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Fostering The Satanic Mentality: Your Actions and The Gods

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
In our lives, we have not been told almost any Truth in regards to how to live, or about the Gods. As you can see, my work here focuses on healing you and showing you again the Truth that was very well known before.

Temporarily, as a people, we lost this. Partly, because for many reasons, many people fell inferior to this greatness, and partly, because of the enemy.

But you must crown your own self as a walker into this path, and nobody can do anything for you besides help you unless you have decided to walk yourself.

Oftentimes, people speak a lot about their intentions. Intentions do matter indeed in this life, they are the foundation of action. Currently, in the physical world however, we are in a world where actions matter. Intention and action go hand in hand, and either alone is losing a lot of it's value.

Many people, even people here, you believe you are irrelevant. This belief is common in Christianity, where people are falsely taught that life is irrelevant, or it's relevance is some unnatural thing that naturally leads people to say "Fuck it all, I don't care".

As people like Nietszche have explained, the conceptions of Christianity which are false [this includes the Abrahamic religions] lead man to a life of pointlessness, or the lowest degree of existential nihilism. The exact opposite, is where our path can lead you, if you let it happen to you, of course.

You are irrelevant if you make yourself irrelevant, and if you treat your life in an irrelevant manner, then this is what it will be. If you decide to make your own life relevant, and treat your existence as a movement towards the Gods, then your mindset will automatically starting to change.

What I tell you here, is to wake you up to the fact that your life is relevant, but you have to wake up to this reality yourself.

For some, this understanding never arrives. Life is seen as irrelevant, and many live their lives completely asleep. In this state of sleep, "intentions", of which many people falsely assume have the "best of", are very important. The importance of these are akin to the asleep person of what they call "dreams". They are relevant inside one's own internal context.

Lastly, to those who also say nonsense that does not exist anywhere in our Ancient Culture, which preaches false "relativism", or that "actions don't really matter it's the intentions", that is a half baked truth. This thought process is antithetical to the knowledge of the Ancients, who knew the Gods, and of the great beings that knew the Gods face to face.

Have you done the Latest and Greatest Rituals that I have posted? If yes, have you partook and got a little "taste" of the Gods? And if so, do you think these beings are in some form of "irrelevant" relationship with humans while they don't even care of anything we do or not do?

If you think that way, then you will understand more as you advance. But because we don't have all the time in the universe and because you can sleep eternally if you want, I must draw some of your attention to something right now.

Those who truly come in contact with the Gods, you will start waking up to what I write to you here. In fact, this post is only to accelerate this.

If you want to distinct yourself from other people, and to one day become like the Gods, you must start incorporating slowly their thoughts into your thoughts. The Gods are interested in this, and we reach them through trying to be like them. But to "be like them", we have first to understand as much as we can, and then keep trying to understand more.

The Joy of Satan contains a lot of teachings about personal freedom and responsibility, but we have not elaborated on how this works so that you know how to relate to the Gods.

And you will be incapable to relate to the Gods unless someone teaches you, especially since in this day and era, we live in a society that instructs humanity to become as pigs, and not as the Gods. I will therefore show you some of how this works, while my work reflects all of these inner virtues you need to advance to them - universal and eternal in their roots.

You do not say "I had the best intentions to feed my own baby, but I never breastfed it, and it died". Stupidity like this is not tolerated on these subjects, is it? Do you think any judge, jury, family, or person walking on earth could justify this negligence over such a claim? If humans cannot even bother with this, can the Gods?

But lo and behold on another thing that I am commonly confronted with and with very direct intentions I will bring in front of you: To give an example; "I wanted to donate to the JoS for a long time...BUT".

Personality traits that will keep us from anything positive in life, do hide strongly behind the excuses we make for ourselves, or procrastination and other similar traps.

The unwilling, the weak, the cowardly, the escapist, and generally everything you don't want want to be, always has a big "but". The only real "BUT" one would take seriously, is the following: I am poor, I have children to feed and this will take from their mouth, this is a very bad period for me [not perceived, but truly] and so on.

If you do any of the above, then this is not a donation, this is against Satan's Will. Do not ever take any of these essential things to extremes to do this.

