental trouble , anxiety, depression,

This transit inclines to serious thinking. You are concerned with one area that others might consider rather abstract, and that is your identity. Under this transit, you tend to dwell on your sense of personal isolation, lonliness, difficulties in relationships and other depressing thoughts.

vague feelings of forgetting important details could figure now. Red tape, re-doing tasks you thought you finished, problems getting from point A to point B, delays in communication, negative thinking, hyper-sensitivity and encountering criticism from others

***Someone may ask why some of the things apply to such a working, and my advice to you is to think about it as a warrior would. Anything and everything can be applied in some way to a desired outcome, you just have to be smart and again think like a warrior. ***

****Although this ritual is set for a specific day, if you are unable to perform it on this day is no excuse to not perform it at a later date. Also a ritual like this whether of your own creation, this one, or future binding rtuals should be done as often as possible so that the enemy looses their last means of survival which as explained before is their minimal spiritual power.****
Runes Being Used

1.Fehu- Instills cowardliness, dullness, breaks the spirit, binds an enemy; instills fear and dependence in an enemy.


3.Isa- prevents prosperity, causes depression, and serves as an obstacle to action. Can be used to cause paralyzing fear or obsession and to prevent or stop movement, both that of growth and disintegration

4.Gebo- Can be used to bind another to an unwanted obligation and can be used in casting love spells. When used in Black Magick, it brings pain and sacrifice upon the victim with no reward. Used with the Isa rune, the combination is powerful in binding enemies

The Sigil-

The sigil should be two circles, one big one and a smaller one on the inside. In-between the two circles should be the runes we are using, circling within that space. In the center of the smaller circle should be a jewish star. On top of the star one should draw the four runes again.

Ritual Affirmation- "The jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity"

Runic Affirmation- "the energies (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species has no magical success for all eternity"

Enochian Key Being Used


Ritual Declaration

War, Death, Slave Masters, Destruction of both Gentiles and the Earth, everything in which the jew has caused and sought after with the power given to them by the enemies of the Gods and Gentile Nations. Before the revolting jewish presence stained the earth the power of God that burns within every Gentile was never abused as the Gentile Nations lived in harmony with each other and the Earth. These gifts within every Gentile were kept in perfect balance with our own desires, the advancement of the Nations and in perfect and complete balance of the Earth. As a result our ancestors remained strong and the Nations they kept were of peace and pleasure.

Despite the highest of generosity from our Gods, the TRUE Gods, our enemies and their creators who have plagued us with their existence and that of their filthy hatchlings, have found the means to corrupt and destroy our ways of life, with the very knowledge and gifts we used to create it. Although deluded and weaker than that of our own kundalini, our enemy has used their abilities to bring confusion to our Gentile people. As a result severing our connection to the laws of nature and all sense of the meaning of balance has faded with the passing of time.

As time progressed, the confusion brought by the kikes increased within our ancestors and continues to poision the minds of the Gentiles of present day. Through this confusion the kikes through their knowledge of energy and the strength of the mind have rendered all Gentiles within their grasps to become as sheep waiting for the slaughter. With a blank mind the kike was able to command our Gentile people into slavery, directing us to do their bidding, turning Gentile against Gentile, Gentile against our Gods, Gentile against the Earth, and completely destroying our connection to everything that once made us masters of our own destiny, leading us to our own self -annihilation.

Rendering us helpless with no clue as to who we are or to what our purpose has and always will be, the jew posing as our master had full advantage over our Gentile people through spiritual strength due to ours fading away with our Gentile heritage that has long been forgotten. With their new found freedom the jew has destroyed everything that took thousands of years for our Gentile ancestors to create. Our perfect society is now mere rubble with the hands of the jews being stained with the blood of the Gentiles they killed to achieve such outcomes.

Oh but the jew has and always will be a coward, working behind the
curtain and having others to do their dirty work. It is by their knowledge of energy and spiritual workings that they were able to cause such destruction and unrest in our Gentile nations. For this reason they are most vulnerable. Comparing the kundalini of a jew with that of a Gentile is like comparing the flame of a candle to that of the sun. By we the warriors of Hell, by we the warriors of the Gods, by we the warriors of the Gentile Nations, weighing our kundalini against that of the jew and binding them from ever being able to successfully use their abilities again, we the Warriors, We the Guardians We the Protectors of the future Gentile Generations can ensure as our Gentile people continue to grow in strength, that it will soon be the jews waiting for the slaughter until their entire race is removed from all means of existence.
Through the Energies presented to me by the heavens, and through the energies that burn within me, I (state your full name) will see it done.

Hail Satan
Hail Beelzebub
Hail Astaroth
Hail Azazel
Hail To All Gods of Hell

Heil Hitler
Heil Heinrich Himmler

Hail To All Members of Hell's True Army
Hail To Our Most Certain Victory
And Hail to the everlasting DESTRUCTION of the kikes

The Ritual

1.Begin by taking a minute or two and raise your energies. This can be done through the "breath of fire" or alternate nostril breathing. This is one way you can protect yourself from the negative energies that are going to be raised during the ritual.

2.Begin by opening the ritual as you normally would, through either the standard ritual or as described by HP Vovim on his website.

3.Read the tenth enochian key either in English or enochian. Although by reading in enochian it is much more effective. When reading it in either way see the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color.

4. Read the ritual declaration with much passion as you can, feeling the anger toward the jew and at the same time seeing the desired outcome in your mind.

