Dahaarkan said:
What would be very useful for people to have access to is real spiritual knowledge and the habit of meditation and spiritual practices for self betterment. Men should entertain and voice their thoughts. Not be turned into soldiers that follow orders without question.
Watched too many jewlliwood films, have we?
Jews like to complain that the recent generations of goyim are too "undisciplined", "whiny" and "weak". When in reality our youth is simply rejecting and protesting the bullshit reality they are born into. Which is better than submitting to and accepting it as previous generations did.
Is that what is happening? Is it not that they, on average, care more about partying, poisons and endless indulgence that building and developing their lives? Is it not that they, on average, understand less and less about respect and depth as generations pass? Is it not that they, on average, care less and less about everything and everyone as generations pass?
If I had to described the trend of each new generation with three adjectives, I'd use: more indulgent, more shallow, more carefree.
What are they actually rejecting? Responsibility. Toward themselves, their possessions, other people.
What are they NOT rejecting? The jewish brainwashing that is spearheading their regression process. They comply more and more to what the kikes actually teach them: how NOT to live life. The great majority of younglings does NOT question the enemy agenda. They fully embrace it. 10k genders, 10k sexual orientations (ever hard of skoliosexual?), jews not to be questioned, ONE race, etc.
It's no wonder jews constantly want to push everyone to stay offline and away from anything connected to the internet. The internet is the key to their undoing.
It is also the key to their success, considering the amount of lies they have put stacked against one truth and how they relentlessly and mercilessly persecute dissidents like us.
The glorification of military is misplaced. Is it really such a necessary component of a nation. Gentiles are by design charitable and peace-loving. It is the jews who create the issues that lead to wars and the fabricated necessity for a military.
Militaries have always existed. A warrior class has always been the second top-most class in all Gentile societies before the kikes even landed on this planet. Their role was to protect the citizens from threats, internal and external, which is not what most militaries are doing now. The warrior class included law enforcement, fire brigade and lawyers too. Criminality was not 0 but it was very low indeed. Scum always exist, golden age or not. Denying that would be denying duality, reality itself.
I don't understand why it is so great to have a place where men are whipped into submission and obedience. Perhaps if these men hadn't had their free spirit crushed in favor of "discipline" and absolute obedience, some of the worst war crimes in history wouldn't have happened. The world has enough highly militarized Israeli golems terrorizing gentiles.
Stop watching jewish media and actually gain some experience of the military. Read the Mein Kampf. Even our Antichrist itself wanted 1 year of compulsory military service for men, after high school. Hitler's Youth was also built along the lines of the military, with ranks, a pyramidal structure, drills, discipline, etc.
The "growth" one can expect from military institutions one can gain through meditation, self-reflection and dedication to self-betterment.
No, it cannot be gained only from that. It depends on the person. Many families, which should be the prime deliverer of education, are neglectful or outright abusive. Many teachers, who are supposed to be the second deliverer of education, do not do their jobs properly either.
How many people need periodic visits to the dentist because they do not brush their teeth, eat too many sugars and drink too much coffee? (especially male)
How many people people become overweight because they have no measure when eating?
How many people drink alcohol?
How many people smoke/vape tobacco?
How many people do recreational drugs?
How many people (especially male) neglect their hygiene?
How many people neglect their physical bodies, such as doing too little or no physical exercise?
How many people neglect their minds, such as by doing mindless activities throughout their spare time?
How many people do not consider that each and every of their action does not affect only them but affect everyone else by proxy?
The answer to this question show a destructive trend as we move forward with each generations.
Do you live in a bubble?
Who are you to even contradict our Antichrist about military service?