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Future Events Fall Of China

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The situation is in the world is such. Trump has put major tariff's on China to combat the economic warfare that it has been waging on America for decades. This has created a system of escalation on China's side that has left the leader of China in a situation he can't win. Due to the nature of his rule he can't afford to lose or back down. Experts on China have pointed out the simple fact China can't win this trade war and the escalation of economic warfare with America. Europe is now stepping in and also pushing against China as well. Its been stated by experts on the subject the Chinese Communist Party can't stand up against this. The nature of this struggle and its escalation and how it connects to internal politics within China is going to lead to the total collapse of the Communist Party of China.

China has been attacking American planes and ships in the South China Sea as part of their claims to the Islands in the region claimed by Japan. These are aggressive acts of war. It might come down to the Chinese Communist Party could start a war to stay in power. That is a war China can not win but it could cause the collapse of the American dollar if it goes badly for America and American allies. But it will end in the collapse of the Communist Party in my opinion as the effects of such a war to China might speed up the conditions of the looming collapse. The conflict might not happen but it might. Much of China is bluster but the current leader might go that far. China can't survive an embargo from America, almost of all Chinese economy is based on trade with America. So what would a war with America and America's NATO allies such as Japan bring them. China is doomed to collapse and that is the end of the Communist regime.

The American sanctions on Iran might also bring about the collapse of the Islamic Regime of Iran as well. Soon it will bring the ability of Iran to sell oil to zero and that is it. There are major riots in Iran against the Islamic regime calling for the end of the Mullahs. China has stepped in to buy Iran's oil however this means the American sanctions will also target China and thus speed up the looming collapse of Communist China. Our RTR's are moving thought all of this and directing. Trump was the leader our RTR's brought into being and he might bring about the collapse of the last major base of the enemy Communist China. The one base the Jews still have and plan to use to wage war on the nations to bring about a Communist world government.

Also to add the economic collapse of Iran might force the regime into a war in the ME with America and its allies in the region. That is a possibility. The Iranian regime is shooting its citizens down in the streets now over the rioting against their regime. Its only going to get worse if the embargo's are placed on China over this and the Iranian economy is going to look like Venezuela. As the Europeans nations have bowed to Trump's embargo on Iran as well. Maybe the Iranians will buckle and give in like North Korea. The collapse of the Islamic regime in Iran will be a major blow to Islamic rule in the world as well. The whole program is coming apart. The Catholic Church is collapsing as well so is Christianity in general.

With the Final RTR done daily in our life times we will see the liberation of earth.
Something to consider the fall of the Islamic regime in Iran will end the rule forced Islamic indoctrination and religious law. That means the religious police will be gone and all this forcing of the Iranians to pour their spiritual power into the enemy program will be gone. The Iranians were betrayed after they overthrew the Shah by the Mullah faction of the revolution. The goal was to create a secular style free government. Then the Mullah faction overthrew that and declared an Islamic Theocracy instead.

With the Islamic regime gone this will open the door for the return of the Iranian cultural movements that want to restore Paganism into Iran and return to pre Islamic more Vedic ideals. The Iranians hate Islam as a alien ideology imposed on them by an alien regime and have had a long cultural war against it. This will allow Islam to be swept away in time out one of the largest if not the largest nation in the ME population wise.

What does the ME mean..?
HailMotherLilith said:

What does the ME mean..?
Middle East
I'm happy about the tariffs. China has been poisoning many countries with tainted foods, vaccines for babies and children that cause autism and inferior and toxic pharmaceuticals and much more, from cookware with toxic Teflon, etc.

To answer questions,
ME is an abbreviation for Middle East.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
I'm happy about the tariffs. China has been poisoning many countries with tainted foods, vaccines for babies and children that cause autism and inferior and toxic pharmaceuticals and much more, from cookware with toxic Teflon, etc.
Also brutalizing their own people who are forced to work in Jew owned factories. Literally worked to death and discarded.

This is why the Jewish media is attacking Trump for the tariffs. It puts a crimp in their slave labor. Many Chinese workers live in dorms, many crowded into small rooms. The Jew has it rigged so that eventually many workers who actually have to pay for meagre meals and the dorm rooms end up owing the Jew for this to where they have no more pay check. They then pay the Jew to work, getting deeper and deeper into debt. That is the reality.

In communist countries, one is not free to quit or change one's job. The Jewish controlled government TELLS you where you will work and what your job will be. Not showing up on time for work, or complaining can get one sent to the gulag.

Of course, most of the Jews living in communist countries can attend their universities and have special privileges that the Gentile populace doesn't.

To answer questions,
ME is an abbreviation for Middle East.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
I'm happy about the tariffs. China has been poisoning many countries with tainted foods, vaccines for babies and children that cause autism and inferior and toxic pharmaceuticals and much more, from cookware with toxic Teflon, etc.
Also brutalizing their own people who are forced to work in Jew owned factories. Literally worked to death and discarded.

This is why the Jewish media is attacking Trump for the tariffs. It puts a crimp in their slave labor. Many Chinese workers live in dorms, many crowded into small rooms. The Jew has it rigged so that eventually many workers who actually have to pay for meagre meals and the dorm rooms end up owing the Jew for this to where they have no more pay check. They then pay the Jew to work, getting deeper and deeper into debt. That is the reality.