5.Burn the ritual declaration. Unfortunatly for those who cannot burn it anything it would be unwise to put such energy into the earth. For those who have trouble burning anything I will post message at the end of this posting.

6.Place the sigil on your alter and begin by repeating the ritual affirmation nine times and seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty red-grayish color.

7.Now move onto the runes and begin with Fehu, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent " the energies of Fehu are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having no magical success for all eternity" and see all the Fehu runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

8.Next Move onto Hagl, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of hagl are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the hagl runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

9.Next Move onto Isa, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of Isa are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the Isa runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

10.Next Move onto Gebo, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of gebo are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the gebo runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

11.Write the ritual affirmation on the back of the sigil

12.Meditate a few minutes and see the desired outcome

13.Burn the sigil while repeating the ritual affirmation nine times.

***Now for those who cannot burn anything I am afraid all I have is advice. You do not have to burn the pieces of paper right away, it is more than ok to wait until like three in the morning until you do so when your family is asleep. Even if you have to wait until the next morning when they are out somewhere. My advice is to place a protective barrier ABOVE the sigil, NOT on the sigil. You can do this by using the rune Algiz and use such an affirmation as "the energies of Algiz are continuously working to completely and totally protect the energies within the sigil. While doing so see a transparent White-gold barrier overtop of your sigil, NOT touching it. For if it touches it both will cancel out eachother. If this is not an option either, simply perform it at a later date. Just be creative and you will find a way***
The repercussions will only be positive in stopping our enemies. I am sure there will be a rough time when people are lost and confused as to realizing their whole lives were nothing but lies. No one is saying this transition is going to be easy or smooth but it is a necessary one. This sis also why we can not only destroy our enemy but awaken Gentiles to the enemy as well.

By keeping the balance of destruction (of enemies) and creation (awakening Gentiles) we can ensure that the process will be as smooth as it can be. balance is key in everything and everyone needs to remember this especially we the warriors of the Gentile Nations.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "ninja2skilled" <zacharylk1@... wrote:

also the comment i just a few mins ago meant to rephrase it, "would it be smart to stop our enemies from preying on our gentile people" and do that because i don't know the repercussions to that

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:


This will be one of several binding rituals that I have in mind and thought for what opportunity will fall upon us on May 11th that this will be an opportune time to perform it. All throughout the kike's history they have worked through confusion and fear to ensure that whatever power they have will be effective over our gentile people. Due to our Gentile people awakening and the kike always being a coward all they have is that small piece of power within their poisionous soul. With our power being great and their power weak it will not be impossible to bind the kike species from ever knowing success through magical means again. That will be the continuous point of my binding rituals of not only the kikes but of Gentiles as well. Before anyone comments on my idea of binding Gentiles my advice to you is to wait and see what I have in mind before you voice your opinion

Date of Ritual
This ritual will fall on Saturday May 5th during the hours of Saturn.

I chose this day for several reasons, first the moon will be in the sign of Scorpio giving us the following benefits

This is one of the best signs for black magickal workings. Revenge, hatred, venting, exposing secrets, death spells, surgery, transformation, obsession, pure sex, the occult, the darker side of things, extremes, research, banishing spells, ending things permanently, death and dying. This is the most powerful and intense of all the moon signs. Secret, underhanded, and covert operations, willpower, drastic destruction. Like its opposite sign Taurus, Scorpio is usually permanent. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the pelvis, reproductive or sex organs at this time. Magickal workings ruled by Pluto are successful at this time.
Second and a reason that I do not have to explain but the day of Saturday is ruled by Saturn giving us great support as well.

Third not only is the moon in Scorpio but on the 5th it will be a full moon, shedding great and powerful energies upon us.

Fourthly their will be a beneficial transit on this day. On this day Mercury will be in opposition to Saturn giving us the following benefits.

This transit brings danger of mental trouble , anxiety, depression,

This transit inclines to serious thinking. You are concerned with one area that others might consider rather abstract, and that is your identity. Under this transit, you tend to dwell on your sense of personal isolation, lonliness, difficulties in relationships and other depressing thoughts.

vague feelings of forgetting important details could figure now. Red tape, re-doing tasks you thought you finished, problems getting from point A to point B, delays in communication, negative thinking, hyper-sensitivity and encountering criticism from others

***Someone may ask why some of the things apply to such a working, and my advice to you is to think about it as a warrior would. Anything and everything can be applied in some way to a desired outcome, you just have to be smart and again think like a warrior. ***

****Although this ritual is set for a specific day, if you are unable to perform it on this day is no excuse to not perform it at a later date. Also a ritual like this whether of your own creation, this one, or future binding rtuals should be done as often as possible so that the enemy looses their last means of survival which as explained before is their minimal spiritual power.****
Runes Being Used

1.Fehu- Instills cowardliness, dullness, breaks the spirit, binds an enemy; instills fear and dependence in an enemy.


3.Isa- prevents prosperity, causes depression, and serves as an obstacle to action. Can be used to cause paralyzing fear or obsession and to prevent or stop movement, both that of growth and disintegration

4.Gebo- Can be used to bind another to an unwanted obligation and can be used in casting love spells. When used in Black Magick, it brings pain and sacrifice upon the victim with no reward. Used with the Isa rune, the combination is powerful in binding enemies

The Sigil-

The sigil should be two circles, one big one and a smaller one on the inside. In-between the two circles should be the runes we are using, circling within that space. In the center of the smaller circle should be a jewish star. On top of the star one should draw the four runes again.

