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Gender Sexuality

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A human has both masculine and feminine aspect to their psyche the goal of which is to integrate this into one transformed whole. The fact is due to the lie of society which is built on the lie of the Bible for centuries the feminine aspect of the psyche has been repressed on purpose. Men are told they will be punished with homosexuality if they enjoy art in the Jewish Bible. The Church worked to destroy not just all spiritual knowledge but also banned anything to do with the feminine aspect of the psyche, art, music and such they tried to remove. Medieval era art when the Church had the most power. All looks like low quality cartoon drawings. Women were severly repressed and turned into nothing but properity of men who were allowed to beat them and abuse them as they wished. Because women are the cause of the fall and the cause of original sin in Jewish Christianity. And men were conditioned and still are with strict gender norms they are not allowed to show any signs of feminine traits. This puts blocks into the soul and mind.

What is called the third eye this realm of spiritual consciousness is called Sophia to the ancients so is the serpent energy in general. This is why this is all repressed. In the Jewish Bible its Eve which in the Jewish kabala is the right side of the brain the feminine part of the psyche that awakens Adam the left or masculine part of the brain and psyche. This was a encoded warning to the Rabbi's the key to keeping the Goyim under control is to repress this. Adam and Eve where originally in the Jewish garden of paradise just naked animals put there to work for Yahweh the Jewish race and it was the serpent that awoke Eve's attention first then she woke up Adam and they realized they were naked. They became superconscious and left the animal mind of the unawakened psyche which the eastern texts state a human lives in if they don't awakened the psyche with spiritual practices of the serpent power Yoga. Goyim means animal and that is the state of awareness the Jews want to keep us in.

The reason the serpent wakes up Eve first is because the serpent energy was activated in the tail bone which is what Eve is related to in Kabala the Luz bone and then it awakened the right side of the brain which then awakened the left or conscious part of the mind with spiritualized power. And then the Goyim Knew. The next thing they were going to do was become immortal by eating from the tree of eternal life this is what Yahweh stopped them from doing otherwise Yahweh the Jewish race would never have control over the Goyim. Which is the warning in the Torah to the Jewish Rabbi's. The Torah, Kabala code for that tree was that of Elhoim the Hebrew word for God and that is what the Goyim would have became if they finished the process the serpent instructed them in. The serpent is Satan in the Kabala. Jesus's purpose is to bring about the world to the new Adam, note not Eve...… This is a Jewish program to bring about the Garden Of Edin in which the Jewish race will have total power over the earth and the Goyim will be their animals who work for them. That is the whole point of the Jewish ideology they have to heal to the world from this fall of theirs from planetary control they claim they once had in this mythological age of Edin and transform the current world into that one. Christianity is their blueprint for this as the Rabbi's admit in the Kabala.

What has happened is because of the strict enemy gender norms which is created to enforce a inner separation of the psyche by the enemy. Which allows their programming and methods of deceptive propaganda, and Jewish witchcraft to be more effective. This has caused a lot of confusion on gender.

You have people who are simply more feminine then masculine who are men and the other way around for women. The only way society has to understand this is they must somehow try and turn themselves into the other sex biologically because gender must follow biology. Man=Masculine psyche, Woman=Feminine psyche. This is why many transgendered people stop the transformation process because they understand this at some point and many who went thought with the SSR regret it after. They simple don't conform to the one sided gender norms that gender must equal biology this in the soul.

What is called Homophobia in the legitimate sense not the political term. People have what they hold as logical reasons for disagreeing with homosexuality and are not just upset by it and their reasons should be taken seriously and honest conversations held on the subject without political name calling. However these reasons are based in the Jewish ideology of christianity which is a form of Jewish witchcraft to destroy the Gentiles. But the fact is the actual phobia part for some is homosexualilty for men is seen as a FEMININE attribute. And thus a total violation of all gender norms. Hence name calling to attack another man's masculinity many times like calling them a "Fag' its a way to call another man weak but its always the concept of weakness for men is the concept of having feminine traits. A lot of guys have no problem with a pair of women making out in front of them but two dudes and some will get hysterically triggered. Its the deep seated insecurity about their masculinity and the social norms of masculinity being threatened. Men will kill each other over this threat to their masculinity and this is why this society is a never ending hen pecking of men towards other men its a projection of their own insecurity and attempting to dominate others to find a sense of stability and empowerment for this. And its also on the friendship level the only dysfunctional way men are allowed to attempt to bond. This is why a dude wearing a dress is considered mental illness to many people.... You must be crazy to dress like a women..... To surrender your masculine gender norms to such feminine traits. Its the programming policing itself. The same don't care if a women wears pants. Because the trigger is about feminine traits expressing. This is also why there is so much violence towards women.

The reality is the universe is the creation of three forces one male, female and how they become one this creates all things in existence. This concept was shown originally as the androgynous God in the Pagan world. That is the map of the human soul. There are three types of normal sexuality that of heterosexuality, homosexuality and bi-sexuality as the expression of this existence as well. Jung mentioned most people are bi-sexual and if one pays attention this is obvious in society but as Jung mentioned its deeply unconscious due to repression. In the pre-Christian world the social norms where heavily towards bi-sexuality the social custom of "heart friends" in Europe was that of friendships of the same sex that where lovers. This comes down to the role of sexuality and sex in society is based on spiritual forces and the generative power that sex is within its own act. This relates to the activation of the kundalini energy and its flowing thought the chakra's and nadi's and different levels of the bodies that make up the person. This can also express itself in physical creation of children but this is not the only purpose of sex. And was only the minor purpose of sex in the Pagan society that was done with strict spiritual timing and eugenic practices. That is why sex and sexuality like the feminine is so repressed in the enemy society because its the key to freedom and spiritual activation hence the enemy seeks to repress all normal sexuality activity in their Bible ideology and creates a false explanation for sexual norms to do this. Now that they have lost control with this they are promoted a false sexual liberation which is attempting to trigger the conditioning into a backlash against freedoms and create a return to the Biblical ideology, problem, reaction, solution. The Jewsus program is anti-sex on every level. Rabbi Jewsus demands celibacy and sexuality is sinful even to have sexual feeling and thoughts is sin. The image of the Pagan feminine is removed and replaced with a Jewish icon cloaked and hidden away unfeminine, no sexuality, looking and dressed as celibate Nun who always looks full of shame in Christian ideology. This is a powerful Jewish talisman to represses the feminine aspect of the psyche.

