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Forced to take vaccine. What should I do?


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2019
Hey it seems starting from the 30th of October I won't be able to enter college without taking the vaccine.

What can I do? If I am forced to take it I will. I won't sacrifice my future and college for some vaccine. I paid a huge some of money for this college and if I am not able to enter the college I can't pass.

Although I don't want to take it. Can I do anything to avoid it now? I don't know. Can I ask for help from the Gods?

If I did take it what can I do to offset the negative effects?

Please help brothers and sisters. Thanks alot.

I will talk to my Gaurdian about this aswell.
What vaccines do you have available? The jews also made fun of medicine, as with everything else. The medicine had to be good and the solution.
Master said:
What vaccines do you have available? The jews also made fun of medicine, as with everything else. The medicine had to be good and the solution.
Astrazeneca and Sinophac I am not sure yet. But I am sure about the Astrazeneca one.
Master said:
What vaccines do you have available? The jews also made fun of medicine, as with everything else. The medicine had to be good and the solution.
I have checked we have Astrazeneca as I said and another chinese vaccine called Sinovac also called Coronavac.

It seems the Sinovac is safer and with also less efficacy. But I am not sure yet.
Oh it seems I can't choose which vax to take. :(

The Gods seem to be my only option now :'(
I've been looking at a whole lot of vaccine injured people giving testimonies under the latest videos section of www.brandnewtube.com

There's a girl that said no jab no job. But now she's terribly ill.

Mate I'm sorry. But with all of the risks and not knowing what it really is?

Personally I'd rather die fighting to not take it than voluntarily be coerced into a forced medical procedure.
Sorry mate. I believe it won't just be one or two shots. You will need to have a booster every six months to keep your vaccinated status.

It's a DNA manipulator and they're converting humanity into greys.

It's all on that website I posted earlier.

I'm sorry mate. I think those of us that haven't had the jab are the lucky ones. But we have one major fight to maintain our natural biological state on our hands here.

The enemy wants to try make it impossible to survive without undergoing their gene therapy.

Many people cannot see it. Apparently once a person has the shot they lose a part of themselves.

They become fervent proponents of the jab. The jab may make them be happy to have nothing and be a slave because it's taking them into the hive mind.

Man this may sound surreal and too far out there. But I can see it. The jab changes people. It's a different type this jab it's different from traditional vaccines. It's a DNA one. It's a mRNA. And it self replicates.

Look at that site and be informed.

Sorry mate
Pretty much all of the following is my opinion, so take with as much salt as you like.

Hey there, from what I feel, (and I am doing all I can to try prevent this) I believe everyone is going to be forced to take it eventually. If not forced through our lifestyle, people are blaming the unvaccinated for the cropping up of new variants, if we get a more deadly one, we're the first ones people will target. The best thing you can do is educate yourself with what factual information you can. ( Although he's pro-mRNA (of course, he's a doctor, that's all he knows how to be), I found a lot of comfort watching Dr Campbell. He looks at statistics and has plenty of information on Coronavirus in general. He is one of the only doctors asking questions & he does not scaremonger. He looks at reputable (as much as they can be) sources and always links them so you can go look at the info yourself. https://www.youtube.com/c/Campbellteaching/videos )

It's completely fine to be afraid. How can you be anything else, your bodily autonomy is under threat, and so is your freedom. I "decided" to take the first dose of the (Moderna) vaccine for the same reasons, I felt like I'd lose my job, but I've changed my mind since then and am lucky enough to be able to... right now. Like HPHC said, the other best thing you can do is keep healthy. Not long before I got my vaccine, I thought about the possible side effects and put a spell of protection over the body parts that may be effected (heart, brain, bloodstream, etc) and you may wish to do the associated chakra as well. You can also do the general working as suggested by JoS, I just use them in different ways for myself. I was desperate, so I also asked for general help to Father Satan directly. It is okay to do that. One of the Gods also came bedside and helped prepare my body. You can also do this for family members you care for who will be receiving it too.
Please do not fear. You will be okay. 🖤
Make sure they inject it in the muscle. It should not be injected in the bloodstream, but from what I hear most aren’t testing to make sure before hand. Very few are. This is a theory behind possible bad side effects when people take the vaccine. If you have to take the vaccine, at least make sure they do it right. Do a lot of aura of protection before hand and trust in the gods. As long as you’re meditating and staying relatively healthy, you should be fine.

Also check and make sure there are no alternatives. Sometimes people are mistaken when they think they MUST get the vaccine to do whatever it is they wish to do when in fact there’s ways around. I’ve seen this a lot. But then there are also cases where it is mandatory. So just make sure before getting the vaccine.
I dont know if everywhere, but in Hungary you can make an anti-body test, and if its high enough you can get a vax card for it. Even you can avoid it telling you had allergic reactions in the past, or you want childerns in the future, etc. Sadly the jews managed to everibody think the truth fake news, the lies fact, as many times in the history before
mercury_wisdom said:
Hey it seems starting from the 30th of October I won't be able to enter college without taking the vaccine.

What can I do? If I am forced to take it I will. I won't sacrifice my future and college for some vaccine. I paid a huge some of money for this college and if I am not able to enter the college I can't pass.

Although I don't want to take it. Can I do anything to avoid it now? I don't know. Can I ask for help from the Gods?

If I did take it what can I do to offset the negative effects?

Please help brothers and sisters. Thanks alot.

I will talk to my Gaurdian about this aswell.
It is a tough situation indeed. You have to make the best choice for yourself but think long and hard before you get it. Save up while you can.
The vaccine is an MRNA vaccine and it can have unknown effects on the DNA and Cells of the body.
About Sinovac, they say it has been used in China already so it has to be somewhat effective as in actually existing to shield from a virus or it would not be sold.
As of related issues to it, one could never know. I am sure according to China it's the pinnacle of health and it has no wrong. But this is the same shit Pfizer and Moderna says and information has leaked that if one is unlucky issues can arise.
Try to ask Satan and the Gods what would be your best course of action, be open to their guidance. That is the advantage you have as a Satanist which all other people don't have. Even if you cannot astrally communicate perfectly, you can at least still receive their guidance and other signs, also they can help you in case your only options are very drastic measures which will lead to difficulties for you. And a excuse to avoid the vaccine is to simply mention the fact that you are in the lowest risk group or makea medical excuse such as some vaccine allergy.Spiritually you can raise the energy and program it not to get the vaccine. If the above doesn't work and you have to take the vaccine, do a work for getting rid of health problems or increasing health with SURYAE, WUNJO etc. and a healthy diet, proper protection, detoxification of the body and maybe a soul release work ( MUŃKA, ANSUZ... ). Good luck brother!
Personally, I think it's pathetic that you're so keen on taking the vax just to be able to go to school.

The university will always be there, and what's the money you paid? A couple thousand dollars? Are those worth risking your health and bowing to the jew?

Being dedicated to a cause means to not compromise just because some comfort is getting taken away from you.
Didn't you have an online business?

Right now you have two choices, bow down or keep your head up and be willing to make a sacrifice.
Also, your title is wrong, as you're not "forced", you still have a choice in the matter, to take it or not to take it.
It is a do or don't situation. If you do, take advantage of the 31st with the moon in Virgo and do a health working to remove any negative effects.
Coraxo said:
why don't you try bribing the nurse/ ask her to "inject" the air instead of you?
I think that line could confuse some non-english speakers into literally injecting air into them instead of faking the injection in the air. :lol:
Everyone has to make a choice when it comes to what is injected into their bodies and every decision has a consequence. I don't speak much about the shot(It is ridiculous to call it a vaccine because it is not, it is an MRNA shot that works on a genetic level) because of the controversy, even on the forums here but you have to think hard about it.

The enemy developed this shot to further work their plans to alter and bring humanity to their disgusting cause. So in taking the mysterious substance in that vial, you are complying and making it easier for the enemy to move along with their plans. I personally believe it is biosynthetic form of nano technology that works into the system and I believe that it is permanent. There is a strong reason why the jews want everyone to get this shot, hardcore. They need it to move further with their plans. Therefore, I do not care what happens, I will never take it. I would never sleep at night knowing a foreign substance developed by the enemy is in me.

I understand the situation isn't easy at all when it comes to employment and livelihoods, and I'm not trying to cause fear or anything but just think about this all and the reason why the enemy is trying to force everyone to get it. I will not allow my sacred gentile body, that Satan and the gods created, to be violated by the enemy. It's sad because if everyone had the same way of thinking, to refuse and stand up and make sacrifices, we wouldn't be in this situation where people have to choose to get injected with something or feed their families, or worry about their future. Mass non-compliance could go a long way.
mercury_wisdom said:
Hey it seems starting from the 30th of October I won't be able to enter college without taking the vaccine.

What can I do? If I am forced to take it I will. I won't sacrifice my future and college for some vaccine. I paid a huge some of money for this college and if I am not able to enter the college I can't pass.

Although I don't want to take it. Can I do anything to avoid it now? I don't know. Can I ask for help from the Gods?

If I did take it what can I do to offset the negative effects?

Please help brothers and sisters. Thanks alot.

I will talk to my Gaurdian about this aswell.

Brother i have seen your recent posts and i know that you are not in a particular good state right now, Knowing this all of a sudden i see that you want to take the shot voluntarily under the pretense of being forced...

The reasons you listed are the same f....ing reasons why others take that damned shot, Money, freedom of movement etc. You know fully well that there are other ways of going about reaching your goal but if i see this correctly you are in no state of mind to think about this, Fix those mental struggles of yours before making a stupid choice that you could have easily avoided.

What future are you talking about anyway? Being a good slave for the new jew world order? You know just as well as any of us what the state of the world is right now, And where we are headed. Do you think going to a propaganda institute will help you? And as added extra you have to sign a paper that will most likely maim you for life... How wonderful

Its not my intention to attack you, But it fcking hurts me to see that brothers and sisters of mine make stupid mistakes like this. Think this over for a bit, Maybe think your whole life over... What is it that you want to do, More importantly what is it that you want to do for father, the gods and your brothers and sister.
Coraxo said:
Since you live in Egypt, why don't you try bribing the nurse/ ask her to "inject" the air instead of you? Or maybe get a [.....] vaccine certificate. I'm sure such stuff are easier to come by in 3rd world countries.

If I were you, I wouldn't touch the chinese jab not matter what. And the Astra one is especially dangerous for young people.

No matter what happens, make sure to take multi vitamins, vitamin D and zinc regularly. Start a health working asap and vibrate SATANAMA many times everyday, and don't forget yoga.

Yes I suppose you could go with an envelope stuffed with money and hand it to the person administering the shot and say: "Here's a present you, our little secret. Now let me see that."

And take it and empty it into a cloth you have with you or something.

I like that idea....

But. The what ifs?

What if they react badly at being bribed because they're fervent advocators of the jab. And run away with the bribe screaming to report you.

Or it might not be in private with lots of witnesses. Like in a big room with everyone watching. So you cannot pull anything off.

Worth thinking about maybe if you can speak to the person beforehand and see if you can arrange something.

Sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures.
SSinHeartandSoul said:
mercury_wisdom said:
Hey it seems starting from the 30th of October I won't be able to enter college without taking the vaccine.

What can I do? If I am forced to take it I will. I won't sacrifice my future and college for some vaccine. I paid a huge some of money for this college and if I am not able to enter the college I can't pass.

Although I don't want to take it. Can I do anything to avoid it now? I don't know. Can I ask for help from the Gods?

If I did take it what can I do to offset the negative effects?

Please help brothers and sisters. Thanks alot.

I will talk to my Gaurdian about this aswell.

Brother i have seen your recent posts and i know that you are not in a particular good state right now, Knowing this all of a sudden i see that you want to take the shot voluntarily under the pretense of being forced...

The reasons you listed are the same f....ing reasons why others take that damned shot, Money, freedom of movement etc. You know fully well that there are other ways of going about reaching your goal but if i see this correctly you are in no state of mind to think about this, Fix those mental struggles of yours before making a stupid choice that you could have easily avoided.

What future are you talking about anyway? Being a good slave for the new jew world order? You know just as well as any of us what the state of the world is right now, And where we are headed. Do you think going to a propaganda institute will help you? And as added extra you have to sign a paper that will most likely maim you for life... How wonderful

Its not my intention to attack you, But it fcking hurts me to see that brothers and sisters of mine make stupid mistakes like this. Think this over for a bit, Maybe think your whole life over... What is it that you want to do, More importantly what is it that you want to do for father, the gods and your brothers and sister.

Aye it's false promises by the enemy.

Those who take the jab will still not be free. Those who have had two shots now have to take a third to maintain their vaccinated status.

Both the jabbed and those who are not are in the same boat when it comes to our freedoms and unalienable rights getting taken away.

We must not fight each other because we're all in this together. I see the media now radicalising the two groups against each other. They're blaming the unvaccinated for this lockdown going on forever.

But this lockdown and pandemic is what the enemy wants to prolong because they can take away our rights and freedoms in the guise of protecting us. While moving the world towards totalitarianism as they wish.

If people carry on complying we will look back and around and see that we're living in 1984. Or will then be living in Huxley's Brave New World.

People who take the shot are getting screwed because more rights now ends with them ultimately coming for everyone in the end. They want to enslave everyone.

By the way I went to University for three years after schooling and still don't work in what I studied.

Nothing is certain. But I'm certain that something is not right in this world. And I'm certain that politicians cannot be trusted because of all the broken promises.

Lots of people are suffering and more will. In this life what have you got if you don't even have any say over what's done to your body. If you don't have autonomy over your own body then what have you got...,

Freedom is not free
HPS Shannon said:
I don't speak much about the shot(It is ridiculous to call it a vaccine because it is not, it is an MRNA shot that works on a genetic level) because of the controversy, even on the forums here but you have to think hard about it.
Hey Shannon! So good to see you.

What you say about it being ridiculous to call it a vaccine, did you see the cdc had to officially change the definition of vaccine on their website? Because this shot didn’t meet the previous definition. What did they change? They took the word immunity out of the definition.

I don’t know if you’re familiar with Project Varitas, but they recently showed hiden camera footage of a scientist from Pfizer at a dinner saying natural immunity is better than the vaccine and they know this. Yet when pressed publicly they say they don’t know and people should just get the vaccine. This scientist said he signed an NDA to keep his mouth shut over it. On top of that you have two high ranked people at the FDA recently resigning because they felt they were being pressured to approve the vaccine and boosters. And thank goodness they had the ethics to resign and state this publicly.

So we know it’s not as good as natural immunity. We know the FDA is being pressured (I don’t even count the current fda approval. It’s not legit.) So why force it if something fishy isn’t going on?

Then the ongoing Dr. Fauci controversy. It’s pretty tough to think this isn’t a bit sketchy at the very least.
Get a doctor's medical note for allergies or stomach issues or some other medical issue. Search the internet for a doctor in your state/province/etc... Keep trying until you find one that will write you a note or you can use your creative powers to have them do something else for you..

unless you live in an unfree state....then otherwise you have to decide, what is your body worth to you? The vaccine is the ultimate test. Eating junk food and being lazy, having undesirable environmental traits, that can be slowly reversed...but getting vaccinated....you can't get unvaccinated.....but then again, your body has the power to self-heal/eliminate poison, and it takes time, but if you keep getting boosters, then you will repeat this cycle every 6 months -- or each year ---for the rest of your life.....enjoy being a medical patient ad infinitum
Personal Growth said:
Sorry mate. I believe it won't just be one or two shots. You will need to have a booster every six months to keep your vaccinated status.

It's a DNA manipulator and they're converting humanity into greys.

It's all on that website I posted earlier.

I'm sorry mate. I think those of us that haven't had the jab are the lucky ones. But we have one major fight to maintain our natural biological state on our hands here.

The enemy wants to try make it impossible to survive without undergoing their gene therapy.

Many people cannot see it. Apparently once a person has the shot they lose a part of themselves.

They become fervent proponents of the jab. The jab may make them be happy to have nothing and be a slave because it's taking them into the hive mind.

Man this may sound surreal and too far out there. But I can see it. The jab changes people. It's a different type this jab it's different from traditional vaccines. It's a DNA one. It's a mRNA. And it self replicates.

Look at that site and be informed.

Sorry mate
We don't have pfizer's vax here. Nor am I going to take it. So don't worry about the mRNA thingy.
Aquarius said:
Personally, I think it's pathetic that you're so keen on taking the vax just to be able to go to school.

The university will always be there, and what's the money you paid? A couple thousand dollars? Are those worth risking your health and bowing to the jew?

Being dedicated to a cause means to not compromise just because some comfort is getting taken away from you.
Didn't you have an online business?

Right now you have two choices, bow down or keep your head up and be willing to make a sacrifice.
Aquarius you have to be a bit more mature. The world doesn't work that way even if we wanted it to. Even HP HC acknowledges this and has stated that you have to do what you have to do according to your situation.

Unfortunately, this is not my money to waste and I want to go to college. It's my mother's money who broke her back and killed herself multiple times over so I can have this opportunity. I enjoy learning there and meeting people. I want to be educated because I want to work at a bank or work in management. Even sister Lydia said it suits my chart so I have to get good grades and I have my ambitions.

Your suggestions is stupidly unrealistic for me but also dangerous advice. By the way I find that you skipped college because of some stupid vaccine is dumb. Hps Maxine Dietrich said that we need and must have SS in the physics and different sciences. In an old sermon that you seriously need to read and no we don't need them in the future or when the Gods return or something. We need them in the here and now because if you don't or other SS don't a filthy jew will work to infiltrate science. It is actually a path that fulfills Satan's truth. I can't believe you quit all that potential especially since you are smart and talented just to go work some worthless job. While a jew is getting the best education in the best fields so they can infiltrate society. You are working some job. Fucking great work mate.

By the way you have to be seriously naive to think that they won't require a vaccine for your job and all types of jobs in the future. What will you do then? Quit your job also and be on the streets just because some stupid belief that the vaccine will turn you into a grey zombie or something.

Working online is not really a career. Yes, it's a great way to get some side income but I am not fulfilling anything but getting money and delivering work. I can never be a mature independent man without a serious career.
Coraxo said:
Since you live in Egypt, why don't you try bribing the nurse/ ask her to "inject" the air instead of you? Or maybe get a [.....] vaccine certificate. I'm sure such stuff are easier to come by in 3rd world countries.

If I were you, I wouldn't touch the chinese jab not matter what. And the Astra one is especially dangerous for young people.

No matter what happens, make sure to take multi vitamins, vitamin D and zinc regularly. Start a health working asap and vibrate SATANAMA many times everyday, and don't forget yoga.
Yes I have heard of people doing this. I am thinking of doing it too. It's actually pretty simple. I just hope it works out since time is tight. I am still deciding on what to do.
HPS Shannon said:
Everyone has to make a choice when it comes to what is injected into their bodies and every decision has a consequence. I don't speak much about the shot(It is ridiculous to call it a vaccine because it is not, it is an MRNA shot that works on a genetic level) because of the controversy, even on the forums here but you have to think hard about it.

The enemy developed this shot to further work their plans to alter and bring humanity to their disgusting cause. So in taking the mysterious substance in that vial, you are complying and making it easier for the enemy to move along with their plans. I personally believe it is biosynthetic form of nano technology that works into the system and I believe that it is permanent. There is a strong reason why the jews want everyone to get this shot, hardcore. They need it to move further with their plans. Therefore, I do not care what happens, I will never take it. I would never sleep at night knowing a foreign substance developed by the enemy is in me.

I understand the situation isn't easy at all when it comes to employment and livelihoods, and I'm not trying to cause fear or anything but just think about this all and the reason why the enemy is trying to force everyone to get it. I will not allow my sacred gentile body, that Satan and the gods created, to be violated by the enemy. It's sad because if everyone had the same way of thinking, to refuse and stand up and make sacrifices, we wouldn't be in this situation where people have to choose to get injected with something or feed their families, or worry about their future. Mass non-compliance could go a long way.
Hey Hps Shannon.

Yeah it seems I am torn apart on taking this. On the one hand they keep promoting it and how it is safe, etc. On the other hand there is the JoS and others who say it is dangerous and much more. Some people say it will turn you into a grey. Some people it is like water.

As I have said if I have to take the vaccine for college I will. I am saying I am being forced on because because there is no other alternative. I can't suddenly tell mom I am quitting college just because of some fucking vaccine. That's stupid. I don't want to leave college. I don't want to quit. I love it there. It is not possible for me.

But there are alternatives to taking the vaccine I haven't given up yet. I have thought about alternatives. I thought about getting a certificate that I am sick or allergic but I didn't get much results. I thought of bribing the nurse. A friend of mine did this and it worked. It seems my only option.

The problem is that time is tight and I have a quiz next Saturday that will give me marks. I am just unsure on what to do.

Taking the vaccine seems to be the easiest option. Most people took it here and people keep saying its safe so it's tempting especially with the time deadline.

Honestly, I don't want to take it. But I just don't know my sister.

I am just so torn apart.
Ask a god that is master of illusion to make the nurse that is going to jab you hallucinate that you have taken the vaccine.
Personal Growth said:
Aye it's false promises by the enemy.

You are completely right there, Almost everyone here knows about this stuff, But it almost seems like some people here make themselves believe that its fine to comply when you experience direct pressure from the enemy.

I am fairly certain that i've seen fancy himself say that he would rather die than take the shot.... Well how he turned around when he noticed that his life would be different than what he wanted it to be. It doesn't stop there, There are comments on this tread are remarkably supporting, I know that the gods protect us but don't think that nothing can touch us.

The only sin in Spiritual Satanism is stupidity, Now i do not know how the gods define stupidity but i would call willingly taking the shot quite stupid. Even we can die or get nasty side-effects from the shot, Besides that who knows what kind of shit is in it...

We must not fight each other because we're all in this together.

This is always the case yes, But sometime there have to be fights to get to a point where this is achievable.
mercury_wisdom said:
Aquarius said:
Personally, I think it's pathetic that you're so keen on taking the vax just to be able to go to school.

The university will always be there, and what's the money you paid? A couple thousand dollars? Are those worth risking your health and bowing to the jew?

Being dedicated to a cause means to not compromise just because some comfort is getting taken away from you.
Didn't you have an online business?

Right now you have two choices, bow down or keep your head up and be willing to make a sacrifice.
Aquarius you have to be a bit more mature. The world doesn't work that way even if we wanted it to. Even HP HC acknowledges this and has stated that you have to do what you have to do according to your situation.

Unfortunately, this is not my money to waste and I want to go to college. It's my mother's money who broke her back and killed herself multiple times over so I can have this opportunity. I enjoy learning there and meeting people. I want to be educated because I want to work at a bank or work in management. Even sister Lydia said it suits my chart so I have to get good grades and I have my ambitions.

Your suggestions is stupidly unrealistic for me but also dangerous advice. By the way I find that you skipped college because of some stupid vaccine is dumb. Hps Maxine Dietrich said that we need and must have SS in the physics and different sciences. In an old sermon that you seriously need to read and no we don't need them in the future or when the Gods return or something. We need them in the here and now because if you don't or other SS don't a filthy jew will work to infiltrate science. It is actually a path that fulfills Satan's truth. I can't believe you quit all that potential especially since you are smart and talented just to go work some worthless job. While a jew is getting the best education in the best fields so they can infiltrate society. You are working some job. Fucking great work mate.

By the way you have to be seriously naive to think that they won't require a vaccine for your job and all types of jobs in the future. What will you do then? Quit your job also and be on the streets just because some stupid belief that the vaccine will turn you into a grey zombie or something.

Working online is not really a career. Yes, it's a great way to get some side income but I am not fulfilling anything but getting money and delivering work. I can never be a mature independent man without a serious career.
These are many words to justify yourself.
Where I work is a family business, the vax is already required by everyone in Italy, but because it's family they don't care about me not getting it, so I'm in a golden position.
I'm not getting the vax for "education", this is a time of survival and not prospering.
You can also never be a mature and independent man if you aren't willing to make sacrifices.
Good luck anyways.
And also, whay makes you think that after you take the vax that will be it? 2nd dose, 3rd dose, 4th dose are gonna become obbligatory too, are you gonna take those too, just for some extra genetic modification?
I can't believe you're "tempted" to take the vaccine for it's convenience, have some common sense, this is brain washing.
mercury_wisdom said:

Do not take it.
I live in communist Europe and I'm still not taking it, nor am I even forced to. I have my bosses on a leash, meaning they don't even dare to ask me to test myself regularly, let alone ask me to get jabbed.

On top of that, I found myself a doctor who's gonna "test me for free", meaning every time I want, he would give me a dozen of papers, signed by him, stating that I'm tested negative. I just write the date on it when I need it and sign it as well. He may even inject the [........] for me, and if he doesn't, I will find someone who will.

Again, and I don't mean it in a condescending way, but you live in Egypt, mate. I'm sure there are thousands of corrupt doctors, nurses and even whole hospitals that would happily accept a [........] or maybe even say yes without any [.......], because they couldn't fucking care less anyway.

Don't take it if you can avoid it. You're the only one here who can assess your situation the best. Avoiding the jab only to end up losing your livelihood potentially and live on the streets and not be able to take care of yourself and your loved ones, including your and their health is definitely not the better option. But taking it because you're too lazy and/or cowardice to try to avoid it, is of course foolish.
Again, you're the only one who can assess your situation the best. Currently it's a lose/lose situation for all of us, but one option is alway a smaller loss than the other, and each one of us has to figure out which option is the smaller loss.

As for the jabs, they are definitely not safe. Leraje confirmed that for me back when I talked to her. I personally won't take it unless I'm forced to, in the literal sense.

Good luck to you and to all SS who find themselves in the same situation. As for the American SS, move to Texas or Florida and purchase a fire arm. Defend your freedoms to the last breath, alas you may live the same nightmare we're currently living.
Coraxo said:
mercury_wisdom said:

You are right Coraxo. Actually I've been crying just now because I am acting all tough and will do what it takes to achieve my dreams or whatever.

But I really don't want to take it. It feels like giving up and I am just in tears writing this but things have been so tough for me I can't take anymore hits.

Life has gotten like shit. I don't know what to do anymore.

I will do what I have to do but I feel pushed in a corner and the Gods are all I have right now.

My family is suffering financially and it's been a really shit year so far. I feel it will get even shittier and harder for me.

I hope I can succeed in not taking this vaccine while succeeding in life at the same time.
SSinHeartandSoul said:
Personal Growth said:
Aye it's false promises by the enemy.

You are completely right there, Almost everyone here knows about this stuff, But it almost seems like some people here make themselves believe that its fine to comply when you experience direct pressure from the enemy.

I am fairly certain that i've seen fancy himself say that he would rather die than take the shot.... Well how he turned around when he noticed that his life would be different than what he wanted it to be. It doesn't stop there, There are comments on this tread are remarkably supporting, I know that the gods protect us but don't think that nothing can touch us.

The only sin in Spiritual Satanism is stupidity, Now i do not know how the gods define stupidity but i would call willingly taking the shot quite stupid. Even we can die or get nasty side-effects from the shot, Besides that who knows what kind of shit is in it...

We must not fight each other because we're all in this together.

This is always the case yes, But sometime there have to be fights to get to a point where this is achievable.

It's a soul test. And what upsets me is that we might lose an SS because he gets pulled into their mainframe if he takes it.

It's mRNA. It's synthetic DNA to make people more synthetic. According to David Icke.

Most definitely worth fighting to save one of our family here.

I know it's hard but it's obvious the manipulation to have it that it's not what they say it is.
Prevention beats da cure.

Let me elaborate.

Taking a shot of something like this will potentially cause adverse effects more or less. Depending on the shot taken, and if you actually get the real McCoy instead of saline solution. Which means a lot of spiritual workload to offset and heal the damage done. It's not a matter if it can not be done, but rather, how much effort.

The effort to "mage" your way into higher education or whatever else one might be after is way less demanding than the above.

At the end of the day this looks like the SS solution versus the Goy solution, hard and rewarding way, or Goyim solution, easy and less rewarding. Though it could actually be harder after all.

Consider all the options. Do not leave any stone unturned, and be creative.
mercury_wisdom said:
Aquarius said:
Personally, I think it's pathetic that you're so keen on taking the vax just to be able to go to school.

The university will always be there, and what's the money you paid? A couple thousand dollars? Are those worth risking your health and bowing to the jew?

Being dedicated to a cause means to not compromise just because some comfort is getting taken away from you.
Didn't you have an online business?

Right now you have two choices, bow down or keep your head up and be willing to make a sacrifice.
Aquarius you have to be a bit more mature. The world doesn't work that way even if we wanted it to. Even HP HC acknowledges this and has stated that you have to do what you have to do according to your situation.

Unfortunately, this is not my money to waste and I want to go to college. It's my mother's money who broke her back and killed herself multiple times over so I can have this opportunity. I enjoy learning there and meeting people. I want to be educated because I want to work at a bank or work in management. Even sister Lydia said it suits my chart so I have to get good grades and I have my ambitions.

Your suggestions is stupidly unrealistic for me but also dangerous advice. By the way I find that you skipped college because of some stupid vaccine is dumb. Hps Maxine Dietrich said that we need and must have SS in the physics and different sciences. In an old sermon that you seriously need to read and no we don't need them in the future or when the Gods return or something. We need them in the here and now because if you don't or other SS don't a filthy jew will work to infiltrate science. It is actually a path that fulfills Satan's truth. I can't believe you quit all that potential especially since you are smart and talented just to go work some worthless job. While a jew is getting the best education in the best fields so they can infiltrate society. You are working some job. Fucking great work mate.

By the way you have to be seriously naive to think that they won't require a vaccine for your job and all types of jobs in the future. What will you do then? Quit your job also and be on the streets just because some stupid belief that the vaccine will turn you into a grey zombie or something.

Working online is not really a career. Yes, it's a great way to get some side income but I am not fulfilling anything but getting money and delivering work. I can never be a mature independent man without a serious career.

You are such a good goy! With this rant of yours you just affirmed that you are a good loyal slave to your jewish overlords.

I think you are the naive one, Its just soo easy to lash out to someone else just to be able to justify yourself... You turn a blind eye to any and all information about the jab, You pervert the words of the hps, And you make excuses for yourself.... I'm quite disappointed, But i think that was quite clear with my previous comments.
If I were you, I would put my studies on hold until this situation passes and look for a job that does not require me to take those damn injections.
Of course, no matter what happens, I will not take them either, even if I have to go through several difficult years.
Instances of bad advice have been removed and remember you take responsibility for your posts, it's on the sign up form everyone takes responsibility for their own posts. Check what is the case to understand. We cannot stress this enough.

This has nothing to do with us, rather, the external world. There are things that can be said and things that cannot be said. I don't decide that.

I have said for people who are forced, which is only one category of people, and only some people. If the choice is between the life of your children or something, and that, and no other option, or livelihood and live in the streets and get ripped off by strangers, and things like this.

Being perceived that you are forced, while you are not, is a miscalculation. In most countries, there are at least some ways around the situation, also legal. The solutions might be a bit harsher and more difficult, but in the striking majority of countries, they do exist.

These involve weekly rapid testing, selected tutoring over a distance for the University, the list goes. I have also heard other methods which I would never recommend, such as getting the certificate of someone else in your family, to enter the university, since nobody is really checking on who it is, they just look at the ding bullshit when you are trying to enter. These are grey legal areas however and nobody would reasonably advise you on this.

Since there are also examples and it's always a gamble of if you can find a nurse or a person who might react in an unpredictable way, this advice can be destructive or it can turn in other ways, as others have told you, so consider your cases.

Above all in the end of the day you answer to yourself and for your own life. Do not let ridicule or enemy terrorizing to make you take a decision that you do not agree with or consider the best, no matter what that is.

Everyone worldwide has lost things during this situation. Some health, others money, others a job, others recreation, the list goes. That's because everyone lost freedoms during this freedom grab. This involves both people who took this and didn't take it.

Generally at this point since in many nations the majority has rushed like cattle to do whatever they wanted to, due to fear, many will be submerged in this. If anyone finds themselves in this situation, but for REAL, not because you thought of it, do not feel guilt as the situation was beyond your powers.

But at least use powers at your disposal to follow the solution you need mostly or consider best in your case.
Coraxo said:
mercury_wisdom said:

Do not take it.
I live in communist Europe and I'm still not taking it, nor am I even forced to. I have my bosses on a leash, meaning they don't even dare to ask me to test myself regularly, let alone ask me to get jabbed.

On top of that, I found myself a doctor who's gonna "test me for free", meaning every time I want, he would give me a dozen of papers, signed by him, stating that I'm tested negative. I just write the date on it when I need it and sign it as well. He may even inject the [........] for me, and if he doesn't, I will find someone who will.

Again, and I don't mean it in a condescending way, but you live in Egypt, mate. I'm sure there are thousands of corrupt doctors, nurses and even whole hospitals that would happily accept a [........] or maybe even say yes without any [.......], because they couldn't fucking care less anyway.

Don't take it if you can avoid it. You're the only one here who can assess your situation the best. Avoiding the jab only to end up losing your livelihood potentially and live on the streets and not be able to take care of yourself and your loved ones, including your and their health is definitely not the better option. But taking it because you're too lazy and/or cowardice to try to avoid it, is of course foolish.
Again, you're the only one who can assess your situation the best. Currently it's a lose/lose situation for all of us, but one option is alway a smaller loss than the other, and each one of us has to figure out which option is the smaller loss.

As for the jabs, they are definitely not safe. Leraje confirmed that for me back when I talked to her. I personally won't take it unless I'm forced to, in the literal sense.

Good luck to you and to all SS who find themselves in the same situation. As for the American SS, move to Texas or Florida and purchase a fire arm. Defend your freedoms to the last breath, alas you may live the same nightmare we're currently living.

I actually want to move AWAY from Texas. There are better oppertunities up north but my line of work doesn't gripe about the vax in general. the ones that would i avoid. I saw the beginning of your reply here how you had your bosses on a leash. Do you think a general binding spell would work well with preventing any prospective employer in any prospective job from forcing the vax?

As a preventative measure from attracting jobs that have this.
HPS Shannon said:
Everyone has to make a choice when it comes to what is injected into their bodies and every decision has a consequence. I don't speak much about the shot(It is ridiculous to call it a vaccine because it is not, it is an MRNA shot that works on a genetic level) because of the controversy, even on the forums here but you have to think hard about it.

The enemy developed this shot to further work their plans to alter and bring humanity to their disgusting cause. So in taking the mysterious substance in that vial, you are complying and making it easier for the enemy to move along with their plans. I personally believe it is biosynthetic form of nano technology that works into the system and I believe that it is permanent. There is a strong reason why the jews want everyone to get this shot, hardcore. They need it to move further with their plans. Therefore, I do not care what happens, I will never take it. I would never sleep at night knowing a foreign substance developed by the enemy is in me.

I understand the situation isn't easy at all when it comes to employment and livelihoods, and I'm not trying to cause fear or anything but just think about this all and the reason why the enemy is trying to force everyone to get it. I will not allow my sacred gentile body, that Satan and the gods created, to be violated by the enemy. It's sad because if everyone had the same way of thinking, to refuse and stand up and make sacrifices, we wouldn't be in this situation where people have to choose to get injected with something or feed their families, or worry about their future. Mass non-compliance could go a long way.

Good to see you Hps Shannon :) !

I saw depictions of that wierd stuff they put in the shots...that graphine junk responds to the 5G waves i have heard...microchip prototype much .Yuck no thanks.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Instances of bad advice have been removed and remember you take responsibility for your posts, it's on the sign up form everyone takes responsibility for their own posts. Check what is the case to understand. We cannot stress this enough.

I now realize how bad my advice was. Of course you shouldn't break the law or take such a risk.

I was talking about specific cases where you know how they would react beforehand. But nonetheless, it's still a bad advice.

I do regret writing that. I have not thought about the consequences of my words, whether for the forums or for individuals. I'm terribly sorry.
Coraxo said:
I now realize how bad my advice was.
Yeah, I thought it was strange that it was allowed to be posted lol. I remember when the corona started happening and I said the same thing about nurses, the comment was deleted and HPS Maxine also commented negatively on it, I was mortified lol

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
