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Genuine question about what people think of Nazis and Hitler in this community.


New member
Jun 22, 2021
I really hope I don't get flamed posting this (if I'm even allowed to post this) as I am genuinely curious and want to hear the perspectives of y'all.

So I've seen a lot of Nazi visuals and symbolism in this server and I just wanted to know why exactly. I am completely aware that one of the enemies here are the Jews, trust me, I know and understand that the Nazis also had that enemy. What I'm confused about, however, is that wouldn't advocating the actions of the Nazis be technically hypocritical when looking in a historical lens?

Here me out: If I have my facts correct, I believe that the Jews are the enemy in the first place due to the torture and discrimination that is directed at Satanists today and even worse centuries back. Jews would torture and kill innocent people who disagreed with their beliefs (again, if I have my facts correct) and are therefor the enemy. So then why do we advocate what the Nazis did to people who just happened to share the same beliefs as the ones that tortured and killed people? Some people who were gassed by Nazis didn't even believe in what their ancestors believed, but were still punished. These are the same actions that the historical Jews did, so wouldn't that be hypocritical in a sense?

As someone who is obsessed with philosophy, I understand that every side has the innocent and the guilty, this is also supported by the fact that I knew a Jewish person in high school that was just the sweetest thing and even loved death metal (a great mix). I think it's fair to label these people more as misguided and should never be punished as it's not their fault for being born in a family with those beliefs.

Again, I'm not trying to side with the Jews or trying to mediate, I'm just curios about the deeper philosophy of this, that's all.
Memorie_BE said:
I really hope I don't get flamed posting this (if I'm even allowed to post this) as I am genuinely curious and want to hear the perspectives of y'all.

So I've seen a lot of Nazi visuals and symbolism in this server and I just wanted to know why exactly. I am completely aware that one of the enemies here are the Jews, trust me, I know and understand that the Nazis also had that enemy. What I'm confused about, however, is that wouldn't advocating the actions of the Nazis be technically hypocritical when looking in a historical lens?

Here me out: If I have my facts correct, I believe that the Jews are the enemy in the first place due to the torture and discrimination that is directed at Satanists today and even worse centuries back. Jews would torture and kill innocent people who disagreed with their beliefs (again, if I have my facts correct) and are therefor the enemy. So then why do we advocate what the Nazis did to people who just happened to share the same beliefs as the ones that tortured and killed people? Some people who were gassed by Nazis didn't even believe in what their ancestors believed, but were still punished. These are the same actions that the historical Jews did, so wouldn't that be hypocritical in a sense?

As someone who is obsessed with philosophy, I understand that every side has the innocent and the guilty, this is also supported by the fact that I knew a Jewish person in high school that was just the sweetest thing and even loved death metal (a great mix). I think it's fair to label these people more as misguided and should never be punished as it's not their fault for being born in a family with those beliefs.

Again, I'm not trying to side with the Jews or trying to mediate, I'm just curios about the deeper philosophy of this, that's all.

The Real Holocaust - https://satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Real_Holocaust.html

And also:
These are the same actions that the historical Jews did, so wouldn't that be hypocritical in a sense"

Of course I think you get it if you read on a little bit. This right here sums up the whole point of the propaganda against Nazis It is projection. The Jews themselves are Projecting on their enemies what they themselves do all the time.


No the Nazis were not gassing people in places where how would that work anyways or cremating more bodies than is humanly possible etc.

Once you get past the lies look at the types of things the Nazis stood for. Words like honor and integrity were used a lot things the Jew politicians shy away from even saying.

Anyways the Jews. This is a soul level and genetic thing more so than the way any specific Jew is or is acting. If you look at them on a spiritual level they have a different soul and energy than we do. They are connected to the enemy no matter what they believe (even the ones who try to be SS or pretend to be)

They do not have all the same chakras we humans do. I am kind of able to see that you will be too if you do meditations every day for awhile. Once you do it won't matter how a Jew acts or how one is you will not be able to stand them.

Of course some of them are nice friendly and helpful etc

In fact part of the purpose of their religion is just a way to humanize them on a mass scale so they can carry out their mission. Most Jews don't even know this mission but they do it instictively. The Torah gives a good description with the original sin thing a Jew always is attracted to evil and doing what is wrong. Has to be told or forced to do what is right never wants too. A Jew has a fallen nature. This is the same thing a projection onto humanity. Same thing they did on the Nazis.

So if you knew a Jew who was sweet and nice etc. They still were messing with your soul on an unconscious level they still carry out in some way the enemy agenda. Even if it's just programming one of their friends in a certain way to more obey or sympathize with some enemy stuff they are still working for the tribe. The Tribe likes the nice and sweet ones because they do good in spreading the agenda even more so.

If you are really interested in learning more about this aspect of our beliefs here is our site on that.


Good luck
If the Nazis gassed all of the jews to death then how did they ever make it to Israel (formerly Palestine)? They were kicked out of Germany, not gassed. Just like they were kicked out of every historical non-jewish country in history at one time or another for their crimes against humanity.

The Red Cross reports on the Prison Of War (POW) camps (also referred to as concentration camps) showed that somewhere south of 80,000 of the prisoners were jewish, and they were treated very humanely according to reports by the Red Cross. The Germans willingly allowed their prisoner camps to be reviewed to prove ethical treatment. The Germans followed all wartime conventions to the letter, and they did not commit any war crimes whatsoever. The war was forced on the Germans in the first place when they didn't want it. All they did was stop the jews from invading Europe from Russia (which they took over in 1917 during the Bolshevik Uprising), and the jews retaliated because they wanted their New World Order of communism forced upon the entire globe. They turned the whole world against Germany through propaganda because Germany was now their obstacle to forcing communism everywhere.

Contrast this with the war crimes of Winston Churchill (former Prime Minister of England) who ordered the bombing of the German city of Dresden. Targeting and attacking civilians like that is a war crime. The planes dropped chemicals over Dresden as the city was burning which made the fires expand more wildly. Civilians were burnt alive in their own homes, and this was a symbolic "burnt offering" sacrifice to the jewish "god" which they literally call a "holocaust" in the bible.

destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused by fire or nuclear war.
a Jewish sacrificial offering that was burned completely on an altar.

By the way, Winston Churchill was a jew.
Memorie_BE said:
As someone who is obsessed with philosophy, I understand that every side has the innocent and the guilty, this is also supported by the fact that I knew a Jewish person in high school that was just the sweetest thing and even loved death metal (a great mix). I think it's fair to label these people more as misguided and should never be punished as it's not their fault for being born in a family with those beliefs.

Again, I'm not trying to side with the Jews or trying to mediate, I'm just curios about the deeper philosophy of this, that's all.

In one way or another, a jew will be destructive to us, non-jews. They were designed and evolved that way. Their souls is different from us. Their chakras have hebrew letters on them.
Memorie_BE said:
Genuine question about what people think of Nazis and Hitler in this community.
i posted a comment some time ago about a similar question so I will just copy-paste it here. Note that it was initially adressed to someone else not to you directly but it still answer the matter.