The Jewish rabbi's pray a prayer where they thank their "god" they where not born a Goyim or a women...

The enemy in the secular world pushes materialistic ideology to maintain their norms in society. Christianity is a materialistic ideology and the fact most people don't understand that fact is how well its done its job in removing all spiritual knowledge from society. That is why all the controlled institutions only allow for a false explanation of life such as social biology which promotes their predatory system and norms only to any explanation which keeps consciousness between the ears only. This is a modern cloaking of their Kabbalistic ideology of the Torah.

The current gender norms for men has become a total repression of all feminine traits of their psyche and the psychological problems it causes in men and society. The only emotions men are allowed to show are anger. Because that is considered a dominate and masculine style of expression. There is a reason so many men are angry all the time and much of it is repressed emotions from living in a Jewish dominated society that psychologically abuses them from the time they are born. Men are not even allowed to psychologically bond with each other as that requires an emotional openess that is too feminine. This also causes problems in thier relationships with their wives, girlfriends and children as they don't open up there either. This allows for the ideology of the Jews that women are just properity and a servant to men to gain ground to men who can't emotional bond with anyone let alone their own wives. It makes men arrogant and afraid to do many things in their life because not being perfect is not having masculine power somehow and that is weakness which is womanly.

Now that women have freedom the Jews are promoting Marxist Feminism which is the attempt to force women to supress the feminine aspects of their psyche and attempt to become masculine dominate in their psyche which is causing many women to become psychologically toxic and self hating as they are taught to show any feminine characterists is weakness and they need to be totally masculine. They are now being raised the same way men are and its toxic across the board. Entire generations of women are being conditioned into this. This is needed because with the ability of women to move freely in all walks of life in society where under Jewish christianity they never had. They must also be conditioned with the same repression men are.
This explains so much!!
Thank you HP Mageson 666 !!!!
Great sermon, thank you so much.

What is interesting to me is that although everyone is part female and part male in the soul, it seems you cannot be really both at the same time, only one, which is mirrored through physical body. Look at our Gods and Goddesses, I only heard about one case where one is both male and female and that is Uval. All other Gods and Goddesses known to us are either male or female.
Actually when a man wears a dress and says he's a 5 year old while he's actually a 40 year old dude , that's where you enter insane territory. Same with furries and many weird fetishist's who are mentally diagnosed but larping as genders. So my questions to you HPMageson is where do you draw the line. I can see three genders heterosexual, homosexual and bisexual. But all of these genders conform to their biological view of themselves. A homosexual gay man knows he's a man and he's attracted to other men. Lesbians know they're attracted to women while being women. Bisexuals know their gender and know their attracted to both sexes. But the problem in the transgender community is that they've captioned emotional impulses and feelings to being gendered. If someone feels feminine, you don't necessarily have to be a girl. You're just a guy who's a little feminine. A society where there is anarchy of gender identity cannot sustain itself. The cultural Marxist aim to create anarchy in the first place. So when do we know if a person is batshit insane or not ? Beyond which multi name gender ? Beyond which belief ?
Take a look at biology and men and women biologically share a lot as well it seems the way the elements manifest determine if the being will express itself as to the female spectrum or male and how this relates to the soul.

The point is the human psyche is really male and female in its polarity and this must be united and integrated. That is the point of the Magnum Opus.

Larissa666 said:
Great sermon, thank you so much.

What is interesting to me is that although everyone is part female and part male in the soul, it seems you cannot be really both at the same time, only one, which is mirrored through physical body. Look at our Gods and Goddesses, I only heard about one case where one is both male and female and that is Uval. All other Gods and Goddesses known to us are either male or female.
That's the problems people get into when they live in this society that tries to put people into a binary gender roles and built an entire establishment on that.

Why not just allow people to develop naturally and have spiritual practices to integrate their psyche to express their soul natures without worrying about social assignment identity.....

Note how your reacting with extreme examples of strange sub cultures and some individual who had a nervous, mental breakdown and such..... What does that prove really...…. Gender is not sexual orientation either. I already stated the Jews are trying to ruin society to force it to conform to their Biblical narrative. Look at the example you offered your entire mind is wrapped up in their Marxist narrative just reacting to it within its box.

Men will continue to express themselves and women will as well but as fully integrated beings. This seems to be hard for you to grasp because your busy reacting to the wave of mental impressions from within the poltical narrative your consumed with. And the fact your hung up with examples that simply illustrate the externalization of the repression on the feminine aspect of the psyche. Really show this. You should actually read my article and think about it.

Jack The GOOD guy said:
Actually when a man wears a dress and says he's a 5 year old while he's actually a 40 year old dude , that's where you enter insane territory. Same with furries and many weird fetishist's who are mentally diagnosed but larping as genders. So my questions to you HPMageson is where do you draw the line. I can see three genders heterosexual, homosexual and bisexual. But all of these genders conform to their biological view of themselves. A homosexual gay man knows he's a man and he's attracted to other men. Lesbians know they're attracted to women while being women. Bisexuals know their gender and know their attracted to both sexes. But the problem in the transgender community is that they've captioned emotional impulses and feelings to being gendered. If someone feels feminine, you don't necessarily have to be a girl. You're just a guy who's a little feminine. A society where there is anarchy of gender identity cannot sustain itself. The cultural Marxist aim to create anarchy in the first place. So when do we know if a person is batshit insane or not ? Beyond which multi name gender ? Beyond which belief ?
HP Mageson666 said:
But the fact is the actual phobia part for some is homosexualilty for men is seen as a FEMININE attribute. And thus a total violation of all gender norms. Hence name calling to attack another man's masculinity many times like calling them a "Fag' its a way to call another man weak but its always the concept of weakness for men is the concept of having feminine traits. A lot of guys have no problem with a pair of women making out in front of them but two dudes and some will get hysterically triggered. Its the deep seated insecurity about their masculinity and the social norms of masculinity being threatened. Men will kill each other over this threat to their masculinity and this is why this society is a never ending hen pecking of men towards other men its a projection of their own insecurity and attempting to dominate others to find a sense of stability and empowerment for this. And its also on the friendship level the only dysfunctional way men are allowed to attempt to bond. This is why a dude wearing a dress is considered mental illness to many people.... You must be crazy to dress like a women..... To surrender your masculine gender norms to such feminine traits. Its the programming policing itself.
But in 2018 the goyim have freedom! In this modern age, those who aren't strictly masculine or feminine can be a non-binary genderqueer apache helicopter! Hooray for freedom! :roll:

