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Goddess Leraje - testimonial & sigils


Sep 20, 2017
Greetings to you, my brothers and sisters in Satan,

today I had a very lovely and pleasant experience with Goddess Leraje. I had a personal issue and in my mind something told me that Leraje would help me solve it, so I did a ritual to Satan and asked him to mediate between me and her. I wasn't expecting any sort of conversation neither between me and Satan nor Lerajie, but to my surprise Leraje actually contacted me.

I was very respectful and polite. Leraje was very kind, loving and very sarcastic, she agreed to help me and when I asked her how can I repay her, she kept pointing at her sigil, that I drew for the ritual, and to the computer. She then asked me to draw her Sigil digitally and share it with you guys.

Even though I didn't want to waste her time any further, we chatted for a bit about stuff unrelated to my issue. When I was done asking questions I had the feeling that she wanted to chat further but I ended up the conversation since I had no more important things to say. She is the first God/Goddess to give me this feeling, usually Gods/Goddesses don't have time/like to talk about non-important topics.

Few things she told me about were that I know her from past lives, she reiterated that we have won the war, that things are going to get harder in the new future and that we and our loved ones will be protected through it all. She gave me the feeling that we need to focus on advancing ourselves and bettering our lives and not to panic about things happening around the globe. She also told me some other personal stuff.

So to honor her I tried my best to redrew her sigil in a higher quality and saved it in A4 dimensions in case some of you guys want to print the sigil out, and two times in 1920x1080p dimensions in case someone wants to make the sigil their wallpaper (DO NOT DO SO IF YOU DON'T LIVE ALONE OR IF YOUR PC COULD BE USED/SEEN BY SOMEONE ELSE, I'VE HAD A RANDOM GOY IDENTIFY SATAN'S SIGIL ONCE BEFORE).

She also inspired me to redraw all the Gods' and Goddesses' sigils, but this is definitely a very big project and I'm extremely short on time, so it's going to take me a very long time to redraw them all.

But for now, here is Goddess Leraje's sigil:




I hope you like the sigils I drew, and I hope they help you establish a relationship with Goddess Leraje. She is absolutely amazing!
I'm happy for you ! :D
Hail Satan !
Hail Lerajie !
Hail Seshat !
these look pretty pretty. i wonder how i could turn a god's sigil into a poster. I can see myself doing that at some point and hanging it in an astral temple as soon as I get my own place, then maybe I'd get around to talking to my guardian, which happens to be lord leraje. I've never talked to her in the 4 years i've been dedicated.
Wow that‘s awesome!!
I am happy for you!

Recently, I also made very good experiences with our beloved Demons.

Very inspirational!

Hail Goddess of Love and Pleasure!
Hail Lerajie!!
Those look really nice quality sigils! Are they vector or pixel? Lerajie is one of my most favorite female goddesses. My most favorite next to inanna. She is so fierce and strong, cheers to her!
Big Dipper said:
these look pretty pretty. i wonder how i could turn a god's sigil into a poster. I can see myself doing that at some point and hanging it in an astral temple as soon as I get my own place, then maybe I'd get around to talking to my guardian, which happens to be lord leraje. I've never talked to her in the 4 years i've been dedicated.

I don't recommend you to order custom-made posters with sigils on them, giving your address to a stranger and showing them you're a Satanist is a very bad idea.

If you have an access to a commercial printer, you could print them yourself, otherwise you could maybe paint them on a blank paper.
Ramier108666 said:
Hail Satan Sister. That’s pretty damn awesome. I like what you e did. If it’s a large undertaking, I use my iPad to draw art. I can help with the sigils if you’d like.

You could help if you want, but I personally prefer to work alone. I'm also aiming for a very high quality sigils. A lot of the sigils on the JoS are drawn poorly and aren't "asymmetrical", and I don't know if that's on purpose. For example the straight horizontal line in Leraje's sigil actually has a slope of a couple degrees.

Oh and btw, I'm a man.
Sundara said:
Those look really nice quality sigils! Are they vector or pixel? Lerajie is one of my most favorite female goddesses. My most favorite next to inanna. She is so fierce and strong, cheers to her!

Pixels. I drew them with Krita. It might be a good idea to renew my subscription to Photoshop. I'm more skilled in that.
Guys, save your love and compliments for Goddess Leraje. She's the one to be praised.
Coraxo said:
Ramier108666 said:
Hail Satan Sister. That’s pretty damn awesome. I like what you e did. If it’s a large undertaking, I use my iPad to draw art. I can help with the sigils if you’d like.

You could help if you want, but I personally prefer to work alone. I'm also aiming for a very high quality sigils. A lot of the sigils on the JoS are drawn poorly and aren't "asymmetrical", and I don't know if that's on purpose. For example the straight horizontal line in Leraje's sigil actually has a slope of a couple degrees.

Oh and btw, I'm a man.

Didn’t know you were a guy. Lol. Yes I know what you are talk about. Hmm, I get what you mean about working alone. You mentioned it would be a large undertaking that’s all.
Coraxo said:
Ramier108666 said:
Hail Satan Sister. That’s pretty damn awesome. I like what you e did. If it’s a large undertaking, I use my iPad to draw art. I can help with the sigils if you’d like.

You could help if you want, but I personally prefer to work alone. I'm also aiming for a very high quality sigils. A lot of the sigils on the JoS are drawn poorly and aren't "asymmetrical", and I don't know if that's on purpose. For example the straight horizontal line in Leraje's sigil actually has a slope of a couple degrees.

Oh and btw, I'm a man.

I’ve never noticed it until now about her sigil being tilted. Hmm.. maybe ask her about. It might not necessarily be a mistake.
Very nice work. The high definition sigil looks beautiful.