Hitler killing tons of people is mostly what the communists invented after they won the war. In case you haven't noticed, `the winner writes the history` is not a jargon, is a real fact. Most holocaust `evidence` can be easily debunked but most people agree with it because nearly on the entire planet is illegal not to do so and publicly exposing holocaust lies can head someone to years in prison. Yet in the school you are never told about the tens of million of russians killed by the jewish communists or about the holodomor where 7-8 million ukrainians were starved to death (and people are wondering why Ukraine is considered the most antisemitic country in the world). So as one former Iranian president said, why we are focusing on one specific event? The thing is, you can see these tens of millions of russians killed in the official censuses, but also in official censuses you cannot see a millions of people drop in the jewish population, because this never occured, something that you can read about here
You are told all the time only to believe and research on reputated sources, but how can you ever expect a reputated source bringing evidence against the `official narative` when is illegal? It doesn't make sense. Yet I recommend you a very decent source where you can document about holocaust, and that is the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust
Because is abnormal and against human freedoms to send someone to prison for having different opinions to what the communists said after winning WW2. If Hitler was a physopath and holocaust really happened, there would be no need to qualify denial as a crime, because truth doesn't need laws to sustain itself. Why so many documentaries exposing the holocaust lies have been erased from youtube and other popular platforms if the event was so real and obvious? Yet, jews did die in Germany, but this was not due to mass killing, but due to worsening of living conditions in the so called `concentration camps` because of enemy bombings and surveillance over these areas, as many of them were containing armament factories that were producing war artillery for the german army. Supply with food and medicine became impossible because of the above reasons, so starvation and diseases spread occured, which led to the death of tens of thousands of jews in total, not in 6 million. Did you know that initially an Auschwitz plate was claiming that 4 million jews died there, and after the communists changed it to 1.5 millions? Now is accepted that 1 million jews died there. There is endless things to say about this, like the physical impossibility to incinerate so many people in the given amount of time, official death books coming in contradiction to the `reputated sources` you are advised to read, which have the legal obligation to agree with the holocaust, which is total bias and subjectivity. If you want to come to an objective conclusion you have to see the both sides of the coin, not just the side of the winner, who had the power to impose whatever they deemed neccesary as `undeniable history`. Yet the Nazis tried to destroy the jewish communism, this is why the jews and the communists (jews invented communism and established it in the USSR) hated and slandered Nnazism so much, both to get the entire planet to hate them, and also to hide their own crimes in Russia and Eastern Europe.
- End of comment

Also, a very good comment was posted by Jack some time ago, just click this link:

But in order to understand why our views do hold, you need to do some research. Some outside sources have been shared above and also on JoS library there are also very good quality articles on the matter:

66 Questions and Answers on the 'Holocau$t'

Exposing the Holocaust: The Six-million LIE

Pooz Have Been Using "Holoco$t" and "6 million" since 1900

I do not refer to you since you are not anymore in this category I will mention but is interesting how many outside people criticize, slander and hate Joy of Satan and Spiritual Satanists for having a positive stance on Nazism, but they don't bother at all to do some research to see why we have these views. I think this is a sort of phychological phenomenon, when people learn something from a small age, they are brought to a state of never denying or questioning it, and they will refuse to doubt what they have been taught even when you put the evidence in front of their eyes. This is exactly how christianity managed to become the religion with the most `believers` in the world, and islam the second, it is a similar pattern.
The Alchemist7 said:
Memorie_BE said:
Genuine question about what people think of Nazis and Hitler in this community.
i posted a comment some time ago about a similar question so I will just copy-paste it here. Note that it was initially adressed to someone else not to you directly but it still answer the matter.

Hitler killing tons of people is mostly what the communists invented after they won the war. In case you haven't noticed, `the winner writes the history` is not a jargon, is a real fact. Most holocaust `evidence` can be easily debunked but most people agree with it because nearly on the entire planet is illegal not to do so and publicly exposing holocaust lies can head someone to years in prison. Yet in the school you are never told about the tens of million of russians killed by the jewish communists or about the holodomor where 7-8 million ukrainians were starved to death (and people are wondering why Ukraine is considered the most antisemitic country in the world). So as one former Iranian president said, why we are focusing on one specific event? The thing is, you can see these tens of millions of russians killed in the official censuses, but also in official censuses you cannot see a millions of people drop in the jewish population, because this never occured, something that you can read about here
You are told all the time only to believe and research on reputated sources, but how can you ever expect a reputated source bringing evidence against the `official narative` when is illegal? It doesn't make sense. Yet I recommend you a very decent source where you can document about holocaust, and that is the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust
Because is abnormal and against human freedoms to send someone to prison for having different opinions to what the communists said after winning WW2. If Hitler was a physopath and holocaust really happened, there would be no need to qualify denial as a crime, because truth doesn't need laws to sustain itself. Why so many documentaries exposing the holocaust lies have been erased from youtube and other popular platforms if the event was so real and obvious? Yet, jews did die in Germany, but this was not due to mass killing, but due to worsening of living conditions in the so called `concentration camps` because of enemy bombings and surveillance over these areas, as many of them were containing armament factories that were producing war artillery for the german army. Supply with food and medicine became impossible because of the above reasons, so starvation and diseases spread occured, which led to the death of tens of thousands of jews in total, not in 6 million. Did you know that initially an Auschwitz plate was claiming that 4 million jews died there, and after the communists changed it to 1.5 millions? Now is accepted that 1 million jews died there. There is endless things to say about this, like the physical impossibility to incinerate so many people in the given amount of time, official death books coming in contradiction to the `reputated sources` you are advised to read, which have the legal obligation to agree with the holocaust, which is total bias and subjectivity. If you want to come to an objective conclusion you have to see the both sides of the coin, not just the side of the winner, who had the power to impose whatever they deemed neccesary as `undeniable history`. Yet the Nazis tried to destroy the jewish communism, this is why the jews and the communists (jews invented communism and established it in the USSR) hated and slandered Nnazism so much, both to get the entire planet to hate them, and also to hide their own crimes in Russia and Eastern Europe.
- End of comment

Also, a very good comment was posted by Jack some time ago, just click this link:

But in order to understand why our views do hold, you need to do some research. Some outside sources have been shared above and also on JoS library there are also very good quality articles on the matter:

66 Questions and Answers on the 'Holocau$t'

Exposing the Holocaust: The Six-million LIE

Pooz Have Been Using "Holoco$t" and "6 million" since 1900

I do not refer to you since you are not anymore in this category I will mention but is interesting how many outside people criticize, slander and hate Joy of Satan and Spiritual Satanists for having a positive stance on Nazism, but they don't bother at all to do some research to see why we have these views. I think this is a sort of phychological phenomenon, when people learn something from a small age, they are brought to a state of never denying or questioning it, and they will refuse to doubt what they have been taught even when you put the evidence in front of their eyes. This is exactly how christianity managed to become the religion with the most `believers` in the world, and islam the second, it is a similar pattern.

I guess that makes sense. Though as a Skeptic, I can't help but feel, well, skeptical. I completely understand that what we know about the holocaust could be false (that's the whole part of Skepticism after all), but that also means that anything referring to the holocaust could be false and I have absolutely no way of verifying which side is correct. I get that there are sources, but the other side has sources too and I don't know which sources are fabricated. I can't believe everything I read on the internet after-all.

Also, I know some people that use Nazism as an excuse to be racist and stuff, so that's another thing that makes me a bit cautious about the whole subject.
Memorie_BE said:
I guess that makes sense. Though as a Skeptic, I can't help but feel, well, skeptical. I completely understand that what we know about the holocaust could be false (that's the whole part of Skepticism after all), but that also means that anything referring to the holocaust could be false and I have absolutely no way of verifying which side is correct. I get that there are sources, but the other side has sources too and I don't know which sources are fabricated. I can't believe everything I read on the internet after-all.

Also, I know some people that use Nazism as an excuse to be racist and stuff, so that's another thing that makes me a bit cautious about the whole subject.
The difference is, their "sources" and "proofs" for holohoax can be debunked easily, did you read the links I sent you?
Serbon said:
Memorie_BE said:
I guess that makes sense. Though as a Skeptic, I can't help but feel, well, skeptical. I completely understand that what we know about the holocaust could be false (that's the whole part of Skepticism after all), but that also means that anything referring to the holocaust could be false and I have absolutely no way of verifying which side is correct. I get that there are sources, but the other side has sources too and I don't know which sources are fabricated. I can't believe everything I read on the internet after-all.

Also, I know some people that use Nazism as an excuse to be racist and stuff, so that's another thing that makes me a bit cautious about the whole subject.
The difference is, their "sources" and "proofs" for holohoax can be debunked easily, did you read the links I sent you?

I read a bit, but I'm not really the best at reading.

I noticed one part that said that they would have to cremate 5 bodies an hours for their facts to be possible and that it wasn't possible, though couldn't it also be possible that their using bigger furnaces that can store 10 people at once? That part confused me a little. I mean, if I were to plan a mass genocide of millions where I cremate the victims, I wouldn't use small furnaces that holds one person at a time because that would be inefficient imo. I dunno, I'm probably just misinterpreting what they mean by a mile and a half. I'm also not the most trivial at basic history.
Memorie_BE said:
Also, I know some people that use Nazism as an excuse to be racist and stuff, so that's another thing that makes me a bit cautious about the whole subject.
1. Define “racist”
2. What is bad about being “racist”?
The Outlaw Torn said:
Memorie_BE said:
Also, I know some people that use Nazism as an excuse to be racist and stuff, so that's another thing that makes me a bit cautious about the whole subject.
1. Define “racist”
2. What is bad about being “racist”?

