No complaints. The thing I love most about the Black Race is the natural pride of this Race. I have never seen a white person be happy to be white and go out and promote the fact that he belongs to whites. I have not liked that, although it is not typically related to the White Race, but to certain problems in our society.
But I got to see in the Black Race, despite a lot of trauma from the past and how people consider it an insult to be black, because "we have to eliminate differences, a black person is more or less a white person, there is no such thing as blackness per se. It is a crime to even think that someone is black, etc." The black people I have seen have ALWAYS been proud of that. And proudly many say, "I'm black!" They also have special traditions associated with that. So there is no complaining about it. Black people are proud members of a truly beautiful race with incredible lore in which they have ALWAYS shown resilience, strength and determination..
Black people have never been anyone's slave. The Jews who sold them as slaves in their trades only increased their sense of pride and unity. The Blacks, on the contrary, always proved that they were the Masters. The Masters of themselves, superior to any Jewish attack. The Jews never had power over them except for some passing nonsense in the cotton fields clearly not intended to last more than a truly insignificant number of years.