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Greys and another question.


New member
Jul 7, 2009
Hi guys I was wondering if there was at least a 10% chance that there are some greys who actually don't want to hurt us and are against the angels? (Like the Aasgard in Stargate SG-1)

Another question that has been bugging me is are there any gods (demons) who are physically here in Earth, monetering our activity?
No Yes Maybe :)

Hail Satan! 88!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "enkijr" <enkijr@... wrote:

Hi guys I was wondering if there was at least a 10% chance that there are some greys who actually don't want to hurt us and are against the angels? (Like the Aasgard in Stargate SG-1)

Another question that has been bugging me is are there any gods (demons) who are physically here in Earth, monetering our activity?
I couldn't tell you for certain about the Demons physically being here, although I have my hunches. However, I have heard that there has been contact with greys who were positive in attitude and behavior, however these seem to be a minority as for every one of those stories there are many more telling of abduction, memory tampering or erasing, experiments, psychic assault and/or torture. That being said, I know that if I ever saw one, I would at least give it the chance to explain itself before I considered it a threat. I wouldn't let my guard down of course, but I wouldn't necessarily freak out right away and try to stab it or something.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "enkijr" <enkijr@... wrote:

Hi guys I was wondering if there was at least a 10% chance that there are some greys who actually don't want to hurt us and are against the angels? (Like the Aasgard in Stargate SG-1)

Another question that has been bugging me is are there any gods (demons) who are physically here in Earth, monetering our activity?
yes i believe so..
i noticed that there are positive greys who possess
emotions they helped me fighting the negative greys...

I think positive greys are a small minority among the greys.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "enkijr" <enkijr@... wrote:

Hi guys I was wondering if there was at least a 10% chance that there are some greys who actually don't want to hurt us and are against the angels? (Like the Aasgard in Stargate SG-1)

Another question that has been bugging me is are there any gods (demons) who are physically here in Earth, monetering our activity?
Every side has it's traitors, so yes there could be greys against the angels. Though, these creatures are very deceptive so be very cautious if one has approached you.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "enkijr" <enkijr@... wrote:

Hi guys I was wondering if there was at least a 10% chance that there are some greys who actually don't want to hurt us and are against the angels? (Like the Aasgard in Stargate SG-1)

Another question that has been bugging me is are there any gods (demons) who are physically here in Earth, monetering our activity?
<td val[/IMG]Father Satan tolerates no turncoats, ever..........
ever piss off Satan, it is not pleasant at all.

and just name one still Satanically Blessed, please.

This is like no other religion.


True Satanism is not a trip through Disneyland. True Satanism is about personal evolution; becoming and evolving into a god. Satan helps us out in our lives with whatever we need, but in contrast to the many stories, he does not bestow extreme riches, fame and fulfill every wish in exchange for one's soul. When we give our souls to Satan, he assists us along the left hand path, bestowing upon us much knowledge, wisdom and personal power that will enable us to evolve and advance to godhead. When we die, we will no longer be just a spirit, we will emerge much more powerful and if we reincarnate, we will be born into a higher existence. In advancing to become a god, one's life will change for the better. One will no longer have to tolerate injustice as one will have serious power and understanding, way beyond that of the average person, with the ability to heal one's self and affect one's environment, influence and even control others. One advances by living life to the fullest, pushing one's self past physical, psychological, mental and spiritual limitations and overcoming boundaries. Inactivity and abstinence lead to degeneration. The human body is a perfect example. Muscles that are unused, atrophy. A mind that is unused becomes dull and stupid. The same can be said for the human soul.

http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... Satan.html Satan's people come willingly to him.
We have survived centuries without all of the wealth and materialism of the enemy religions.
A gathering in the forest, on the beach, in the home of a friend, Satan's followers are here because we want to be.

We have made a choice. We come to worship out of love, NOT coercion, threats, indoctrination, peer, or family pressure. In the end, Satan has won. Even solitary rituals are done out of free will and devotion. Satan is loved. The xian "god" relies on fear. Remember, "Money can't buy you real love." This is so obvious, as the enemy religions are spiritually empty.


http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ALITY.html
--- On Sat, 8/29/09, shadowprometheus666 <shadowprometheus666@... wrote:
From: shadowprometheus666 <shadowprometheus666@...
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Greys and another question.
To: [email protected]
Date: Saturday, August 29, 2009, 4:18 PM

  Every side has it's traitors, so yes there could be greys against the angels. Though, these creatures are very deceptive so be very cautious if one has approached you.