Racist is when you discriminate against certain people just because of their ethnicity. It's bad because it's essentially hating people just because of how their ancestors evolved to adapt to where they inhabit, it's not like they can control where they were born, like I can't control that I'm Australian.
Memorie_BE said:
The Outlaw Torn said:
Memorie_BE said:
Also, I know some people that use Nazism as an excuse to be racist and stuff, so that's another thing that makes me a bit cautious about the whole subject.
1. Define “racist”
2. What is bad about being “racist”?

Racist is when you discriminate against certain people just because of their ethnicity. It's bad because it's essentially hating people just because of how their ancestors evolved to adapt to where they inhabit, it's not like they can control where they were born, like I can't control that I'm Australian.

That is a Marxist way of ascribing towards something natural that exists and has existed since the beginning.

The non-Marxist way of describing a (((Neo-Nazi))) i.e. hateful of other races is the key word: Bigot

Bigot: A person who hates another race based on a variety of reasons.

Let me give you a better definition of racism towards the NatSoc/SS way.

Racist: A person who understands the differences between races and sub-races, cultures and sub-cultures, Nations and Sub-Nations, Tribes and sub-Tribes.

Racism: The intellectual study of a variety of variables within the framework defined as the Human Race/Civilization pertaining to race/racial properties i.e. the construct evolution of how races are in nature, habitat, and variably a collective study of the interaction between these Humans both towards their own race, sub-race and other races and sub-races.

In other words RACISM would be a higher up function of a smarter person. Educated! for example knowing the differences between a Congoloid Negro and a Dravidian Negro i.e. African Black vs Hindustani Black as an example. Or for example knowing that fairer Aryans are more Northern or have more Northern features than a Mediterranean or Southern Aryan. Another good example understanding that except Iranian and a few other White Arabs most White Arabs are Whiter or more towards a White spectrum but are not European Compatible neither in relation to sexual i.e. sex for pleasure nor reproductive i.e. sex would produce a new Arabo-Euro Whiter Semi-Aryan. Knowing that the more Aryanized non-Euro compatible Arabs are their own new Arabian sub-race thus they mix with a partner of equal or greater Whiteness of an Arabic White i.e. mix with their own sub-race to procure the new racial construct. In Historicity Arabs were more Aryanized and Euro-compatible but centuries of turmoil in the Middle East killed off the Whiteness like Alexander the Great, Roxanne was a desert dwelling woman who was Euro-compatible she was White enough to be with a European.

Like I said except a noticeable number of Iranian Whites and some true White Arabs rarity these days, Arabs = their own O.R.I.O.N. sub-race.(ORION = Our Race is Our Nation).

In fact ORION is too limited it's too involved with the Racial-NATION make up but there is also ORIOT Our Race is Our Tribe. Basically ORION is a popular NSy way of describing people but it fails to take into account down to the individual and up to the National which would be a Tribal property. I'm not talking about race-mixing, sub-race mixing, nor inbreeding in a tribal setting but I can see why some people might say those people over there are always hanging out together in this part of the city. So they aren't the National construct certainly they are the National component but in the lower levels in the concrete jungle tribal rules can still be applied hence ORIOT.

Except inasmuch avoidance of pleasure and or reproduction of race mixing. There is also sub-race mixing like the 7 or 8 major Aryan Sub-races and how Nord with Nord or Dinaric with Dinaric or darker Aryans i.e. dark eye/dark hair.

For example both Hitler and Himmler are perfect examples. They are often used as a punching bag by the mainstream to show Hitler is not Nordic 'n' sheit to which I say no but at least H and H wanted to preserve the seed kernel of the Aryan race.

For example blacks in Africa posses even villages just a few miles away with racial differences of the sub-races and main races of the black. For example the primitiveness of many Africans shows a classic reflect of modernized places who study racial studies. For example you have XYZ village and 12 miles away ABC village is around and the ORION is Congoloid black but sub-race wise ORIONation isn't represented by the Black Congoloid ONLY but rather the Black race. Rather ORION is more of a supportive expression but doesn't describe the sub-races hence ORIOT. So Russian Nation, Aryan obviously White territory but large swaths of Russian or Slavs are bigger features in categories of the Aryan races and the Nordics whom a larger number exist in a certain way show Nordicism but with slightly bigger features perhaps a more older Nordic or the Scythians of the time the Russ's were more of a less streamlined Nordic. Maybe there could have even been evolution or more finer features in the Europa section than near the Russian area. I don't have the information but except racial comparability and compatibility they are still Nordics for those are of that sub-race whether Europa-sized or from a more primitive construct of Nordics.

And the same can be said for other nations and races usually the sub-race is the one that denotes the ground level while the Nation implies a conglomerate state. Ex: Japan hence Asian hence Euro-Asian(Not European compatible no not to spread the waifu wife cuckery to another race) but they are the nation of Japanese an Asian with odd eyes that are specific or more specific to their nation and speak the language of a race. BUT WHILE that is ORION, ORIOT expresses the sub-racial template. For example Okinawan people have differences and even have an ORION/ORIOT property such as local custom, culture, and even things named after them or gained fame by offering something to their nation and World. BUT Okinawa is not a Nation it's part of Japan it's a sub-nation a district or province of Japan so the ORIOT principle lines up more with the sub-racial aspect. Same for Germany as Hitler puts it the battle in the judenpresse between Prussian Germans and Bavarian Germans as the encounter later on during his Munich days and questioning why this is a thing. In other words Hitler expresses the ORIOT principle very well.

Eugenics: The study and preservation of a variety of genetic factors of the make up a race and sub-race. Technically as HP.Hooded cobra put it[elaborating/paraphrasing and expanding] the understanding of racial history to understand the historical make up of A person individual ORIOT(race/sub-race) or understanding history of a large group of people and elaborating the who, what, where, when, and whys of said group.

Dysgenic: The total annihilation or the attempt to annihilate racial genetic mapping or the falsification of genetic maps for the act of marxist subversion.

In the end to be racist/eugenic is to be smart or smarter or more understanding. Think of it like a intellectual property it's not animalistic nor primitive nor old nor it's just old crap people told people to fuck with them cause fuck society and rules.

Rather quiet the opposite racial/nation/tribal understanding is the heart of the Universal compendium of knowledge on "What makes us special, different, and unique?" the answer: Because Humans are not Animals and have been elevated to a higher level they must bring these higher faculties down to the lower levels to give them understanding as to the who, what, where, when, and why of Humanity and it's course of existence. IF man wishes to survive in this Universe the very things that are said to be negative by fools need to be fully comprehended. It's like the Church imprisoning Galileo all cause he said the opposite. These very fools promote anti-science and anti-knowledge even countering knowledge with foolish non-sense.

It's normal to be "RACIST". In fact it's so normal it begs the question how we even forgot it in the first place or why it's deemed bad. Oh wait cause we got tribal problems with another tribe, you know who I'm talking about. The elephant in the room in these discussions. In fact the funniest part this particular tribe employs every method of racialism good and bad for the tactical and strategic domination.

We would classify as Racial Realists or Racial understanders or parley into racialist understandings.

In simplest terms to study the NS/SS way of race is to INCREASE your Racial Literary skills.

Racial Literacy is what we want i.e. understanding the technology, mechanism, and apparatus of racialist discourse.

It's akin to one of our members she replied to my post in the best way possible. The entire point of studying the Axis from their perspective is to be redpilled from watching enough to push you to do research. No one in their right mind is expect you to understand EVERY tidbit of WW2 down to the very bootprint a soldier did in this battlefield. Rather take enough of a general consensus to go "Hey Hitler and company aren't bad or evil or malefic. I'm being lied to".

Same for Racial discourse you must (STUDY) and (APPLY) the mind (LOGIC) to Racial discourse. You must educate to bring your Racial Literacy up not unlike a video game.
Gear88 said:
Memorie_BE said:
The Outlaw Torn said:
1. Define “racist”
2. What is bad about being “racist”?

