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- Aug 9, 2023
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So happy that im part of this family,i came across Joy of Satan in Facebook.
Greetings, that is an awesome inspiration to have. My only suggestion is that you change yout name to something that is not simply "Imhotep", for example "Soldier of Imhotep", or "Imhotep's Disciple". The reason I'm telling you this is because it will be difficult to address to you if your username is that of a God.hat is why I have given myself the name "Imhotep". Because he was once one of the people and rose to become a god through his deeds and wisdom.
So true. As a child ..I was the only one of my brothers and sisters who did NOT go up to the Christian alter to get "saved" and after being made to go to church sometimes 5 times a week even..yet never "repenting & accepting Jesus as my lord and savior" mother and the church began calling me "heathen", they began to say I was a witch & no one was allowed to talk to me anymore..and in any so called "open discussion" after forced church classesI wanted to mention something additionally, Sarramixa said something very accurate above. However, the chronology of 500 years is not correct. I wish it was the case, that we haven't seen things like this for 500 years.
Even if we went out to do anything of this or even claiming to be a "witch", even today, there are Christians and other zealots who would certainly go to kill us.
In the Islamic world, they kill you to even today. Likely nobody will know of your death anyway, not even the news will touch on these subjects in most cases. If you have no clue on this, you must read just two random articles I picked online.
'Witch hunters' have killed a mother and her four children in India
Six men have been arrested for the murders, as local police say more people might be arrested in the coming
For all people like ourselves, who are seeking spirituality, philosophy and a higher consciousness, we must not stray from this battle. A big and powerful JoS will be the salvation of all Spiritual people, not just ourselves. All the spiritual groups who try to advance will come under the care of Satan and the Gods, who are, as the enemy knows, the patrons of all spiritual progression of mankind.
Many of these "spiritualists" are hanging of a thread and they don't even comprehend it, living under the delusion that they are "Free". They aren't free. We are not free.
They would execute us most probably in the United States. Pedos, deviants, and all the world's corrupt are free to walk around, but serious and interested spiritualists are still hated. Christianity rearing it's head means all of us die, it's not a figurative situation here. The same goes for Islam and so on.
One can pretend to live in denial of this, which is what most other "Spiritualists" do. They want New Age mumbo jumbo, to feel good about it. But the reality is that people will try to be killed for these things, or having a dream like ours. Despite of if we only have good intentions and we do only good works to open up the minds humanity. Still if one is into anything Spiritual they must accept the slavery of the enemy or adopt a certain aspect of them, or they will not live or be allowed to exist. Most people accept this just in order to survive and exist. Yet when this aspect is accepted no real progression can be made.
Jews in particular are something to be careful of as they not only possess occult knowledge but they use it liberally and they try to kill others on a constant basis, because they perceive they must be the only ones who should have any of this or anything of the sort. Behind them rally the Muslims who just kill because they are retarded and fanatical, and Christians who essentially are only bound legally because intelligent people made laws to stop them from rallying with a pitchfork and burning everyone for their own satisfaction, such as for example, a random woman down the street they would accuse of being a witch or something.
(rough translation to English)!Doy las gracias a los creadores de este medio de comunicación, de la mano de esta valiosa herramienta de estudio y de los dioses, Luzbel el gran sabio, mi vida y la de mi familia y en especial mi hermano, voy de la mano con ellos y principalmente las deidades, al gran khepu nos encontró en momentos de oscuridad y angustia y hoy en día hemos evolucionado y poco a poco entendiendo, aprendiendo y adquiriendo conocimientos ancestrales, doy las gracias a los sacerdotes gentiles por traer el mensaje de los dioses.
EU PRECISO FALAR COM UMA SACERDOTISA...HELLO...Introductory words by High Priest Hooded Cobra 666 for Volume 8
The Joy of Satan is the House under which the souls of the Gods exist, to climb all the way from the bottom of existence upwards to the Godhead.
HPS Maxine has been the great mother of the JoS, giving birth to the baby that the Joy of Satan is. She succeeded fully in her divine mission in giving the Joy of Satan it’s existence, during times of both major denial, adversity and ignorance. She has went down the path as a legendary daughter of Satan, a title that is fully fitting for her based on her major works. There is no person I have respected and loved more than HPS Maxine. She gave the JoS it’s existence and then, the natural second aspect of this Mission is for all of us to make the Joy of Satan what it was meant to be.
