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George zimmerman and the black community

Why would you want to do a destruction ritual on the black militants for? They are just expressing their opinion. George Zimmerman was found not guilty. The black community didn't expected that but it goes to show you how corrupted the judicial system is.

From: "jwazny@..." <jwazny@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 1:01 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community

  I clarified in my response down the thread that i would suggest a destruction ritual on the black militants protesting the outcome of the trial saying its racially oppressive. To try and get reperations for this "injustice". My point being to attack the militia individuals not an entire race. I assume that the "black panther" party is the ones protesting again this is an assumption

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Likando Maboshe <likandomaboshe66@... wrote:

I am not American....but if I understand your system it says the
prosecution have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the accused is
guilty of whatever crime charged against him or her...I am a black man
based in Africa and I have followed this case for a bit and from what I can
tell I dont think the prosecution in this case proved beyond a reasonable
doubt that Zimmerman is guilty thus the verdict not guilty...
now to have a destruction ritual on the black community that's a little to
extreme don't you think? I mean I am black and also a Spiritual

Ooh and lets not forget that the Jews are the masterminds behind every single manipulation and evil on this planet.

From: Hasani Baron <baron_hasani@...
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 2:18 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community

Why would you want to do a destruction ritual on the black militants for? They are just expressing their opinion. George Zimmerman was found not guilty. The black community didn't expected that but it goes to show you how corrupted the judicial system is.

From: "jwazny@..." <jwazny@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 1:01 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community

  I clarified in my response down the thread that i would suggest a destruction ritual on the black militants protesting the outcome of the trial saying its racially oppressive. To try and get reperations for this "injustice". My point being to attack the militia individuals not an entire race. I assume that the "black panther" party is the ones protesting again this is an assumption

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Likando Maboshe <likandomaboshe66@... wrote:

I am not American....but if I understand your system it says the
prosecution have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the accused is
guilty of whatever crime charged against him or her...I am a black man
based in Africa and I have followed this case for a bit and from what I can
tell I dont think the prosecution in this case proved beyond a reasonable
doubt that Zimmerman is guilty thus the verdict not guilty...
now to have a destruction ritual on the black community that's a little to
extreme don't you think? I mean I am black and also a Spiritual

See there you go again purposely trying to put a specific bs spin on things,  while just making shit up.  I called you for the jewy little weasel you are from the start on this and you confirm this yet again. You have been here before and have been banned before. 
From: hells666steward <hells666steward@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 10:40:13 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community
  Sure. I'm an asshole. Who makes it up as I go along.

Thanks for the insults, dude. I haven't insulted you. But I could.


This is really classy. You don't give a shit about anyone but white people, huh?

No wonder the races hate each other.


--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

Keep standing on that liberal soap box in love with your own hubris. I don't have time to address your autist rants. Nor do I really care. Your just some asshole who makes it up as they go along.

From: hells666steward <hells666steward@...
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 12:51:48 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community


I read your diatribe. Twice.

Predictable reply. I actually did address many of the things you said, but no, not all of them.

So Trayvon Martin is a "criminal piece of shit" huh?

So much for due process. Why don't we just have a shooting spree, then. Guilty until proven innocent. That's how America is supposed to work, right? I guess it wouldn't matter as long as one "eyewitness" claims to see something in the dark rainy night. And if the victim is a black kid, all the better.

The accusations of Trayvon being "criminal" are flimsy at best. Was he ever in trouble with the law?

But George Zimmerman the wannabe cop who disobeyed the actual police? He has been in trouble with the law before. For violently attacking women, among other things. Hmm.

My "rant" was not "PC" at all. Looks like you didn't even read it.

Go figure.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

I could get this reply out of any two bit liberal gum ball machine.....Infact most of this has nothing to do with my reply. Its just you going on some PC rant trying to make something of nothing..Infact I get the impression you even didn't read my entire reply or it went in one ear and out the other. I am not repeating myself.
Trayon would still be alive if he was not a violent, criminal piece of shit. And had not attacked Zimmerman for being an active citizen. Only in kosher Ameikwa  is this some type of complex fucking rocket science to understand.

From: hells666steward <hells666steward@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 5:35:23 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community


"The Black community in America is Judized. Even their bogus idea of "Blackness" is nothing but the Jewish idea of Jewishness. Just applied to Blacks. They behave like Jews at this point. Because there a result of decades of Jewish psychological warfare programs."

-the same could be said for whites in America, couldn't it?
Most druggies I know are white. Most people I know who don't have a job, don't have to work, sit around collecting checks for doing nothing. Are white. Either scamming the system or trust fund babies. Take your pick.

Most people I know who break the law are white. Most people I know who break the law and get away with it. Are white. Friends of mine, acquaintances, whatever. Just my own personal experience. And I've known a lot of people.

Affirmative action helps white women much more than black people. This has been common knowledge for years and years. When affirmative action was set in place, enrollment of white women in schools and the hiring of white women for jobs skyrocketed, far beyond what happened for blacks.

As for incarceration of black males etc. This largely has to do with disproportionate enforcement of laws, and the passage of laws that disproportionately affect blscks. For example, cocaine has a penalty much lighter than crack. White people tend to use coke (it's purer and more expensive), black people tend to use crack (it's impure, cheap, and often has effects far worse to the human body than pure coke). Let's also not forget that Reagan and Bush (when he was head of CIA, before he was president) covertly brought crack into inner cities in the 80's - which is how the crack epidemic started. Because the government created it. Just like the Iran-Contra affair, only far less publicized. They are criminals. This is why many black people HATE Ronald Reagan.

Meanwhile, in a place like New York City, where the cops stop and frisk people just because they feel like it, they can arrest anyone for having the smallest amount of marijuana, even though the ways in which they ascertain possession of that marijuana is often illegal. But the system doesn't care. One more nigger to lock away and ruin forever. Give him a record. Prevent him from getting a good job.

Gee. I wonder what happens to someone when you destroy their ability to get a good, decent, honest job????????????????

The fact is, though, that whites smoke just as much pot as blacks do. Actually more, since there are more whites in the country. So why are there more arrests of black people for marijuana than white people?? Maybe because the police aren't stopping and frisking young white people in New York City. They stop black people. Blacks are the target. Because they're always up to no good. Right? Right...

So you can say that black people have been brainwashed. Yes, of course. Hasn't everyone. But you can't act like the deck isn't stacked against them in a way that it isn't for white people. Because that just... isn't true.

Black people need to wake up. Everyone needs to wake up. But it's hard to wake up when there's a guy standing over you filling your veins with sleeping drugs while you're passed out. So to speak.

Yes, black people kill each other every day and that is a huge problem. That's a fucking disaster and in many pockets of the country (not everywhere though) black culture has gone to shit.

But then again, didn't this happen in Europe during the Dark Ages? But no one calls Europeans "barbaric" for these massacres. Of course, you could say that the jews were behind these wars in Europe. And for the most part, you may be correct. But the same would apply to black people in America.

After all, Black people didn't put themselves in chains and jump on board the slave ships. But now, they're in America.

You could say that the jews created and financed the slave trade. True. But white people were still buying slaves. They knew full well that they were bringing black people into a country that many of them believed was going to be exclusively theirs. This is stupidity on its face. If you don't want black people in your country, why would you ship them here against their will??

Personally, I choose not to blame the victim. I avoid pointing too many fingers at black people, or white people, or the Chinese for their shitty government. Yes, it is the victim's responsibility to avoid being victimized in the future and to take control of their own destiny but if I decided to blame the victim 100% then what's the point in trying to save humanity? We're the victims, it's our fault. We should all suffer and die for our collective stupidity.

By the way, one of the police officers who responded to the scene of Martin's death recommended that Zimmerman at least be arrested, due to the preponderance of evidence against him. He was a white guy. I guess the department ignored him.

They didn't even ARREST Zimmerman after Trayvon was killed. THAT's why the whole thing got so much press in the beginning. He wasn't even charged. People had to protest to even get a trial underway. If they had just arrested him, tried him, and acquitted him, people would likely be less upset than they are now.

The fact is, imagine if the tables were turned. Everything in the case is exactly the same - except that Trayvon was a white hispanic dude with a jewish last name, and some black dude got out of his car with hollow bullets and followed him. The white kid ends up dead after the black guy shoots him in the chest with hollow bullets. Exact same scenario, but reverse the races. How would that look to the country? How would that look to you? How would you react to that?

Zimmerman was a trained MMA fighter, knew the law and what to say to police, had hollow bullets loaded in his gun for that extra-lethal kick, and he disobeyed the 9 11 dispatch who told him that they "didn't need him" to follow Martin.

He was the neighborhood watch. He could have just... you know. WATCHED. And called the cops. And followed their advice/orders when they told him to stay put.

Long story short, the whole thing seems very, VERY fishy to me.

Not to mention that if Zimmerman's head was being slammed into the concrete the way he said it was, there would be blood EVERYWHERE.

Head wounds BLEED. We're talking a RIVER of blood. I've seen these types of injuries, up close and in person. Many times. There would be blood EVERYWHERE.

But there wasn't.

One thing we can agree on though, is that the jews play the races against each other and have been playing black people like a fiddle - and the fact that the media uses every opportunity it can to avoid talking about what fucked up things are going on in our government, our banks, and overseas, every day.

I will forever be thankful to Satan for blessing every gentile race with its own dignity and strength. White, Black, Asian, Native American... we are all worthy. Even as we are staring in the face of extermination. And yet, we will all rise and conquer the enemy once and for all in the end.


--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

The Jooz Media was purposely hyping this case from printing false evidence on  the 911 tapes which they purposely lied to make Zimmerman look like a "racist" who just killed this Trayon because he was Black. And on.
This is very revealing and shows several things. The Kosherpath MSM always pushes tabloid junk as a the main story to distract people off real news. Such as Snowdin, Manning and on.
The Jews are trying to incite more racial hatred as they love to do. Which they draw power from.
They where creating this to be propaganda to dismantle important self defense laws such as the Stand your ground law. And to aid in general  the Jewish gun grabbing lobby.
Originally the Police dept found no reason to charge Zimmerman with a crime and left it as self defense. Then the lynch mob lobbies jumped on and turned this into a band wagon. 
Fact is simple Trayon who was not a "child" but a over 6ft tall, 200 pound young male. And had a history of violence and criminal behaviour. Including being caught with B&E tools and unaccountable jewerly in his back pack. Was prowling around on private properity at night dressed to conceal himself checking out houses in an area that just had several break and enters.
Zimmerman who is law enforcement trained and a neighbourhood watch man. Saw this activity and phoned 911 and then went to ask this character what is he doing on priviate properity. Which is his legal right and he is in the Neighbourhood watch.
Trayon then attacked him violently as one witnessed stated. 6ft plus Trayon was sitting on top of little 5ft Zimmerman giving him a lethal beating. Smashing his head into the concert sidewalk. Which is how most people die in street fights. The wounds on Zimmerman showed this to be the case.
So Zimmerman shot him in self defense.
A violent teenage Hoodlum decided to viciously attack the neighbourhood watch man for asking him what he was doing on private properity. And got himself killed by his own behaviour.
Also  what kind of statement is that. On your behalf? For the 'ignorance" of the women on the jury. Ignorance means not to know.They where on the jury and sat thought days and days of evidence from both sides beforing making a choice.
Which means it was an educated choice on their part. The opposite of ignorance.
The Black community in America is Judized. Even their bogus idea of "Blackness" is nothing but the Jewish idea of Jewishness. Just applied to Blacks. They behave like Jews at this point. Because there a result of decades of Jewish psychological warfare programs. So their behaviour is not suprising over this. They use the word "Racist" the same way the Jews shout "anti-semitism." No mistake the JEWs ran the NAACP from the start.
The Jews started they would Communize via Cultural Marxism the Minority communities in America to act as a tool in their Communist take over. Communism is Judaism applied to political strategy to enact the protocols of the Jewish Talmud. Nothing more. The final conquest of the Goyium world by the Jewish race.
The only racial oppression Blacks suffer at this point is from Jews and each other. Blacks kill each other by the tens of thousands in America every year. And turn their communities into opressive urban warzones full of broken homes and lives. Where they murder each other over everything from a bag of chips, to just because. And never seem to care to point out the  Jews behind it. Its always the White man's fault because the Jew tells them so.. Despite over 3 trillon dollars of White tax payers money has been pumped into their miserable lives and Whites gave them equal rights and freedoms. Ended the slave trade and ownership that the Jews where behind. Even tolerated affirmative action. Which is actual racism not the end of it. And bend over backwards for them as a whole day in and day out. Nope just like the Jewz they got their attitude from. Its never, ever enough. And don't you DARE tell them otherwise! OyVeh! The never ending
sense of self
defeating entitlement.
Then the Blacks don't seem to catch onto their psychology actual disempowers them from success at life which then makes them more angry and frustrated at Whites. Which just fuels this negative mentality the Jews put in their head. It does not free them from it. Which is what Jews want. As it pushes racial hostilies to a new level. The Jews have also pumped their heads full of strong self hatred over being Black. Which is then externalized outwards further as part of this. And inwards to a self destructive pathology. Which then reflects in their lives and community. The Jews got them over a barrel.
To the point the lastest demographic reports show the Blacks Race will be wiped out in America in this century. They are dying off in record numbers due to this. When most Black males are either dead, serving 25 to life or dying of diesase. The Blacks make up 12% of the American population but 50% of the maxium security prison inmate population in America.
They call this "racism." But its Jewish ingrained self hatred and the Jewish destruction of their race, culture and community.
By calling this racism they never have to also take some personal power back for themselves and  take the personal responsibility to put an end to the vicious cycle of destruction.
There was a Black fellow who did catch on and was protesting in a Klan robe. That his own people kill tens of thousands of his people each year. And a call for Black reform of their psychological pathologies and community.  And he was viciously raked over the coals by his own kind and the general kosherpath club. Even Bill Cosby was given the same treatment when he told his fellow Blacks they need to free their minds from this self destructive pathology of "Blackness."

From: "jwazny@" <jwazny@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, July 13, 2013 11:10:34 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] George zimmerman and the black community


George zimmerman was found not guilty today by means of self defense im assuming. The black community says its racial oppression and its a racial hate crime. Militia black men were protesting in response to this man being set free by 6 women on a jury. What are your thoughts on this? Do you believe that the black community should have destruction rituals on them for their ignorance about this trial?
I never held "all whites accountable." That's ridiculous.

Even in the quote of mine below. I didn't "hold all white people accountable." Please don't put words in my mouth.

The fact of the matter is, if this is a white country, and if it was founded by whites, for whites, etc. then why did whites *allow* black people here?? Weren't the founding fathers white? Weren't the citizens white? So why didn't they do something about it? Weren't they in control of their own country? AT ALL??

They FAILED. But I'm sure you wouldn't say that... about the Noble White Man. He's flawless and always has been, right?

I'm being facetious in the statement above but not to disparage White People. I know it was difficult to set up the country AT ALL let alone do those things. The Founding Fathers are geniuses and should be commended for their bravery. But you would never say they FAILED in part of their mission, would you? You wouldn't blame the founding fathers for not having the balls, smarts, resources etc for perfecting the United States as soon as it was founded, would you??

No. You wouldn't. And THAT is the point I'm making. You don't talk shit about white people failing to do these things, yet when it comes to black people, you seem to love to talk about how they are killing each other. As if the White race is perfect.

I don't care that Whites *WANTED* to end the slave trade. They didn't. They FAILED. They were too weak to do it, I guess. So why are you blaming black people for being brought to a country - usually against their will - that they never ruled over? Yes, the Black Race has Failed in the past, too. Many times. Of course they have!! And you would freely admit this, and go on a rant about how they are killing themselves, but why aren't you ALSO looking at WHITE PEOPLE in that same light and saying, in equally disparaging terms,

It's double-talk. I am pointing out the hypocrisy. I know jews are the cause. That's obvious to me. Ask Louis Farrakhan about the slave trade. He will tell you it was all jews. Many black people are finding this out. Many already know.

I'm not blaming black people, I'm not blaming white people. Both races are noble. Both deserve the best, both have made mistakes. Same with the Asians. Look at China right now. I wish all of them, the very best. The White Race DESERVES the best! As do the other races, if we all got our asses in gear!!

I don't blame the White or Black races for their greatest errors. I blame the angels and the fucking jews. Because they are the cause.

In the end, it is what it is. It happened. What are you going to do about it? Insult all non-white gentiles? lol insulting gentiles isn't going to help your cause. It will not make our numbers grow. When we become a worldwide phenomenon, it will not get us any support.

When it comes to the great errors of the races, I blame the jews for all of this. But you seem to want to blame everyone BUT Whites. Am I wrong? I know black people have fucked up repeatedly over the years. This is obvious. BUT SO HAVE WHITE PEOPLE. And usually, those fuck-ups happen because the gentiles fall into traps that the kikes have set. Whether it's guns in black neighborhoods or banks stealing white homes in Mississippi. And this is my point. Our fuck-ups, as gentiles, are the results of jewish actions. I don't blame any of the gentile races for their fuck-ups the way I blame the jews.

However, I DO and I WILL hold the gentile races *RESPONSIBLE* for making poor decisions. ALL of the Gentile races. And yes, some white people owned slaves. Some black people did, too. No shit!

Do you like black people at all, Don? lol Do you think they are inferior? That this is "all their fault"??

It seems like when I point out the ways in which the jews fuck over whites, you say "fuck the jews."
But when I point out the ways in which the jews fuck over blacks, it seems to be their fault for being so fucked up.

I know the jews financed the slave trade. I know all about it. I've even turned more than a few people (mostly Germans) into Nazis in my day so please don't talk to me about not knowing what the jews are up to.

I am not making excuses for the errors of black people or white people. White People are a noble race and it seems to me that you think I blame Whites for "everything" Blacks have had to endure, which COULDN'T be farther from the Truth.

What I am saying is that you are not being even-handed.
But I guess you won't see it that way. You will call me "brainwashed" and "kosher" etc because I don't agree with you on the finer points of nuance.

And I get it. I used to run these boards years ago. You get burned out, skeptical, cynical, etc from people disagreeing with you over anything and everything. That's not what I am trying to do.

I am trying to emphasize that the same reason white people aren't living in a perfect civilization is the same reason why black people aren't. It's because the jews have sabotaged both races at every turn.

But when I cite the ways in which the black community has been sabotaged, you call me kosher. Great. Thanks.

We agree far more than you are willing to see but your emphasis is different (which is fine) but your tone is WAY different. If you think I blame White people for "everything" then you haven't been paying attention. Period.

Finger on the ban button yet?

And P.S. why are we even talking about this at all? Oh yeah. Because someone came on here saying we should curse the black race. Huh.

And what was your response, Don?
You didn't even say that they shouldn't be cursed!
You just went into how fucked up black people are!
I rest my case.

No one would ever DARE come on these boards and say we should curse the White Race! lmao are you kidding me?


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

 The Jew slavers hung around the ports on the coast and bought the Black slaves off other Blacks who raided rival tribes. Infact slavery still exists in Africa today.
The record shows 75% of the slave owners in America where Jews, with the other 25% being Amerindians, Whites and free BLACKS.
So no unlike you try and suggest it was not some White people thing. Infact it was the Whites who wanted the slave traded ended and never wished it to have started. And it was the Founding Fathers of America who wished to deal with this mess before it got more ugly but where bound by their own laws. Also most slaves where shipped in before America was a country. But back when it was several colonies of different European powers from France, England and Holland.
Later hundreds of thousands of Blacks returned to Africa under the Liberian movement lead by Douglas a Black Nationalist. A fore runner of Garvey. But it was cut short by the Rothschild murder of the President. Who was backing Douglas with the full power of the American government the plan was for full repatriation of all Blacks. And this was the best time as the effects of the war in its aftermath. Caused the situation to arise in history. But was ended by the enemy.
Guess what even in African Liberia the upperclass Blacks........Owned Blacks slaves by the tens of thousands.
The only stupidity on this subject is your all too tragic opinions which are the result lack of introspection and liberal smug in its place. Just making it up as you go along. I run across this all the time in society for a reason.
See in reality there never was some great democratic vote by all Whites in a nation that did not even exist yet. To allow any of this. Maybe in your fantasy world, but not in this one. So trying to be an asshole and hold all Whites accountable for something you are making up is ridiculous on your part. And is one reason I can't take your opinions seriously. Your lack of historical continuatiy  alone not to mention mixing it with the mainstream Jewish narrative which parades as Liberalism. And trying to pass this off as some great understanding. Like I stated your own post is a two bit, Liberal gum ball machine answer.Its not part of functioning reality. And this thought process is a major problem in the West. Its literally what was called Autism before it was reclassified as medical condition by latter doctors to something else.
Hells666steward wrote:
"Black people didn't put themselves in chains and jump on board the slave ships. But now, they're in America. You could say that the jews created and financed the slave trade. True. But white people were still buying slaves. They knew full well that they were bringing black people into a country that many of them believed was going to be exclusively theirs. This is stupidity on its face. If you don't want black people in your country, why would you ship them here against their will?? "

From: Don Danko <mageson6666@...
To: "[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 8:00:16 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community


Just for the record don't try and put words in my mouth again. Its rude.

From: Don Danko <mageson6666@...
To: "[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 7:58:31 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community

I could get this reply out of any two bit liberal gum ball machine.....Infact most of this has nothing to do with my reply. Its just you going on some PC rant trying to make something of nothing..Infact I get the impression you even didn't read my entire reply or it went in one ear and out the other. I am not repeating myself.
Trayon would still be alive if he was not a violent, criminal piece of shit. And had not attacked Zimmerman for being an active citizen. Only in kosher Ameikwa  is this some type of complex fucking rocket science to understand.

From: hells666steward <hells666steward@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 5:35:23 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community

"The Black community in America is Judized. Even their bogus idea of "Blackness" is nothing but the Jewish idea of Jewishness. Just applied to Blacks. They behave like Jews at this point. Because there a result of decades of Jewish psychological warfare programs." -the same could be said for whites in America, couldn't it?
Most druggies I know are white. Most people I know who don't have a job, don't have to work, sit around collecting checks for doing nothing. Are white. Either scamming the system or trust fund babies. Take your pick. Most people I know who break the law are white. Most people I know who break the law and get away with it. Are white. Friends of mine, acquaintances, whatever. Just my own personal experience. And I've known a lot of people. Affirmative action helps white women much more than black people. This has been common knowledge for years and years. When affirmative action was set in place, enrollment of white women in schools and the hiring of white women for jobs skyrocketed, far beyond what happened for blacks. As for incarceration of black males etc. This largely has to do with disproportionate enforcement of laws, and the passage of laws that disproportionately affect blscks. For example, cocaine has a penalty much lighter than crack. White
people tend to use coke (it's purer and more expensive), black people tend to use crack (it's impure, cheap, and often has effects far worse to the human body than pure coke). Let's also not forget that Reagan and Bush (when he was head of CIA, before he was president) covertly brought crack into inner cities in the 80's - which is how the crack epidemic started. Because the government created it. Just like the Iran-Contra affair, only far less publicized. They are criminals. This is why many black people HATE Ronald Reagan. Meanwhile, in a place like New York City, where the cops stop and frisk people just because they feel like it, they can arrest anyone for having the smallest amount of marijuana, even though the ways in which they ascertain possession of that marijuana is often illegal. But the system doesn't care. One more nigger to lock away and ruin forever. Give him a record. Prevent him from getting a good job. Gee. I wonder what happens to
someone when you destroy their ability to get a good, decent, honest job???????????????? The fact is, though, that whites smoke just as much pot as blacks do. Actually more, since there are more whites in the country. So why are there more arrests of black people for marijuana than white people?? Maybe because the police aren't stopping and frisking young white people in New York City. They stop black people. Blacks are the target. Because they're always up to no good. Right? Right... So you can say that black people have been brainwashed. Yes, of course. Hasn't everyone. But you can't act like the deck isn't stacked against them in a way that it isn't for white people. Because that just... isn't true. Black people need to wake up. Everyone needs to wake up. But it's hard to wake up when there's a guy standing over you filling your veins with sleeping drugs while you're passed out. So to speak. Yes, black people kill each other every day and that is
a huge problem. That's a fucking disaster and in many pockets of the country (not everywhere though) black culture has gone to shit. But then again, didn't this happen in Europe during the Dark Ages? But no one calls Europeans "barbaric" for these massacres. Of course, you could say that the jews were behind these wars in Europe. And for the most part, you may be correct. But the same would apply to black people in America. After all, Black people didn't put themselves in chains and jump on board the slave ships. But now, they're in America. You could say that the jews created and financed the slave trade. True. But white people were still buying slaves. They knew full well that they were bringing black people into a country that many of them believed was going to be exclusively theirs. This is stupidity on its face. If you don't want black people in your country, why would you ship them here against their will?? Personally, I choose not to blame
the victim. I avoid pointing too many fingers at black people, or white people, or the Chinese for their shitty government. Yes, it is the victim's responsibility to avoid being victimized in the future and to take control of their own destiny but if I decided to blame the victim 100% then what's the point in trying to save humanity? We're the victims, it's our fault. We should all suffer and die for our collective stupidity. By the way, one of the police officers who responded to the scene of Martin's death recommended that Zimmerman at least be arrested, due to the preponderance of evidence against him. He was a white guy. I guess the department ignored him. They didn't even ARREST Zimmerman after Trayvon was killed. THAT's why the whole thing got so much press in the beginning. He wasn't even charged. People had to protest to even get a trial underway. If they had just arrested him, tried him, and acquitted him, people would likely be less upset
than they are now. The fact is, imagine if the tables were turned. Everything in the case is exactly the same - except that Trayvon was a white hispanic dude with a jewish last name, and some black dude got out of his car with hollow bullets and followed him. The white kid ends up dead after the black guy shoots him in the chest with hollow bullets. Exact same scenario, but reverse the races. How would that look to the country? How would that look to you? How would you react to that? Zimmerman was a trained MMA fighter, knew the law and what to say to police, had hollow bullets loaded in his gun for that extra-lethal kick, and he disobeyed the 9 11 dispatch who told him that they "didn't need him" to follow Martin. He was the neighborhood watch. He could have just... you know. WATCHED. And called the cops. And followed their advice/orders when they told him to stay put. Long story short, the whole thing seems very, VERY fishy to me. Not to mention
that if Zimmerman's head was being slammed into the concrete the way he said it was, there would be blood EVERYWHERE. Head wounds BLEED. We're talking a RIVER of blood. I've seen these types of injuries, up close and in person. Many times. There would be blood EVERYWHERE. But there wasn't. Anyways,
One thing we can agree on though, is that the jews play the races against each other and have been playing black people like a fiddle - and the fact that the media uses every opportunity it can to avoid talking about what fucked up things are going on in our government, our banks, and overseas, every day. I will forever be thankful to Satan for blessing every gentile race with its own dignity and strength. White, Black, Asian, Native American... we are all worthy. Even as we are staring in the face of extermination. And yet, we will all rise and conquer the enemy once and for all in the end. HAIL SATAN!! --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

The Jooz Media was purposely hyping this case from printing false evidence on  the 911 tapes which they purposely lied to make Zimmerman look like a "racist" who just killed this Trayon because he was Black. And on.
This is very revealing and shows several things. The Kosherpath MSM always pushes tabloid junk as a the main story to distract people off real news. Such as Snowdin, Manning and on.
The Jews are trying to incite more racial hatred as they love to do. Which they draw power from.
They where creating this to be propaganda to dismantle important self defense laws such as the Stand your ground law. And to aid in general  the Jewish gun grabbing lobby.
Originally the Police dept found no reason to charge Zimmerman with a crime and left it as self defense. Then the lynch mob lobbies jumped on and turned this into a band wagon. 
Fact is simple Trayon who was not a "child" but a over 6ft tall, 200 pound young male. And had a history of violence and criminal behaviour. Including being caught with B&E tools and unaccountable jewerly in his back pack. Was prowling around on private properity at night dressed to conceal himself checking out houses in an area that just had several break and enters.
Zimmerman who is law enforcement trained and a neighbourhood watch man. Saw this activity and phoned 911 and then went to ask this character what is he doing on priviate properity. Which is his legal right and he is in the Neighbourhood watch.
Trayon then attacked him violently as one witnessed stated. 6ft plus Trayon was sitting on top of little 5ft Zimmerman giving him a lethal beating. Smashing his head into the concert sidewalk. Which is how most people die in street fights. The wounds on Zimmerman showed this to be the case.
So Zimmerman shot him in self defense.
A violent teenage Hoodlum decided to viciously attack the neighbourhood watch man for asking him what he was doing on private properity. And got himself killed by his own behaviour.
Also  what kind of statement is that. On your behalf? For the 'ignorance" of the women on the jury. Ignorance means not to know.They where on the jury and sat thought days and days of evidence from both sides beforing making a choice.
Which means it was an educated choice on their part. The opposite of ignorance.
The Black community in America is Judized. Even their bogus idea of "Blackness" is nothing but the Jewish idea of Jewishness. Just applied to Blacks. They behave like Jews at this point. Because there a result of decades of Jewish psychological warfare programs. So their behaviour is not suprising over this. They use the word "Racist" the same way the Jews shout "anti-semitism." No mistake the JEWs ran the NAACP from the start.
The Jews started they would Communize via Cultural Marxism the Minority communities in America to act as a tool in their Communist take over. Communism is Judaism applied to political strategy to enact the protocols of the Jewish Talmud. Nothing more. The final conquest of the Goyium world by the Jewish race.
The only racial oppression Blacks suffer at this point is from Jews and each other. Blacks kill each other by the tens of thousands in America every year. And turn their communities into opressive urban warzones full of broken homes and lives. Where they murder each other over everything from a bag of chips, to just because. And never seem to care to point out the  Jews behind it. Its always the White man's fault because the Jew tells them so.. Despite over 3 trillon dollars of White tax payers money has been pumped into their miserable lives and Whites gave them equal rights and freedoms. Ended the slave trade and ownership that the Jews where behind. Even tolerated affirmative action. Which is actual racism not the end of it. And bend over backwards for them as a whole day in and day out. Nope just like the Jewz they got their attitude from. Its never, ever enough. And don't you DARE tell them otherwise! OyVeh! The never ending sense of self
defeating entitlement.
Then the Blacks don't seem to catch onto their psychology actual disempowers them from success at life which then makes them more angry and frustrated at Whites. Which just fuels this negative mentality the Jews put in their head. It does not free them from it. Which is what Jews want. As it pushes racial hostilies to a new level. The Jews have also pumped their heads full of strong self hatred over being Black. Which is then externalized outwards further as part of this. And inwards to a self destructive pathology. Which then reflects in their lives and community. The Jews got them over a barrel.
To the point the lastest demographic reports show the Blacks Race will be wiped out in America in this century. They are dying off in record numbers due to this. When most Black males are either dead, serving 25 to life or dying of diesase. The Blacks make up 12% of the American population but 50% of the maxium security prison inmate population in America.
They call this "racism." But its Jewish ingrained self hatred and the Jewish destruction of their race, culture and community.
By calling this racism they never have to also take some personal power back for themselves and  take the personal responsibility to put an end to the vicious cycle of destruction.
There was a Black fellow who did catch on and was protesting in a Klan robe. That his own people kill tens of thousands of his people each year. And a call for Black reform of their psychological pathologies and community.  And he was viciously raked over the coals by his own kind and the general kosherpath club. Even Bill Cosby was given the same treatment when he told his fellow Blacks they need to free their minds from this self destructive pathology of "Blackness."

From: "jwazny@" <jwazny@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com Sent: Saturday, July 13, 2013 11:10:34 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] George zimmerman and the black community


George zimmerman was found not guilty today by means of self defense im assuming. The black community says its racial oppression and its a racial hate crime. Militia black men were protesting in response to this man being set free by 6 women on a jury. What are your thoughts on this? Do you believe that the black community should have destruction rituals on them for their ignorance about this trial?
Oh, absolutely!

I've read the articles - of which there are aplenty - on the web about all of the supposed evidence; of what was supposed to have happened and how. I know that 99% of what's on the mainstream media is fantasy made up by the jews that own the mainstream media.

I know what you've said on it is the truth.

I take what I read from you, what is put forth in the mainstream media, and I ask for Father and my GD to help me know what the truth is. And what you've written here - and on other subjects - rings with truth to me.

Mostly, what I wrote was in response to all the others that wanted to argue with you. I wish so much for my brother and sisters in Father to open their eyes and stop buying into the lies that they get from the mainstream media on things. It's a lesson I learned a long time ago.

I learned to read all of it with an objective eye, to not just believe what I read and see. I tend to take all of it with a really large grain of salt. I've learned to trust my discernment, and now Father and my GD. I ask them both, all the time, to help me know the truth. I don't want to just go with what I think the truth may be. I want the truth. If that makes any sense.

Thank You, HP Don, for always having the guts to stand up to the lies and expose them for being just that.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

Remember originally the local police dept didn't charge Zimmerman as they found it was a clear case of self defense. It was only when the Jews started to whip up a political lynch mob even getting Obama to stand in public and declare Trayon "could of been his son." And on. This was purposely turned into a show trial.And propaganda stunt even a major Jooz was network caught trying to doctor the original 911 call to libel Zimmerman with. Which is creating false evidence.
The whole trial was a farce they didn't have any evidence against Zimmerman, it was simply malicious.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

Best to do such spiritual warfare rituals at the kikes as they are the root of the problem.

From: "jwazny@..." <jwazny@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 10:16:42 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community


When i spoke of a destruction ritual i suggested it for the black militants who are turning the trial into a "racial oppression" motivated hate crime. When it is noted that if you watch the media or fox news and are educated zimmermans lawyer stated that the trial had nothing to do with race. It was not a hate crime, it was a case of self defense. He yelled at reporters saying that they made zimmerman look like a martyr but im rambling. These are the facts i have gathered. So when i suggest a destruction ritual it is against the black militants who are using the media to turn this into a civil case TO GET MONEY. even if the poor fucking guy goes to civil court his lawyers will file for immunity so nothing will happen if the guy goes to civil court.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "hells666steward" <hells666steward@ wrote:

lol are you a Satanist, or a kike?

