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Gods' rituals, healing, Shared Global Consciousness.

A question, can the energy created from the gods' rituals be also used and directed towards specific, personal goals? Or should we ask the god's permission first?
I know you didnt ask me, but it can and I have done so however, with the benefit of heindsight I now see very clearly why the Gods were directing the energy they were sending me in the way they were and it was to my great benefit in a way I didnt understand, they wont be insulted I dont think but its important to remember our Gods know you better than you do, have faith in them, they will not steer you wrong, the energy you recieve will be given and directed to your best possible benefit, at least thats been my experience, so my advice would be to just let their energy do as they have directed it.
In my very early days I did the ritual of a God for 40 days. He is a God that I love very much, and I made a promise to him. Some days I would fall asleep while meditating, but I would always wake up before sunrise, and I would not skip his ritual, even if I was literally dying of sleep.

This helped me to have a deeper connection with him. He was one of my favourite mythological Gods even before I came to Satanism. Obviously it benefited me so much, I can't even now calculate exactly how much those 40 days actually benefited me in the months that followed.

Information about what the power rituals do is rare, and posts like this are very valuable. It was a pleasure to read and thank you for sharing!
A question, can the energy created from the gods' rituals be also used and directed towards specific, personal goals? Or should we ask the god's permission first?
Ask the god for help. And you will be shown and guided and educated what you should do for you to accomplish this goal.
We are trully blessed to be let to connect ourselves with the energies of such beings but still, there was a thread about having a weekly schelude of doing Gods ritual as part of a meditation program.
Does anybody have the link to that thread or recomandation in what order should I do the Gods rituals in a weekly manner?

Thank you.

I was wondering, if we ask Satan for help, is it more effective to do the Lucifius Focalor power ritual as well?
Because as I read, he is a messenger of our father Satan. I will try it anyway.

And for Lord Baalzebul, the ritual of Lord Thoth. After or intro the ritual of Lord Baalzebul.

I used to experiment by doing the ritual of a particular God more than once. I was curious about the energy.
I was able to get more immersed, to get to know a particular God better. Each extra ritual revealed new things, new depths. But it was also harder. In many cases it is tiring, but somehow good.
Ok, but the gods are the Nephilim? I’m pretty sure I read on the website that there are demons not under satans command. Is that true? I’ll try look for it.

Like Sonne said, it was that guy Zachariah Stichen that wrote those stories and they were not true. I wasn't remembering his name this morning.

He attempted to translate the Sumerian tablets, which are the records that use the name Nephilim and talk about them. His translations were very inaccurate, from a combination of him not understanding the language well and not understanding how to translate them, misinterpreting symbolism because of lack of spiritual knowledge, and just making up his own stories with no basis at all. These reasons make his work very full of problems.

He is one of the ones who did the most work of translating those stories, and if he did a bad job, then we just don't have a good public record of what they were actually saying. That work needs to be done by somebody who is spiritually advanced and knowledgeable, and working together with guidance from the Gods. And this has not happened yet. So we just don't know yet very much about the Nephilim or what those stories actually meant originally. Most of what is "known" has been corrupted and altered either purposefully or by ignorance.

There are many species, and not all species have anything to do with humanity or have any contact with us. Think of how many billions of habitable planets there must be, and how many species of life we have on Earth, then imagine how many species are existing in all of the universe. Some may be more or less advanced than the Gods, or more or less advanced than us, and most have never had any contact with any of the Gods and are existing on their own in their own location and not interacting with anybody else.

It is not important whatever species have never contacted the Gods, because they are just not important. It is like saying an insect buried under the ground on the other side of the world has nothing to do with you living your life today.

The Gods and Humanity are existing like colonies on thousands of planets. Some are inhabited by perfected Gods who are the same species as our Gods who we know, and some are inhabited by humans like us. After all, we are genetically the same species as the Gods, and only we have been extremely harmed and limited spiritually and physically. And if we grow to become physically and spiritually perfect and healthy and advanced in all ways, we would also grow to become Gods. So it is really the same genetic species in all of these thousands of planets, and it is only the difference of how advanced and perfect they are, or how harmed and enslaved they are. From the Gods who are perfected at the top, to humanity who are weak and degenerated at the bottom, and every level in between. There are many planets who have humans who are similar to us, who have also been enslaved or harmed by jews/greys, at various levels. Some are doing better than us and have already defeated the jews/greys and are working toward building a Golden Age and becoming Gods. Some are in a similar point in history as us, and are working on becoming free but have not yet accomplished this fully. And many planets are in a similar point as we were in the Middle Ages, where everybody was basically enslaved under the control of jews/greys and their churches. We are actually doing very well, and we are going to soon accomplish freedom and advancement. Just look how far we have come in the last 20 years, or even in the last 5 years. The Gods are gaining more influence and control of our world and throughout humanity, and are helping us to become completely free and unimpeded, and eventually to rebuild the Golden Age Civilization and to all become Gods.

