JoS Forum Contributions
This was an answer I gave on the Trump State Of The Union Address, but decided to post it as an article as this subject effects the bigger issue:
The National Socialist State in Germany in 1935 took the 21 stock exchanges and took the down to only 9.
The other scam going on is the scam of the Share holders and stock markets. You will never have a ethical wage or rich society for normal people till this is abolished. Your working your Wally World style minimum wage because while your earning around 2 hundred or more dollars of value an hour with your labour. Your wage is devalued because the major part of it is stolen and sucked away to the share holders who get millions of dollars of working people's money to then be able to keep up the cycle of plundering the value creating, working people. But some poor person on peanut welfare is the problem. Not the corporate welfare and tax free status the large corporations all have. You have dozens of major corporations who loot the economy to get rich and ship American jobs to China to undercut wages and raise prices and then don't have to pay any taxes while getting hundreds of millions of dollars in corporate welfare from the nation they loot. But poor people on welfare because their job is in China are the problem.....
As the cycle of grabblering goes on Welfare State Capitalism grows because the economy has been looted dry and people need to live. The politician's are happy to pander for votes and the looters don't mind the peasants getting bread rations to spend at their slave run companies to buy the stuff they once worked to make, now from China at marked up prices in the stores. And the Jewish private banks are happy to print more private money and collect the usury that sucks the nation dryer. How is capitalism not Jooish…… It is. The Jews created it themselves this is admitted by historians it came out of Northern Holland the region full of free Jews and Protestants who wanted to be old testament Jews they created a economic system based on the Old Testament. This is also where the Jewish run slave trading companies started and operated out of and in time colonized and enslaved much of the world the (((Dutch East India Company))). Just like the Jews are doing with their control of China today.
Adam Smith was into Usury and on the pay roll of robber barons and he wrote them a nice propaganda book the book he put USURY as part of capitalism into. The psychology of usury is that of looting others actual work and stealing the fruits of labour off those who produce that labour. THE ENTIRE SYSTEM IS BUILT ON THAT. The ancient Greeks warned about Usury and how it destroyed their own nations and it destroyed Rome. But now its different because its called interest. People should take interest about this strange joo, joo money magic and take interest to ban it like the National Socialist Government in Germany did. There is a reason the word "Usury" appears so much as the negative thing to be banned in the 25 points of the National Socialist Party manifesto.
There is also a reason National Socialist Germany created the richest nation in the world in under a year. For everyone in the nation. Hitler did what American President Andrew Jackson and American President Madison did. He took down the Rothschild bank. The Rothschild's and their Jewish tribe started a war against America with their control of Britain in 1812 for kicking out the Rothschild's "Bank of America" and tried to destroy the American nation with economic warfare to attack Jackson, who himself was a war veteran and hero of the war of 1812. The Rothschild's and their Jewish tribe started a war against Germany in 1939 by their control of Britain, France and America for kicking the Rothschild bank out of Germany.
The Jews are stealing America and the world into debt slavery and the abuse of poverty. We will never have the rights to the fruits of our labour and the labour of our Nation and the liberty that comes with it, till the Jews are stripped of citizenship. America needs another Madison or Jackson.
The National Socialist State in Germany in 1935 took the 21 stock exchanges and took the down to only 9.
The other scam going on is the scam of the Share holders and stock markets. You will never have a ethical wage or rich society for normal people till this is abolished. Your working your Wally World style minimum wage because while your earning around 2 hundred or more dollars of value an hour with your labour. Your wage is devalued because the major part of it is stolen and sucked away to the share holders who get millions of dollars of working people's money to then be able to keep up the cycle of plundering the value creating, working people. But some poor person on peanut welfare is the problem. Not the corporate welfare and tax free status the large corporations all have. You have dozens of major corporations who loot the economy to get rich and ship American jobs to China to undercut wages and raise prices and then don't have to pay any taxes while getting hundreds of millions of dollars in corporate welfare from the nation they loot. But poor people on welfare because their job is in China are the problem.....
As the cycle of grabblering goes on Welfare State Capitalism grows because the economy has been looted dry and people need to live. The politician's are happy to pander for votes and the looters don't mind the peasants getting bread rations to spend at their slave run companies to buy the stuff they once worked to make, now from China at marked up prices in the stores. And the Jewish private banks are happy to print more private money and collect the usury that sucks the nation dryer. How is capitalism not Jooish…… It is. The Jews created it themselves this is admitted by historians it came out of Northern Holland the region full of free Jews and Protestants who wanted to be old testament Jews they created a economic system based on the Old Testament. This is also where the Jewish run slave trading companies started and operated out of and in time colonized and enslaved much of the world the (((Dutch East India Company))). Just like the Jews are doing with their control of China today.
Adam Smith was into Usury and on the pay roll of robber barons and he wrote them a nice propaganda book the book he put USURY as part of capitalism into. The psychology of usury is that of looting others actual work and stealing the fruits of labour off those who produce that labour. THE ENTIRE SYSTEM IS BUILT ON THAT. The ancient Greeks warned about Usury and how it destroyed their own nations and it destroyed Rome. But now its different because its called interest. People should take interest about this strange joo, joo money magic and take interest to ban it like the National Socialist Government in Germany did. There is a reason the word "Usury" appears so much as the negative thing to be banned in the 25 points of the National Socialist Party manifesto.
There is also a reason National Socialist Germany created the richest nation in the world in under a year. For everyone in the nation. Hitler did what American President Andrew Jackson and American President Madison did. He took down the Rothschild bank. The Rothschild's and their Jewish tribe started a war against America with their control of Britain in 1812 for kicking out the Rothschild's "Bank of America" and tried to destroy the American nation with economic warfare to attack Jackson, who himself was a war veteran and hero of the war of 1812. The Rothschild's and their Jewish tribe started a war against Germany in 1939 by their control of Britain, France and America for kicking the Rothschild bank out of Germany.
The Jews are stealing America and the world into debt slavery and the abuse of poverty. We will never have the rights to the fruits of our labour and the labour of our Nation and the liberty that comes with it, till the Jews are stripped of citizenship. America needs another Madison or Jackson.