In communist countries, one is not free to quit or change one's job. The Jewish controlled government TELLS you where you will work and what your job will be. Not showing up on time for work, or complaining can get one sent to the gulag.

Of course, most of the Jews living in communist countries can attend their universities and have special privileges that the Gentile populace doesn't.

To answer questions,
ME is an abbreviation for Middle East.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Thank you High Priestess for answering my question.

I hope the Chinese people get the chance to get rid of jewish scum.

Even when I was little I didn't like the Chinese nor the Russians. Now I understand why from the given information about what the Jews did and do.

Thank you to everyone for giving and providing us with free and educational information and resources, may Satan bless us all.

HP Mageson666 said:
The situation is in the world is such. Trump has put major tariff's on China to combat the economic warfare that it has been waging on America for decades. This has created a system of escalation on China's side that has left the leader of China in a situation he can't win. Due to the nature of his rule he can't afford to lose or back down. Experts on China have pointed out the simple fact China can't win this trade war and the escalation of economic warfare with America. Europe is now stepping in and also pushing against China as well. Its been stated by experts on the subject the Chinese Communist Party can't stand up against this. The nature of this struggle and its escalation and how it connects to internal politics within China is going to lead to the total collapse of the Communist Party of China.

China has been attacking American planes and ships in the South China Sea as part of their claims to the Islands in the region claimed by Japan. These are aggressive acts of war. It might come down to the Chinese Communist Party could start a war to stay in power. That is a war China can not win but it could cause the collapse of the American dollar if it goes badly for America and American allies. But it will end in the collapse of the Communist Party in my opinion as the effects of such a war to China might speed up the conditions of the looming collapse. The conflict might not happen but it might. Much of China is bluster but the current leader might go that far. China can't survive an embargo from America, almost of all Chinese economy is based on trade with America. So what would a war with America and America's NATO allies such as Japan bring them. China is doomed to collapse and that is the end of the Communist regime.

The American sanctions on Iran might also bring about the collapse of the Islamic Regime of Iran as well. Soon it will bring the ability of Iran to sell oil to zero and that is it. There are major riots in Iran against the Islamic regime calling for the end of the Mullahs. China has stepped in to buy Iran's oil however this means the American sanctions will also target China and thus speed up the looming collapse of Communist China. Our RTR's are moving thought all of this and directing. Trump was the leader our RTR's brought into being and he might bring about the collapse of the last major base of the enemy Communist China. The one base the Jews still have and plan to use to wage war on the nations to bring about a Communist world government.

Also to add the economic collapse of Iran might force the regime into a war in the ME with America and its allies in the region. That is a possibility. The Iranian regime is shooting its citizens down in the streets now over the rioting against their regime. Its only going to get worse if the embargo's are placed on China over this and the Iranian economy is going to look like Venezuela. As the Europeans nations have bowed to Trump's embargo on Iran as well. Maybe the Iranians will buckle and give in like North Korea. The collapse of the Islamic regime in Iran will be a major blow to Islamic rule in the world as well. The whole program is coming apart. The Catholic Church is collapsing as well so is Christianity in general.

With the Final RTR done daily in our life times we will see the liberation of earth.

The fall of Islamic regime will happen around December/February, it's the 40th anniversary and people started to riot since last December. The economy is already worse than Venezuela .

There are somethings that I'm concerned about though... People of Iran are so done with Mullahs and Islam that they push back any kind of "spirituality". Most of them are turning to atheism and agnosticism, and they simply call anything different with their own beliefs a conspiracy. And although most of them either dont believe in Satan and call it a superstition, some of them are still muslims in heart. It will be hard too show them the real truth since our knowledge of our past is so manipulated and we've been lied to for a very long time.
However there are a lot of archaeologist in Iran who know the truth but can say anything because of the government, they just drop hints and then they say we were joking.

Also a lot of ethnically groups like Kurds and Turks want independence, so probably the whole middle east map will change.
I think you should trust the Final RTR more and be positive, it will make them fully awake. Syrians are waking to their Pagan roots as well.

RayaMystika said:
And although most of them either dont believe in Satan and call it a superstition, some of them are still muslims in heart. It will be hard too show them the real truth since our knowledge of our past is so manipulated and we've been lied to for a very long time.
I agree with HP Mageson's analysis of the current situation between the US and China. The CCP is not prepared for the tariffs imposed on it's economy. There is already talk of the Chinese Yuan possibly taking a hit of 10%.

The fixed asset growth of China's investments in sectors such as infrastructure has slowed considerably and so has it's industrial production. It doesn't have a strong enough domestic consumer market for its production growth anyway. For obvious reasons, Chinas debt-fuelled growth is unsustainable in the long term and this is already evident from the current news on the subject. It's debt is already triple it's GDP from the latest figures. Now you wonder why China has been investing in African nations, to help curb it's own economic issues, and gain allies for possible future conflicts.

The rich in China are also escaping the regime and taking their money with them which further weakens their economy, investing in foreign markets instead of domestic. There are also internal pressures from factors such as an aging population (due to years of one child policy) and a shrinking labour force taking its toll as well.

I don't believe that the current course of things will lead to a Sino-American war. Likely China will go the way of the USSR and start to dissolve it's goverment into something else. Culturally it will still take time for the people of China to recover from the collapse of the CCP but they will get there. Here's hoping the joo people don't get their poo fingers into that recovery.
First of all: About fucking time.