It's just the classic "two sides of the same coin" fallacy. Vegan vs Paleo, Republican vs Democrat, Religious vs Atheist, etc. They give you all the choices in the world, except the right one...
In the ancient religions men would dress as women for their spiritual indoctrination to highlight they are uniting with the inner feminine and masculine as both are the internal essence of their complete being.
Its a way for the Jews to reinforce their program by forcing the psychic internal division of the Gentile psyche and this inner turmoil allows for them to create outer turmoil in society and the war of the sexes. The fact the Jews purposely frame the debate in totally fucking ridiculous terms that have no meaning is designed to make their actual trap look more appealing to most people thus keeping them in the Jewish mind prison.

Soaring Eagle 666 said:
But in 2018 the goyim have freedom! In this modern age, those who aren't strictly masculine or feminine can be a non-binary genderqueer apache helicopter! Hooray for freedom! :roll:

It's just the classic "two sides of the same coin" fallacy. Vegan vs Paleo, Republican vs Democrat, Religious vs Atheist, etc. They give you all the choices in the world, except the right one...
and they are actually trying to effeminate men,by making men behave more feminine than masculine.they are really playing with the balance of sexuality
They are attempting to present an icon of effeminate men that of self humiliation they know is going to drive people back to the Biblical narrative as a shock tactic. They are very good at this. I can tell from some of the replies even here how good they have been.

shinninglight said:
and they are actually trying to effeminate men,by making men behave more feminine than masculine.they are really playing with the balance of sexuality
Guys what I took art and music in high school and studied philosophy and wrote poetry...… And I was woke on the Jew before twenty...….. And could very quickly understand Christianity for what it was.... But I was also born spiritually very open as well. Which makes sense why I was attracted to what I was. Very right brained open stuff.

Hitler was an artist who wrote poems and loved music and high art. The Jews tell us that makes you feminine and weak thus oh no Gay...... Stay from that stuff Goyim we don't need any higher mind functioning Goyim.... Don't want to be a girly man right Goyim... Here crush this beer can on your forehead and watch monster trucks mudd'in on our Teevee. Feelings are Gay..... don't need you getting psychic intuition parts of your mind open Goyim....

MC Vagina is the archtype of what the Jews want men to be.... Literally its a perfect parody....
When is it okay to be angry? I've had a few times where someone did something awful to me and I ended up getting multiple speeches from people about why I need to forgive and I'm only angry because society taught me I need to be angry. I don't often feel like that is the case when I'm angry or frustrated, at all. I think most people would be angry if they went through the things that make or made me angry, and I think they would be angry for the same amount of time too. So the question remains, when exactly is anger okay and when is natural?
Let me pull out a check list and tell you when you can feel emotions..... When people diss Billy Idol music.....And when people pretend that Slothz Tales is not Swastika awesome.

Godmode said:
When is it okay to be angry? I've had a few times where someone did something awful to me and I ended up getting multiple speeches from people about why I need to forgive and I'm only angry because society taught me I need to be angry. I don't often feel like that is the case when I'm angry or frustrated, at all. I think most people would be angry if they went through the things that make or made me angry, and I think they would be angry for the same amount of time too. So the question remains, when exactly is anger okay and when is natural?
Roger that, Chief. Just like the simulations: Destroy to forgive. I am ready at moments notice to verbally denigrate any and all Idol haters and anti-Sloths on the premises.
They told me that anger was my weakness but now they will see my secret... I was always a swastika. I got in a car accident and instead of opting for surgery I was coerced to willfully leave my arms and legs broken as they were, as they were broken in such a way to perfectly form the shape of a swastika forever. Now the most hated man on Earth, I struggle to reclaim identity in a world that claims I act too tough for my own good. But some day soon they'll see I was right all along and that resentment and needless self sacrifice is the only way to survive a world that constantly tells you to live as someone you are not.
In seriousness though I'm grateful for this post and it needs to be said we should all be who we really want to be and not let societal standards stand in the way of that.
Your Billy Idolatry will become the stuff of legends....

Godmode said:
Roger that, Chief. Just like the simulations: Destroy to forgive. I am ready at moments notice to verbally denigrate any and all Idol haters and anti-Sloths on the premises.
They told me that anger was my weakness but now they will see my secret... I was always a swastika. I got in a car accident and instead of opting for surgery I was coerced to willfully leave my arms and legs broken as they were, as they were broken in such a way to perfectly form the shape of a swastika forever. Now the most hated man on Earth, I struggle to reclaim identity in a world that claims I act too tough for my own good. But some day soon they'll see I was right all along and that resentment and needless self sacrifice is the only way to survive a world that constantly tells you to live as someone you are not.
The thing is many alt-righters and other dumb-asses who pretend to be 'men', and part of which supposed manhood, is to 'hate women' , these people are clearly dumb.

If you are an actual man (ie, you also have a feminine side) you can relate to women, enjoy women (sexually and whatnot) and also have constructive relations with women.

All these people are just trying to be action man dumb figures and of course women are going to swindle them, cheat them, and so forth.

You cannot be truly a "man" and hate women. To be truly successful with women and enjoy them in appreciation requires a feminine side to it. If you are a dumb action man figure it's the same as how many women are empty barbies, you cannot put any relations, even simplistic sexual relations, on a place where you can enjoy and co-exist in a meaningful manner.

Many men do become furious when I side with women over the fact that women are not sluts but it's improper handling or judgement by the men when they fall on these women. If they were men and had the 'balls' they would have cut these toxic women before, or would not gravitate towards them in the first place.

If you are a man, the majority of women will be attracted to you, and if you are a man, you will enjoy them. But to be a man you need to also have a feminine side, and many women like to see men with developed feminine sides. This is also unconscious.

The alt-right will be eternal incels because they follow the torah, and toxic 'masculinity', and they will never understand women in any meaningful way and therefore be able to derive pleasure and loyalty from women. Women aren't dumb if you are a Ken doll they will use you same as many men use the Barbie Dolls as a bike for everyone to ride.

Others also whine the key to many women being race traitors is some innate racial problem. I guess this absolves every useless man that goes and fucks half of Singapore to prove their 'masculinity'. And women are sluts when men can engage in the very same behavior and constantly do as well. If this was not the case there wouldn't be endless whore houses where people race mix on a consistent basis. Meanwhile there are not such brothels with 'blacks' where white women go en masse. Even if there are, it can never reach the points that the same things have for men.

The reality is men race mix way more than women as a gender. So relating hatred on women as some sort of racial issue this is also a lie. What do we have on the side of the other races coming in to Whites...Men. But nobody will blame this hebrew infested men as dumb monkeys that steal women from other races, because then the fake ass dialectic about "men being good and women being evil for civilization" just self collapses.
I wonder how hard it is for a typical very asleep individual who is more of a walking meme of the social conditioning then a consciously alive person to go thought the process of spiritual transformation as their convinced ego identifications are connected to nothing of actual being. I note some people show up here and right away when they find out we are not some strange Marxist shitlib safe space they can't even handle that and they run off. Back to the world of mainstream programming and video games where their false identity is not challenged.

Godmode said:
In seriousness though I'm grateful for this post and it needs to be said we should all be who we really want to be and not let societal standards stand in the way of that.
Watttttt……...You mean women are not just things like Barbie dolls that are put here to put out for me..... Like a real doll, sexbot that cooks dinner and tells me "yes dear you are so awesome and always right made in the image of Hashem" Just like muh Joo Bible says! Oy veh! This is feminist talk...…..This is like the time that guy told me that Fluttershy was not the best pony....
HP Mageson666 said:
Watttttt……...You mean women are not just things like Barbie dolls that are put here to put out for me..... Like a real doll, sexbot that cooks dinner and tells me "yes dear you are so awesome and always right made in the image of Hashem" Just like muh Joo Bible says! Oy veh! This is feminist talk...…..This is like the time that guy told me that Fluttershy was not the best pony....

I also mean something more shocking man!

Our rib cannot talk back to us!

"You can fuck asian chicks all day long, and so long you blame women, your sins against the race are absolved. So long you do not sin against HaShit's word, and praise the rabbi jeboo, you are fine by our book."

"How can they not like my 1.55cm, overweight, and dumb as fuck bound torah fuck mental and spiritual form? How can they not like my absolutely talentless character? How can they not freely bend to take it in the ass over my absolutely generic and worthless personality, behavior, and toxic and uninteresting mind? Just how? Women are bitches!!! And this is why you should join the MGTOW!" -MGTOW Leader
Incel's are a good example of the snowflake. Rather then have deep psychological maturity and self introspection and admit maybe they need to develop themselves to attract a decent woman. Nope they are soooooo insecure they would rather hate all women and create this narrative to do this rather then admit they might be wrong about something. That is the same these emotionally damaged women do in the name of Marxist feminism. They are more comfortable in their misery and false victim narrative because it secures them mentality against their own faults. That is the most Jewish way to act and exist.
Anglin and Weev will lead us to victory in the name of White Sharia…..Then we will finally get hot girl friends..... Those Thots better not talk back either especially when my fav Pony show is on...

Hoodedcobra666 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Watttttt……...You mean women are not just things like Barbie dolls that are put here to put out for me..... Like a real doll, sexbot that cooks dinner and tells me "yes dear you are so awesome and always right made in the image of Hashem" Just like muh Joo Bible says! Oy veh! This is feminist talk...…..This is like the time that guy told me that Fluttershy was not the best pony....

I also mean something more shocking man!

Our rib cannot talk back to us!

"You can fuck asian chicks all day long, and so long you blame women, your sins against the race are absolved. So long you do not sin against HaShit's word, and praise the rabbi jeboo, you are fine by our book."

"How can they not like my 1.55cm, overweight, and dumb as fuck bound torah fuck mental and spiritual form? How can they not like my absolutely talentless character? How can they not freely bend to take it in the ass over my absolutely generic and worthless personality, behavior, and toxic and uninteresting mind? Just how? Women are bitches!!! And this is why you should join the MGTOW!" -MGTOW Leader
HP Mageson666 said:
Now that women have freedom the Jews are promoting Marxist Feminism which is the attempt to force women to supress the feminine aspects of their psyche and attempt to become masculine dominate in their psyche which is causing many women to become psychologically toxic and self hating as they are taught to show any feminine characterists is weakness and they need to be totally masculine. They are now being raised the same way men are and its toxic across the board. Entire generations of women are being conditioned into this. This is needed because with the ability of women to move freely in all walks of life in society where under Jewish christianity they never had. They must also be conditioned with the same repression men are.
That reminds me of this... Icelandic Schools Teaching Boys To Be Like Girls & Girls To Be Like Boys (Oct 2018)

This sermon reminds me of the sermons Divine Masculinity by HP HoodedCobra and Men, Women, Race & Tradition by HP Mageson. Great sermon series on this topic <3
Women are told they're complete worthless evil for even talking to a non-white but white guys race mix all the time and people are just like "awe, so sad, the beta male couldnt even find someone in his own race poor guy let's give him money and praise him". I agree it's really twisted.
If you ask me women are becoming more liberated this is why you see so many incels nowadays women don't want to be with these losers anymore. There's some guys I know that are totally hopeless and the only way they can have sex is to pay for it. They aren't even bad looking or anything but just their mentality towards women is absolutely disgusting and why they will either never have a girlfriend or will just be taken advantage of. Their horror for showing their feminine side also doesn't really make them masculine at all it just makes them little bitches who are afraid of what they truly are. Key feature of masculinity is confidence imo. A guy who lives in horror of being called feminine has no confidence, they just reek of fear and weakness and it's why no one wants to smash them. They're not men, they are little bitches.

These guys are just trash they are bad at dating, they are bad at intimacy and they are bad at fucking. And that's why women cheat on them as soon as they find a guy who can properly satisfy them. These guys have the mentality passed on by their retarded paternal figures and are basically copies of them. But women are no longer attracted to this fake masculinity which is why they become incels.

Women appreciate the feminine traits you mention it's why I keep getting put in the extremely awkward situation of turning them down because I'm not into women lol
That jew Step'in to the Moneyjew openly whines about this all the time because women have the freedom to date all they want. The beta's can't get a women anymore because they are not stuck in a system which forces women to marry them to survive.
Dahaarkan said:
If you ask me women are becoming more liberated this is why you see so many incels nowadays women don't want to be with these losers anymore. There's some guys I know that are totally hopeless and the only way they can have sex is to pay for it. They aren't even bad looking or anything but just their mentality towards women is absolutely disgusting and why they will either never have a girlfriend or will just be taken advantage of. Their horror for showing their feminine side also doesn't really make them masculine at all it just makes them little bitches who are afraid of what they truly are. Key feature of masculinity is confidence imo. A guy who lives in horror of being called feminine has no confidence, they just reek of fear and weakness and it's why no one wants to smash them. They're not men, they are little bitches.

These guys are just trash they are bad at dating, they are bad at intimacy and they are bad at fucking. And that's why women cheat on them as soon as they find a guy who can properly satisfy them. These guys have the mentality passed on by their retarded paternal figures and are basically copies of them. But women are no longer attracted to this fake masculinity which is why they become incels.

Women appreciate the feminine traits you mention it's why I keep getting put in the extremely awkward situation of turning them down because I'm not into women lol

Between liberation and slavery only lies a thin line. Many women think they are being 'liberated' and they cannot form a household, will go extinct or end up unhappy as a result. This is not liberation, this is death.

A woman wandering alone all her life without any family and maniacally seeking foreigners to fuck and botox surgery at her 70's and 80's is just not a sight one enjoys seeing. Where is the liberation here in that example?

On the contrary to full 'liberated slutdom' we have the other instability which is the full constrain of women by christianity. Women are unhappy in both of these states as both these states are unnatural. Jews don't push women in the kitchen all the talmud keeps repeating the castrated woman on one page and the viral carrier whore in the next page. Both are jewish creations.

Women are free in neither state of the above. What many people call 'liberation' is only becoming mass degeneracy past a point.

Sluts who viciously attack the emotions of innocents are not to be honored as 'liberated'. A single corrupted woman can corrupt hundreds of men in her lifetime at the relationship pace of the 21st century if she is dirty and negatively promiscuous and become a living biohazard to any society.

Similar to the above is the man-slut or a man who just goes around spreading destruction to women's hearts for no apparent reason, which all of such creates a vicious circle in the already bleeding relationships between people.

Slutdom is not freedom. One is enslaved to inner soul diseases that they spread to other innocent people. And it has also to be recognized many women have become terraformed and are spreading this to the average working (and actually decent) man, who yes, after all, deserves to be able to get laid on his level without needing three mansions and their personal jet (or just be drug users because druggies r cool) because the jews created these jewish standards to conquer the goyim with.

There are all sorts of garbage men that are worthless in every way and just oxygen consumers and get laid more than normal people who at least contribute something, even minor, to existence.

The laws of nature have been overthrown at this point so to say men do not have women simply because they are "BETA" is just bullshit fallacies all over again, and one should not create theories if they are not actively engaged with women and the construction of the jew in the century 21'st century woman's brain.

The MGTOW is retarded in how they whine and cry about this change, but part of the MGTOW that draws men is all the above inconsistencies which are created in the Jewtrix inside the mind of the opposite gender.

Likewise, many women resort to radical Feminism because they feel fed up and they want to puke with all the jewish 'beauty standards' and all the things 'women must do' in order to be 'woman enough'. This burdens both men and women, makes them hate one another, and their own nature.

It's the jews fault. They are the creators of these situations and prototypes.
In my opinion most incels are not incel because they have toxic views towards women. It's a combination of looks, mental illness, and traits deemed socially undesirable (like introversion, high risk aversion, high inhibition, etc.) This is not to say that none of them are truly horrible, but there are other traits to consider.

The number of sexual partners one has is not a great proxy for their overall worth as a human. Drug dealers, serial killers, etc. often have many women fawning over them. A man who lives for himself and his nation is worth far more than someone who sells cocaine and drives around in a Lamborghini to get laid a lot.
HP Mageson666 said:
That's the problems people get into when they live in this society that tries to put people into a binary gender roles and built an entire establishment on that.

Why not just allow people to develop naturally and have spiritual practices to integrate their psyche to express their soul natures without worrying about social assignment identity.....

Note how your reacting with extreme examples of strange sub cultures and some individual who had a nervous, mental breakdown and such..... What does that prove really...…. Gender is not sexual orientation either. I already stated the Jews are trying to ruin society to force it to conform to their Biblical narrative. Look at the example you offered your entire mind is wrapped up in their Marxist narrative just reacting to it within its box.

Men will continue to express themselves and women will as well but as fully integrated beings. This seems to be hard for you to grasp because your busy reacting to the wave of mental impressions from within the poltical narrative your consumed with. And the fact your hung up with examples that simply illustrate the externalization of the repression on the feminine aspect of the psyche. Really show this. You should actually read my article and think about it.

Jack The GOOD guy said:
Actually when a man wears a dress and says he's a 5 year old while he's actually a 40 year old dude , that's where you enter insane territory. Same with furries and many weird fetishist's who are mentally diagnosed but larping as genders. So my questions to you HPMageson is where do you draw the line. I can see three genders heterosexual, homosexual and bisexual. But all of these genders conform to their biological view of themselves. A homosexual gay man knows he's a man and he's attracted to other men. Lesbians know they're attracted to women while being women. Bisexuals know their gender and know their attracted to both sexes. But the problem in the transgender community is that they've captioned emotional impulses and feelings to being gendered. If someone feels feminine, you don't necessarily have to be a girl. You're just a guy who's a little feminine. A society where there is anarchy of gender identity cannot sustain itself. The cultural Marxist aim to create anarchy in the first place. So when do we know if a person is batshit insane or not ? Beyond which multi name gender ? Beyond which belief ?

Okay I read what you wrote. And I want to ask why shouldn't be gender binary as in biological gender ? And why should one lie about their biology ? One is born biologically either a man, or a woman or in extreme cases a Hermaphrodite (which is basically a genetic condition). I'm not talking about a biblical narrative or a pagan narrative. Im simply trying to understand how can this be possible ? As far as I know a male soul is supposed to be reincarnated in a male body and a female soul in a female body. So why even if a person is inclined to one side of their psyche why should they behave like the opposite biological gender and not just accept their predicament ? I mean you're simply a man whose a little feminine or largely feminine. Why do you have to be (transgender) or a female trapped in a males body ?

What I'm hinting at is there are two biological genders primarily and there is a spectrum of sexuality. And there is a spectrum of behavior (more feminine or more masculine).

However he/she is still he/she. If we start using weird gender pronouns and other weird representation our medical industry, our policy and everything would be in havoc.

What do you think about gender being biological and sexuality(heterosexual/homosexual/bisexual/) and behavior(either more feminine or more masculine) being a spectrum ?
HailVictory88 said:
In my opinion most incels are not incel because they have toxic views towards women. It's a combination of looks, mental illness, and traits deemed socially undesirable (like introversion, high risk aversion, high inhibition, etc.) This is not to say that none of them are truly horrible, but there are other traits to consider.

The number of sexual partners one has is not a great proxy for their overall worth as a human. Drug dealers, serial killers, etc. often have many women fawning over them. A man who lives for himself and his nation is worth far more than someone who sells cocaine and drives around in a Lamborghini to get laid a lot.

Women like men with power and the meaning of such has been to some extent inverted.

For example this guy who is too weak to even feel confidence and needs a needle for it is made to look cool. But in actual reality they are dogshit and worthless. Very low quality of breeding material too. The jew however glorifies these sewers and tries to project them as paragons of masculinity. Even this visage is enough to attract some women.

The jew has carefully picked traditional masculine traits where one needs the balls of 10 bulls combined to do, and transferred these to pencil neck kikes that sniff powder cause they can't feel good and shit in their own pants, as some sort of very masculine archetype.

This is sort of how the jews turned themselves from rats running in the desert to some sort of respectable hybrid for the mass mind through hollywood.

This is done deliberately by the jews to steer women away from the men who are truly powerful and who could spell the jew's destruction or any means of defense in conjunction to women.

However the mindwashing seems to only take down the inferior strata of women who are not very clever and fall too deep into this kike mindset. Sort of like women that were already low in the first place mentally. So the jew just gave them the push for it.

The primary working mind of women is not overthrown by these ghosts and mirrors. Actually, women are far more immune than men in that regard.
So every woman I see is not just for sex. And wishing I could fluke every girl in the word (lil Wayne) is just wrong. But I thought life was all about H(word) and materialism(extremely material)

Why talk as though women are not their own grand distinct being of their own selves. It's extremely degrading and evident that other gorgeous beings such as the independent women today is put to a low standard in comparison overall where it doesn't need to be. The argument of women this or that to me is nonsense because it simply doesn't matter. I mean we are all our own or becoming of ourselves and the difference of another individual is itself as an Individual. The crime is the actual split and degrading of beautiful beings naturally held within the same circle as ourselves. This is not to say the 'we are all the same thing', but all the arguments of this or that regarding whether I have this or that is bull. I also understand the scare and hate of feminine traits through many experiences and it's correct as stated with xianity and the jews In general in which all the jude faith attack the female.
Jack The GOOD guy said:
HP Mageson666 said:
That's the problems people get into when they live in this society that tries to put people into a binary gender roles and built an entire establishment on that.

Why not just allow people to develop naturally and have spiritual practices to integrate their psyche to express their soul natures without worrying about social assignment identity.....

Note how your reacting with extreme examples of strange sub cultures and some individual who had a nervous, mental breakdown and such..... What does that prove really...…. Gender is not sexual orientation either. I already stated the Jews are trying to ruin society to force it to conform to their Biblical narrative. Look at the example you offered your entire mind is wrapped up in their Marxist narrative just reacting to it within its box.

Men will continue to express themselves and women will as well but as fully integrated beings. This seems to be hard for you to grasp because your busy reacting to the wave of mental impressions from within the poltical narrative your consumed with. And the fact your hung up with examples that simply illustrate the externalization of the repression on the feminine aspect of the psyche. Really show this. You should actually read my article and think about it.

Jack The GOOD guy said:
Actually when a man wears a dress and says he's a 5 year old while he's actually a 40 year old dude , that's where you enter insane territory. Same with furries and many weird fetishist's who are mentally diagnosed but larping as genders. So my questions to you HPMageson is where do you draw the line. I can see three genders heterosexual, homosexual and bisexual. But all of these genders conform to their biological view of themselves. A homosexual gay man knows he's a man and he's attracted to other men. Lesbians know they're attracted to women while being women. Bisexuals know their gender and know their attracted to both sexes. But the problem in the transgender community is that they've captioned emotional impulses and feelings to being gendered. If someone feels feminine, you don't necessarily have to be a girl. You're just a guy who's a little feminine. A society where there is anarchy of gender identity cannot sustain itself. The cultural Marxist aim to create anarchy in the first place. So when do we know if a person is batshit insane or not ? Beyond which multi name gender ? Beyond which belief ?

Okay I read what you wrote. And I want to ask why shouldn't be gender binary as in biological gender ? And why should one lie about their biology ? One is born biologically either a man, or a woman or in extreme cases a Hermaphrodite (which is basically a genetic condition). I'm not talking about a biblical narrative or a pagan narrative. Im simply trying to understand how can this be possible ? As far as I know a male soul is supposed to be reincarnated in a male body and a female soul in a female body. So why even if a person is inclined to one side of their psyche why should they behave like the opposite biological gender and not just accept their predicament ? I mean you're simply a man whose a little feminine or largely feminine. Why do you have to be (transgender) or a female trapped in a males body ?

What I'm hinting at is there are two biological genders primarily and there is a spectrum of sexuality. And there is a spectrum of behavior (more feminine or more masculine).

However he/she is still he/she. If we start using weird gender pronouns and other weird representation our medical industry, our policy and everything would be in havoc.

What do you think about gender being biological and sexuality(heterosexual/homosexual/bisexual/) and behavior(either more feminine or more masculine) being a spectrum ?

The thing is mate you cannot debate biology as much as people love to try to do that all the time with fancy stuff. It's like their willies prove on their own what they are, and from there on, they can say they are a gunboat or a spaceship. I do not think anyone is as dumb as to try to defy biology.