Simultaneously, this process will benefit each and everyone of us, making us great and grown spiritually beyond measure. As we grow our collective, our knowledge, our awareness, our capabilities, we are constructing not only our best selves, but a brighter and hopeful future of humanity. This future is currently missing from the earth, which, if we look around us, we can admit is not headed into a beautiful or uplifting level. In fact, every attempt right now to this form of development, is fought relentlessly and there are always elements willing to try to stop humanity from reaching higher spiritual and divine potential.
In regards to my mission, it’s to take this beautiful child that was created, with it’s impressive capacities, and it’s glorious future and make it manifested. In that case, this gives me the role of the Father of the Joy of Satan. I have been with all of you for the last 15 years, everyday, without fail, doing my best. But this is just the beginning for our mission and of our shared task. A Father might not be the one giving birth, but has a Divinely given responsibility to guide a child through it’s growth, protect it in infancy, which I have done; then, one has to move bravely into early childhood and the teenage years and finally, to make a child a competent adult in the world that is poised to certainly succeed.
Without this, even the best child will struggle needlessly or be surmounted by the difficulties of existence, losing it’s purpose. The world is designed that way: the greatest elements, it goes after it. We currently live in a world ruled by anti-development and ignorance, but that won't be forever. We can change this. We will change this. I want to consolidate and manifest the full purpose of this Divine House of the Gods, so this beautiful dragon grows into the glorious Great Dragon that represents the force of the Gods manifested on earth.
After this growth, much of our work will be done; humanity will have a great being behind it to protect it, especially so for the souls that want to grow and keep growing.
Through these efforts, the little dragon that we have that is called the JoS, is actually growing step by step, through the decided actions of bright and higher level individuals who have seen the light and power of the Gods. And still, we are quite early in our mission to manifest this fully in the world.
We must sit there and envision how the world is going to be after we succeed. That should give us hope, purpose, glory and bravery to proceed. If we also take a moment to observe how the world might go if we do nothing, we will understand why the Gods have tasked their best souls, irrespective of their level, to carry on this historical task. We are all players in history right now. On one hand we have responsibility, yet on the other, the Gods reward us with the glorious and abundant blessings of growth that are not available to anyone else but those under them. That by itself fills us with vigor and hope, and this vigor and hope must be extended outwards, so that we mark history and put the Gods on their throne again.
The Joy of Satan is the only organization on earth that seeks to do this and that will succeed in doing this. It is therefore upon us all to manifest this most beautiful dream into a reality. We have everything we need; everyone has the ability and the capacity to give according to their powers, for the full manifestation of this dream. The future generations will thank us for our battle against present downfall and decay; we will be remembered as legendary human beings who have done what was right.
I do look forward that everyone reads this issue and that this helps you all understand our greatest undertaking, envisioning also yourself as a greater form of what you could ever be. Many of us can only look back and prostrate ourselves in the influence of love, care and development that the Gods have brought into our lives. Life can be a hard game against ignorance, but we have bravery, knowledge and an awakened spirit from the Gods. Therefore, all of us must know, that we are here for a reason – a very big reason. All of us are absolutely integral to this purpose.
It is my desire that all of you see that reason and let it grow into your hearts and minds, making you all into always better and higher individuals. I do sincerely hope that this 8th edition of the PDF will explain to you about all the developments that will be undertook to make this happen, but also how these will reflect on all of us individually and collectively. I close this article with the following words from Our Father, to remind you of the greatness that lies ahead.
Father Satan From The Al-Jilwah:
I reveal my wonders to those who seek them, and in due time my miracles to those who receive them from me.
Let us all then, become receivers of these wonders. Let us all together, raise the Great Dragon
If that's you in your profile picture, please change it. It's not safe to display real information.EU PRECISO FALAR COM UMA SACERDOTISA...
Salutation fraternelle, je suis nouveau, je vie a Kinshasa et j'aimerais être utile a JoS et participer à son rayonnement en République Démocratique du CongoIntroductory words by High Priest Hooded Cobra 666 for Volume 8
The Joy of Satan is the House under which the souls of the Gods exist, to climb all the way from the bottom of existence upwards to the Godhead.