--- [/IMG]JoyofSatan666@ yahoogroups. com, "enkijr" <enkijr@... wrote:

Hi guys I was wondering if there was at least a 10% chance that there are some greys who actually don't want to hurt us and are against the angels? (Like the Aasgard in Stargate SG-1)

Another question that has been bugging me is are there any gods (demons) who are physically here in Earth, monetering our activity?
<td val[/IMG] The Truth About Angels
Anglelic entities seem to follow the same pattern in dealing with people. Known by different names; "Watchers" "Guardians" "Gatekeepers" their true nature is to keep humanity from progressing in any way ESPECIALLY in the area of mind power or knowledge of the 4th dimension/astral. They are like guards in a concentration camp. The "Watchtowers." To keep humanity in chains, enslaved and without power. Those who are without and delve into the occult a little too deeply will often meet with unpleasant experiences (again, FEAR is used as a means of control). One way or another, those who are without are often deceived into relationships with angels. Of course there are variations, but here is what to look for- you will see this if you read anything about people's experiences: [*] The angelic entity intrudes. Most often the creature is uninvited and takes it upon itself to barge in on someone's psyche totally uninvited. </li>[*] The entity uses love to lower the victim's defenses. This is done deliberately and masks the entity's true intentions. The victim (human beings are emotionally vulnerable- how many serious mistakes have been made at the mercy of our emotions) feels the "love" and is deceived into believing this is a positive visitor. </li>[*] The entity never explains much or gives the victim any valuable knowledge. Most questions are not answered, if they are, they are in riddles or nonsense. Any information given is either incorrect or incomplete. </li>[*] Often, the entity will make a statement that it is coming to warn the victim and/or humanity of "erring ways." This many times has to do with anything the entity deems as a threat to their total control, in most cases playing upon the ability for one to defend one's self; humanity's use of mind power for psychic self defense is EXTREMELY threatening to these alien predators as their main tool of control is through the mind; their worst worry is should humanity ever discover the truth and attain the same powers of the mind as they possess. They preach a false concept of "peace" and "love" to disarm humanity and create a helpless/defenseless Earth. Their own convictions concerning this are made blatantly clear throughout the xtian bible where they are bringers of torture, suffering and death. The book of revelation/apocolypse says it all. </li>[*] The entity in many cases delivers negative prophesy. Most often, this predicts personal ruin, disaster for the victim, his/her loved ones or others who are close. The entity then offers false reassurance that it will remain with the victim through all of this, but does not lift a finger to stop it. </li>[*] The entity in many cases, such as with ignorant (unknowing) new age people, acts as a healer when channeled. As usual, no knowledge of any value is given and the healer as well as the patient remain cripples and are helpless without the entity's assistance, making them slaves. </li> I have dealt with these entities and they are anything but benevolent. They are bringers of death, misfortune and their victims of choice are children. I have seen this many times. People who get into angel magick are either extremely arrogant or their personal lives end up in disaster. One guy who was into this sort of thing was severly depressed and into drugs. When I was a small child, my mother told me her parents had a baby girl several years before she was born. This little girl, when two years of age (they were xians) would point and say "angel" "angel." Soon afterwards, she hit her head on the streetcar when it jerked to a stop and soon died from complications. An xian woman who was expecting a baby was visited by an angel. The angel told her that the baby would be stillborn. Real nice. Of course, the baby was stillborn. The angels of apocalypse dump fire, plagues and all other kinds of nasties on humanity.

--- On Sun, 8/30/09, Cat Meow <meowc18@... wrote:
From: Cat Meow <meowc18@...
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Greys and another question.
To: [email protected]
Date: Sunday, August 30, 2009, 12:05 AM