Ritual Affirmation- "The jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity"

Runic Affirmation- "the energies (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species has no magical success for all eternity"

Enochian Key Being Used


Ritual Declaration

War, Death, Slave Masters, Destruction of both Gentiles and the Earth, everything in which the jew has caused and sought after with the power given to them by the enemies of the Gods and Gentile Nations. Before the revolting jewish presence stained the earth the power of God that burns within every Gentile was never abused as the Gentile Nations lived in harmony with each other and the Earth. These gifts within every Gentile were kept in perfect balance with our own desires, the advancement of the Nations and in perfect and complete balance of the Earth. As a result our ancestors remained strong and the Nations they kept were of peace and pleasure.

Despite the highest of generosity from our Gods, the TRUE Gods, our enemies and their creators who have plagued us with their existence and that of their filthy hatchlings, have found the means to corrupt and destroy our ways of life, with the very knowledge and gifts we used to create it. Although deluded and weaker than that of our own kundalini, our enemy has used their abilities to bring confusion to our Gentile people. As a result severing our connection to the laws of nature and all sense of the meaning of balance has faded with the passing of time.

As time progressed, the confusion brought by the kikes increased within our ancestors and continues to poision the minds of the Gentiles of present day. Through this confusion the kikes through their knowledge of energy and the strength of the mind have rendered all Gentiles within their grasps to become as sheep waiting for the slaughter. With a blank mind the kike was able to command our Gentile people into slavery, directing us to do their bidding, turning Gentile against Gentile, Gentile against our Gods, Gentile against the Earth, and completely destroying our connection to everything that once made us masters of our own destiny, leading us to our own self -annihilation.

Rendering us helpless with no clue as to who we are or to what our purpose has and always will be, the jew posing as our master had full advantage over our Gentile people through spiritual strength due to ours fading away with our Gentile heritage that has long been forgotten. With their new found freedom the jew has destroyed everything that took thousands of years for our Gentile ancestors to create. Our perfect society is now mere rubble with the hands of the jews being stained with the blood of the Gentiles they killed to achieve such outcomes.

Oh but the jew has and always will be a coward, working behind the
curtain and having others to do their dirty work. It is by their knowledge of energy and spiritual workings that they were able to cause such destruction and unrest in our Gentile nations. For this reason they are most vulnerable. Comparing the kundalini of a jew with that of a Gentile is like comparing the flame of a candle to that of the sun. By we the warriors of Hell, by we the warriors of the Gods, by we the warriors of the Gentile Nations, weighing our kundalini against that of the jew and binding them from ever being able to successfully use their abilities again, we the Warriors, We the Guardians We the Protectors of the future Gentile Generations can ensure as our Gentile people continue to grow in strength, that it will soon be the jews waiting for the slaughter until their entire race is removed from all means of existence.
Through the Energies presented to me by the heavens, and through the energies that burn within me, I (state your full name) will see it done.

Hail Satan
Hail Beelzebub
Hail Astaroth
Hail Azazel
Hail To All Gods of Hell

Heil Hitler
Heil Heinrich Himmler

Hail To All Members of Hell's True Army
Hail To Our Most Certain Victory
And Hail to the everlasting DESTRUCTION of the kikes

The Ritual

1.Begin by taking a minute or two and raise your energies. This can be done through the "breath of fire" or alternate nostril breathing. This is one way you can protect yourself from the negative energies that are going to be raised during the ritual.

2.Begin by opening the ritual as you normally would, through either the standard ritual or as described by HP Vovim on his website.

3.Read the tenth enochian key either in English or enochian. Although by reading in enochian it is much more effective. When reading it in either way see the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color.

4. Read the ritual declaration with much passion as you can, feeling the anger toward the jew and at the same time seeing the desired outcome in your mind.

5.Burn the ritual declaration. Unfortunatly for those who cannot burn it anything it would be unwise to put such energy into the earth. For those who have trouble burning anything I will post message at the end of this posting.

6.Place the sigil on your alter and begin by repeating the ritual affirmation nine times and seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty red-grayish color.

7.Now move onto the runes and begin with Fehu, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent " the energies of Fehu are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having no magical success for all eternity" and see all the Fehu runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

8.Next Move onto Hagl, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of hagl are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the hagl runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

9.Next Move onto Isa, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of Isa are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the Isa runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

10.Next Move onto Gebo, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of gebo are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the gebo runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

11.Write the ritual affirmation on the back of the sigil

12.Meditate a few minutes and see the desired outcome

13.Burn the sigil while repeating the ritual affirmation nine times.

***Now for those who cannot burn anything I am afraid all I have is advice. You do not have to burn the pieces of paper right away, it is more than ok to wait until like three in the morning until you do so when your family is asleep. Even if you have to wait until the next morning when they are out somewhere. My advice is to place a protective barrier ABOVE the sigil, NOT on the sigil. You can do this by using the rune Algiz and use such an affirmation as "the energies of Algiz are continuously working to completely and totally protect the energies within the sigil. While doing so see a transparent White-gold barrier overtop of your sigil, NOT touching it. For if it touches it both will cancel out eachother. If this is not an option either, simply perform it at a later date. Just be creative and you will find a way***
You do not have to be in a trance for these rituals. All you need is to focus on the issue at hand. Even if you loose your focus do not worry and do not let it distrat you. Just bring your focus back to the issue at hand and continue the ritual. Even when one draws their attention away from the ritual the energy will still be there. I will be honest it will become a little deluded but this does not mean it is still not there serving its purpose. A well trained mind comes in time and actually because one must keep focus during these rituals, these rituals are actually good training for a well focused mind. Well atleast they were for me.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], jeremy montoya <jeremymontoya14@... wrote:

I would love to participate in these rituals but i am not capable yet of going into a trance and i dont know how to use the runez(i know im weak still) but is their any other way i can do these i would love to help. Much respect to you all.. HAIL ENKI
On Sun, May 6, 2012 12:05 PM PDT lydia_666@... wrote:

CRAP I am soooo sorry for missing this! I spent 16 hours that day in airports and airplanes and lost time going to a time zone 11 hours ahead but that still shouldn't be an excuse, I told myself I would check the groups every 2-3 days for rituals and do any in my astral temple while on airplanes if need be.