Congratulations on your contact with Lerajie.
Cherish these bonds you make with the Gods and Goddesses. One can foster a bond akin to friendship with the Gods, don’t hesitate to speak with them about things that come to mind from time to time, even if it’s a casual thing.

One of the ways ones effort and loyalty are rewarded is with such bonds of friendship. It shows you are doing well on your Satanic path.

Hail Lerajie!
Hail Satan!
VoiceofEnki said:
Very nice work. The high definition sigil looks beautiful.

Congratulations on your contact with Lerajie.
Cherish these bonds you make with the Gods and Goddesses. One can foster a bond akin to friendship with the Gods, don’t hesitate to speak with them about things that come to mind from time to time, even if it’s a casual thing.

One of the ways ones effort and loyalty are rewarded is with such bonds of friendship. It shows you are doing well on your Satanic path.

Hail Lerajie!
Hail Satan!

You know what?
This is the most important thing in this path, someone helped me to really understand that. I knew it before, however, now I really understand that.
You are right.

This post, and your comment are a great encouragement for us to actively approach our beloved Gods.
hailourpeople said:
I have I question because lately I also tried to contact her and I failed. The problem probably is that, I stopped meditiation because I was very sick and energies dropped over the months. Did you go into trance or are you advanced spiritualy? Because I am curious why I always fail to contact Demons

It's hard to say why you're failing, since I simply have no idea how you go about contacting the Gods.
I, for instance, always talk with Satan, my Guardian Demon and few other Gods, with whom I have established a relationship over the years, but I neither except nor even try to hear back from whomever I'm talking with when communicating this way. This is because I usually communicate unimportant information, and I don't expect the Gods to waste hours every day to chat with me about nonsense.
Also Satan has made it VERY clear to me in the past that I need to relay on myself to resolve my own problems, whether it's information or spiritual help that I need.

So for me when I contact a God, I almost certainly have a very solid reason to do so, and I think the Gods take that into account when they communicate back. Otherwise when it's not that important, the type of communication I receive is almost exclusively ideas, "intuition", "coincidences" or dreams.

This, of course, is the case for me personally, and might very likely not apply to you.

Also, yes, obviously meditating plays the biggest role here. I hope you don't take offense, but it's quite difficult to communicate with a blind and a deaf person who also has an attention span of a gold fish. Meaning, you really need to advance spiritually, we all do and no one here is an exception.

I feel like some people have completely forgot the whole purpose of Spiritual Satanism. We all ought to try our absolute best to advance spiritually. Be honest with yourselves and pinpoint where you're really at spiritually and start building from there. And keep talking to our lovely Gods and Godesses even if you hear nothing back. Eventually you will. And believe me, they do love you and would gladly talk to you.
Ramier108666 said:
I’ve never noticed it until now about her sigil being tilted. Hmm.. maybe ask her about. It might not necessarily be a mistake.

The safest option would be to just redraw them exactly how they are. I obviously don't want to mess up any sigil just because I think this line should be straight or that circle should be smaller.

Contacting my Guardian Demon would be my safest bet.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Do you happen to have an opinion about this?
hailourpeople said:
Coraxo said:
Greetings to you, my brothers and sisters in Satan,

today I had a very lovely and pleasant experience with Goddess Leraje. I had a personal issue and in my mind something told me that Leraje would help me solve it, so I did a ritual to Satan and asked him to mediate between me and her. I wasn't expecting any sort of conversation neither between me and Satan nor Lerajie, but to my surprise Leraje actually contacted me.

I was very respectful and polite. Leraje was very kind, loving and very sarcastic, she agreed to help me and when I asked her how can I repay her, she kept pointing at her sigil, that I drew for the ritual, and to the computer. She then asked me to draw her Sigil digitally and share it with you guys.

Even though I didn't want to waste her time any further, we chatted for a bit about stuff unrelated to my issue. When I was done asking questions I had the feeling that she wanted to chat further but I ended up the conversation since I had no more important things to say. She is the first God/Goddess to give me this feeling, usually Gods/Goddesses don't have time/like to talk about non-important topics.

Few things she told me about were that I know her from past lives, she reiterated that we have won the war, that things are going to get harder in the new future and that we and our loved ones will be protected through it all. She gave me the feeling that we need to focus on advancing ourselves and bettering our lives and not to panic about things happening around the globe. She also told me some other personal stuff.

So to honor her I tried my best to redrew her sigil in a higher quality and saved it in A4 dimensions in case some of you guys want to print the sigil out, and two times in 1920x1080p dimensions in case someone wants to make the sigil their wallpaper (DO NOT DO SO IF YOU DON'T LIVE ALONE OR IF YOUR PC COULD BE USED/SEEN BY SOMEONE ELSE, I'VE HAD A RANDOM GOY IDENTIFY SATAN'S SIGIL ONCE BEFORE).

She also inspired me to redraw all the Gods' and Goddesses' sigils, but this is definitely a very big project and I'm extremely short on time, so it's going to take me a very long time to redraw them all.

But for now, here is Goddess Leraje's sigil:




I hope you like the sigils I drew, and I hope they help you establish a relationship with Goddess Leraje. She is absolutely amazing!
I have I question because lately I also tried to contact her and I failed. The problem probably is that, I stopped meditiation because I was very sick and energies dropped over the months. Did you go into trance or are you advanced spiritualy? Because I am curious why I always fail to contact Demons

I also contacted her once, I was not able to see or hear her, however, when I asked what I can do for her, she told me telepathically what the deal would be.

Just recently I was able to see my first Demon. You have to open for them, mentally and also spiritually.
You can not just expect to see and hear them when you are nowhere near that level.

I redrew Leraje's sigil and drew the second one as well.
Here is how they look:



You can download both of these sigils and all of their different versions in addition to the sigils of the other Gods and Goddesses (work in progress, see my other post) from this link:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