<td style="font-fa[/IMG]<center>The Truth About Extra-Terrestrials</center>
When I was new, I asked Satan during a ritual "Who are you?" I had no clue. I believed him to be some sort of spirit, but the voices in my head and my interaction with him indicated he is a real being. Very soon after in less than 24 hours following the ritual, I came across the Luciferian Liberation Front.I knew this was an answer to my question. I have spent years studying a variety of occult subjects. In addition, I have had many experiences and have learned from the experiences of others, both clergy and laity. The evidence of alien extra-terrestrials is overwhelming. In the Egyptian images and monoliths, the pyramids are spaced and directed towards the constellation of Orion and the spaces between the pyramids correlate with the distance of the stars in the belt of Orion.¹ The Judeo/Xian Bible is chock full of BLATANT UFO activity. Many deluded individuals believe the xian "god" to be a perfect force, above the comprehension of any human being. The truth is- the Judeo/Xian bible REPEATEDLY describes a jealous, wrathful, spiteful and hateful being- Yaweh/Jehova, with emotions no different from that of humans, though more negative in comparison. The indifference to suffering indicates cruelty. The alien entity is aware of the human emotions of wrath, anger, hatred and jealousy resulting in wars, murder and genocide that most human beings strive to avoid. The concept of "love" here is not understood and is missing. To the xian entity, it is merely a word used for control, nothing more. The entity, is obviously devoid of any sublime emotions, does not understand the concept of "love." On one hand, the entity claims "love" for his followers, and on the other hand, with the slightest offense, this "love" can damn one to eternal burning and torture in a "lake of fire." This is very alien to say the least. The Old Testament books, especially Genesis and Exodus are chock full of crimes against humanity such as the mass murder this entity perpetrated even against his own on a whim. It is a given, that everyone familiar with UFO's and aliens, knows greys and reptilians are devoid of emotion. Also, it is recorded in the xian bible, when Moses asked to see "god's" face- the alien replied that no one could see him face to face- (Exodus 33: 20-23). Obviously, this being does not resemble a human being. Many of us have seen Satan. He has nothing to hide. Satan and his Demons, (as well as some of the "angels" of the xian bible and their cohorts) are of the aliens they call "Nordics." Aleister Crowley's "Illustrated Goetia" published by DuQuette, Hyatt and Wilson, second edition, © 2000, has numerous illustrations. The illustrations of "Lucifuge Rofocal" and "Vassago" show beings with large bulbous heads. Now Lucifuge Rofocal is one of my Guardian Demons. I have seen him. He has a large bulbous head. He is obviously a hybrid of grey. He is friendly and has emotion, as a hybrid mix is unique. Valefor also is a Grey/Nordic hybrid. He has the large head, with greenish complexion; Clistheret who is a female is the same. I have never seen Vassago, but the illustration in the book supports what many of us have seen. Nordics are frequently seen accompanied by greys. These Nordics are those who are normally hostile to humanity. Azazel told me "they are abominable" (referring to the greys, when I asked about them communicating with him on a Ouija Board). I strongly suggest those of you who are skeptics to read: "The Day After Roswell" by Colonel Philip J. Corso, US Army, retired ©1997. The author exposes the entire story, with names, dates, facts and documents released under the freedom of information act. He was personally in charge of the Roswell files under the Army Research and Development at the Pentagon directly under Lieutenant General Arthur G. Trudeau and was actively involved in the planning of project HORIZON. Corso explains the reality behind the "Cold War" where the USA and the USSR amassed nuclear weapons capable of destroying the Earth five times over. If either side employed these, mutual suicide for the entire planet would be the result. The truth is- both world powers were well aware of the alien threat, which in reality is a hostile one that threatens the life of everything and everyone on this planet. This is the reason human attempts to establish any meaningful contact with these entities have met with evasion. Both the USA and USSR worked behind the scenes to develop defense technology, not to be used on each other, as the media falsely claimed to shape public opinion and to delude the masses, but to be used in defense of the Earth from a potential alien attack. This was also the main reason for the Apollo Moon Mission in 1969. This mission was not just space exploration. The defense dept was interested in establishing a base on the Moon that would act as a reconnaissance post for the Earth. The large number of satellites orbiting the Earth serves the same purpose, that of protection. Corso concludes the book with documents. He explains how the technology recovered from the crash landing of the alien spacecraft in Roswell, New Mexico in July 1947 was salvaged and clandestinely distributed by the US Army to various civilian laboratories who employed top scientists. These scientists used reverse engineering to develop the high level of technology we have today. This technology enabled the building of the "stealth bomber" and other high tech military weapons used to deter the aliens from invading the Earth. The point is- we were successful in deterring them physically, but not psychically. Their strong telepathic influence is felt. The Christian religion and its cohorts provide these entities with the psychic energy they need. Close examination of the Roswell craft and the autopsies performed on the five greys who piloted the delta shaped UFO revealed their parasitical nature. The description of the entity called the "ALL" in the book "The Watchers" by Raymond E. Fowler, also supports the parasitical nature of these creatures that are devoid of emotion and how they thrive on the energy of souls. These creatures have tampered with genetic engineering and alteration to where they no longer have any genitals, sexual procreation, emotions or physical strength. The examination of the alien craft revealed no controls, no on/off switches or visible circuits within the craft, only indentations shaped as the aliens' hand prints, like a hand print in wet cement outside of Mann's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood. These were where the aliens placed their hands, becoming an integrated part of the craft. They navigated the craft by using their own bioelectricity, powerful telepathy and telekinesis. The adjustable bands they placed on their heads to navigate the craft acted as thought amplifiers.
Army officers upon examining them, placed them in position on their heads and the devices induced vivid colors, hallucinations and resulted in "searing headaches." In addition, they found that these bands stimulated various areas of the brain.
"The Watchers" by Raymond E. Fowler is very revealing concerning the grey involvement in the xianity scam and exposes "the one." *See "Jesus of Borg". Most people are not aware of the higher purpose of Satanism. The Earth has been the target of a soul farm.² Satan is the "Liberator of Humanity." Xianity and its cohorts are a hoax. Satan and his Demons are here to help us get out from under the position of being used as energy livestock in a slaughterhouse for alien consumption. The enemy Nordics who saw no use for humanity, following the completion of the mining project, sought to follow plan and have us all destroyed. Nephilim that "took wives" and taught humanity, such as Azazel and Set, were banished, cursed and condemned.