I will calculate the next suitable time to do this. Better late than never. But I still feel mad at myself for missing saturday's great timing.

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Set!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:


This will be one of several binding rituals that I have in mind and thought for what opportunity will fall upon us on May 11th that this will be an opportune time to perform it. All throughout the kike's history they have worked through confusion and fear to ensure that whatever power they have will be effective over our gentile people. Due to our Gentile people awakening and the kike always being a coward all they have is that small piece of power within their poisionous soul. With our power being great and their power weak it will not be impossible to bind the kike species from ever knowing success through magical means again. That will be the continuous point of my binding rituals of not only the kikes but of Gentiles as well. Before anyone comments on my idea of binding Gentiles my advice to you is to wait and see what I have in mind before you voice your opinion

Date of Ritual
This ritual will fall on Saturday May 5th during the hours of Saturn.

I chose this day for several reasons, first the moon will be in the sign of Scorpio giving us the following benefits

This is one of the best signs for black magickal workings. Revenge, hatred, venting, exposing secrets, death spells, surgery, transformation, obsession, pure sex, the occult, the darker side of things, extremes, research, banishing spells, ending things permanently, death and dying. This is the most powerful and intense of all the moon signs. Secret, underhanded, and covert operations, willpower, drastic destruction. Like its opposite sign Taurus, Scorpio is usually permanent. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the pelvis, reproductive or sex organs at this time. Magickal workings ruled by Pluto are successful at this time.
Second and a reason that I do not have to explain but the day of Saturday is ruled by Saturn giving us great support as well.

Third not only is the moon in Scorpio but on the 5th it will be a full moon, shedding great and powerful energies upon us.

Fourthly their will be a beneficial transit on this day. On this day Mercury will be in opposition to Saturn giving us the following benefits.

This transit brings danger of mental trouble , anxiety, depression,

This transit inclines to serious thinking. You are concerned with one area that others might consider rather abstract, and that is your identity. Under this transit, you tend to dwell on your sense of personal isolation, lonliness, difficulties in relationships and other depressing thoughts.

vague feelings of forgetting important details could figure now. Red tape, re-doing tasks you thought you finished, problems getting from point A to point B, delays in communication, negative thinking, hyper-sensitivity and encountering criticism from others

***Someone may ask why some of the things apply to such a working, and my advice to you is to think about it as a warrior would. Anything and everything can be applied in some way to a desired outcome, you just have to be smart and again think like a warrior. ***

****Although this ritual is set for a specific day, if you are unable to perform it on this day is no excuse to not perform it at a later date. Also a ritual like this whether of your own creation, this one, or future binding rtuals should be done as often as possible so that the enemy looses their last means of survival which as explained before is their minimal spiritual power.****
Runes Being Used

1.Fehu- Instills cowardliness, dullness, breaks the spirit, binds an enemy; instills fear and dependence in an enemy.


3.Isa- prevents prosperity, causes depression, and serves as an obstacle to action. Can be used to cause paralyzing fear or obsession and to prevent or stop movement, both that of growth and disintegration

4.Gebo- Can be used to bind another to an unwanted obligation and can be used in casting love spells. When used in Black Magick, it brings pain and sacrifice upon the victim with no reward. Used with the Isa rune, the combination is powerful in binding enemies

The Sigil-

The sigil should be two circles, one big one and a smaller one on the inside. In-between the two circles should be the runes we are using, circling within that space. In the center of the smaller circle should be a jewish star. On top of the star one should draw the four runes again.

Ritual Affirmation- "The jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity"

Runic Affirmation- "the energies (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species has no magical success for all eternity"

Enochian Key Being Used

1. #10,

Ritual Declaration

War, Death, Slave Masters, Destruction of both Gentiles and the Earth, everything in which the jew has caused and sought after with the power given to them by the enemies of the Gods and Gentile Nations. Before the revolting jewish presence stained the earth the power of God that burns within every Gentile was never abused as the Gentile Nations lived in harmony with each other and the Earth. These gifts within every Gentile were kept in perfect balance with our own desires, the advancement of the Nations and in perfect and complete balance of the Earth. As a result our ancestors remained strong and the Nations they kept were of peace and pleasure.

Despite the highest of generosity from our Gods, the TRUE Gods, our enemies and their creators who have plagued us with their existence and that of their filthy hatchlings, have found the means to corrupt and destroy our ways of life, with the very knowledge and gifts we used to create it. Although deluded and weaker than that of our own kundalini, our enemy has used their abilities to bring confusion to our Gentile people. As a result severing our connection to the laws of nature and all sense of the meaning of balance has faded with the passing of time.