You want to have a destruction ritual against an entire gentile race?


--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "jwazny@" <jwazny@ wrote:

George zimmerman was found not guilty today by means of self defense im assuming. The black community says its racial oppression and its a racial hate crime. Militia black men were protesting in response to this man being set free by 6 women on a jury. What are your thoughts on this? Do you believe that the black community should have destruction rituals on them for their ignorance about this trial?
Yeah, I think that's pretty extreme, myself.

I don't think anyone who is serious here really wants to do that.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Likando Maboshe <likandomaboshe66@... wrote:

I am not American....but if I understand your system it says the
prosecution have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the accused is
guilty of whatever crime charged against him or her...I am a black man
based in Africa and I have followed this case for a bit and from what I can
tell I dont think the prosecution in this case proved beyond a reasonable
doubt that Zimmerman is guilty thus the verdict not guilty...
now to have a destruction ritual on the black community that's a little to
extreme don't you think? I mean I am black and also a Spiritual
There is nothing here for me to answer its just you. Back handed admitting to me you know you have been doing nothing but spining lies to myself. Now since you can't be an honest person and you resort to libel, red herrings and lies and general double talk to me even in PM. You will simply as stated have to banned.....Yet again. Your hubris is not my concern.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hells666steward" <hells666steward@... wrote:

I never held "all whites accountable." That's ridiculous.

Even in the quote of mine below. I didn't "hold all white people accountable." Please don't put words in my mouth.

The fact of the matter is, if this is a white country, and if it was founded by whites, for whites, etc. then why did whites *allow* black people here?? Weren't the founding fathers white? Weren't the citizens white? So why didn't they do something about it? Weren't they in control of their own country? AT ALL??

They FAILED. But I'm sure you wouldn't say that... about the Noble White Man. He's flawless and always has been, right?

I'm being facetious in the statement above but not to disparage White People. I know it was difficult to set up the country AT ALL let alone do those things. The Founding Fathers are geniuses and should be commended for their bravery. But you would never say they FAILED in part of their mission, would you? You wouldn't blame the founding fathers for not having the balls, smarts, resources etc for perfecting the United States as soon as it was founded, would you??

No. You wouldn't. And THAT is the point I'm making. You don't talk shit about white people failing to do these things, yet when it comes to black people, you seem to love to talk about how they are killing each other. As if the White race is perfect.

I don't care that Whites *WANTED* to end the slave trade. They didn't. They FAILED. They were too weak to do it, I guess. So why are you blaming black people for being brought to a country - usually against their will - that they never ruled over? Yes, the Black Race has Failed in the past, too. Many times. Of course they have!! And you would freely admit this, and go on a rant about how they are killing themselves, but why aren't you ALSO looking at WHITE PEOPLE in that same light and saying, in equally disparaging terms,

It's double-talk. I am pointing out the hypocrisy. I know jews are the cause. That's obvious to me. Ask Louis Farrakhan about the slave trade. He will tell you it was all jews. Many black people are finding this out. Many already know.

I'm not blaming black people, I'm not blaming white people. Both races are noble. Both deserve the best, both have made mistakes. Same with the Asians. Look at China right now. I wish all of them, the very best. The White Race DESERVES the best! As do the other races, if we all got our asses in gear!!

I don't blame the White or Black races for their greatest errors. I blame the angels and the fucking jews. Because they are the cause.

In the end, it is what it is. It happened. What are you going to do about it? Insult all non-white gentiles? lol insulting gentiles isn't going to help your cause. It will not make our numbers grow. When we become a worldwide phenomenon, it will not get us any support.

When it comes to the great errors of the races, I blame the jews for all of this. But you seem to want to blame everyone BUT Whites. Am I wrong? I know black people have fucked up repeatedly over the years. This is obvious. BUT SO HAVE WHITE PEOPLE. And usually, those fuck-ups happen because the gentiles fall into traps that the kikes have set. Whether it's guns in black neighborhoods or banks stealing white homes in Mississippi. And this is my point. Our fuck-ups, as gentiles, are the results of jewish actions. I don't blame any of the gentile races for their fuck-ups the way I blame the jews.

However, I DO and I WILL hold the gentile races *RESPONSIBLE* for making poor decisions. ALL of the Gentile races. And yes, some white people owned slaves. Some black people did, too. No shit!

Do you like black people at all, Don? lol Do you think they are inferior? That this is "all their fault"??

It seems like when I point out the ways in which the jews fuck over whites, you say "fuck the jews."
But when I point out the ways in which the jews fuck over blacks, it seems to be their fault for being so fucked up.

I know the jews financed the slave trade. I know all about it. I've even turned more than a few people (mostly Germans) into Nazis in my day so please don't talk to me about not knowing what the jews are up to.

I am not making excuses for the errors of black people or white people. White People are a noble race and it seems to me that you think I blame Whites for "everything" Blacks have had to endure, which COULDN'T be farther from the Truth.

What I am saying is that you are not being even-handed.
But I guess you won't see it that way. You will call me "brainwashed" and "kosher" etc because I don't agree with you on the finer points of nuance.

And I get it. I used to run these boards years ago. You get burned out, skeptical, cynical, etc from people disagreeing with you over anything and everything. That's not what I am trying to do.

I am trying to emphasize that the same reason white people aren't living in a perfect civilization is the same reason why black people aren't. It's because the jews have sabotaged both races at every turn.

But when I cite the ways in which the black community has been sabotaged, you call me kosher. Great. Thanks.

We agree far more than you are willing to see but your emphasis is different (which is fine) but your tone is WAY different. If you think I blame White people for "everything" then you haven't been paying attention. Period.

Finger on the ban button yet?

And P.S. why are we even talking about this at all? Oh yeah. Because someone came on here saying we should curse the black race. Huh.

And what was your response, Don?
You didn't even say that they shouldn't be cursed!
You just went into how fucked up black people are!
I rest my case.

No one would ever DARE come on these boards and say we should curse the White Race! lmao are you kidding me?


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

 The Jew slavers hung around the ports on the coast and bought the Black slaves off other Blacks who raided rival tribes. Infact slavery still exists in Africa today.
The record shows 75% of the slave owners in America where Jews, with the other 25% being Amerindians, Whites and free BLACKS.
So no unlike you try and suggest it was not some White people thing. Infact it was the Whites who wanted the slave traded ended and never wished it to have started. And it was the Founding Fathers of America who wished to deal with this mess before it got more ugly but where bound by their own laws. Also most slaves where shipped in before America was a country. But back when it was several colonies of different European powers from France, England and Holland.
Later hundreds of thousands of Blacks returned to Africa under the Liberian movement lead by Douglas a Black Nationalist. A fore runner of Garvey. But it was cut short by the Rothschild murder of the President. Who was backing Douglas with the full power of the American government the plan was for full repatriation of all Blacks. And this was the best time as the effects of the war in its aftermath. Caused the situation to arise in history. But was ended by the enemy.
Guess what even in African Liberia the upperclass Blacks........Owned Blacks slaves by the tens of thousands.
The only stupidity on this subject is your all too tragic opinions which are the result lack of introspection and liberal smug in its place. Just making it up as you go along. I run across this all the time in society for a reason.
See in reality there never was some great democratic vote by all Whites in a nation that did not even exist yet. To allow any of this. Maybe in your fantasy world, but not in this one. So trying to be an asshole and hold all Whites accountable for something you are making up is ridiculous on your part. And is one reason I can't take your opinions seriously. Your lack of historical continuatiy  alone not to mention mixing it with the mainstream Jewish narrative which parades as Liberalism. And trying to pass this off as some great understanding. Like I stated your own post is a two bit, Liberal gum ball machine answer.Its not part of functioning reality. And this thought process is a major problem in the West. Its literally what was called Autism before it was reclassified as medical condition by latter doctors to something else.
Hells666steward wrote:
"Black people didn't put themselves in chains and jump on board the slave ships. But now, they're in America. You could say that the jews created and financed the slave trade. True. But white people were still buying slaves. They knew full well that they were bringing black people into a country that many of them believed was going to be exclusively theirs. This is stupidity on its face. If you don't want black people in your country, why would you ship them here against their will?? "

From: Don Danko <mageson6666@
To: "[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 8:00:16 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community


Just for the record don't try and put words in my mouth again. Its rude.

From: Don Danko <mageson6666@
To: "[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 7:58:31 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community

I could get this reply out of any two bit liberal gum ball machine.....Infact most of this has nothing to do with my reply. Its just you going on some PC rant trying to make something of nothing..Infact I get the impression you even didn't read my entire reply or it went in one ear and out the other. I am not repeating myself.
Trayon would still be alive if he was not a violent, criminal piece of shit. And had not attacked Zimmerman for being an active citizen. Only in kosher Ameikwa  is this some type of complex fucking rocket science to understand.

From: hells666steward <hells666steward@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 5:35:23 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community

"The Black community in America is Judized. Even their bogus idea of "Blackness" is nothing but the Jewish idea of Jewishness. Just applied to Blacks. They behave like Jews at this point. Because there a result of decades of Jewish psychological warfare programs." -the same could be said for whites in America, couldn't it?
Most druggies I know are white. Most people I know who don't have a job, don't have to work, sit around collecting checks for doing nothing. Are white. Either scamming the system or trust fund babies. Take your pick. Most people I know who break the law are white. Most people I know who break the law and get away with it. Are white. Friends of mine, acquaintances, whatever. Just my own personal experience. And I've known a lot of people. Affirmative action helps white women much more than black people. This has been common knowledge for years and years. When affirmative action was set in place, enrollment of white women in schools and the hiring of white women for jobs skyrocketed, far beyond what happened for blacks. As for incarceration of black males etc. This largely has to do with disproportionate enforcement of laws, and the passage of laws that disproportionately affect blscks. For example, cocaine has a penalty much lighter than crack. White
people tend to use coke (it's purer and more expensive), black people tend to use crack (it's impure, cheap, and often has effects far worse to the human body than pure coke). Let's also not forget that Reagan and Bush (when he was head of CIA, before he was president) covertly brought crack into inner cities in the 80's - which is how the crack epidemic started. Because the government created it. Just like the Iran-Contra affair, only far less publicized. They are criminals. This is why many black people HATE Ronald Reagan. Meanwhile, in a place like New York City, where the cops stop and frisk people just because they feel like it, they can arrest anyone for having the smallest amount of marijuana, even though the ways in which they ascertain possession of that marijuana is often illegal. But the system doesn't care. One more nigger to lock away and ruin forever. Give him a record. Prevent him from getting a good job. Gee. I wonder what happens to
someone when you destroy their ability to get a good, decent, honest job???????????????? The fact is, though, that whites smoke just as much pot as blacks do. Actually more, since there are more whites in the country. So why are there more arrests of black people for marijuana than white people?? Maybe because the police aren't stopping and frisking young white people in New York City. They stop black people. Blacks are the target. Because they're always up to no good. Right? Right... So you can say that black people have been brainwashed. Yes, of course. Hasn't everyone. But you can't act like the deck isn't stacked against them in a way that it isn't for white people. Because that just... isn't true. Black people need to wake up. Everyone needs to wake up. But it's hard to wake up when there's a guy standing over you filling your veins with sleeping drugs while you're passed out. So to speak. Yes, black people kill each other every day and that is
a huge problem. That's a fucking disaster and in many pockets of the country (not everywhere though) black culture has gone to shit. But then again, didn't this happen in Europe during the Dark Ages? But no one calls Europeans "barbaric" for these massacres. Of course, you could say that the jews were behind these wars in Europe. And for the most part, you may be correct. But the same would apply to black people in America. After all, Black people didn't put themselves in chains and jump on board the slave ships. But now, they're in America. You could say that the jews created and financed the slave trade. True. But white people were still buying slaves. They knew full well that they were bringing black people into a country that many of them believed was going to be exclusively theirs. This is stupidity on its face. If you don't want black people in your country, why would you ship them here against their will?? Personally, I choose not to blame
the victim. I avoid pointing too many fingers at black people, or white people, or the Chinese for their shitty government. Yes, it is the victim's responsibility to avoid being victimized in the future and to take control of their own destiny but if I decided to blame the victim 100% then what's the point in trying to save humanity? We're the victims, it's our fault. We should all suffer and die for our collective stupidity. By the way, one of the police officers who responded to the scene of Martin's death recommended that Zimmerman at least be arrested, due to the preponderance of evidence against him. He was a white guy. I guess the department ignored him. They didn't even ARREST Zimmerman after Trayvon was killed. THAT's why the whole thing got so much press in the beginning. He wasn't even charged. People had to protest to even get a trial underway. If they had just arrested him, tried him, and acquitted him, people would likely be less upset
than they are now. The fact is, imagine if the tables were turned. Everything in the case is exactly the same - except that Trayvon was a white hispanic dude with a jewish last name, and some black dude got out of his car with hollow bullets and followed him. The white kid ends up dead after the black guy shoots him in the chest with hollow bullets. Exact same scenario, but reverse the races. How would that look to the country? How would that look to you? How would you react to that? Zimmerman was a trained MMA fighter, knew the law and what to say to police, had hollow bullets loaded in his gun for that extra-lethal kick, and he disobeyed the 9 11 dispatch who told him that they "didn't need him" to follow Martin. He was the neighborhood watch. He could have just... you know. WATCHED. And called the cops. And followed their advice/orders when they told him to stay put. Long story short, the whole thing seems very, VERY fishy to me. Not to mention
that if Zimmerman's head was being slammed into the concrete the way he said it was, there would be blood EVERYWHERE. Head wounds BLEED. We're talking a RIVER of blood. I've seen these types of injuries, up close and in person. Many times. There would be blood EVERYWHERE. But there wasn't. Anyways,
One thing we can agree on though, is that the jews play the races against each other and have been playing black people like a fiddle - and the fact that the media uses every opportunity it can to avoid talking about what fucked up things are going on in our government, our banks, and overseas, every day. I will forever be thankful to Satan for blessing every gentile race with its own dignity and strength. White, Black, Asian, Native American... we are all worthy. Even as we are staring in the face of extermination. And yet, we will all rise and conquer the enemy once and for all in the end. HAIL SATAN!! --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

The Jooz Media was purposely hyping this case from printing false evidence on  the 911 tapes which they purposely lied to make Zimmerman look like a "racist" who just killed this Trayon because he was Black. And on.
This is very revealing and shows several things. The Kosherpath MSM always pushes tabloid junk as a the main story to distract people off real news. Such as Snowdin, Manning and on.
The Jews are trying to incite more racial hatred as they love to do. Which they draw power from.
They where creating this to be propaganda to dismantle important self defense laws such as the Stand your ground law. And to aid in general  the Jewish gun grabbing lobby.
Originally the Police dept found no reason to charge Zimmerman with a crime and left it as self defense. Then the lynch mob lobbies jumped on and turned this into a band wagon. 
Fact is simple Trayon who was not a "child" but a over 6ft tall, 200 pound young male. And had a history of violence and criminal behaviour. Including being caught with B&E tools and unaccountable jewerly in his back pack. Was prowling around on private properity at night dressed to conceal himself checking out houses in an area that just had several break and enters.
Zimmerman who is law enforcement trained and a neighbourhood watch man. Saw this activity and phoned 911 and then went to ask this character what is he doing on priviate properity. Which is his legal right and he is in the Neighbourhood watch.
Trayon then attacked him violently as one witnessed stated. 6ft plus Trayon was sitting on top of little 5ft Zimmerman giving him a lethal beating. Smashing his head into the concert sidewalk. Which is how most people die in street fights. The wounds on Zimmerman showed this to be the case.
So Zimmerman shot him in self defense.
A violent teenage Hoodlum decided to viciously attack the neighbourhood watch man for asking him what he was doing on private properity. And got himself killed by his own behaviour.
Also  what kind of statement is that. On your behalf? For the 'ignorance" of the women on the jury. Ignorance means not to know.They where on the jury and sat thought days and days of evidence from both sides beforing making a choice.
Which means it was an educated choice on their part. The opposite of ignorance.
The Black community in America is Judized. Even their bogus idea of "Blackness" is nothing but the Jewish idea of Jewishness. Just applied to Blacks. They behave like Jews at this point. Because there a result of decades of Jewish psychological warfare programs. So their behaviour is not suprising over this. They use the word "Racist" the same way the Jews shout "anti-semitism." No mistake the JEWs ran the NAACP from the start.
The Jews started they would Communize via Cultural Marxism the Minority communities in America to act as a tool in their Communist take over. Communism is Judaism applied to political strategy to enact the protocols of the Jewish Talmud. Nothing more. The final conquest of the Goyium world by the Jewish race.
The only racial oppression Blacks suffer at this point is from Jews and each other. Blacks kill each other by the tens of thousands in America every year. And turn their communities into opressive urban warzones full of broken homes and lives. Where they murder each other over everything from a bag of chips, to just because. And never seem to care to point out the  Jews behind it. Its always the White man's fault because the Jew tells them so.. Despite over 3 trillon dollars of White tax payers money has been pumped into their miserable lives and Whites gave them equal rights and freedoms. Ended the slave trade and ownership that the Jews where behind. Even tolerated affirmative action. Which is actual racism not the end of it. And bend over backwards for them as a whole day in and day out. Nope just like the Jewz they got their attitude from. Its never, ever enough. And don't you DARE tell them otherwise! OyVeh! The never ending sense of self
defeating entitlement.
Then the Blacks don't seem to catch onto their psychology actual disempowers them from success at life which then makes them more angry and frustrated at Whites. Which just fuels this negative mentality the Jews put in their head. It does not free them from it. Which is what Jews want. As it pushes racial hostilies to a new level. The Jews have also pumped their heads full of strong self hatred over being Black. Which is then externalized outwards further as part of this. And inwards to a self destructive pathology. Which then reflects in their lives and community. The Jews got them over a barrel.
To the point the lastest demographic reports show the Blacks Race will be wiped out in America in this century. They are dying off in record numbers due to this. When most Black males are either dead, serving 25 to life or dying of diesase. The Blacks make up 12% of the American population but 50% of the maxium security prison inmate population in America.
They call this "racism." But its Jewish ingrained self hatred and the Jewish destruction of their race, culture and community.
By calling this racism they never have to also take some personal power back for themselves and  take the personal responsibility to put an end to the vicious cycle of destruction.
There was a Black fellow who did catch on and was protesting in a Klan robe. That his own people kill tens of thousands of his people each year. And a call for Black reform of their psychological pathologies and community.  And he was viciously raked over the coals by his own kind and the general kosherpath club. Even Bill Cosby was given the same treatment when he told his fellow Blacks they need to free their minds from this self destructive pathology of "Blackness."

From: "jwazny@" <jwazny@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com Sent: Saturday, July 13, 2013 11:10:34 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] George zimmerman and the black community


George zimmerman was found not guilty today by means of self defense im assuming. The black community says its racial oppression and its a racial hate crime. Militia black men were protesting in response to this man being set free by 6 women on a jury. What are your thoughts on this? Do you believe that the black community should have destruction rituals on them for their ignorance about this trial?
I'm not telling you what to have discussion on. With so many people having deferent feelings about who was in the right, insults and the lights, we do not need. That is what the jews would love out of us. The jews would love for us to have an argument about it.

On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 10:31 PM, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
  Thanks for telling us what where allowed to have a discussion on.
From: dvdpst <dvdposton@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 10:24:11 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community
  This what I mean. If you want to talk about the jews behind it, ok. But his not being acquittal, leave it out. On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 9:31 PM, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
  Remember originally the local police dept didn't charge Zimmerman as they found it was a clear case of self defense. It was only when the Jews started to whip up a political lynch mob even getting Obama to stand in public and declare Trayon "could of been his son." And on. This was purposely turned into a show trial.And propaganda stunt even a major Jooz was network caught trying to doctor the original 911 call to libel Zimmerman with. Which is creating false evidence.  The whole trial was a farce they didn't have any evidence against Zimmerman, it was simply malicious.
From: siannamarie13 <siannamarie13@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 1:30:22 PM Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community   HP Don is right. This is about the jewish control of everything, as it always is. Ultimately, it isn't about Black militants. It isn't about `hate crime'. It isn't even about white on black crime. It is about the jews trying – once again – to get the gentile races fighting amongst themselves. As long as we are separated by hatred and mistrust of each other, we're relatively easy to control. It keeps us focused off the really important things, like how they control us. We're so busy with hating each other that we won't see that it's all about keeping us off balance so much so that we don't see that we're being played by them. It's a perfect game, for them. Things like stirring up racial hatred is one of their best methods for keeping the gentile races at each other's throats. Remember: they own all the media. They have the ability to not only cover up the facts, they can also generate any `evidence' they want. They are master manipulators. They control all the money, all the resources. This whole Zimmerman affair is the perfect way to start a race war in Florida, as well as other places here in the US. It was known, I feel, from the beginning, that Zimmerman was innocent, but that the outcome would be fuel for the Black militants to justify rioting and other such ugliness. The reptilian-jews WANT that. They can use it as an excuse to roll out martial law. I haven't always agreed with HP Don on things. But only to a very, very small degree. The more I read from him, the more I realize he's pretty hooked in to how things are, and how they work. He's got a clear connection to Father and the other Gods of Hell. I have little doubt they give him all kinds of help in knowing the truth of things, of where to look for unadulterated sources of information. He isn't someone I'm likely to criticize on the source of his facts. Blacks in general – not as a whole, mind you – have suffered more than most any other gentile race at the hands of the reptilian-jew scum. The very thought of some of the things blacks as a race have had to endure at their hands makes my stomach turn. That being said… There comes a time for every human when they are faced with a moment of utter, abject clarity; one in which they realize they have a choice to make: to continue down the easy road, and sink all the way down into willful ignorance, or to wake up and stay awake, to take responsibility for themselves and their life, to no longer accept that `that's just the way things are, so I just shouldn't even bother to try.' And yes, I do believe that whole heartedly. It's that part of our Father that is in each and every one of His children. It is the thing that speaks to their heart and mind, the thing that wakes them up enough to where they are able to see they DO have a choice. However, Father will never force them to choose. He will never threaten them with eternal damnation if they don't choose Him and the Truth. Something they won't get from the reptilian-jews. We SS need to become whole and one in our efforts against the reptilian-jews. THEY are the ones that need our continual focus on the destruction of. NOT of our Black Brothers and Sisters. We want to focus on the eradication of the cause, not the symptoms. In Service to Our Father… Heil Satan! Heil the Great Gods of Duat! Heil Hitler! --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote: Best to do such spiritual warfare rituals at the kikes as they are the root of the problem.
Thats why we need it. What is the truth of the matter. Consider it a growing experience, otherwise we are in a straight jacket. Just stating the jooz this or that. Is not a logic reason to live in a mental cell.
From: dvdpst <dvdposton@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 6:16:05 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community
  I'm not telling you what to have discussion on. With so many people having deferent feelings about who was in the right.....................   
On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 10:31 PM, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
  Thanks for telling us what where allowed to have a discussion on.
From: dvdpst <dvdposton@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 10:24:11 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community
  This what I mean. If you want to talk about the jews behind it, ok. But his not being acquittal, leave it out. On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 9:31 PM, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
  Remember originally the local police dept didn't charge Zimmerman as they found it was a clear case of self defense. It was only when the Jews started to whip up a political lynch mob even getting Obama to stand in public and declare Trayon "could of been his son." And on. This was purposely turned into a show trial.And propaganda stunt even a major Jooz was network caught trying to doctor the original 911 call to libel Zimmerman with. Which is creating false evidence.  The whole trial was a farce they didn't have any evidence against Zimmerman, it was simply malicious.
From: siannamarie13 <siannamarie13@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 1:30:22 PM Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community   HP Don is right. This is about the jewish control of everything, as it always is. Ultimately, it isn't about Black militants. It isn't about `hate crime'. It isn't even about white on black crime. It is about the jews trying – once again – to get the gentile races fighting amongst themselves. As long as we are separated by hatred and mistrust of each other, we're relatively easy to control. It keeps us focused off the really important things, like how they control us. We're so busy with hating each other that we won't see that it's all about keeping us off balance so much so that we don't see that we're being played by them. It's a perfect game, for them. Things like stirring up racial hatred is one of their best methods for keeping the gentile races at each other's throats. Remember: they own all the media. They have the ability to not only cover up the facts, they can also generate any `evidence' they want. They are master manipulators. They control all the money, all the resources. This whole Zimmerman affair is the perfect way to start a race war in Florida, as well as other places here in the US. It was known, I feel, from the beginning, that Zimmerman was innocent, but that the outcome would be fuel for the Black militants to justify rioting and other such ugliness. The reptilian-jews WANT that. They can use it as an excuse to roll out martial law. I haven't always agreed with HP Don on things. But only to a very, very small degree. The more I read from him, the more I realize he's pretty hooked in to how things are, and how they work. He's got a clear connection to Father and the other Gods of Hell. I have little doubt they give him all kinds of help in knowing the truth of things, of where to look for unadulterated sources of information. He isn't someone I'm likely to criticize on the source of his facts. Blacks in general – not as a whole, mind you – have suffered more than most any other gentile race at the hands of the reptilian-jew scum. The very thought of some of the things blacks as a race have had to endure at their hands makes my stomach turn. That being said… There comes a time for every human when they are faced with a moment of utter, abject clarity; one in which they realize they have a choice to make: to continue down the easy road, and sink all the way down into willful ignorance, or to wake up and stay awake, to take responsibility for themselves and their life, to no longer accept that `that's just the way things are, so I just shouldn't even bother to try.' And yes, I do believe that whole heartedly. It's that part of our Father that is in each and every one of His children. It is the thing that speaks to their heart and mind, the thing that wakes them up enough to where they are able to see they DO have a choice. However, Father will never force them to choose. He will never threaten them with eternal damnation if they don't choose Him and the Truth. Something they won't get from the reptilian-jews. We SS need to become whole and one in our efforts against the reptilian-jews. THEY are the ones that need our continual focus on the destruction of. NOT of our Black Brothers and Sisters. We want to focus on the eradication of the cause, not the symptoms. In Service to Our Father… Heil Satan! Heil the Great Gods of Duat! Heil Hitler! --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote: Best to do such spiritual warfare rituals at the kikes as they are the root of the problem.
Also note the only issue was some troll Jewspewtard who wears its yamaka too tight  who has been banned before. Trying to start shit. But thats the roll of the bagel.  
From: Don Danko <mageson6666@...
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 6:25:35 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community
Thats why we need it. What is the truth of the matter. Consider it a growing experience, otherwise we are in a straight jacket. Just stating the jooz this or that. Is not a logic reason to live in a mental cell.
From: dvdpst <dvdposton@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 6:16:05 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community
  I'm not telling you what to have discussion on. With so many people having deferent feelings about who was in the right.....................   
On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 10:31 PM, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
  Thanks for telling us what where allowed to have a discussion on.
From: dvdpst <dvdposton@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 10:24:11 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community
  This what I mean. If you want to talk about the jews behind it, ok. But his not being acquittal, leave it out. On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 9:31 PM, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
  Remember originally the local police dept didn't charge Zimmerman as they found it was a clear case of self defense. It was only when the Jews started to whip up a political lynch mob even getting Obama to stand in public and declare Trayon "could of been his son." And on. This was purposely turned into a show trial.And propaganda stunt even a major Jooz was network caught trying to doctor the original 911 call to libel Zimmerman with. Which is creating false evidence.  The whole trial was a farce they didn't have any evidence against Zimmerman, it was simply malicious.
From: siannamarie13 <siannamarie13@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 1:30:22 PM Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community   HP Don is right. This is about the jewish control of everything, as it always is. Ultimately, it isn't about Black militants. It isn't about `hate crime'. It isn't even about white on black crime. It is about the jews trying – once again – to get the gentile races fighting amongst themselves. As long as we are separated by hatred and mistrust of each other, we're relatively easy to control. It keeps us focused off the really important things, like how they control us. We're so busy with hating each other that we won't see that it's all about keeping us off balance so much so that we don't see that we're being played by them. It's a perfect game, for them. Things like stirring up racial hatred is one of their best methods for keeping the gentile races at each other's throats. Remember: they own all the media. They have the ability to not only cover up the facts, they can also generate any `evidence' they want. They are master manipulators. They control all the money, all the resources. This whole Zimmerman affair is the perfect way to start a race war in Florida, as well as other places here in the US. It was known, I feel, from the beginning, that Zimmerman was innocent, but that the outcome would be fuel for the Black militants to justify rioting and other such ugliness. The reptilian-jews WANT that. They can use it as an excuse to roll out martial law. I haven't always agreed with HP Don on things. But only to a very, very small degree. The more I read from him, the more I realize he's pretty hooked in to how things are, and how they work. He's got a clear connection to Father and the other Gods of Hell. I have little doubt they give him all kinds of help in knowing the truth of things, of where to look for unadulterated sources of information. He isn't someone I'm likely to criticize on the source of his facts. Blacks in general – not as a whole, mind you – have suffered more than most any other gentile race at the hands of the reptilian-jew scum. The very thought of some of the things blacks as a race have had to endure at their hands makes my stomach turn. That being said… There comes a time for every human when they are faced with a moment of utter, abject clarity; one in which they realize they have a choice to make: to continue down the easy road, and sink all the way down into willful ignorance, or to wake up and stay awake, to take responsibility for themselves and their life, to no longer accept that `that's just the way things are, so I just shouldn't even bother to try.' And yes, I do believe that whole heartedly. It's that part of our Father that is in each and every one of His children. It is the thing that speaks to their heart and mind, the thing that wakes them up enough to where they are able to see they DO have a choice. However, Father will never force them to choose. He will never threaten them with eternal damnation if they don't choose Him and the Truth. Something they won't get from the reptilian-jews. We SS need to become whole and one in our efforts against the reptilian-jews. THEY are the ones that need our continual focus on the destruction of. NOT of our Black Brothers and Sisters. We want to focus on the eradication of the cause, not the symptoms. In Service to Our Father… Heil Satan! Heil the Great Gods of Duat! Heil Hitler! --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote: Best to do such spiritual warfare rituals at the kikes as they are the root of the problem.
Don, Just read some of these post on this subject. The kikes that are on here must be laughing their ass off about this. It doesn't matter who was in the right, cause I thought they both was in the wrong. Is this what SS needs. To argue over if some one is quitly or not. Bet they both went to an so call church, to worship that made up god of theirs. 