When you give, it must come out of free will, self overcoming, and out of proper thinking where you know what you can do.

The Christian church or Islam, which forcibly takes things over the fear of "eternal hellfire" or "death", from poor widows, from children, orphans, or steals the loaf of bread out of people's mouth, is not the Joy of Satan.

There is a great curse that follows these odious institutions for stealing things from the poor, those who have fell down, and people who literally have nothing. If you are in this situation, wait until you can do better [which you will, given the workings and if you put yourself into this task a bit more].

Going back into all the But's of life...But... You can improve this. We can improve on anything. There are indeed, possibilities ahead of you, and you are not condemned on this level forever.

You must also comprehend: Our evolution as a group, is incumbent in our evolution as individual human beings. We must overcome ourselves so that our group can overcome adversity and to bless ourselves and our future generations.

In life, I have noticed, on everything meaningful and good that people must do, ie, meditation, learning, advancing, positive things - everyone has a big BUT. "I would meditate, but ...". "I had this opportunity to advance in JoS, but...".

The infinite creation of excuses to feed cowardice, laziness, lack of industriousness and everything that can and will keep you back from higher things, is the greatest monster you will have to fight in your life. It is bigger than all the jews combined, the enemy, and all your enemies that you had and you will ever have. If you defeat this monster, you will have defeated the real enemy in the real war. The great beast that hovered above you, will have been defeated.

Here is how I give answers to all of these questions:

BUT: "I don't have 50 dollars to send the JoS!"

Answer: "How can I make 50 dollars extra to send to JoS?", "How can I fix my financial situation to be able to help JoS and the Gods more and improve myself too while I am at it?", "Maybe I am too much of a pussy and a coward, that even though I am a millionaire or gazillionaire, I can't sacrifice 50 dollars [oy vey, too much money to send, my hand is trembling!!], and how much the Gods laugh at me all day for how much of a pussy I have become?" etc etc.

You will find, that the more you try to do something good and improve on one area, you are also improving on another one. For example, certain people are enslaved by poverty and what this entails, but few are also enslaved from "wealth".

A lot of celebrities, have this very same problem and they are strongly enslaved under "wealth", not dissimilar a form of enslavement than what many people have who suffer in poverty, with the similar underlying factors. It takes good measure to sometimes cut a few to gain freedom and self control.

These, are meaningful questions to pose to yourself. To get forward and to advance, ask meaningful questions, and stop giving pointless drivel to yourself and others.

Your "BUT", is not a mature reply, nothing that will advance you, and at best, you can answer it with something better or a solution to the problem - BUT most people only use it as an excuse.

It is the most useless thing in your life, and it is your enemy. It tries to rob you of anything good you could do in your life, and of every advancement you could see in this life, and will hover against you and fight a war with you until you are dead and have done not a single thing to do good on yourself, your advancement, and others.

The Gods or anyone will not sit there to think about your "intention" all day. The Gods will not sit there and listen to your long ravings about your perceived obstacles, that you have "accepted" foolishly and want to stay a prisoner to - the Gods are here to help us overcome these.

I could have had the purest intentions since the beginning but none of this mattered in life. What is the point if I "intended" to make this post and never did it for you? Have I helped you now? Yes. Why?

There were a thousand but's and butts that I could be following to not do this, but there are none of this now in my head, because I think like a Spiritual Satanist, and not like a slob of the infinite I meet everyday.

Your actions are what matters the most. The Gods observe our actions, and what we do. This is what matters. Our gestures and actions do touch upon ourselves and others.

Our actions, might be small. Not every small action changes the fabric of the universe. But many small actions, change yourself, and progressively also the world. Our inaction also comes at a great price, which many do not understand. For example, to neglect a single action, leads to an energy of inaction that can have adverse or unwanted effects in our lives and that of others.

If I chose to remain inactive today, then this post would not have been made, and I would not have acted to show you about the value of your own life, and how that by instilling value in your life, you can also instill value in this world, through the JoS, or doing your part, or taking yourself a little bit more happily and seriously.

But...Instead of saying but all day, you can start working on having the Satanic Mentality, instead.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you for this post! Actions on our parts are most required when it comes to getting closer to the Gods and advancing, and in some aspects of life this may require more work than others also depending on the person.

nothing however will get done wallowing in self pity or sitting with one's hands out expecting everything to be done for them. If there is an obstacle one must find ways around and not make excuses.
That is why no matter the situation, no matter the things one can't do in the moment, one should always face forward, and do what one can. It is only by being in motion, that people get somewhere.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

WONDERFUL! Really beautiful and very useful post. I guess it is inspired by all those people who lately write almost every day that they do not feel aspired to life, their goals in life and those who believe they are nothing.
A very sad thing, but even if these people lights a flame of human empathy and sorrow in me, I believe that all this constant self pity is totally anti Satanic.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Enlightening post, I am going through a stagnation phase, with all the problems associated with it.

Saturn energy inspires me, especially the discipline aspect, that's a good idea, right?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Cobra, if you could post what you need the money for, that would help motivate people to Donate. I think if we imagine that people are donating alot, they might not see a point. If there was a certain amount needed to reach for a reason, that might make people more apt too.
HP Cobra, I have been getting the same realizations and understandings in many ways recently, from the way certain aspects of my life has been going, from the situations I'm having to face, the obstacles. Even from many blessings I have recieved too.

I have been feeling powerful urges to connect with the Gods and in order to do that, I've been coming to the same understanding, that I need to do my part, that I need to put in more effort and most importantly, that I needed to face myself. I have been acting on these realizations and insights and I can feel myself improving, getting more closer to the Gods. Also, improving myself as a person, as a Satanist.

This post was very much needed for me personally. This basically sums it all up, very straight forward and gave me clarity. I have realized much more after reading this sermon. Thank you HP Cobra. You truly are a beacon of light in my life.
Would it be correct to say that one of the big points of this sermon is that people need to develop their ability to follow through?

Not the only takeaway, of course. It just seemed like you stressed that point a lot.
Thanks a lot HP Cobra!

Your words really give strength. It was good for me to remember the characteristic problems that I had kept from myself even though I had known them for a very long time. I always blamed the enemy and environmental factors when I couldn't "do" what needed to be done as an SS. In fact, even if the enemy is hurting at any moment, my worst enemy is my own cowardice and reluctance. Having wanted to deal with it all my life and not being able to do it created a feeling of boredom and embarrassment in me.

BUT if I was "intended" to see this post then it is not over yet and we still have things to do for the Gods and ourselves. It's never too late if we're with the gods and want it. Still, it's good to start early.

I hope deep in my soul I find the will to put my words into action and work until all I can think about is being able to serve Father Satan and the Gods and Jos.

RED DAWN said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

The delusion alot of people have that we are waging this war for the Gods needs to stop. This is mainly our war, atleast here on Earth, we are doing the Rtr's and schedules to save oruselves, not the Gods.
Veritá_666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Enlightening post, I am going through a stagnation phase, with all the problems associated with it.

Saturn energy inspires me, especially the discipline aspect, that's a good idea, right?

Verita, your digital artwork is epic :)
Black Sun Light said:
Cobra, if you could post what you need the money for, that would help motivate people to Donate. I think if we imagine that people are donating alot, they might not see a point. If there was a certain amount needed to reach for a reason, that might make people more apt too.

I think that soon, we will be into the territory of around 50 websites, with the translations included. Maybe more in the future. These will require regional advertising and a lot of other things, which will make sense to people who know what these things mean and what they entail.

I want to see the JoS grow to what the Gods have envisioned with all the provisions.

As a person I have minimal needs to none in particular as an individual. Personally the concern that plagues me the most, is that I must do what I have to do, in the hope that my works will be considered by the Gods and that they will give me more understanding in life above all else.

Except of a few blessed and strong people who actually understand what this takes and are actively into this, and others who disproportionately give everything in this, others are sleeping on this.

This post is to wake them up to improve their situation, and in turn, improve the common dwelling of the JoS.

I don't see this as justice, nor I consider this logical in anyway. I think people should be more hopeful, richer, and have plenty, for themselves and for JoS and so on.

Clearly, this is something that takes a while to generate, as many people have been programmed into both poverty and lack of giving [which are two illnesses I seek to rectify in our gathering].
RED DAWN said:

"Brutha" you do know that all posts to this forum has to be approved by an admin, right?
Why do you think your shit is allowed on this forum? This post and over 170 other shit posts..
You think you are really smart, you think you are getting into people's heads, you think you are somehow damaging or destroying JoS..but are you really?
You ain't that smart "brutha". If you were, you would have figured out why you are allowed here.
Veritá_666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Enlightening post, I am going through a stagnation phase, with all the problems associated with it.


We have all been and likely will be in one of these. Instead of seeing it as "stagnation", you can turn this to a great opportunity, ie, learning, or something like this.
Thank you for sharing this post!🔥
Recently, I was teaching myself how to take blood pressure and my dad laughed, saying it was "old school" to use a stethoscope and cuff. He insisted the more modern form would be the doctor putting a chip in the patient. He said it so casually and it bothered me for many reasons, besides the obvious.

It sent me into a long reflection on the thought process of average people, similar to my dad. It made me wonder how one could give up their individuality in exchange for, what, exactly? An "easier" medical alternative? A video game? A perfect world?

This moment reminded me of the vigor with which we live our lives. We do not ask for the hard work to be lifted off our shoulders, we accept the challenge with a smile. We complete these rituals with pride, barring in mind what beauty it could bring. We advance our souls through meditation, not because it has been forced onto us, but because we long for our efforts to finally illuminate our souls and make us as the Gods.

I am grateful for Satan and each and every one of the Original Gods and Goddesses. I am grateful for HPS Maxine for creating the website and I am grateful for HPHC for furthering this knowledge. Everyday, I am glad I dedicated my soul and I am overjoyed with the prospect of what tomorrow brings. Truly, the life of a Spiritual Satanist is one to be lived with pride and ambition.

We have Satan and the Gods to thank for embarking on this glorious journey.
I have been on the warpath for awhile lately in trying to get financially stable, in hopes of being able to donate to the JoS, and over time be more involved and helpful. 30 fucking job applications. All turned down.

I'm not gonna give up until im out there crushing it, and giving back financially to my satanic family.

Circumstances with the health problems I experience, and alot of responsibilities, and my energy in many different directions, also contributes to me not being where I'd like to be, but I am trying to focus big on spiritual advancement.

I've also been in a rush to learn things with open source software, free operating systems that are available, im just not quite there yet.

I'm really hoping in the long term to be some sort of help to you Commander Cobra, and my other satanic family of brothers and sisters.
serpentwalker666 said:
I have been on the warpath for awhile lately in trying to get financially stable, in hopes of being able to donate to the JoS, and over time be more involved and helpful. 30 fucking job applications. All turned down.

Keep doing what you can do, and also, look into alternative forms of income. This could be even state income or anything, until you are strong on your feet. It can take a while, depending on qualifications. Knowing you from all these years, you can overcome these issues.

Look into if any health problems present, can be used for a footing to get income, which is after all sensible and a form of social return. Many people in the Western world do take income from this, and it's not bad, but it depends on your situation.

Do not stress about donations now if you are very tightly of. In the meantime, keep doing what you can. Find a person to also look in your resume, and polish it a bit.

Do not feel any guilt or worry about this now. Everyone understands when life has been cruel to us, everyone also has probably been in a similar situation or a rut, but in the end, we also almost always escape. Just keep at it.

My e-mail is open if you need any further help with any of it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
serpentwalker666 said:
I have been on the warpath for awhile lately in trying to get financially stable, in hopes of being able to donate to the JoS, and over time be more involved and helpful. 30 fucking job applications. All turned down.

Keep doing what you can do, and also, look into alternative forms of income. This could be even state income or anything, until you are strong on your feet. It can take a while, depending on qualifications. Knowing you from all these years, you can overcome these issues.

Look into if any health problems present, can be used for a footing to get income, which is after all sensible and a form of social return. Many people in the Western world do take income from this, and it's not bad, but it depends on your situation.

Do not stress about donations now if you are very tightly of. In the meantime, keep doing what you can. Find a person to also look in your resume, and polish it a bit.

Do not feel any guilt or worry about this now. Everyone understands when life has been cruel to us, everyone also has probably been in a similar situation or a rut, but in the end, we also almost always escape. Just keep at it.

My e-mail is open if you need any further help with any of it.

Thank you so much for your guidance and advice Commander.
I'm glad to have helped contribute to the community on more then one occasion and yes mind set is everything lately I have been getting the enemy blitzing me with garbage rubbish thoughts usually I do not have these but when I goto do warfare or attempt communication with the gods especially they blitz me with shitty thoughts I'm going to do another round of mind cleansing and aura enhancement after this schedule is done its ridiculous I can push through this after the first few repitions they usually give up azazel was so bright I could barely make out his face with all the shenu energy we did well this time and he was able to reach many people.

I'm trying to donate regularly but I'm also buying a lot of stocks and shares at the moment with a recession comes a lot of opportunity if the recession gets a little worse it would actually be really good for me I have taken up the practice of buying gold and selling stocks in the the good economic times and during recessions I buy stocks and sell gold as gold is worth more during recessions and but stocks are worth a lot less then what they should be if I could get to a point where I buy and sell things at the right time instead of working it would give me much time for spiritual development.

My donation goal has risen to atleast one USA dollar a day hopefully I can manage to double this when investments start paying off.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The only real "BUT" one would take seriously, is the following: I am poor, I have children to feed and this will take from their mouth, this is a very bad period for me [not perceived, but truly] and so on.

Islamist party ruined the economy now more than half of the country earns less than 350 USD per month and higher class educated people like surgeons can hardly do 1000+ USD monthly 🤡
Perfect HPHC there can be no excuses bar laziness, in my case anyway.

I need a crypto friendly bank this one shuts it down if buy it i wont mention the name.

Just open another

Take care our HP my bro also
serpentwalker666 said:
I have been on the warpath for awhile lately in trying to get financially stable, in hopes of being able to donate to the JoS, and over time be more involved and helpful. 30 fucking job applications. All turned down.

I'm not gonna give up until im out there crushing it, and giving back financially to my satanic family.

Circumstances with the health problems I experience, and alot of responsibilities, and my energy in many different directions, also contributes to me not being where I'd like to be, but I am trying to focus big on spiritual advancement.

I've also been in a rush to learn things with open source software, free operating systems that are available, im just not quite there yet.

I'm really hoping in the long term to be some sort of help to you Commander Cobra, and my other satanic family of brothers and sisters.

I think Lydia's Career thread will help you. Do check it out if you haven't already seen it.


Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=33906 time=1529932247 user_id=57] We have some members here who are unemployed and have not had any success obtaining a job, no matter what they have done. There is a chance that you are needed in your unemployed position, as you have more time to do spiritual warfare and work on other areas. I was unemployed for a few years, just enough money to cover my needs came to me, and I spent many hours daily studying astrology. If I had a full-time job then, I would not be able to do astrology for my fellow SS now. Satan and the Gods know what is best for us as individuals, and us as a group, and working for humanity. Stay open to their grand design, but don't miss any opportunities that come your way. :)
Thanks HP for this message.
It is inspiring and full of energies, a true motivational help, inside deep.
Pammy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The only real "BUT" one would take seriously, is the following: I am poor, I have children to feed and this will take from their mouth, this is a very bad period for me [not perceived, but truly] and so on.

Islamist party ruined the economy now more than half of the country earns less than 350 USD per month and higher class educated people like surgeons can hardly do 1000+ USD monthly 🤡
The questions is are we willing instead of are we capable.

You see, when it is tight like that then you can save up 5 dollars a month, and in four months you can donate 20 dollars worth of crypto. Or if you really really struggle, save up 1 dollar for 10 months and then buy crypto.

You see, it's not about perceived capabilities but our ability to will things happen. More people need to see how easy it is to make things happen when we do it together. Lifting a car alone is monumental task, but in group you can easily turn it upside down.
SeekerOfTruth666 said:

If you all are unable to donate, then don't.
Over 90 % of the people are able, but not willing. Look at the example above. Who can not save up one dollar for extended periods of time? When this is done as group effort, it actually starts piling up and makes a meaningful amount of money.
Ramses said:
I'm glad to have helped contribute to the community on more then one occasion and yes mind set is everything lately I have been getting the enemy blitzing me with garbage rubbish thoughts usually I do not have these but when I goto do warfare or attempt communication with the gods especially they blitz me with shitty thoughts I'm going to do another round of mind cleansing and aura enhancement after this schedule is done its ridiculous I can push through this after the first few repitions they usually give up azazel was so bright I could barely make out his face with all the shenu energy we did well this time and he was able to reach many people.

I'm trying to donate regularly but I'm also buying a lot of stocks and shares at the moment with a recession comes a lot of opportunity if the recession gets a little worse it would actually be really good for me I have taken up the practice of buying gold and selling stocks in the the good economic times and during recessions I buy stocks and sell gold as gold is worth more during recessions and but stocks are worth a lot less then what they should be if I could get to a point where I buy and sell things at the right time instead of working it would give me much time for spiritual development.

My donation goal has risen to atleast one USA dollar a day hopefully I can manage to double this when investments start paying off.

Thank you for the beautiful description of your experience. I truly wish you the greatest wealth. If there is anyway I can help or advise in any matter, just e-mail me.
Henu the Great said:
SeekerOfTruth666 said:

If you all are unable to donate, then don't.
Over 90 % of the people are able, but not willing. Look at the example above. Who can not save up one dollar for extended periods of time? When this is done as group effort, it actually starts piling up and makes a meaningful amount of money.

That's completely true. If someone is willing, then they would find a way to be able to do it.
Don't fall for the trap SS, these "people" who are against and throw tantrums are only jews with the purpose to instigate and enrich negative expectation of this, based on absolutely nothing but enemy thoughtforms.

The above also consists in the baby stance people have, immaturity and lack of responsibility in life. You give your life to other things everyday, time money energy. Yet when there's a notice on the most important part of life, exceeding any present life, suddenly the words "powerful, fatherly, nurturing" are turned to "weak, immature, vampires".

How much does some people need to sacrifice for you to milk their knowledge. This is addressed to these mental traps, not to specific SS as they need only maturing and meditation. But the jews know fully this, and they use this against.

The vector from this is, grow and have. Then share with your most important people in your life, they do that too. Have a lot, be rich or be modest, but seek the flowering of this.

This is based on the principle of advancement. No one is truly advanced without sharing a part. It is dependent on sharing, one is never and cannot be completely isolated but only in mental traps and victimhoods.

There's a duty to be fulfilled, it was there all along, you get notified. Your decision of this is yours, nothing more. But don't seize the actual truth about it because of lacking.

What is more fulfilling than holding as a man your community intact, community of the Gods.

Why you deny yourself the power of fatherly providing. Taking care of business, like a hairy man. Like a nerd. Like anything you desire to. Doing this you are a man.

Doing it like a woman of supreme beauty, polishing guiding and nurturing the community.

Wake up and be adults. Crush the weakness. Conquer the world. We are here for each other.
People who feel negatively about donating to the JoS are those who still haven't understood what a miracle JoS is. If only I was a millionaire my millions would be on the JoS.
NakedPluto said:
Don't fall for the trap SS, these "people" who are against and throw tantrums are only jews with the purpose to instigate and enrich negative expectation of this, based on absolutely nothing but enemy thoughtforms.

How much does some people need to sacrifice for you to milk their knowledge. This is addressed to these mental traps, not to specific SS as they need only maturing and meditation. But the jews know fully this, and they use this against.

Wake up and be adults. Crush the weakness. Conquer the world. We are here for each other.

Your reply is basically exactly what is going on. As always, we have all sorts of things.

1. Awakening individuals to the true points of the article which is self growth and communal growth, with a greater purpose and focus in the future.

2. The random jew that shows up the moment the goy tries to do anything for the Goy cause, preaching against it loudly with the Shofar, because they feel like it's a shoah anything of spiritual exists for the goy

3. Real legitimate concerns borne out of fear, psychological weakness, or just negative life conditions, which are to be cured and people must be empowered out of.

4. Nonsensical drivel, personal attacks that might come from Gentiles or whomever else, just "because".

I have also answered certain real concerns and (((Concerns))) like the holocaust in this thread.

Aquarius said:
People who feel negatively about donating to the JoS are those who still haven't understood what a miracle JoS is. If only I was a millionaire my millions would be on the JoS.

Here here my man :cool:
Henu the Great said:

You can’t save up in a hyperinflation economy. If I had put 80 USD worth of money aside a year ago to donate, I would have 40 USD worth of money right now. You could think why not keep your money in USD then, but no, everyone thinks the same thing so the commission for exchange is crazy to do it in a monthly manner and there are some limitations. They surveillance how much money you exchange, how frequently you do it and limit it.

One more thing to add, 1 USD was equal to 1,15 TL in 2008. 1 USD was 17,25 last week. 5 USD is nothing to someone from the USA but it can be my water bill or my cat's food for the month. Not because they are cheap, very expensive in fact, but Lira lost too much value that I need to starve my cat to send only 5 dollars.

Lastly, slaves in Ancient Egypt received 3 liters of beer and whole wheat bread (170 TL) per day, and about half of the people who work in Turkey are paid 166 TL per day.
I am a minor and in order to donate I could secretly take a credit card from my parents. However, I could run the risk that they would see the transitions made with the card and find out about me. Then I wouldn't know what to tell them because I haven't bought anything with it and they are already quite suspicious about my beliefs since they know I meditate. I have no trusted people who could make the transition for me.

Is this risk one of the excuses you refer to or not? Can I wait until I come of age and become financially independent?

Maybe the answer is obvious and I am stupid, sorry.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Henu the Great said:
Neilsonbar said:
You are a scoundrel.

I live hand to mouth and I still manage to donate to JoS.

But but but my moneys! Oy vey!

that's how you sound...

Judging from your statement it is not good to state:

"I am hired to a job
I am working in a job

I have lots of money." https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=69406

Because only the perfect job can get you the most money.

For everyone who wants to have fun while working and still get maximum money:

Started on a good astrological date see SS calendar (search function).


SOL + FE + GIOF x 111 reps

"In a positive and healthy way for me, I am hired for the perfect job for me. I keep this job now, continuously and forever." x 18reps 40 days straight.

One can also do 80 days. I only did 40 have now a real cool job.

Of course depending on your prior inner work (spiritual potential), also how much you did help the gods or JOS this working will be more successfull.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
serpentwalker666 said:
I have been on the warpath for awhile lately in trying to get financially stable, in hopes of being able to donate to the JoS, and over time be more involved and helpful. 30 fucking job applications. All turned down.

Keep doing what you can do, and also, look into alternative forms of income. This could be even state income or anything, until you are strong on your feet. It can take a while, depending on qualifications. Knowing you from all these years, you can overcome these issues.

Look into if any health problems present, can be used for a footing to get income, which is after all sensible and a form of social return. Many people in the Western world do take income from this, and it's not bad, but it depends on your situation.

Do not stress about donations now if you are very tightly of. In the meantime, keep doing what you can. Find a person to also look in your resume, and polish it a bit.

Do not feel any guilt or worry about this now. Everyone understands when life has been cruel to us, everyone also has probably been in a similar situation or a rut, but in the end, we also almost always escape. Just keep at it.

My e-mail is open if you need any further help with any of it.
This is from a old post off me (so one can read other peoples opinions about it):

Only the perfect job can get you the most money.

For everyone who wants to have fun while working and still get maximum money:

Started on a good astrological date see SS calendar (search function).


SOL + FE + GIOF x 111 reps

"In a positive and healthy way for me, I am hired for the perfect job for me. I keep this job now, continuously and forever." x 18reps 40 days straight.

One can also do 80 days. I only did 40 have now a real cool job.

Of course depending on your prior inner work (spiritual potential), also how much you did help the gods or JOS this working will be more successfull.
Fiery Pluto said:
I am a minor and in order to donate I could secretly take a credit card from my parents. However, I could run the risk that they would see the transitions made with the card and find out about me. Then I wouldn't know what to tell them because I haven't bought anything with it and they are already quite suspicious about my beliefs since they know I meditate. I have no trusted people who could make the transition for me.

Is this risk one of the excuses you refer to or not? Can I wait until I come of age and become financially independent?

Maybe the answer is obvious and I am stupid, sorry.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
You don't have to worry about donating until you are at a legal age to do so with privacy.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