All who are called Nordics, or Gods, or whatever you want to call this species of the Gods, are all on our side and are all on the side of the Gods. There are none who are enemies, and none who are uncaring. But as there are many planets in similar situation, there are other Nordic Gods who are focused on those planets and who are helping them. We know the Gods who work with Earth, and there are more who work on other places. Because many of the Gods who we know about have lived on Earth at some time during the Golden Age, and they are closely caring about Earth as their previous home and their people.

The enemy species includes "reptilians" and "greys." The greys are slaves which have no souls and no consciousness, and they are controlled by reptilians. Most reptilians are also slaves which are controlled by stronger ones. These species are weak and retarded and worthless, they have no understanding of Creation or Life or Advancement in any way, and the only thing they understand is slavery and death. And for their history, they have enslaved each other of their same species, and they have genetically modified each other to become weakened and worthless, so they will be easier to enslave. These have no power compared to the Gods, but they have tried to harm humanity in all of these planets and locations. Jews are created from these species, and they work for them for their goals of enslaving and harming humanity. They are worthless and they are unable to do anything against the Gods, and they are unable to prevent Humanity from growing and advancing with the Gods. But they were able to annoy and bother humanity, and to delay our growth for some time. They are now failed and defeated.

The greys have some basic psychic abilities which are not too special and are nothing compared to the Gods, but are impressive compared to most of Humanity who has no spiritual or psychic knowledge. One of these abilities is to project an image into peoples' minds. This is what the "angels" are, they are collections of programmed curses and energies, together with greys that are directing them. And the grey can project an image into peoples' minds of a beautiful person which the person is imagining and seeing, and the person thinks that the "angel" is this beautiful form. When truly it is just a collection of curses together with a bug-eye freak, and there is nothing beautiful to see. But they want humans to be accepting of these curses, and the only way to accept it is to believe that it is something good, so the image that is projected looks like a beautiful human or a Nordic God. This is where the idea of an "enemy nordic" or "enemy god" comes from, because the person experiences something bad or a curse, but says "I saw the image of a beautiful person / beautiful God." But this is a simple illusion of a projected image, and it was not real.
And the grey can project an image into peoples' minds of a beautiful person which the person is imagining and seeing, and the person thinks that the "angel" is this beautiful form. When truly it is just a collection of curses together with a bug-eye freak, and there is nothing beautiful to see. But they want humans to be accepting of these curses, and the only way to accept it is to believe that it is something good, so the image that is projected looks like a beautiful human or a Nordic God. This is where the idea of an "enemy nordic" or "enemy god" comes from, because the person experiences something bad or a curse, but says "I saw the image of a beautiful person / beautiful God." But this is a simple illusion of a projected image, and it was not real.
I am still not fully certain, but I think this could be what happened to me the night I involuntarily astral projected briefly the night I asked Father for a Demon partner a long while ago.

Still, I am still not sure. Either way, negative or positive, this experience was completely unique and otherworldly to me. The least it provided was some basic foundation for me to believe firmly, and KNOW that the "other side" is legit along with all things metaphysical.
Thank you.

I was wondering, if we ask Satan for help, is it more effective to do the Lucifius Focalor power ritual as well?
Because as I read, he is a messenger of our father Satan. I will try it anyway.

And for Lord Baalzebul, the ritual of Lord Thoth. After or intro the ritual of Lord Baalzebul.

I used to experiment by doing the ritual of a particular God more than once. I was curious about the energy.
I was able to get more immersed, to get to know a particular God better. Each extra ritual revealed new things, new depths. But it was also harder. In many cases it is tiring, but somehow good.

It takes some energy to do these rituals. As you become stronger, you will be able to do more. If you are doing multiple at the same time, you will become tired. You can do multiple in the same day if you have some time in between to regain your energy.

Be relaxed and calm, and look through the list of Gods. And if you feel drawn to any of them or feel that you should do one of them, then do it. You will be guided to do the correct one that will be most helpful to you.

Do High Priestess Lydia's working for improving the right side of your mind, and this type of guidance will become stronger.

Like Sonne said, it was that guy Zachariah Stichen that wrote those stories and they were not true. I wasn't remembering his name this morning.

He attempted to translate the Sumerian tablets, which are the records that use the name Nephilim and talk about them. His translations were very inaccurate, from a combination of him not understanding the language well and not understanding how to translate them, misinterpreting symbolism because of lack of spiritual knowledge, and just making up his own stories with no basis at all. These reasons make his work very full of problems.