Racist is when you discriminate against certain people just because of their ethnicity. It's bad because it's essentially hating people just because of how their ancestors evolved to adapt to where they inhabit, it's not like they can control where they were born, like I can't control that I'm Australian.

That is a Marxist way of ascribing towards something natural that exists and has existed since the beginning.

The non-Marxist way of describing a (((Neo-Nazi))) i.e. hateful of other races is the key word: Bigot

Bigot: A person who hates another race based on a variety of reasons.

Let me give you a better definition of racism towards the NatSoc/SS way.

Racist: A person who understands the differences between races and sub-races, cultures and sub-cultures, Nations and Sub-Nations, Tribes and sub-Tribes.

Racism: The intellectual study of a variety of variables within the framework defined as the Human Race/Civilization pertaining to race/racial properties i.e. the construct evolution of how races are in nature, habitat, and variably a collective study of the interaction between these Humans both towards their own race, sub-race and other races and sub-races.

In other words RACISM would be a higher up function of a smarter person. Educated! for example knowing the differences between a Congoloid Negro and a Dravidian Negro i.e. African Black vs Hindustani Black as an example. Or for example knowing that fairer Aryans are more Northern or have more Northern features than a Mediterranean or Southern Aryan. Another good example understanding that except Iranian and a few other White Arabs most White Arabs are Whiter or more towards a White spectrum but are not European Compatible neither in relation to sexual i.e. sex for pleasure nor reproductive i.e. sex would produce a new Arabo-Euro Whiter Semi-Aryan. Knowing that the more Aryanized non-Euro compatible Arabs are their own new Arabian sub-race thus they mix with a partner of equal or greater Whiteness of an Arabic White i.e. mix with their own sub-race to procure the new racial construct. In Historicity Arabs were more Aryanized and Euro-compatible but centuries of turmoil in the Middle East killed off the Whiteness like Alexander the Great, Roxanne was a desert dwelling woman who was Euro-compatible she was White enough to be with a European.

Like I said except a noticeable number of Iranian Whites and some true White Arabs rarity these days, Arabs = their own O.R.I.O.N. sub-race.(ORION = Our Race is Our Nation).

In fact ORION is too limited it's too involved with the Racial-NATION make up but there is also ORIOT Our Race is Our Tribe. Basically ORION is a popular NSy way of describing people but it fails to take into account down to the individual and up to the National which would be a Tribal property. I'm not talking about race-mixing, sub-race mixing, nor inbreeding in a tribal setting but I can see why some people might say those people over there are always hanging out together in this part of the city. So they aren't the National construct certainly they are the National component but in the lower levels in the concrete jungle tribal rules can still be applied hence ORIOT.

Except inasmuch avoidance of pleasure and or reproduction of race mixing. There is also sub-race mixing like the 7 or 8 major Aryan Sub-races and how Nord with Nord or Dinaric with Dinaric or darker Aryans i.e. dark eye/dark hair.

For example both Hitler and Himmler are perfect examples. They are often used as a punching bag by the mainstream to show Hitler is not Nordic 'n' sheit to which I say no but at least H and H wanted to preserve the seed kernel of the Aryan race.

For example blacks in Africa posses even villages just a few miles away with racial differences of the sub-races and main races of the black. For example the primitiveness of many Africans shows a classic reflect of modernized places who study racial studies. For example you have XYZ village and 12 miles away ABC village is around and the ORION is Congoloid black but sub-race wise ORIONation isn't represented by the Black Congoloid ONLY but rather the Black race. Rather ORION is more of a supportive expression but doesn't describe the sub-races hence ORIOT. So Russian Nation, Aryan obviously White territory but large swaths of Russian or Slavs are bigger features in categories of the Aryan races and the Nordics whom a larger number exist in a certain way show Nordicism but with slightly bigger features perhaps a more older Nordic or the Scythians of the time the Russ's were more of a less streamlined Nordic. Maybe there could have even been evolution or more finer features in the Europa section than near the Russian area. I don't have the information but except racial comparability and compatibility they are still Nordics for those are of that sub-race whether Europa-sized or from a more primitive construct of Nordics.

And the same can be said for other nations and races usually the sub-race is the one that denotes the ground level while the Nation implies a conglomerate state. Ex: Japan hence Asian hence Euro-Asian(Not European compatible no not to spread the waifu wife cuckery to another race) but they are the nation of Japanese an Asian with odd eyes that are specific or more specific to their nation and speak the language of a race. BUT WHILE that is ORION, ORIOT expresses the sub-racial template. For example Okinawan people have differences and even have an ORION/ORIOT property such as local custom, culture, and even things named after them or gained fame by offering something to their nation and World. BUT Okinawa is not a Nation it's part of Japan it's a sub-nation a district or province of Japan so the ORIOT principle lines up more with the sub-racial aspect. Same for Germany as Hitler puts it the battle in the judenpresse between Prussian Germans and Bavarian Germans as the encounter later on during his Munich days and questioning why this is a thing. In other words Hitler expresses the ORIOT principle very well.

Eugenics: The study and preservation of a variety of genetic factors of the make up a race and sub-race. Technically as HP.Hooded cobra put it[elaborating/paraphrasing and expanding] the understanding of racial history to understand the historical make up of A person individual ORIOT(race/sub-race) or understanding history of a large group of people and elaborating the who, what, where, when, and whys of said group.

Dysgenic: The total annihilation or the attempt to annihilate racial genetic mapping or the falsification of genetic maps for the act of marxist subversion.

In the end to be racist/eugenic is to be smart or smarter or more understanding. Think of it like a intellectual property it's not animalistic nor primitive nor old nor it's just old crap people told people to fuck with them cause fuck society and rules.

Rather quiet the opposite racial/nation/tribal understanding is the heart of the Universal compendium of knowledge on "What makes us special, different, and unique?" the answer: Because Humans are not Animals and have been elevated to a higher level they must bring these higher faculties down to the lower levels to give them understanding as to the who, what, where, when, and why of Humanity and it's course of existence. IF man wishes to survive in this Universe the very things that are said to be negative by fools need to be fully comprehended. It's like the Church imprisoning Galileo all cause he said the opposite. These very fools promote anti-science and anti-knowledge even countering knowledge with foolish non-sense.

It's normal to be "RACIST". In fact it's so normal it begs the question how we even forgot it in the first place or why it's deemed bad. Oh wait cause we got tribal problems with another tribe, you know who I'm talking about. The elephant in the room in these discussions. In fact the funniest part this particular tribe employs every method of racialism good and bad for the tactical and strategic domination.

We would classify as Racial Realists or Racial understanders or parley into racialist understandings.

In simplest terms to study the NS/SS way of race is to INCREASE your Racial Literary skills.

Racial Literacy is what we want i.e. understanding the technology, mechanism, and apparatus of racialist discourse.

It's akin to one of our members she replied to my post in the best way possible. The entire point of studying the Axis from their perspective is to be redpilled from watching enough to push you to do research. No one in their right mind is expect you to understand EVERY tidbit of WW2 down to the very bootprint a soldier did in this battlefield. Rather take enough of a general consensus to go "Hey Hitler and company aren't bad or evil or malefic. I'm being lied to".

Same for Racial discourse you must (STUDY) and (APPLY) the mind (LOGIC) to Racial discourse. You must educate to bring your Racial Literacy up not unlike a video game.

Tomayto tomahto.
Memorie_BE said:
I read a bit, but I'm not really the best at reading.

I noticed one part that said that they would have to cremate 5 bodies an hours for their facts to be possible and that it wasn't possible, though couldn't it also be possible that their using bigger furnaces that can store 10 people at once? That part confused me a little. I mean, if I were to plan a mass genocide of millions where I cremate the victims, I wouldn't use small furnaces that holds one person at a time because that would be inefficient imo. I dunno, I'm probably just misinterpreting what they mean by a mile and a half. I'm also not the most trivial at basic history.
Well you are not going to reach a relevant conclusion if you don't spend a decent amount of time in doing a good research. Regarding the cremations, the given numbers are in millions, to cremate so many bodies in couple years probably entire buildings full of furnaces are needed. There was a documentary purged from youtube multiple times that was about this thing. I think is this one most likely.

Memorie_BE said:
I can't believe everything I read on the internet after-all.
Most sources I provided, especially what exists on CODOH (Comitee for Open Debate on Holocaust) and IHR (Institute for Historical Review), are mainly based on books, and most informations that you find on the internet about Holocaust are also taken from books, so it makes little sense to say that you cannot believe everything you read on the internet about this particular event, because in reality most of what you will read about Holocaust on the internet is information taken from books that existed at the time or were written afterwards.

Memorie_BE said:
Also, I know some people that use Nazism as an excuse to be racist and stuff, so that's another thing that makes me a bit cautious about the whole subject.
That's very true, however people who use Nazism as a justification to be racist are deluded and brainwashed with mainstream history, because in reality the Nazists were not racist. There is a difference between unjustified hate for people or other races, and preventing people from race-mixing, because that was the case in Nazi Germany, they must have had laws to forbid race mixing, which is a whole different matter is a natural fact which is reflected in nature where animals don't instictively race mixing. The Apartheid regime in South Africa is another example, there were racial laws preventing race mixing, yet at the time South Africa was the country with the most Black millionaires, and were Blacks were having the best lives comparing to the rest of Africa. Yet we have been led to believe the Apartheid regime was racist and opressing the Black population, is a very similar case.

The Outlaw Torn said:
2. What is bad about being “racist”?
Racism is bad and illogical because there is no justification for blindly hating a group of people only because they are of different race. `Racialism` however is different and that's what the Nazis were, racialists and not racists. Most people are brainwashed by the mainstream education and mass media to confuse the two terms and not make any difference. Most people outside have a very poor understanding on racial matters to the point where they even confuse `xenophobia` with `racism` wherever is the case. I've been hearing many examples of how `racist` Westerners are again people from Eastern Europe who move in their countries but they all of the same race. The only logical conclusion is that current education and mass media are responsble for this mass twisted perception because these were the only places where most people have taken their `historical views` from.
Memorie_BE said:
Serbon said:
Memorie_BE said:
I guess that makes sense. Though as a Skeptic, I can't help but feel, well, skeptical. I completely understand that what we know about the holocaust could be false (that's the whole part of Skepticism after all), but that also means that anything referring to the holocaust could be false and I have absolutely no way of verifying which side is correct. I get that there are sources, but the other side has sources too and I don't know which sources are fabricated. I can't believe everything I read on the internet after-all.

Also, I know some people that use Nazism as an excuse to be racist and stuff, so that's another thing that makes me a bit cautious about the whole subject.
The difference is, their "sources" and "proofs" for holohoax can be debunked easily, did you read the links I sent you?

I read a bit, but I'm not really the best at reading.

I noticed one part that said that they would have to cremate 5 bodies an hours for their facts to be possible and that it wasn't possible, though couldn't it also be possible that their using bigger furnaces that can store 10 people at once? That part confused me a little. I mean, if I were to plan a mass genocide of millions where I cremate the victims, I wouldn't use small furnaces that holds one person at a time because that would be inefficient imo. I dunno, I'm probably just misinterpreting what they mean by a mile and a half. I'm also not the most trivial at basic history.

Do you know how much time, resources, and wasted manpower it would take to throw jews in ovens around the clock like that? Way too much during wartime. Germany had nearly the entire world warring against them so they wouldn't waste their time on this. It's also far more efficient to simply starve large groups of people to death, and that's exactly what the Soviet jews did to the native White Russians and Ukrainians. That's also genocide, but apparently it's fine when the jews do it. Jews lie about a genocide of jews that never happened, but they never have to face punishment collectively for their genocidal crimes (like the Germans, a collective group, faced for a fabricated charge). It's fine to be skeptical, but at least be fair and avoid hypocrisy. If the Germans had to pay for genocide then so should the jews. Every single jew in the world was complicit in the genocide of white people in Russia and also Germany after the war. This can be seen from newspapers back then with titles like: "Judea declares war against Germany!"

Don't be fooled into thinking that was only about boycotting. The jews knew full well what it meant. Their propaganda campaign lied incessantly about the "treatment" of jews in Germany when all that happened was that they were kicked out. The little shit stains even got to keep their stolen wealth, and imported it with them to their new stolen land in Palestine. Hitler arrested a Rothschild, and they all lost their jewish minds.

You have to realize something very important concerning the jews. They consider themselves gods. They refer only to themselves as humans in literature as a code word, and we Gentiles get referred to as "goyim" which means animal cattle that they consider to be property of the jews. They consider us their slaves. Doing anything at all to a jew , whether that's taking their money, kicking them out of your own nation, house, neighborhood, pool party, whatever, or "GOD FORBID" you STRIKE one of these lizard bastards - they consider even minor things against them as the greatest insult as if you are offending a god. Things that would be considered minor, insignificant, or not that big of a deal are considered by them to be at least 100x greater in severity when done against a jew. This is literally how they think. The "goyim" doing anything at all against their "jewish masters" is considered an unforgivable sin. Jews doing anything against the "goyim" is just dealing with unconscious animals in their mind because they don't consider us people.

You need to realize exactly what sort of mentally unhinged psychopaths you are dealing with. Jews are all like this, and they all are raised in and programmed by the same exact religion and taught the exact same things. There is no such thing as an innocent jew. It doesn't affect me or anyone else here if you believe this, but for your own safety you will be required to see your enemy more clearly.
Memorie_BE said:
The Outlaw Torn said:
Memorie_BE said:
Also, I know some people that use Nazism as an excuse to be racist and stuff, so that's another thing that makes me a bit cautious about the whole subject.
1. Define “racist”
2. What is bad about being “racist”?

Racist is when you discriminate against certain people just because of their ethnicity. It's bad because it's essentially hating people just because of how their ancestors evolved to adapt to where they inhabit, it's not like they can control where they were born, like I can't control that I'm Australian.

Part of Satanism is working with nature and natural limitations, which includes realizing the inherent limitations people have on both an individual and population-wide level. However, while we respect natural differences, we also are meant to work together with the other races. So we could be defined as "racist", but not hateful.

The Gods created each race to reflect unique elemental properties. Whites are generally balanced, Asians exemplify air and water, while Blacks exemplify earth and fire. The subraces are generally mixes of these.

These unique racial properties allow each population to be specialized within certain activities. For example, Blacks appear naturally athletic (fire), whilst also having a very good sense of music and rhythm (earth). Yet, when this same soul becomes degenerated, we get people who are overly materialistic (bad earth) and willing to commit aggressive crimes (bad fire).

Another tenet of Satanism is that of reincarnation, where our soul can return after death so that we can continue to advance, or continue to degenerate in a worst-case scenario. This is where karma and our past actions come into play.

In regards to race and its relationship with karma, all souls reincarnate into the race and species of their origin. If you are a White person, you were never a wolf in a past life, and you were never an Asian person either. This is why it is critical that each person advances themselves through meditation, and why our birth conditions are not just about "luck", but about the current state of our soul and racial family.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=341010 time=1648959666 user_id=21286]
Memorie_BE said:
The Outlaw Torn said:
1. Define “racist”
2. What is bad about being “racist”?

Racist is when you discriminate against certain people just because of their ethnicity. It's bad because it's essentially hating people just because of how their ancestors evolved to adapt to where they inhabit, it's not like they can control where they were born, like I can't control that I'm Australian.

Part of Satanism is working with nature and natural limitations, which includes realizing the inherent limitations people have on both an individual and population-wide level. However, while we respect natural differences, we also are meant to work together with the other races. So we could be defined as "racist", but not hateful.

The Gods created each race to reflect unique elemental properties. Whites are generally balanced, Asians exemplify air and water, while Blacks exemplify earth and fire. The subraces are generally mixes of these.

These unique racial properties allow each population to be specialized within certain activities. For example, Blacks appear naturally athletic (fire), whilst also having a very good sense of music and rhythm (earth). Yet, when this same soul becomes degenerated, we get people who are overly materialistic (bad earth) and willing to commit aggressive crimes (bad fire).

Another tenet of Satanism is that of reincarnation, where our soul can return after death so that we can continue to advance, or continue to degenerate in a worst-case scenario. This is where karma and our past actions come into play.