(The above illustration depicts Set teaching a human how to use a bow and arrow).
We are dealing with entities that have more psychic power, technology, intelligence and knowledge than we do. They don't age as we do; they have the knowledge and technology to have modified their DNA. Satan is over half a million years old. One can only imagine that to continue learning, experiencing life and empowering one's self for even 1,000 years, the level of knowledge and ability that would be reached; combine that with extremely advanced technology. For those of you who believe in spooks and are skeptic, I strongly suggest you read the above books, along with "Extra-Terrestrials Among Us" by George C. Andrews. "The Day After Roswell" reveals everything from the cover-up, to the promotion of yellow journalism stories to the real truth behind the "Star Wars" of the Regan Administration and the "Cold War." This was largely a distraction and an excuse. Why would two world powers manufacture hundreds of nuclear warheads that would obliterate the entire Earth and result in mutual suicide? For many years, these ignorant spiritually deluded new age idiots have been crowing on and on concerning the "sins" of humanity and how we are a threat to the universe with our nuclear weapons and our aggression, while all those extra-terrestrials are so goddamned wonderful. They claim they scout our military and weapons bases out of a altruistic concern for all life in the universe as we have become a threat to them resulting from our sinful ways. WRONG. These aliens have kept our defense systems under surveillance to see where we are at and just how vulnerable we are to a mass invasion. The USA and Russia both know this. These aliens have continually and aggressively acted to prevent us from space exploration, jamming our launch vehicles, satellites, causing mechanical problems and even preventing a few from being thrust into orbit. They have acted to jam our signals with buzzing and other electronic intervention. Their shooting across our radar detectors, creating blips and encouraging our air force to tail them; they are testing the speed of our aircraft and our maneuverability. They want to know exactly where we are technologically. These greys played cat and mouse games, and edged ever closer until there was a response. They have also attempted to disrupt worldwide communication and our defenses through electrical and magnetic field interference. Their employment of night vision devices would have been an advantage. The defense dept now has these and many other military technologies that are a threat to them. The USA and Russia planned in case of an alien attack, only half of the Earth would be sacrificed, if one nation was knocked out, the other could cover. General Douglas McArthur remarked to the New York Times in 1955 that the threat comes from out there. "The nations of the world will have to unite for the next war will be an interplanetary war." An alien base was seen on the Moon by astronaut Neil Armstrong during the Apollo 11 fly-over and landing. Mercury 7 astronauts as have many others been tailed by UFO's. "They didn't just shadow or track our aircraft in orbit; they buzzed us and tried to create such havoc with our communications systems that NASA more than once had to rethink astronaut safety in the Mercury and Gemini programs." The Apollo moon-landing program was ultimately abandoned because there was no way to protect our astronauts from alien threats. "The alien spacecraft were also aggressively buzzing our frontline defenses in Eastern Europe, either looking for blind spots or weaknesses; probing our radar to see how quickly we responded.” While never disclosing it publicly, military intelligence analysts supported the view that Earth was already under some form of probing attack by one or more alien cultures that were testing both our ability and resolve to defend ourselves." "Our only successes in defending against them, back in the 1950's and 1960's, occurred when we were able to get a firm tracking radar lock. Then when we locked our targeting radars on, the signals that missiles were supposed to follow to the target, it somehow interfered with their navigational ability, and the vehicles flight became erratic. If we were especially fortunate and able to boost the signal before they broke away, we could actually bring them down. Sometimes we actually got lucky enough to score a hit with a missile before the UFO could take any evasive action, which an Army air defense battalion did with an anti-aircraft missile near Ramstein Air force base in Germany in May of 1974. The spacecraft managed to crash-land in a valley. The craft was retrieved and flown back to Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada. The Roswell crash was different. There was much speculation that it was a combination of the desert lightening storm and our persistent tracking radars at Alamogordo and the 509th that helped bring down the alien vehicle over the New Mexico desert in 1947." The new age focus on love, love, love and three fold bullshit and everything else. This is nothing more than a close relative of xianity that renders those who are stupid and deluded enough to follow it, helpless. Satan and his Demons are trying to help us. The greys possess tremendous telepathic ability and the devices to amplify it. The xian and RHP religions are a fraud. People are stupid and deluded.
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... liens.html