HPS Maxine has been the great mother of the JoS, giving birth to the baby that the Joy of Satan is. She succeeded fully in her divine mission in giving the Joy of Satan it’s existence, during times of both major denial, adversity and ignorance. She has went down the path as a legendary daughter of Satan, a title that is fully fitting for her based on her major works. There is no person I have respected and loved more than HPS Maxine. She gave the JoS it’s existence and then, the natural second aspect of this Mission is for all of us to make the Joy of Satan what it was meant to be.
Simultaneously, this process will benefit each and everyone of us, making us great and grown spiritually beyond measure. As we grow our collective, our knowledge, our awareness, our capabilities, we are constructing not only our best selves, but a brighter and hopeful future of humanity. This future is currently missing from the earth, which, if we look around us, we can admit is not headed into a beautiful or uplifting level. In fact, every attempt right now to this form of development, is fought relentlessly and there are always elements willing to try to stop humanity from reaching higher spiritual and divine potential.
In regards to my mission, it’s to take this beautiful child that was created, with it’s impressive capacities, and it’s glorious future and make it manifested. In that case, this gives me the role of the Father of the Joy of Satan. I have been with all of you for the last 15 years, everyday, without fail, doing my best. But this is just the beginning for our mission and of our shared task. A Father might not be the one giving birth, but has a Divinely given responsibility to guide a child through it’s growth, protect it in infancy, which I have done; then, one has to move bravely into early childhood and the teenage years and finally, to make a child a competent adult in the world that is poised to certainly succeed.
Without this, even the best child will struggle needlessly or be surmounted by the difficulties of existence, losing it’s purpose. The world is designed that way: the greatest elements, it goes after it. We currently live in a world ruled by anti-development and ignorance, but that won't be forever. We can change this. We will change this. I want to consolidate and manifest the full purpose of this Divine House of the Gods, so this beautiful dragon grows into the glorious Great Dragon that represents the force of the Gods manifested on earth.
After this growth, much of our work will be done; humanity will have a great being behind it to protect it, especially so for the souls that want to grow and keep growing.
Through these efforts, the little dragon that we have that is called the JoS, is actually growing step by step, through the decided actions of bright and higher level individuals who have seen the light and power of the Gods. And still, we are quite early in our mission to manifest this fully in the world.
We must sit there and envision how the world is going to be after we succeed. That should give us hope, purpose, glory and bravery to proceed. If we also take a moment to observe how the world might go if we do nothing, we will understand why the Gods have tasked their best souls, irrespective of their level, to carry on this historical task. We are all players in history right now. On one hand we have responsibility, yet on the other, the Gods reward us with the glorious and abundant blessings of growth that are not available to anyone else but those under them. That by itself fills us with vigor and hope, and this vigor and hope must be extended outwards, so that we mark history and put the Gods on their throne again.
The Joy of Satan is the only organization on earth that seeks to do this and that will succeed in doing this. It is therefore upon us all to manifest this most beautiful dream into a reality. We have everything we need; everyone has the ability and the capacity to give according to their powers, for the full manifestation of this dream. The future generations will thank us for our battle against present downfall and decay; we will be remembered as legendary human beings who have done what was right.
I do look forward that everyone reads this issue and that this helps you all understand our greatest undertaking, envisioning also yourself as a greater form of what you could ever be. Many of us can only look back and prostrate ourselves in the influence of love, care and development that the Gods have brought into our lives. Life can be a hard game against ignorance, but we have bravery, knowledge and an awakened spirit from the Gods. Therefore, all of us must know, that we are here for a reason – a very big reason. All of us are absolutely integral to this purpose.
It is my desire that all of you see that reason and let it grow into your hearts and minds, making you all into always better and higher individuals. I do sincerely hope that this 8th edition of the PDF will explain to you about all the developments that will be undertook to make this happen, but also how these will reflect on all of us individually and collectively. I close this article with the following words from Our Father, to remind you of the greatness that lies ahead.
Father Satan From The Al-Jilwah:
I reveal my wonders to those who seek them, and in due time my miracles to those who receive them from me.
Let us all then, become receivers of these wonders. Let us all together, raise the Great Dragon
I'm very happy to be hereIntroductory words by High Priest Hooded Cobra 666 for Volume 8
The Joy of Satan is the House under which the souls of the Gods exist, to climb all the way from the bottom of existence upwards to the Godhead.