In regards to race and its relationship with karma, all souls reincarnate into the race and species of their origin. If you are a White person, you were never a wolf in a past life, and you were never an Asian person either. This is why it is critical that each person advances themselves through meditation, and why our birth conditions are not just about "luck", but about the current state of our soul and racial family.
Exactly. "Racism" means unjust discrimination, but it is often attributed to any kind of racial discrimination, which is ridiculous. Discrimination really only means to treat people differently. If this is based on real facts, then it is justified and actually good.

To give an example, suppose you were sending a science expedition to the Sahara desert, and you need to choose a team. If everyone has equal merit, should you choose White people or Black people? In this case Black people are a better choice because dark skin is objectively more resistant to bright sunlight. The opposite is true if you were sending an expedition to Antarctica. White skin can produce more vitamin D and is better in cold climates with less sunlight. This is not about "hating" anyone, but simply recognizing that each race has real differences that affect who is better suited for certain situations. That expedition would go better if you choose the people who are best suited for it.

This applies even if you remove humans entirely from the example. People only use spoons to eat soup with, and we only use forks to eat salads. We are discriminating against spoons and against forks! Is this wrong? No. Forks and spoons are different and thus are better in different situations. Regardless of feelings, these are facts of life.

Real racism would be when you discriminate without there being an actual difference. For example, suppose you say that a Black person can't be your friend because Black people are stupid. That's racist because it's not true. It's a lie the jews created to perpetuate the slave trade. You would need to have actual facts saying that a race is less intelligent in some objective measurement before you could justly discriminate based on race.

But even then, it is more complicated than I have time to write about because in all things there is a distribution. Even if one race is less intelligent than another, there would be outliers - a few individuals who aren't. This makes generalizations less accurate. For example, there are albino Black people who have white skin yet are racially Black. They are outliers in my first example of the expedition to the Sahara. The problem of outliers makes racial discrimination rarely the best way of discriminating. The best way is to measure the facts of interest (skin color, intelligence, etc), then discriminate based on that rather than race. That is usually more accurate.
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=341016 time=1648960582 user_id=346]
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=341010 time=1648959666 user_id=21286]
Memorie_BE said:
Racist is when you discriminate against certain people just because of their ethnicity. It's bad because it's essentially hating people just because of how their ancestors evolved to adapt to where they inhabit, it's not like they can control where they were born, like I can't control that I'm Australian.

Part of Satanism is working with nature and natural limitations, which includes realizing the inherent limitations people have on both an individual and population-wide level. However, while we respect natural differences, we also are meant to work together with the other races. So we could be defined as "racist", but not hateful.

The Gods created each race to reflect unique elemental properties. Whites are generally balanced, Asians exemplify air and water, while Blacks exemplify earth and fire. The subraces are generally mixes of these.

These unique racial properties allow each population to be specialized within certain activities. For example, Blacks appear naturally athletic (fire), whilst also having a very good sense of music and rhythm (earth). Yet, when this same soul becomes degenerated, we get people who are overly materialistic (bad earth) and willing to commit aggressive crimes (bad fire).

Another tenet of Satanism is that of reincarnation, where our soul can return after death so that we can continue to advance, or continue to degenerate in a worst-case scenario. This is where karma and our past actions come into play.

In regards to race and its relationship with karma, all souls reincarnate into the race and species of their origin. If you are a White person, you were never a wolf in a past life, and you were never an Asian person either. This is why it is critical that each person advances themselves through meditation, and why our birth conditions are not just about "luck", but about the current state of our soul and racial family.
Exactly. "Racism" means unjust discrimination, but it is often attributed to any kind of racial discrimination, which is ridiculous. Discrimination really only means to treat people differently. If this is based on real facts, then it is justified and actually good.

To give an example, suppose you were sending a science expedition to the Sahara desert, and you need to choose a team. If everyone has equal merit, should you choose White people or Black people? In this case Black people are a better choice because dark skin is objectively more resistant to bright sunlight. The opposite is true if you were sending an expedition to Antarctica. White skin can produce more vitamin D and is better in cold climates with less sunlight. This is not about "hating" anyone, but simply recognizing that each race has real differences that affect who is better suited for certain situations. That expedition would go better if you choose the people who are best suited for it.

This applies even if you remove humans entirely from the example. People only use spoons to eat soup with, and we only use forks to eat salads. We are discriminating against spoons and against forks! Is this wrong? No. Forks and spoons are different and thus are better in different situations. Regardless of feelings, these are facts of life.

Real racism would be when you discriminate without there being an actual difference. For example, suppose you say that a Black person can't be your friend because Black people are stupid. That's racist because it's not true. It's a lie the jews created to perpetuate the slave trade. You would need to have actual facts saying that a race is less intelligent in some objective measurement before you could justly discriminate based on race.

But even then, it is more complicated than I have time to write about because in all things there is a distribution. Even if one race is less intelligent than another, there would be outliers - a few individuals who aren't. This makes generalizations less accurate. For example, there are albino Black people who have white skin yet are racially Black. They are outliers in my first example of the expedition to the Sahara. The problem of outliers makes racial discrimination rarely the best way of discriminating. The best way is to measure the facts of interest (skin color, intelligence, etc), then discriminate based on that rather than race. That is usually more accurate.

People also in general like to be around people who look like them, and this is the natural healthy form of racism (the other forms I refer to as "racial hatred" which get mistakenly and intentionally called racism). It's inbuilt biologically and spiritually, and 100% natural. It's actually extremely unhealthy and unnatural for people to suppress this instinct due to jewish manufactured social pressure.

If the Black people weren't brought to America as slaves by the jews in the first place then we wouldn't have this artificial situation where we have to share our land and our neighborhoods with a different race, and we wouldn't have to pretend that this isn't a country belonging to White people, founded by White people. Black people would still be living and developing along their own spiritual racial path in Africa. Of course White people get blamed for taking them away from their homeland too. Just like we get blamed for everything that the jews do.

Racial hostility also naturally happens when one race feels on an instinctual level that another race is invading their territory and living space.
jrvan said:
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=341016 time=1648960582 user_id=346]
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=341010 time=1648959666 user_id=21286]

Part of Satanism is working with nature and natural limitations, which includes realizing the inherent limitations people have on both an individual and population-wide level. However, while we respect natural differences, we also are meant to work together with the other races. So we could be defined as "racist", but not hateful.

The Gods created each race to reflect unique elemental properties. Whites are generally balanced, Asians exemplify air and water, while Blacks exemplify earth and fire. The subraces are generally mixes of these.

These unique racial properties allow each population to be specialized within certain activities. For example, Blacks appear naturally athletic (fire), whilst also having a very good sense of music and rhythm (earth). Yet, when this same soul becomes degenerated, we get people who are overly materialistic (bad earth) and willing to commit aggressive crimes (bad fire).

Another tenet of Satanism is that of reincarnation, where our soul can return after death so that we can continue to advance, or continue to degenerate in a worst-case scenario. This is where karma and our past actions come into play.

In regards to race and its relationship with karma, all souls reincarnate into the race and species of their origin. If you are a White person, you were never a wolf in a past life, and you were never an Asian person either. This is why it is critical that each person advances themselves through meditation, and why our birth conditions are not just about "luck", but about the current state of our soul and racial family.
Exactly. "Racism" means unjust discrimination, but it is often attributed to any kind of racial discrimination, which is ridiculous. Discrimination really only means to treat people differently. If this is based on real facts, then it is justified and actually good.

To give an example, suppose you were sending a science expedition to the Sahara desert, and you need to choose a team. If everyone has equal merit, should you choose White people or Black people? In this case Black people are a better choice because dark skin is objectively more resistant to bright sunlight. The opposite is true if you were sending an expedition to Antarctica. White skin can produce more vitamin D and is better in cold climates with less sunlight. This is not about "hating" anyone, but simply recognizing that each race has real differences that affect who is better suited for certain situations. That expedition would go better if you choose the people who are best suited for it.

This applies even if you remove humans entirely from the example. People only use spoons to eat soup with, and we only use forks to eat salads. We are discriminating against spoons and against forks! Is this wrong? No. Forks and spoons are different and thus are better in different situations. Regardless of feelings, these are facts of life.