--- On Sun, 8/30/09, Cat Meow <meowc18@... wrote:
From: Cat Meow <meowc18@...
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Greys and another question.
To: [email protected]
Date: Sunday, August 30, 2009, 12:02 AM

<td style="font-fa[/IMG]Father Satan tolerates no turncoats, ever..........
ever piss off Satan, it is not pleasant at all.

and just name one still Satanically Blessed, please.

This is like no other religion.


True Satanism is not a trip through Disneyland. True Satanism is about personal evolution; becoming and evolving into a god. Satan helps us out in our lives with whatever we need, but in contrast to the many stories, he does not bestow extreme riches, fame and fulfill every wish in exchange for one's soul. When we give our souls to Satan, he assists us along the left hand path, bestowing upon us much knowledge, wisdom and personal power that will enable us to evolve and advance to godhead. When we die, we will no longer be just a spirit, we will emerge much more powerful and if we reincarnate, we will be born into a higher existence. In advancing to become a god, one's life will change for the better. One will no longer have to tolerate injustice as one will have serious power and understanding, way beyond that of the average person, with the ability to heal one's self and affect one's environment, influence and even control others. One advances by living life to the fullest, pushing one's self past physical, psychological, mental and spiritual limitations and overcoming boundaries. Inactivity and abstinence lead to degeneration. The human body is a perfect example. Muscles that are unused, atrophy. A mind that is unused becomes dull and stupid. The same can be said for the human soul.

http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... Satan.html Satan's people come willingly to him.
We have survived centuries without all of the wealth and materialism of the enemy religions.
A gathering in the forest, on the beach, in the home of a friend, Satan's followers are here because we want to be.

We have made a choice. We come to worship out of love, NOT coercion, threats, indoctrination, peer, or family pressure. In the end, Satan has won. Even solitary rituals are done out of free will and devotion. Satan is loved. The xian "god" relies on fear. Remember, "Money can't buy you real love." This is so obvious, as the enemy religions are spiritually empty.


http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ALITY.html

--- On Sat, 8/29/09, shadowprometheus666 <shadowprometheus666@... wrote:
From: shadowprometheus666 <shadowprometheus666@...
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Greys and another question.
To: [email protected]
Date: Saturday, August 29, 2009, 4:18 PM

  Every side has it's traitors, so yes there could be greys against the angels. Though, these creatures are very deceptive so be very cautious if one has approached you.

--- [/IMG]JoyofSatan666@ yahoogroups. com, "enkijr" <enkijr@... wrote:

Hi guys I was wondering if there was at least a 10% chance that there are some greys who actually don't want to hurt us and are against the angels? (Like the Aasgard in Stargate SG-1)