As time progressed, the confusion brought by the kikes increased within our ancestors and continues to poision the minds of the Gentiles of present day. Through this confusion the kikes through their knowledge of energy and the strength of the mind have rendered all Gentiles within their grasps to become as sheep waiting for the slaughter. With a blank mind the kike was able to command our Gentile people into slavery, directing us to do their bidding, turning Gentile against Gentile, Gentile against our Gods, Gentile against the Earth, and completely destroying our connection to everything that once made us masters of our own destiny, leading us to our own self -annihilation.

Rendering us helpless with no clue as to who we are or to what our purpose has and always will be, the jew posing as our master had full advantage over our Gentile people through spiritual strength due to ours fading away with our Gentile heritage that has long been forgotten. With their new found freedom the jew has destroyed everything that took thousands of years for our Gentile ancestors to create. Our perfect society is now mere rubble with the hands of the jews being stained with the blood of the Gentiles they killed to achieve such outcomes.

Oh but the jew has and always will be a coward, working behind the
curtain and having others to do their dirty work. It is by their knowledge of energy and spiritual workings that they were able to cause such destruction and unrest in our Gentile nations. For this reason they are most vulnerable. Comparing the kundalini of a jew with that of a Gentile is like comparing the flame of a candle to that of the sun. By we the warriors of Hell, by we the warriors of the Gods, by we the warriors of the Gentile Nations, weighing our kundalini against that of the jew and binding them from ever being able to successfully use their abilities again, we the Warriors, We the Guardians We the Protectors of the future Gentile Generations can ensure as our Gentile people continue to grow in strength, that it will soon be the jews waiting for the slaughter until their entire race is removed from all means of existence.
Through the Energies presented to me by the heavens, and through the energies that burn within me, I (state your full name) will see it done.

Hail Satan
Hail Beelzebub
Hail Astaroth
Hail Azazel
Hail To All Gods of Hell

Heil Hitler
Heil Heinrich Himmler

Hail To All Members of Hell's True Army
Hail To Our Most Certain Victory
And Hail to the everlasting DESTRUCTION of the kikes

The Ritual

1.Begin by taking a minute or two and raise your energies. This can be done through the "breath of fire" or alternate nostril breathing. This is one way you can protect yourself from the negative energies that are going to be raised during the ritual.

2.Begin by opening the ritual as you normally would, through either the standard ritual or as described by HP Vovim on his website.

3.Read the tenth enochian key either in English or enochian. Although by reading in enochian it is much more effective. When reading it in either way see the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color.

4. Read the ritual declaration with much passion as you can, feeling the anger toward the jew and at the same time seeing the desired outcome in your mind.

5. Burn the ritual declaration. Unfortunatly for those who cannot burn it anything it would be unwise to put such energy into the earth. For those who have trouble burning anything I will post message at the end of this posting.

6. Place the sigil on your alter and begin by repeating the ritual affirmation nine times and seeing the entire sigil glowing in a dirty red-grayish color.

7. Now move onto the runes and begin with Fehu, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent " the energies of Fehu are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having no magical success for all eternity" and see all the Fehu runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

8. Next Move onto Hagl, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of hagl are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the hagl runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

9. Next Move onto Isa, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of Isa are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the Isa runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

10. Next Move onto Gebo, focus on the sigil and on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation. Than on the exhale vibrate the rune with intent "the energies of gebo are continuously working to completely and totally ensure the jewish species is bound from having any magical success for all eternity" and see all the gebo runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. You should perform this nine times. At the end repeat the ritual affirmation and see the entire sigil glowing in a reddish-grey color.

11. Write the ritual affirmation on the back of the sigil

12. Meditate a few minutes and see the desired outcome

13. Burn the sigil while repeating the ritual affirmation nine times.

***Now for those who cannot burn anything I am afraid all I have is advice. You do not have to burn the pieces of paper right away, it is more than ok to wait until like three in the morning until you do so when your family is asleep. Even if you have to wait until the next morning when they are out somewhere. My advice is to place a protective barrier ABOVE the sigil, NOT on the sigil. You can do this by using the rune Algiz and use such an affirmation as "the energies of Algiz are continuously working to completely and totally protect the energies within the sigil. While doing so see a transparent White-gold barrier overtop of your sigil, NOT touching it. For if it touches it both will cancel out eachother. If this is not an option either, simply perform it at a later date. Just be creative and you will find a way***
I am glad to hear you are doing ok, despite your surroundings. You again inspire me Lydia, showing how strong your aura is and remaing strong even with your limitations. Just keep doing what you are doing and remain safe sister.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "lydia_666@..." <lydia_666@... wrote:

Thanks Strength, Brian, and Shannon. I'm trying my best to keep up with my regular routine, but it's difficult when travelling with someone. I'm just glad that all this muslim energy around me doesn't seem to be having any effect whatsoever, in fact I am feeling great, even though I'm only doing half the yoga I was before, and less meditating too. I guess my aura of protection is pretty strong :). But I'm going to be away from home for another 2 weeks (I left 1 week ago) so I need to buckle down and get back to my routine, and do more warfare.

I'm really looking forward to seeing (and doing!) the rituals you have planned, Strength! This is going to be an incredible year for us SS!

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Set!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:

Hey Sister,

As Brian said I am just glad to see everything is fine and that you are ok, due to the fact I know you are a regular poster and have not seen you for a few days.

For reasons like yours I try to post my rituals 3 or so days before hand. But with me getting caught up in other things I completely forgot and posted later than I wanted to. So for this I apologize to you, for if I posted it earlier you would have been able to see it.

Don't be sorry for missing this as compare to the idea that is continuously formulating in my head, this ritual is mere childs play to what I have planned.

To Better Days Sister,

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "lydia_666@" <lydia_666@ wrote:

CRAP I am soooo sorry for missing this! I spent 16 hours that day in airports and airplanes and lost time going to a time zone 11 hours ahead but that still shouldn't be an excuse, I told myself I would check the groups every 2-3 days for rituals and do any in my astral temple while on airplanes if need be.

I will calculate the next suitable time to do this. Better late than never. But I still feel mad at myself for missing saturday's great timing.

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Set!
Change that, they got to me, and good. I was actually feeling really suicidal today, damn them. And it was over something silly... oh well. Blue Light meditation + yantra on Father Satan's sigil + mantra of "Sat Nam" usually fixes me up good :). I call the 3 combined my "Power Satan meditation", it makes me feel stronger and closer to Satan.

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Set!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@... wrote:

I am glad to hear you are doing ok, despite your surroundings. You again inspire me Lydia, showing how strong your aura is and remaing strong even with your limitations. Just keep doing what you are doing and remain safe sister.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "lydia_666@" <lydia_666@ wrote:

Thanks Strength, Brian, and Shannon. I'm trying my best to keep up with my regular routine, but it's difficult when travelling with someone. I'm just glad that all this muslim energy around me doesn't seem to be having any effect whatsoever, in fact I am feeling great, even though I'm only doing half the yoga I was before, and less meditating too. I guess my aura of protection is pretty strong :). But I'm going to be away from home for another 2 weeks (I left 1 week ago) so I need to buckle down and get back to my routine, and do more warfare.

I'm really looking forward to seeing (and doing!) the rituals you have planned, Strength! This is going to be an incredible year for us SS!

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Set!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:

Hey Sister,

As Brian said I am just glad to see everything is fine and that you are ok, due to the fact I know you are a regular poster and have not seen you for a few days.

For reasons like yours I try to post my rituals 3 or so days before hand. But with me getting caught up in other things I completely forgot and posted later than I wanted to. So for this I apologize to you, for if I posted it earlier you would have been able to see it.

Don't be sorry for missing this as compare to the idea that is continuously formulating in my head, this ritual is mere childs play to what I have planned.

To Better Days Sister,

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "lydia_666@" <lydia_666@ wrote:

CRAP I am soooo sorry for missing this! I spent 16 hours that day in airports and airplanes and lost time going to a time zone 11 hours ahead but that still shouldn't be an excuse, I told myself I would check the groups every 2-3 days for rituals and do any in my astral temple while on airplanes if need be.

I will calculate the next suitable time to do this. Better late than never. But I still feel mad at myself for missing saturday's great timing.

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Set!
<td val[/IMG]Just finished the ritual strength and again good job.And lydia we all get attacked once in a while in our thoughts.Just glad to finally recognize where the originate from now right sister?

Hail Enki

--- On Thu, 5/10/12, lydia_666@... <lydia_666@... wrote:
From: lydia_666@... <lydia_666@...
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Group Binding/Destruction Ritual Version 1.1
To: [email protected]
Date: Thursday, May 10, 2012, 5:34 PM

  Change that, they got to me, and good. I was actually feeling really suicidal today, damn them. And it was over something silly... oh well. Blue Light meditation + yantra on Father Satan's sigil + mantra of "Sat Nam" usually fixes me up good :). I call the 3 combined my "Power Satan meditation", it makes me feel stronger and closer to Satan.

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Set!

--- [/IMG][email protected], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@... wrote:

I am glad to hear you are doing ok, despite your surroundings. You again inspire me Lydia, showing how strong your aura is and remaing strong even with your limitations. Just keep doing what you are doing and remain safe sister.

Hail Satan

--- [/IMG][email protected], "lydia_666@" <lydia_666@ wrote:

Thanks Strength, Brian, and Shannon. I'm trying my best to keep up with my regular routine, but it's difficult when travelling with someone. I'm just glad that all this muslim energy around me doesn't seem to be having any effect whatsoever, in fact I am feeling great, even though I'm only doing half the yoga I was before, and less meditating too. I guess my aura of protection is pretty strong :). But I'm going to be away from home for another 2 weeks (I left 1 week ago) so I need to buckle down and get back to my routine, and do more warfare.

I'm really looking forward to seeing (and doing!) the rituals you have planned, Strength! This is going to be an incredible year for us SS!

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Set!

--- [/IMG][email protected], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:

Hey Sister,

As Brian said I am just glad to see everything is fine and that you are ok, due to the fact I know you are a regular poster and have not seen you for a few days.

For reasons like yours I try to post my rituals 3 or so days before hand. But with me getting caught up in other things I completely forgot and posted later than I wanted to. So for this I apologize to you, for if I posted it earlier you would have been able to see it.

Don't be sorry for missing this as compare to the idea that is continuously formulating in my head, this ritual is mere childs play to what I have planned.

To Better Days Sister,

Hail Satan

--- [/IMG][email protected], "lydia_666@" <lydia_666@ wrote:

CRAP I am soooo sorry for missing this! I spent 16 hours that day in airports and airplanes and lost time going to a time zone 11 hours ahead but that still shouldn't be an excuse, I told myself I would check the groups every 2-3 days for rituals and do any in my astral temple while on airplanes if need be.

I will calculate the next suitable time to do this. Better late than never. But I still feel mad at myself for missing saturday's great timing.

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Set!
<td val[/IMG]Had to wait until my day off,but it was worth the wait.I sent some power energy to our goal.

Hail Enki

--- On Fri, 5/11/12, Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote:
From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Group Binding/Destruction Ritual Version 1.1
To: [email protected]
Date: Friday, May 11, 2012, 12:52 AM

<td val[/IMG]Just finished the ritual strength and again good job.And lydia we all get attacked once in a while in our thoughts.Just glad to finally recognize where the originate from now right sister?

Hail Enki

--- On Thu, 5/10/12, lydia_666@... <lydia_666@... wrote:
From: lydia_666@... <lydia_666@...
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Group Binding/Destruction Ritual Version 1.1
To: [email protected]
Date: Thursday, May 10, 2012, 5:34 PM

  Change that, they got to me, and good. I was actually feeling really suicidal today, damn them. And it was over something silly... oh well. Blue Light meditation + yantra on Father Satan's sigil + mantra of "Sat Nam" usually fixes me up good :). I call the 3 combined my "Power Satan meditation", it makes me feel stronger and closer to Satan.

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Set!

--- [/IMG][email protected], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@... wrote:

I am glad to hear you are doing ok, despite your surroundings. You again inspire me Lydia, showing how strong your aura is and remaing strong even with your limitations. Just keep doing what you are doing and remain safe sister.

Hail Satan

--- [/IMG][email protected], "lydia_666@" <lydia_666@ wrote:

Thanks Strength, Brian, and Shannon. I'm trying my best to keep up with my regular routine, but it's difficult when travelling with someone. I'm just glad that all this muslim energy around me doesn't seem to be having any effect whatsoever, in fact I am feeling great, even though I'm only doing half the yoga I was before, and less meditating too. I guess my aura of protection is pretty strong :). But I'm going to be away from home for another 2 weeks (I left 1 week ago) so I need to buckle down and get back to my routine, and do more warfare.

I'm really looking forward to seeing (and doing!) the rituals you have planned, Strength! This is going to be an incredible year for us SS!

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Set!

--- [/IMG][email protected], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:

Hey Sister,

As Brian said I am just glad to see everything is fine and that you are ok, due to the fact I know you are a regular poster and have not seen you for a few days.

For reasons like yours I try to post my rituals 3 or so days before hand. But with me getting caught up in other things I completely forgot and posted later than I wanted to. So for this I apologize to you, for if I posted it earlier you would have been able to see it.

Don't be sorry for missing this as compare to the idea that is continuously formulating in my head, this ritual is mere childs play to what I have planned.

To Better Days Sister,

Hail Satan

--- [/IMG][email protected], "lydia_666@" <lydia_666@ wrote:

CRAP I am soooo sorry for missing this! I spent 16 hours that day in airports and airplanes and lost time going to a time zone 11 hours ahead but that still shouldn't be an excuse, I told myself I would check the groups every 2-3 days for rituals and do any in my astral temple while on airplanes if need be.

I will calculate the next suitable time to do this. Better late than never. But I still feel mad at myself for missing saturday's great timing.

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Set!
<td val[/IMG]Feels so good to be in the fight again.

Hail Enki

--- On Fri, 5/11/12, Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote:
From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Group Binding/Destruction Ritual Version 1.1
To: [email protected]
Date: Friday, May 11, 2012, 12:55 AM

<td val[/IMG]Had to wait until my day off,but it was worth the wait.I sent some power energy to our goal.

Hail Enki

--- On Fri, 5/11/12, Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote:
From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Group Binding/Destruction Ritual Version 1.1
To: [email protected]
Date: Friday, May 11, 2012, 12:52 AM

<td val[/IMG]Just finished the ritual strength and again good job.And lydia we all get attacked once in a while in our thoughts.Just glad to finally recognize where the originate from now right sister?

Hail Enki

--- On Thu, 5/10/12, lydia_666@... <lydia_666@... wrote:
From: lydia_666@... <lydia_666@...
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Group Binding/Destruction Ritual Version 1.1
To: [email protected]
Date: Thursday, May 10, 2012, 5:34 PM

  Change that, they got to me, and good. I was actually feeling really suicidal today, damn them. And it was over something silly... oh well. Blue Light meditation + yantra on Father Satan's sigil + mantra of "Sat Nam" usually fixes me up good :). I call the 3 combined my "Power Satan meditation", it makes me feel stronger and closer to Satan.

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Set!

--- [/IMG][email protected], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@... wrote:

I am glad to hear you are doing ok, despite your surroundings. You again inspire me Lydia, showing how strong your aura is and remaing strong even with your limitations. Just keep doing what you are doing and remain safe sister.

Hail Satan

--- [/IMG][email protected], "lydia_666@" <lydia_666@ wrote:

Thanks Strength, Brian, and Shannon. I'm trying my best to keep up with my regular routine, but it's difficult when travelling with someone. I'm just glad that all this muslim energy around me doesn't seem to be having any effect whatsoever, in fact I am feeling great, even though I'm only doing half the yoga I was before, and less meditating too. I guess my aura of protection is pretty strong :). But I'm going to be away from home for another 2 weeks (I left 1 week ago) so I need to buckle down and get back to my routine, and do more warfare.

I'm really looking forward to seeing (and doing!) the rituals you have planned, Strength! This is going to be an incredible year for us SS!

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Set!

--- [/IMG][email protected], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:

Hey Sister,

As Brian said I am just glad to see everything is fine and that you are ok, due to the fact I know you are a regular poster and have not seen you for a few days.

For reasons like yours I try to post my rituals 3 or so days before hand. But with me getting caught up in other things I completely forgot and posted later than I wanted to. So for this I apologize to you, for if I posted it earlier you would have been able to see it.

Don't be sorry for missing this as compare to the idea that is continuously formulating in my head, this ritual is mere childs play to what I have planned.

To Better Days Sister,

Hail Satan

--- [/IMG][email protected], "lydia_666@" <lydia_666@ wrote:

CRAP I am soooo sorry for missing this! I spent 16 hours that day in airports and airplanes and lost time going to a time zone 11 hours ahead but that still shouldn't be an excuse, I told myself I would check the groups every 2-3 days for rituals and do any in my astral temple while on airplanes if need be.

I will calculate the next suitable time to do this. Better late than never. But I still feel mad at myself for missing saturday's great timing.

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Set!
Very n[/IMG]</var>
  Hail our Creator God Satan.
From: "lydia_666@..." <lydia_666@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2012 1:34 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Group Binding/Destruction Ritual Version 1.1

  Change that, they got to me, and good. I was actually feeling really suicidal today, damn them. And it was over something silly... oh well. Blue Light meditation + yantra on Father Satan's sigil + mantra of "Sat Nam" usually fixes me up good :). I call the 3 combined my "Power Satan meditation", it makes me feel stronger and closer to Satan.

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Set!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@... wrote:

I am glad to hear you are doing ok, despite your surroundings. You again inspire me Lydia, showing how strong your aura is and remaing strong even with your limitations. Just keep doing what you are doing and remain safe sister.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "lydia_666@" <lydia_666@ wrote:

Thanks Strength, Brian, and Shannon. I'm trying my best to keep up with my regular routine, but it's difficult when travelling with someone. I'm just glad that all this muslim energy around me doesn't seem to be having any effect whatsoever, in fact I am feeling great, even though I'm only doing half the yoga I was before, and less meditating too. I guess my aura of protection is pretty strong :). But I'm going to be away from home for another 2 weeks (I left 1 week ago) so I need to buckle down and get back to my routine, and do more warfare.

I'm really looking forward to seeing (and doing!) the rituals you have planned, Strength! This is going to be an incredible year for us SS!

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Set!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:

Hey Sister,

As Brian said I am just glad to see everything is fine and that you are ok, due to the fact I know you are a regular poster and have not seen you for a few days.

For reasons like yours I try to post my rituals 3 or so days before hand. But with me getting caught up in other things I completely forgot and posted later than I wanted to. So for this I apologize to you, for if I posted it earlier you would have been able to see it.

Don't be sorry for missing this as compare to the idea that is continuously formulating in my head, this ritual is mere childs play to what I have planned.

To Better Days Sister,

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "lydia_666@" <lydia_666@ wrote:

CRAP I am soooo sorry for missing this! I spent 16 hours that day in airports and airplanes and lost time going to a time zone 11 hours ahead but that still shouldn't be an excuse, I told myself I would check the groups every 2-3 days for rituals and do any in my astral temple while on airplanes if need be.

I will calculate the next suitable time to do this. Better late than never. But I still feel mad at myself for missing saturday's great timing.

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Set!

Sorry to hear that Lydia, but also it changes nothing. It might have effected you but you did not give up, you did not let it throw you off of empowering yoursef or anythng else of the kind. You still overcame so never think you are not powerful.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "lydia_666@..." <lydia_666@... wrote:

Change that, they got to me, and good. I was actually feeling really suicidal today, damn them. And it was over something silly... oh well. Blue Light meditation + yantra on Father Satan's sigil + mantra of "Sat Nam" usually fixes me up good :). I call the 3 combined my "Power Satan meditation", it makes me feel stronger and closer to Satan.

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Set!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:

I am glad to hear you are doing ok, despite your surroundings. You again inspire me Lydia, showing how strong your aura is and remaing strong even with your limitations. Just keep doing what you are doing and remain safe sister.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "lydia_666@" <lydia_666@ wrote:

Thanks Strength, Brian, and Shannon. I'm trying my best to keep up with my regular routine, but it's difficult when travelling with someone. I'm just glad that all this muslim energy around me doesn't seem to be having any effect whatsoever, in fact I am feeling great, even though I'm only doing half the yoga I was before, and less meditating too. I guess my aura of protection is pretty strong :). But I'm going to be away from home for another 2 weeks (I left 1 week ago) so I need to buckle down and get back to my routine, and do more warfare.

I'm really looking forward to seeing (and doing!) the rituals you have planned, Strength! This is going to be an incredible year for us SS!

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Set!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:

Hey Sister,

As Brian said I am just glad to see everything is fine and that you are ok, due to the fact I know you are a regular poster and have not seen you for a few days.

For reasons like yours I try to post my rituals 3 or so days before hand. But with me getting caught up in other things I completely forgot and posted later than I wanted to. So for this I apologize to you, for if I posted it earlier you would have been able to see it.

Don't be sorry for missing this as compare to the idea that is continuously formulating in my head, this ritual is mere childs play to what I have planned.

To Better Days Sister,

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "lydia_666@" <lydia_666@ wrote:

CRAP I am soooo sorry for missing this! I spent 16 hours that day in airports and airplanes and lost time going to a time zone 11 hours ahead but that still shouldn't be an excuse, I told myself I would check the groups every 2-3 days for rituals and do any in my astral temple while on airplanes if need be.

I will calculate the next suitable time to do this. Better late than never. But I still feel mad at myself for missing saturday's great timing.

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Set!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