Second, HPs, what are your guys' opinions on the possibility that the European Union may collapse as well due to the jew incited problem of mass immigration, the destruction of economies like what happened to Greece, and the rise of Nationalism in Poland, Hungary, Germany, etc.

I believe that the United Kingdom is about to go full orwellian on this and that's terrible. They're trying to bring Brexit to a screeching halt and further "diversify" the UK by bringing in as many violent immigrants as possible beforehand

Remember that "diversity" means "chasing down the last white man"
RayaMystika said:
HP Mageson666 said:
The situation is in the world is such. Trump has put major tariff's on China to combat the economic warfare that it has been waging on America for decades. This has created a system of escalation on China's side that has left the leader of China in a situation he can't win. Due to the nature of his rule he can't afford to lose or back down. Experts on China have pointed out the simple fact China can't win this trade war and the escalation of economic warfare with America. Europe is now stepping in and also pushing against China as well. Its been stated by experts on the subject the Chinese Communist Party can't stand up against this. The nature of this struggle and its escalation and how it connects to internal politics within China is going to lead to the total collapse of the Communist Party of China.

China has been attacking American planes and ships in the South China Sea as part of their claims to the Islands in the region claimed by Japan. These are aggressive acts of war. It might come down to the Chinese Communist Party could start a war to stay in power. That is a war China can not win but it could cause the collapse of the American dollar if it goes badly for America and American allies. But it will end in the collapse of the Communist Party in my opinion as the effects of such a war to China might speed up the conditions of the looming collapse. The conflict might not happen but it might. Much of China is bluster but the current leader might go that far. China can't survive an embargo from America, almost of all Chinese economy is based on trade with America. So what would a war with America and America's NATO allies such as Japan bring them. China is doomed to collapse and that is the end of the Communist regime.

The American sanctions on Iran might also bring about the collapse of the Islamic Regime of Iran as well. Soon it will bring the ability of Iran to sell oil to zero and that is it. There are major riots in Iran against the Islamic regime calling for the end of the Mullahs. China has stepped in to buy Iran's oil however this means the American sanctions will also target China and thus speed up the looming collapse of Communist China. Our RTR's are moving thought all of this and directing. Trump was the leader our RTR's brought into being and he might bring about the collapse of the last major base of the enemy Communist China. The one base the Jews still have and plan to use to wage war on the nations to bring about a Communist world government.

Also to add the economic collapse of Iran might force the regime into a war in the ME with America and its allies in the region. That is a possibility. The Iranian regime is shooting its citizens down in the streets now over the rioting against their regime. Its only going to get worse if the embargo's are placed on China over this and the Iranian economy is going to look like Venezuela. As the Europeans nations have bowed to Trump's embargo on Iran as well. Maybe the Iranians will buckle and give in like North Korea. The collapse of the Islamic regime in Iran will be a major blow to Islamic rule in the world as well. The whole program is coming apart. The Catholic Church is collapsing as well so is Christianity in general.

With the Final RTR done daily in our life times we will see the liberation of earth.

The fall of Islamic regime will happen around December/February, it's the 40th anniversary and people started to riot since last December. The economy is already worse than Venezuela .

There are somethings that I'm concerned about though... People of Iran are so done with Mullahs and Islam that they push back any kind of "spirituality". Most of them are turning to atheism and agnosticism, and they simply call anything different with their own beliefs a conspiracy. And although most of them either dont believe in Satan and call it a superstition, some of them are still muslims in heart. It will be hard too show them the real truth since our knowledge of our past is so manipulated and we've been lied to for a very long time.
However there are a lot of archaeologist in Iran who know the truth but can say anything because of the government, they just drop hints and then they say we were joking.

Also a lot of ethnically groups like Kurds and Turks want independence, so probably the whole middle east map will change.

I have spent time in Iran for business and I have personal relationships with Iranians in the business sector. What makes you so sure to make such a blanket statement?

In my opinion, you can take your words and apply to any county - even the USA.

Let's not paint with broad strokes.
RayaMystika said:
HP Mageson666 said:
The situation is in the world is such. Trump has put major tariff's on China to combat the economic warfare that it has been waging on America for decades. This has created a system of escalation on China's side that has left the leader of China in a situation he can't win. Due to the nature of his rule he can't afford to lose or back down. Experts on China have pointed out the simple fact China can't win this trade war and the escalation of economic warfare with America. Europe is now stepping in and also pushing against China as well. Its been stated by experts on the subject the Chinese Communist Party can't stand up against this. The nature of this struggle and its escalation and how it connects to internal politics within China is going to lead to the total collapse of the Communist Party of China.

China has been attacking American planes and ships in the South China Sea as part of their claims to the Islands in the region claimed by Japan. These are aggressive acts of war. It might come down to the Chinese Communist Party could start a war to stay in power. That is a war China can not win but it could cause the collapse of the American dollar if it goes badly for America and American allies. But it will end in the collapse of the Communist Party in my opinion as the effects of such a war to China might speed up the conditions of the looming collapse. The conflict might not happen but it might. Much of China is bluster but the current leader might go that far. China can't survive an embargo from America, almost of all Chinese economy is based on trade with America. So what would a war with America and America's NATO allies such as Japan bring them. China is doomed to collapse and that is the end of the Communist regime.

The American sanctions on Iran might also bring about the collapse of the Islamic Regime of Iran as well. Soon it will bring the ability of Iran to sell oil to zero and that is it. There are major riots in Iran against the Islamic regime calling for the end of the Mullahs. China has stepped in to buy Iran's oil however this means the American sanctions will also target China and thus speed up the looming collapse of Communist China. Our RTR's are moving thought all of this and directing. Trump was the leader our RTR's brought into being and he might bring about the collapse of the last major base of the enemy Communist China. The one base the Jews still have and plan to use to wage war on the nations to bring about a Communist world government.

Also to add the economic collapse of Iran might force the regime into a war in the ME with America and its allies in the region. That is a possibility. The Iranian regime is shooting its citizens down in the streets now over the rioting against their regime. Its only going to get worse if the embargo's are placed on China over this and the Iranian economy is going to look like Venezuela. As the Europeans nations have bowed to Trump's embargo on Iran as well. Maybe the Iranians will buckle and give in like North Korea. The collapse of the Islamic regime in Iran will be a major blow to Islamic rule in the world as well. The whole program is coming apart. The Catholic Church is collapsing as well so is Christianity in general.

With the Final RTR done daily in our life times we will see the liberation of earth.

The fall of Islamic regime will happen around December/February, it's the 40th anniversary and people started to riot since last December. The economy is already worse than Venezuela .

There are somethings that I'm concerned about though... People of Iran are so done with Mullahs and Islam that they push back any kind of "spirituality". Most of them are turning to atheism and agnosticism, and they simply call anything different with their own beliefs a conspiracy. And although most of them either dont believe in Satan and call it a superstition, some of them are still muslims in heart. It will be hard too show them the real truth since our knowledge of our past is so manipulated and we've been lied to for a very long time.
However there are a lot of archaeologist in Iran who know the truth but can say anything because of the government, they just drop hints and then they say we were joking.

Also a lot of ethnically groups like Kurds and Turks want independence, so probably the whole middle east map will change.

Also, have faith in the RTR. Please do not get offended by my words as it is not my intention.
RayaMystika said:
The fall of Islamic regime will happen around December/February, it's the 40th anniversary and people started to riot since last December. The economy is already worse than Venezuela .

There are somethings that I'm concerned about though... People of Iran are so done with Mullahs and Islam that they push back any kind of "spirituality". Most of them are turning to atheism and agnosticism, and they simply call anything different with their own beliefs a conspiracy. And although most of them either dont believe in Satan and call it a superstition, some of them are still muslims in heart. It will be hard too show them the real truth since our knowledge of our past is so manipulated and we've been lied to for a very long time.
However there are a lot of archaeologist in Iran who know the truth but can say anything because of the government, they just drop hints and then they say we were joking.

Also a lot of ethnically groups like Kurds and Turks want independence, so probably the whole middle east map will change.

Iran is in an extremely unique position compared to many countries. Take anywhere in Europe. People will answer Xianity with the religion it replaced, in many cases. People can and will look to Paganism as something ancestral and ethnic tied to the country itself. This has always been an effective argument against Xianity. And this is the case in almost every patch of land globally. There was Paganism, and then there was Xianity or Islam.

Iran is unique in the fact that it was Pagan, and then Zoroastrian, and then Islamic. There's an issue here. As many people in Iran who are smart enough to see Islam as wholly foreign and wrong, will plead for Zoroastrianism in the same way a European will plead for Paganism. Since Zoroastrian was such an early enemy religion, the native paganism of Iran is more obscured and hidden from the native population. Many individuals woke enough will incorrectly see Zoroastrian as the native, ethnic faith and therefore a fitting racial replacement for Islam when its fall comes.

As I said, Iran is in a uniquely problematic situation. Obviously, our RTRs combat Zoroastrianism too, but at the same time, it'll be interesting to see if it grows at all as a reflex against Islam. Because to see them convert away from Islam and then fall back into the Zoroastrian trap would be unfortunate. But hey, the RTRs do what they do, and I'll always have faith in their effect. If nothing else, perhaps it'll be ironic for one enemy faith to injure another. Here's hoping its just as simple as it dying as well.

Does anyone have a rough estimate for when Zoroastrianism appeared on the scene and replaced Persian/Iranian paganism? I cannot find two sources that agree on an estimate, it's too hard to tell.
High Priest Lucius Oria said:
I agree with HP Mageson's analysis of the current situation between the US and China. The CCP is not prepared for the tariffs imposed on it's economy. There is already talk of the Chinese Yuan possibly taking a hit of 10%.

The fixed asset growth of China's investments in sectors such as infrastructure has slowed considerably and so has it's industrial production. It doesn't have a strong enough domestic consumer market for its production growth anyway. For obvious reasons, Chinas debt-fuelled growth is unsustainable in the long term and this is already evident from the current news on the subject. It's debt is already triple it's GDP from the latest figures. Now you wonder why China has been investing in African nations, to help curb it's own economic issues, and gain allies for possible future conflicts.

The rich in China are also escaping the regime and taking their money with them which further weakens their economy, investing in foreign markets instead of domestic. There are also internal pressures from factors such as an aging population (due to years of one child policy) and a shrinking labour force taking its toll as well.

I don't believe that the current course of things will lead to a Sino-American war. Likely China will go the way of the USSR and start to dissolve it's goverment into something else. Culturally it will still take time for the people of China to recover from the collapse of the CCP but they will get there. Here's hoping the joo people don't get their poo fingers into that recovery.

The problem is: China is no USSR.
sip said:
RayaMystika said:
HP Mageson666 said:
The situation is in the world is such. Trump has put major tariff's on China to combat the economic warfare that it has been waging on America for decades. This has created a system of escalation on China's side that has left the leader of China in a situation he can't win. Due to the nature of his rule he can't afford to lose or back down. Experts on China have pointed out the simple fact China can't win this trade war and the escalation of economic warfare with America. Europe is now stepping in and also pushing against China as well. Its been stated by experts on the subject the Chinese Communist Party can't stand up against this. The nature of this struggle and its escalation and how it connects to internal politics within China is going to lead to the total collapse of the Communist Party of China.

China has been attacking American planes and ships in the South China Sea as part of their claims to the Islands in the region claimed by Japan. These are aggressive acts of war. It might come down to the Chinese Communist Party could start a war to stay in power. That is a war China can not win but it could cause the collapse of the American dollar if it goes badly for America and American allies. But it will end in the collapse of the Communist Party in my opinion as the effects of such a war to China might speed up the conditions of the looming collapse. The conflict might not happen but it might. Much of China is bluster but the current leader might go that far. China can't survive an embargo from America, almost of all Chinese economy is based on trade with America. So what would a war with America and America's NATO allies such as Japan bring them. China is doomed to collapse and that is the end of the Communist regime.

The American sanctions on Iran might also bring about the collapse of the Islamic Regime of Iran as well. Soon it will bring the ability of Iran to sell oil to zero and that is it. There are major riots in Iran against the Islamic regime calling for the end of the Mullahs. China has stepped in to buy Iran's oil however this means the American sanctions will also target China and thus speed up the looming collapse of Communist China. Our RTR's are moving thought all of this and directing. Trump was the leader our RTR's brought into being and he might bring about the collapse of the last major base of the enemy Communist China. The one base the Jews still have and plan to use to wage war on the nations to bring about a Communist world government.

Also to add the economic collapse of Iran might force the regime into a war in the ME with America and its allies in the region. That is a possibility. The Iranian regime is shooting its citizens down in the streets now over the rioting against their regime. Its only going to get worse if the embargo's are placed on China over this and the Iranian economy is going to look like Venezuela. As the Europeans nations have bowed to Trump's embargo on Iran as well. Maybe the Iranians will buckle and give in like North Korea. The collapse of the Islamic regime in Iran will be a major blow to Islamic rule in the world as well. The whole program is coming apart. The Catholic Church is collapsing as well so is Christianity in general.

With the Final RTR done daily in our life times we will see the liberation of earth.

The fall of Islamic regime will happen around December/February, it's the 40th anniversary and people started to riot since last December. The economy is already worse than Venezuela .

There are somethings that I'm concerned about though... People of Iran are so done with Mullahs and Islam that they push back any kind of "spirituality". Most of them are turning to atheism and agnosticism, and they simply call anything different with their own beliefs a conspiracy. And although most of them either dont believe in Satan and call it a superstition, some of them are still muslims in heart. It will be hard too show them the real truth since our knowledge of our past is so manipulated and we've been lied to for a very long time.
However there are a lot of archaeologist in Iran who know the truth but can say anything because of the government, they just drop hints and then they say we were joking.

Also a lot of ethnically groups like Kurds and Turks want independence, so probably the whole middle east map will change.

I have spent time in Iran for business and I have personal relationships with Iranians in the business sector. What makes you so sure to make such a blanket statement?

In my opinion, you can take your words and apply to any county - even the USA.

Let's not paint with broad strokes.

I do have faith in the RTR. All I say is that it takes a lot of time and effort. The situation in Iran is very complex. I have lives in Iran for most of my life and I still have a lot of connection to the people and things that happen there. The amount of lies and misinformation that we've been taught is unbelievable. and also the capital (Tehran) is very different from other cities. A lot of people dont have access to internet for example.
A lot of Iranians don't have enough knowledge about history of world and and even history of Iran itself, a lot of them are confused and scare because of the revolution that happened 40 years ago made their situation worse and they are scared of any change now because they dont know what will happen.
There are people in the internet who talk about the truth and there are many who know the truth, but it takes time like anything else.Iran has gone through a lot in the past century and the current situation and the upcoming war put a lot of weight on people only.
I know when the times come everything will be fine, it's only a matter of how.
Arcadia said:
RayaMystika said:
The fall of Islamic regime will happen around December/February, it's the 40th anniversary and people started to riot since last December. The economy is already worse than Venezuela .

There are somethings that I'm concerned about though... People of Iran are so done with Mullahs and Islam that they push back any kind of "spirituality". Most of them are turning to atheism and agnosticism, and they simply call anything different with their own beliefs a conspiracy. And although most of them either dont believe in Satan and call it a superstition, some of them are still muslims in heart. It will be hard too show them the real truth since our knowledge of our past is so manipulated and we've been lied to for a very long time.
However there are a lot of archaeologist in Iran who know the truth but can say anything because of the government, they just drop hints and then they say we were joking.

Also a lot of ethnically groups like Kurds and Turks want independence, so probably the whole middle east map will change.

Iran is in an extremely unique position compared to many countries. Take anywhere in Europe. People will answer Xianity with the religion it replaced, in many cases. People can and will look to Paganism as something ancestral and ethnic tied to the country itself. This has always been an effective argument against Xianity. And this is the case in almost every patch of land globally. There was Paganism, and then there was Xianity or Islam.