What you don't seem to grasp is that we take the same gender body because our soul is like that but the soul itself can be differently polarized than the body, affecting our behavior and outlook. This doesn't change our basic biological gender. Which is why we have men who are more feminine. And that's fine. And who are in these categories do not have to give word about it constantly either.

In the same way we must not lie about genders biologically we must also not lie about the fact that men and women can actually be in behavioral and inner terms more on the opposing side. And that there is nothing wrong with it for the people who find themselves in that.

So nothing is really threatened here by accepting the above facts, they are not in opposition to reality...

Biology cannot be threatened by default since it's observable nature nor one's biological gender...

Nature doesn't make everyone chaotically polarized nor does it make the majority third sex but rather a minority which people can exist without anything bad in civilization other than jews whining we open our minds to facts like hermaphroditism and show acceptance to a bit kinsfolk.

And accepting the fact that many people can be male and with feminine behavior, or female with masculine behavior, doesn't mean the world's end. As stated before nature has premeditated the amount of what is what so that life can easily go on.
Thank you for your reply, HP, it makes a lot of sense. I can't stand how stupid society has become in regards to men and women-the sexes are not meant to fight each other. It's just frustrating because of how brainwashed people have become-the Jews tell women that working 80 hours a week is more honorable than starting a family, and tell White men that going over to Asia to do drugs, race-mix, and catch diseases is better than building a family and protecting and honoring your wife and children. "Please, goyim, just don't raise happy, healthy White children. The path to happiness is anything but that."
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jack The GOOD guy said:
HP Mageson666 said:
That's the problems people get into when they live in this society that tries to put people into a binary gender roles and built an entire establishment on that.

Why not just allow people to develop naturally and have spiritual practices to integrate their psyche to express their soul natures without worrying about social assignment identity.....

Note how your reacting with extreme examples of strange sub cultures and some individual who had a nervous, mental breakdown and such..... What does that prove really...…. Gender is not sexual orientation either. I already stated the Jews are trying to ruin society to force it to conform to their Biblical narrative. Look at the example you offered your entire mind is wrapped up in their Marxist narrative just reacting to it within its box.

Men will continue to express themselves and women will as well but as fully integrated beings. This seems to be hard for you to grasp because your busy reacting to the wave of mental impressions from within the poltical narrative your consumed with. And the fact your hung up with examples that simply illustrate the externalization of the repression on the feminine aspect of the psyche. Really show this. You should actually read my article and think about it.

Okay I read what you wrote. And I want to ask why shouldn't be gender binary as in biological gender ? And why should one lie about their biology ? One is born biologically either a man, or a woman or in extreme cases a Hermaphrodite (which is basically a genetic condition). I'm not talking about a biblical narrative or a pagan narrative. Im simply trying to understand how can this be possible ? As far as I know a male soul is supposed to be reincarnated in a male body and a female soul in a female body. So why even if a person is inclined to one side of their psyche why should they behave like the opposite biological gender and not just accept their predicament ? I mean you're simply a man whose a little feminine or largely feminine. Why do you have to be (transgender) or a female trapped in a males body ?

What I'm hinting at is there are two biological genders primarily and there is a spectrum of sexuality. And there is a spectrum of behavior (more feminine or more masculine).

However he/she is still he/she. If we start using weird gender pronouns and other weird representation our medical industry, our policy and everything would be in havoc.

What do you think about gender being biological and sexuality(heterosexual/homosexual/bisexual/) and behavior(either more feminine or more masculine) being a spectrum ?

The thing is mate you cannot debate biology as much as people love to try to do that all the time with fancy stuff. It's like their willies prove on their own what they are, and from there on, they can say they are a gunboat or a spaceship. I do not think anyone is as dumb as to try to defy biology.

What you don't seem to grasp is that we take the same gender body because our soul is like that but the soul itself can be differently polarized than the body, affecting our behavior and outlook. This doesn't change our basic biological gender. Which is why we have men who are more feminine. And that's fine. And who are in these categories do not have to give word about it constantly either.

In the same way we must not lie about genders biologically we must also not lie about the fact that men and women can actually be in behavioral and inner terms more on the opposing side. And that there is nothing wrong with it for the people who find themselves in that.

So nothing is really threatened here by accepting the above facts, they are not in opposition to reality...

Biology cannot be threatened by default since it's observable nature nor one's biological gender...

Nature doesn't make everyone chaotically polarized nor does it make the majority third sex but rather a minority which people can exist without anything bad in civilization other than jews whining we open our minds to facts like hermaphroditism and show acceptance to a bit kinsfolk.

And accepting the fact that many people can be male and with feminine behavior, or female with masculine behavior, doesn't mean the world's end. As stated before nature has premeditated the amount of what is what so that life can easily go on.

I honestly agree with what you just said. There's no reason not to accept yourself the way you are. Its okay to be feminine or masculine. The thing is with Jewish misinterpretation many ideas of behavior, gender and sex have been extremely flawed and the transexuals and transgender who buy into that bullshit and go on with that Marxist six million gender pronouns, muh sex change, I am what I believe to be shit, and all that regret it later when the games up and nothing really changes.
Just imagining a purely masculine or purely feminine individual is impossible. Imagine a person, and don't imagine their face, but just imagine in their behaviour a 100% or 100% masculine/feminine person. It's so absurd once you realize that this is exactly what MGTOW and Feminists are striving to be. They both want to act out the worst stereotypes about the sexes only to claim its everybody else's fault for not seeing them as how they truly are. I mean at what point do you just look in the mirror? Both literally and figuratively. We should strive to be good people who fit in with good people, not celebrities or some kind of victims of humanity itself. Be yourself you know.

I really hate MGTOW because they make it seem like all women are sick and evil and since they're a big name, it makes it seem like you can't hate one single woman or else everybody will have to test you over and over to make sure you're not potentially fucked up and hate all women. It is okay to hate women, as long as you don't hate women who've done nothing wrong. It shouldn't need to be said. When it comes to guys who are incel and rejected they clearly are just not in the right state of mind to date. I say get over it because most of these guys are straight up retards who have no excuse for being this way. Most women are normal. It makes the average man look like shit to even have MGTOW exist. It is the same thing with feminism in my opinion because I will personally not date a woman who claims to be a feminist. Something that comes from growing up should be realizing all of this stuff, so if someone doesn't realize it, I assume they aren't fully mature yet. There's a problem in society and it isn't gender.
Jack The GOOD guy said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jack The GOOD guy said:

I honestly agree with what you just said. There's no reason not to accept yourself the way you are. Its okay to be feminine or masculine. The thing is with Jewish misinterpretation many ideas of behavior, gender and sex have been extremely flawed and the transexuals and transgender who buy into that bullshit and go on with that Marxist six million gender pronouns, muh sex change, I am what I believe to be shit, and all that regret it later when the games up and nothing really changes.

Thing is most trans people are just people who wanna live a peaceful life in peace with themselves like anyone else. The jew however uses these different people to agitate the larger mass and turns a few of them into a militant sect because the jew hates different people.

Some are also very misguided about their choice and carry on dangerous surgeries based on internal insecurity or uncertainty. Some are just uncertain and they just regret it later when they find out the pharma kikes lied to them about how 'fully transitioned' they will be. Some however are certain, adults, and they take life altering decisions, to which nobody has a right to interfere directly. On the other hand the people who do these decisions do not have the right to enforce these on others or society.

I think the polarity that many trans people feel is frequently taken as a mistake and misappropriation of the body. This is why unless one spends a very good time in meditation they shouldn't go to dubious doctors to do experimental and also highly dangerous and irreversible surgeries to them. Some people are though actual trans, and they always took this route of life even before all these surgeries and modern capabilities. So there is something here more than surface needs.

There are people who also do not take trans very seriously and they just do it for the whim. Well these people have what is coming at them same as people who go and do just about anything stupid.

There are however trans people who are happy and they are fine with their decisions and normal people. These are the least shown in the TV's and jewish propaganda because this will create tolerance. As they are not frantic about the whole thing, and they just live life happily or at least in and adjusted way.

This is the same how the jew will pick up the pompous jewish problematic gay to put as example when it comes to gays. And the bad man to be the 'masculine prototype' etc.

The jew hides spiritual reality so many people cannot see the above. One feels feminine and then they assume they must be a woman. I see this as a common thing in all stories of gender confused people. They say they liked male clothes so they thought when they were young they were men....uhm...not necessarily.

With jews creating more genders they just do it to confuse people and make them mad and further lost. This is sort of the jewish revenge on our society for opening and accepting Trans, Gay and Bi. The jew just lashed out and created 100 other categories to make people mad. However Trans/Hermaphrodite Gay and Bi just result in nature too it's not something rabbi shekelstein created in a university like the other 100 pronouns.
When I embraced my femmininity thats when I became real happy, freedom comes from acceptance. This happened around the time Hoodedcobra posted the self acceptance sermon. Now I am so much happier, energetic than before. before I was always depressed frustrated and tired. I often when walking with my dog I try to invoke those feelings I would get when I was a child(I was very emotional child, very sensible) and those are some great fun moments in which I feel a lot of freedom.
HP Mageson666 said:
That's the problems people get into when they live in this society that tries to put people into a binary gender roles and built an entire establishment on that.

Why not just allow people to develop naturally and have spiritual practices to integrate their psyche to express their soul natures without worrying about social assignment identity.....

Note how your reacting with extreme examples of strange sub cultures and some individual who had a nervous, mental breakdown and such..... What does that prove really...…. Gender is not sexual orientation either. I already stated the Jews are trying to ruin society to force it to conform to their Biblical narrative. Look at the example you offered your entire mind is wrapped up in their Marxist narrative just reacting to it within its box.

Men will continue to express themselves and women will as well but as fully integrated beings. This seems to be hard for you to grasp because your busy reacting to the wave of mental impressions from within the poltical narrative your consumed with. And the fact your hung up with examples that simply illustrate the externalization of the repression on the feminine aspect of the psyche. Really show this. You should actually read my article and think about it.

Jack The GOOD guy said:
Actually when a man wears a dress and says he's a 5 year old while he's actually a 40 year old dude , that's where you enter insane territory. Same with furries and many weird fetishist's who are mentally diagnosed but larping as genders. So my questions to you HPMageson is where do you draw the line. I can see three genders heterosexual, homosexual and bisexual. But all of these genders conform to their biological view of themselves. A homosexual gay man knows he's a man and he's attracted to other men. Lesbians know they're attracted to women while being women. Bisexuals know their gender and know their attracted to both sexes. But the problem in the transgender community is that they've captioned emotional impulses and feelings to being gendered. If someone feels feminine, you don't necessarily have to be a girl. You're just a guy who's a little feminine. A society where there is anarchy of gender identity cannot sustain itself. The cultural Marxist aim to create anarchy in the first place. So when do we know if a person is batshit insane or not ? Beyond which multi name gender ? Beyond which belief ?

I read your post HP and there are things that i still don t understand. I mean i write down the theoretical part but the practica shows certain patterns in society. So.ehow when men become more womanized society starts to loose its defensive abilities. They start to like refugees, laws to protect the poor criminals start to be implemented and so on. Look at Russia and Sweeden. I know Russia is heavily controlled by them but who would win in a physycal confrontation. Leonidas' warriors were bisexual warriors but the lgbt dudes today are ... just look at them.

Women tell me "why cant they be in politics, economy, business, car driving?" And every time me and some guys discuss such subjects: politics, economy, science, anciend histoty and culture they role their eyes and start laughing. With a few very smart and open exceptions. Maybe in nature each of us has certain aptitudes therfore roles. The modern equalizing has btought disaster. I mean society was jwed before but somehow we managed to not go extinct. Look at Swedens government.

There is also something else. I am under the impression that sexuality can be changed. Men in prison or war lust for sex so they can become bi. Mgtow has also showed how frustrations can make a straight man gay. And it also appears that the societies that have egeminate men decrease the birth rates. I belive you HP when you talk about the both sides if the soul but i am not sure how they properly manifest. The jws also push this lgbt ideology a lot on whites. And after that offer xianity as a solution when everything goes bad. The fac that some if us are so angry is that we see this threats of multiculturalism race mixing and demographical change due to the feminization of men which leads to this incapacity to build a border. It is what we see not what we read

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