He is one of the ones who did the most work of translating those stories, and if he did a bad job, then we just don't have a good public record of what they were actually saying. That work needs to be done by somebody who is spiritually advanced and knowledgeable, and working together with guidance from the Gods. And this has not happened yet. So we just don't know yet very much about the Nephilim or what those stories actually meant originally. Most of what is "known" has been corrupted and altered either purposefully or by ignorance.

There are many species, and not all species have anything to do with humanity or have any contact with us. Think of how many billions of habitable planets there must be, and how many species of life we have on Earth, then imagine how many species are existing in all of the universe. Some may be more or less advanced than the Gods, or more or less advanced than us, and most have never had any contact with any of the Gods and are existing on their own in their own location and not interacting with anybody else.

It is not important whatever species have never contacted the Gods, because they are just not important. It is like saying an insect buried under the ground on the other side of the world has nothing to do with you living your life today.

The Gods and Humanity are existing like colonies on thousands of planets. Some are inhabited by perfected Gods who are the same species as our Gods who we know, and some are inhabited by humans like us. After all, we are genetically the same species as the Gods, and only we have been extremely harmed and limited spiritually and physically. And if we grow to become physically and spiritually perfect and healthy and advanced in all ways, we would also grow to become Gods. So it is really the same genetic species in all of these thousands of planets, and it is only the difference of how advanced and perfect they are, or how harmed and enslaved they are. From the Gods who are perfected at the top, to humanity who are weak and degenerated at the bottom, and every level in between. There are many planets who have humans who are similar to us, who have also been enslaved or harmed by jews/greys, at various levels. Some are doing better than us and have already defeated the jews/greys and are working toward building a Golden Age and becoming Gods. Some are in a similar point in history as us, and are working on becoming free but have not yet accomplished this fully. And many planets are in a similar point as we were in the Middle Ages, where everybody was basically enslaved under the control of jews/greys and their churches. We are actually doing very well, and we are going to soon accomplish freedom and advancement. Just look how far we have come in the last 20 years, or even in the last 5 years. The Gods are gaining more influence and control of our world and throughout humanity, and are helping us to become completely free and unimpeded, and eventually to rebuild the Golden Age Civilization and to all become Gods.

All who are called Nordics, or Gods, or whatever you want to call this species of the Gods, are all on our side and are all on the side of the Gods. There are none who are enemies, and none who are uncaring. But as there are many planets in similar situation, there are other Nordic Gods who are focused on those planets and who are helping them. We know the Gods who work with Earth, and there are more who work on other places. Because many of the Gods who we know about have lived on Earth at some time during the Golden Age, and they are closely caring about Earth as their previous home and their people.

The enemy species includes "reptilians" and "greys." The greys are slaves which have no souls and no consciousness, and they are controlled by reptilians. Most reptilians are also slaves which are controlled by stronger ones. These species are weak and retarded and worthless, they have no understanding of Creation or Life or Advancement in any way, and the only thing they understand is slavery and death. And for their history, they have enslaved each other of their same species, and they have genetically modified each other to become weakened and worthless, so they will be easier to enslave. These have no power compared to the Gods, but they have tried to harm humanity in all of these planets and locations. Jews are created from these species, and they work for them for their goals of enslaving and harming humanity. They are worthless and they are unable to do anything against the Gods, and they are unable to prevent Humanity from growing and advancing with the Gods. But they were able to annoy and bother humanity, and to delay our growth for some time. They are now failed and defeated.

The greys have some basic psychic abilities which are not too special and are nothing compared to the Gods, but are impressive compared to most of Humanity who has no spiritual or psychic knowledge. One of these abilities is to project an image into peoples' minds. This is what the "angels" are, they are collections of programmed curses and energies, together with greys that are directing them. And the grey can project an image into peoples' minds of a beautiful person which the person is imagining and seeing, and the person thinks that the "angel" is this beautiful form. When truly it is just a collection of curses together with a bug-eye freak, and there is nothing beautiful to see. But they want humans to be accepting of these curses, and the only way to accept it is to believe that it is something good, so the image that is projected looks like a beautiful human or a Nordic God. This is where the idea of an "enemy nordic" or "enemy god" comes from, because the person experiences something bad or a curse, but says "I saw the image of a beautiful person / beautiful God." But this is a simple illusion of a projected image, and it was not real.
Here she mentions the enemy nordics

Like I said, there are a few things that are incorrect and outdated.

The 2 mistakes are the false gold mining story, and the "enemy Nordics."

Those are the only incorrect things I am aware of.
They are quite major parts of the story though. If Maxine was in communication with Satan, wouldn’t she have had a clearer understanding of this? And who now says she is wrong? And how do they know?
They are quite major parts of the story though. If Maxine was in communication with Satan, wouldn’t she have had a clearer understanding of this? And who now says she is wrong? And how do they know?

