Your soul doesn't feel like goose bumps, from what I've experienced it feels like your inside a completely different body. This feeling can be practiced to the point where you actually feel like you are not the same person, by that I mean how you think changes, and how you feel. One can operate with the soul for as long as they'd like, it's even possible to use your soul permanently for the rest of your life which for me I found improves how I think, and how I handle situations.
But if your getting goose bumps that's not energy, personally I get goose bumps if I think or see something very exciting or amazing and I usually just feel chills on my spine. But I doubt that is energy, if you want to feel your energies I suggest you try raising it first so it's easier to feel. However sometimes you may not always feel your own energies, there is a mass abundance of energy surrounding you at all times. The energy of your home, of other people, and sometimes extra terrestrial beings. The ET's I am referring to are definitely not what you want to be around, that being they have harmful disgusting energy. You will feel a very welcoming, amazing, and pleasurable energy if there is a God in your presence. Just work on raising and feeling your energies as well as your soul and soon enough you'll be able to control and feel energy whenever you desire.