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George Floyd; Didn't do Nuffin!


New member
Sep 23, 2017
They swept this shit right under the rug...
Old boi had a history of theft, cocaine use, and once held a gun to a pregnant woman's stomach in order to obtain money and drugs.
What a fucking charmer and innocent person.
Man, I can't blame him though for passing a fake 20. It's hard to notice details when you are high on phentanyl and meth.


Anyone else hear he was a Mason and the cop who killed him, too? Would love to see proof.
of the true light said:
Sheeeeeeit. After he robbed that woman he was on his way to church, and then college. because he’s a good boay that dindu nuffin.

In the grave where he belongs.
"George Floyd Dindu Nuffin" fixed it for you
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
of the true light said:
Sheeeeeeit. After he robbed that woman he was on his way to church, and then college. because he’s a good boay that dindu nuffin.

In the grave where he belongs.

The dude isn't even dead.
Ramier108666 said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
of the true light said:
Sheeeeeeit. After he robbed that woman he was on his way to church, and then college. because he’s a good boay that dindu nuffin.

In the grave where he belongs.

The dude isn't even dead.

Honestly this is a conversation I was having with a guy a few days ago, that Floyd is probably not even dead, and that this is all just a professional sham or something. And that they very carefully evacuated him somewhere in Bahamas or some shit.

Jews elevated a petty actor criminal as an "Image" for all Black people, and guess what, there is a strong chance this guy is even alive or something. Like how does this person exactly represent all the so called "values" the jews are shilling the protests are about?

Another thing that I personally wonder is why the so called "Killer Cop", was given 1 million bailout...Maybe jews are planning to pay the bail at some point to get him out, creating a second way of loot everything until Race War happens because "oy vey, jewish judges, you left the colonialist plant cop out, oy vey, we gotta raze to take down the slaver racist system"?

It's all a jewish manufactured sham everyone who is just a little observant can really see that.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Another thing that I personally wonder is why the so called "Killer Cop", was given 1 million bailout...Maybe jews are planning to pay the bail at some point to get him out, creating a second way of loot everything until Race War happens because "oy vey, jewish judges, you left the colonialist plant cop out, oy vey, we gotta raze to take down the slaver racist system"?
I thought the exact same thing. If that will be the case, shit will be crazy, and somehow I think it will happen.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
of the true light said:
Sheeeeeeit. After he robbed that woman he was on his way to church, and then college. because he’s a good boay that dindu nuffin.

In the grave where he belongs.
Hey hey know never forger he gave all the antifa and commis reasons to go tear some statues and businesses etc. down as well as tge wprld itself. The artwork posted above is classic. The way those white women just dont give a damn
MissMeow said:
They swept this shit right under the rug...
Old boi had a history of theft, cocaine use, and once held a gun to a pregnant woman's stomach in order to obtain money and drugs.
What a fucking charmer and innocent person.
Man, I can't blame him though for passing a fake 20. It's hard to notice details when you are high on phentanyl and meth.


Anyone else hear he was a Mason and the cop who killed him, too? Would love to see proof.

The cop had a criminal history too


George Floyd “twin” Stephen Jackson’s father was a freemason.



George Floyd died down the street from a freemason lodge and he had the freemason order out of chaos tarro on his chest.

The attorney who represents him, Benjamin Crump, is a freemason as well.

“He is also a member of Sigma Pi Phi Boule and the Michael R. Moore Lodge 764 PHA, Free and Accepted Masons. “


Benjamin crump first represented Trayvon martin.
The entire BLM Movement was started after the death of Trayvon martin who was killed by Zimmerman and Zimmerman is a Jewish name plus Trayvon martin dad is a freemason.


Philandering castille uncle was a freemason



The police have been trained by Israel


“OFFICERS from the US police force responsible for the killing of George Floyd received training in restraint techniques and anti-terror tactics from Israeli law-enforcement officers.”

The Freemasons control the police as well through the Fraternal Order of Police
Cowboy123 said:
MissMeow said:
They swept this shit right under the rug...
Old boi had a history of theft, cocaine use, and once held a gun to a pregnant woman's stomach in order to obtain money and drugs.
What a fucking charmer and innocent person.
Man, I can't blame him though for passing a fake 20. It's hard to notice details when you are high on phentanyl and meth.


Anyone else hear he was a Mason and the cop who killed him, too? Would love to see proof.

The cop had a criminal history too


George Floyd “twin” Stephen Jackson’s father was a freemason.



