Devourment said:Hello there.
My name is Victoria and im from Poland. Im 21 years old and im Satanist since i turn 17.
I have a question and i hope you gonna answer me without hate etc.
My question is about theory, i mean those all nazi related topics of SS. In poland it just simply won't go. Our families was badly wounded by nazis during ww2, not because we were jews, just because we were polish, slavic people. As you can imagine this big ammount of nice young and talented people just go away from SS when they see all this connotations, those who Stay with us has rejected any theories about Satan (but not himself, no heresy and other shit is allowed there. We love Him and Demons). We're powerless, because strong group need strong theory, and even if i personally can relate to it my group still just cannot. What do You all think about it? I want polish Satanists to be great again but i need your help. I feel very responsible and worried about it, and also i have a great motivation crisis because all of it. Maybe even i can do something about it? I dont know.
I think that's all for now.
By the way im impressed by this beautiful forum you all created here and i wish every single one a nice day and im sorry for few language mistakes.
The Polish/Germany situation is a really heated one. But this should concern "Nationalists" and not people who are aware of the Gods and their Race. As a race, we are one, with whatever differences there are.
Yes of course, "Poland was only a victim of Germany" and "We dislike the Germans with whom we look almost identical but like the Soviets more" type of memes. Poland has attacked Germany before many times. This is unfortunately the history of things. That aside, Hitler's vision was for the White Race at large.
The more you dig into history, the more mistakes you will find, most of the time, created out of political necessity of the time, which was unavoidable. The USSR was planning to storm in Europe, and this was planned. Hitler had no choice but to do what he did if Europe was to live and not be ruled by the 95% Jewish Cabinet of the USSR.
What about Stalin? How many people Stalin killed in Poland. Didn't he also invade? So why is everyone focusing in particular only on Hitler? Because of course, that is the meme of the time. Did Stalin invade with a bouquet of flowers? Or did they both go in there because fallout was going to fall in Europe because Stalin was planning to invade it? How did Stalin treat tens of millions of people in Ukraine, Russia and so forth?
But we all hear about Hitler. Why? Because victors, in this case, jews, did write the history. Everyone forgot the people of Ukraine, everyone forgot the dead Russian people, who some say are above 50 million total killstreak. But you will have a person in Poland still telling you that Communistm was great or at least better than National Socialism, as if Stalin did never invade them and didn't also kill many Poles. Why do they say such lies to themselves?
It's easy. Because the Jews, hollywood, mainstream history, carefully manufactured these lies. The USSR had academia, publishing press, and many others on the payroll, and the universal Jewish lobby, made sure to give all the attention to who did the least damage for the greatest and most important living purpose for our race at the time. Hitler.
Well, that's what happened, and yes, it was a terrible, depressing atrocity. Cases like this in history leave any leader without any choice. There was no other power in Europe that could fend of this programmed attack, only Germany.
It was either get ruined by USSR and Jews, or get to live another day by making a great sacrifice. Hitler never wanted a war, and tried his best to avoid it until 1939 - where the official Jewish press and Sayanim Network of Jews, decided the war was to be "Forced" on Hitler and Germany. And after that, Hitler was left with no choice, as all Nations went onto Germany and Europe on jewish orders. Hilter had to act, and anyone in his position that had any care, would act.
You don't appear to know your history really well. It's good to open a history book and see how many times Poland has attacked Germany, and get off with the mentalism that Poles were the victims in everything because they were invaded at this particular interval. They have attacked Germany before and slaughtered many Germans also.
All wars between White Nations have been instigated by Jews historically, both WW1, and WW2. Do you pay any attention in Poland and how many Jews there are in every public office? The Jewish community of Poland being one of the most active worldwide and has been so for centuries?
Some of the most disgusting and disturbing Rabbis of the enemy have had their roots and operation base in Poland. Because I know personally there is one reptilian per corner in this country despite of almost all people in it being White, and they have been running things for a long time. Poland always had problems with Communists and Jews.