On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 6:25 AM, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
  Thats why we need it. What is the truth of the matter. Consider it a growing experience, otherwise we are in a straight jacket.  Just stating the jooz this or that. Is not a logic reason to live in a mental cell.
From: dvdpst <dvdposton@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 6:16:05 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community
  I'm not telling you what to have discussion on. With so many people having deferent feelings about who was in the right.....................     On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 10:31 PM, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
  Thanks for telling us what where allowed to have a discussion on.
From: dvdpst <dvdposton@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 10:24:11 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community
  This what I mean. If you want to talk about the jews behind it, ok. But his not being acquittal, leave it out. On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 9:31 PM, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
  Remember originally the local police dept didn't charge Zimmerman as they found it was a clear case of self defense. It was only when the Jews started to whip up a political lynch mob even getting Obama to stand in public and declare Trayon "could of been his son." And on. This was purposely turned into a show trial.And propaganda stunt even a major Jooz was network caught trying to doctor the original 911 call to libel Zimmerman with. Which is creating false evidence.  The whole trial was a farce they didn't have any evidence against Zimmerman, it was simply malicious.
From: siannamarie13 <siannamarie13@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 1:30:22 PM Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community   HP Don is right. This is about the jewish control of everything, as it always is. Ultimately, it isn't about Black militants. It isn't about `hate crime'. It isn't even about white on black crime. It is about the jews trying – once again – to get the gentile races fighting amongst themselves. As long as we are separated by hatred and mistrust of each other, we're relatively easy to control. It keeps us focused off the really important things, like how they control us. We're so busy with hating each other that we won't see that it's all about keeping us off balance so much so that we don't see that we're being played by them. It's a perfect game, for them. Things like stirring up racial hatred is one of their best methods for keeping the gentile races at each other's throats. Remember: they own all the media. They have the ability to not only cover up the facts, they can also generate any `evidence' they want. They are master manipulators. They control all the money, all the resources. This whole Zimmerman affair is the perfect way to start a race war in Florida, as well as other places here in the US. It was known, I feel, from the beginning, that Zimmerman was innocent, but that the outcome would be fuel for the Black militants to justify rioting and other such ugliness. The reptilian-jews WANT that. They can use it as an excuse to roll out martial law. I haven't always agreed with HP Don on things. But only to a very, very small degree. The more I read from him, the more I realize he's pretty hooked in to how things are, and how they work. He's got a clear connection to Father and the other Gods of Hell. I have little doubt they give him all kinds of help in knowing the truth of things, of where to look for unadulterated sources of information. He isn't someone I'm likely to criticize on the source of his facts. Blacks in general – not as a whole, mind you – have suffered more than most any other gentile race at the hands of the reptilian-jew scum. The very thought of some of the things blacks as a race have had to endure at their hands makes my stomach turn. That being said… There comes a time for every human when they are faced with a moment of utter, abject clarity; one in which they realize they have a choice to make: to continue down the easy road, and sink all the way down into willful ignorance, or to wake up and stay awake, to take responsibility for themselves and their life, to no longer accept that `that's just the way things are, so I just shouldn't even bother to try.' And yes, I do believe that whole heartedly. It's that part of our Father that is in each and every one of His children. It is the thing that speaks to their heart and mind, the thing that wakes them up enough to where they are able to see they DO have a choice. However, Father will never force them to choose. He will never threaten them with eternal damnation if they don't choose Him and the Truth. Something they won't get from the reptilian-jews. We SS need to become whole and one in our efforts against the reptilian-jews. THEY are the ones that need our continual focus on the destruction of. NOT of our Black Brothers and Sisters. We want to focus on the eradication of the cause, not the symptoms. In Service to Our Father… Heil Satan! Heil the Great Gods of Duat! Heil Hitler! --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote: Best to do such spiritual warfare rituals at the kikes as they are the root of the problem.
No that is a surrendering of the logical/rational aspect of mind over to the emotional aspects. That is the very regime the jooz push on society. It makes people easier to manipulate. We exercise a whole mind deal here. If some people get their feelings hurt its up to them to use introspection as to why the facts don't add up to their feelings..   We are adults here.  Nannyism is a not needed. Otherwise no one can state anything if it "hurts one persons feelings." No matter how correct. That is a major theme in xianity and secular xianity of  liberalism. No mistake  xianity or liberalism has yet to produce one great philosopher in its image. Because it demands the mediocre by its very paradigm. And thats what your are prescribing is the desire for us to become mediocre. Hidding it behind fallacy. The very fact of what this case exposes on the jooz issue is lost on you. Zimmerman's being found not guilty is a major part of this. The fact have failed to understand this. Shows why we should not follow this  advice of yours. But go in the other direction which develops the mind further in such matters. Your argument fails by your own merits.   
From: dvdpst <dvdposton@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 6:42:42 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community
  Don, Just read some of these post on this subject. The kikes that are on here must be laughing their ass off about this. It doesn't matter who was in the right, cause I thought they both was in the wrong. Is this what SS needs. To argue over if some one is quitly or not. Bet they both went to an so call church, to worship that made up god of theirs. On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 6:25 AM, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
  Thats why we need it. What is the truth of the matter. Consider it a growing experience, otherwise we are in a straight jacket.  Just stating the jooz this or that. Is not a logic reason to live in a mental cell.
From: dvdpst <dvdposton@... To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 6:16:05 AM Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community   I'm not telling you what to have discussion on. With so many people having deferent feelings about who was in the right.....................     On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 10:31 PM, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
  Thanks for telling us what where allowed to have a discussion on.
From: dvdpst <dvdposton@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 10:24:11 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community
  This what I mean. If you want to talk about the jews behind it, ok. But his not being acquittal, leave it out. On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 9:31 PM, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
  Remember originally the local police dept didn't charge Zimmerman as they found it was a clear case of self defense. It was only when the Jews started to whip up a political lynch mob even getting Obama to stand in public and declare Trayon "could of been his son." And on. This was purposely turned into a show trial.And propaganda stunt even a major Jooz was network caught trying to doctor the original 911 call to libel Zimmerman with. Which is creating false evidence.  The whole trial was a farce they didn't have any evidence against Zimmerman, it was simply malicious.
From: siannamarie13 <siannamarie13@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 1:30:22 PM Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community   HP Don is right. This is about the jewish control of everything, as it always is. Ultimately, it isn't about Black militants. It isn't about `hate crime'. It isn't even about white on black crime. It is about the jews trying – once again – to get the gentile races fighting amongst themselves. As long as we are separated by hatred and mistrust of each other, we're relatively easy to control. It keeps us focused off the really important things, like how they control us. We're so busy with hating each other that we won't see that it's all about keeping us off balance so much so that we don't see that we're being played by them. It's a perfect game, for them. Things like stirring up racial hatred is one of their best methods for keeping the gentile races at each other's throats. Remember: they own all the media. They have the ability to not only cover up the facts, they can also generate any `evidence' they want. They are master manipulators. They control all the money, all the resources. This whole Zimmerman affair is the perfect way to start a race war in Florida, as well as other places here in the US. It was known, I feel, from the beginning, that Zimmerman was innocent, but that the outcome would be fuel for the Black militants to justify rioting and other such ugliness. The reptilian-jews WANT that. They can use it as an excuse to roll out martial law. I haven't always agreed with HP Don on things. But only to a very, very small degree. The more I read from him, the more I realize he's pretty hooked in to how things are, and how they work. He's got a clear connection to Father and the other Gods of Hell. I have little doubt they give him all kinds of help in knowing the truth of things, of where to look for unadulterated sources of information. He isn't someone I'm likely to criticize on the source of his facts. Blacks in general – not as a whole, mind you – have suffered more than most any other gentile race at the hands of the reptilian-jew scum. The very thought of some of the things blacks as a race have had to endure at their hands makes my stomach turn. That being said… There comes a time for every human when they are faced with a moment of utter, abject clarity; one in which they realize they have a choice to make: to continue down the easy road, and sink all the way down into willful ignorance, or to wake up and stay awake, to take responsibility for themselves and their life, to no longer accept that `that's just the way things are, so I just shouldn't even bother to try.' And yes, I do believe that whole heartedly. It's that part of our Father that is in each and every one of His children. It is the thing that speaks to their heart and mind, the thing that wakes them up enough to where they are able to see they DO have a choice. However, Father will never force them to choose. He will never threaten them with eternal damnation if they don't choose Him and the Truth. Something they won't get from the reptilian-jews. We SS need to become whole and one in our efforts against the reptilian-jews. THEY are the ones that need our continual focus on the destruction of. NOT of our Black Brothers and Sisters. We want to focus on the eradication of the cause, not the symptoms. In Service to Our Father… Heil Satan! Heil the Great Gods of Duat! Heil Hitler! --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote: Best to do such spiritual warfare rituals at the kikes as they are the root of the problem.
Don, You can believe any thing you like. I'm just saying thing the out come of the verdict needs to be discuss some where else. Not now. The jewset has their own idea of what they want. And that is for every body to do as they say. After all, we know the jewshits are the cause of all the shit going on and always will be. 

On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 7:12 AM, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
  No that is a surrendering of the logical/rational aspect of mind over to the emotional aspects. That is the very regime the jooz push on society. It makes people easier to manipulate. We exercise a whole mind deal here. If some people get their feelings hurt its up to them to use introspection as to why the facts don't add up to their feelings..    We are adults here.  Nannyism is a not needed. Otherwise no one can state anything if it "hurts one persons feelings." No matter how correct. That is a major theme in xianity and secular xianity of  liberalism. No mistake  xianity or liberalism has yet to produce one great philosopher in its image. Because it demands the mediocre by its very paradigm. And thats what your are prescribing is the desire for us to become mediocre. Hidding it behind fallacy. The very fact of what this case exposes on the jooz issue is lost on you. Zimmerman's being found not guilty is a major part of this. The fact have failed to understand this. Shows why we should not follow this  advice of yours. But go in the other direction which develops the mind further in such matters. Your argument fails by your own merits.    
From: dvdpst <dvdposton@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 6:42:42 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community
  Don, Just read some of these post on this subject. The kikes that are on here must be laughing their ass off about this. It doesn't matter who was in the right, cause I thought they both was in the wrong. Is this what SS needs. To argue over if some one is quitly or not. Bet they both went to an so call church, to worship that made up god of theirs. On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 6:25 AM, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
  Thats why we need it. What is the truth of the matter. Consider it a growing experience, otherwise we are in a straight jacket.  Just stating the jooz this or that. Is not a logic reason to live in a mental cell.
From: dvdpst <dvdposton@... To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 6:16:05 AM Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community   I'm not telling you what to have discussion on. With so many people having deferent feelings about who was in the right.....................     On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 10:31 PM, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
  Thanks for telling us what where allowed to have a discussion on.
From: dvdpst <dvdposton@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 10:24:11 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community
  This what I mean. If you want to talk about the jews behind it, ok. But his not being acquittal, leave it out. On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 9:31 PM, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
  Remember originally the local police dept didn't charge Zimmerman as they found it was a clear case of self defense. It was only when the Jews started to whip up a political lynch mob even getting Obama to stand in public and declare Trayon "could of been his son." And on. This was purposely turned into a show trial.And propaganda stunt even a major Jooz was network caught trying to doctor the original 911 call to libel Zimmerman with. Which is creating false evidence.  The whole trial was a farce they didn't have any evidence against Zimmerman, it was simply malicious.
From: siannamarie13 <siannamarie13@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 1:30:22 PM Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community   HP Don is right. This is about the jewish control of everything, as it always is. Ultimately, it isn't about Black militants. It isn't about `hate crime'. It isn't even about white on black crime. It is about the jews trying – once again – to get the gentile races fighting amongst themselves. As long as we are separated by hatred and mistrust of each other, we're relatively easy to control. It keeps us focused off the really important things, like how they control us. We're so busy with hating each other that we won't see that it's all about keeping us off balance so much so that we don't see that we're being played by them. It's a perfect game, for them. Things like stirring up racial hatred is one of their best methods for keeping the gentile races at each other's throats. Remember: they own all the media. They have the ability to not only cover up the facts, they can also generate any `evidence' they want. They are master manipulators. They control all the money, all the resources. This whole Zimmerman affair is the perfect way to start a race war in Florida, as well as other places here in the US. It was known, I feel, from the beginning, that Zimmerman was innocent, but that the outcome would be fuel for the Black militants to justify rioting and other such ugliness. The reptilian-jews WANT that. They can use it as an excuse to roll out martial law. I haven't always agreed with HP Don on things. But only to a very, very small degree. The more I read from him, the more I realize he's pretty hooked in to how things are, and how they work. He's got a clear connection to Father and the other Gods of Hell. I have little doubt they give him all kinds of help in knowing the truth of things, of where to look for unadulterated sources of information. He isn't someone I'm likely to criticize on the source of his facts. Blacks in general – not as a whole, mind you – have suffered more than most any other gentile race at the hands of the reptilian-jew scum. The very thought of some of the things blacks as a race have had to endure at their hands makes my stomach turn. That being said… There comes a time for every human when they are faced with a moment of utter, abject clarity; one in which they realize they have a choice to make: to continue down the easy road, and sink all the way down into willful ignorance, or to wake up and stay awake, to take responsibility for themselves and their life, to no longer accept that `that's just the way things are, so I just shouldn't even bother to try.' And yes, I do believe that whole heartedly. It's that part of our Father that is in each and every one of His children. It is the thing that speaks to their heart and mind, the thing that wakes them up enough to where they are able to see they DO have a choice. However, Father will never force them to choose. He will never threaten them with eternal damnation if they don't choose Him and the Truth. Something they won't get from the reptilian-jews. We SS need to become whole and one in our efforts against the reptilian-jews. THEY are the ones that need our continual focus on the destruction of. NOT of our Black Brothers and Sisters. We want to focus on the eradication of the cause, not the symptoms. In Service to Our Father… Heil Satan! Heil the Great Gods of Duat! Heil Hitler! --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote: Best to do such spiritual warfare rituals at the kikes as they are the root of the problem.
See this is the problem "you can believe anything you like."  That is an empty statement on your part. And reveals the flaw in your train of thought patterns. Your not even attempting to address the evidence I laided down to compare premises on this subject. Your the example of why the model I put forth needs to be in effect. An intelligent individual of the otherside could run rings around you mentally in a debate.   Knowing is what is important. And the way to know is already in the formula I have stated. As it creates the needed environment to manifest this. This is also evident in the Pagan philosophy systems of the ancient East and West. Which produced some of the most advanced minds on earth.   Now you can stop question begging. You have been answered several times. I should not have to return to this thread to have to repeat myself because of your fallacious pattern in thinking if  you repeat a debunked premise just one more time. It will magically make it right. That thinking is not part of functional reality and you need to evolve out of it. Otherwise you are just starting to troll.    
From: dvdpst <dvdposton@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 8:21:12 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community
  Don, You can believe any thing you like. I'm just saying thing the out come of the verdict needs to be discuss some where else. Not now. The jewset has their own idea of what they want. And that is for every body to do as they say. After all, we know the jewshits are the cause of all the shit going on and always will be. 
On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 7:12 AM, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
  No that is a surrendering of the logical/rational aspect of mind over to the emotional aspects. That is the very regime the jooz push on society. It makes people easier to manipulate. We exercise a whole mind deal here. If some people get their feelings hurt its up to them to use introspection as to why the facts don't add up to their feelings..    We are adults here.  Nannyism is a not needed. Otherwise no one can state anything if it "hurts one persons feelings." No matter how correct. That is a major theme in xianity and secular xianity of  liberalism. No mistake  xianity or liberalism has yet to produce one great philosopher in its image. Because it demands the mediocre by its very paradigm. And thats what your are prescribing is the desire for us to become mediocre. Hidding it behind fallacy. The very fact of what this case exposes on the jooz issue is lost on you. Zimmerman's being found not guilty is a major part of this. The fact have failed to understand this. Shows why we should not follow this  advice of yours. But go in the other direction which develops the mind further in such matters. Your argument fails by your own merits.    
From: dvdpst <dvdposton@... To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 6:42:42 AM Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community   Don, Just read some of these post on this subject. The kikes that are on here must be laughing their ass off about this. It doesn't matter who was in the right, cause I thought they both was in the wrong. Is this what SS needs. To argue over if some one is quitly or not. Bet they both went to an so call church, to worship that made up god of theirs. On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 6:25 AM, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
  Thats why we need it. What is the truth of the matter. Consider it a growing experience, otherwise we are in a straight jacket.  Just stating the jooz this or that. Is not a logic reason to live in a mental cell.
From: dvdpst <dvdposton@... To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 6:16:05 AM Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community   I'm not telling you what to have discussion on. With so many people having deferent feelings about who was in the right.....................     On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 10:31 PM, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
  Thanks for telling us what where allowed to have a discussion on.
From: dvdpst <dvdposton@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 10:24:11 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community
  This what I mean. If you want to talk about the jews behind it, ok. But his not being acquittal, leave it out. On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 9:31 PM, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
  Remember originally the local police dept didn't charge Zimmerman as they found it was a clear case of self defense. It was only when the Jews started to whip up a political lynch mob even getting Obama to stand in public and declare Trayon "could of been his son." And on. This was purposely turned into a show trial.And propaganda stunt even a major Jooz was network caught trying to doctor the original 911 call to libel Zimmerman with. Which is creating false evidence.  The whole trial was a farce they didn't have any evidence against Zimmerman, it was simply malicious.
From: siannamarie13 <siannamarie13@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 1:30:22 PM Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community   HP Don is right. This is about the jewish control of everything, as it always is. Ultimately, it isn't about Black militants. It isn't about `hate crime'. It isn't even about white on black crime. It is about the jews trying – once again – to get the gentile races fighting amongst themselves. As long as we are separated by hatred and mistrust of each other, we're relatively easy to control. It keeps us focused off the really important things, like how they control us. We're so busy with hating each other that we won't see that it's all about keeping us off balance so much so that we don't see that we're being played by them. It's a perfect game, for them. Things like stirring up racial hatred is one of their best methods for keeping the gentile races at each other's throats. Remember: they own all the media. They have the ability to not only cover up the facts, they can also generate any `evidence' they want. They are master manipulators. They control all the money, all the resources. This whole Zimmerman affair is the perfect way to start a race war in Florida, as well as other places here in the US. It was known, I feel, from the beginning, that Zimmerman was innocent, but that the outcome would be fuel for the Black militants to justify rioting and other such ugliness. The reptilian-jews WANT that. They can use it as an excuse to roll out martial law. I haven't always agreed with HP Don on things. But only to a very, very small degree. The more I read from him, the more I realize he's pretty hooked in to how things are, and how they work. He's got a clear connection to Father and the other Gods of Hell. I have little doubt they give him all kinds of help in knowing the truth of things, of where to look for unadulterated sources of information. He isn't someone I'm likely to criticize on the source of his facts. Blacks in general – not as a whole, mind you – have suffered more than most any other gentile race at the hands of the reptilian-jew scum. The very thought of some of the things blacks as a race have had to endure at their hands makes my stomach turn. That being said… There comes a time for every human when they are faced with a moment of utter, abject clarity; one in which they realize they have a choice to make: to continue down the easy road, and sink all the way down into willful ignorance, or to wake up and stay awake, to take responsibility for themselves and their life, to no longer accept that `that's just the way things are, so I just shouldn't even bother to try.' And yes, I do believe that whole heartedly. It's that part of our Father that is in each and every one of His children. It is the thing that speaks to their heart and mind, the thing that wakes them up enough to where they are able to see they DO have a choice. However, Father will never force them to choose. He will never threaten them with eternal damnation if they don't choose Him and the Truth. Something they won't get from the reptilian-jews. We SS need to become whole and one in our efforts against the reptilian-jews. THEY are the ones that need our continual focus on the destruction of. NOT of our Black Brothers and Sisters. We want to focus on the eradication of the cause, not the symptoms. In Service to Our Father… Heil Satan! Heil the Great Gods of Duat! Heil Hitler! --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote: Best to do such spiritual warfare rituals at the kikes as they are the root of the problem.
Don, READ my entire post. NOT just the first 'D' sentence.

On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 8:44 AM, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
  See this is the problem "you can believe anything you like."  That is an empty statement on your part. And reveals the flaw in your train of thought patterns. Your not even attempting to address the evidence I laided down to compare premises on this subject. Your the example of why the model I put forth needs to be in effect. An intelligent individual of the otherside could run rings around you mentally in a debate.   Knowing is what is important. And the way to know is already in the formula I have stated. As it creates the needed environment to manifest this. This is also evident in the Pagan philosophy systems of the ancient East and West. Which produced some of the most advanced minds on earth.   Now you can stop question begging. You have been answered several times. I should not have to return to this thread to have to repeat myself because of your fallacious pattern in thinking if  you repeat a debunked premise just one more time. It will magically make it right. That thinking is not part of functional reality and you need to evolve out of it. Otherwise you are just starting to troll.     
From: dvdpst <dvdposton@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 8:21:12 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community
  Don, You can believe any thing you like. I'm just saying thing the out come of the verdict needs to be discuss some where else. Not now. The jewset has their own idea of what they want. And that is for every body to do as they say. After all, we know the jewshits are the cause of all the shit going on and always will be.  On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 7:12 AM, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
  No that is a surrendering of the logical/rational aspect of mind over to the emotional aspects. That is the very regime the jooz push on society. It makes people easier to manipulate. We exercise a whole mind deal here. If some people get their feelings hurt its up to them to use introspection as to why the facts don't add up to their feelings..    We are adults here.  Nannyism is a not needed. Otherwise no one can state anything if it "hurts one persons feelings." No matter how correct. That is a major theme in xianity and secular xianity of  liberalism. No mistake  xianity or liberalism has yet to produce one great philosopher in its image. Because it demands the mediocre by its very paradigm. And thats what your are prescribing is the desire for us to become mediocre. Hidding it behind fallacy. The very fact of what this case exposes on the jooz issue is lost on you. Zimmerman's being found not guilty is a major part of this. The fact have failed to understand this. Shows why we should not follow this  advice of yours. But go in the other direction which develops the mind further in such matters. Your argument fails by your own merits.    
From: dvdpst <dvdposton@... To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 6:42:42 AM Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community   Don, Just read some of these post on this subject. The kikes that are on here must be laughing their ass off about this. It doesn't matter who was in the right, cause I thought they both was in the wrong. Is this what SS needs. To argue over if some one is quitly or not. Bet they both went to an so call church, to worship that made up god of theirs. On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 6:25 AM, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
  Thats why we need it. What is the truth of the matter. Consider it a growing experience, otherwise we are in a straight jacket.  Just stating the jooz this or that. Is not a logic reason to live in a mental cell.
From: dvdpst <dvdposton@... To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 6:16:05 AM Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community   I'm not telling you what to have discussion on. With so many people having deferent feelings about who was in the right.....................     On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 10:31 PM, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
  Thanks for telling us what where allowed to have a discussion on.
From: dvdpst <dvdposton@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 10:24:11 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community
  This what I mean. If you want to talk about the jews behind it, ok. But his not being acquittal, leave it out. On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 9:31 PM, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
  Remember originally the local police dept didn't charge Zimmerman as they found it was a clear case of self defense. It was only when the Jews started to whip up a political lynch mob even getting Obama to stand in public and declare Trayon "could of been his son." And on. This was purposely turned into a show trial.And propaganda stunt even a major Jooz was network caught trying to doctor the original 911 call to libel Zimmerman with. Which is creating false evidence.  The whole trial was a farce they didn't have any evidence against Zimmerman, it was simply malicious.
From: siannamarie13 <siannamarie13@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 1:30:22 PM Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community   HP Don is right. This is about the jewish control of everything, as it always is. Ultimately, it isn't about Black militants. It isn't about `hate crime'. It isn't even about white on black crime. It is about the jews trying – once again – to get the gentile races fighting amongst themselves. As long as we are separated by hatred and mistrust of each other, we're relatively easy to control. It keeps us focused off the really important things, like how they control us. We're so busy with hating each other that we won't see that it's all about keeping us off balance so much so that we don't see that we're being played by them. It's a perfect game, for them. Things like stirring up racial hatred is one of their best methods for keeping the gentile races at each other's throats. Remember: they own all the media. They have the ability to not only cover up the facts, they can also generate any `evidence' they want. They are master manipulators. They control all the money, all the resources. This whole Zimmerman affair is the perfect way to start a race war in Florida, as well as other places here in the US. It was known, I feel, from the beginning, that Zimmerman was innocent, but that the outcome would be fuel for the Black militants to justify rioting and other such ugliness. The reptilian-jews WANT that. They can use it as an excuse to roll out martial law. I haven't always agreed with HP Don on things. But only to a very, very small degree. The more I read from him, the more I realize he's pretty hooked in to how things are, and how they work. He's got a clear connection to Father and the other Gods of Hell. I have little doubt they give him all kinds of help in knowing the truth of things, of where to look for unadulterated sources of information. He isn't someone I'm likely to criticize on the source of his facts. Blacks in general – not as a whole, mind you – have suffered more than most any other gentile race at the hands of the reptilian-jew scum. The very thought of some of the things blacks as a race have had to endure at their hands makes my stomach turn. That being said… There comes a time for every human when they are faced with a moment of utter, abject clarity; one in which they realize they have a choice to make: to continue down the easy road, and sink all the way down into willful ignorance, or to wake up and stay awake, to take responsibility for themselves and their life, to no longer accept that `that's just the way things are, so I just shouldn't even bother to try.' And yes, I do believe that whole heartedly. It's that part of our Father that is in each and every one of His children. It is the thing that speaks to their heart and mind, the thing that wakes them up enough to where they are able to see they DO have a choice. However, Father will never force them to choose. He will never threaten them with eternal damnation if they don't choose Him and the Truth. Something they won't get from the reptilian-jews. We SS need to become whole and one in our efforts against the reptilian-jews. THEY are the ones that need our continual focus on the destruction of. NOT of our Black Brothers and Sisters. We want to focus on the eradication of the cause, not the symptoms. In Service to Our Father… Heil Satan! Heil the Great Gods of Duat! Heil Hitler! --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote: Best to do such spiritual warfare rituals at the kikes as they are the root of the problem.
yea.. they find a tiny little something that could be a core for a drama and they all hype it up and play it up like they do for all of their media and shitty soap operas.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "C Y" <yc28@... wrote:

It makes so much sense that the Jewish Media would hype this case.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

Remember originally the local police dept didn't charge Zimmerman as they found it was a clear case of self defense. It was only when the Jews started to whip up a political lynch mob even getting Obama to stand in public and declare Trayon "could of been his son." And on. This was purposely turned into a show trial.And propaganda stunt even a major Jooz was network caught trying to doctor the original 911 call to libel Zimmerman with. Which is creating false evidence.
The whole trial was a farce they didn't have any evidence against Zimmerman, it was simply malicious.

From: siannamarie13 <siannamarie13@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 1:30:22 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community


HP Don is right. This is about the jewish control of everything, as it always is.

Ultimately, it isn't about Black militants. It isn't about `hate crime'. It isn't even about white on black crime.

It is about the jews trying â€" once again â€" to get the gentile races fighting amongst themselves. As long as we are separated by hatred and mistrust of each other, we're relatively easy to control. It keeps us focused off the really important things, like how they control us. We're so busy with hating each other that we won't see that it's all about keeping us off balance so much so that we don't see that we're being played by them.

It's a perfect game, for them. Things like stirring up racial hatred is one of their best methods for keeping the gentile races at each other's throats. Remember: they own all the media. They have the ability to not only cover up the facts, they can also generate any `evidence' they want. They are master manipulators. They control all the money, all the resources.

This whole Zimmerman affair is the perfect way to start a race war in Florida, as well as other places here in the US. It was known, I feel, from the beginning, that Zimmerman was innocent, but that the outcome would be fuel for the Black militants to justify rioting and other such ugliness. The reptilian-jews WANT that. They can use it as an excuse to roll out martial law.

I haven't always agreed with HP Don on things. But only to a very, very small degree. The more I read from him, the more I realize he's pretty hooked in to how things are, and how they work. He's got a clear connection to Father and the other Gods of Hell. I have little doubt they give him all kinds of help in knowing the truth of things, of where to look for unadulterated sources of information. He isn't someone I'm likely to criticize on the source of his facts.

Blacks in general â€" not as a whole, mind you â€" have suffered more than most any other gentile race at the hands of the reptilian-jew scum. The very thought of some of the things blacks as a race have had to endure at their hands makes my stomach turn.

That being said…

There comes a time for every human when they are faced with a moment of utter, abject clarity; one in which they realize they have a choice to make: to continue down the easy road, and sink all the way down into willful ignorance, or to wake up and stay awake, to take responsibility for themselves and their life, to no longer accept that `that's just the way things are, so I just shouldn't even bother to try.'

And yes, I do believe that whole heartedly. It's that part of our Father that is in each and every one of His children. It is the thing that speaks to their heart and mind, the thing that wakes them up enough to where they are able to see they DO have a choice.

However, Father will never force them to choose. He will never threaten them with eternal damnation if they don't choose Him and the Truth. Something they won't get from the reptilian-jews.

We SS need to become whole and one in our efforts against the reptilian-jews. THEY are the ones that need our continual focus on the destruction of. NOT of our Black Brothers and Sisters. We want to focus on the eradication of the cause, not the symptoms.

In Service to Our Father…

Heil Satan!
Heil the Great Gods of Duat!
Heil Hitler!

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

Best to do such spiritual warfare rituals at the kikes as they are the root of the problem.
Personally i will do a destruction ritual against the jooz for this since they are behind all this shit

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "jwazny@..." <jwazny@... wrote:

George zimmerman was found not guilty today by means of self defense im assuming. The black community says its racial oppressn and it a racial hate crime. Militia black men were protesting in response to this being set free by 6 women on a jury. What are your thoughts on this? Do you believe that the black community should have destruction rituals on them for their ignorance about this trial?
Fucking jews, i am so tired of all of this Bull Shit! They are ending, now!

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

The Kosherpaths are really trying hard:
http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/martin ... de=14224-1
Report: Justice Dept Backed Trayvon Martin Rallies
Wednesday, 10 Jul 2013 05:31 PM
By Tom Topousis
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A secretive branch of the U.S. Department of Justice was deployed to Sanford, Fla., in the aftermath of the Trayvon Martin shooting to help organize rallies, including one headlined by the Rev. Al Sharpton, calling for the arrest and prosecution of George Zimmerman.

Records obtained by the watchdog group Judicial Watch, under the Freedom of Information Act, showed that members of the Justice Department's Community Relations Service were sent to Sanford in March and April of 2012 to help manage protests, The Daily Caller reported Wednesday.

The 347 pages of documents obtained from the federal government showed that $5,320 in expenses was claimed by the Community Relations Service for workers assigned to protests and marches in and around Sanford after Zimmerman was accused of shooting Martin.

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At a March 31 rally, CRS workers provided technical assistance to the city of Sanford and rally organizers for the event billed as "The March for Trayvon Martin," where civil-rights activist and MSNBC host Sharpton called for Zimmerman's prosecution, according to The Daily Caller.

"These documents detail the extraordinary intervention by the Justice Department in the pressure campaign leading to the prosecution of George Zimmerman," said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton in a statement posted on the watchdog group's website. "My guess is that most Americans would rightly object to taxpayers paying government employees to help organize racially charged demonstrations."

The release of the Justice Department documents came as the defense rested their case in the second-degree murder trial without calling Zimmerman to testify.

According to federal documents obtained by Judicial Watch, the feds spent $674.14 from March 25-27 in Sanford "to work marches, demonstrations and rallies related to the shooting death of an African-American teen by a neighborhood watch captain." Another $1,142.14 was claimed for similar work from March 25-28.

From March 30 to April 1, the CRS staff rang up $892.55 in expenses "to provide support for protest deployment in Florida." Also during that time, the agency claimed another $751.60 in expenses to "provide technical assistance to the city of Sanford, event organizers, and law enforcement agencies for the march and rally on March 31."

CRS filed for $1,307.40 in expenses from April 3-12 "to provide technical assistance, conciliation and onsite mediation during demonstrations planned in Sanford." And from April 11-12, CRS spent $552.35 while in Sanford "to provide technical assistance for the preparation of possible marches and rallies related to the fatal shooting of a 17-year-old African-American male."

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The CRS was created under the Civil Rights Act of 1964, The Daily Caller reported. The agency describes its role as the Department of Justice's "peacemaker for community conflicts and tensions arising from differences of race, color, and national origin."

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/martin ... z2Z52pfRce
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From: Don Danko <mageson6666@...
To: "[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 9:47:28 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] George zimmerman and the black community


You should work on sending your sister healing energy using the runes or square working. Ask Hell to work with you.
In many cases cancer is an over acidic body and has been cured many times by flushing the system with highly organic greens wheat grass is a good thing to check out. Breathing exercises and on.
As for Trayon he was robbing the neighbourhood he lived in and had a history of violence and criminal behaviour. Even the things he bought was for part of a drug fuel mix called "drank."  He attacked Zimmerman the neighbourhood watch who spotted him lurking in the middle of the night between the houses in the rain casing them out. He fit the descripition of the individual behind the local break and enters in the neighbourhood. Zimmerman called the police and then went and asked Trayon what he is doing on private properity. Trayon tried to threathen him by pretending he had a gun in his waist belt and when Zimmerman kept following him at a distance as the police where on the way to be able to keep tabs on him.
Trayon knew he would be arrested as the cops would put two plus two together as Trayon was caught at his highschool with a backpack full of B&E tools and unaccounted for womens jewerly. And who knows what other evidence he left behind. So he hid behind the bushes and waited for Zimmerman to walk by and jumped on him and started to deliever a vicious and easly lethal beating to his head and face on the sidewalk slamming his head into the concert as hard as possible. So Zimmerman shot him in self defense.

From: Isabella M <injustices33@...
To: "[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 12:40:11 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] George zimmerman and the black community

so now a pack of skittles and an iced tea make you a violent? wtf! he lived in the neighborhood himself, did not have a weapon! even if he said something, when the fuck is that grounds to shoot! this is some bullshit!
please get off this subject. right now i am in a foul mood. my sister is in hospice right now with a few weeks to live and dying from cancer. she is only 42 yrs old. so if i seem a bit angry, that is why.

Hail Satan
On Sat, Jul 13, 2013 at 11:10 PM, jwazny@... <jwazny@... wrote:

George zimmerman was found not guilty today by means of self defense im assuming. The black community says its racial oppression and its a racial hate crime. Militia black men were protesting in response to this man being set free by 6 women on a jury. What are your thoughts on this? Do you believe that the black community should have destruction rituals on them for their ignorance about this trial?

-- Isabella M.
Now your just trolling.
From: dvdpst <dvdposton@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 11:43:38 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community
  Don, READ my entire post. NOT just the first 'D' sentence.On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 8:44 AM, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
  See this is the problem "you can believe anything you like."  That is an empty statement on your part. And reveals the flaw in your train of thought patterns. Your not even attempting to address the evidence I laided down to compare premises on this subject. Your the example of why the model I put forth needs to be in effect. An intelligent individual of the otherside could run rings around you mentally in a debate.   Knowing is what is important. And the way to know is already in the formula I have stated. As it creates the needed environment to manifest this. This is also evident in the Pagan philosophy systems of the ancient East and West. Which produced some of the most advanced minds on earth.   Now you can stop question begging. You have been answered several times. I should not have to return to this thread to have to repeat myself because of your fallacious pattern in thinking if  you repeat a debunked premise just one more time. It will magically make it right. That thinking is not part of functional reality and you need to evolve out of it. Otherwise you are just starting to troll.     
From: dvdpst <dvdposton@... To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 8:21:12 AM Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community   Don, You can believe any thing you like. I'm just saying thing the out come of the verdict needs to be discuss some where else. Not now. The jewset has their own idea of what they want. And that is for every body to do as they say. After all, we know the jewshits are the cause of all the shit going on and always will be.  On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 7:12 AM, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
  No that is a surrendering of the logical/rational aspect of mind over to the emotional aspects. That is the very regime the jooz push on society. It makes people easier to manipulate. We exercise a whole mind deal here. If some people get their feelings hurt its up to them to use introspection as to why the facts don't add up to their feelings..    We are adults here.  Nannyism is a not needed. Otherwise no one can state anything if it "hurts one persons feelings." No matter how correct. That is a major theme in xianity and secular xianity of  liberalism. No mistake  xianity or liberalism has yet to produce one great philosopher in its image. Because it demands the mediocre by its very paradigm. And thats what your are prescribing is the desire for us to become mediocre. Hidding it behind fallacy. The very fact of what this case exposes on the jooz issue is lost on you. Zimmerman's being found not guilty is a major part of this. The fact have failed to understand this. Shows why we should not follow this  advice of yours. But go in the other direction which develops the mind further in such matters. Your argument fails by your own merits.    
From: dvdpst <dvdposton@... To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 6:42:42 AM Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community   Don, Just read some of these post on this subject. The kikes that are on here must be laughing their ass off about this. It doesn't matter who was in the right, cause I thought they both was in the wrong. Is this what SS needs. To argue over if some one is quitly or not. Bet they both went to an so call church, to worship that made up god of theirs. On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 6:25 AM, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
  Thats why we need it. What is the truth of the matter. Consider it a growing experience, otherwise we are in a straight jacket.  Just stating the jooz this or that. Is not a logic reason to live in a mental cell.
From: dvdpst <dvdposton@... To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 6:16:05 AM Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community   I'm not telling you what to have discussion on. With so many people having deferent feelings about who was in the right.....................     On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 10:31 PM, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
  Thanks for telling us what where allowed to have a discussion on.
From: dvdpst <dvdposton@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 10:24:11 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community
  This what I mean. If you want to talk about the jews behind it, ok. But his not being acquittal, leave it out. On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 9:31 PM, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
  Remember originally the local police dept didn't charge Zimmerman as they found it was a clear case of self defense. It was only when the Jews started to whip up a political lynch mob even getting Obama to stand in public and declare Trayon "could of been his son." And on. This was purposely turned into a show trial.And propaganda stunt even a major Jooz was network caught trying to doctor the original 911 call to libel Zimmerman with. Which is creating false evidence.  The whole trial was a farce they didn't have any evidence against Zimmerman, it was simply malicious.
From: siannamarie13 <siannamarie13@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 1:30:22 PM Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community   HP Don is right. This is about the jewish control of everything, as it always is. Ultimately, it isn't about Black militants. It isn't about `hate crime'. It isn't even about white on black crime. It is about the jews trying – once again – to get the gentile races fighting amongst themselves. As long as we are separated by hatred and mistrust of each other, we're relatively easy to control. It keeps us focused off the really important things, like how they control us. We're so busy with hating each other that we won't see that it's all about keeping us off balance so much so that we don't see that we're being played by them. It's a perfect game, for them. Things like stirring up racial hatred is one of their best methods for keeping the gentile races at each other's throats. Remember: they own all the media. They have the ability to not only cover up the facts, they can also generate any `evidence' they want. They are master manipulators. They control all the money, all the resources. This whole Zimmerman affair is the perfect way to start a race war in Florida, as well as other places here in the US. It was known, I feel, from the beginning, that Zimmerman was innocent, but that the outcome would be fuel for the Black militants to justify rioting and other such ugliness. The reptilian-jews WANT that. They can use it as an excuse to roll out martial law. I haven't always agreed with HP Don on things. But only to a very, very small degree. The more I read from him, the more I realize he's pretty hooked in to how things are, and how they work. He's got a clear connection to Father and the other Gods of Hell. I have little doubt they give him all kinds of help in knowing the truth of things, of where to look for unadulterated sources of information. He isn't someone I'm likely to criticize on the source of his facts. Blacks in general – not as a whole, mind you – have suffered more than most any other gentile race at the hands of the reptilian-jew scum. The very thought of some of the things blacks as a race have had to endure at their hands makes my stomach turn. That being said… There comes a time for every human when they are faced with a moment of utter, abject clarity; one in which they realize they have a choice to make: to continue down the easy road, and sink all the way down into willful ignorance, or to wake up and stay awake, to take responsibility for themselves and their life, to no longer accept that `that's just the way things are, so I just shouldn't even bother to try.' And yes, I do believe that whole heartedly. It's that part of our Father that is in each and every one of His children. It is the thing that speaks to their heart and mind, the thing that wakes them up enough to where they are able to see they DO have a choice. However, Father will never force them to choose. He will never threaten them with eternal damnation if they don't choose Him and the Truth. Something they won't get from the reptilian-jews. We SS need to become whole and one in our efforts against the reptilian-jews. THEY are the ones that need our continual focus on the destruction of. NOT of our Black Brothers and Sisters. We want to focus on the eradication of the cause, not the symptoms. In Service to Our Father… Heil Satan! Heil the Great Gods of Duat! Heil Hitler! --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote: Best to do such spiritual warfare rituals at the kikes as they are the root of the problem.
To 'Debbie'

You are not a moderator here, are you?

No? Then shut it. Seriously.

I am so sick of certain self-righteous people here, that choose to flaunt their ignorance around, using it like a shield to keep from opening their eyes to the truth.

If you, Debbie, wish to not partake in this thread, then don't. No one's forcing you to be here.

However, if you *are* going to be here, then please, don't tell us what we may and may not discuss.

HP Don has been here for a *very* long time. He's a High Priest for a reason. That being, he knows his shit. He's not some noob that doesn't know what's-what. I have little doubt that if HPS Maxine had any problem with him, she'd say something. But she hasn't, and as this *is* her forum, I'm sure she'd thank you to butt out and not try to go round telling us here what we may discuss.

To HP Don:

I hope you will forgive me for being so blunt to her, but, I just cannot sit quiet on this. I am so tired of people acting with such disrespect towards you. And I had more than enough of people who choose to be purposefully ignorant. I've had a life-full of people trying to tell me what I may and may not do, think, or speak.

I will not put up with that here.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

Thanks for telling us what where allowed to have a discussion on.
From: dvdpst <dvdposton@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 10:24:11 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community

This what I mean. If you want to talk about the jews behind it, ok. But his not being acquittal, leave it out. 
On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 9:31 PM, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
True that the kikesfuckingjewz are the ones behind it all from the begining till this very fucking day... as far as my opinon , being that my father was skin head while he was alive im a mutt itialian ,scotish ,french ,irish ,german, spanish, and in my blood ancestory Blackfoot native american ,my out look on rascism is that its ignorance and a method the enemy kikes use to incite war between gentile cultures and races. no mater what we are human inhabit of this land ther may be a piece of trash charicteristiclly in every race but no matter what we all bleed the same color and are in the same picture. the Only other Human gened race that is our true enemy to be truely despised are the fucking jewz. there entire purpose and origin is that long ago the enemy draconions genetically manipulated the human gene, [hybrid enginerring ] putting there reptiliangene into the human gene and making a hybrid human alien, the jews entire intenion of creation was To LITERALY WAGE WAR AGAINST ALL OTHER HUMAN GENTILE RACES! they are the ones who should be truely despised and ridded of. they are behind the destruction of all the ancient civilizations that us humanity had originally descended from, originateing from the descendent of our true god godesses of the anunaki . that is what the european inquisition and spainyard catholic inquistion(FUCKING BLASPHEMEYSDESICRATIONS)
that swept the eastern continent of this planet and the western continant of this earth .. where, the mass destruction of cultures and civilizations , and mass slaughter mutilation and torture of familys menwomenchildren, that had any other belief of life way oflife that was not of the Christ ILLUSION. This is the tue colors of the manifestation of mainstream religion , pure evil and gruesome , RACIST deceptive and a horrendouse curse (TOOL Programming ) the enemy and the Fucking kike skumm has always used to keep all of humanity enslaved from our god potential... FUCK THE KIKESKUMM!!!! HAIL LUCIFER FOUR CROWNS OF HELL AND HAIL OUR DAEMONIC GOD HEROS !!!
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

Best to do such spiritual warfare rituals at the kikes as they are the root of the problem.

From: "jwazny@..." <jwazny@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 10:16:42 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community


When i spoke of a destruction ritual i suggested it for the black militants who are turning the trial into a "racial oppression" motivated hate crime. When it is noted that if you watch the media or fox news and are educated zimmermans lawyer stated that the trial had nothing to do with race. It was not a hate crime, it was a case of self defense. He yelled at reporters saying that they made zimmerman look like a martyr but im rambling. These are the facts i have gathered. So when i suggest a destruction ritual it is against the black militants who are using the media to turn this into a civil case TO GET MONEY. even if the poor fucking guy goes to civil court his lawyers will file for immunity so nothing will happen if the guy goes to civil court.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "hells666steward" <hells666steward@ wrote:

lol are you a Satanist, or a kike?

You want to have a destruction ritual against an entire gentile race?


--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "jwazny@" <jwazny@ wrote:

George zimmerman was found not guilty today by means of self defense im assuming. The black community says its racial oppression and its a racial hate crime. Militia black men were protesting in response to this man being set free by 6 women on a jury. What are your thoughts on this? Do you believe that the black community should have destruction rituals on them for their ignorance about this trial?
@hells666steward. Seriously you need to stop this anti White bullshit. This group supports all races, nobody is dissing on other races except you. No race is perfect, not Whites, we've fucked up a lot of the times as well. Hell we're the only race of people around today who's population is declining in almost every country, precisely because we allow the kind of things you support to go on.

Blacks still have Black Africa with a population exploding.
I don't see Nigeria ever allowing in 3 million non Black immigrants and giving them affirmative action so they can become just as represented in the Nigerian workforce, government and universities as Blacks do you?

Or there being mass hysteria in the Nigerian media because a White man was killed there.

Nor should they be expected to do any of this. Because it's a Black nation where the destiny of it's people should be in it's own peoples hands. And we know it's not today mostly because of the Christian religion and Jewish banking system. But that's not the fault of Whites.

The only thing we ask for is the same. How you think that is unreasonable I haven't a clue. I understand you are emotional about your people but you are taking it out on the wrong people, in the wrong place.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hells666steward" <hells666steward@... wrote:

I never held "all whites accountable." That's ridiculous.

Even in the quote of mine below. I didn't "hold all white people accountable." Please don't put words in my mouth.

The fact of the matter is, if this is a white country, and if it was founded by whites, for whites, etc. then why did whites *allow* black people here?? Weren't the founding fathers white? Weren't the citizens white? So why didn't they do something about it? Weren't they in control of their own country? AT ALL??

They FAILED. But I'm sure you wouldn't say that... about the Noble White Man. He's flawless and always has been, right?

I'm being facetious in the statement above but not to disparage White People. I know it was difficult to set up the country AT ALL let alone do those things. The Founding Fathers are geniuses and should be commended for their bravery. But you would never say they FAILED in part of their mission, would you? You wouldn't blame the founding fathers for not having the balls, smarts, resources etc for perfecting the United States as soon as it was founded, would you??

No. You wouldn't. And THAT is the point I'm making. You don't talk shit about white people failing to do these things, yet when it comes to black people, you seem to love to talk about how they are killing each other. As if the White race is perfect.

I don't care that Whites *WANTED* to end the slave trade. They didn't. They FAILED. They were too weak to do it, I guess. So why are you blaming black people for being brought to a country - usually against their will - that they never ruled over? Yes, the Black Race has Failed in the past, too. Many times. Of course they have!! And you would freely admit this, and go on a rant about how they are killing themselves, but why aren't you ALSO looking at WHITE PEOPLE in that same light and saying, in equally disparaging terms,

It's double-talk. I am pointing out the hypocrisy. I know jews are the cause. That's obvious to me. Ask Louis Farrakhan about the slave trade. He will tell you it was all jews. Many black people are finding this out. Many already know.

I'm not blaming black people, I'm not blaming white people. Both races are noble. Both deserve the best, both have made mistakes. Same with the Asians. Look at China right now. I wish all of them, the very best. The White Race DESERVES the best! As do the other races, if we all got our asses in gear!!

I don't blame the White or Black races for their greatest errors. I blame the angels and the fucking jews. Because they are the cause.

In the end, it is what it is. It happened. What are you going to do about it? Insult all non-white gentiles? lol insulting gentiles isn't going to help your cause. It will not make our numbers grow. When we become a worldwide phenomenon, it will not get us any support.

When it comes to the great errors of the races, I blame the jews for all of this. But you seem to want to blame everyone BUT Whites. Am I wrong? I know black people have fucked up repeatedly over the years. This is obvious. BUT SO HAVE WHITE PEOPLE. And usually, those fuck-ups happen because the gentiles fall into traps that the kikes have set. Whether it's guns in black neighborhoods or banks stealing white homes in Mississippi. And this is my point. Our fuck-ups, as gentiles, are the results of jewish actions. I don't blame any of the gentile races for their fuck-ups the way I blame the jews.

However, I DO and I WILL hold the gentile races *RESPONSIBLE* for making poor decisions. ALL of the Gentile races. And yes, some white people owned slaves. Some black people did, too. No shit!

Do you like black people at all, Don? lol Do you think they are inferior? That this is "all their fault"??

It seems like when I point out the ways in which the jews fuck over whites, you say "fuck the jews."
But when I point out the ways in which the jews fuck over blacks, it seems to be their fault for being so fucked up.

I know the jews financed the slave trade. I know all about it. I've even turned more than a few people (mostly Germans) into Nazis in my day so please don't talk to me about not knowing what the jews are up to.

I am not making excuses for the errors of black people or white people. White People are a noble race and it seems to me that you think I blame Whites for "everything" Blacks have had to endure, which COULDN'T be farther from the Truth.

What I am saying is that you are not being even-handed.
But I guess you won't see it that way. You will call me "brainwashed" and "kosher" etc because I don't agree with you on the finer points of nuance.

And I get it. I used to run these boards years ago. You get burned out, skeptical, cynical, etc from people disagreeing with you over anything and everything. That's not what I am trying to do.

I am trying to emphasize that the same reason white people aren't living in a perfect civilization is the same reason why black people aren't. It's because the jews have sabotaged both races at every turn.

But when I cite the ways in which the black community has been sabotaged, you call me kosher. Great. Thanks.

We agree far more than you are willing to see but your emphasis is different (which is fine) but your tone is WAY different. If you think I blame White people for "everything" then you haven't been paying attention. Period.

Finger on the ban button yet?

And P.S. why are we even talking about this at all? Oh yeah. Because someone came on here saying we should curse the black race. Huh.

And what was your response, Don?
You didn't even say that they shouldn't be cursed!
You just went into how fucked up black people are!
I rest my case.

No one would ever DARE come on these boards and say we should curse the White Race! lmao are you kidding me?


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

 The Jew slavers hung around the ports on the coast and bought the Black slaves off other Blacks who raided rival tribes. Infact slavery still exists in Africa today.
The record shows 75% of the slave owners in America where Jews, with the other 25% being Amerindians, Whites and free BLACKS.
So no unlike you try and suggest it was not some White people thing. Infact it was the Whites who wanted the slave traded ended and never wished it to have started. And it was the Founding Fathers of America who wished to deal with this mess before it got more ugly but where bound by their own laws. Also most slaves where shipped in before America was a country. But back when it was several colonies of different European powers from France, England and Holland.
Later hundreds of thousands of Blacks returned to Africa under the Liberian movement lead by Douglas a Black Nationalist. A fore runner of Garvey. But it was cut short by the Rothschild murder of the President. Who was backing Douglas with the full power of the American government the plan was for full repatriation of all Blacks. And this was the best time as the effects of the war in its aftermath. Caused the situation to arise in history. But was ended by the enemy.
Guess what even in African Liberia the upperclass Blacks........Owned Blacks slaves by the tens of thousands.
The only stupidity on this subject is your all too tragic opinions which are the result lack of introspection and liberal smug in its place. Just making it up as you go along. I run across this all the time in society for a reason.
See in reality there never was some great democratic vote by all Whites in a nation that did not even exist yet. To allow any of this. Maybe in your fantasy world, but not in this one. So trying to be an asshole and hold all Whites accountable for something you are making up is ridiculous on your part. And is one reason I can't take your opinions seriously. Your lack of historical continuatiy  alone not to mention mixing it with the mainstream Jewish narrative which parades as Liberalism. And trying to pass this off as some great understanding. Like I stated your own post is a two bit, Liberal gum ball machine answer.Its not part of functioning reality. And this thought process is a major problem in the West. Its literally what was called Autism before it was reclassified as medical condition by latter doctors to something else.
Hells666steward wrote:
"Black people didn't put themselves in chains and jump on board the slave ships. But now, they're in America. You could say that the jews created and financed the slave trade. True. But white people were still buying slaves. They knew full well that they were bringing black people into a country that many of them believed was going to be exclusively theirs. This is stupidity on its face. If you don't want black people in your country, why would you ship them here against their will?? "

From: Don Danko <mageson6666@
To: "[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 8:00:16 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community


Just for the record don't try and put words in my mouth again. Its rude.

From: Don Danko <mageson6666@
To: "[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 7:58:31 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community

I could get this reply out of any two bit liberal gum ball machine.....Infact most of this has nothing to do with my reply. Its just you going on some PC rant trying to make something of nothing..Infact I get the impression you even didn't read my entire reply or it went in one ear and out the other. I am not repeating myself.
Trayon would still be alive if he was not a violent, criminal piece of shit. And had not attacked Zimmerman for being an active citizen. Only in kosher Ameikwa  is this some type of complex fucking rocket science to understand.

From: hells666steward <hells666steward@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 5:35:23 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community

"The Black community in America is Judized. Even their bogus idea of "Blackness" is nothing but the Jewish idea of Jewishness. Just applied to Blacks. They behave like Jews at this point. Because there a result of decades of Jewish psychological warfare programs." -the same could be said for whites in America, couldn't it?
Most druggies I know are white. Most people I know who don't have a job, don't have to work, sit around collecting checks for doing nothing. Are white. Either scamming the system or trust fund babies. Take your pick. Most people I know who break the law are white. Most people I know who break the law and get away with it. Are white. Friends of mine, acquaintances, whatever. Just my own personal experience. And I've known a lot of people. Affirmative action helps white women much more than black people. This has been common knowledge for years and years. When affirmative action was set in place, enrollment of white women in schools and the hiring of white women for jobs skyrocketed, far beyond what happened for blacks. As for incarceration of black males etc. This largely has to do with disproportionate enforcement of laws, and the passage of laws that disproportionately affect blscks. For example, cocaine has a penalty much lighter than crack. White
people tend to use coke (it's purer and more expensive), black people tend to use crack (it's impure, cheap, and often has effects far worse to the human body than pure coke). Let's also not forget that Reagan and Bush (when he was head of CIA, before he was president) covertly brought crack into inner cities in the 80's - which is how the crack epidemic started. Because the government created it. Just like the Iran-Contra affair, only far less publicized. They are criminals. This is why many black people HATE Ronald Reagan. Meanwhile, in a place like New York City, where the cops stop and frisk people just because they feel like it, they can arrest anyone for having the smallest amount of marijuana, even though the ways in which they ascertain possession of that marijuana is often illegal. But the system doesn't care. One more nigger to lock away and ruin forever. Give him a record. Prevent him from getting a good job. Gee. I wonder what happens to
someone when you destroy their ability to get a good, decent, honest job???????????????? The fact is, though, that whites smoke just as much pot as blacks do. Actually more, since there are more whites in the country. So why are there more arrests of black people for marijuana than white people?? Maybe because the police aren't stopping and frisking young white people in New York City. They stop black people. Blacks are the target. Because they're always up to no good. Right? Right... So you can say that black people have been brainwashed. Yes, of course. Hasn't everyone. But you can't act like the deck isn't stacked against them in a way that it isn't for white people. Because that just... isn't true. Black people need to wake up. Everyone needs to wake up. But it's hard to wake up when there's a guy standing over you filling your veins with sleeping drugs while you're passed out. So to speak. Yes, black people kill each other every day and that is
a huge problem. That's a fucking disaster and in many pockets of the country (not everywhere though) black culture has gone to shit. But then again, didn't this happen in Europe during the Dark Ages? But no one calls Europeans "barbaric" for these massacres. Of course, you could say that the jews were behind these wars in Europe. And for the most part, you may be correct. But the same would apply to black people in America. After all, Black people didn't put themselves in chains and jump on board the slave ships. But now, they're in America. You could say that the jews created and financed the slave trade. True. But white people were still buying slaves. They knew full well that they were bringing black people into a country that many of them believed was going to be exclusively theirs. This is stupidity on its face. If you don't want black people in your country, why would you ship them here against their will?? Personally, I choose not to blame
the victim. I avoid pointing too many fingers at black people, or white people, or the Chinese for their shitty government. Yes, it is the victim's responsibility to avoid being victimized in the future and to take control of their own destiny but if I decided to blame the victim 100% then what's the point in trying to save humanity? We're the victims, it's our fault. We should all suffer and die for our collective stupidity. By the way, one of the police officers who responded to the scene of Martin's death recommended that Zimmerman at least be arrested, due to the preponderance of evidence against him. He was a white guy. I guess the department ignored him. They didn't even ARREST Zimmerman after Trayvon was killed. THAT's why the whole thing got so much press in the beginning. He wasn't even charged. People had to protest to even get a trial underway. If they had just arrested him, tried him, and acquitted him, people would likely be less upset
than they are now. The fact is, imagine if the tables were turned. Everything in the case is exactly the same - except that Trayvon was a white hispanic dude with a jewish last name, and some black dude got out of his car with hollow bullets and followed him. The white kid ends up dead after the black guy shoots him in the chest with hollow bullets. Exact same scenario, but reverse the races. How would that look to the country? How would that look to you? How would you react to that? Zimmerman was a trained MMA fighter, knew the law and what to say to police, had hollow bullets loaded in his gun for that extra-lethal kick, and he disobeyed the 9 11 dispatch who told him that they "didn't need him" to follow Martin. He was the neighborhood watch. He could have just... you know. WATCHED. And called the cops. And followed their advice/orders when they told him to stay put. Long story short, the whole thing seems very, VERY fishy to me. Not to mention
that if Zimmerman's head was being slammed into the concrete the way he said it was, there would be blood EVERYWHERE. Head wounds BLEED. We're talking a RIVER of blood. I've seen these types of injuries, up close and in person. Many times. There would be blood EVERYWHERE. But there wasn't. Anyways,
One thing we can agree on though, is that the jews play the races against each other and have been playing black people like a fiddle - and the fact that the media uses every opportunity it can to avoid talking about what fucked up things are going on in our government, our banks, and overseas, every day. I will forever be thankful to Satan for blessing every gentile race with its own dignity and strength. White, Black, Asian, Native American... we are all worthy. Even as we are staring in the face of extermination. And yet, we will all rise and conquer the enemy once and for all in the end. HAIL SATAN!! --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

The Jooz Media was purposely hyping this case from printing false evidence on  the 911 tapes which they purposely lied to make Zimmerman look like a "racist" who just killed this Trayon because he was Black. And on.
This is very revealing and shows several things. The Kosherpath MSM always pushes tabloid junk as a the main story to distract people off real news. Such as Snowdin, Manning and on.
The Jews are trying to incite more racial hatred as they love to do. Which they draw power from.
They where creating this to be propaganda to dismantle important self defense laws such as the Stand your ground law. And to aid in general  the Jewish gun grabbing lobby.
Originally the Police dept found no reason to charge Zimmerman with a crime and left it as self defense. Then the lynch mob lobbies jumped on and turned this into a band wagon. 
Fact is simple Trayon who was not a "child" but a over 6ft tall, 200 pound young male. And had a history of violence and criminal behaviour. Including being caught with B&E tools and unaccountable jewerly in his back pack. Was prowling around on private properity at night dressed to conceal himself checking out houses in an area that just had several break and enters.
Zimmerman who is law enforcement trained and a neighbourhood watch man. Saw this activity and phoned 911 and then went to ask this character what is he doing on priviate properity. Which is his legal right and he is in the Neighbourhood watch.
Trayon then attacked him violently as one witnessed stated. 6ft plus Trayon was sitting on top of little 5ft Zimmerman giving him a lethal beating. Smashing his head into the concert sidewalk. Which is how most people die in street fights. The wounds on Zimmerman showed this to be the case.
So Zimmerman shot him in self defense.
A violent teenage Hoodlum decided to viciously attack the neighbourhood watch man for asking him what he was doing on private properity. And got himself killed by his own behaviour.
Also  what kind of statement is that. On your behalf? For the 'ignorance" of the women on the jury. Ignorance means not to know.They where on the jury and sat thought days and days of evidence from both sides beforing making a choice.
Which means it was an educated choice on their part. The opposite of ignorance.
The Black community in America is Judized. Even their bogus idea of "Blackness" is nothing but the Jewish idea of Jewishness. Just applied to Blacks. They behave like Jews at this point. Because there a result of decades of Jewish psychological warfare programs. So their behaviour is not suprising over this. They use the word "Racist" the same way the Jews shout "anti-semitism." No mistake the JEWs ran the NAACP from the start.
The Jews started they would Communize via Cultural Marxism the Minority communities in America to act as a tool in their Communist take over. Communism is Judaism applied to political strategy to enact the protocols of the Jewish Talmud. Nothing more. The final conquest of the Goyium world by the Jewish race.
The only racial oppression Blacks suffer at this point is from Jews and each other. Blacks kill each other by the tens of thousands in America every year. And turn their communities into opressive urban warzones full of broken homes and lives. Where they murder each other over everything from a bag of chips, to just because. And never seem to care to point out the  Jews behind it. Its always the White man's fault because the Jew tells them so.. Despite over 3 trillon dollars of White tax payers money has been pumped into their miserable lives and Whites gave them equal rights and freedoms. Ended the slave trade and ownership that the Jews where behind. Even tolerated affirmative action. Which is actual racism not the end of it. And bend over backwards for them as a whole day in and day out. Nope just like the Jewz they got their attitude from. Its never, ever enough. And don't you DARE tell them otherwise! OyVeh! The never ending sense of self
defeating entitlement.
Then the Blacks don't seem to catch onto their psychology actual disempowers them from success at life which then makes them more angry and frustrated at Whites. Which just fuels this negative mentality the Jews put in their head. It does not free them from it. Which is what Jews want. As it pushes racial hostilies to a new level. The Jews have also pumped their heads full of strong self hatred over being Black. Which is then externalized outwards further as part of this. And inwards to a self destructive pathology. Which then reflects in their lives and community. The Jews got them over a barrel.
To the point the lastest demographic reports show the Blacks Race will be wiped out in America in this century. They are dying off in record numbers due to this. When most Black males are either dead, serving 25 to life or dying of diesase. The Blacks make up 12% of the American population but 50% of the maxium security prison inmate population in America.
They call this "racism." But its Jewish ingrained self hatred and the Jewish destruction of their race, culture and community.
By calling this racism they never have to also take some personal power back for themselves and  take the personal responsibility to put an end to the vicious cycle of destruction.
There was a Black fellow who did catch on and was protesting in a Klan robe. That his own people kill tens of thousands of his people each year. And a call for Black reform of their psychological pathologies and community.  And he was viciously raked over the coals by his own kind and the general kosherpath club. Even Bill Cosby was given the same treatment when he told his fellow Blacks they need to free their minds from this self destructive pathology of "Blackness."

From: "jwazny@" <jwazny@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com Sent: Saturday, July 13, 2013 11:10:34 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] George zimmerman and the black community


George zimmerman was found not guilty today by means of self defense im assuming. The black community says its racial oppression and its a racial hate crime. Militia black men were protesting in response to this man being set free by 6 women on a jury. What are your thoughts on this? Do you believe that the black community should have destruction rituals on them for their ignorance about this trial?
He DID read your entire post. So did I. As have many others here. It's clear even to me that you wish to discuss only certain parts of the subject, yet desire to tell the rest of us what is acceptable to discuss here and what is not.

The outcome of it all is perfectly acceptable to talk about here. If not, then, where else?

The outcome of the trial has the potential to affect us all, Debbie. The outcome of the trial shows us just one more way the jews are trying to control us. It looks like a triumph for justice, and yet they use that very triumph to help implement more racial division via pitting blacks against whites. This gives them even more leverage to justify the implementation of martial law, and that just for starters.

I WANT very much to discuss this here. And no one but the moderators has any right to tell anyone here what may and may not be discussed.

If you don't like that, then just go away.

Otherwise, just shut it.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], dvdpst <dvdposton@... wrote:

Don, READ my entire post. NOT just the first 'D' sentence.

On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 8:44 AM, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

See this is the problem "you can believe anything you like." That is an
empty statement on your part. And reveals the flaw in your train of thought
patterns. Your not even attempting to address the evidence I laided down to
compare premises on this subject. Your the example of why the model I put
forth needs to be in effect. An intelligent individual of the otherside
could run rings around you mentally in a debate.

Knowing is what is important. And the way to know is already in the
formula I have stated. As it creates the needed environment to manifest
this. This is also evident in the Pagan philosophy systems of the ancient
East and West. Which produced some of the most advanced minds on earth.

Now you can stop question begging. You have been answered several times. I
should not have to return to this thread to have to repeat myself because
of your fallacious pattern in thinking if you repeat a debunked premise
just one more time. It will magically make it right. That thinking is not
part of functional reality and you need to evolve out of it. Otherwise you
are just starting to troll.
Don Danko is 100% correct. This entire thread is outrageous and constructivist, nothing else.

Zimmerman followed the law. Not only is it abnormal behavior to be lurking around hooded up in the rain at night but anyone who knows anything about fighting or has experienced a street fight knows that once someone is on top of you pounding away it is nearly impossible to get out of.

Trained MMA fighters have a hard time getting out of that situation and it wasnt a fight where two opponents enter the ring with agreed upon rules. It was a life or death street fight. That is very real shit.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "jwazny@..." <jwazny@... wrote:

George zimmerman was found not guilty today by means of self defense im assuming. The black community says its racial oppression and its a racial hate crime. Militia black men were protesting in response to this man being set free by 6 women on a jury. What are your thoughts on this? Do you believe that the black community should have destruction rituals on them for their ignorance about this trial?
I personally think that the whole thing was a setup from the start made by the jew's so that the blacks and whites will fight each other and not see who the real enemy is. Of course i don't have any evidence to support my claim i thenk we can go from past experience hear and know that what i said may be true in one form or another.  HAIL TO SATAN AND HIS VICTORY                                                                                                                                                                                        HAIL HITLER                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 HAIL HIMMLER                                                                                                                                                                                                                              HAIL ALL THE WARRIORS MEN AND GOD OF HELL               From: dvdpst <dvdposton@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 5:21 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community

  Don, You can believe any thing you like. I'm just saying thing the out come of the verdict needs to be discuss some where else. Not now. The jewset has their own idea of what they want. And that is for every body to do as they say. After all, we know the jewshits are the cause of all the shit going on and always will be. 

On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 7:12 AM, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
  No that is a surrendering of the logical/rational aspect of mind over to the emotional aspects. That is the very regime the jooz push on society. It makes people easier to manipulate. We exercise a whole mind deal here. If some people get their feelings hurt its up to them to use introspection as to why the facts don't add up to their feelings..    We are adults here.  Nannyism is a not needed. Otherwise no one can state anything if it "hurts one persons feelings." No matter how correct. That is a major theme in xianity and secular xianity of  liberalism. No mistake  xianity or liberalism has yet to produce one great philosopher in its image. Because it demands the mediocre by its very paradigm. And thats what your are prescribing is the desire for us to become mediocre. Hidding it behind fallacy. The very fact of what this case exposes on the jooz issue is lost on you. Zimmerman's being found not guilty is a major part of this. The fact have failed to understand this. Shows why we should not follow this  advice of yours. But go in the other direction which develops the mind further in such matters. Your argument fails by your own merits.    
From: dvdpst <dvdposton@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 6:42:42 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community
  Don, Just read some of these post on this subject. The kikes that are on here must be laughing their ass off about this. It doesn't matter who was in the right, cause I thought they both was in the wrong. Is this what SS needs. To argue over if some one is quitly or not. Bet they both went to an so call church, to worship that made up god of theirs. On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 6:25 AM, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
  Thats why we need it. What is the truth of the matter. Consider it a growing experience, otherwise we are in a straight jacket.  Just stating the jooz this or that. Is not a logic reason to live in a mental cell.
From: dvdpst <dvdposton@... To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 6:16:05 AM Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community   I'm not telling you what to have discussion on. With so many people having deferent feelings about who was in the right.....................     On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 10:31 PM, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
  Thanks for telling us what where allowed to have a discussion on.
From: dvdpst <dvdposton@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 10:24:11 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community
  This what I mean. If you want to talk about the jews behind it, ok. But his not being acquittal, leave it out. On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 9:31 PM, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
  Remember originally the local police dept didn't charge Zimmerman as they found it was a clear case of self defense. It was only when the Jews started to whip up a political lynch mob even getting Obama to stand in public and declare Trayon "could of been his son." And on. This was purposely turned into a show trial.And propaganda stunt even a major Jooz was network caught trying to doctor the original 911 call to libel Zimmerman with. Which is creating false evidence.  The whole trial was a farce they didn't have any evidence against Zimmerman, it was simply malicious.
From: siannamarie13 <siannamarie13@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 1:30:22 PM Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community   HP Don is right. This is about the jewish control of everything, as it always is. Ultimately, it isn't about Black militants. It isn't about `hate crime'. It isn't even about white on black crime. It is about the jews trying – once again – to get the gentile races fighting amongst themselves. As long as we are separated by hatred and mistrust of each other, we're relatively easy to control. It keeps us focused off the really important things, like how they control us. We're so busy with hating each other that we won't see that it's all about keeping us off balance so much so that we don't see that we're being played by them. It's a perfect game, for them. Things like stirring up racial hatred is one of their best methods for keeping the gentile races at each other's throats. Remember: they own all the media. They have the ability to not only cover up the facts, they can also generate any `evidence' they want. They are master manipulators. They control all the money, all the resources. This whole Zimmerman affair is the perfect way to start a race war in Florida, as well as other places here in the US. It was known, I feel, from the beginning, that Zimmerman was innocent, but that the outcome would be fuel for the Black militants to justify rioting and other such ugliness. The reptilian-jews WANT that. They can use it as an excuse to roll out martial law. I haven't always agreed with HP Don on things. But only to a very, very small degree. The more I read from him, the more I realize he's pretty hooked in to how things are, and how they work. He's got a clear connection to Father and the other Gods of Hell. I have little doubt they give him all kinds of help in knowing the truth of things, of where to look for unadulterated sources of information. He isn't someone I'm likely to criticize on the source of his facts. Blacks in general – not as a whole, mind you – have suffered more than most any other gentile race at the hands of the reptilian-jew scum. The very thought of some of the things blacks as a race have had to endure at their hands makes my stomach turn. That being said… There comes a time for every human when they are faced with a moment of utter, abject clarity; one in which they realize they have a choice to make: to continue down the easy road, and sink all the way down into willful ignorance, or to wake up and stay awake, to take responsibility for themselves and their life, to no longer accept that `that's just the way things are, so I just shouldn't even bother to try.' And yes, I do believe that whole heartedly. It's that part of our Father that is in each and every one of His children. It is the thing that speaks to their heart and mind, the thing that wakes them up enough to where they are able to see they DO have a choice. However, Father will never force them to choose. He will never threaten them with eternal damnation if they don't choose Him and the Truth. Something they won't get from the reptilian-jews. We SS need to become whole and one in our efforts against the reptilian-jews. THEY are the ones that need our continual focus on the destruction of. NOT of our Black Brothers and Sisters. We want to focus on the eradication of the cause, not the symptoms. In Service to Our Father… Heil Satan! Heil the Great Gods of Duat! Heil Hitler! --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote: Best to do such spiritual warfare rituals at the kikes as they are the root of the problem.

This whole case was ridiculous. When I heard about this thing, I could automatically tell that people were going to make a hate crime out of this. In my opinion, who the fuck even cares? Granted, I'm not racist; however, it's one white guy that killed a black guy cuz of some fight that happened. What's one more death in Chicago? I live in Chicago and I hear of murders, shootings, rapes, crimes every day. It does not phase me whatsoever to hear about murders anymore. As for the destruction ritual, I also think it's ridiculous to do that to the whole race. Yeah, the militants that are saying that it's a hate crime take it too far; plus all of these fucking pastors on the news from whatever xian churches are saying shit like "this has gone on for over 200 years"... Really? Are you so pissed off about your ancestors being slaves, people that you didn't even know? Like I said, I'm not racist. But damnit, I'm prejudiced. Back on topic, I do not think it's necessary to do a destruction ritual to the race, but something needs to be done about these fucking pastors and xian church leaders that are leading these huge masses about this case. It's gone WAY too far.
Hail Satan!
On Jul 13, 2013, at 10:10 PM, "jwazny@..." <jwazny@... wrote:
  George zimmerman was found not guilty today by means of self defense im assuming. The black community says its racial oppression and its a racial hate crime. Militia black men were protesting in response to this man being set free by 6 women on a jury. What are your thoughts on this? Do you believe that the black community should have destruction rituals on them for their ignorance about this trial?
It should be noted Trayon who is 6ft and 200 pounds jumped  5ft nothing, Zimmerman from behind. Meaning he was waiting for him in the bushes planning to violently  ambush and attack him it was premediated on Trayon's part. Trayon simply didn't bet on  his intended victim, Zimmerman  being armed.  Thats it, its that simple.   I also read the police did find a lock picking set in the same bushes as well. Trayon was spotting lurking between houses on other peoples private properity by Zimmerman. Trayon having been caught with B&E tools before along with unaccoutable jewerly in his back pack. And there was a string of recent Break and Enters in the neighbourhood. Zimmerman was the leader of the neighbourhood watch. He naturally phoned the police and kept tabs on Trayon.  I note the attitude a lot of shitheads are repeating from the Joozmedia-duh. Is that Trayon was somehow justified in violently ambushing Zimmerman from behind and violently  beating [even smashing his head into the concrete]. Because he was mad. That is how fucking infantile and stupid people have become. Even added further to the retardation Zimmerman is now bad for defending himself.  Don't go around violently attacking other people. And YOU MIGHT NOT GET KILLED.   
From: hail_satan11 <hail_satan11@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:18:37 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community
  Don Danko is 100% correct. This entire thread is outrageous and constructivist, nothing else.

Zimmerman followed the law. Not only is it abnormal behavior to be lurking around hooded up in the rain at night but anyone who knows anything about fighting or has experienced a street fight knows that once someone is on top of you pounding away it is nearly impossible to get out of.

Trained MMA fighters have a hard time getting out of that situation and it wasnt a fight where two opponents enter the ring with agreed upon rules. It was a life or death street fight. That is very real shit.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "jwazny@..." <jwazny@... wrote:

George zimmerman was found not guilty today by means of self defense im assuming. The black community says its racial oppression and its a racial hate crime. Militia black men were protesting in response to this man being set free by 6 women on a jury. What are your thoughts on this? Do you believe that the black community should have destruction rituals on them for their ignorance about this trial?
Thats what Jewspew-ard is here to do. Kosherology 101.
From: rahu_00088 <snake_pit_666@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 10:35:54 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community
  @hells666steward. Seriously you need to stop this anti White bullshit. This group supports all races, nobody is dissing on other races except you. No race is perfect, not Whites, we've fucked up a lot of the times as well. Hell we're the only race of people around today who's population is declining in almost every country, precisely because we allow the kind of things you support to go on.

Blacks still have Black Africa with a population exploding.
I don't see Nigeria ever allowing in 3 million non Black immigrants and giving them affirmative action so they can become just as represented in the Nigerian workforce, government and universities as Blacks do you?

Or there being mass hysteria in the Nigerian media because a White man was killed there.

Nor should they be expected to do any of this. Because it's a Black nation where the destiny of it's people should be in it's own peoples hands. And we know it's not today mostly because of the Christian religion and Jewish banking system. But that's not the fault of Whites.

The only thing we ask for is the same. How you think that is unreasonable I haven't a clue. I understand you are emotional about your people but you are taking it out on the wrong people, in the wrong place.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "hells666steward" <hells666steward@... wrote:

I never held "all whites accountable." That's ridiculous.

Even in the quote of mine below. I didn't "hold all white people accountable." Please don't put words in my mouth.

The fact of the matter is, if this is a white country, and if it was founded by whites, for whites, etc. then why did whites *allow* black people here?? Weren't the founding fathers white? Weren't the citizens white? So why didn't they do something about it? Weren't they in control of their own country? AT ALL??

They FAILED. But I'm sure you wouldn't say that... about the Noble White Man. He's flawless and always has been, right?

I'm being facetious in the statement above but not to disparage White People. I know it was difficult to set up the country AT ALL let alone do those things. The Founding Fathers are geniuses and should be commended for their bravery. But you would never say they FAILED in part of their mission, would you? You wouldn't blame the founding fathers for not having the balls, smarts, resources etc for perfecting the United States as soon as it was founded, would you??

No. You wouldn't. And THAT is the point I'm making. You don't talk shit about white people failing to do these things, yet when it comes to black people, you seem to love to talk about how they are killing each other. As if the White race is perfect.

I don't care that Whites *WANTED* to end the slave trade. They didn't. They FAILED. They were too weak to do it, I guess. So why are you blaming black people for being brought to a country - usually against their will - that they never ruled over? Yes, the Black Race has Failed in the past, too. Many times. Of course they have!! And you would freely admit this, and go on a rant about how they are killing themselves, but why aren't you ALSO looking at WHITE PEOPLE in that same light and saying, in equally disparaging terms,

It's double-talk. I am pointing out the hypocrisy. I know jews are the cause. That's obvious to me. Ask Louis Farrakhan about the slave trade. He will tell you it was all jews. Many black people are finding this out. Many already know.

I'm not blaming black people, I'm not blaming white people. Both races are noble. Both deserve the best, both have made mistakes. Same with the Asians. Look at China right now. I wish all of them, the very best. The White Race DESERVES the best! As do the other races, if we all got our asses in gear!!

I don't blame the White or Black races for their greatest errors. I blame the angels and the fucking jews. Because they are the cause.

In the end, it is what it is. It happened. What are you going to do about it? Insult all non-white gentiles? lol insulting gentiles isn't going to help your cause. It will not make our numbers grow. When we become a worldwide phenomenon, it will not get us any support.

When it comes to the great errors of the races, I blame the jews for all of this. But you seem to want to blame everyone BUT Whites. Am I wrong? I know black people have fucked up repeatedly over the years. This is obvious. BUT SO HAVE WHITE PEOPLE. And usually, those fuck-ups happen because the gentiles fall into traps that the kikes have set. Whether it's guns in black neighborhoods or banks stealing white homes in Mississippi. And this is my point. Our fuck-ups, as gentiles, are the results of jewish actions. I don't blame any of the gentile races for their fuck-ups the way I blame the jews.

However, I DO and I WILL hold the gentile races *RESPONSIBLE* for making poor decisions. ALL of the Gentile races. And yes, some white people owned slaves. Some black people did, too. No shit!

Do you like black people at all, Don? lol Do you think they are inferior? That this is "all their fault"??

It seems like when I point out the ways in which the jews fuck over whites, you say "fuck the jews."
But when I point out the ways in which the jews fuck over blacks, it seems to be their fault for being so fucked up.

I know the jews financed the slave trade. I know all about it. I've even turned more than a few people (mostly Germans) into Nazis in my day so please don't talk to me about not knowing what the jews are up to.

I am not making excuses for the errors of black people or white people. White People are a noble race and it seems to me that you think I blame Whites for "everything" Blacks have had to endure, which COULDN'T be farther from the Truth.

What I am saying is that you are not being even-handed.
But I guess you won't see it that way. You will call me "brainwashed" and "kosher" etc because I don't agree with you on the finer points of nuance.

And I get it. I used to run these boards years ago. You get burned out, skeptical, cynical, etc from people disagreeing with you over anything and everything. That's not what I am trying to do.

I am trying to emphasize that the same reason white people aren't living in a perfect civilization is the same reason why black people aren't. It's because the jews have sabotaged both races at every turn.

But when I cite the ways in which the black community has been sabotaged, you call me kosher. Great. Thanks.

We agree far more than you are willing to see but your emphasis is different (which is fine) but your tone is WAY different. If you think I blame White people for "everything" then you haven't been paying attention. Period.

Finger on the ban button yet?

And P.S. why are we even talking about this at all? Oh yeah. Because someone came on here saying we should curse the black race. Huh.

And what was your response, Don?
You didn't even say that they shouldn't be cursed!
You just went into how fucked up black people are!
I rest my case.

No one would ever DARE come on these boards and say we should curse the White Race! lmao are you kidding me?


--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

 The Jew slavers hung around the ports on the coast and bought the Black slaves off other Blacks who raided rival tribes. Infact slavery still exists in Africa today.
The record shows 75% of the slave owners in America where Jews, with the other 25% being Amerindians, Whites and free BLACKS.
So no unlike you try and suggest it was not some White people thing. Infact it was the Whites who wanted the slave traded ended and never wished it to have started. And it was the Founding Fathers of America who wished to deal with this mess before it got more ugly but where bound by their own laws. Also most slaves where shipped in before America was a country. But back when it was several colonies of different European powers from France, England and Holland.
Later hundreds of thousands of Blacks returned to Africa under the Liberian movement lead by Douglas a Black Nationalist. A fore runner of Garvey. But it was cut short by the Rothschild murder of the President. Who was backing Douglas with the full power of the American government the plan was for full repatriation of all Blacks. And this was the best time as the effects of the war in its aftermath. Caused the situation to arise in history. But was ended by the enemy.
Guess what even in African Liberia the upperclass Blacks........Owned Blacks slaves by the tens of thousands.
The only stupidity on this subject is your all too tragic opinions which are the result lack of introspection and liberal smug in its place. Just making it up as you go along. I run across this all the time in society for a reason.
See in reality there never was some great democratic vote by all Whites in a nation that did not even exist yet. To allow any of this. Maybe in your fantasy world, but not in this one. So trying to be an asshole and hold all Whites accountable for something you are making up is ridiculous on your part. And is one reason I can't take your opinions seriously. Your lack of historical continuatiy  alone not to mention mixing it with the mainstream Jewish narrative which parades as Liberalism. And trying to pass this off as some great understanding. Like I stated your own post is a two bit, Liberal gum ball machine answer.Its not part of functioning reality. And this thought process is a major problem in the West. Its literally what was called Autism before it was reclassified as medical condition by latter doctors to something else.
Hells666steward wrote:
"Black people didn't put themselves in chains and jump on board the slave ships. But now, they're in America. You could say that the jews created and financed the slave trade. True. But white people were still buying slaves. They knew full well that they were bringing black people into a country that many of them believed was going to be exclusively theirs. This is stupidity on its face. If you don't want black people in your country, why would you ship them here against their will?? "

From: Don Danko <mageson6666@
To: "mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com" <mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 8:00:16 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community


Just for the record don't try and put words in my mouth again. Its rude.

From: Don Danko <mageson6666@
To: "mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com" <mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 7:58:31 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community

I could get this reply out of any two bit liberal gum ball machine.....Infact most of this has nothing to do with my reply. Its just you going on some PC rant trying to make something of nothing..Infact I get the impression you even didn't read my entire reply or it went in one ear and out the other. I am not repeating myself.
Trayon would still be alive if he was not a violent, criminal piece of shit. And had not attacked Zimmerman for being an active citizen. Only in kosher Ameikwa  is this some type of complex fucking rocket science to understand.

From: hells666steward <hells666steward@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 5:35:23 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community

"The Black community in America is Judized. Even their bogus idea of "Blackness" is nothing but the Jewish idea of Jewishness. Just applied to Blacks. They behave like Jews at this point. Because there a result of decades of Jewish psychological warfare programs." -the same could be said for whites in America, couldn't it?
Most druggies I know are white. Most people I know who don't have a job, don't have to work, sit around collecting checks for doing nothing. Are white. Either scamming the system or trust fund babies. Take your pick. Most people I know who break the law are white. Most people I know who break the law and get away with it. Are white. Friends of mine, acquaintances, whatever. Just my own personal experience. And I've known a lot of people. Affirmative action helps white women much more than black people. This has been common knowledge for years and years. When affirmative action was set in place, enrollment of white women in schools and the hiring of white women for jobs skyrocketed, far beyond what happened for blacks. As for incarceration of black males etc. This largely has to do with disproportionate enforcement of laws, and the passage of laws that disproportionately affect blscks. For example, cocaine has a penalty much lighter than crack. White
people tend to use coke (it's purer and more expensive), black people tend to use crack (it's impure, cheap, and often has effects far worse to the human body than pure coke). Let's also not forget that Reagan and Bush (when he was head of CIA, before he was president) covertly brought crack into inner cities in the 80's - which is how the crack epidemic started. Because the government created it. Just like the Iran-Contra affair, only far less publicized. They are criminals. This is why many black people HATE Ronald Reagan. Meanwhile, in a place like New York City, where the cops stop and frisk people just because they feel like it, they can arrest anyone for having the smallest amount of marijuana, even though the ways in which they ascertain possession of that marijuana is often illegal. But the system doesn't care. One more nigger to lock away and ruin forever. Give him a record. Prevent him from getting a good job. Gee. I wonder what happens to
someone when you destroy their ability to get a good, decent, honest job???????????????? The fact is, though, that whites smoke just as much pot as blacks do. Actually more, since there are more whites in the country. So why are there more arrests of black people for marijuana than white people?? Maybe because the police aren't stopping and frisking young white people in New York City. They stop black people. Blacks are the target. Because they're always up to no good. Right? Right... So you can say that black people have been brainwashed. Yes, of course. Hasn't everyone. But you can't act like the deck isn't stacked against them in a way that it isn't for white people. Because that just... isn't true. Black people need to wake up. Everyone needs to wake up. But it's hard to wake up when there's a guy standing over you filling your veins with sleeping drugs while you're passed out. So to speak. Yes, black people kill each other every day and that is
a huge problem. That's a fucking disaster and in many pockets of the country (not everywhere though) black culture has gone to shit. But then again, didn't this happen in Europe during the Dark Ages? But no one calls Europeans "barbaric" for these massacres. Of course, you could say that the jews were behind these wars in Europe. And for the most part, you may be correct. But the same would apply to black people in America. After all, Black people didn't put themselves in chains and jump on board the slave ships. But now, they're in America. You could say that the jews created and financed the slave trade. True. But white people were still buying slaves. They knew full well that they were bringing black people into a country that many of them believed was going to be exclusively theirs. This is stupidity on its face. If you don't want black people in your country, why would you ship them here against their will?? Personally, I choose not to blame
the victim. I avoid pointing too many fingers at black people, or white people, or the Chinese for their shitty government. Yes, it is the victim's responsibility to avoid being victimized in the future and to take control of their own destiny but if I decided to blame the victim 100% then what's the point in trying to save humanity? We're the victims, it's our fault. We should all suffer and die for our collective stupidity. By the way, one of the police officers who responded to the scene of Martin's death recommended that Zimmerman at least be arrested, due to the preponderance of evidence against him. He was a white guy. I guess the department ignored him. They didn't even ARREST Zimmerman after Trayvon was killed. THAT's why the whole thing got so much press in the beginning. He wasn't even charged. People had to protest to even get a trial underway. If they had just arrested him, tried him, and acquitted him, people would likely be less upset
than they are now. The fact is, imagine if the tables were turned. Everything in the case is exactly the same - except that Trayvon was a white hispanic dude with a jewish last name, and some black dude got out of his car with hollow bullets and followed him. The white kid ends up dead after the black guy shoots him in the chest with hollow bullets. Exact same scenario, but reverse the races. How would that look to the country? How would that look to you? How would you react to that? Zimmerman was a trained MMA fighter, knew the law and what to say to police, had hollow bullets loaded in his gun for that extra-lethal kick, and he disobeyed the 9 11 dispatch who told him that they "didn't need him" to follow Martin. He was the neighborhood watch. He could have just... you know. WATCHED. And called the cops. And followed their advice/orders when they told him to stay put. Long story short, the whole thing seems very, VERY fishy to me. Not to mention
that if Zimmerman's head was being slammed into the concrete the way he said it was, there would be blood EVERYWHERE. Head wounds BLEED. We're talking a RIVER of blood. I've seen these types of injuries, up close and in person. Many times. There would be blood EVERYWHERE. But there wasn't. Anyways,
One thing we can agree on though, is that the jews play the races against each other and have been playing black people like a fiddle - and the fact that the media uses every opportunity it can to avoid talking about what fucked up things are going on in our government, our banks, and overseas, every day. I will forever be thankful to Satan for blessing every gentile race with its own dignity and strength. White, Black, Asian, Native American... we are all worthy. Even as we are staring in the face of extermination. And yet, we will all rise and conquer the enemy once and for all in the end. HAIL SATAN!! --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

The Jooz Media was purposely hyping this case from printing false evidence on  the 911 tapes which they purposely lied to make Zimmerman look like a "racist" who just killed this Trayon because he was Black. And on.
This is very revealing and shows several things. The Kosherpath MSM always pushes tabloid junk as a the main story to distract people off real news. Such as Snowdin, Manning and on.
The Jews are trying to incite more racial hatred as they love to do. Which they draw power from.
They where creating this to be propaganda to dismantle important self defense laws such as the Stand your ground law. And to aid in general  the Jewish gun grabbing lobby.
Originally the Police dept found no reason to charge Zimmerman with a crime and left it as self defense. Then the lynch mob lobbies jumped on and turned this into a band wagon. 
Fact is simple Trayon who was not a "child" but a over 6ft tall, 200 pound young male. And had a history of violence and criminal behaviour. Including being caught with B&E tools and unaccountable jewerly in his back pack. Was prowling around on private properity at night dressed to conceal himself checking out houses in an area that just had several break and enters.
Zimmerman who is law enforcement trained and a neighbourhood watch man. Saw this activity and phoned 911 and then went to ask this character what is he doing on priviate properity. Which is his legal right and he is in the Neighbourhood watch.
Trayon then attacked him violently as one witnessed stated. 6ft plus Trayon was sitting on top of little 5ft Zimmerman giving him a lethal beating. Smashing his head into the concert sidewalk. Which is how most people die in street fights. The wounds on Zimmerman showed this to be the case.
So Zimmerman shot him in self defense.
A violent teenage Hoodlum decided to viciously attack the neighbourhood watch man for asking him what he was doing on private properity. And got himself killed by his own behaviour.
Also  what kind of statement is that. On your behalf? For the 'ignorance" of the women on the jury. Ignorance means not to know.They where on the jury and sat thought days and days of evidence from both sides beforing making a choice.
Which means it was an educated choice on their part. The opposite of ignorance.
The Black community in America is Judized. Even their bogus idea of "Blackness" is nothing but the Jewish idea of Jewishness. Just applied to Blacks. They behave like Jews at this point. Because there a result of decades of Jewish psychological warfare programs. So their behaviour is not suprising over this. They use the word "Racist" the same way the Jews shout "anti-semitism." No mistake the JEWs ran the NAACP from the start.
The Jews started they would Communize via Cultural Marxism the Minority communities in America to act as a tool in their Communist take over. Communism is Judaism applied to political strategy to enact the protocols of the Jewish Talmud. Nothing more. The final conquest of the Goyium world by the Jewish race.
The only racial oppression Blacks suffer at this point is from Jews and each other. Blacks kill each other by the tens of thousands in America every year. And turn their communities into opressive urban warzones full of broken homes and lives. Where they murder each other over everything from a bag of chips, to just because. And never seem to care to point out the  Jews behind it. Its always the White man's fault because the Jew tells them so.. Despite over 3 trillon dollars of White tax payers money has been pumped into their miserable lives and Whites gave them equal rights and freedoms. Ended the slave trade and ownership that the Jews where behind. Even tolerated affirmative action. Which is actual racism not the end of it. And bend over backwards for them as a whole day in and day out. Nope just like the Jewz they got their attitude from. Its never, ever enough. And don't you DARE tell them otherwise! OyVeh! The never ending sense of self
defeating entitlement.
Then the Blacks don't seem to catch onto their psychology actual disempowers them from success at life which then makes them more angry and frustrated at Whites. Which just fuels this negative mentality the Jews put in their head. It does not free them from it. Which is what Jews want. As it pushes racial hostilies to a new level. The Jews have also pumped their heads full of strong self hatred over being Black. Which is then externalized outwards further as part of this. And inwards to a self destructive pathology. Which then reflects in their lives and community. The Jews got them over a barrel.
To the point the lastest demographic reports show the Blacks Race will be wiped out in America in this century. They are dying off in record numbers due to this. When most Black males are either dead, serving 25 to life or dying of diesase. The Blacks make up 12% of the American population but 50% of the maxium security prison inmate population in America.
They call this "racism." But its Jewish ingrained self hatred and the Jewish destruction of their race, culture and community.
By calling this racism they never have to also take some personal power back for themselves and  take the personal responsibility to put an end to the vicious cycle of destruction.
There was a Black fellow who did catch on and was protesting in a Klan robe. That his own people kill tens of thousands of his people each year. And a call for Black reform of their psychological pathologies and community.  And he was viciously raked over the coals by his own kind and the general kosherpath club. Even Bill Cosby was given the same treatment when he told his fellow Blacks they need to free their minds from this self destructive pathology of "Blackness."

From: "jwazny@" <jwazny@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com Sent: Saturday, July 13, 2013 11:10:34 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] George zimmerman and the black community


George zimmerman was found not guilty today by means of self defense im assuming. The black community says its racial oppression and its a racial hate crime. Militia black men were protesting in response to this man being set free by 6 women on a jury. What are your thoughts on this? Do you believe that the black community should have destruction rituals on them for their ignorance about this trial?
I don't hate White people at all. I never have.

If you actually read what I was saying then you must have missed my point. But I'm glad you responded. Hopefully I can make myself a bit more clear.

You are also assuming that I'm black but that's perfectly fair and I can see why you would make that assumption.

Speaking of a point you made - yes, it sickens me as well that the White Population is shrinking. I visit Germany for example (I helped rebuild German palaces that were bombed in WWII) and there are SO many Black people and non-Germans there. Who intend to stay there and maybe even marry German women. MAKES MY STOMACH CHURN. Germans have always been a welcoming and hospitable people (as I know from plenty of experience) and it's good and nice that they have visitors or whatever but please. Give me a fucking break. Enough is enough. Close the fucking borders already. Visit, then go home. Germany is for Germans.

Especially during a German population crisis. Or a White population crisis in general. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME.

I could go on and on about that and related topics, but that's not exactly relevant to the issue at hand. The point is I don't hate White people. At all. I said what I said about "failure" to illustrate an implicit difference in some peoples' **attitudes** towards different races and HOW they discuss certain things. I mentioned the Founding Fathers to illustrate a point. The Founding Fathers, as I mentioned, were ingenious.

If you study the Constitution etc. it is obvious that they didn't like slavery and they engineered the nation so that we as a country would grow out of it. It is OBVIOUS.

The thing that really got me pissed was that someone came on here saying we should curse Black people because of the George Zimmerman case.


You say that the problems in the Black community stem from Christianity and the banking system, etc. Well, you couldn't be more correct and that was my point. Someone came on here and started spouting off about cursing black people and from what I saw it took a while for anyone to say "wait a minute."

Instead, the initial response to a proposal to curse Blacks was all about how fucked up the Black community is. Which is a fine conversation to have since Blacks ARE fucked up. Everyone is fucked up. This is Kali Yuga. But the WAY you enter that racial conversation is going to be critical if you want to have a rational discussion without offending people or getting their backs up. Respect must be paid to the Gentile Races. Not curses. This cuts both ways. You can't go around shitting on White people either. I DO NOT tolerate that, either. I have OWNED many people (many of them Black) in that debate because the White Race is misunderstood, to put it lightly. But this is not a surprise. The Jew exists.

I have even turned White people into Nazis. A couple of black people, too. I have no issue with White people. Whites and Blacks are suspicious of each other in general and the way to end that suspicion is to be mindful of one another. THAT was my point.

With a stellium in the sky currently in Cancer - including a Cancer Mars - and Mercury Retrograde (confusion, misunderstanding) in Cancer (Cancer = emotions, bloodlines, race), the conversation on this forum quickly got out of hand and was largely about how fucked up blacks are - but why wasn't the conversation about how WE DON'T CURSE ENTIRE GENTILE RACES - and about how fucked up the JEWS are??

THEY are the ones who fucked the Black race over!! NOT White people.

White people get sick and tired of being blamed for everything in the whole fucking goddamned world and they SHOULD be sick and tired of it. That doesn't mean they didn't participate in some fucked up shit. But who hasn't??

But it doesn't help White people to fall into the trap of blaming blacks, just like it doesn't help blacks to fall into the trap of blaming Whites. It's the jews. Always has been, always will be. The Black and White races need to come together to crush the TRUE enemy. Then this would all be a non-issue.

I am calling on White People to be refreshed in how they look at Blacks. I am calling on Blacks to be refreshed in how they look at Whites. Take a deep breath, then tackle the issues, respectfully. Because both races are tired. Sick and fucking tired. How do we overcome this? Through empathy. And mercy. That doesn't mean to go easy on each other, because we have real issues that we must address. But we have to address them in a way that is considerate and constructive. Each race has to understand WHY they are perceived in a certain way, EVEN IF THAT PERCEPTION IS INACCURATE. Which it often is. And then, from a place of understanding, each race must educate the other regarding the TRUTH of their nobility. It's about respect. "You catch more flies with honey than vinegar." That's all. This is how we overcome this, along with mutual disdain for the jews, who are the real enemy.

So why was someone on this forum trying to curse the black race? I know he didn't speak for everyone here and maybe he was ignorant (I hope he was just ignorant) but it took a while before anyone discouraged him. That whole thing made my stomach turn. And it pissed me off. Just as it pisses me off when people blame White Gentiles for the slave trade. PISSES ME OFF.

But this thread wasn't about the slave trade. So... here we are.

Honestly, I don't know why we are even discussing this Zimmerman bullshit to these lengths. It was destined to be a divisive topic and it has little to do with Satanism directly, but hey. People can talk about whatever they want to.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "rahu_00088" <snake_pit_666@... wrote:

@hells666steward. Seriously you need to stop this anti White bullshit. This group supports all races, nobody is dissing on other races except you. No race is perfect, not Whites, we've fucked up a lot of the times as well. Hell we're the only race of people around today who's population is declining in almost every country, precisely because we allow the kind of things you support to go on.

Blacks still have Black Africa with a population exploding.
I don't see Nigeria ever allowing in 3 million non Black immigrants and giving them affirmative action so they can become just as represented in the Nigerian workforce, government and universities as Blacks do you?

Or there being mass hysteria in the Nigerian media because a White man was killed there.

Nor should they be expected to do any of this. Because it's a Black nation where the destiny of it's people should be in it's own peoples hands. And we know it's not today mostly because of the Christian religion and Jewish banking system. But that's not the fault of Whites.

The only thing we ask for is the same. How you think that is unreasonable I haven't a clue. I understand you are emotional about your people but you are taking it out on the wrong people, in the wrong place.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hells666steward" <hells666steward@ wrote:

I never held "all whites accountable." That's ridiculous.

Even in the quote of mine below. I didn't "hold all white people accountable." Please don't put words in my mouth.

The fact of the matter is, if this is a white country, and if it was founded by whites, for whites, etc. then why did whites *allow* black people here?? Weren't the founding fathers white? Weren't the citizens white? So why didn't they do something about it? Weren't they in control of their own country? AT ALL??

They FAILED. But I'm sure you wouldn't say that... about the Noble White Man. He's flawless and always has been, right?

I'm being facetious in the statement above but not to disparage White People. I know it was difficult to set up the country AT ALL let alone do those things. The Founding Fathers are geniuses and should be commended for their bravery. But you would never say they FAILED in part of their mission, would you? You wouldn't blame the founding fathers for not having the balls, smarts, resources etc for perfecting the United States as soon as it was founded, would you??

No. You wouldn't. And THAT is the point I'm making. You don't talk shit about white people failing to do these things, yet when it comes to black people, you seem to love to talk about how they are killing each other. As if the White race is perfect.

I don't care that Whites *WANTED* to end the slave trade. They didn't. They FAILED. They were too weak to do it, I guess. So why are you blaming black people for being brought to a country - usually against their will - that they never ruled over? Yes, the Black Race has Failed in the past, too. Many times. Of course they have!! And you would freely admit this, and go on a rant about how they are killing themselves, but why aren't you ALSO looking at WHITE PEOPLE in that same light and saying, in equally disparaging terms,

It's double-talk. I am pointing out the hypocrisy. I know jews are the cause. That's obvious to me. Ask Louis Farrakhan about the slave trade. He will tell you it was all jews. Many black people are finding this out. Many already know.

I'm not blaming black people, I'm not blaming white people. Both races are noble. Both deserve the best, both have made mistakes. Same with the Asians. Look at China right now. I wish all of them, the very best. The White Race DESERVES the best! As do the other races, if we all got our asses in gear!!

I don't blame the White or Black races for their greatest errors. I blame the angels and the fucking jews. Because they are the cause.

In the end, it is what it is. It happened. What are you going to do about it? Insult all non-white gentiles? lol insulting gentiles isn't going to help your cause. It will not make our numbers grow. When we become a worldwide phenomenon, it will not get us any support.

When it comes to the great errors of the races, I blame the jews for all of this. But you seem to want to blame everyone BUT Whites. Am I wrong? I know black people have fucked up repeatedly over the years. This is obvious. BUT SO HAVE WHITE PEOPLE. And usually, those fuck-ups happen because the gentiles fall into traps that the kikes have set. Whether it's guns in black neighborhoods or banks stealing white homes in Mississippi. And this is my point. Our fuck-ups, as gentiles, are the results of jewish actions. I don't blame any of the gentile races for their fuck-ups the way I blame the jews.

However, I DO and I WILL hold the gentile races *RESPONSIBLE* for making poor decisions. ALL of the Gentile races. And yes, some white people owned slaves. Some black people did, too. No shit!

Do you like black people at all, Don? lol Do you think they are inferior? That this is "all their fault"??

It seems like when I point out the ways in which the jews fuck over whites, you say "fuck the jews."
But when I point out the ways in which the jews fuck over blacks, it seems to be their fault for being so fucked up.

I know the jews financed the slave trade. I know all about it. I've even turned more than a few people (mostly Germans) into Nazis in my day so please don't talk to me about not knowing what the jews are up to.

I am not making excuses for the errors of black people or white people. White People are a noble race and it seems to me that you think I blame Whites for "everything" Blacks have had to endure, which COULDN'T be farther from the Truth.

What I am saying is that you are not being even-handed.
But I guess you won't see it that way. You will call me "brainwashed" and "kosher" etc because I don't agree with you on the finer points of nuance.

And I get it. I used to run these boards years ago. You get burned out, skeptical, cynical, etc from people disagreeing with you over anything and everything. That's not what I am trying to do.

I am trying to emphasize that the same reason white people aren't living in a perfect civilization is the same reason why black people aren't. It's because the jews have sabotaged both races at every turn.

But when I cite the ways in which the black community has been sabotaged, you call me kosher. Great. Thanks.

We agree far more than you are willing to see but your emphasis is different (which is fine) but your tone is WAY different. If you think I blame White people for "everything" then you haven't been paying attention. Period.

Finger on the ban button yet?

And P.S. why are we even talking about this at all? Oh yeah. Because someone came on here saying we should curse the black race. Huh.

And what was your response, Don?
You didn't even say that they shouldn't be cursed!
You just went into how fucked up black people are!
I rest my case.

No one would ever DARE come on these boards and say we should curse the White Race! lmao are you kidding me?


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

 The Jew slavers hung around the ports on the coast and bought the Black slaves off other Blacks who raided rival tribes. Infact slavery still exists in Africa today.
The record shows 75% of the slave owners in America where Jews, with the other 25% being Amerindians, Whites and free BLACKS.
So no unlike you try and suggest it was not some White people thing. Infact it was the Whites who wanted the slave traded ended and never wished it to have started. And it was the Founding Fathers of America who wished to deal with this mess before it got more ugly but where bound by their own laws. Also most slaves where shipped in before America was a country. But back when it was several colonies of different European powers from France, England and Holland.
Later hundreds of thousands of Blacks returned to Africa under the Liberian movement lead by Douglas a Black Nationalist. A fore runner of Garvey. But it was cut short by the Rothschild murder of the President. Who was backing Douglas with the full power of the American government the plan was for full repatriation of all Blacks. And this was the best time as the effects of the war in its aftermath. Caused the situation to arise in history. But was ended by the enemy.
Guess what even in African Liberia the upperclass Blacks........Owned Blacks slaves by the tens of thousands.
The only stupidity on this subject is your all too tragic opinions which are the result lack of introspection and liberal smug in its place. Just making it up as you go along. I run across this all the time in society for a reason.
See in reality there never was some great democratic vote by all Whites in a nation that did not even exist yet. To allow any of this. Maybe in your fantasy world, but not in this one. So trying to be an asshole and hold all Whites accountable for something you are making up is ridiculous on your part. And is one reason I can't take your opinions seriously. Your lack of historical continuatiy  alone not to mention mixing it with the mainstream Jewish narrative which parades as Liberalism. And trying to pass this off as some great understanding. Like I stated your own post is a two bit, Liberal gum ball machine answer.Its not part of functioning reality. And this thought process is a major problem in the West. Its literally what was called Autism before it was reclassified as medical condition by latter doctors to something else.
Hells666steward wrote:
"Black people didn't put themselves in chains and jump on board the slave ships. But now, they're in America. You could say that the jews created and financed the slave trade. True. But white people were still buying slaves. They knew full well that they were bringing black people into a country that many of them believed was going to be exclusively theirs. This is stupidity on its face. If you don't want black people in your country, why would you ship them here against their will?? "

From: Don Danko <mageson6666@
To: "[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 8:00:16 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community


Just for the record don't try and put words in my mouth again. Its rude.

From: Don Danko <mageson6666@
To: "[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 7:58:31 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community

I could get this reply out of any two bit liberal gum ball machine.....Infact most of this has nothing to do with my reply. Its just you going on some PC rant trying to make something of nothing..Infact I get the impression you even didn't read my entire reply or it went in one ear and out the other. I am not repeating myself.
Trayon would still be alive if he was not a violent, criminal piece of shit. And had not attacked Zimmerman for being an active citizen. Only in kosher Ameikwa  is this some type of complex fucking rocket science to understand.

From: hells666steward <hells666steward@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 5:35:23 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community

"The Black community in America is Judized. Even their bogus idea of "Blackness" is nothing but the Jewish idea of Jewishness. Just applied to Blacks. They behave like Jews at this point. Because there a result of decades of Jewish psychological warfare programs." -the same could be said for whites in America, couldn't it?
Most druggies I know are white. Most people I know who don't have a job, don't have to work, sit around collecting checks for doing nothing. Are white. Either scamming the system or trust fund babies. Take your pick. Most people I know who break the law are white. Most people I know who break the law and get away with it. Are white. Friends of mine, acquaintances, whatever. Just my own personal experience. And I've known a lot of people. Affirmative action helps white women much more than black people. This has been common knowledge for years and years. When affirmative action was set in place, enrollment of white women in schools and the hiring of white women for jobs skyrocketed, far beyond what happened for blacks. As for incarceration of black males etc. This largely has to do with disproportionate enforcement of laws, and the passage of laws that disproportionately affect blscks. For example, cocaine has a penalty much lighter than crack. White
people tend to use coke (it's purer and more expensive), black people tend to use crack (it's impure, cheap, and often has effects far worse to the human body than pure coke). Let's also not forget that Reagan and Bush (when he was head of CIA, before he was president) covertly brought crack into inner cities in the 80's - which is how the crack epidemic started. Because the government created it. Just like the Iran-Contra affair, only far less publicized. They are criminals. This is why many black people HATE Ronald Reagan. Meanwhile, in a place like New York City, where the cops stop and frisk people just because they feel like it, they can arrest anyone for having the smallest amount of marijuana, even though the ways in which they ascertain possession of that marijuana is often illegal. But the system doesn't care. One more nigger to lock away and ruin forever. Give him a record. Prevent him from getting a good job. Gee. I wonder what happens to
someone when you destroy their ability to get a good, decent, honest job???????????????? The fact is, though, that whites smoke just as much pot as blacks do. Actually more, since there are more whites in the country. So why are there more arrests of black people for marijuana than white people?? Maybe because the police aren't stopping and frisking young white people in New York City. They stop black people. Blacks are the target. Because they're always up to no good. Right? Right... So you can say that black people have been brainwashed. Yes, of course. Hasn't everyone. But you can't act like the deck isn't stacked against them in a way that it isn't for white people. Because that just... isn't true. Black people need to wake up. Everyone needs to wake up. But it's hard to wake up when there's a guy standing over you filling your veins with sleeping drugs while you're passed out. So to speak. Yes, black people kill each other every day and that is
a huge problem. That's a fucking disaster and in many pockets of the country (not everywhere though) black culture has gone to shit. But then again, didn't this happen in Europe during the Dark Ages? But no one calls Europeans "barbaric" for these massacres. Of course, you could say that the jews were behind these wars in Europe. And for the most part, you may be correct. But the same would apply to black people in America. After all, Black people didn't put themselves in chains and jump on board the slave ships. But now, they're in America. You could say that the jews created and financed the slave trade. True. But white people were still buying slaves. They knew full well that they were bringing black people into a country that many of them believed was going to be exclusively theirs. This is stupidity on its face. If you don't want black people in your country, why would you ship them here against their will?? Personally, I choose not to blame
the victim. I avoid pointing too many fingers at black people, or white people, or the Chinese for their shitty government. Yes, it is the victim's responsibility to avoid being victimized in the future and to take control of their own destiny but if I decided to blame the victim 100% then what's the point in trying to save humanity? We're the victims, it's our fault. We should all suffer and die for our collective stupidity. By the way, one of the police officers who responded to the scene of Martin's death recommended that Zimmerman at least be arrested, due to the preponderance of evidence against him. He was a white guy. I guess the department ignored him. They didn't even ARREST Zimmerman after Trayvon was killed. THAT's why the whole thing got so much press in the beginning. He wasn't even charged. People had to protest to even get a trial underway. If they had just arrested him, tried him, and acquitted him, people would likely be less upset
than they are now. The fact is, imagine if the tables were turned. Everything in the case is exactly the same - except that Trayvon was a white hispanic dude with a jewish last name, and some black dude got out of his car with hollow bullets and followed him. The white kid ends up dead after the black guy shoots him in the chest with hollow bullets. Exact same scenario, but reverse the races. How would that look to the country? How would that look to you? How would you react to that? Zimmerman was a trained MMA fighter, knew the law and what to say to police, had hollow bullets loaded in his gun for that extra-lethal kick, and he disobeyed the 9 11 dispatch who told him that they "didn't need him" to follow Martin. He was the neighborhood watch. He could have just... you know. WATCHED. And called the cops. And followed their advice/orders when they told him to stay put. Long story short, the whole thing seems very, VERY fishy to me. Not to mention
that if Zimmerman's head was being slammed into the concrete the way he said it was, there would be blood EVERYWHERE. Head wounds BLEED. We're talking a RIVER of blood. I've seen these types of injuries, up close and in person. Many times. There would be blood EVERYWHERE. But there wasn't. Anyways,
One thing we can agree on though, is that the jews play the races against each other and have been playing black people like a fiddle - and the fact that the media uses every opportunity it can to avoid talking about what fucked up things are going on in our government, our banks, and overseas, every day. I will forever be thankful to Satan for blessing every gentile race with its own dignity and strength. White, Black, Asian, Native American... we are all worthy. Even as we are staring in the face of extermination. And yet, we will all rise and conquer the enemy once and for all in the end. HAIL SATAN!! --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

The Jooz Media was purposely hyping this case from printing false evidence on  the 911 tapes which they purposely lied to make Zimmerman look like a "racist" who just killed this Trayon because he was Black. And on.
This is very revealing and shows several things. The Kosherpath MSM always pushes tabloid junk as a the main story to distract people off real news. Such as Snowdin, Manning and on.
The Jews are trying to incite more racial hatred as they love to do. Which they draw power from.
They where creating this to be propaganda to dismantle important self defense laws such as the Stand your ground law. And to aid in general  the Jewish gun grabbing lobby.
Originally the Police dept found no reason to charge Zimmerman with a crime and left it as self defense. Then the lynch mob lobbies jumped on and turned this into a band wagon. 
Fact is simple Trayon who was not a "child" but a over 6ft tall, 200 pound young male. And had a history of violence and criminal behaviour. Including being caught with B&E tools and unaccountable jewerly in his back pack. Was prowling around on private properity at night dressed to conceal himself checking out houses in an area that just had several break and enters.
Zimmerman who is law enforcement trained and a neighbourhood watch man. Saw this activity and phoned 911 and then went to ask this character what is he doing on priviate properity. Which is his legal right and he is in the Neighbourhood watch.
Trayon then attacked him violently as one witnessed stated. 6ft plus Trayon was sitting on top of little 5ft Zimmerman giving him a lethal beating. Smashing his head into the concert sidewalk. Which is how most people die in street fights. The wounds on Zimmerman showed this to be the case.
So Zimmerman shot him in self defense.
A violent teenage Hoodlum decided to viciously attack the neighbourhood watch man for asking him what he was doing on private properity. And got himself killed by his own behaviour.
Also  what kind of statement is that. On your behalf? For the 'ignorance" of the women on the jury. Ignorance means not to know.They where on the jury and sat thought days and days of evidence from both sides beforing making a choice.
Which means it was an educated choice on their part. The opposite of ignorance.
The Black community in America is Judized. Even their bogus idea of "Blackness" is nothing but the Jewish idea of Jewishness. Just applied to Blacks. They behave like Jews at this point. Because there a result of decades of Jewish psychological warfare programs. So their behaviour is not suprising over this. They use the word "Racist" the same way the Jews shout "anti-semitism." No mistake the JEWs ran the NAACP from the start.
The Jews started they would Communize via Cultural Marxism the Minority communities in America to act as a tool in their Communist take over. Communism is Judaism applied to political strategy to enact the protocols of the Jewish Talmud. Nothing more. The final conquest of the Goyium world by the Jewish race.
The only racial oppression Blacks suffer at this point is from Jews and each other. Blacks kill each other by the tens of thousands in America every year. And turn their communities into opressive urban warzones full of broken homes and lives. Where they murder each other over everything from a bag of chips, to just because. And never seem to care to point out the  Jews behind it. Its always the White man's fault because the Jew tells them so.. Despite over 3 trillon dollars of White tax payers money has been pumped into their miserable lives and Whites gave them equal rights and freedoms. Ended the slave trade and ownership that the Jews where behind. Even tolerated affirmative action. Which is actual racism not the end of it. And bend over backwards for them as a whole day in and day out. Nope just like the Jewz they got their attitude from. Its never, ever enough. And don't you DARE tell them otherwise! OyVeh! The never ending sense of self
defeating entitlement.
Then the Blacks don't seem to catch onto their psychology actual disempowers them from success at life which then makes them more angry and frustrated at Whites. Which just fuels this negative mentality the Jews put in their head. It does not free them from it. Which is what Jews want. As it pushes racial hostilies to a new level. The Jews have also pumped their heads full of strong self hatred over being Black. Which is then externalized outwards further as part of this. And inwards to a self destructive pathology. Which then reflects in their lives and community. The Jews got them over a barrel.
To the point the lastest demographic reports show the Blacks Race will be wiped out in America in this century. They are dying off in record numbers due to this. When most Black males are either dead, serving 25 to life or dying of diesase. The Blacks make up 12% of the American population but 50% of the maxium security prison inmate population in America.
They call this "racism." But its Jewish ingrained self hatred and the Jewish destruction of their race, culture and community.
By calling this racism they never have to also take some personal power back for themselves and  take the personal responsibility to put an end to the vicious cycle of destruction.
There was a Black fellow who did catch on and was protesting in a Klan robe. That his own people kill tens of thousands of his people each year. And a call for Black reform of their psychological pathologies and community.  And he was viciously raked over the coals by his own kind and the general kosherpath club. Even Bill Cosby was given the same treatment when he told his fellow Blacks they need to free their minds from this self destructive pathology of "Blackness."

From: "jwazny@" <jwazny@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com Sent: Saturday, July 13, 2013 11:10:34 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] George zimmerman and the black community


George zimmerman was found not guilty today by means of self defense im assuming. The black community says its racial oppression and its a racial hate crime. Militia black men were protesting in response to this man being set free by 6 women on a jury. What are your thoughts on this? Do you believe that the black community should have destruction rituals on them for their ignorance about this trial?
Don - *IF* that is how it went down, then you're right. You can't really hold Zimmerman accountable. IF that's how it happened.

But many things have been said about this case. Some conflicting reports, from witnesses etc. And as someone who has followed the case a decent amount, I certainly have my doubts that your scenario is how it happened. BUT if your scenario is in fact the way it happened, then Trayvon doesn't have much of a leg to stand on. True.

Some people would rather have had Zimmerman get the cops out there to deal with it, instead of "taking the law into his own hands" by getting out of his car to go confront this guy while concealing a gun loaded with hollow-point bullets.

Also, as I mentioned before, if you have EVEN ONE major head wound, there would be blood EVERYWHERE. All it takes is one major head wound to do that. But there was little blood at the scene.

Then, there's the fact that in another case, a (black) woman in Florida who discharges her firearm INTO THE AIR as a WARNING shot against her known-to-be-physically-abusive husband who was approaching her in a state of rage got a sentence of TWENTY YEARS IN PRISON. For firing a WARNING shot. Who didn't even hit anyone. So people scratch their heads about that.

How did SHE get 20 years for firing a gun into the air in the name of self-defense, but Zimmerman KILLED a dude and gets off. In the name of self-defense.


Don't you see how people would look at this?

Either way, if the cops had been there instead of just Zimmerman, it probably would have been a different (probably better) outcome.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

It should be noted Trayon who is 6ft and 200 pounds jumped  5ft nothing, Zimmerman from behind. Meaning he was waiting for him in the bushes planning to violently  ambush and attack him it was premediated on Trayon's part. Trayon simply didn't bet on  his intended victim, Zimmerman  being armed.  Thats it, its that simple.
I also read the police did find a lock picking set in the same bushes as well. Trayon was spotting lurking between houses on other peoples private properity by Zimmerman. Trayon having been caught with B&E tools before along with unaccoutable jewerly in his back pack. And there was a string of recent Break and Enters in the neighbourhood. Zimmerman was the leader of the neighbourhood watch. He naturally phoned the police and kept tabs on Trayon.
I note the attitude a lot of shitheads are repeating from the Joozmedia-duh. Is that Trayon was somehow justified in violently ambushing Zimmerman from behind and violently  beating [even smashing his head into the concrete]. Because he was mad. That is how fucking infantile and stupid people have become. Even added further to the retardation Zimmerman is now bad for defending himself.
Don't go around violently attacking other people. And YOU MIGHT NOT GET KILLED.

From: hail_satan11 <hail_satan11@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:18:37 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community


Don Danko is 100% correct. This entire thread is outrageous and constructivist, nothing else.

Zimmerman followed the law. Not only is it abnormal behavior to be lurking around hooded up in the rain at night but anyone who knows anything about fighting or has experienced a street fight knows that once someone is on top of you pounding away it is nearly impossible to get out of.

Trained MMA fighters have a hard time getting out of that situation and it wasnt a fight where two opponents enter the ring with agreed upon rules. It was a life or death street fight. That is very real shit.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "jwazny@" <jwazny@ wrote:

George zimmerman was found not guilty today by means of self defense im assuming. The black community says its racial oppression and its a racial hate crime. Militia black men were protesting in response to this man being set free by 6 women on a jury. What are your thoughts on this? Do you believe that the black community should have destruction rituals on them for their ignorance about this trial?
The police also found skittles and iced tea in his backpack, which might seem harmless enough to anyone who lacks the street smarts of a druggie(i am not implying that i am one)and is used to make a drink called syzrup, he was only missing one ingredient promethazine. They were both unopened and this only shows his intention.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

It should be noted Trayon who is 6ft and 200 pounds jumped  5ft nothing, Zimmerman from behind. Meaning he was waiting for him in the bushes planning to violently  ambush and attack him it was premediated on Trayon's part. Trayon simply didn't bet on  his intended victim, Zimmerman  being armed.  Thats it, its that simple.
I also read the police did find a lock picking set in the same bushes as well. Trayon was spotting lurking between houses on other peoples private properity by Zimmerman. Trayon having been caught with B&E tools before along with unaccoutable jewerly in his back pack. And there was a string of recent Break and Enters in the neighbourhood. Zimmerman was the leader of the neighbourhood watch. He naturally phoned the police and kept tabs on Trayon.
I note the attitude a lot of shitheads are repeating from the Joozmedia-duh. Is that Trayon was somehow justified in violently ambushing Zimmerman from behind and violently  beating [even smashing his head into the concrete]. Because he was mad. That is how fucking infantile and stupid people have become. Even added further to the retardation Zimmerman is now bad for defending himself.
Don't go around violently attacking other people. And YOU MIGHT NOT GET KILLED.

From: hail_satan11 <hail_satan11@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:18:37 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community


Don Danko is 100% correct. This entire thread is outrageous and constructivist, nothing else.

Zimmerman followed the law. Not only is it abnormal behavior to be lurking around hooded up in the rain at night but anyone who knows anything about fighting or has experienced a street fight knows that once someone is on top of you pounding away it is nearly impossible to get out of.

Trained MMA fighters have a hard time getting out of that situation and it wasnt a fight where two opponents enter the ring with agreed upon rules. It was a life or death street fight. That is very real shit.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "jwazny@" <jwazny@ wrote:

George zimmerman was found not guilty today by means of self defense im assuming. The black community says its racial oppression and its a racial hate crime. Militia black men were protesting in response to this man being set free by 6 women on a jury. What are your thoughts on this? Do you believe that the black community should have destruction rituals on them for their ignorance about this trial?
http:// youtu.be/01nSGb6waE8

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

It should be noted Trayon who is 6ft and 200 pounds jumped  5ft nothing, Zimmerman from behind. Meaning he was waiting for him in the bushes planning to violently  ambush and attack him it was premediated on Trayon's part. Trayon simply didn't bet on  his intended victim, Zimmerman  being armed.  Thats it, its that simple.
I also read the police did find a lock picking set in the same bushes as well. Trayon was spotting lurking between houses on other peoples private properity by Zimmerman. Trayon having been caught with B&E tools before along with unaccoutable jewerly in his back pack. And there was a string of recent Break and Enters in the neighbourhood. Zimmerman was the leader of the neighbourhood watch. He naturally phoned the police and kept tabs on Trayon.
I note the attitude a lot of shitheads are repeating from the Joozmedia-duh. Is that Trayon was somehow justified in violently ambushing Zimmerman from behind and violently  beating [even smashing his head into the concrete]. Because he was mad. That is how fucking infantile and stupid people have become. Even added further to the retardation Zimmerman is now bad for defending himself.
Don't go around violently attacking other people. And YOU MIGHT NOT GET KILLED.

From: hail_satan11 <hail_satan11@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:18:37 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community


Don Danko is 100% correct. This entire thread is outrageous and constructivist, nothing else.

Zimmerman followed the law. Not only is it abnormal behavior to be lurking around hooded up in the rain at night but anyone who knows anything about fighting or has experienced a street fight knows that once someone is on top of you pounding away it is nearly impossible to get out of.

Trained MMA fighters have a hard time getting out of that situation and it wasnt a fight where two opponents enter the ring with agreed upon rules. It was a life or death street fight. That is very real shit.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "jwazny@" <jwazny@ wrote:

George zimmerman was found not guilty today by means of self defense im assuming. The black community says its racial oppression and its a racial hate crime. Militia black men were protesting in response to this man being set free by 6 women on a jury. What are your thoughts on this? Do you believe that the black community should have destruction rituals on them for their ignorance about this trial?
That's quite a long and booorrrrinnng way to say: "Oy Veh!"
From: hells666steward <hells666steward@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 1:45:41 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community
  I don't hate White people at all. I never have.

If you actually read what I was saying then you must have missed my point. But I'm glad you responded. Hopefully I can make myself a bit more clear.

You are also assuming that I'm black but that's perfectly fair and I can see why you would make that assumption.

Speaking of a point you made - yes, it sickens me as well that the White Population is shrinking. I visit Germany for example (I helped rebuild German palaces that were bombed in WWII) and there are SO many Black people and non-Germans there. Who intend to stay there and maybe even marry German women. MAKES MY STOMACH CHURN. Germans have always been a welcoming and hospitable people (as I know from plenty of experience) and it's good and nice that they have visitors or whatever but please. Give me a fucking break. Enough is enough. Close the fucking borders already. Visit, then go home. Germany is for Germans.

Especially during a German population crisis. Or a White population crisis in general. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME.

I could go on and on about that and related topics, but that's not exactly relevant to the issue at hand. The point is I don't hate White people. At all. I said what I said about "failure" to illustrate an implicit difference in some peoples' **attitudes** towards different races and HOW they discuss certain things. I mentioned the Founding Fathers to illustrate a point. The Founding Fathers, as I mentioned, were ingenious.

If you study the Constitution etc. it is obvious that they didn't like slavery and they engineered the nation so that we as a country would grow out of it. It is OBVIOUS.

The thing that really got me pissed was that someone came on here saying we should curse Black people because of the George Zimmerman case.


You say that the problems in the Black community stem from Christianity and the banking system, etc. Well, you couldn't be more correct and that was my point. Someone came on here and started spouting off about cursing black people and from what I saw it took a while for anyone to say "wait a minute."

Instead, the initial response to a proposal to curse Blacks was all about how fucked up the Black community is. Which is a fine conversation to have since Blacks ARE fucked up. Everyone is fucked up. This is Kali Yuga. But the WAY you enter that racial conversation is going to be critical if you want to have a rational discussion without offending people or getting their backs up. Respect must be paid to the Gentile Races. Not curses. This cuts both ways. You can't go around shitting on White people either. I DO NOT tolerate that, either. I have OWNED many people (many of them Black) in that debate because the White Race is misunderstood, to put it lightly. But this is not a surprise. The Jew exists.

I have even turned White people into Nazis. A couple of black people, too. I have no issue with White people. Whites and Blacks are suspicious of each other in general and the way to end that suspicion is to be mindful of one another. THAT was my point.

With a stellium in the sky currently in Cancer - including a Cancer Mars - and Mercury Retrograde (confusion, misunderstanding) in Cancer (Cancer = emotions, bloodlines, race), the conversation on this forum quickly got out of hand and was largely about how fucked up blacks are - but why wasn't the conversation about how WE DON'T CURSE ENTIRE GENTILE RACES - and about how fucked up the JEWS are??

THEY are the ones who fucked the Black race over!! NOT White people.

White people get sick and tired of being blamed for everything in the whole fucking goddamned world and they SHOULD be sick and tired of it. That doesn't mean they didn't participate in some fucked up shit. But who hasn't??

But it doesn't help White people to fall into the trap of blaming blacks, just like it doesn't help blacks to fall into the trap of blaming Whites. It's the jews. Always has been, always will be. The Black and White races need to come together to crush the TRUE enemy. Then this would all be a non-issue.

I am calling on White People to be refreshed in how they look at Blacks. I am calling on Blacks to be refreshed in how they look at Whites. Take a deep breath, then tackle the issues, respectfully. Because both races are tired. Sick and fucking tired. How do we overcome this? Through empathy. And mercy. That doesn't mean to go easy on each other, because we have real issues that we must address. But we have to address them in a way that is considerate and constructive. Each race has to understand WHY they are perceived in a certain way, EVEN IF THAT PERCEPTION IS INACCURATE. Which it often is. And then, from a place of understanding, each race must educate the other regarding the TRUTH of their nobility. It's about respect. "You catch more flies with honey than vinegar." That's all. This is how we overcome this, along with mutual disdain for the jews, who are the real enemy.

So why was someone on this forum trying to curse the black race? I know he didn't speak for everyone here and maybe he was ignorant (I hope he was just ignorant) but it took a while before anyone discouraged him. That whole thing made my stomach turn. And it pissed me off. Just as it pisses me off when people blame White Gentiles for the slave trade. PISSES ME OFF.

But this thread wasn't about the slave trade. So... here we are.

Honestly, I don't know why we are even discussing this Zimmerman bullshit to these lengths. It was destined to be a divisive topic and it has little to do with Satanism directly, but hey. People can talk about whatever they want to.


--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "rahu_00088" <snake_pit_666@... wrote:

@hells666steward. Seriously you need to stop this anti White bullshit. This group supports all races, nobody is dissing on other races except you. No race is perfect, not Whites, we've fucked up a lot of the times as well. Hell we're the only race of people around today who's population is declining in almost every country, precisely because we allow the kind of things you support to go on.

Blacks still have Black Africa with a population exploding.
I don't see Nigeria ever allowing in 3 million non Black immigrants and giving them affirmative action so they can become just as represented in the Nigerian workforce, government and universities as Blacks do you?

Or there being mass hysteria in the Nigerian media because a White man was killed there.

Nor should they be expected to do any of this. Because it's a Black nation where the destiny of it's people should be in it's own peoples hands. And we know it's not today mostly because of the Christian religion and Jewish banking system. But that's not the fault of Whites.

The only thing we ask for is the same. How you think that is unreasonable I haven't a clue. I understand you are emotional about your people but you are taking it out on the wrong people, in the wrong place.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "hells666steward" <hells666steward@ wrote:

I never held "all whites accountable." That's ridiculous.

Even in the quote of mine below. I didn't "hold all white people accountable." Please don't put words in my mouth.

The fact of the matter is, if this is a white country, and if it was founded by whites, for whites, etc. then why did whites *allow* black people here?? Weren't the founding fathers white? Weren't the citizens white? So why didn't they do something about it? Weren't they in control of their own country? AT ALL??

They FAILED. But I'm sure you wouldn't say that... about the Noble White Man. He's flawless and always has been, right?

I'm being facetious in the statement above but not to disparage White People. I know it was difficult to set up the country AT ALL let alone do those things. The Founding Fathers are geniuses and should be commended for their bravery. But you would never say they FAILED in part of their mission, would you? You wouldn't blame the founding fathers for not having the balls, smarts, resources etc for perfecting the United States as soon as it was founded, would you??

No. You wouldn't. And THAT is the point I'm making. You don't talk shit about white people failing to do these things, yet when it comes to black people, you seem to love to talk about how they are killing each other. As if the White race is perfect.

I don't care that Whites *WANTED* to end the slave trade. They didn't. They FAILED. They were too weak to do it, I guess. So why are you blaming black people for being brought to a country - usually against their will - that they never ruled over? Yes, the Black Race has Failed in the past, too. Many times. Of course they have!! And you would freely admit this, and go on a rant about how they are killing themselves, but why aren't you ALSO looking at WHITE PEOPLE in that same light and saying, in equally disparaging terms,

It's double-talk. I am pointing out the hypocrisy. I know jews are the cause. That's obvious to me. Ask Louis Farrakhan about the slave trade. He will tell you it was all jews. Many black people are finding this out. Many already know.

I'm not blaming black people, I'm not blaming white people. Both races are noble. Both deserve the best, both have made mistakes. Same with the Asians. Look at China right now. I wish all of them, the very best. The White Race DESERVES the best! As do the other races, if we all got our asses in gear!!

I don't blame the White or Black races for their greatest errors. I blame the angels and the fucking jews. Because they are the cause.

In the end, it is what it is. It happened. What are you going to do about it? Insult all non-white gentiles? lol insulting gentiles isn't going to help your cause. It will not make our numbers grow. When we become a worldwide phenomenon, it will not get us any support.

When it comes to the great errors of the races, I blame the jews for all of this. But you seem to want to blame everyone BUT Whites. Am I wrong? I know black people have fucked up repeatedly over the years. This is obvious. BUT SO HAVE WHITE PEOPLE. And usually, those fuck-ups happen because the gentiles fall into traps that the kikes have set. Whether it's guns in black neighborhoods or banks stealing white homes in Mississippi. And this is my point. Our fuck-ups, as gentiles, are the results of jewish actions. I don't blame any of the gentile races for their fuck-ups the way I blame the jews.

However, I DO and I WILL hold the gentile races *RESPONSIBLE* for making poor decisions. ALL of the Gentile races. And yes, some white people owned slaves. Some black people did, too. No shit!

Do you like black people at all, Don? lol Do you think they are inferior? That this is "all their fault"??

It seems like when I point out the ways in which the jews fuck over whites, you say "fuck the jews."
But when I point out the ways in which the jews fuck over blacks, it seems to be their fault for being so fucked up.

I know the jews financed the slave trade. I know all about it. I've even turned more than a few people (mostly Germans) into Nazis in my day so please don't talk to me about not knowing what the jews are up to.

I am not making excuses for the errors of black people or white people. White People are a noble race and it seems to me that you think I blame Whites for "everything" Blacks have had to endure, which COULDN'T be farther from the Truth.

What I am saying is that you are not being even-handed.
But I guess you won't see it that way. You will call me "brainwashed" and "kosher" etc because I don't agree with you on the finer points of nuance.

And I get it. I used to run these boards years ago. You get burned out, skeptical, cynical, etc from people disagreeing with you over anything and everything. That's not what I am trying to do.

I am trying to emphasize that the same reason white people aren't living in a perfect civilization is the same reason why black people aren't. It's because the jews have sabotaged both races at every turn.

But when I cite the ways in which the black community has been sabotaged, you call me kosher. Great. Thanks.

We agree far more than you are willing to see but your emphasis is different (which is fine) but your tone is WAY different. If you think I blame White people for "everything" then you haven't been paying attention. Period.

Finger on the ban button yet?

And P.S. why are we even talking about this at all? Oh yeah. Because someone came on here saying we should curse the black race. Huh.

And what was your response, Don?
You didn't even say that they shouldn't be cursed!
You just went into how fucked up black people are!
I rest my case.

No one would ever DARE come on these boards and say we should curse the White Race! lmao are you kidding me?


--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

 The Jew slavers hung around the ports on the coast and bought the Black slaves off other Blacks who raided rival tribes. Infact slavery still exists in Africa today.
The record shows 75% of the slave owners in America where Jews, with the other 25% being Amerindians, Whites and free BLACKS.
So no unlike you try and suggest it was not some White people thing. Infact it was the Whites who wanted the slave traded ended and never wished it to have started. And it was the Founding Fathers of America who wished to deal with this mess before it got more ugly but where bound by their own laws. Also most slaves where shipped in before America was a country. But back when it was several colonies of different European powers from France, England and Holland.
Later hundreds of thousands of Blacks returned to Africa under the Liberian movement lead by Douglas a Black Nationalist. A fore runner of Garvey. But it was cut short by the Rothschild murder of the President. Who was backing Douglas with the full power of the American government the plan was for full repatriation of all Blacks. And this was the best time as the effects of the war in its aftermath. Caused the situation to arise in history. But was ended by the enemy.
Guess what even in African Liberia the upperclass Blacks........Owned Blacks slaves by the tens of thousands.
The only stupidity on this subject is your all too tragic opinions which are the result lack of introspection and liberal smug in its place. Just making it up as you go along. I run across this all the time in society for a reason.
See in reality there never was some great democratic vote by all Whites in a nation that did not even exist yet. To allow any of this. Maybe in your fantasy world, but not in this one. So trying to be an asshole and hold all Whites accountable for something you are making up is ridiculous on your part. And is one reason I can't take your opinions seriously. Your lack of historical continuatiy  alone not to mention mixing it with the mainstream Jewish narrative which parades as Liberalism. And trying to pass this off as some great understanding. Like I stated your own post is a two bit, Liberal gum ball machine answer.Its not part of functioning reality. And this thought process is a major problem in the West. Its literally what was called Autism before it was reclassified as medical condition by latter doctors to something else.
Hells666steward wrote:
"Black people didn't put themselves in chains and jump on board the slave ships. But now, they're in America. You could say that the jews created and financed the slave trade. True. But white people were still buying slaves. They knew full well that they were bringing black people into a country that many of them believed was going to be exclusively theirs. This is stupidity on its face. If you don't want black people in your country, why would you ship them here against their will?? "

From: Don Danko <mageson6666@
To: "mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com" <mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 8:00:16 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community


Just for the record don't try and put words in my mouth again. Its rude.

From: Don Danko <mageson6666@
To: "mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com" <mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 7:58:31 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community

I could get this reply out of any two bit liberal gum ball machine.....Infact most of this has nothing to do with my reply. Its just you going on some PC rant trying to make something of nothing..Infact I get the impression you even didn't read my entire reply or it went in one ear and out the other. I am not repeating myself.
Trayon would still be alive if he was not a violent, criminal piece of shit. And had not attacked Zimmerman for being an active citizen. Only in kosher Ameikwa  is this some type of complex fucking rocket science to understand.