Another question that has been bugging me is are there any gods (demons) who are physically here in Earth, monetering our activity?
<td val[/IMG]<center>The Truth About Extra-Terrestrials</center>
When I was new, I asked Satan during a ritual "Who are you?" I had no clue. I believed him to be some sort of spirit, but the voices in my head and my interaction with him indicated he is a real being. Very soon after in less than 24 hours following the ritual, I came across the Luciferian Liberation Front.I knew this was an answer to my question. I have spent years studying a variety of occult subjects. In addition, I have had many experiences and have learned from the experiences of others, both clergy and laity. The evidence of alien extra-terrestrials is overwhelming. In the Egyptian images and monoliths, the pyramids are spaced and directed towards the constellation of Orion and the spaces between the pyramids correlate with the distance of the stars in the belt of Orion.¹ The Judeo/Xian Bible is chock full of BLATANT UFO activity. Many deluded individuals believe the xian "god" to be a perfect force, above the comprehension of any human being. The truth is- the Judeo/Xian bible REPEATEDLY describes a jealous, wrathful, spiteful and hateful being- Yaweh/Jehova, with emotions no different from that of humans, though more negative in comparison. The indifference to suffering indicates cruelty. The alien entity is aware of the human emotions of wrath, anger, hatred and jealousy resulting in wars, murder and genocide that most human beings strive to avoid. The concept of "love" here is not understood and is missing. To the xian entity, it is merely a word used for control, nothing more. The entity, is obviously devoid of any sublime emotions, does not understand the concept of "love." On one hand, the entity claims "love" for his followers, and on the other hand, with the slightest offense, this "love" can damn one to eternal burning and torture in a "lake of fire." This is very alien to say the least. The Old Testament books, especially Genesis and Exodus are chock full of crimes against humanity such as the mass murder this entity perpetrated even against his own on a whim. It is a given, that everyone familiar with UFO's and aliens, knows greys and reptilians are devoid of emotion. Also, it is recorded in the xian bible, when Moses asked to see "god's" face- the alien replied that no one could see him face to face- (Exodus 33: 20-23). Obviously, this being does not resemble a human being. Many of us have seen Satan. He has nothing to hide. Satan and his Demons, (as well as some of the "angels" of the xian bible and their cohorts) are of the aliens they call "Nordics." Aleister Crowley's "Illustrated Goetia" published by DuQuette, Hyatt and Wilson, second edition, © 2000, has numerous illustrations. The illustrations of "Lucifuge Rofocal" and "Vassago" show beings with large bulbous heads. Now Lucifuge Rofocal is one of my Guardian Demons. I have seen him. He has a large bulbous head. He is obviously a hybrid of grey. He is friendly and has emotion, as a hybrid mix is unique. Valefor also is a Grey/Nordic hybrid. He has the large head, with greenish complexion; Clistheret who is a female is the same. I have never seen Vassago, but the illustration in the book supports what many of us have seen. Nordics are frequently seen accompanied by greys. These Nordics are those who are normally hostile to humanity. Azazel told me "they are abominable" (referring to the greys, when I asked about them communicating with him on a Ouija Board). I strongly suggest those of you who are skeptics to read: "The Day After Roswell" by Colonel Philip J. Corso, US Army, retired ©1997. The author exposes the entire story, with names, dates, facts and documents released under the freedom of information act. He was personally in charge of the Roswell files under the Army Research and Development at the Pentagon directly under Lieutenant General Arthur G. Trudeau and was actively involved in the planning of project HORIZON. Corso explains the reality behind the "Cold War" where the USA and the USSR amassed nuclear weapons capable of destroying the Earth five times over. If either side employed these, mutual suicide for the entire planet would be the result. The truth is- both world powers were well aware of the alien threat, which in reality is a hostile one that threatens the life of everything and everyone on this planet. This is the reason human attempts to establish any meaningful contact with these entities have met with evasion. Both the USA and USSR worked behind the scenes to develop defense technology, not to be used on each other, as the media falsely claimed to shape public opinion and to delude the masses, but to be used in defense of the Earth from a potential alien attack. This was also the main reason for the Apollo Moon Mission in 1969. This mission was not just space exploration. The defense dept was interested in establishing a base on the Moon that would act as a reconnaissance post for the Earth. The large number of satellites orbiting the Earth serves the same purpose, that of protection. Corso concludes the book with documents. He explains how the technology recovered from the crash landing of the alien spacecraft in Roswell, New Mexico in July 1947 was salvaged and clandestinely distributed by the US Army to various civilian laboratories who employed top scientists. These scientists used reverse engineering to develop the high level of technology we have today. This technology enabled the building of the "stealth bomber" and other high tech military weapons used to deter the aliens from invading the Earth. The point is- we were successful in deterring them physically, but not psychically. Their strong telepathic influence is felt. The Christian religion and its cohorts provide these entities with the psychic energy they need. Close examination of the Roswell craft and the autopsies performed on the five greys who piloted the delta shaped UFO revealed their parasitical nature. The description of the entity called the "ALL" in the book "The Watchers" by Raymond E. Fowler, also supports the parasitical nature of these creatures that are devoid of emotion and how they thrive on the energy of souls. These creatures have tampered with genetic engineering and alteration to where they no longer have any genitals, sexual procreation, emotions or physical strength. The examination of the alien craft revealed no controls, no on/off switches or visible circuits within the craft, only indentations shaped as the aliens' hand prints, like a hand print in wet cement outside of Mann's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood. These were where the aliens placed their hands, becoming an integrated part of the craft. They navigated the craft by using their own bioelectricity, powerful telepathy and telekinesis. The adjustable bands they placed on their heads to navigate the craft acted as thought amplifiers.
Army officers upon examining them, placed them in position on their heads and the devices induced vivid colors, hallucinations and resulted in "searing headaches." In addition, they found that these bands stimulated various areas of the brain.
"The Watchers" by Raymond E. Fowler is very revealing concerning the grey involvement in the xianity scam and exposes "the one." *See "Jesus of Borg". Most people are not aware of the higher purpose of Satanism. The Earth has been the target of a soul farm.² Satan is the "Liberator of Humanity." Xianity and its cohorts are a hoax. Satan and his Demons are here to help us get out from under the position of being used as energy livestock in a slaughterhouse for alien consumption. The enemy Nordics who saw no use for humanity, following the completion of the mining project, sought to follow plan and have us all destroyed. Nephilim that "took wives" and taught humanity, such as Azazel and Set, were banished, cursed and condemned.