George Floyd died down the street from a freemason lodge and he had the freemason order out of chaos tarro on his chest.

The attorney who represents him, Benjamin Crump, is a freemason as well.

“He is also a member of Sigma Pi Phi Boule and the Michael R. Moore Lodge 764 PHA, Free and Accepted Masons. “


Benjamin crump first represented Trayvon martin.
The entire BLM Movement was started after the death of Trayvon martin who was killed by Zimmerman and Zimmerman is a Jewish name plus Trayvon martin dad is a freemason.


Philandering castille uncle was a freemason



The police have been trained by Israel


“OFFICERS from the US police force responsible for the killing of George Floyd received training in restraint techniques and anti-terror tactics from Israeli law-enforcement officers.”

The Freemasons control the police as well through the Fraternal Order of Police
Just a reminder that cowboy is just in the pro-black narrative and probabily hates whites too, don't take him seriously.
the BLM protesters are worse than george floyd , Awareness 0.00%
Cowboy123 said:
George Floyd died down the street from a freemason lodge and he had the freemason order out of chaos tarro on his chest.

Except he "died" in a hospital, not down the street and not even in the ambulance.

He's also a typical dindu nuffin criminal junkie and a degenerate race-mixer.
Aquarius said:
Cowboy123 said:
MissMeow said:
They swept this shit right under the rug...
Old boi had a history of theft, cocaine use, and once held a gun to a pregnant woman's stomach in order to obtain money and drugs.
What a fucking charmer and innocent person.
Man, I can't blame him though for passing a fake 20. It's hard to notice details when you are high on phentanyl and meth.


Anyone else hear he was a Mason and the cop who killed him, too? Would love to see proof.


Just a reminder that cowboy is just in the pro-black narrative and probabily hates whites too, don't take him seriously.

Cowboy I know you and I both black, but bro seriously what you posted is a narrative of your inherent indoctrination of the common hate of whites. What does it matter? Floyd isn't dead. He's alive, and Jews have started this race war.
The fact is the Jews have destroyed the Black communities to the point they have become urban warzones in some cases. The police then become more militarized to deal with this fact and attempt to maintain society in these places.

Floyd died of cardiac arrest from a combination of being on major drugs and the militarized tactics of the police together. The tactics this police department learned from the Israeli's with Warrior Training.

The solutions to this problem are to solve the problems in the Black communities such as drugs, poverty, destroyed families, poor education and remove the gangs. Then the police can demilitarize themselves. Its a bipolar issue.

However this is made impossible by the Jewish rulers. They didn't cause these problems to allow them to be solved.
This IS a sham. Beyond what Jack and cowboy already pointed out with the inconsistencies of the gas station sign, the date one of the videos, yes, Floyd's 'twin' is a freemason. A 'relative' at the funeral also slipped up and called him 'Greg'.



Then there is the subliminal of 'I can't breathe' which ties this into the coronavirus ritual, basic occult direction of energy.

Look at this bullshit bubblegum news report. Firstly she doesn't even look old enough. Everyone involved in education I know saw this video said to me no male child has writing like that. The subject did not even exist on curriculae 38 years ago. The drawing also frankly looks creepy and not like a child's drawing either.


The acting by 'relatives', 'friends', celebrities and endless news reporters is just beyond a joke at this point. Look at their body language. Smirking, eyes darting around, eyes on the floor, touching their faces, not crying, fidgeting endlessly. All the body language without even looking into their aura screams 'liar'. The celebutards are also flashing mudras and displaying their kabbalah bracelets screeching on insta on the first day about 'burn everything down' then changing their tune to 'peaceful protest' but that is nothing new.

The dinosaur reptilian forensic pathologist of Floyd oversaw: JFK, MLK, Nicole Brown Simpson, Michael Brown, Aaron Hernandez, Epstein and others. One fucking creature for ALL those cases.

Every YouTube video I see exposing this (especially from Black people) gets taken down for 'hate speech' within hours. None of the videos had slurs and none of their other videos (with slurs) on any other subject get taken down at all.
ShadowTheRaven said:
"George Floyd Dindu Nuffin" fixed it for you
You're right I just couldn't bring myself to type fully retarded xD I experience shame lol.
Cowboy is the type of Black that basically hates Whites, knows Freemasons are run by Jews, even knows that Floyd was probably in the Masonic Lodge and was made into a meme to spark Jewish Race War, yet, at the end of the day, will always blame the Whites as a scapegoat like any cheapshot jew would do.

Meanwhile, he enjoys the benefit that Whites on the other hand, can see the matter with honesty in that not all Blacks suck, yet, he on the other hand, knowing everything, will use propaganda and attacks regardless on Whites collectively.

He hasn't of course thought what would happen if Whites thought of his race in the same way as he does for them or wishes other blacks saw them too.

When an unfortunate event like an actual full blown Race War begins, Cowboy will be sitting checking out his window into a dead city, after it's all set and done, looking at the wasteland, but at least, he was feeling he did something very good for his race by defending all sorts of shit the jews made them do, and attacking all the jews wanted them to attack, which is White people.

He'll be like "Brudda, do not steal my house, we are black brothers n shiet, do this to some whitey cranka down the stree...". Before he finishes the sentence, the "Brudda" will probably loot him and if he is lucky he may run away with his life. Welp it didn't exactly turn out as Cowboy imagined with the super end of the evil White Race and all the rest.

He'll probably find himself in the situation that other tens of thousands of his own kin found themselves after the "revolution against Whitey" commenced, who lost everything.

The glorious Jewish created fake BLM revolution is now proof of this, more Blacks suffered and lost than anyone else. But who cares right? Let's fan the Race War because the Rabbi said so, this is how the Empire of Esau must go down.

After a few months of the above being everyday life, when everyone will be begging to be saved, Jews will happily rally the remainder of his people with a second yoke into Black Slavery 2.0, as the Bible says it should be of the Kushites, he will think himself shieeeeeet, looking at himself and some Whites in some wagon going straight to FEMA, he may understand it then what this all meant.

Still in the wagon he will be too stupid to understand the Jewish driver of the wagon, but he will hate the White person sitting in front of him chained also like himself, for being a "White Devil". The Rabbi will rub his hand and keep driving him to his new home, where he will probably mine iron for a loaf of bread for the rest of his life, with the "White Devil" he was hating on.

But until then blame Whitey at every opportunity!
No where in my post did I state I hated whites or anything about the white race. But go off.
Cowboy123 said:
No where in my post did I state I hated whites or anything about the white race. But go off.

I think then you are starting to see the point probably, then. Many of your previous comments were always along this line.

Due to past comments the situation remained unexplained and this is why others also posted in regards to the topic. Which is why people called this a troll etc.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Cowboy123 said:
No where in my post did I state I hated whites or anything about the white race. But go off.

I think then you are starting to see the point probably, then. Many of your previous comments were always along this line.

Due to past comments the situation remained unexplained and this is why others also posted in regards to the topic. Which is why people called this a troll etc.

I can bring up the anti black comments that certain members made but I've left it alone.
MissMeow said:
You're right I just couldn't bring myself to type fully retarded xD I experience shame lol.

I mean, the phrase "dindu nuffin" originated from 4chan's /pol/ i don't know how many people here lurk /pol/ but i'd imagine a sizeable amount here do.
Maan am I glad this post was made from the very beginning I called bullshit on this case and I hadn’t even gave it any real looking into.

But the little attention I did give was enough for me to think of questions, like why is it always a black person being victimized supposedly by a white person or persons?, why is there no mention about what Floyd did to get arrested which lead to excessive force by the cop? And how come there wasn’t the same or similar reaction when the black guy named Garner died at the hands of a white cop in NY by suffocating due to a chokehold, and Garner also was quoted saying “I can’t breathe”?

But all of a sudden this Floyd fella “dies“ and everybody’s quoting him saying “I can’t breathe” and want to riot their own neighborhood, like really?

The sad thing here is seeing blacks being used like they are and wrongly pointing the finger at whites, that shit is fucked up for both sides, nobody comes out a winner, it’s just manufactured violence by the jews (fuck all them hook nose bastards) .
Cowboy123 said:
I can bring up the anti black comments that certain members made but I've left it alone.

Many of those comments were made as a retaliation and to show you how stupid you sound.

Play stupid games, win shitty prizes.

The fact that you only see the comments done by whites towards your race as racist comments, but then you go ahead and do the same and then you make sure you blame the jews a bit in the same comments, hopping you would throw some SS off so they wouldn't call you out on your double-standards is an enough evident that you're nothing but a hypocrite and a jewedgoy123.
Cowboy123 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Cowboy123 said:
No where in my post did I state I hated whites or anything about the white race. But go off.

I think then you are starting to see the point probably, then. Many of your previous comments were always along this line.

Due to past comments the situation remained unexplained and this is why others also posted in regards to the topic. Which is why people called this a troll etc.

I can bring up the anti black comments that certain members made but I've left it alone.
Because there's all reasons to vent against negroes destroying and raping white countries, while you are just lucky you get to be in a White country.
A twin brother who confuses him own name with his twin's name? It's a Floydian slip! :lol:

Let me guess. There are no family photos of the two of them together as children and the only photos of them together as adults are photo-shopped. I bet there is no school record of a Greg Floyd attending school with his brother, George, either. Does Greg Floyd even have a birth certificate? Seriously, when Obama was president we had years of birthers yakking about his birth certificate, but nobody's asking for this wonder-twin's birth certificate? Oh. Right. Now, it's racist. :roll: Everything's racist, especially asking questions about a sad bullshit race narrative that strains credulity harder than a constipated turtle.
First off my posts were in retaliation to all the anti black slurs on this forum. It all started when aquarius started using racial slurs against blacks. Second why should I be grateful to be in a white country? Black and other non white civilizations were destroyed by whites. Maybe If that never happened they wouldn't be in "yours"
Aquarius said:
Cowboy123 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I think then you are starting to see the point probably, then. Many of your previous comments were always along this line.

Due to past comments the situation remained unexplained and this is why others also posted in regards to the topic. Which is why people called this a troll etc.

I can bring up the anti black comments that certain members made but I've left it alone.
Because there's all reasons to vent against negroes destroying and raping white countries, while you are just lucky you get to be in a White country.

Aquarius, I think the s is mute. I know the shit that us happening in white countries. But cowboy isn't going to understand that with his underlying hate.
Gabi1234 said:
I didnt open my third eye or aweken my psycic powers i can still do the blue light medetion?
Gabi1234 said:
I didnt open my third eye or aweken my psycic powers i can still do the blue light medetion?

You've literally asked the same fucking question 93 times on topics that are completely irrelevant to your posts!!!
The Jewish elites ran the British Empire and used it to grab up what they could from the Goyim while running a brutal regime on the necks of the UK. That is why North America is so full of people from the UK they were escaping the UK. The conquests of the Spanish in the America's was a Catholic crusade ordered by the Jewish Pope who claimed all the America's as Papal empire. The Jewsuits ran the place like a slave camp and the Jewish run Inquisitions wiped out the Mayan's. Spain was The Holy Roman Empire and the military arm of the Catholic church.

The Black's were brought in by the Jews as slaves to work the Jewish plantations. Right next to enslaved Whites.

I understand you don't like the racial comments, I don't either and I openly discourage them. However I don't blame Blacks for the Jewish problems and I don't blame Whites either. The Jews have murder over a hundred million Blacks, Whites and Asian Gentiles.

We are all Goyim to them. Here we can be fellow Gentiles. The racial comments is allowing the reach of the invisible Jew into the place. We can have a discussion without the division.

Cowboy123 said:
First off my posts were in retaliation to all the anti black slurs on this forum. It all started when aquarius started using racial slurs against blacks. Second why should I be grateful to be in a white country? Black and other non white civilizations were destroyed by whites. Maybe If that never happened they wouldn't be in "yours"
HP Mageson666 said:
The Jewish elites ran the British Empire and used it to grab up what they could from the Goyim while running a brutal regime on the necks of the UK. That is why North America is so full of people from the UK they were escaping the UK. The conquests of the Spanish in the America's was a Catholic crusade ordered by the Jewish Pope who claimed all the America's as Papal empire. The Jewsuits ran the place like a slave camp and the Jewish run Inquisitions wiped out the Mayan's. Spain was The Holy Roman Empire and the military arm of the Catholic church.

The Black's were brought in by the Jews as slaves to work the Jewish plantations. Right next to enslaved Whites.

I understand you don't like the racial comments, I don't either and I openly discourage them. However I don't blame Blacks for the Jewish problems and I don't blame Whites either. The Jews have murder over a hundred million Blacks, Whites and Asian Gentiles.

We are all Goyim to them. Here we can be fellow Gentiles. The racial comments is allowing the reach of the invisible Jew into the place. We can have a discussion without the division.

Cowboy123 said:
First off my posts were in retaliation to all the anti black slurs on this forum. It all started when aquarius started using racial slurs against blacks. Second why should I be grateful to be in a white country? Black and other non white civilizations were destroyed by whites. Maybe If that never happened they wouldn't be in "yours"

I understand all of that. As I said my comments were in retaliation to the anti black stuff. What you said is right. The Jew is behind it on both sides. Also my comments were never against you mageson just the certain individuals who either don’t know or ignore the Jew in all this racial division so therefore I responded. I know about the Jews and how the affect all gentile races.

My question to you is why do you only explain this to me and not the individuals who blame non whites for the Jewish caused problem.
Cowboy123 said:
MissMeow said:
They swept this shit right under the rug...
Old boi had a history of theft, cocaine use, and once held a gun to a pregnant woman's stomach in order to obtain money and drugs.
What a fucking charmer and innocent person.
Man, I can't blame him though for passing a fake 20. It's hard to notice details when you are high on phentanyl and meth.


Anyone else hear he was a Mason and the cop who killed him, too? Would love to see proof.

The cop had a criminal history too


George Floyd “twin” Stephen Jackson’s father was a freemason.



George Floyd died down the street from a freemason lodge and he had the freemason order out of chaos tarro on his chest.

The attorney who represents him, Benjamin Crump, is a freemason as well.

“He is also a member of Sigma Pi Phi Boule and the Michael R. Moore Lodge 764 PHA, Free and Accepted Masons. “


Benjamin crump first represented Trayvon martin.
The entire BLM Movement was started after the death of Trayvon martin who was killed by Zimmerman and Zimmerman is a Jewish name plus Trayvon martin dad is a freemason.


Philandering castille uncle was a freemason



The police have been trained by Israel


“OFFICERS from the US police force responsible for the killing of George Floyd received training in restraint techniques and anti-terror tactics from Israeli law-enforcement officers.”

The Freemasons control the police as well through the Fraternal Order of Police

Exactly thanks for pointing that out
I am starting to think the Aquarius guy is the real troll because he must have forgetten satan wants unity between all races except the jews
Aquarius said:
Cowboy123 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I think then you are starting to see the point probably, then. Many of your previous comments were always along this line.

Due to past comments the situation remained unexplained and this is why others also posted in regards to the topic. Which is why people called this a troll etc.

I can bring up the anti black comments that certain members made but I've left it alone.
Because there's all reasons to vent against negroes destroying and raping white countries, while you are just lucky you get to be in a White country.

Your the obvious troll for working for the jews!
And you know what you said never happened right?
You must have forgetting Lord
Satan/Lucifer wants all races to support each other to destroy the jews
Hail Satan/Lucifer forevermore!
Cowboy123 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
The Jewish elites ran the British Empire and used it to grab up what they could from the Goyim while running a brutal regime on the necks of the UK. That is why North America is so full of people from the UK they were escaping the UK. The conquests of the Spanish in the America's was a Catholic crusade ordered by the Jewish Pope who claimed all the America's as Papal empire. The Jewsuits ran the place like a slave camp and the Jewish run Inquisitions wiped out the Mayan's. Spain was The Holy Roman Empire and the military arm of the Catholic church.

The Black's were brought in by the Jews as slaves to work the Jewish plantations. Right next to enslaved Whites.

I understand you don't like the racial comments, I don't either and I openly discourage them. However I don't blame Blacks for the Jewish problems and I don't blame Whites either. The Jews have murder over a hundred million Blacks, Whites and Asian Gentiles.

We are all Goyim to them. Here we can be fellow Gentiles. The racial comments is allowing the reach of the invisible Jew into the place. We can have a discussion without the division.

Cowboy123 said:
First off my posts were in retaliation to all the anti black slurs on this forum. It all started when aquarius started using racial slurs against blacks. Second why should I be grateful to be in a white country? Black and other non white civilizations were destroyed by whites. Maybe If that never happened they wouldn't be in "yours"

I understand all of that. As I said my comments were in retaliation to the anti black stuff. What you said is right. The Jew is behind it on both sides. Also my comments were never against you mageson just the certain individuals who either don’t know or ignore the Jew in all this racial division so therefore I responded. I know about the Jews and how the affect all gentile races.

My question to you is why do you only explain this to me and not the individuals who blame non whites for the Jewish caused problem.
I know it's the jews in the backstage moving everything, but I don't see jews in the street destroying everything, I see blacks. I don't see jews in the street in europe acting like monkeys and parassites I see blacks. I hate the "nigger" and I hate the jew. And I'm not blaming all blacks.
Aquarius said:
Cowboy123 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
The Jewish elites ran the British Empire and used it to grab up what they could from the Goyim while running a brutal regime on the necks of the UK. That is why North America is so full of people from the UK they were escaping the UK. The conquests of the Spanish in the America's was a Catholic crusade ordered by the Jewish Pope who claimed all the America's as Papal empire. The Jewsuits ran the place like a slave camp and the Jewish run Inquisitions wiped out the Mayan's. Spain was The Holy Roman Empire and the military arm of the Catholic church.

The Black's were brought in by the Jews as slaves to work the Jewish plantations. Right next to enslaved Whites.

I understand you don't like the racial comments, I don't either and I openly discourage them. However I don't blame Blacks for the Jewish problems and I don't blame Whites either. The Jews have murder over a hundred million Blacks, Whites and Asian Gentiles.

We are all Goyim to them. Here we can be fellow Gentiles. The racial comments is allowing the reach of the invisible Jew into the place. We can have a discussion without the division.

I understand all of that. As I said my comments were in retaliation to the anti black stuff. What you said is right. The Jew is behind it on both sides. Also my comments were never against you mageson just the certain individuals who either don’t know or ignore the Jew in all this racial division so therefore I responded. I know about the Jews and how the affect all gentile races.

My question to you is why do you only explain this to me and not the individuals who blame non whites for the Jewish caused problem.
I know it's the jews in the backstage moving everything, but I don't see jews in the street destroying everything, I see blacks. I don't see jews in the street in europe acting like monkeys and parassites I see blacks. I hate the "nigger" and I hate the jew. And I'm not blaming all blacks.

First off “nigger” is a slur against all blacks and Jews are also behind mostly white antifa.
Syd Silver said:
HP Mageson666 said:

Cowboy123 said:
First off my posts were in retaliation to all the anti black slurs on this forum. It all started when aquarius started using racial slurs against blacks. Second why should I be grateful to be in a white country? Black and other non white civilizations were destroyed by whites. Maybe If that never happened they wouldn't be in "yours"

Even Rockwell was polite and respectful with Malcom x and the NOI. Marcus Garvey was respectful with klan and other eugenicists and white supremacists. Mageson didn’t embarrass himself. Only in your eyes he did. He’s trying to keep the focus on the Jew.

I never denigrated aryans just retaliated against anti blackness on this forum. Also the black race was the first race SATAN created and gave spiritual knowledge too. The gods created all gentile races and they don’t favor any over the other.

Plus the aryans have not helped blacks for thousands of years. Blacks and other non whites were doing fine and had their civilizations.
Since you understand all this then why are you not explaining such. It seems you want to be the other side of the pointless conflict and get the racial infighting going on your end. The confession of such is within your reply. This is something you do quite frequently as well. Which means either your only here to troll or just a hypocrite. If your not here to simply troll then change this pointless behaviour.

Cowboy123 said:
I understand all of that. As I said my comments were in retaliation to the anti black stuff. What you said is right. The Jew is behind it on both sides. Also my comments were never against you mageson just the certain individuals who either don’t know or ignore the Jew in all this racial division so therefore I responded. I know about the Jews and how the affect all gentile races.

My question to you is why do you only explain this to me and not the individuals who blame non whites for the Jewish caused problem.
So you're only here to start racial infighting then. I didn't know not typing the N word in all caps at our non-White community members made me a race traitor who wants to import the entire third world to the west.

Thanks for explaining that.

So are you going to stop trolling.

Syd Silver said:
You're a non-combat person, i got that
But why did you have to humiliate and embarrass yourself ?!
Where is your self-esteem and pride ?!

This account (cawboy123) was only used to attack and denigrate the Aryan Race, Satan's Bloodline (including you ...)
this person spat on you and hit you repeatedly and what are you doing ...!, you want to discuss ... with him / her, you encourage him / her to continue ...

When will you understand that if you show them kindness they will see weakness ?!

The Aryans have been helping blacks for thousands of years and what is the result ?!
The Aryans are on the verge of extinction ...
It's good isn't it?
They took advantage of us and continue to take advantage
But still for some it is not enough and continue to pamper them

This non-combat attitude is very harmful and is one of the factors that contributes decisively to our extinction.
You need to work on this, No offense.
So is your plan of causing racial infighting on the forums working to deport all these individuals out of your nation.....Nope I guess not.

Aquarius said:
I know it's the jews in the backstage moving everything, but I don't see jews in the street destroying everything, I see blacks. I don't see jews in the street in europe acting like monkeys and parassites I see blacks. I hate the "nigger" and I hate the jew. And I'm not blaming all blacks.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