Germany and Poland have been in war terms since the 10th century, and there was antagonism between the two. Hitler didn't invade because there were Slavs or because of particular "hate", but because The USSR was coming in to storm Europe and the National Socialists knew that war was inevitable. In that event there wouldn't be a Poland and Germany for us to complain about today, but no Europe.
Where we are with jews, and how they put White people against White people, this thing is most common. One must not lose the greatest vision for temporary wrongs done in temporary places. Europe exists today because of Hitler thinning out Stalin when it was necessary. Had he not done that, we would all be assimilated into the Communist borg now, all the way down to Germany.
For a Polish so called "Satanist" you haven't studied anything which it makes me believe you need to further educate yourself, in particular on how the jews run things. You aren't putting in a lot of research there. You just bought a mainstream line and went for it, and that's really harmful. What is next, Poles can't digest Satanism so let them worship Rabbi Yeshua instead because it makes them feel better? Why worship jews?
We must not accept to have our race divided in a time where everything falls apart. Despite of what Poland or Germany thinks, Whites are 9% of worldwide population, and declining. If you are entertained further by making sure this will thin out more, then one is Satan's enemy, as this is a conspiracy to destroy His offspring on earth.
Another example of disinformation is that Hitler hated the Poles on a racial level. The philosopher of the Reich, Nietzsche, had a very common line of arguing that Poles were superior or equal to Germans. This may strike as absurd, but Nietszche said this was the case based on historical examples. Nietszche still remained the central reich philosopher despite of these statements.
There was no racially motivated hate against Poland, but Poland was looked upon with a negative light because of how close it was to Jews. For one, many Poles literally sacrificed to save Jews, and many terrrorist organizations of the time had their roots in Poland. Or let's be accurate: Jews were operating THROUGH Poland. The Polish people had nothing to do with it.
I'll tell you of a more relevant example of what Germany/Poland relations could theoretically do under White leadership which has strength and decency. An example here is the destruction of the invading Islamic hordes into Europe, which was done by co-operation between Germany and Poland at the time. During the Siege of Vienna, the turban wearers were crushed beyond repair and as such, Europe was never taken over by Islam. This is an example of positive co-operation between two White powers, who were against the obvious and common enemy.
In the opposite side of this, we have the terrible events of WW1 [Poland ruined Germany] and then the WW2 [Germany ruined Poland].
Poland nowadays tries to close off to invaders, and Jews like Merkel force it to open up to take the brown flood inside Poland. Same way as they forced WW1 and WW2 last century, bleeding our White folk to death on all sides.
Let us also ask ourselves what would happen without Jews in Poland in WW2, and take a theoretical scenario here.
Poland may have allied with Germany, and turned against the Soviets. What would happen in that regard if Nationalism wasn't followed, and people were wise to kick out Jews and look at our own racial interest? There would be no USSR, no cold war, no dominion of powers that promote Jewish race mixing, and the Russians wouldn't have to undergo the permanent rape and destruction they have underwent under the USSR and has continued even to this day.
What would have happened if Mosley took over Britain? Would there be Londonistan today? What about France, would it be razed to the ground if someone managed it with Race in mind? What about The United States, would it have thrown two Nuclear bomb on the defenseless Japanese were it not for Jews leading it at the time?
What would have happened in Britain, Poland, France, Germany, all were allied against Jewish Communism. Where would Communism be at? Would hundreds of millions have died?
Would we be today 9% of the population in a declining rate if the Jewish version of fake Nationalism [One that serves jews while parading its for the greater good of a people] wasn't followed, and instead, we kept a vision of our people being in space or living in the best terms possible? Would our people be razed in the street for 5$ and gutted by invading hordes? Would all of these things happen?
National Socialism isn't about German dogma, it's about our race and our people surviving and thriving in general. Germans and Poles are part of this. Temporary historical necessity, as sad and depressing it would be, must not blind us to the important aspects of our species surviving in the ages to come.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666