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Freaking out a little about graphene


Active member
Aug 31, 2021
Okay, so I don't want to scare anyone here but I've been doing very basic research into graphene oxide and I found a key point that (possibly) wasn't fully mentioned by that German doctor who was killed. His information exploded following his death.
If you are vaccinated you probably don't want to hear this. Note this is based on what I gathered as a total conspiracy nut. I'm not any kind of scientist or bright-minded person. Anyone who knows anything about science and/or math is very welcome to correct any misunderstandings here.

To start I'll talk a bit about the GMO stuff. Once you've been altered on the DNA level we know this cannot be reversed, yet all kinds of things can damage our DNA and cause it to mutate (i.e change slightly), opening us up to future disease. I can't remember the exact (two?) genes that are targeted yet I've heard it that one has something to do with memory, cognition and empathy. The only thing that's different here is instead of a steady alteration through generations of abuse this alteration an immediate modification (a large change).

The instigator of this DNA alteration comes from spike proteins from what I understand. These are self-replicating in those who are vaccinated due to the hydragel's penetrating capacity through cell walls. These (and the hydras) can be mitigated by following a 100% healthy diet with purified water. Additional things that help include ACV, garlic, ginger, turmeric and/or other anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial herbs/supplements. With this our bodies should produce ample amounts of its own glutathione which has been touted as effective for removing graphene oxide according to researchers from La Quinta Columna. Selenium and iodine from food should also help.

As well, nanobots are 1-100 nanometres in diameter. What we're dealing with is self-assembling, though I've heard from other doctors (if I remember right) that the hydras conduct this assembly by emitting electric pulses from their tentacles. 5G apparently causes movement of these particles as well via electromagnetism which results in lysis (cell destruction) and can cause sickness, disease and (in extreme cases) death. Still, this is based on what we appear to know right now (which is usually 10-15 years behind what THEY know). Since this is the case there is hope that much of this graphene can be removed providing most of this stuff does indeed assemble. Of course the spike has a plethora of implications to harm and you guys probably saw or heard of the leaked Pfizer document.

Now the bad news and key point I'm worried about - graphene oxide particles are subatomic and range from 0.2 to 1.1 nm which is only detectable by electron microscopes. I think I understood the mathematical representation correctly but I could be wrong: "1.1 ± 0.2 nm thick."
If I'm not mistaken once this is in the system it cannot be removed because it's subatomic.

That German doctor described it (if I recall) as 1 nm (or atom) thick and several nm wide, describing them as razor-blades that can cut through cells.
The best one can do is stop wearing graphene-containing masks, avoid vaccinated people if and where possible and avoid all conventional food and water. Since it's also in the chemtrails there is no avoiding in completely.

Allegedly effective treatments to this include MMS and borax powder. I hope the best for anyone who has been subjected to these kill shots. Who knows what disease will look like in 30 to 50 years. It's a very disturbing thought but at the same time we should focus on the present (day by day), roll with the punches and do the best we can. At the very least our cells replace themselves every 7 years. Perhaps our body has a way of removing sub-atomic particles during this stretch of time. And perhaps a healthy body has other amazing abilities that we're not aware of. There are a lot of unknowns. Rather than obsess on these we should focus on the moment, that we're still alive. What we do with that precious time is all that matters.

So that's essentially where I'm at right now. I'm very concerned but I won't let it bring me to full panic mode because I know my purpose (while I'm healthy and of sound mind) is far greater than worrying about the unknowns (gray areas).

What do you guys think? Have I become overly paranoid? TBH my mind wanders to "what if" from time to time. One thing I keep thinking is what if there's a COVID 2.0 caused by graphene and 5G? It all seems too perfect if you ask me and I'll never put anything past the enemy. I remember Bill Gates said something about 'the next pandemic' though this statement is very open-ended as they surely will pop up done the line. Still, it seems to fit with what could be a far worse pandemic, which some suggest may turn into a zombie apocalypse. It is odd that the CDC had an article "Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse"

If you made it through all my ramblings you truly are fearless and thoughtful. I hope you all stay strong and optimistic. It's far too easy to get black pilled these days. Stay strong everybody! <3
Sorry about being a negative-Nancy everyone!
I found some good news recently - the answer is in the title of this study:

"Graphene oxide is degraded by neutrophils and the degradation products are non-genotoxic"

So I our innate immune system is capable of breaking-down and removing graphene oxide.

Trying to understand science with little knowledge/experience has made me sort of crazy!
There's a good lesson here though - Don't fall for the enemy's fear-mongering and have faith in Satan's amazing creation.
sublimestatanist said:
Sorry about being a negative-Nancy everyone!
I found some good news recently - the answer is in the title of this study:

"Graphene oxide is degraded by neutrophils and the degradation products are non-genotoxic"

So I our innate immune system is capable of breaking-down and removing graphene oxide.

Trying to understand science with little knowledge/experience has made me sort of crazy!
There's a good lesson here though - Don't fall for the enemy's fear-mongering and have faith in Satan's amazing creation.
I've read earlier that horseradish helps immune system a lot with this
Serbon said:
sublimestatanist said:
Sorry about being a negative-Nancy everyone!
I found some good news recently - the answer is in the title of this study:

"Graphene oxide is degraded by neutrophils and the degradation products are non-genotoxic"

So I our innate immune system is capable of breaking-down and removing graphene oxide.

Trying to understand science with little knowledge/experience has made me sort of crazy!
There's a good lesson here though - Don't fall for the enemy's fear-mongering and have faith in Satan's amazing creation.
I've read earlier that horseradish helps immune system a lot with this

That's fascinating, thanks for the info. I looked into it a bit and found that horseradish has many antioxidants (which help remove toxins/heavy metals) and more specifically it has some that show strong antimutagenic properties (i.e they prevent mutations in the genes, which leads to disease). Other good vegetables include beets, chives and onions as well as vegetables high in chlorophyll.

I can see why horseradish would be especially good for jabbed people since these injections use CRISPR technology that alters DNA. From what I gather the mRNAs are encapsulated in hydrogel which allows it to pass cell walls and insert new instructions in the DNA of these cells to reproduce more mRNA. This mRNA then instructs other cells to produce spike proteins to create an immune response. They basically become make-shift viruses.
It does a lot more than that though... I've heard and read that the S1 spike protein "altered" people shed from the surface of cells because of the graphene oxide. These spikes cause inflammation and can cross the blood-brain barrier. If I remember right, I think I'd also heard somewhere that graphene oxide might attach to them.

To think, an attenuated virus would have served their alleged purpose without all the rigmarole.

I shouldn't freak out too much since there are people who are far worse off. Having a variety of antioxidants from a healthy diet should be enough to ward off these spikes and the graphene in our environment from chemtrails and disposable masks.

I think the biggest struggle for me is not knowing all the possible implications, the "what-ifs". I feel a lot like Omoi from Naruto (if you're familiar), over-worrying about uncertainty and things that may or may not happen.

I've been doing some rituals and honestly feel a big difference just from that. I'll keep mediating and try to clear my mind a little. Honestly, I think going into fight-or-flight mode over all this is worse for my health than the shedding/etc. :lol:

We all need balance in life, especially me. I tend to take things to extremes and struggle with moderation. I will spend less time staring at a screen and use more time to improve myself. Sorry for the ramble btw. ^_^

Hail Satan!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