From: hells666steward <hells666steward@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 5:35:23 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community

"The Black community in America is Judized. Even their bogus idea of "Blackness" is nothing but the Jewish idea of Jewishness. Just applied to Blacks. They behave like Jews at this point. Because there a result of decades of Jewish psychological warfare programs." -the same could be said for whites in America, couldn't it?
Most druggies I know are white. Most people I know who don't have a job, don't have to work, sit around collecting checks for doing nothing. Are white. Either scamming the system or trust fund babies. Take your pick. Most people I know who break the law are white. Most people I know who break the law and get away with it. Are white. Friends of mine, acquaintances, whatever. Just my own personal experience. And I've known a lot of people. Affirmative action helps white women much more than black people. This has been common knowledge for years and years. When affirmative action was set in place, enrollment of white women in schools and the hiring of white women for jobs skyrocketed, far beyond what happened for blacks. As for incarceration of black males etc. This largely has to do with disproportionate enforcement of laws, and the passage of laws that disproportionately affect blscks. For example, cocaine has a penalty much lighter than crack. White
people tend to use coke (it's purer and more expensive), black people tend to use crack (it's impure, cheap, and often has effects far worse to the human body than pure coke). Let's also not forget that Reagan and Bush (when he was head of CIA, before he was president) covertly brought crack into inner cities in the 80's - which is how the crack epidemic started. Because the government created it. Just like the Iran-Contra affair, only far less publicized. They are criminals. This is why many black people HATE Ronald Reagan. Meanwhile, in a place like New York City, where the cops stop and frisk people just because they feel like it, they can arrest anyone for having the smallest amount of marijuana, even though the ways in which they ascertain possession of that marijuana is often illegal. But the system doesn't care. One more nigger to lock away and ruin forever. Give him a record. Prevent him from getting a good job. Gee. I wonder what happens to
someone when you destroy their ability to get a good, decent, honest job???????????????? The fact is, though, that whites smoke just as much pot as blacks do. Actually more, since there are more whites in the country. So why are there more arrests of black people for marijuana than white people?? Maybe because the police aren't stopping and frisking young white people in New York City. They stop black people. Blacks are the target. Because they're always up to no good. Right? Right... So you can say that black people have been brainwashed. Yes, of course. Hasn't everyone. But you can't act like the deck isn't stacked against them in a way that it isn't for white people. Because that just... isn't true. Black people need to wake up. Everyone needs to wake up. But it's hard to wake up when there's a guy standing over you filling your veins with sleeping drugs while you're passed out. So to speak. Yes, black people kill each other every day and that is
a huge problem. That's a fucking disaster and in many pockets of the country (not everywhere though) black culture has gone to shit. But then again, didn't this happen in Europe during the Dark Ages? But no one calls Europeans "barbaric" for these massacres. Of course, you could say that the jews were behind these wars in Europe. And for the most part, you may be correct. But the same would apply to black people in America. After all, Black people didn't put themselves in chains and jump on board the slave ships. But now, they're in America. You could say that the jews created and financed the slave trade. True. But white people were still buying slaves. They knew full well that they were bringing black people into a country that many of them believed was going to be exclusively theirs. This is stupidity on its face. If you don't want black people in your country, why would you ship them here against their will?? Personally, I choose not to blame
the victim. I avoid pointing too many fingers at black people, or white people, or the Chinese for their shitty government. Yes, it is the victim's responsibility to avoid being victimized in the future and to take control of their own destiny but if I decided to blame the victim 100% then what's the point in trying to save humanity? We're the victims, it's our fault. We should all suffer and die for our collective stupidity. By the way, one of the police officers who responded to the scene of Martin's death recommended that Zimmerman at least be arrested, due to the preponderance of evidence against him. He was a white guy. I guess the department ignored him. They didn't even ARREST Zimmerman after Trayvon was killed. THAT's why the whole thing got so much press in the beginning. He wasn't even charged. People had to protest to even get a trial underway. If they had just arrested him, tried him, and acquitted him, people would likely be less upset
than they are now. The fact is, imagine if the tables were turned. Everything in the case is exactly the same - except that Trayvon was a white hispanic dude with a jewish last name, and some black dude got out of his car with hollow bullets and followed him. The white kid ends up dead after the black guy shoots him in the chest with hollow bullets. Exact same scenario, but reverse the races. How would that look to the country? How would that look to you? How would you react to that? Zimmerman was a trained MMA fighter, knew the law and what to say to police, had hollow bullets loaded in his gun for that extra-lethal kick, and he disobeyed the 9 11 dispatch who told him that they "didn't need him" to follow Martin. He was the neighborhood watch. He could have just... you know. WATCHED. And called the cops. And followed their advice/orders when they told him to stay put. Long story short, the whole thing seems very, VERY fishy to me. Not to mention
that if Zimmerman's head was being slammed into the concrete the way he said it was, there would be blood EVERYWHERE. Head wounds BLEED. We're talking a RIVER of blood. I've seen these types of injuries, up close and in person. Many times. There would be blood EVERYWHERE. But there wasn't. Anyways,
One thing we can agree on though, is that the jews play the races against each other and have been playing black people like a fiddle - and the fact that the media uses every opportunity it can to avoid talking about what fucked up things are going on in our government, our banks, and overseas, every day. I will forever be thankful to Satan for blessing every gentile race with its own dignity and strength. White, Black, Asian, Native American... we are all worthy. Even as we are staring in the face of extermination. And yet, we will all rise and conquer the enemy once and for all in the end. HAIL SATAN!! --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

The Jooz Media was purposely hyping this case from printing false evidence on  the 911 tapes which they purposely lied to make Zimmerman look like a "racist" who just killed this Trayon because he was Black. And on.
This is very revealing and shows several things. The Kosherpath MSM always pushes tabloid junk as a the main story to distract people off real news. Such as Snowdin, Manning and on.
The Jews are trying to incite more racial hatred as they love to do. Which they draw power from.
They where creating this to be propaganda to dismantle important self defense laws such as the Stand your ground law. And to aid in general  the Jewish gun grabbing lobby.
Originally the Police dept found no reason to charge Zimmerman with a crime and left it as self defense. Then the lynch mob lobbies jumped on and turned this into a band wagon. 
Fact is simple Trayon who was not a "child" but a over 6ft tall, 200 pound young male. And had a history of violence and criminal behaviour. Including being caught with B&E tools and unaccountable jewerly in his back pack. Was prowling around on private properity at night dressed to conceal himself checking out houses in an area that just had several break and enters.
Zimmerman who is law enforcement trained and a neighbourhood watch man. Saw this activity and phoned 911 and then went to ask this character what is he doing on priviate properity. Which is his legal right and he is in the Neighbourhood watch.
Trayon then attacked him violently as one witnessed stated. 6ft plus Trayon was sitting on top of little 5ft Zimmerman giving him a lethal beating. Smashing his head into the concert sidewalk. Which is how most people die in street fights. The wounds on Zimmerman showed this to be the case.
So Zimmerman shot him in self defense.
A violent teenage Hoodlum decided to viciously attack the neighbourhood watch man for asking him what he was doing on private properity. And got himself killed by his own behaviour.
Also  what kind of statement is that. On your behalf? For the 'ignorance" of the women on the jury. Ignorance means not to know.They where on the jury and sat thought days and days of evidence from both sides beforing making a choice.
Which means it was an educated choice on their part. The opposite of ignorance.
The Black community in America is Judized. Even their bogus idea of "Blackness" is nothing but the Jewish idea of Jewishness. Just applied to Blacks. They behave like Jews at this point. Because there a result of decades of Jewish psychological warfare programs. So their behaviour is not suprising over this. They use the word "Racist" the same way the Jews shout "anti-semitism." No mistake the JEWs ran the NAACP from the start.
The Jews started they would Communize via Cultural Marxism the Minority communities in America to act as a tool in their Communist take over. Communism is Judaism applied to political strategy to enact the protocols of the Jewish Talmud. Nothing more. The final conquest of the Goyium world by the Jewish race.
The only racial oppression Blacks suffer at this point is from Jews and each other. Blacks kill each other by the tens of thousands in America every year. And turn their communities into opressive urban warzones full of broken homes and lives. Where they murder each other over everything from a bag of chips, to just because. And never seem to care to point out the  Jews behind it. Its always the White man's fault because the Jew tells them so.. Despite over 3 trillon dollars of White tax payers money has been pumped into their miserable lives and Whites gave them equal rights and freedoms. Ended the slave trade and ownership that the Jews where behind. Even tolerated affirmative action. Which is actual racism not the end of it. And bend over backwards for them as a whole day in and day out. Nope just like the Jewz they got their attitude from. Its never, ever enough. And don't you DARE tell them otherwise! OyVeh! The never ending sense of self
defeating entitlement.
Then the Blacks don't seem to catch onto their psychology actual disempowers them from success at life which then makes them more angry and frustrated at Whites. Which just fuels this negative mentality the Jews put in their head. It does not free them from it. Which is what Jews want. As it pushes racial hostilies to a new level. The Jews have also pumped their heads full of strong self hatred over being Black. Which is then externalized outwards further as part of this. And inwards to a self destructive pathology. Which then reflects in their lives and community. The Jews got them over a barrel.
To the point the lastest demographic reports show the Blacks Race will be wiped out in America in this century. They are dying off in record numbers due to this. When most Black males are either dead, serving 25 to life or dying of diesase. The Blacks make up 12% of the American population but 50% of the maxium security prison inmate population in America.
They call this "racism." But its Jewish ingrained self hatred and the Jewish destruction of their race, culture and community.
By calling this racism they never have to also take some personal power back for themselves and  take the personal responsibility to put an end to the vicious cycle of destruction.
There was a Black fellow who did catch on and was protesting in a Klan robe. That his own people kill tens of thousands of his people each year. And a call for Black reform of their psychological pathologies and community.  And he was viciously raked over the coals by his own kind and the general kosherpath club. Even Bill Cosby was given the same treatment when he told his fellow Blacks they need to free their minds from this self destructive pathology of "Blackness."

From: "jwazny@" <jwazny@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com Sent: Saturday, July 13, 2013 11:10:34 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] George zimmerman and the black community


George zimmerman was found not guilty today by means of self defense im assuming. The black community says its racial oppression and its a racial hate crime. Militia black men were protesting in response to this man being set free by 6 women on a jury. What are your thoughts on this? Do you believe that the black community should have destruction rituals on them for their ignorance about this trial?
You talk a lot but having nothing to say. Maybe because your yamaka is on too tight. Prehaps.
From: hells666steward <hells666steward@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 2:13:22 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community
  Don - *IF* that is how it went down, then you're right. You can't really hold Zimmerman accountable. IF that's how it happened.

But many things have been said about this case. Some conflicting reports, from witnesses etc. And as someone who has followed the case a decent amount, I certainly have my doubts that your scenario is how it happened. BUT if your scenario is in fact the way it happened, then Trayvon doesn't have much of a leg to stand on. True.

Some people would rather have had Zimmerman get the cops out there to deal with it, instead of "taking the law into his own hands" by getting out of his car to go confront this guy while concealing a gun loaded with hollow-point bullets.

Also, as I mentioned before, if you have EVEN ONE major head wound, there would be blood EVERYWHERE. All it takes is one major head wound to do that. But there was little blood at the scene.

Then, there's the fact that in another case, a (black) woman in Florida who discharges her firearm INTO THE AIR as a WARNING shot against her known-to-be-physically-abusive husband who was approaching her in a state of rage got a sentence of TWENTY YEARS IN PRISON. For firing a WARNING shot. Who didn't even hit anyone. So people scratch their heads about that.

How did SHE get 20 years for firing a gun into the air in the name of self-defense, but Zimmerman KILLED a dude and gets off. In the name of self-defense.


Don't you see how people would look at this?

Either way, if the cops had been there instead of just Zimmerman, it probably would have been a different (probably better) outcome.


--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

It should be noted Trayon who is 6ft and 200 pounds jumped  5ft nothing, Zimmerman from behind. Meaning he was waiting for him in the bushes planning to violently  ambush and attack him it was premediated on Trayon's part. Trayon simply didn't bet on  his intended victim, Zimmerman  being armed.  Thats it, its that simple.
I also read the police did find a lock picking set in the same bushes as well. Trayon was spotting lurking between houses on other peoples private properity by Zimmerman. Trayon having been caught with B&E tools before along with unaccoutable jewerly in his back pack. And there was a string of recent Break and Enters in the neighbourhood. Zimmerman was the leader of the neighbourhood watch. He naturally phoned the police and kept tabs on Trayon.
I note the attitude a lot of shitheads are repeating from the Joozmedia-duh. Is that Trayon was somehow justified in violently ambushing Zimmerman from behind and violently  beating [even smashing his head into the concrete]. Because he was mad. That is how fucking infantile and stupid people have become. Even added further to the retardation Zimmerman is now bad for defending himself.
Don't go around violently attacking other people. And YOU MIGHT NOT GET KILLED.

From: hail_satan11 <hail_satan11@...
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:18:37 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community


Don Danko is 100% correct. This entire thread is outrageous and constructivist, nothing else.

Zimmerman followed the law. Not only is it abnormal behavior to be lurking around hooded up in the rain at night but anyone who knows anything about fighting or has experienced a street fight knows that once someone is on top of you pounding away it is nearly impossible to get out of.

Trained MMA fighters have a hard time getting out of that situation and it wasnt a fight where two opponents enter the ring with agreed upon rules. It was a life or death street fight. That is very real shit.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "jwazny@" <jwazny@ wrote:

George zimmerman was found not guilty today by means of self defense im assuming. The black community says its racial oppression and its a racial hate crime. Militia black men were protesting in response to this man being set free by 6 women on a jury. What are your thoughts on this? Do you believe that the black community should have destruction rituals on them for their ignorance about this trial?
Yes I mentioned this as items in a drug mix. The statements given was he was high on the store tape. He was a known drug user.
From: HenryH <astralnaut888@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 1:37:53 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community
  The police also found skittles and iced tea in his backpack, which might seem harmless enough to anyone who lacks the street smarts of a druggie(i am not implying that i am one)and is used to make a drink called syzrup, he was only missing one ingredient promethazine. They were both unopened and this only shows his intention.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

It should be noted Trayon who is 6ft and 200 pounds jumped  5ft nothing, Zimmerman from behind. Meaning he was waiting for him in the bushes planning to violently  ambush and attack him it was premediated on Trayon's part. Trayon simply didn't bet on  his intended victim, Zimmerman  being armed.  Thats it, its that simple.
I also read the police did find a lock picking set in the same bushes as well. Trayon was spotting lurking between houses on other peoples private properity by Zimmerman. Trayon having been caught with B&E tools before along with unaccoutable jewerly in his back pack. And there was a string of recent Break and Enters in the neighbourhood. Zimmerman was the leader of the neighbourhood watch. He naturally phoned the police and kept tabs on Trayon.
I note the attitude a lot of shitheads are repeating from the Joozmedia-duh. Is that Trayon was somehow justified in violently ambushing Zimmerman from behind and violently  beating [even smashing his head into the concrete]. Because he was mad. That is how fucking infantile and stupid people have become. Even added further to the retardation Zimmerman is now bad for defending himself.
Don't go around violently attacking other people. And YOU MIGHT NOT GET KILLED.

From: hail_satan11 <hail_satan11@...
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:18:37 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community


Don Danko is 100% correct. This entire thread is outrageous and constructivist, nothing else.

Zimmerman followed the law. Not only is it abnormal behavior to be lurking around hooded up in the rain at night but anyone who knows anything about fighting or has experienced a street fight knows that once someone is on top of you pounding away it is nearly impossible to get out of.

Trained MMA fighters have a hard time getting out of that situation and it wasnt a fight where two opponents enter the ring with agreed upon rules. It was a life or death street fight. That is very real shit.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "jwazny@" <jwazny@ wrote:

George zimmerman was found not guilty today by means of self defense im assuming. The black community says its racial oppression and its a racial hate crime. Militia black men were protesting in response to this man being set free by 6 women on a jury. What are your thoughts on this? Do you believe that the black community should have destruction rituals on them for their ignorance about this trial?
One can have damages internally and not  bleed externally to show for it.I am no doctor but this came to mind when reading what you wrote.
From: hells666steward <hells666steward@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 2:13:22 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community

  Don - *IF* that is how it went down, then you're right. You can't really hold Zimmerman accountable. IF that's how it happened.

But many things have been said about this case. Some conflicting reports, from witnesses etc. And as someone who has followed the case a decent amount, I certainly have my doubts that your scenario is how it happened. BUT if your scenario is in fact the way it happened, then Trayvon doesn't have much of a leg to stand on. True.

Some people would rather have had Zimmerman get the cops out there to deal with it, instead of "taking the law into his own hands" by getting out of his car to go confront this guy while concealing a gun loaded with hollow-point bullets.

Also, as I mentioned before, if you have EVEN ONE major head wound, there would be blood EVERYWHERE. All it takes is one major head wound to do that. But there was little blood at the scene.

Then, there's the fact that in another case, a (black) woman in Florida who discharges her firearm INTO THE AIR as a WARNING shot against her known-to-be-physically-abusive husband who was approaching her in a state of rage got a sentence of TWENTY YEARS IN PRISON. For firing a WARNING shot. Who didn't even hit anyone. So people scratch their heads about that.

How did SHE get 20 years for firing a gun into the air in the name of self-defense, but Zimmerman KILLED a dude and gets off. In the name of self-defense.


Don't you see how people would look at this?

Either way, if the cops had been there instead of just Zimmerman, it probably would have been a different (probably better) outcome.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

It should be noted Trayon who is 6ft and 200 pounds jumped  5ft nothing, Zimmerman from behind. Meaning he was waiting for him in the bushes planning to violently  ambush and attack him it was premediated on Trayon's part. Trayon simply didn't bet on  his intended victim, Zimmerman  being armed.  Thats it, its that simple.
I also read the police did find a lock picking set in the same bushes as well. Trayon was spotting lurking between houses on other peoples private properity by Zimmerman. Trayon having been caught with B&E tools before along with unaccoutable jewerly in his back pack. And there was a string of recent Break and Enters in the neighbourhood. Zimmerman was the leader of the neighbourhood watch. He naturally phoned the police and kept tabs on Trayon.
I note the attitude a lot of shitheads are repeating from the Joozmedia-duh. Is that Trayon was somehow justified in violently ambushing Zimmerman from behind and violently  beating [even smashing his head into the concrete]. Because he was mad. That is how fucking infantile and stupid people have become. Even added further to the retardation Zimmerman is now bad for defending himself.
Don't go around violently attacking other people. And YOU MIGHT NOT GET KILLED.

From: hail_satan11 <hail_satan11@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:18:37 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community


Don Danko is 100% correct. This entire thread is outrageous and constructivist, nothing else.

Zimmerman followed the law. Not only is it abnormal behavior to be lurking around hooded up in the rain at night but anyone who knows anything about fighting or has experienced a street fight knows that once someone is on top of you pounding away it is nearly impossible to get out of.

Trained MMA fighters have a hard time getting out of that situation and it wasnt a fight where two opponents enter the ring with agreed upon rules. It was a life or death street fight. That is very real shit.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "jwazny@" <jwazny@ wrote:

George zimmerman was found not guilty today by means of self defense im assuming. The black community says its racial oppression and its a racial hate crime. Militia black men were protesting in response to this man being set free by 6 women on a jury. What are your thoughts on this? Do you believe that the black community should have destruction rituals on them for their ignorance about this trial?


How predictable.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

That's quite a long and booorrrrinnng way to say: "Oy Veh!"

From: hells666steward <hells666steward@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 1:45:41 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community


I don't hate White people at all. I never have.

If you actually read what I was saying then you must have missed my point. But I'm glad you responded. Hopefully I can make myself a bit more clear.

You are also assuming that I'm black but that's perfectly fair and I can see why you would make that assumption.

Speaking of a point you made - yes, it sickens me as well that the White Population is shrinking. I visit Germany for example (I helped rebuild German palaces that were bombed in WWII) and there are SO many Black people and non-Germans there. Who intend to stay there and maybe even marry German women. MAKES MY STOMACH CHURN. Germans have always been a welcoming and hospitable people (as I know from plenty of experience) and it's good and nice that they have visitors or whatever but please. Give me a fucking break. Enough is enough. Close the fucking borders already. Visit, then go home. Germany is for Germans.

Especially during a German population crisis. Or a White population crisis in general. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME.

I could go on and on about that and related topics, but that's not exactly relevant to the issue at hand. The point is I don't hate White people. At all. I said what I said about "failure" to illustrate an implicit difference in some peoples' **attitudes** towards different races and HOW they discuss certain things. I mentioned the Founding Fathers to illustrate a point. The Founding Fathers, as I mentioned, were ingenious.

If you study the Constitution etc. it is obvious that they didn't like slavery and they engineered the nation so that we as a country would grow out of it. It is OBVIOUS.

The thing that really got me pissed was that someone came on here saying we should curse Black people because of the George Zimmerman case.


You say that the problems in the Black community stem from Christianity and the banking system, etc. Well, you couldn't be more correct and that was my point. Someone came on here and started spouting off about cursing black people and from what I saw it took a while for anyone to say "wait a minute."

Instead, the initial response to a proposal to curse Blacks was all about how fucked up the Black community is. Which is a fine conversation to have since Blacks ARE fucked up. Everyone is fucked up. This is Kali Yuga. But the WAY you enter that racial conversation is going to be critical if you want to have a rational discussion without offending people or getting their backs up. Respect must be paid to the Gentile Races. Not curses. This cuts both ways. You can't go around shitting on White people either. I DO NOT tolerate that, either. I have OWNED many people (many of them Black) in that debate because the White Race is misunderstood, to put it lightly. But this is not a surprise. The Jew exists.

I have even turned White people into Nazis. A couple of black people, too. I have no issue with White people. Whites and Blacks are suspicious of each other in general and the way to end that suspicion is to be mindful of one another. THAT was my point.

With a stellium in the sky currently in Cancer - including a Cancer Mars - and Mercury Retrograde (confusion, misunderstanding) in Cancer (Cancer = emotions, bloodlines, race), the conversation on this forum quickly got out of hand and was largely about how fucked up blacks are - but why wasn't the conversation about how WE DON'T CURSE ENTIRE GENTILE RACES - and about how fucked up the JEWS are??

THEY are the ones who fucked the Black race over!! NOT White people.

White people get sick and tired of being blamed for everything in the whole fucking goddamned world and they SHOULD be sick and tired of it. That doesn't mean they didn't participate in some fucked up shit. But who hasn't??

But it doesn't help White people to fall into the trap of blaming blacks, just like it doesn't help blacks to fall into the trap of blaming Whites. It's the jews. Always has been, always will be. The Black and White races need to come together to crush the TRUE enemy. Then this would all be a non-issue.

I am calling on White People to be refreshed in how they look at Blacks. I am calling on Blacks to be refreshed in how they look at Whites. Take a deep breath, then tackle the issues, respectfully. Because both races are tired. Sick and fucking tired. How do we overcome this? Through empathy. And mercy. That doesn't mean to go easy on each other, because we have real issues that we must address. But we have to address them in a way that is considerate and constructive. Each race has to understand WHY they are perceived in a certain way, EVEN IF THAT PERCEPTION IS INACCURATE. Which it often is. And then, from a place of understanding, each race must educate the other regarding the TRUTH of their nobility. It's about respect. "You catch more flies with honey than vinegar." That's all. This is how we overcome this, along with mutual disdain for the jews, who are the real enemy.

So why was someone on this forum trying to curse the black race? I know he didn't speak for everyone here and maybe he was ignorant (I hope he was just ignorant) but it took a while before anyone discouraged him. That whole thing made my stomach turn. And it pissed me off. Just as it pisses me off when people blame White Gentiles for the slave trade. PISSES ME OFF.

But this thread wasn't about the slave trade. So... here we are.

Honestly, I don't know why we are even discussing this Zimmerman bullshit to these lengths. It was destined to be a divisive topic and it has little to do with Satanism directly, but hey. People can talk about whatever they want to.


--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "rahu_00088" <snake_pit_666@ wrote:

@hells666steward. Seriously you need to stop this anti White bullshit. This group supports all races, nobody is dissing on other races except you. No race is perfect, not Whites, we've fucked up a lot of the times as well. Hell we're the only race of people around today who's population is declining in almost every country, precisely because we allow the kind of things you support to go on.

Blacks still have Black Africa with a population exploding.
I don't see Nigeria ever allowing in 3 million non Black immigrants and giving them affirmative action so they can become just as represented in the Nigerian workforce, government and universities as Blacks do you?

Or there being mass hysteria in the Nigerian media because a White man was killed there.

Nor should they be expected to do any of this. Because it's a Black nation where the destiny of it's people should be in it's own peoples hands. And we know it's not today mostly because of the Christian religion and Jewish banking system. But that's not the fault of Whites.

The only thing we ask for is the same. How you think that is unreasonable I haven't a clue. I understand you are emotional about your people but you are taking it out on the wrong people, in the wrong place.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "hells666steward" <hells666steward@ wrote:

I never held "all whites accountable." That's ridiculous.

Even in the quote of mine below. I didn't "hold all white people accountable." Please don't put words in my mouth.

The fact of the matter is, if this is a white country, and if it was founded by whites, for whites, etc. then why did whites *allow* black people here?? Weren't the founding fathers white? Weren't the citizens white? So why didn't they do something about it? Weren't they in control of their own country? AT ALL??

They FAILED. But I'm sure you wouldn't say that... about the Noble White Man. He's flawless and always has been, right?

I'm being facetious in the statement above but not to disparage White People. I know it was difficult to set up the country AT ALL let alone do those things. The Founding Fathers are geniuses and should be commended for their bravery. But you would never say they FAILED in part of their mission, would you? You wouldn't blame the founding fathers for not having the balls, smarts, resources etc for perfecting the United States as soon as it was founded, would you??

No. You wouldn't. And THAT is the point I'm making. You don't talk shit about white people failing to do these things, yet when it comes to black people, you seem to love to talk about how they are killing each other. As if the White race is perfect.

I don't care that Whites *WANTED* to end the slave trade. They didn't. They FAILED. They were too weak to do it, I guess. So why are you blaming black people for being brought to a country - usually against their will - that they never ruled over? Yes, the Black Race has Failed in the past, too. Many times. Of course they have!! And you would freely admit this, and go on a rant about how they are killing themselves, but why aren't you ALSO looking at WHITE PEOPLE in that same light and saying, in equally disparaging terms,

It's double-talk. I am pointing out the hypocrisy. I know jews are the cause. That's obvious to me. Ask Louis Farrakhan about the slave trade. He will tell you it was all jews. Many black people are finding this out. Many already know.

I'm not blaming black people, I'm not blaming white people. Both races are noble. Both deserve the best, both have made mistakes. Same with the Asians. Look at China right now. I wish all of them, the very best. The White Race DESERVES the best! As do the other races, if we all got our asses in gear!!

I don't blame the White or Black races for their greatest errors. I blame the angels and the fucking jews. Because they are the cause.

In the end, it is what it is. It happened. What are you going to do about it? Insult all non-white gentiles? lol insulting gentiles isn't going to help your cause. It will not make our numbers grow. When we become a worldwide phenomenon, it will not get us any support.

When it comes to the great errors of the races, I blame the jews for all of this. But you seem to want to blame everyone BUT Whites. Am I wrong? I know black people have fucked up repeatedly over the years. This is obvious. BUT SO HAVE WHITE PEOPLE. And usually, those fuck-ups happen because the gentiles fall into traps that the kikes have set. Whether it's guns in black neighborhoods or banks stealing white homes in Mississippi. And this is my point. Our fuck-ups, as gentiles, are the results of jewish actions. I don't blame any of the gentile races for their fuck-ups the way I blame the jews.

However, I DO and I WILL hold the gentile races *RESPONSIBLE* for making poor decisions. ALL of the Gentile races. And yes, some white people owned slaves. Some black people did, too. No shit!

Do you like black people at all, Don? lol Do you think they are inferior? That this is "all their fault"??

It seems like when I point out the ways in which the jews fuck over whites, you say "fuck the jews."
But when I point out the ways in which the jews fuck over blacks, it seems to be their fault for being so fucked up.

I know the jews financed the slave trade. I know all about it. I've even turned more than a few people (mostly Germans) into Nazis in my day so please don't talk to me about not knowing what the jews are up to.

I am not making excuses for the errors of black people or white people. White People are a noble race and it seems to me that you think I blame Whites for "everything" Blacks have had to endure, which COULDN'T be farther from the Truth.

What I am saying is that you are not being even-handed.
But I guess you won't see it that way. You will call me "brainwashed" and "kosher" etc because I don't agree with you on the finer points of nuance.

And I get it. I used to run these boards years ago. You get burned out, skeptical, cynical, etc from people disagreeing with you over anything and everything. That's not what I am trying to do.

I am trying to emphasize that the same reason white people aren't living in a perfect civilization is the same reason why black people aren't. It's because the jews have sabotaged both races at every turn.

But when I cite the ways in which the black community has been sabotaged, you call me kosher. Great. Thanks.

We agree far more than you are willing to see but your emphasis is different (which is fine) but your tone is WAY different. If you think I blame White people for "everything" then you haven't been paying attention. Period.

Finger on the ban button yet?

And P.S. why are we even talking about this at all? Oh yeah. Because someone came on here saying we should curse the black race. Huh.

And what was your response, Don?
You didn't even say that they shouldn't be cursed!
You just went into how fucked up black people are!
I rest my case.

No one would ever DARE come on these boards and say we should curse the White Race! lmao are you kidding me?


--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

 The Jew slavers hung around the ports on the coast and bought the Black slaves off other Blacks who raided rival tribes. Infact slavery still exists in Africa today.
The record shows 75% of the slave owners in America where Jews, with the other 25% being Amerindians, Whites and free BLACKS.
So no unlike you try and suggest it was not some White people thing. Infact it was the Whites who wanted the slave traded ended and never wished it to have started. And it was the Founding Fathers of America who wished to deal with this mess before it got more ugly but where bound by their own laws. Also most slaves where shipped in before America was a country. But back when it was several colonies of different European powers from France, England and Holland.
Later hundreds of thousands of Blacks returned to Africa under the Liberian movement lead by Douglas a Black Nationalist. A fore runner of Garvey. But it was cut short by the Rothschild murder of the President. Who was backing Douglas with the full power of the American government the plan was for full repatriation of all Blacks. And this was the best time as the effects of the war in its aftermath. Caused the situation to arise in history. But was ended by the enemy.
Guess what even in African Liberia the upperclass Blacks........Owned Blacks slaves by the tens of thousands.
The only stupidity on this subject is your all too tragic opinions which are the result lack of introspection and liberal smug in its place. Just making it up as you go along. I run across this all the time in society for a reason.
See in reality there never was some great democratic vote by all Whites in a nation that did not even exist yet. To allow any of this. Maybe in your fantasy world, but not in this one. So trying to be an asshole and hold all Whites accountable for something you are making up is ridiculous on your part. And is one reason I can't take your opinions seriously. Your lack of historical continuatiy  alone not to mention mixing it with the mainstream Jewish narrative which parades as Liberalism. And trying to pass this off as some great understanding. Like I stated your own post is a two bit, Liberal gum ball machine answer.Its not part of functioning reality. And this thought process is a major problem in the West. Its literally what was called Autism before it was reclassified as medical condition by latter doctors to something else.
Hells666steward wrote:
"Black people didn't put themselves in chains and jump on board the slave ships. But now, they're in America. You could say that the jews created and financed the slave trade. True. But white people were still buying slaves. They knew full well that they were bringing black people into a country that many of them believed was going to be exclusively theirs. This is stupidity on its face. If you don't want black people in your country, why would you ship them here against their will?? "

From: Don Danko <mageson6666@
To: "mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com" <mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 8:00:16 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community


Just for the record don't try and put words in my mouth again. Its rude.

From: Don Danko <mageson6666@
To: "mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com" <mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 7:58:31 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community

I could get this reply out of any two bit liberal gum ball machine.....Infact most of this has nothing to do with my reply. Its just you going on some PC rant trying to make something of nothing..Infact I get the impression you even didn't read my entire reply or it went in one ear and out the other. I am not repeating myself.
Trayon would still be alive if he was not a violent, criminal piece of shit. And had not attacked Zimmerman for being an active citizen. Only in kosher Ameikwa  is this some type of complex fucking rocket science to understand.