HPS Maxine has been the great mother of the JoS, giving birth to the baby that the Joy of Satan is. She succeeded fully in her divine mission in giving the Joy of Satan it’s existence, during times of both major denial, adversity and ignorance. She has went down the path as a legendary daughter of Satan, a title that is fully fitting for her based on her major works. There is no person I have respected and loved more than HPS Maxine. She gave the JoS it’s existence and then, the natural second aspect of this Mission is for all of us to make the Joy of Satan what it was meant to be.
Simultaneously, this process will benefit each and everyone of us, making us great and grown spiritually beyond measure. As we grow our collective, our knowledge, our awareness, our capabilities, we are constructing not only our best selves, but a brighter and hopeful future of humanity. This future is currently missing from the earth, which, if we look around us, we can admit is not headed into a beautiful or uplifting level. In fact, every attempt right now to this form of development, is fought relentlessly and there are always elements willing to try to stop humanity from reaching higher spiritual and divine potential.
In regards to my mission, it’s to take this beautiful child that was created, with it’s impressive capacities, and it’s glorious future and make it manifested. In that case, this gives me the role of the Father of the Joy of Satan. I have been with all of you for the last 15 years, everyday, without fail, doing my best. But this is just the beginning for our mission and of our shared task. A Father might not be the one giving birth, but has a Divinely given responsibility to guide a child through it’s growth, protect it in infancy, which I have done; then, one has to move bravely into early childhood and the teenage years and finally, to make a child a competent adult in the world that is poised to certainly succeed.
Without this, even the best child will struggle needlessly or be surmounted by the difficulties of existence, losing it’s purpose. The world is designed that way: the greatest elements, it goes after it. We currently live in a world ruled by anti-development and ignorance, but that won't be forever. We can change this. We will change this. I want to consolidate and manifest the full purpose of this Divine House of the Gods, so this beautiful dragon grows into the glorious Great Dragon that represents the force of the Gods manifested on earth.
After this growth, much of our work will be done; humanity will have a great being behind it to protect it, especially so for the souls that want to grow and keep growing.
Through these efforts, the little dragon that we have that is called the JoS, is actually growing step by step, through the decided actions of bright and higher level individuals who have seen the light and power of the Gods. And still, we are quite early in our mission to manifest this fully in the world.
We must sit there and envision how the world is going to be after we succeed. That should give us hope, purpose, glory and bravery to proceed. If we also take a moment to observe how the world might go if we do nothing, we will understand why the Gods have tasked their best souls, irrespective of their level, to carry on this historical task. We are all players in history right now. On one hand we have responsibility, yet on the other, the Gods reward us with the glorious and abundant blessings of growth that are not available to anyone else but those under them. That by itself fills us with vigor and hope, and this vigor and hope must be extended outwards, so that we mark history and put the Gods on their throne again.
The Joy of Satan is the only organization on earth that seeks to do this and that will succeed in doing this. It is therefore upon us all to manifest this most beautiful dream into a reality. We have everything we need; everyone has the ability and the capacity to give according to their powers, for the full manifestation of this dream. The future generations will thank us for our battle against present downfall and decay; we will be remembered as legendary human beings who have done what was right.
I do look forward that everyone reads this issue and that this helps you all understand our greatest undertaking, envisioning also yourself as a greater form of what you could ever be. Many of us can only look back and prostrate ourselves in the influence of love, care and development that the Gods have brought into our lives. Life can be a hard game against ignorance, but we have bravery, knowledge and an awakened spirit from the Gods. Therefore, all of us must know, that we are here for a reason – a very big reason. All of us are absolutely integral to this purpose.
It is my desire that all of you see that reason and let it grow into your hearts and minds, making you all into always better and higher individuals. I do sincerely hope that this 8th edition of the PDF will explain to you about all the developments that will be undertook to make this happen, but also how these will reflect on all of us individually and collectively. I close this article with the following words from Our Father, to remind you of the greatness that lies ahead.
Father Satan From The Al-Jilwah:
I reveal my wonders to those who seek them, and in due time my miracles to those who receive them from me.
Let us all then, become receivers of these wonders. Let us all together, raise the Great Dragon
Hey sir sorry I’m new here and I’m ready to do my initiation but I didn’t understand very well about the medication process and I’m so inexperienced with satanism please I beg I need your helpIntroductory words by High Priest Hooded Cobra 666 for Volume 8
The Joy of Satan is the House under which the souls of the Gods exist, to climb all the way from the bottom of existence upwards to the Godhead.