Iran is unique in the fact that it was Pagan, and then Zoroastrian, and then Islamic. There's an issue here. As many people in Iran who are smart enough to see Islam as wholly foreign and wrong, will plead for Zoroastrianism in the same way a European will plead for Paganism. Since Zoroastrian was such an early enemy religion, the native paganism of Iran is more obscured and hidden from the native population. Many individuals woke enough will incorrectly see Zoroastrian as the native, ethnic faith and therefore a fitting racial replacement for Islam when its fall comes.

As I said, Iran is in a uniquely problematic situation. Obviously, our RTRs combat Zoroastrianism too, but at the same time, it'll be interesting to see if it grows at all as a reflex against Islam. Because to see them convert away from Islam and then fall back into the Zoroastrian trap would be unfortunate. But hey, the RTRs do what they do, and I'll always have faith in their effect. If nothing else, perhaps it'll be ironic for one enemy faith to injure another. Here's hoping its just as simple as it dying as well.

Does anyone have a rough estimate for when Zoroastrianism appeared on the scene and replaced Persian/Iranian paganism? I cannot find two sources that agree on an estimate, it's too hard to tell.

I hope that Zoroastrianism just die away. It is happening already.
The people need to get educated so they wont fall into the trap of another lousy religion .

The time is very uncertain, but it is really similar to judaism in some cases. so around the same time probably
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
I'm happy about the tariffs. China has been poisoning many countries with tainted foods, vaccines for babies and children that cause autism and inferior and toxic pharmaceuticals and much more, from cookware with toxic Teflon, etc.

To answer questions,
ME is an abbreviation for Middle East.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

The end of made in China crap!
Also many cosmetics of the big jewish brands are toxic and low-cost Chinese productions, they harm people and are used on daily basis even by 12 years old "adults" (lipsticks, make up, etc.)
And also cause poverty for Gentiles who cannot own a productive healty company in EU, that I am fed up with.

I also think, fall of China when happening would cause a domino effect on other Asiatic regimes producing low cost poisoned stuff like Vietnam, Thailand, etc.
Something to consider if Trump places sanctions on China for their oil deal with Iran which he will. This will force all the American based manufacturing plants out of China as most likely as they can't ship any of their products from China to America which is the only market they have for this and their might be strict legal penalties for staying in China after that for them as well.
HP Mageson666 said:
Something to consider if Trump places sanctions on China for their oil deal with Iran which he will. This will force all the American based manufacturing plants out of China as most likely as they can't ship any of their products from China to America which is the only market they have for this and their might be strict legal penalties for staying in China after that for them as well.
So probably more manufacturing jobs back in America strengthening our economy and lowering unemployment? Making America Great Again! :D
It might that is what triggered the Britain vote to leave. However it seems things are moving into a different directiion and that is EU parliament is being taken over by anti-globalist, anti-migrant, politicians. Many want to keep the EU as it can make Europe into a global power by uniting the European states. But they want it to represent European People and values to do this. So it seems the EU might just be transformed into a kind of Fourth Reich. When Germany goes open NS again and Germany is the dominate power of the EU think about what that means.

Brdredr said:
First of all: About fucking time.

Second, HPs, what are your guys' opinions on the possibility that the European Union may collapse as well due to the jew incited problem of mass immigration, the destruction of economies like what happened to Greece, and the rise of Nationalism in Poland, Hungary, Germany, etc.

I believe that the United Kingdom is about to go full orwellian on this and that's terrible. They're trying to bring Brexit to a screeching halt and further "diversify" the UK by bringing in as many violent immigrants as possible beforehand

Remember that "diversity" means "chasing down the last white man"
Maybe and maybe not so much. They might just move to India, Mexico or some other cheap cost manufacturing nation. However the collapse of China is important to world peace and well being.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Something to consider if Trump places sanctions on China for their oil deal with Iran which he will. This will force all the American based manufacturing plants out of China as most likely as they can't ship any of their products from China to America which is the only market they have for this and their might be strict legal penalties for staying in China after that for them as well.
So probably more manufacturing jobs back in America strengthening our economy and lowering unemployment? Making America Great Again! :D
HP Mageson666 said:
It might that is what triggered the Britain vote to leave. However it seems things are moving into a different directiion and that is EU parliament is being taken over by anti-globalist, anti-migrant, politicians. Many want to keep the EU as it can make Europe into a global power by uniting the European states. But they want it to represent European People and values to do this. So it seems the EU might just be transformed into a kind of Fourth Reich. When Germany goes open NS again and Germany is the dominate power of the EU think about what that means.

Brdredr said:
First of all: About fucking time.

Second, HPs, what are your guys' opinions on the possibility that the European Union may collapse as well due to the jew incited problem of mass immigration, the destruction of economies like what happened to Greece, and the rise of Nationalism in Poland, Hungary, Germany, etc.