From: hells666steward <hells666steward@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 5:35:23 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community

"The Black community in America is Judized. Even their bogus idea of "Blackness" is nothing but the Jewish idea of Jewishness. Just applied to Blacks. They behave like Jews at this point. Because there a result of decades of Jewish psychological warfare programs." -the same could be said for whites in America, couldn't it?
Most druggies I know are white. Most people I know who don't have a job, don't have to work, sit around collecting checks for doing nothing. Are white. Either scamming the system or trust fund babies. Take your pick. Most people I know who break the law are white. Most people I know who break the law and get away with it. Are white. Friends of mine, acquaintances, whatever. Just my own personal experience. And I've known a lot of people. Affirmative action helps white women much more than black people. This has been common knowledge for years and years. When affirmative action was set in place, enrollment of white women in schools and the hiring of white women for jobs skyrocketed, far beyond what happened for blacks. As for incarceration of black males etc. This largely has to do with disproportionate enforcement of laws, and the passage of laws that disproportionately affect blscks. For example, cocaine has a penalty much lighter than crack.
people tend to use coke (it's purer and more expensive), black people tend to use crack (it's impure, cheap, and often has effects far worse to the human body than pure coke). Let's also not forget that Reagan and Bush (when he was head of CIA, before he was president) covertly brought crack into inner cities in the 80's - which is how the crack epidemic started. Because the government created it. Just like the Iran-Contra affair, only far less publicized. They are criminals. This is why many black people HATE Ronald Reagan. Meanwhile, in a place like New York City, where the cops stop and frisk people just because they feel like it, they can arrest anyone for having the smallest amount of marijuana, even though the ways in which they ascertain possession of that marijuana is often illegal. But the system doesn't care. One more nigger to lock away and ruin forever. Give him a record. Prevent him from getting a good job. Gee. I wonder what
happens to
someone when you destroy their ability to get a good, decent, honest job???????????????? The fact is, though, that whites smoke just as much pot as blacks do. Actually more, since there are more whites in the country. So why are there more arrests of black people for marijuana than white people?? Maybe because the police aren't stopping and frisking young white people in New York City. They stop black people. Blacks are the target. Because they're always up to no good. Right? Right... So you can say that black people have been brainwashed. Yes, of course. Hasn't everyone. But you can't act like the deck isn't stacked against them in a way that it isn't for white people. Because that just... isn't true. Black people need to wake up. Everyone needs to wake up. But it's hard to wake up when there's a guy standing over you filling your veins with sleeping drugs while you're passed out. So to speak. Yes, black people kill each other every day and
that is
a huge problem. That's a fucking disaster and in many pockets of the country (not everywhere though) black culture has gone to shit. But then again, didn't this happen in Europe during the Dark Ages? But no one calls Europeans "barbaric" for these massacres. Of course, you could say that the jews were behind these wars in Europe. And for the most part, you may be correct. But the same would apply to black people in America. After all, Black people didn't put themselves in chains and jump on board the slave ships. But now, they're in America. You could say that the jews created and financed the slave trade. True. But white people were still buying slaves. They knew full well that they were bringing black people into a country that many of them believed was going to be exclusively theirs. This is stupidity on its face. If you don't want black people in your country, why would you ship them here against their will?? Personally, I choose not to
the victim. I avoid pointing too many fingers at black people, or white people, or the Chinese for their shitty government. Yes, it is the victim's responsibility to avoid being victimized in the future and to take control of their own destiny but if I decided to blame the victim 100% then what's the point in trying to save humanity? We're the victims, it's our fault. We should all suffer and die for our collective stupidity. By the way, one of the police officers who responded to the scene of Martin's death recommended that Zimmerman at least be arrested, due to the preponderance of evidence against him. He was a white guy. I guess the department ignored him. They didn't even ARREST Zimmerman after Trayvon was killed. THAT's why the whole thing got so much press in the beginning. He wasn't even charged. People had to protest to even get a trial underway. If they had just arrested him, tried him, and acquitted him, people would likely be less
than they are now. The fact is, imagine if the tables were turned. Everything in the case is exactly the same - except that Trayvon was a white hispanic dude with a jewish last name, and some black dude got out of his car with hollow bullets and followed him. The white kid ends up dead after the black guy shoots him in the chest with hollow bullets. Exact same scenario, but reverse the races. How would that look to the country? How would that look to you? How would you react to that? Zimmerman was a trained MMA fighter, knew the law and what to say to police, had hollow bullets loaded in his gun for that extra-lethal kick, and he disobeyed the 9 11 dispatch who told him that they "didn't need him" to follow Martin. He was the neighborhood watch. He could have just... you know. WATCHED. And called the cops. And followed their advice/orders when they told him to stay put. Long story short, the whole thing seems very, VERY fishy to me. Not to
that if Zimmerman's head was being slammed into the concrete the way he said it was, there would be blood EVERYWHERE. Head wounds BLEED. We're talking a RIVER of blood. I've seen these types of injuries, up close and in person. Many times. There would be blood EVERYWHERE. But there wasn't. Anyways,
One thing we can agree on though, is that the jews play the races against each other and have been playing black people like a fiddle - and the fact that the media uses every opportunity it can to avoid talking about what fucked up things are going on in our government, our banks, and overseas, every day. I will forever be thankful to Satan for blessing every gentile race with its own dignity and strength. White, Black, Asian, Native American... we are all worthy. Even as we are staring in the face of extermination. And yet, we will all rise and conquer the enemy once and for all in the end. HAIL SATAN!! --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

The Jooz Media was purposely hyping this case from printing false evidence on  the 911 tapes which they purposely lied to make Zimmerman look like a "racist" who just killed this Trayon because he was Black. And on.
This is very revealing and shows several things. The Kosherpath MSM always pushes tabloid junk as a the main story to distract people off real news. Such as Snowdin, Manning and on.
The Jews are trying to incite more racial hatred as they love to do. Which they draw power from.
They where creating this to be propaganda to dismantle important self defense laws such as the Stand your ground law. And to aid in general  the Jewish gun grabbing lobby.
Originally the Police dept found no reason to charge Zimmerman with a crime and left it as self defense. Then the lynch mob lobbies jumped on and turned this into a band wagon. 
Fact is simple Trayon who was not a "child" but a over 6ft tall, 200 pound young male. And had a history of violence and criminal behaviour. Including being caught with B&E tools and unaccountable jewerly in his back pack. Was prowling around on private properity at night dressed to conceal himself checking out houses in an area that just had several break and enters.
Zimmerman who is law enforcement trained and a neighbourhood watch man. Saw this activity and phoned 911 and then went to ask this character what is he doing on priviate properity. Which is his legal right and he is in the Neighbourhood watch.
Trayon then attacked him violently as one witnessed stated. 6ft plus Trayon was sitting on top of little 5ft Zimmerman giving him a lethal beating. Smashing his head into the concert sidewalk. Which is how most people die in street fights. The wounds on Zimmerman showed this to be the case.
So Zimmerman shot him in self defense.
A violent teenage Hoodlum decided to viciously attack the neighbourhood watch man for asking him what he was doing on private properity. And got himself killed by his own behaviour.
Also  what kind of statement is that. On your behalf? For the 'ignorance" of the women on the jury. Ignorance means not to know.They where on the jury and sat thought days and days of evidence from both sides beforing making a choice.
Which means it was an educated choice on their part. The opposite of ignorance.
The Black community in America is Judized. Even their bogus idea of "Blackness" is nothing but the Jewish idea of Jewishness. Just applied to Blacks. They behave like Jews at this point. Because there a result of decades of Jewish psychological warfare programs. So their behaviour is not suprising over this. They use the word "Racist" the same way the Jews shout "anti-semitism." No mistake the JEWs ran the NAACP from the start.
The Jews started they would Communize via Cultural Marxism the Minority communities in America to act as a tool in their Communist take over. Communism is Judaism applied to political strategy to enact the protocols of the Jewish Talmud. Nothing more. The final conquest of the Goyium world by the Jewish race.
The only racial oppression Blacks suffer at this point is from Jews and each other. Blacks kill each other by the tens of thousands in America every year. And turn their communities into opressive urban warzones full of broken homes and lives. Where they murder each other over everything from a bag of chips, to just because. And never seem to care to point out the  Jews behind it. Its always the White man's fault because the Jew tells them so.. Despite over 3 trillon dollars of White tax payers money has been pumped into their miserable lives and Whites gave them equal rights and freedoms. Ended the slave trade and ownership that the Jews where behind. Even tolerated affirmative action. Which is actual racism not the end of it. And bend over backwards for them as a whole day in and day out. Nope just like the Jewz they got their attitude from. Its never, ever enough. And don't you DARE tell them otherwise! OyVeh! The never ending
sense of self
defeating entitlement.
Then the Blacks don't seem to catch onto their psychology actual disempowers them from success at life which then makes them more angry and frustrated at Whites. Which just fuels this negative mentality the Jews put in their head. It does not free them from it. Which is what Jews want. As it pushes racial hostilies to a new level. The Jews have also pumped their heads full of strong self hatred over being Black. Which is then externalized outwards further as part of this. And inwards to a self destructive pathology. Which then reflects in their lives and community. The Jews got them over a barrel.
To the point the lastest demographic reports show the Blacks Race will be wiped out in America in this century. They are dying off in record numbers due to this. When most Black males are either dead, serving 25 to life or dying of diesase. The Blacks make up 12% of the American population but 50% of the maxium security prison inmate population in America.
They call this "racism." But its Jewish ingrained self hatred and the Jewish destruction of their race, culture and community.
By calling this racism they never have to also take some personal power back for themselves and  take the personal responsibility to put an end to the vicious cycle of destruction.
There was a Black fellow who did catch on and was protesting in a Klan robe. That his own people kill tens of thousands of his people each year. And a call for Black reform of their psychological pathologies and community.  And he was viciously raked over the coals by his own kind and the general kosherpath club. Even Bill Cosby was given the same treatment when he told his fellow Blacks they need to free their minds from this self destructive pathology of "Blackness."

From: "jwazny@" <jwazny@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com Sent: Saturday, July 13, 2013 11:10:34 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] George zimmerman and the black community


George zimmerman was found not guilty today by means of self defense im assuming. The black community says its racial oppression and its a racial hate crime. Militia black men were protesting in response to this man being set free by 6 women on a jury. What are your thoughts on this? Do you believe that the black community should have destruction rituals on them for their ignorance about this trial?
Well said.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "siannamarie13" <siannamarie13@... wrote:

HP Don is right. This is about the jewish control of everything, as it always is.

Ultimately, it isn't about Black militants. It isn't about `hate crime'. It isn't even about white on black crime.

It is about the jews trying – once again – to get the gentile races fighting amongst themselves. As long as we are separated by hatred and mistrust of each other, we're relatively easy to control. It keeps us focused off the really important things, like how they control us. We're so busy with hating each other that we won't see that it's all about keeping us off balance so much so that we don't see that we're being played by them.

It's a perfect game, for them. Things like stirring up racial hatred is one of their best methods for keeping the gentile races at each other's throats. Remember: they own all the media. They have the ability to not only cover up the facts, they can also generate any `evidence' they want. They are master manipulators. They control all the money, all the resources.

This whole Zimmerman affair is the perfect way to start a race war in Florida, as well as other places here in the US. It was known, I feel, from the beginning, that Zimmerman was innocent, but that the outcome would be fuel for the Black militants to justify rioting and other such ugliness. The reptilian-jews WANT that. They can use it as an excuse to roll out martial law.

I haven't always agreed with HP Don on things. But only to a very, very small degree. The more I read from him, the more I realize he's pretty hooked in to how things are, and how they work. He's got a clear connection to Father and the other Gods of Hell. I have little doubt they give him all kinds of help in knowing the truth of things, of where to look for unadulterated sources of information. He isn't someone I'm likely to criticize on the source of his facts.

Blacks in general – not as a whole, mind you – have suffered more than most any other gentile race at the hands of the reptilian-jew scum. The very thought of some of the things blacks as a race have had to endure at their hands makes my stomach turn.

That being said…

There comes a time for every human when they are faced with a moment of utter, abject clarity; one in which they realize they have a choice to make: to continue down the easy road, and sink all the way down into willful ignorance, or to wake up and stay awake, to take responsibility for themselves and their life, to no longer accept that `that's just the way things are, so I just shouldn't even bother to try.'

And yes, I do believe that whole heartedly. It's that part of our Father that is in each and every one of His children. It is the thing that speaks to their heart and mind, the thing that wakes them up enough to where they are able to see they DO have a choice.

However, Father will never force them to choose. He will never threaten them with eternal damnation if they don't choose Him and the Truth. Something they won't get from the reptilian-jews.

We SS need to become whole and one in our efforts against the reptilian-jews. THEY are the ones that need our continual focus on the destruction of. NOT of our Black Brothers and Sisters. We want to focus on the eradication of the cause, not the symptoms.

In Service to Our Father…

Heil Satan!
Heil the Great Gods of Duat!
Heil Hitler!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

Best to do such spiritual warfare rituals at the kikes as they are the root of the problem.
You are starting to sound like some one that got banned here long before. Why are you trying to change the topic with this long post?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hells666steward" <hells666steward@... wrote:

I don't hate White people at all. I never have.

If you actually read what I was saying then you must have missed my point. But I'm glad you responded. Hopefully I can make myself a bit more clear.

You are also assuming that I'm black but that's perfectly fair and I can see why you would make that assumption.

Speaking of a point you made - yes, it sickens me as well that the White Population is shrinking. I visit Germany for example (I helped rebuild German palaces that were bombed in WWII) and there are SO many Black people and non-Germans there. Who intend to stay there and maybe even marry German women. MAKES MY STOMACH CHURN. Germans have always been a welcoming and hospitable people (as I know from plenty of experience) and it's good and nice that they have visitors or whatever but please. Give me a fucking break. Enough is enough. Close the fucking borders already. Visit, then go home. Germany is for Germans.

Especially during a German population crisis. Or a White population crisis in general. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME.

I could go on and on about that and related topics, but that's not exactly relevant to the issue at hand. The point is I don't hate White people. At all. I said what I said about "failure" to illustrate an implicit difference in some peoples' **attitudes** towards different races and HOW they discuss certain things. I mentioned the Founding Fathers to illustrate a point. The Founding Fathers, as I mentioned, were ingenious.

If you study the Constitution etc. it is obvious that they didn't like slavery and they engineered the nation so that we as a country would grow out of it. It is OBVIOUS.

The thing that really got me pissed was that someone came on here saying we should curse Black people because of the George Zimmerman case.


You say that the problems in the Black community stem from Christianity and the banking system, etc. Well, you couldn't be more correct and that was my point. Someone came on here and started spouting off about cursing black people and from what I saw it took a while for anyone to say "wait a minute."

Instead, the initial response to a proposal to curse Blacks was all about how fucked up the Black community is. Which is a fine conversation to have since Blacks ARE fucked up. Everyone is fucked up. This is Kali Yuga. But the WAY you enter that racial conversation is going to be critical if you want to have a rational discussion without offending people or getting their backs up. Respect must be paid to the Gentile Races. Not curses. This cuts both ways. You can't go around shitting on White people either. I DO NOT tolerate that, either. I have OWNED many people (many of them Black) in that debate because the White Race is misunderstood, to put it lightly. But this is not a surprise. The Jew exists.

I have even turned White people into Nazis. A couple of black people, too. I have no issue with White people. Whites and Blacks are suspicious of each other in general and the way to end that suspicion is to be mindful of one another. THAT was my point.

With a stellium in the sky currently in Cancer - including a Cancer Mars - and Mercury Retrograde (confusion, misunderstanding) in Cancer (Cancer = emotions, bloodlines, race), the conversation on this forum quickly got out of hand and was largely about how fucked up blacks are - but why wasn't the conversation about how WE DON'T CURSE ENTIRE GENTILE RACES - and about how fucked up the JEWS are??

THEY are the ones who fucked the Black race over!! NOT White people.

White people get sick and tired of being blamed for everything in the whole fucking goddamned world and they SHOULD be sick and tired of it. That doesn't mean they didn't participate in some fucked up shit. But who hasn't??

But it doesn't help White people to fall into the trap of blaming blacks, just like it doesn't help blacks to fall into the trap of blaming Whites. It's the jews. Always has been, always will be. The Black and White races need to come together to crush the TRUE enemy. Then this would all be a non-issue.

I am calling on White People to be refreshed in how they look at Blacks. I am calling on Blacks to be refreshed in how they look at Whites. Take a deep breath, then tackle the issues, respectfully. Because both races are tired. Sick and fucking tired. How do we overcome this? Through empathy. And mercy. That doesn't mean to go easy on each other, because we have real issues that we must address. But we have to address them in a way that is considerate and constructive. Each race has to understand WHY they are perceived in a certain way, EVEN IF THAT PERCEPTION IS INACCURATE. Which it often is. And then, from a place of understanding, each race must educate the other regarding the TRUTH of their nobility. It's about respect. "You catch more flies with honey than vinegar." That's all. This is how we overcome this, along with mutual disdain for the jews, who are the real enemy.

So why was someone on this forum trying to curse the black race? I know he didn't speak for everyone here and maybe he was ignorant (I hope he was just ignorant) but it took a while before anyone discouraged him. That whole thing made my stomach turn. And it pissed me off. Just as it pisses me off when people blame White Gentiles for the slave trade. PISSES ME OFF.

But this thread wasn't about the slave trade. So... here we are.

Honestly, I don't know why we are even discussing this Zimmerman bullshit to these lengths. It was destined to be a divisive topic and it has little to do with Satanism directly, but hey. People can talk about whatever they want to.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "rahu_00088" <snake_pit_666@ wrote:

@hells666steward. Seriously you need to stop this anti White bullshit. This group supports all races, nobody is dissing on other races except you. No race is perfect, not Whites, we've fucked up a lot of the times as well. Hell we're the only race of people around today who's population is declining in almost every country, precisely because we allow the kind of things you support to go on.

Blacks still have Black Africa with a population exploding.
I don't see Nigeria ever allowing in 3 million non Black immigrants and giving them affirmative action so they can become just as represented in the Nigerian workforce, government and universities as Blacks do you?

Or there being mass hysteria in the Nigerian media because a White man was killed there.

Nor should they be expected to do any of this. Because it's a Black nation where the destiny of it's people should be in it's own peoples hands. And we know it's not today mostly because of the Christian religion and Jewish banking system. But that's not the fault of Whites.

The only thing we ask for is the same. How you think that is unreasonable I haven't a clue. I understand you are emotional about your people but you are taking it out on the wrong people, in the wrong place.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hells666steward" <hells666steward@ wrote:

I never held "all whites accountable." That's ridiculous.

Even in the quote of mine below. I didn't "hold all white people accountable." Please don't put words in my mouth.

The fact of the matter is, if this is a white country, and if it was founded by whites, for whites, etc. then why did whites *allow* black people here?? Weren't the founding fathers white? Weren't the citizens white? So why didn't they do something about it? Weren't they in control of their own country? AT ALL??

They FAILED. But I'm sure you wouldn't say that... about the Noble White Man. He's flawless and always has been, right?

I'm being facetious in the statement above but not to disparage White People. I know it was difficult to set up the country AT ALL let alone do those things. The Founding Fathers are geniuses and should be commended for their bravery. But you would never say they FAILED in part of their mission, would you? You wouldn't blame the founding fathers for not having the balls, smarts, resources etc for perfecting the United States as soon as it was founded, would you??

No. You wouldn't. And THAT is the point I'm making. You don't talk shit about white people failing to do these things, yet when it comes to black people, you seem to love to talk about how they are killing each other. As if the White race is perfect.

I don't care that Whites *WANTED* to end the slave trade. They didn't. They FAILED. They were too weak to do it, I guess. So why are you blaming black people for being brought to a country - usually against their will - that they never ruled over? Yes, the Black Race has Failed in the past, too. Many times. Of course they have!! And you would freely admit this, and go on a rant about how they are killing themselves, but why aren't you ALSO looking at WHITE PEOPLE in that same light and saying, in equally disparaging terms,

It's double-talk. I am pointing out the hypocrisy. I know jews are the cause. That's obvious to me. Ask Louis Farrakhan about the slave trade. He will tell you it was all jews. Many black people are finding this out. Many already know.

I'm not blaming black people, I'm not blaming white people. Both races are noble. Both deserve the best, both have made mistakes. Same with the Asians. Look at China right now. I wish all of them, the very best. The White Race DESERVES the best! As do the other races, if we all got our asses in gear!!

I don't blame the White or Black races for their greatest errors. I blame the angels and the fucking jews. Because they are the cause.

In the end, it is what it is. It happened. What are you going to do about it? Insult all non-white gentiles? lol insulting gentiles isn't going to help your cause. It will not make our numbers grow. When we become a worldwide phenomenon, it will not get us any support.

When it comes to the great errors of the races, I blame the jews for all of this. But you seem to want to blame everyone BUT Whites. Am I wrong? I know black people have fucked up repeatedly over the years. This is obvious. BUT SO HAVE WHITE PEOPLE. And usually, those fuck-ups happen because the gentiles fall into traps that the kikes have set. Whether it's guns in black neighborhoods or banks stealing white homes in Mississippi. And this is my point. Our fuck-ups, as gentiles, are the results of jewish actions. I don't blame any of the gentile races for their fuck-ups the way I blame the jews.

However, I DO and I WILL hold the gentile races *RESPONSIBLE* for making poor decisions. ALL of the Gentile races. And yes, some white people owned slaves. Some black people did, too. No shit!

Do you like black people at all, Don? lol Do you think they are inferior? That this is "all their fault"??

It seems like when I point out the ways in which the jews fuck over whites, you say "fuck the jews."
But when I point out the ways in which the jews fuck over blacks, it seems to be their fault for being so fucked up.

I know the jews financed the slave trade. I know all about it. I've even turned more than a few people (mostly Germans) into Nazis in my day so please don't talk to me about not knowing what the jews are up to.

I am not making excuses for the errors of black people or white people. White People are a noble race and it seems to me that you think I blame Whites for "everything" Blacks have had to endure, which COULDN'T be farther from the Truth.

What I am saying is that you are not being even-handed.
But I guess you won't see it that way. You will call me "brainwashed" and "kosher" etc because I don't agree with you on the finer points of nuance.

And I get it. I used to run these boards years ago. You get burned out, skeptical, cynical, etc from people disagreeing with you over anything and everything. That's not what I am trying to do.

I am trying to emphasize that the same reason white people aren't living in a perfect civilization is the same reason why black people aren't. It's because the jews have sabotaged both races at every turn.

But when I cite the ways in which the black community has been sabotaged, you call me kosher. Great. Thanks.

We agree far more than you are willing to see but your emphasis is different (which is fine) but your tone is WAY different. If you think I blame White people for "everything" then you haven't been paying attention. Period.

Finger on the ban button yet?

And P.S. why are we even talking about this at all? Oh yeah. Because someone came on here saying we should curse the black race. Huh.

And what was your response, Don?
You didn't even say that they shouldn't be cursed!
You just went into how fucked up black people are!
I rest my case.

No one would ever DARE come on these boards and say we should curse the White Race! lmao are you kidding me?


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

 The Jew slavers hung around the ports on the coast and bought the Black slaves off other Blacks who raided rival tribes. Infact slavery still exists in Africa today.
The record shows 75% of the slave owners in America where Jews, with the other 25% being Amerindians, Whites and free BLACKS.
So no unlike you try and suggest it was not some White people thing. Infact it was the Whites who wanted the slave traded ended and never wished it to have started. And it was the Founding Fathers of America who wished to deal with this mess before it got more ugly but where bound by their own laws. Also most slaves where shipped in before America was a country. But back when it was several colonies of different European powers from France, England and Holland.
Later hundreds of thousands of Blacks returned to Africa under the Liberian movement lead by Douglas a Black Nationalist. A fore runner of Garvey. But it was cut short by the Rothschild murder of the President. Who was backing Douglas with the full power of the American government the plan was for full repatriation of all Blacks. And this was the best time as the effects of the war in its aftermath. Caused the situation to arise in history. But was ended by the enemy.
Guess what even in African Liberia the upperclass Blacks........Owned Blacks slaves by the tens of thousands.
The only stupidity on this subject is your all too tragic opinions which are the result lack of introspection and liberal smug in its place. Just making it up as you go along. I run across this all the time in society for a reason.
See in reality there never was some great democratic vote by all Whites in a nation that did not even exist yet. To allow any of this. Maybe in your fantasy world, but not in this one. So trying to be an asshole and hold all Whites accountable for something you are making up is ridiculous on your part. And is one reason I can't take your opinions seriously. Your lack of historical continuatiy  alone not to mention mixing it with the mainstream Jewish narrative which parades as Liberalism. And trying to pass this off as some great understanding. Like I stated your own post is a two bit, Liberal gum ball machine answer.Its not part of functioning reality. And this thought process is a major problem in the West. Its literally what was called Autism before it was reclassified as medical condition by latter doctors to something else.
Hells666steward wrote:
"Black people didn't put themselves in chains and jump on board the slave ships. But now, they're in America. You could say that the jews created and financed the slave trade. True. But white people were still buying slaves. They knew full well that they were bringing black people into a country that many of them believed was going to be exclusively theirs. This is stupidity on its face. If you don't want black people in your country, why would you ship them here against their will?? "

From: Don Danko <mageson6666@
To: "[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 8:00:16 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community


Just for the record don't try and put words in my mouth again. Its rude.

From: Don Danko <mageson6666@
To: "[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 7:58:31 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community

I could get this reply out of any two bit liberal gum ball machine.....Infact most of this has nothing to do with my reply. Its just you going on some PC rant trying to make something of nothing..Infact I get the impression you even didn't read my entire reply or it went in one ear and out the other. I am not repeating myself.
Trayon would still be alive if he was not a violent, criminal piece of shit. And had not attacked Zimmerman for being an active citizen. Only in kosher Ameikwa  is this some type of complex fucking rocket science to understand.

From: hells666steward <hells666steward@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 5:35:23 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: George zimmerman and the black community

"The Black community in America is Judized. Even their bogus idea of "Blackness" is nothing but the Jewish idea of Jewishness. Just applied to Blacks. They behave like Jews at this point. Because there a result of decades of Jewish psychological warfare programs." -the same could be said for whites in America, couldn't it?
Most druggies I know are white. Most people I know who don't have a job, don't have to work, sit around collecting checks for doing nothing. Are white. Either scamming the system or trust fund babies. Take your pick. Most people I know who break the law are white. Most people I know who break the law and get away with it. Are white. Friends of mine, acquaintances, whatever. Just my own personal experience. And I've known a lot of people. Affirmative action helps white women much more than black people. This has been common knowledge for years and years. When affirmative action was set in place, enrollment of white women in schools and the hiring of white women for jobs skyrocketed, far beyond what happened for blacks. As for incarceration of black males etc. This largely has to do with disproportionate enforcement of laws, and the passage of laws that disproportionately affect blscks. For example, cocaine has a penalty much lighter than crack. White
people tend to use coke (it's purer and more expensive), black people tend to use crack (it's impure, cheap, and often has effects far worse to the human body than pure coke). Let's also not forget that Reagan and Bush (when he was head of CIA, before he was president) covertly brought crack into inner cities in the 80's - which is how the crack epidemic started. Because the government created it. Just like the Iran-Contra affair, only far less publicized. They are criminals. This is why many black people HATE Ronald Reagan. Meanwhile, in a place like New York City, where the cops stop and frisk people just because they feel like it, they can arrest anyone for having the smallest amount of marijuana, even though the ways in which they ascertain possession of that marijuana is often illegal. But the system doesn't care. One more nigger to lock away and ruin forever. Give him a record. Prevent him from getting a good job. Gee. I wonder what happens to
someone when you destroy their ability to get a good, decent, honest job???????????????? The fact is, though, that whites smoke just as much pot as blacks do. Actually more, since there are more whites in the country. So why are there more arrests of black people for marijuana than white people?? Maybe because the police aren't stopping and frisking young white people in New York City. They stop black people. Blacks are the target. Because they're always up to no good. Right? Right... So you can say that black people have been brainwashed. Yes, of course. Hasn't everyone. But you can't act like the deck isn't stacked against them in a way that it isn't for white people. Because that just... isn't true. Black people need to wake up. Everyone needs to wake up. But it's hard to wake up when there's a guy standing over you filling your veins with sleeping drugs while you're passed out. So to speak. Yes, black people kill each other every day and that is
a huge problem. That's a fucking disaster and in many pockets of the country (not everywhere though) black culture has gone to shit. But then again, didn't this happen in Europe during the Dark Ages? But no one calls Europeans "barbaric" for these massacres. Of course, you could say that the jews were behind these wars in Europe. And for the most part, you may be correct. But the same would apply to black people in America. After all, Black people didn't put themselves in chains and jump on board the slave ships. But now, they're in America. You could say that the jews created and financed the slave trade. True. But white people were still buying slaves. They knew full well that they were bringing black people into a country that many of them believed was going to be exclusively theirs. This is stupidity on its face. If you don't want black people in your country, why would you ship them here against their will?? Personally, I choose not to blame
the victim. I avoid pointing too many fingers at black people, or white people, or the Chinese for their shitty government. Yes, it is the victim's responsibility to avoid being victimized in the future and to take control of their own destiny but if I decided to blame the victim 100% then what's the point in trying to save humanity? We're the victims, it's our fault. We should all suffer and die for our collective stupidity. By the way, one of the police officers who responded to the scene of Martin's death recommended that Zimmerman at least be arrested, due to the preponderance of evidence against him. He was a white guy. I guess the department ignored him. They didn't even ARREST Zimmerman after Trayvon was killed. THAT's why the whole thing got so much press in the beginning. He wasn't even charged. People had to protest to even get a trial underway. If they had just arrested him, tried him, and acquitted him, people would likely be less upset
than they are now. The fact is, imagine if the tables were turned. Everything in the case is exactly the same - except that Trayvon was a white hispanic dude with a jewish last name, and some black dude got out of his car with hollow bullets and followed him. The white kid ends up dead after the black guy shoots him in the chest with hollow bullets. Exact same scenario, but reverse the races. How would that look to the country? How would that look to you? How would you react to that? Zimmerman was a trained MMA fighter, knew the law and what to say to police, had hollow bullets loaded in his gun for that extra-lethal kick, and he disobeyed the 9 11 dispatch who told him that they "didn't need him" to follow Martin. He was the neighborhood watch. He could have just... you know. WATCHED. And called the cops. And followed their advice/orders when they told him to stay put. Long story short, the whole thing seems very, VERY fishy to me. Not to mention
that if Zimmerman's head was being slammed into the concrete the way he said it was, there would be blood EVERYWHERE. Head wounds BLEED. We're talking a RIVER of blood. I've seen these types of injuries, up close and in person. Many times. There would be blood EVERYWHERE. But there wasn't. Anyways,
One thing we can agree on though, is that the jews play the races against each other and have been playing black people like a fiddle - and the fact that the media uses every opportunity it can to avoid talking about what fucked up things are going on in our government, our banks, and overseas, every day. I will forever be thankful to Satan for blessing every gentile race with its own dignity and strength. White, Black, Asian, Native American... we are all worthy. Even as we are staring in the face of extermination. And yet, we will all rise and conquer the enemy once and for all in the end. HAIL SATAN!! --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

The Jooz Media was purposely hyping this case from printing false evidence on  the 911 tapes which they purposely lied to make Zimmerman look like a "racist" who just killed this Trayon because he was Black. And on.
This is very revealing and shows several things. The Kosherpath MSM always pushes tabloid junk as a the main story to distract people off real news. Such as Snowdin, Manning and on.
The Jews are trying to incite more racial hatred as they love to do. Which they draw power from.
They where creating this to be propaganda to dismantle important self defense laws such as the Stand your ground law. And to aid in general  the Jewish gun grabbing lobby.
Originally the Police dept found no reason to charge Zimmerman with a crime and left it as self defense. Then the lynch mob lobbies jumped on and turned this into a band wagon. 
Fact is simple Trayon who was not a "child" but a over 6ft tall, 200 pound young male. And had a history of violence and criminal behaviour. Including being caught with B&E tools and unaccountable jewerly in his back pack. Was prowling around on private properity at night dressed to conceal himself checking out houses in an area that just had several break and enters.
Zimmerman who is law enforcement trained and a neighbourhood watch man. Saw this activity and phoned 911 and then went to ask this character what is he doing on priviate properity. Which is his legal right and he is in the Neighbourhood watch.
Trayon then attacked him violently as one witnessed stated. 6ft plus Trayon was sitting on top of little 5ft Zimmerman giving him a lethal beating. Smashing his head into the concert sidewalk. Which is how most people die in street fights. The wounds on Zimmerman showed this to be the case.
So Zimmerman shot him in self defense.
A violent teenage Hoodlum decided to viciously attack the neighbourhood watch man for asking him what he was doing on private properity. And got himself killed by his own behaviour.
Also  what kind of statement is that. On your behalf? For the 'ignorance" of the women on the jury. Ignorance means not to know.They where on the jury and sat thought days and days of evidence from both sides beforing making a choice.
Which means it was an educated choice on their part. The opposite of ignorance.
The Black community in America is Judized. Even their bogus idea of "Blackness" is nothing but the Jewish idea of Jewishness. Just applied to Blacks. They behave like Jews at this point. Because there a result of decades of Jewish psychological warfare programs. So their behaviour is not suprising over this. They use the word "Racist" the same way the Jews shout "anti-semitism." No mistake the JEWs ran the NAACP from the start.
The Jews started they would Communize via Cultural Marxism the Minority communities in America to act as a tool in their Communist take over. Communism is Judaism applied to political strategy to enact the protocols of the Jewish Talmud. Nothing more. The final conquest of the Goyium world by the Jewish race.
The only racial oppression Blacks suffer at this point is from Jews and each other. Blacks kill each other by the tens of thousands in America every year. And turn their communities into opressive urban warzones full of broken homes and lives. Where they murder each other over everything from a bag of chips, to just because. And never seem to care to point out the  Jews behind it. Its always the White man's fault because the Jew tells them so.. Despite over 3 trillon dollars of White tax payers money has been pumped into their miserable lives and Whites gave them equal rights and freedoms. Ended the slave trade and ownership that the Jews where behind. Even tolerated affirmative action. Which is actual racism not the end of it. And bend over backwards for them as a whole day in and day out. Nope just like the Jewz they got their attitude from. Its never, ever enough. And don't you DARE tell them otherwise! OyVeh! The never ending sense of self
defeating entitlement.
Then the Blacks don't seem to catch onto their psychology actual disempowers them from success at life which then makes them more angry and frustrated at Whites. Which just fuels this negative mentality the Jews put in their head. It does not free them from it. Which is what Jews want. As it pushes racial hostilies to a new level. The Jews have also pumped their heads full of strong self hatred over being Black. Which is then externalized outwards further as part of this. And inwards to a self destructive pathology. Which then reflects in their lives and community. The Jews got them over a barrel.
To the point the lastest demographic reports show the Blacks Race will be wiped out in America in this century. They are dying off in record numbers due to this. When most Black males are either dead, serving 25 to life or dying of diesase. The Blacks make up 12% of the American population but 50% of the maxium security prison inmate population in America.
They call this "racism." But its Jewish ingrained self hatred and the Jewish destruction of their race, culture and community.
By calling this racism they never have to also take some personal power back for themselves and  take the personal responsibility to put an end to the vicious cycle of destruction.
There was a Black fellow who did catch on and was protesting in a Klan robe. That his own people kill tens of thousands of his people each year. And a call for Black reform of their psychological pathologies and community.  And he was viciously raked over the coals by his own kind and the general kosherpath club. Even Bill Cosby was given the same treatment when he told his fellow Blacks they need to free their minds from this self destructive pathology of "Blackness."

From: "jwazny@" <jwazny@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com Sent: Saturday, July 13, 2013 11:10:34 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] George zimmerman and the black community


George zimmerman was found not guilty today by means of self defense im assuming. The black community says its racial oppression and its a racial hate crime. Militia black men were protesting in response to this man being set free by 6 women on a jury. What are your thoughts on this? Do you believe that the black community should have destruction rituals on them for their ignorance about this trial?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