HPS Maxine has been the great mother of the JoS, giving birth to the baby that the Joy of Satan is. She succeeded fully in her divine mission in giving the Joy of Satan it’s existence, during times of both major denial, adversity and ignorance. She has went down the path as a legendary daughter of Satan, a title that is fully fitting for her based on her major works. There is no person I have respected and loved more than HPS Maxine. She gave the JoS it’s existence and then, the natural second aspect of this Mission is for all of us to make the Joy of Satan what it was meant to be.
Simultaneously, this process will benefit each and everyone of us, making us great and grown spiritually beyond measure. As we grow our collective, our knowledge, our awareness, our capabilities, we are constructing not only our best selves, but a brighter and hopeful future of humanity. This future is currently missing from the earth, which, if we look around us, we can admit is not headed into a beautiful or uplifting level. In fact, every attempt right now to this form of development, is fought relentlessly and there are always elements willing to try to stop humanity from reaching higher spiritual and divine potential.
In regards to my mission, it’s to take this beautiful child that was created, with it’s impressive capacities, and it’s glorious future and make it manifested. In that case, this gives me the role of the Father of the Joy of Satan. I have been with all of you for the last 15 years, everyday, without fail, doing my best. But this is just the beginning for our mission and of our shared task. A Father might not be the one giving birth, but has a Divinely given responsibility to guide a child through it’s growth, protect it in infancy, which I have done; then, one has to move bravely into early childhood and the teenage years and finally, to make a child a competent adult in the world that is poised to certainly succeed.
Without this, even the best child will struggle needlessly or be surmounted by the difficulties of existence, losing it’s purpose. The world is designed that way: the greatest elements, it goes after it. We currently live in a world ruled by anti-development and ignorance, but that won't be forever. We can change this. We will change this. I want to consolidate and manifest the full purpose of this Divine House of the Gods, so this beautiful dragon grows into the glorious Great Dragon that represents the force of the Gods manifested on earth.
After this growth, much of our work will be done; humanity will have a great being behind it to protect it, especially so for the souls that want to grow and keep growing.
Through these efforts, the little dragon that we have that is called the JoS, is actually growing step by step, through the decided actions of bright and higher level individuals who have seen the light and power of the Gods. And still, we are quite early in our mission to manifest this fully in the world.
We must sit there and envision how the world is going to be after we succeed. That should give us hope, purpose, glory and bravery to proceed. If we also take a moment to observe how the world might go if we do nothing, we will understand why the Gods have tasked their best souls, irrespective of their level, to carry on this historical task. We are all players in history right now. On one hand we have responsibility, yet on the other, the Gods reward us with the glorious and abundant blessings of growth that are not available to anyone else but those under them. That by itself fills us with vigor and hope, and this vigor and hope must be extended outwards, so that we mark history and put the Gods on their throne again.
The Joy of Satan is the only organization on earth that seeks to do this and that will succeed in doing this. It is therefore upon us all to manifest this most beautiful dream into a reality. We have everything we need; everyone has the ability and the capacity to give according to their powers, for the full manifestation of this dream. The future generations will thank us for our battle against present downfall and decay; we will be remembered as legendary human beings who have done what was right.
I do look forward that everyone reads this issue and that this helps you all understand our greatest undertaking, envisioning also yourself as a greater form of what you could ever be. Many of us can only look back and prostrate ourselves in the influence of love, care and development that the Gods have brought into our lives. Life can be a hard game against ignorance, but we have bravery, knowledge and an awakened spirit from the Gods. Therefore, all of us must know, that we are here for a reason – a very big reason. All of us are absolutely integral to this purpose.
It is my desire that all of you see that reason and let it grow into your hearts and minds, making you all into always better and higher individuals. I do sincerely hope that this 8th edition of the PDF will explain to you about all the developments that will be undertook to make this happen, but also how these will reflect on all of us individually and collectively. I close this article with the following words from Our Father, to remind you of the greatness that lies ahead.
Father Satan From The Al-Jilwah:
I reveal my wonders to those who seek them, and in due time my miracles to those who receive them from me.
Let us all then, become receivers of these wonders. Let us all together, raise the Great Dragon
"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan