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Jul 14, 2020
So I have been slowly waking up to what is going on and realized recently that what I have been experiencing is directly tied to my belief system and allegiance to Satan.

For the past couple of years I have been experiencing what people know to be called "gangstalked", and a "targeted individual". I was in denial for some time and thought maybe I was just crazy and losing my mind, but even when I went to the hospital for mental break downs the psychiatrists and nurses would tell me I am not crazy and that I am highly intelligent. I even had 1 nurse after me getting released out of the psych ward, ask to hang out with me and ask if I wanted to smoke weed with them? I literally smoked weed witha nurse after being in there because I thought I was crazy. Wish I were making this shit up.

I have had multiple people come up to me and warn me I'm being monitored by a secret society, one lady said to me "you don't get it do you, it's all a trap" and then said nevermind when I asked her to elaborate. 2 of them begged me not to say anything or they would get killed for telling me.

Phone tapped, human trafficked, black escalades, SUVS, and Audi's follow me with the most recent being a black lambo driven by a celebrity follow me. Police cars follow me, black helicopters follow me. Agents put in my life to cause havoc, drama, and chaos. People versed in "black magick" to hypnotize me and get me to do stuff I normally wouldn't. Electronics harming my body. My food poisoned and drugged. Severe spiritual warfare. Severe. Right now police officers are working with someone who drugged and raped me and tried filming pornography that this organization hired , to basically set me up for some crime they set me up to supposedly do, yet I have committed no crime.

For the longest time most of them would deny it was going on and gaslight me, now they don't care. They openly admit. The most recent time I went to psychiatrist, I never met them before but they asked me a series of questions that were dead give aways that I was being gangstalked and when I answered yes to them and said but i'm not schizophrenic, they gave me the scariest look and said "I know, you actually have complex-PTSD" then they kicked me out of the hospital and were very rude about it.

so this all happened and it would take a whole novel to tell you everything that happened. I was trying to pinpoint when it exactly began. I believe I have been targeted since birth except it got really bad 4.5 years ago when I dedicated my soul to Satan. Ever since I dedicated my soul to Satan: Christians, Catholics, Muslims, Jews, new agers, and freemasons have all been TARGETING ME! It's insidious.

They even sent one after me that pretended to be gang stalked too, and he would accuse me of being a gangstalker myself but then tell em the only way for it to stop is to repent to jesus christ and accept him as my lord and saviour. Quite disgusting and obvious gaslighting considering one minute he tells me I'm a gangstalker myself, then the next minute he's telling me I'm in the illuminati, a witch, and that I need to repent to jesus christ if I want the gangstalking to stop.

Recently I began thinking about paganism a lot deeper than usual trying to grasp why I have been getting gangstalked. I remember from shows I watched as a teenager, specifically one called Reign. in the show pagans were hunted by the catholic church. I started researching and wouldn't you know it, throughout history there have literally been witch hunts for pagans. They were hunted by & demonized by ALL religions! Pagans have literally been getting gang stalked for centuries, so it's not just me.

So I think deeper about the bible, because you know, I got human trafficked, raped, think of my adoptive father and how he's a christian but is a woman hater and pedophile, and what do you know! The bible encourages human slavery, human trafficking, raping woman, killing woman, stoning woman to death, keeping woman as slaves, making woman subservient to men.

wow crazy. then I think about how christians symbolically eat the flesh of jesus christ, drink his blood, and celebrates him being ritualistically murdered for some spell that caused everything happening today to fucking happen. Everything Christians and catholics call satanic and demonic, is ALL THEIR DOING.

You look at the Ceo's of major companies: christians, jews, catholics, muslims

You look at all homeless shelters and most are christian based.

Most charities: Christian based

a lot of police officers: christians

a lot of judges: christians


Aboslutely nuts! I was genuinely like why the fuck am I being targeted so heavily where it feels like my soul is literally under attack, and the answer has always been right in front of me!