(The above illustration depicts Set teaching a human how to use a bow and arrow).
We are dealing with entities that have more psychic power, technology, intelligence and knowledge than we do. They don't age as we do; they have the knowledge and technology to have modified their DNA. Satan is over half a million years old. One can only imagine that to continue learning, experiencing life and empowering one's self for even 1,000 years, the level of knowledge and ability that would be reached; combine that with extremely advanced technology. For those of you who believe in spooks and are skeptic, I strongly suggest you read the above books, along with "Extra-Terrestrials Among Us" by George C. Andrews. "The Day After Roswell" reveals everything from the cover-up, to the promotion of yellow journalism stories to the real truth behind the "Star Wars" of the Regan Administration and the "Cold War." This was largely a distraction and an excuse. Why would two world powers manufacture hundreds of nuclear warheads that would obliterate the entire Earth and result in mutual suicide? For many years, these ignorant spiritually deluded new age idiots have been crowing on and on concerning the "sins" of humanity and how we are a threat to the universe with our nuclear weapons and our aggression, while all those extra-terrestrials are so goddamned wonderful. They claim they scout our military and weapons bases out of a altruistic concern for all life in the universe as we have become a threat to them resulting from our sinful ways. WRONG. These aliens have kept our defense systems under surveillance to see where we are at and just how vulnerable we are to a mass invasion. The USA and Russia both know this. These aliens have continually and aggressively acted to prevent us from space exploration, jamming our launch vehicles, satellites, causing mechanical problems and even preventing a few from being thrust into orbit. They have acted to jam our signals with buzzing and other electronic intervention. Their shooting across our radar detectors, creating blips and encouraging our air force to tail them; they are testing the speed of our aircraft and our maneuverability. They want to know exactly where we are technologically. These greys played cat and mouse games, and edged ever closer until there was a response. They have also attempted to disrupt worldwide communication and our defenses through electrical and magnetic field interference. Their employment of night vision devices would have been an advantage. The defense dept now has these and many other military technologies that are a threat to them. The USA and Russia planned in case of an alien attack, only half of the Earth would be sacrificed, if one nation was knocked out, the other could cover. General Douglas McArthur remarked to the New York Times in 1955 that the threat comes from out there. "The nations of the world will have to unite for the next war will be an interplanetary war." An alien base was seen on the Moon by astronaut Neil Armstrong during the Apollo 11 fly-over and landing. Mercury 7 astronauts as have many others been tailed by UFO's. "They didn't just shadow or track our aircraft in orbit; they buzzed us and tried to create such havoc with our communications systems that NASA more than once had to rethink astronaut safety in the Mercury and Gemini programs." The Apollo moon-landing program was ultimately abandoned because there was no way to protect our astronauts from alien threats. "The alien spacecraft were also aggressively buzzing our frontline defenses in Eastern Europe, either looking for blind spots or weaknesses; probing our radar to see how quickly we responded.” While never disclosing it publicly, military intelligence analysts supported the view that Earth was already under some form of probing attack by one or more alien cultures that were testing both our ability and resolve to defend ourselves." "Our only successes in defending against them, back in the 1950's and 1960's, occurred when we were able to get a firm tracking radar lock. Then when we locked our targeting radars on, the signals that missiles were supposed to follow to the target, it somehow interfered with their navigational ability, and the vehicles flight became erratic. If we were especially fortunate and able to boost the signal before they broke away, we could actually bring them down. Sometimes we actually got lucky enough to score a hit with a missile before the UFO could take any evasive action, which an Army air defense battalion did with an anti-aircraft missile near Ramstein Air force base in Germany in May of 1974. The spacecraft managed to crash-land in a valley. The craft was retrieved and flown back to Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada. The Roswell crash was different. There was much speculation that it was a combination of the desert lightening storm and our persistent tracking radars at Alamogordo and the 509th that helped bring down the alien vehicle over the New Mexico desert in 1947." The new age focus on love, love, love and three fold bullshit and everything else. This is nothing more than a close relative of xianity that renders those who are stupid and deluded enough to follow it, helpless. Satan and his Demons are trying to help us. The greys possess tremendous telepathic ability and the devices to amplify it. The xian and RHP religions are a fraud. People are stupid and deluded.
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... liens.html
--- On Sun, 8/30/09, Cat Meow <meowc18@... wrote:
From: Cat Meow <meowc18@...
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Greys and another question.
To: [email protected]
Date: Sunday, August 30, 2009, 12:02 AM