I believe that the United Kingdom is about to go full orwellian on this and that's terrible. They're trying to bring Brexit to a screeching halt and further "diversify" the UK by bringing in as many violent immigrants as possible beforehand

Remember that "diversity" means "chasing down the last white man"
There is a major debate going on between the Afd and the old parties in the german parliament about moving powers to brussels, now that you make that observation it makes sense why Merkel wants so badly to slowy make belgium the dominate force in the EU parliament. That also implies they are predicting a nationalistic germany.
The enemy's major major plan was to keep stalling with rigged elections so they could keep pouring criminal refugees into europe. And wreck chaos in europe and America with escalating racial tensions and the migrant crisis. And through the chaos invade with their islamist communist countries. Russians dont live in red terror conditions anymore so they wont compromise their living standarts with bellic propaganda anymore. If china goes down its over for them what are they going to be left with? Even north korea's leader seems to be playing a game of self preservation at this point and working with both sides. In a scenario where shit really does hit the fan, many arab nations would probably take advantage of the chaos and savagely invade israel and putting it down for good not risking western involvement any longer. But all that is a scenario to avoid, jews have to keep loosing behind the scenes and war avoided at all costs so the necessary structures survive to facilitate the transition.
I suspect with Kim either China cut him lose or he knows China is going to be finished soon anyway and is as you mentioned just trying to save his worthless ass and probably get out with as much money as he can and not be arrested later when it all comes falling down around them.
Another thing I'd like to bring to people's attention, seeing as the Middle East is already being discussed in this thread, is a recent turnaround from Turkey's Erdogan.
A common perception was that people had seen him as one of the Islamic patriarchs, so to speak, a force for conservative quranic values with a desire to regress a somewhat secular Turkey back into a Sultanate. Much of this is indeed true, Turkey has taken backwards strides as Erdogan has revealed himself to be quite heavily Islamified in recent years.

However, there's been an interesting turn of events as Erdogan has now spited much of his overtly conservative, hardline islamic fanbase.


"These preachers have no place in our religion,” Erdoğan shouted in his speech without giving Yıldız’s name.

“They are either not living in this century or are living in an entirely different century because they are so impotent that they do not know Islam should be revised,” he said.

“You cannot implement provisions that were dated 14-15 centuries ago,” he said, adding that to “carry the regulations and traditions of a specific society in a specific date would only spoil the matter.”

He accused the preachers of using religious concepts “to be popular,” stating that “they are doing wrong not only to women but also to our belief and religion.”

“We can never accept that,” he said."

--- http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/erdogan-slams-preachers-over-remarks-on-women-calls-on-diyanet-to-take-more-active-role-128470 ---

Although this is still sympathetic to Islam, this is similar to what the Pope has been doing. As in, the Pope's attempts to be liberal are damaging the and fracture the church's unity. Now that Erdogan has said this, it's going to upset many of his more devout followers and damage Islam as a whole.

Another Trump like figure I'd like to bring more exposure to, not having seen much reference to around these parts is Duterte. Another political leader given a witch hunt in the western media. However, Duterte in the past has been pro gay rights, pro environment/anti corporate to a degree, critical of the catholic encouraged overpopulation in the slums and the cycle of poverty, anti islam, but also anti catholic church. He's also been painted as a villain in western media primarily for his crackdown on the drug industry in the Philippines.Obviously, nobody is perfect, but it was very interesting to note how he became more relevant on scene around the same time Trump did. The Philippines are one of Catholicisms strongest strangleholds so having a leader like this there is fairly huge news.
HP Mageson666 said:
It might that is what triggered the Britain vote to leave. However it seems things are moving into a different directiion and that is EU parliament is being taken over by anti-globalist, anti-migrant, politicians. Many want to keep the EU as it can make Europe into a global power by uniting the European states. But they want it to represent European People and values to do this. So it seems the EU might just be transformed into a kind of Fourth Reich. When Germany goes open NS again and Germany is the dominate power of the EU think about what that means.

I was thinking that the same consequence of a Fourth Reich would come to fruition, but I thought of dismantling the current European Union and replacing it. Dismantle and Replace, yeah?
HP Mageson666 said:
It might that is what triggered the Britain vote to leave. However it seems things are moving into a different directiion and that is EU parliament is being taken over by anti-globalist, anti-migrant, politicians. Many want to keep the EU as it can make Europe into a global power by uniting the European states. But they want it to represent European People and values to do this. So it seems the EU might just be transformed into a kind of Fourth Reich. When Germany goes open NS again and Germany is the dominate power of the EU think about what that means.

Brdredr said:
First of all: About fucking time.

Second, HPs, what are your guys' opinions on the possibility that the European Union may collapse as well due to the jew incited problem of mass immigration, the destruction of economies like what happened to Greece, and the rise of Nationalism in Poland, Hungary, Germany, etc.

I believe that the United Kingdom is about to go full orwellian on this and that's terrible. They're trying to bring Brexit to a screeching halt and further "diversify" the UK by bringing in as many violent immigrants as possible beforehand

Remember that "diversity" means "chasing down the last white man"

And someone of you HP/HPS have said that next summer means an end to Jewrkels tyranny on her natal chart or something(?). And next year is also the EU elections ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
Merkel has announced she will not be seeking another election she is quitting she knowns her career is over.
HP Mageson666 said:
Merkel has announced she will not be seeking another election she is quitting she knowns her career is over.

If she even tried, Berlin would burn.
HP Mageson666 said:
It might that is what triggered the Britain vote to leave. However it seems things are moving into a different directiion and that is EU parliament is being taken over by anti-globalist, anti-migrant, politicians. Many want to keep the EU as it can make Europe into a global power by uniting the European states. But they want it to represent European People and values to do this. So it seems the EU might just be transformed into a kind of Fourth Reich. When Germany goes open NS again and Germany is the dominate power of the EU think about what that means.