The church I attended growing up IS FILLED WITH PEDOPHILES and one got arrested! Its now starting to make sense why my parents abused me in the name of jesus and got me to accept jesus as my saviour millions of times basically, because they could sense I was different.

I remember when I dedicated my soul to Satan it felt like I was connecting to something I once knew. It felt way too familiar, like De ja vu. My gangstalkers have told me repeatedly that they know when "starseeds/indigo children" willl be born because apparently ultra sounds are used for more than wat they are advertised as. Not sure if there is truth to this, but they have all told me somehow they know when people like us will be born and they attack us the minute we come out the womb.

My parents always treated me like im some demon child. Little did I know hey. I always questioned way too much and hated the roles they tried getting me to play. I asked way too many questions growing up, and to this day still ask too many.

I'm getting really sick of the harassment and target though. I'm sick of being attacked by archangels and people telling me but oh they're good. Like no, archangels are devious and conniving and are actually very evil. I've interacted with them before and they have literally abused me. I'm started to believe paranormal activity people experience is by them. The funniest thing is if I was some evil overlord I wouldn't fucking make myself look like one and wear red horns. I would make myself very attractive, benevolent, and alluring to draw people in.

The light is very blinding. Look into the sun and it hurts. Yet scientifically speaking, our eyes adjust so we can see in the dark. Coincidence?

If it's even a thing and possible. I ask that people please send supporting energy and if they can to please help. I really need to get the meditations done to protect myself but these people are really out to get me.

They have set me up in an apartment they pay for and control my finances, and funny enough the apartment they set me up in is SURPRISE a christian organization. The homeless shelter they humant rafficked me out of was SURPRISE a christian organization called Covenant House. The human trafficking safe home SURPRISE christian organization. Victims services SURPRISE christian organization. The therapists they set me up with SURPRISE christians pretending to be spiritual and when I meet them are instantly rude to me despite me now knowing who the fuck they are.

If I could get any assistance it would be greatly appreciated as I'm up against this all alone and I can't emphasize how bad it is. It's not delusions and not me being crazy or scizo.

They even sent sugar daddies after me when they were financially abusing me. The first they sent was a multi millionaire JEW. I facetimed him and he was repulsive. He randomly started talking about how they are working hard to get rid of the middle class so its rich vs poor then he licked his lips and said he wants me to be his sex slave and travel as his slave around the world. I hung up.

The second with a catholic italian with mob ties, who again was very wealthy and was a devout COMMUNIST. Fucking bullshit. My parents are christians too and abused me my whole life and would gaslight me severely and punish me when I hadn't done anything wrong. if i try to tell the rest of my family about the abuse they literally tell me I need to repent and accept Jesus as my lord and saviour.

I will never do that. more than ever now I need support because right now I am all alone being targeted by hundreds of people. They are in my area, they control my entire life.
Most of what you write is gross exagerrations and self persecution fears and/or syndrome caused by all the events described in your life.

If so many people were after you with intent to actually harm you, you would be a goner.

Stop the crack pipe paranoia mentality since it is not relaity based and try to rebuild life with the means Satan has bestowed.

I have been subject to gangstalking also for the past few years. Check out this video:

analysis of the techniques jews use to gangstalk those who know who they are and what they are doing
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Most of what you write is gross exagerrations and self persecution fears and/or syndrome caused by all the events described in your life.

If so many people were after you with intent to actually harm you, you would be a goner.

Stop the crack pipe paranoia mentality since it is not relaity based and try to rebuild life with the means Satan has bestowed.


This^^. All the people I’ve seen with this type of mindset have been on drugs, if not daily then one point at like for sure. I’ve even heard of marijuana causing schizophrenic like symptoms like this.

And I’ve always thought to myself. Damn, what makes this person think that they’re so important/such a threat to the agenda of the enemy. That they’re going to send people after them just to do senseless shit like they described and not get directly taken out and done away with. Especially when they have no real type of power or anything. Not doing any serious damage against the enemies agenda or anything etc.