<td style="font-fa[/IMG]Father Satan tolerates no turncoats, ever..........
ever piss off Satan, it is not pleasant at all.

and just name one still Satanically Blessed, please.

This is like no other religion.


True Satanism is not a trip through Disneyland. True Satanism is about personal evolution; becoming and evolving into a god. Satan helps us out in our lives with whatever we need, but in contrast to the many stories, he does not bestow extreme riches, fame and fulfill every wish in exchange for one's soul. When we give our souls to Satan, he assists us along the left hand path, bestowing upon us much knowledge, wisdom and personal power that will enable us to evolve and advance to godhead. When we die, we will no longer be just a spirit, we will emerge much more powerful and if we reincarnate, we will be born into a higher existence. In advancing to become a god, one's life will change for the better. One will no longer have to tolerate injustice as one will have serious power and understanding, way beyond that of the average person, with the ability to heal one's self and affect one's environment, influence and even control others. One advances by living life to the fullest, pushing one's self past physical, psychological, mental and spiritual limitations and overcoming boundaries. Inactivity and abstinence lead to degeneration. The human body is a perfect example. Muscles that are unused, atrophy. A mind that is unused becomes dull and stupid. The same can be said for the human soul.

http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... Satan.html Satan's people come willingly to him.
We have survived centuries without all of the wealth and materialism of the enemy religions.
A gathering in the forest, on the beach, in the home of a friend, Satan's followers are here because we want to be.

We have made a choice. We come to worship out of love, NOT coercion, threats, indoctrination, peer, or family pressure. In the end, Satan has won. Even solitary rituals are done out of free will and devotion. Satan is loved. The xian "god" relies on fear. Remember, "Money can't buy you real love." This is so obvious, as the enemy religions are spiritually empty.


http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ALITY.html

--- On Sat, 8/29/09, shadowprometheus666 <shadowprometheus666@... wrote:
From: shadowprometheus666 <shadowprometheus666@...
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Greys and another question.
To: [email protected]
Date: Saturday, August 29, 2009, 4:18 PM

  Every side has it's traitors, so yes there could be greys against the angels. Though, these creatures are very deceptive so be very cautious if one has approached you.

--- [/IMG]JoyofSatan666@ yahoogroups. com, "enkijr" <enkijr@... wrote:

Hi guys I was wondering if there was at least a 10% chance that there are some greys who actually don't want to hurt us and are against the angels? (Like the Aasgard in Stargate SG-1)

Another question that has been bugging me is are there any gods (demons) who are physically here in Earth, monetering our activity?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