Brdredr said:
First of all: About fucking time.

Second, HPs, what are your guys' opinions on the possibility that the European Union may collapse as well due to the jew incited problem of mass immigration, the destruction of economies like what happened to Greece, and the rise of Nationalism in Poland, Hungary, Germany, etc.

I believe that the United Kingdom is about to go full orwellian on this and that's terrible. They're trying to bring Brexit to a screeching halt and further "diversify" the UK by bringing in as many violent immigrants as possible beforehand

Remember that "diversity" means "chasing down the last white man"

All the anti-EU (ACTUAL Pro-Europeanism) parties and countries in the EU say that the next years EU elections are ´a chance to change Europe fundamentally`. And with the support for NS in Germany rising DRASTICALLY, am i crazy if... I could hope for the *starting point* of that next year?
HP Mageson666 said:
It might that is what triggered the Britain vote to leave. However it seems things are moving into a different directiion and that is EU parliament is being taken over by anti-globalist, anti-migrant, politicians. Many want to keep the EU as it can make Europe into a global power by uniting the European states. But they want it to represent European People and values to do this. So it seems the EU might just be transformed into a kind of Fourth Reich. When Germany goes open NS again and Germany is the dominate power of the EU think about what that means.

Brdredr said:
First of all: About fucking time.

Second, HPs, what are your guys' opinions on the possibility that the European Union may collapse as well due to the jew incited problem of mass immigration, the destruction of economies like what happened to Greece, and the rise of Nationalism in Poland, Hungary, Germany, etc.

I believe that the United Kingdom is about to go full orwellian on this and that's terrible. They're trying to bring Brexit to a screeching halt and further "diversify" the UK by bringing in as many violent immigrants as possible beforehand

Remember that "diversity" means "chasing down the last white man"

Mageson, speaking of future events, I think you are following the situation in Italy with the fight between Salvini and Di Maio and the EU (Juncker/Moscovici, which threaten the ministers), over Italy's budget plan.
The Jews are threatening our politicians with the menace of the spread, to destroy their anti-jEU economic plans and narrative.
But Salvini and Di Maio have based their entire political narrative and electoral campaign on who was the more honest and anti-EU of them all (to the point they raced between themselves for this), basically the new meme of the honest politician who keeps promises and sides with the people (after the Italians being fed up with Renzi & company).
So now, both Di Maio and Salvini are forced to keep their promises, because they've made the biggest ones. Now they are cornered by their own propaganda and the options reduce to only one: doing what they said.
Do you think that these tensions will excalate and possibly explode in an Ital-exit? The ministers can't retreat with their promises, as they would have an angry mob waiting for them. They can only go ahead.
Thunder said:
HP Mageson666 said:
It might that is what triggered the Britain vote to leave. However it seems things are moving into a different directiion and that is EU parliament is being taken over by anti-globalist, anti-migrant, politicians. Many want to keep the EU as it can make Europe into a global power by uniting the European states. But they want it to represent European People and values to do this. So it seems the EU might just be transformed into a kind of Fourth Reich. When Germany goes open NS again and Germany is the dominate power of the EU think about what that means.

Brdredr said:
First of all: About fucking time.

Second, HPs, what are your guys' opinions on the possibility that the European Union may collapse as well due to the jew incited problem of mass immigration, the destruction of economies like what happened to Greece, and the rise of Nationalism in Poland, Hungary, Germany, etc.

I believe that the United Kingdom is about to go full orwellian on this and that's terrible. They're trying to bring Brexit to a screeching halt and further "diversify" the UK by bringing in as many violent immigrants as possible beforehand

Remember that "diversity" means "chasing down the last white man"

Mageson, speaking of future events, I think you are following the situation in Italy with the fight between Salvini and Di Maio and the EU (Juncker/Moscovici, which threaten the ministers), over Italy's budget plan.
The Jews are threatening our politicians with the menace of the spread, to destroy their anti-jEU economic plans and narrative.
But Salvini and Di Maio have based their entire political narrative and electoral campaign on who was the more honest and anti-EU of them all (to the point they raced between themselves for this), basically the new meme of the honest politician who keeps promises and sides with the people (after the Italians being fed up with Renzi & company).
So now, both Di Maio and Salvini are forced to keep their promises, because they've made the biggest ones. Now they are cornered by their own propaganda and the options reduce to only one: doing what they said.
Do you think that these tensions will excalate and possibly explode in an Ital-exit? The ministers can't retreat with their promises, as they would have an angry mob waiting for them. They can only go ahead.

Isnt Salvini a gentile?
An angry mob in Italy? That would a first since decades. Most people are still pushovers. We've had countless times to rebel against the government since after World War II. The situation the country is versed in shows how much rotten Catholicism has made the people weak in the knees. The left (mostly) has kept dragging down the country for decades with nobody doing anything at all. Even when it comes to file a single complaint again non-political and small companies, the people are defeated in their mind and think that their voice would fall on deaf ears. This is the reality of the average citizen. The government should've been raided multiple times over in the last decades under the charges of racial and national treason, which is what the politicians have been doing all the time. The only punishment they deserve is death or being put in work camps with no properties at all, starting from those who get an unjust life annuity for ruining the country.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