Real racism would be when you discriminate without there being an actual difference. For example, suppose you say that a Black person can't be your friend because Black people are stupid. That's racist because it's not true. It's a lie the jews created to perpetuate the slave trade. You would need to have actual facts saying that a race is less intelligent in some objective measurement before you could justly discriminate based on race.

But even then, it is more complicated than I have time to write about because in all things there is a distribution. Even if one race is less intelligent than another, there would be outliers - a few individuals who aren't. This makes generalizations less accurate. For example, there are albino Black people who have white skin yet are racially Black. They are outliers in my first example of the expedition to the Sahara. The problem of outliers makes racial discrimination rarely the best way of discriminating. The best way is to measure the facts of interest (skin color, intelligence, etc), then discriminate based on that rather than race. That is usually more accurate.

People also in general like to be around people who look like them, and this is the natural healthy form of racism (the other forms I refer to as "racial hatred" which get mistakenly and intentionally called racism). It's inbuilt biologically and spiritually, and 100% natural. It's actually extremely unhealthy and unnatural for people to suppress this instinct due to jewish manufactured social pressure.

If the Black people weren't brought to America as slaves by the jews in the first place then we wouldn't have this artificial situation where we have to share our land and our neighborhoods with a different race, and we wouldn't have to pretend that this isn't a country belonging to White people, founded by White people. Black people would still be living and developing along their own spiritual racial path in Africa. Of course White people get blamed for taking them away from their homeland too. Just like we get blamed for everything that the jews do.

Racial hostility also naturally happens when one race feels on an instinctual level that another race is invading their territory and living space.
Yes, in the end these are just words attached to concepts that have been heavily corrupted. Whether you call it racism, racialism, racial hatred, etc. The meaning behind the words is what's important.

It's true that if jews hadn't been in America, then Africans would still be developing normally in Africa, which would be much healthier than the multicultural mess here.

However, if Jews hadn't been in America, there would also be many more tribes of Indians, which the jews murdered. America would probably have large regions inside it that are countries totally owned by Indians, developing in their own spiritual path. And that would actually work if there were no jews here to give them tobacco, alcohol, and help them set up casinos on reservations where it's legal. :roll:
Memorie_BE said:
Also, I know some people that use Nazism as an excuse to be racist and stuff, so that's another thing that makes me a bit cautious about the whole subject.
Don't pay mind to those people, they are edgy LARPers and hide behind nazism to ratify their own twisted beliefs.

The cringe racist glowie hates that there are different races and wishes theirs to be the only one left standing. Jews apply here since they see themselves as the supreme being, all other creatures are toys and playthings, subhuman and below animals.

The based racist respects that there are different gentile races and believes in preserving these distinct genetic and cultural lines. This is the true "racist" nazi.
The Alchemist7 said:
Racism is bad and illogical because there is no justification for blindly hating a group of people only because they are of different race. `Racialism` however is different and that's what the Nazis were, racialists and not racists. Most people are brainwashed by the mainstream education and mass media to confuse the two terms and not make any difference. Most people outside have a very poor understanding on racial matters to the point where they even confuse `xenophobia` with `racism` wherever is the case. I've been hearing many examples of how `racist` Westerners are again people from Eastern Europe who move in their countries but they all of the same race. The only logical conclusion is that current education and mass media are responsble for this mass twisted perception because these were the only places where most people have taken their `historical views` from.
The “blind hate” is a fallacy. Every race has plenty reason to hate another race. It may not be the most logical thing to do but there is reason. No one hates someone else for “no reason” that’s a stupid thing to say.
I can understand the hesitation and skepticism and with knowing the fact that Hitler and the Nazis are very unpopular in the world so going against that programming can be difficult, but once the reading and scoured material are provided (as noted above) it should be fairly easy to understand but may take time to fully process the matter.
Give it some time, it can be a hard ask for some.
National Socialism was the way to go for Germans in 1933. It is not the way to go for Americans in 2022. National Socialism only works for very hard working and trusting people. America is not right for this. Your job is a perfect example of national socialism. For example, at your work, does everyone work hard and do their job? Yes? Then good. No? Then what are you working for? America resembles the latter. When this happens, people do less. A youtuber made a video about this.
HauptSturm said:
National Socialism was the way to go for Germans in 1933. It is not the way to go for Americans in 2022. National Socialism only works for very hard working and trusting people. America is not right for this. Your job is a perfect example of national socialism. For example, at your work, does everyone work hard and do their job? Yes? Then good. No? Then what are you working for? America resembles the latter. When this happens, people do less. A youtuber made a video about this.
Come to think of it, I think you are right on that, America is far from the same as Germany then.
That guy was right about the minimum wage and welfare.
If people wish to reduce "racial hatred", for once they should try and reduce the hatred non-Whites have for Whites. Whites are already far too non-hateful. While it's not universal, there is an immense amount of hatred for Whites. If Whites knew what our enemies have planned for us, it would curdle the blood. It is troubling how even many of the Whites here seem unaware of how bad the anti-White agenda. WE MUST PRIORITIZE OUR OWN SURVIVAL.
HailVictory88 said:
If people wish to reduce "racial hatred", for once they should try and reduce the hatred non-Whites have for Whites. Whites are already far too non-hateful. While it's not universal, there is an immense amount of hatred for Whites. If Whites knew what our enemies have planned for us, it would curdle the blood. It is troubling how even many of the Whites here seem unaware of how bad the anti-White agenda. WE MUST PRIORITIZE OUR OWN SURVIVAL.

I was sort of speaking outside of the racial aspect of it, because Blacks/Browns not working as hard as Whites in White countries is why it wouldn't work. Because Whites in White countries work hard and Blacks/Browns in White countries generally don't, or if they do it's for their own race. But if you want to include the White racial reasons, that makes it even less appealing to Blacks/Browns because they will feel even more attacked. And maybe that's what should happen.

If I am a National Socialist, that means I have to work as hard as I can for my country to succeed. When I see people at my job doing fuck all and getting paid the same amount as me for the same hours, I wouldn't want to do as much. Understand?
Pumpkin671 said:
HauptSturm said:
National Socialism was the way to go for Germans in 1933. It is not the way to go for Americans in 2022. National Socialism only works for very hard working and trusting people. America is not right for this. Your job is a perfect example of national socialism. For example, at your work, does everyone work hard and do their job? Yes? Then good. No? Then what are you working for? America resembles the latter. When this happens, people do less. A youtuber made a video about this.
Come to think of it, I think you are right on that, America is far from the same as Germany then.
That guy was right about the minimum wage and welfare.
It's probably up to the states to do something. Or if Trump gets in office again. People are pissed about this rigged election and are going to the states to change things I think. Trump or Biden, the better of the two was overwhelmingly Trump. Covid-19 was planned long before Trump in my opinion. I don't know of a solution for the USA. It's pretty much keep to your race while being around other races.
HauptSturm said:
Pumpkin671 said:
HauptSturm said:
National Socialism was the way to go for Germans in 1933. It is not the way to go for Americans in 2022. National Socialism only works for very hard working and trusting people. America is not right for this. Your job is a perfect example of national socialism. For example, at your work, does everyone work hard and do their job? Yes? Then good. No? Then what are you working for? America resembles the latter. When this happens, people do less. A youtuber made a video about this.
Come to think of it, I think you are right on that, America is far from the same as Germany then.
That guy was right about the minimum wage and welfare.
It's probably up to the states to do something. Or if Trump gets in office again. People are pissed about this rigged election and are going to the states to change things I think. Trump or Biden, the better of the two was overwhelmingly Trump. Covid-19 was planned long before Trump in my opinion. I don't know of a solution for the USA. It's pretty much keep to your race while being around other races.
The U.S.A is difficult in terms of how it could be worked and run, The answer may be in that States and local governments will have a bigger hand in it. I definitely do agree with you on the quote and post from HailVictory88 on how different races work ethic.
HauptSturm said:
HailVictory88 said:
If people wish to reduce "racial hatred", for once they should try and reduce the hatred non-Whites have for Whites. Whites are already far too non-hateful. While it's not universal, there is an immense amount of hatred for Whites. If Whites knew what our enemies have planned for us, it would curdle the blood. It is troubling how even many of the Whites here seem unaware of how bad the anti-White agenda. WE MUST PRIORITIZE OUR OWN SURVIVAL.

I was sort of speaking outside of the racial aspect of it, because Blacks/Browns not working as hard as Whites in White countries is why it wouldn't work. Because Whites in White countries work hard and Blacks/Browns in White countries generally don't, or if they do it's for their own race. But if you want to include the White racial reasons, that makes it even less appealing to Blacks/Browns because they will feel even more attacked. And maybe that's what should happen.

If I am a National Socialist, that means I have to work as hard as I can for my country to succeed. When I see people at my job doing fuck all and getting paid the same amount as me for the same hours, I wouldn't want to do as much. Understand?

Cooperation is better than competition for everyone involved.
Unfortunately you can't be the only one that's cooperating in a competitive environment.
Once a population descends into competition, it's extremely hard to get out of it.


Who's going to be the first one to cooperate?
That's why systems of hierarchies are created. They allow for a progressive building of reputation. The more one cooperates and remains true to his/her word, the more trust the individual gets and at the same the more expensive it becomes to fuck someone over. It takes a lot of time to build up a reputation but only one error to destroy it.
The purpose of a hierarchy is to get people to cooperate. Unfortunately most people see it as something evil, something that benefits the few over the many, something to conquer. People want to get into high positions so that they can abuse others for personal gain or even just amusement.
Memorie_BE said:
I really hope I don't get flamed posting this (if I'm even allowed to post this) as I am genuinely curious and want to hear the perspectives of y'all.

So I've seen a lot of Nazi visuals and symbolism in this server and I just wanted to know why exactly. I am completely aware that one of the enemies here are the Jews, trust me, I know and understand that the Nazis also had that enemy. What I'm confused about, however, is that wouldn't advocating the actions of the Nazis be technically hypocritical when looking in a historical lens?

Here me out: If I have my facts correct, I believe that the Jews are the enemy in the first place due to the torture and discrimination that is directed at Satanists today and even worse centuries back. Jews would torture and kill innocent people who disagreed with their beliefs (again, if I have my facts correct) and are therefor the enemy. So then why do we advocate what the Nazis did to people who just happened to share the same beliefs as the ones that tortured and killed people? Some people who were gassed by Nazis didn't even believe in what their ancestors believed, but were still punished. These are the same actions that the historical Jews did, so wouldn't that be hypocritical in a sense?

As someone who is obsessed with philosophy, I understand that every side has the innocent and the guilty, this is also supported by the fact that I knew a Jewish person in high school that was just the sweetest thing and even loved death metal (a great mix). I think it's fair to label these people more as misguided and should never be punished as it's not their fault for being born in a family with those beliefs.

Again, I'm not trying to side with the Jews or trying to mediate, I'm just curios about the deeper philosophy of this, that's all.
There have already been several answers, but I want to give you more than one view of things so I decided to write this.

First, no, the Jews were not gassed, there is plenty of evidence that the concentration camps were later altered, National Socialist Germany did not have enough crematoria for so many bodies, and the myth of the 6 million began to be spread long before the WWII itself, not to mention the obviously altered photos, the nonsensical testimonies and other things.

As for Jews, they are an alien species, they look like us, and sometimes act like us, but on a spiritual level they are quite different, they were genetically engineered by their racial parents who they call Elohim, many Jews admit. In part, there are books written by Jews such as: Legacy: A Genetic History of the Jewish People in which the Jew admits that they are a race, not a religion.

About the actions against the Jews in Germany being considered hypocritical, in addition to the holocaust not having occurred, the German Jews at the time were communists, communism was created by the Jew Karl Marx and the Jews who went to Germany at that time were mostly communist militants who had come from the Soviet Union, so yes, they were to blame because they were the ones who were implanting communism in Germany.

Another very important thing about this is that, one way or another, keeping Jews around is suicide, the Jewish soul has an energy contrary to ours, and it itself was structured to be a weapon against Jews, moreover. , they constantly curse us by constantly reading their torahs and keeping the annual cycle of jewish energy, if you had a jewish friend, know he is not like you, i have had jewish friends and i can say with certainty that no matter how nice or human they seem, in the end they are what they are, a biological weapon created to enslave humanity.
HauptSturm said:
HailVictory88 said:
If people wish to reduce "racial hatred", for once they should try and reduce the hatred non-Whites have for Whites. Whites are already far too non-hateful. While it's not universal, there is an immense amount of hatred for Whites. If Whites knew what our enemies have planned for us, it would curdle the blood. It is troubling how even many of the Whites here seem unaware of how bad the anti-White agenda. WE MUST PRIORITIZE OUR OWN SURVIVAL.

I was sort of speaking outside of the racial aspect of it, because Blacks/Browns not working as hard as Whites in White countries is why it wouldn't work. Because Whites in White countries work hard and Blacks/Browns in White countries generally don't, or if they do it's for their own race. But if you want to include the White racial reasons, that makes it even less appealing to Blacks/Browns because they will feel even more attacked. And maybe that's what should happen.

If I am a National Socialist, that means I have to work as hard as I can for my country to succeed. When I see people at my job doing fuck all and getting paid the same amount as me for the same hours, I wouldn't want to do as much. Understand?

Gotcha, but just to clarify, I was just commenting on my general feelings towards "racial hatred" and how Whites should take their own side, not nuances regarding National Socialism as a system. Sorry for any confusion.
I honestly have no idea why they do it, but most people here support Hitler.
HailVictory88 said:
HauptSturm said:
HailVictory88 said:
If people wish to reduce "racial hatred", for once they should try and reduce the hatred non-Whites have for Whites. Whites are already far too non-hateful. While it's not universal, there is an immense amount of hatred for Whites. If Whites knew what our enemies have planned for us, it would curdle the blood. It is troubling how even many of the Whites here seem unaware of how bad the anti-White agenda. WE MUST PRIORITIZE OUR OWN SURVIVAL.

I was sort of speaking outside of the racial aspect of it, because Blacks/Browns not working as hard as Whites in White countries is why it wouldn't work. Because Whites in White countries work hard and Blacks/Browns in White countries generally don't, or if they do it's for their own race. But if you want to include the White racial reasons, that makes it even less appealing to Blacks/Browns because they will feel even more attacked. And maybe that's what should happen.

If I am a National Socialist, that means I have to work as hard as I can for my country to succeed. When I see people at my job doing fuck all and getting paid the same amount as me for the same hours, I wouldn't want to do as much. Understand?

Gotcha, but just to clarify, I was just commenting on my general feelings towards "racial hatred" and how Whites should take their own side, not nuances regarding National Socialism as a system. Sorry for any confusion.
The non-Whites think Whites are the racial extremists and are reacting to that, and the j-media is mostly to blame.
TheCrimsonScythe said:
I honestly have no idea why they do it, but most people here support Hitler.

There's a lot of sermons written about this by HP HoodedCobra and also HPs Maxine over the years which explain this.

This very recent sermon by HP HoodedCobra is a good one to summarize it:


Hail Satan!
TheCrimsonScythe said:
I honestly have no idea why they do it, but most people here support Hitler.

There is a lot you need to learn both about Satanism and National Socialism. In short, Nat Soc ideology is just the physical manifestation of what Satanism represents on a spiritual level.

Besides this, all great Gentile leaders, including the Nazis, meditated. You can read about Hitler's astrology chart here: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=342256#p342256

You can see that he has Neptune and Pluto both in his 8th house, which shows that he meditated a lot in his past life, as well as has a tremendous ability to do so in his current life. The 8th house is one of transformation, like how meditation changes the soul. Neptune and Pluto represent spirituality and intensity, respectively.

Because of his advanced soul, he was able to rise to a leadership position, and unite Europe against the Soviet Jewish horde which threatened to overrun the whole world. He also did this in just 10 years, starting with a country that was economically destroyed, from both the Great Depression and losing a World War.
HailVictory88 said:
If people wish to reduce "racial hatred", for once they should try and reduce the hatred non-Whites have for Whites. Whites are already far too non-hateful. While it's not universal, there is an immense amount of hatred for Whites. If Whites knew what our enemies have planned for us, it would curdle the blood. It is troubling how even many of the Whites here seem unaware of how bad the anti-White agenda. WE MUST PRIORITIZE OUR OWN SURVIVAL.

Yeah, this shit is getting out of control.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