It’s just because they’re just tripping and that stuff isn’t actually going on.

You. OP(original poster). Need to step out of your head and into reality. Meditation and yoga will help with this.

Stop doing drugs, they’re obviously just making you paranoid. You like to feel like that I’m guessing?

I guarantee you. You would be a goner already as HP Hooded Cobra said.
Aside from Hp Hoodedcobra said, I think you should also work on removing ties with that nefarious xian thing.
Also, never say you're pagan, say you're atheist.

Binding spells, detaching from unwanted people. Everything is on the website. Use whichever is necessary to get some peace of mind.

And simply, don't. ask. questions. to xians. Do you really want to know?
BastetKhalia said:
So I have been slowly waking up to what is going on and realized recently that what I have been experiencing is directly tied to my belief system and allegiance to Satan.

For the past couple of years I have been experiencing what people know to be called "gangstalked", and a "targeted individual". I was in denial for some time and thought maybe I was just crazy and losing my mind, but even when I went to the hospital for mental break downs the psychiatrists and nurses would tell me I am not crazy and that I am highly intelligent. I even had 1 nurse after me getting released out of the psych ward, ask to hang out with me and ask if I wanted to smoke weed with them? I literally smoked weed witha nurse after being in there because I thought I was crazy. Wish I were making this shit up.

I have had multiple people come up to me and warn me I'm being monitored by a secret society, one lady said to me "you don't get it do you, it's all a trap" and then said nevermind when I asked her to elaborate. 2 of them begged me not to say anything or they would get killed for telling me.

Phone tapped, human trafficked, black escalades, SUVS, and Audi's follow me with the most recent being a black lambo driven by a celebrity follow me. Police cars follow me, black helicopters follow me. Agents put in my life to cause havoc, drama, and chaos. People versed in "black magick" to hypnotize me and get me to do stuff I normally wouldn't. Electronics harming my body. My food poisoned and drugged. Severe spiritual warfare. Severe. Right now police officers are working with someone who drugged and raped me and tried filming pornography that this organization hired , to basically set me up for some crime they set me up to supposedly do, yet I have committed no crime.

For the longest time most of them would deny it was going on and gaslight me, now they don't care. They openly admit. The most recent time I went to psychiatrist, I never met them before but they asked me a series of questions that were dead give aways that I was being gangstalked and when I answered yes to them and said but i'm not schizophrenic, they gave me the scariest look and said "I know, you actually have complex-PTSD" then they kicked me out of the hospital and were very rude about it.

so this all happened and it would take a whole novel to tell you everything that happened. I was trying to pinpoint when it exactly began. I believe I have been targeted since birth except it got really bad 4.5 years ago when I dedicated my soul to Satan. Ever since I dedicated my soul to Satan: Christians, Catholics, Muslims, Jews, new agers, and freemasons have all been TARGETING ME! It's insidious.

They even sent one after me that pretended to be gang stalked too, and he would accuse me of being a gangstalker myself but then tell em the only way for it to stop is to repent to jesus christ and accept him as my lord and saviour. Quite disgusting and obvious gaslighting considering one minute he tells me I'm a gangstalker myself, then the next minute he's telling me I'm in the illuminati, a witch, and that I need to repent to jesus christ if I want the gangstalking to stop.

Recently I began thinking about paganism a lot deeper than usual trying to grasp why I have been getting gangstalked. I remember from shows I watched as a teenager, specifically one called Reign. in the show pagans were hunted by the catholic church. I started researching and wouldn't you know it, throughout history there have literally been witch hunts for pagans. They were hunted by & demonized by ALL religions! Pagans have literally been getting gang stalked for centuries, so it's not just me.

So I think deeper about the bible, because you know, I got human trafficked, raped, think of my adoptive father and how he's a christian but is a woman hater and pedophile, and what do you know! The bible encourages human slavery, human trafficking, raping woman, killing woman, stoning woman to death, keeping woman as slaves, making woman subservient to men.

wow crazy. then I think about how christians symbolically eat the flesh of jesus christ, drink his blood, and celebrates him being ritualistically murdered for some spell that caused everything happening today to fucking happen. Everything Christians and catholics call satanic and demonic, is ALL THEIR DOING.