I say what I believe is true. If I am wrong, somebody will reply and correct me.

High Priestess Maxine has written in total thousands of pages of information. To write thousands of pages, and only a couple short sentences are incorrect about 2 small details, is an amazingly perfect record. Also she spent decades creating this miraculous resource to humanity. So her level of advancement on the first day, it is even exponentially higher more than 20 years later with enormous growth being done every day.

Those 2 details were some of the first things ever written as she created Joy of Satan. Back then it was very difficult to find good information, because it was all not publicly known and it was not in any easily accessible books or resources. Nobody knew any book of Truth. High Priestess Maxine is the one who has gone through tens of thousands of books gathering and collecting small pieces of Truth, and assembling them together into one place where the information may all be shared publicly. With maybe only one small sentence or detail of valuable truth in each book. At the time, she only had the information that was available publicly at that time, which included these stories from Zachariah Stichen. There was no great resources for her to use when doing this research, because she is the one who brought it all together and created the resource. Like gathering one drop of water at a time, and bringing it together to build an ocean.

And since then, more information is added as more information becomes available. And High Priest Hooded Cobra is going through thousands of books gathering small pieces of information, and assembling them together. And the total amount of Truth available to us is still increasing by this work. Look at the Gods' rituals and all of the deep knowledge that these contain, none of this information was known publicly until High Priest Hooded Cobra brought it to the public. This is Life and Growth. Always gaining more information and always improving.
They are quite major parts of the story though. If Maxine was in communication with Satan, wouldn’t she have had a clearer understanding of this? And who now says she is wrong? And how do they know?

Communicating with the Gods is not like going to school where the teachers talks to you directly for 6 hours.

Even if she did speak to the Gods, they wouldn't tell her everything. But take in account that this is a very old sermon, she might have not spoke to the Gods that much at that time. And she didn't asked every single information if it's correct from the Gods, rightfully.
They helped her find a very big partion of the truth among millions of lies, over the course of few years, and if few lies slipped in, who cares, it will be corrected later. She did also corrected her own writings with the new information available many times. We know she spent a lot of time on her advancement, she didn't had time to perfect the JoS.

We know that those information are incorrect for the very clear reasons Ol Argedco said. If you can't understand it, let it be, and come back later. I can still advise reading HPHC because you may find even more answers.
Thank you Ol argedco luciftias for the informative text it exactly mirrors my own experience as well in reference to the rituals of the Gods which are very powerful. I have experienced the biggest changes with the Baalzebul ritual which I perform on a daily basis along with the rest of the schedule. Positive changes in all areas of life more confidence, strength, knowledge, wisdom, ethos etc.
Communicating with the Gods is not like going to school where the teachers talks to you directly for 6 hours.

Even if she did speak to the Gods, they wouldn't tell her everything. But take in account that this is a very old sermon, she might have not spoke to the Gods that much at that time. And she didn't asked every single information if it's correct from the Gods, rightfully.
They helped her find a very big partion of the truth among millions of lies, over the course of few years, and if few lies slipped in, who cares, it will be corrected later. She did also corrected her own writings with the new information available many times. We know she spent a lot of time on her advancement, she didn't had time to perfect the JoS.

We know that those information are incorrect for the very clear reasons Ol Argedco said. If you can't understand it, let it be, and come back later. I can still advise reading HPHC because you may find even more answer

thanks for your reply. Yes I was attacking her or anyone else. We get given what we need to know.
It takes some energy to do these rituals. As you become stronger, you will be able to do more. If you are doing multiple at the same time, you will become tired. You can do multiple in the same day if you have some time in between to regain your energy.

Be relaxed and calm, and look through the list of Gods. And if you feel drawn to any of them or feel that you should do one of them, then do it. You will be guided to do the correct one that will be most helpful to you.

Do High Priestess Lydia's working for improving the right side of your mind, and this type of guidance will become stronger.

Thank you.
I will try to take your advice. And I try to use it positively.

I have found that the rituals of the 4 main Gods - Father Satan, Lord Azazel, Lord Baalzebul and Goddess Astarte - are the most challenging for me in this respect.
The ritual of Lord Thoth was the easiest.
Thank you.
I will try to take your advice. And I try to use it positively.

I have found that the rituals of the 4 main Gods - Father Satan, Lord Azazel, Lord Baalzebul and Goddess Astarte - are the most challenging for me in this respect.
The ritual of Lord Thoth was the easiest.
You might have some kind of blockage. Which makes it even more important that you have to do those ones to make this stronger. Everything will become much easier with more practice.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