You look at the Ceo's of major companies: christians, jews, catholics, muslims

You look at all homeless shelters and most are christian based.

Most charities: Christian based

a lot of police officers: christians

a lot of judges: christians


Aboslutely nuts! I was genuinely like why the fuck am I being targeted so heavily where it feels like my soul is literally under attack, and the answer has always been right in front of me!

The church I attended growing up IS FILLED WITH PEDOPHILES and one got arrested! Its now starting to make sense why my parents abused me in the name of jesus and got me to accept jesus as my saviour millions of times basically, because they could sense I was different.

I remember when I dedicated my soul to Satan it felt like I was connecting to something I once knew. It felt way too familiar, like De ja vu. My gangstalkers have told me repeatedly that they know when "starseeds/indigo children" willl be born because apparently ultra sounds are used for more than wat they are advertised as. Not sure if there is truth to this, but they have all told me somehow they know when people like us will be born and they attack us the minute we come out the womb.

My parents always treated me like im some demon child. Little did I know hey. I always questioned way too much and hated the roles they tried getting me to play. I asked way too many questions growing up, and to this day still ask too many.

I'm getting really sick of the harassment and target though. I'm sick of being attacked by archangels and people telling me but oh they're good. Like no, archangels are devious and conniving and are actually very evil. I've interacted with them before and they have literally abused me. I'm started to believe paranormal activity people experience is by them. The funniest thing is if I was some evil overlord I wouldn't fucking make myself look like one and wear red horns. I would make myself very attractive, benevolent, and alluring to draw people in.

The light is very blinding. Look into the sun and it hurts. Yet scientifically speaking, our eyes adjust so we can see in the dark. Coincidence?

If it's even a thing and possible. I ask that people please send supporting energy and if they can to please help. I really need to get the meditations done to protect myself but these people are really out to get me.

They have set me up in an apartment they pay for and control my finances, and funny enough the apartment they set me up in is SURPRISE a christian organization. The homeless shelter they humant rafficked me out of was SURPRISE a christian organization called Covenant House. The human trafficking safe home SURPRISE christian organization. Victims services SURPRISE christian organization. The therapists they set me up with SURPRISE christians pretending to be spiritual and when I meet them are instantly rude to me despite me now knowing who the fuck they are.

If I could get any assistance it would be greatly appreciated as I'm up against this all alone and I can't emphasize how bad it is. It's not delusions and not me being crazy or scizo.

They even sent sugar daddies after me when they were financially abusing me. The first they sent was a multi millionaire JEW. I facetimed him and he was repulsive. He randomly started talking about how they are working hard to get rid of the middle class so its rich vs poor then he licked his lips and said he wants me to be his sex slave and travel as his slave around the world. I hung up.

The second with a catholic italian with mob ties, who again was very wealthy and was a devout COMMUNIST. Fucking bullshit. My parents are christians too and abused me my whole life and would gaslight me severely and punish me when I hadn't done anything wrong. if i try to tell the rest of my family about the abuse they literally tell me I need to repent and accept Jesus as my lord and saviour.

I will never do that. more than ever now I need support because right now I am all alone being targeted by hundreds of people. They are in my area, they control my entire life.

What meditations are you doing? Are you cleaning your aura and programming it to protect?

Hail Satan
I don't get this mentality, does a nobody like you or I seriously think we are important enough to be followed around by black helicopters and celebrities in supercars? Even world leaders and other important figures don't get treated like that. You need to grow up. This is a JOKE.

If there is a cellphone in your pocket you already can be stalked by ZOG. All of this about an entourage following you around is boondoggle. If you think it is that urgent do a prayer for protection, or just put dat bong down.
I agree with Cobra but some of this might help you if any of it applies. Check your base Chakra and make sure that it is strong and empowered and clean.

Also maybe your a little lacking in air and too strong in earth element or you have too much water. Work to correct this by invoking the opposite.

If possible Do a planetary square on anything that might have something like Algol Zosma Scheat Polaris or something like that conjunct or in opposition to it. These Stars can cause some of the thinking and issues you describe.

Void meditation helps with all this.

Also do cleansing on yourself a lot.

Wunjo rune and Nauthiz can help in issues like this.

Come up with an affirmation let's say Wunjo ansuz Nauthiz and do each like a power number amount of times.

It can be like healing from trauma of when you grew up or of xtianity itself.

I like this one Ansuz Wunjo Uruz 88 times

"I am completly and totally free of all connections and influences of Christianity right now and all Christian thinking and programming"

Maybe do that for 40 days.

Good Luck.

This might help if any of this stuff applies.
slyscorpion said:
I like this one Ansuz Wunjo Uruz 88 times

"I am completly and totally free of all connections and influences of Christianity right now and all Christian thinking and programming"

Maybe do that for 40 days.

Hey, I would like to add that lesser power numbers are fine also as long as vibrations are done with good focus, somewhat slowly and exhaling all the way. Quality over quantity since doing 88 reps with high quality is a long time and time is in short supply. I imagine many of us are doing more than one working simultaneously, so it all builds up and there is more to life than only vibrations, eh?
slyscorpion said:
I agree with Cobra but some of this might help you if any of it applies. Check your base Chakra and make sure that it is strong and empowered and clean.

Also maybe your a little lacking in air and too strong in earth element or you have too much water. Work to correct this by invoking the opposite.

If possible Do a planetary square on anything that might have something like Algol Zosma Scheat Polaris or something like that conjunct or in opposition to it. These Stars can cause some of the thinking and issues you describe.

Void meditation helps with all this.

Also do cleansing on yourself a lot.

Wunjo rune and Nauthiz can help in issues like this.

Come up with an affirmation let's say Wunjo ansuz Nauthiz and do each like a power number amount of times.

It can be like healing from trauma of when you grew up or of xtianity itself.

I like this one Ansuz Wunjo Uruz 88 times

"I am completly and totally free of all connections and influences of Christianity right now and all Christian thinking and programming"

Maybe do that for 40 days.

Good Luck.

This might help if any of this stuff applies.

I believe I have algol in a prominent position. Check out my post on my fixed stars for details. Thanks for your advice I'll investigate further.
If it is not possible to delete a post, it is possible to reply to other posts, so this post will drown.
This person gets raped, violated, trafficked, is obviously born on the enemy side and the enemy has all the wealth, connections, etc., probably on a part of the enemy that has more power than the lowlife goons and all you people say is 'This is a joke.' And 'You need to step into reality.' Along with other crap. And you all wonder why I'm not longer active on the forums. At least you lot gave advice. At least that much.
BastetKhalia said:
So I have been slowly waking up to what is going on and realized recently that what I have been experiencing is directly tied to my belief system and allegiance to Satan.

For the past couple of years I have been experiencing what people know to be called "gangstalked", and a "targeted individual". I was in denial for some time and thought maybe I was just crazy and losing my mind, but even when I went to the hospital for mental break downs the psychiatrists and nurses would tell me I am not crazy and that I am highly intelligent. I even had 1 nurse after me getting released out of the psych ward, ask to hang out with me and ask if I wanted to smoke weed with them? I literally smoked weed witha nurse after being in there because I thought I was crazy. Wish I were making this shit up.

I have had multiple people come up to me and warn me I'm being monitored by a secret society, one lady said to me "you don't get it do you, it's all a trap" and then said nevermind when I asked her to elaborate. 2 of them begged me not to say anything or they would get killed for telling me.

Phone tapped, human trafficked, black escalades, SUVS, and Audi's follow me with the most recent being a black lambo driven by a celebrity follow me. Police cars follow me, black helicopters follow me. Agents put in my life to cause havoc, drama, and chaos. People versed in "black magick" to hypnotize me and get me to do stuff I normally wouldn't. Electronics harming my body. My food poisoned and drugged. Severe spiritual warfare. Severe. Right now police officers are working with someone who drugged and raped me and tried filming pornography that this organization hired , to basically set me up for some crime they set me up to supposedly do, yet I have committed no crime.

For the longest time most of them would deny it was going on and gaslight me, now they don't care. They openly admit. The most recent time I went to psychiatrist, I never met them before but they asked me a series of questions that were dead give aways that I was being gangstalked and when I answered yes to them and said but i'm not schizophrenic, they gave me the scariest look and said "I know, you actually have complex-PTSD" then they kicked me out of the hospital and were very rude about it.

so this all happened and it would take a whole novel to tell you everything that happened. I was trying to pinpoint when it exactly began. I believe I have been targeted since birth except it got really bad 4.5 years ago when I dedicated my soul to Satan. Ever since I dedicated my soul to Satan: Christians, Catholics, Muslims, Jews, new agers, and freemasons have all been TARGETING ME! It's insidious.

They even sent one after me that pretended to be gang stalked too, and he would accuse me of being a gangstalker myself but then tell em the only way for it to stop is to repent to jesus christ and accept him as my lord and saviour. Quite disgusting and obvious gaslighting considering one minute he tells me I'm a gangstalker myself, then the next minute he's telling me I'm in the illuminati, a witch, and that I need to repent to jesus christ if I want the gangstalking to stop.

Recently I began thinking about paganism a lot deeper than usual trying to grasp why I have been getting gangstalked. I remember from shows I watched as a teenager, specifically one called Reign. in the show pagans were hunted by the catholic church. I started researching and wouldn't you know it, throughout history there have literally been witch hunts for pagans. They were hunted by & demonized by ALL religions! Pagans have literally been getting gang stalked for centuries, so it's not just me.

So I think deeper about the bible, because you know, I got human trafficked, raped, think of my adoptive father and how he's a christian but is a woman hater and pedophile, and what do you know! The bible encourages human slavery, human trafficking, raping woman, killing woman, stoning woman to death, keeping woman as slaves, making woman subservient to men.

wow crazy. then I think about how christians symbolically eat the flesh of jesus christ, drink his blood, and celebrates him being ritualistically murdered for some spell that caused everything happening today to fucking happen. Everything Christians and catholics call satanic and demonic, is ALL THEIR DOING.

You look at the Ceo's of major companies: christians, jews, catholics, muslims

You look at all homeless shelters and most are christian based.

Most charities: Christian based

a lot of police officers: christians

a lot of judges: christians


Aboslutely nuts! I was genuinely like why the fuck am I being targeted so heavily where it feels like my soul is literally under attack, and the answer has always been right in front of me!

The church I attended growing up IS FILLED WITH PEDOPHILES and one got arrested! Its now starting to make sense why my parents abused me in the name of jesus and got me to accept jesus as my saviour millions of times basically, because they could sense I was different.

I remember when I dedicated my soul to Satan it felt like I was connecting to something I once knew. It felt way too familiar, like De ja vu. My gangstalkers have told me repeatedly that they know when "starseeds/indigo children" willl be born because apparently ultra sounds are used for more than wat they are advertised as. Not sure if there is truth to this, but they have all told me somehow they know when people like us will be born and they attack us the minute we come out the womb.

My parents always treated me like im some demon child. Little did I know hey. I always questioned way too much and hated the roles they tried getting me to play. I asked way too many questions growing up, and to this day still ask too many.

I'm getting really sick of the harassment and target though. I'm sick of being attacked by archangels and people telling me but oh they're good. Like no, archangels are devious and conniving and are actually very evil. I've interacted with them before and they have literally abused me. I'm started to believe paranormal activity people experience is by them. The funniest thing is if I was some evil overlord I wouldn't fucking make myself look like one and wear red horns. I would make myself very attractive, benevolent, and alluring to draw people in.

The light is very blinding. Look into the sun and it hurts. Yet scientifically speaking, our eyes adjust so we can see in the dark. Coincidence?

If it's even a thing and possible. I ask that people please send supporting energy and if they can to please help. I really need to get the meditations done to protect myself but these people are really out to get me.

They have set me up in an apartment they pay for and control my finances, and funny enough the apartment they set me up in is SURPRISE a christian organization. The homeless shelter they humant rafficked me out of was SURPRISE a christian organization called Covenant House. The human trafficking safe home SURPRISE christian organization. Victims services SURPRISE christian organization. The therapists they set me up with SURPRISE christians pretending to be spiritual and when I meet them are instantly rude to me despite me now knowing who the fuck they are.

If I could get any assistance it would be greatly appreciated as I'm up against this all alone and I can't emphasize how bad it is. It's not delusions and not me being crazy or scizo.

They even sent sugar daddies after me when they were financially abusing me. The first they sent was a multi millionaire JEW. I facetimed him and he was repulsive. He randomly started talking about how they are working hard to get rid of the middle class so its rich vs poor then he licked his lips and said he wants me to be his sex slave and travel as his slave around the world. I hung up.

The second with a catholic italian with mob ties, who again was very wealthy and was a devout COMMUNIST. Fucking bullshit. My parents are christians too and abused me my whole life and would gaslight me severely and punish me when I hadn't done anything wrong. if i try to tell the rest of my family about the abuse they literally tell me I need to repent and accept Jesus as my lord and saviour.

I will never do that. more than ever now I need support because right now I am all alone being targeted by hundreds of people. They are in my area, they control my entire life.
I'll help you. I quit the drugs myself and ignore anything harsh people say too, I understand how you feel. Take it easy, quit your drugs at your pace, meditate at your pace, never stress your body!
Gigipah666 said:
I'll help you. I quit the drugs myself and ignore anything harsh people say too, I understand how you feel. Take it easy, quit your drugs at your pace, meditate at your pace, never stress your body!

Good for you bud, I’m happy for you. :D

Have a good day.
Gigipah666 said:
This person gets raped, violated, trafficked, is obviously born on the enemy side and the enemy has all the wealth, connections, etc., probably on a part of the enemy that has more power than the lowlife goons and all you people say is 'This is a joke.' And 'You need to step into reality.' Along with other crap. And you all wonder why I'm not longer active on the forums. At least you lot gave advice. At least that much.

You are a junkie that said Satan gave you a "drug meditation". That is why you were ridiculed.

I'm not bashing your addiction, it's a terrible thing, but saying that Satan condones your substance abuse is BS.

The topic of drugs and how the Gods feel about them has covered many times.
retrograde said:
Hi, I know some people that could help you. I suppose we're a sort of network at this point, unofficially. Please contact me on discord Trudge#4537. We've got a lot to talk about. There's some weird stuff going on in this world and you have to be able to think for yourself because your mind is the first one you should trust, not others. Back in the middle of may I went out to walk to the bank and a blizzard came in out of nowhere and whiteout conditions ensued for somewhere between 30 minutes and an hour. Literally out of nowhere.. the weather is now being controlled.
I lost access to my other Gigipah666 account, I’ve added you as well. I’ve helped her with rituals myself on my own as a ghost, I’ve been attacked psychically for helping too. If you wouldn’t mind, accept my friend request on Discord so you could at least see if I’m being legit.
retrograde said:
Hi, I know some people that could help you. I suppose we're a sort of network at this point, unofficially. Please contact me on discord Trudge#4537. We've got a lot to talk about. There's some weird stuff going on in this world and you have to be able to think for yourself because your mind is the first one you should trust, not others. Back in the middle of may I went out to walk to the bank and a blizzard came in out of nowhere and whiteout conditions ensued for somewhere between 30 minutes and an hour. Literally out of nowhere.. the weather is now being controlled.
I lost access to my other Gigipah666 account, I’ve added you as well. I’ve helped her with rituals myself on my own as a ghost, I’ve been attacked psychically for helping too. If you wouldn’t mind, accept my friend request on Discord so you could at least see if I’m being legit.
Gigipah.666 said:
“BastetKhalia” said:
retrograde said:
Hi, I know some people that could help you. I suppose we're a sort of network at this point, unofficially. Please contact me on discord Trudge#4537. We've got a lot to talk about. There's some weird stuff going on in this world and you have to be able to think for yourself because your mind is the first one you should trust, not others. Back in the middle of may I went out to walk to the bank and a blizzard came in out of nowhere and whiteout conditions ensued for somewhere between 30 minutes and an hour. Literally out of nowhere.. the weather is now being controlled.
I lost access to my other Gigipah666 account, I’ve added you as well. I’ve helped her with rituals myself on my own as a ghost, I’ve been attacked psychically for helping too. If you wouldn’t mind, accept my friend request on Discord so you could at least see if I’m being legit.
Don’t trust this guy, started mentioning weird code words and mentioning a mind control system along with it, tried to tell me drugs aren’t bad in an attempt to convince me to go back into it, tried to tell me JoS “isn’t the spiritual authority” and he told me he doesn’t do RTR’s, yet he only trusts Satan and Himself. Told me people in his home had to clean up a gutter. Plain Jew. You’ll get x27 RTR’s tonight you degenerate.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Gigipah666 said:
This person gets raped, violated, trafficked, is obviously born on the enemy side and the enemy has all the wealth, connections, etc., probably on a part of the enemy that has more power than the lowlife goons and all you people say is 'This is a joke.' And 'You need to step into reality.' Along with other crap. And you all wonder why I'm not longer active on the forums. At least you lot gave advice. At least that much.

You are a junkie that said Satan gave you a "drug meditation". That is why you were ridiculed.

I'm not bashing your addiction, it's a terrible thing, but saying that Satan condones your substance abuse is BS.

The topic of drugs and how the Gods feel about them has covered many times.
1. Are you dumb or do you not read me saying I quit? You people are just butthurt you couldn’t get to me and it’s plain and obvious.
2. https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/4Newbies.html
“Recreational drug is your own business and your own judgement.”

And guess what? This former junkie, not present junkie unlike you who needs to go back to school and learn to read, has decided to help this person, while the rest of you decided to disregard. I bet you’re proud you never got raped and violated and decided to disregard along with the rest of the group with your soberness.

G o o d - f o r - y o u.

Also, mind your business. :mrgreen: :twisted:

You won’t see me reply further. I only care about helping people who are in a pinch, not someone like you who tries to get at me with every opportunity you get. Goodbye Lol.

Yeah ok keep being a goy and chasing that dragon. Junkie. Your existence is just serving as psychic energy for the enemy. How about you do something real instead of living in your pottarted fantasy land.
Whether you people hate me or not will not make a difference, I still care about SS’s even if some of them decide to be pricks to me and I won’t let some Jew sway me around like this retrograde guy did recently, mentioning code words for mind programming then trying to convince me to do drugs again, just because some people decided to pick at me for whatever reason they could find. Then this guy as well mentioned mind reading a lot then when I was going to the shop to buy food he said “I had the urge recently to get peanut butter” when I was on my way to the shop to buy peanut butter. I blocked him and deleted the account, but that’s all I can say here. Whether you people think I’m lying is also your choice. Many of you thought of me a Jew at first, I bet you all don’t now :D
Simply a person who had an existential issue and the drugs helped to temporarily get by. Now I’m clean. Whatever you people think of me is your choice, I’ll simply be alone for the sake of it, I cannot be bothered with y’all bullshit anymore :D

I’ve got enough options on my own, I’ll find some decent people anyhow.

This account won’t be used again because I used the same email to contact the retrograde guy on Discord, but I’d appreciate if it was left undeleted so the posts will remain. I’ll attempt to recover my other account.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
