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For some who question QTards


New member
Jul 10, 2020
As I've mentioned in an earlier post I've been (forcing myself) to follow a lot of the chatter that is going on with the QAnon groups as of late. I don't know why but I've found them to be fascinating. Anyway, there have been some interesting things that have been posted. Things that I thought I would bring up here for everyone to think over. I would LOVE to hear peoples opinions on matters. So by all means inundate me with how wrong, or right I may be. :lol:
The first was a post that has been spread around since mid-September where a number of special ops members were posting to each other. The post is as follows:


>>Shift to higher consciousness is now permanent

لرغوني سومریان
السومريون القدماء
השומרים הקדמונים
قدیم سمیری

>>Draconian leadership will fall
[These beings] ; evil within closed dōm//C_A almost finished
>>Can_You_Say; Central Banks?


Yes this is the type of communications that is typical in Q groups. Its almost like communication wasn't created to ya know...communicate. I was actually excited about this post. Obviously the last 3 are Annunaki, Akkadian and Denisovians (I'm going to admit I know very little about all of these) I began seeing stories circling about how the nazi's left germany after wwii and went to Antarctica. (operation highjump) Hey maybe the worlds starting to wake up! Nope. According to them they joined up with the reptilians in Antarctica and went off world. There they stole a bunch of gold and hid it around the world. And its really these ex-nazis that have made a deal with the reptilians and greys to enslave humanity. That their technology has gone insane, but the military has now made a deal with the Paleidians and now we have better tech than they do. So we are going around the world removing the Nazi's that escaped Germany. I've seen reports on both sides of this. So yea. Thats whats being said. I'm just reporting.

Then we get to the next little bit of interesting information. I've seen several people here mention Charlie Ward and Simon Parks. Yea the word Jew should throw anybody off. And it sent up red flags for me. But the biggest red flag happened not too long ago when I listened to a podcast from both of them talking about their QFS (new money system for those who don't speak Qtard) and Simon said that the military has made an agreement with a "Quantum Consciousness" given to us by Paleidians. This quantum consciousness is an "artificial consciousness that is given to us by god". That it has been here on earth for millennia. And now we've connected our money system to it. He went on to say that we will never have to worry about money again because there's TONS of it to go around. That new "light beings" will give money to people who want to do good things for humanity! Oh man that sounds great. Then I remembered something I watched a long time ago.
so I wrote this guy Al-Bielek off a long time ago as some crack pot. But what becomes interesting is the 20 minute mark of his video. Where he says that during the "war that changed the world" we agreed to hook our money systems up to a "quantum consciousness" that has been here on earth for Millenia. And that once we did that they took it over. Now humanity is reduced to less than 500 million to keep us in line with the best interests of the earth. Nobody is under a government because these quantum computers keep track of everything we do! As long as you do what your told you don't get sent to the gulag! And if its really bad your just removed immediately! But its okay because everyone's happy in their floating cities! Maybe he's not a crack pot after all.

I certainly hope The Gods can get here in time. Anyway. I would love to hear your guys's take on these couple things. See ya!
OmegaWraith said:

All the qtards do, is spread rumors containing some truth (e.g. child sacrifices) mixed with false info which leads to the people not doing anything like:

No worry you don´t have to do anything some special forces/aliens/etc is allready doing something about it.

While omitting the fact jews/jewish religion is behind all this.

They also try thear best to blame the enemys of the Jews/Satanists, National Socialists,.. for all this.

I also did see a leader of them having a jewish kaballah tree as thear profle picture.

Some jews created/run this group for mostly open minded weed consuming gentiles, to make them not do anything.
Qanon is jewish desinfrormation operation what is mixing truth with lie. They are blaming Satanists and NationalSocialists for Jewish crimes. They think that Merkel is daughter of Hitler and that "nazis" are in U.S government. They also believe that Trump is messiah who is saving us. So according to Q white people don't must to fight fir their rights, they just must hope. Very Jewish idea.
OmegaWraith said:
As I've mentioned in an earlier post I've been (forcing myself) to follow a lot of the chatter that is going on with the QAnon groups as of late. I don't know why but I've found them to be fascinating. Anyway, there have been some interesting things that have been posted. Things that I thought I would bring up here for everyone to think over. I would LOVE to hear peoples opinions on matters. So by all means inundate me with how wrong, or right I may be. :lol:
The first was a post that has been spread around since mid-September where a number of special ops members were posting to each other. The post is as follows:


>>Shift to higher consciousness is now permanent

لرغوني سومریان
السومريون القدماء
השומרים הקדמונים
قدیم سمیری

>>Draconian leadership will fall
[These beings] ; evil within closed dōm//C_A almost finished
>>Can_You_Say; Central Banks?


Yes this is the type of communications that is typical in Q groups. Its almost like communication wasn't created to ya know...communicate. I was actually excited about this post. Obviously the last 3 are Annunaki, Akkadian and Denisovians (I'm going to admit I know very little about all of these) I began seeing stories circling about how the nazi's left germany after wwii and went to Antarctica. (operation highjump) Hey maybe the worlds starting to wake up! Nope. According to them they joined up with the reptilians in Antarctica and went off world. There they stole a bunch of gold and hid it around the world. And its really these ex-nazis that have made a deal with the reptilians and greys to enslave humanity. That their technology has gone insane, but the military has now made a deal with the Paleidians and now we have better tech than they do. So we are going around the world removing the Nazi's that escaped Germany. I've seen reports on both sides of this. So yea. Thats whats being said. I'm just reporting.

Then we get to the next little bit of interesting information. I've seen several people here mention Charlie Ward and Simon Parks. Yea the word Jew should throw anybody off. And it sent up red flags for me. But the biggest red flag happened not too long ago when I listened to a podcast from both of them talking about their QFS (new money system for those who don't speak Qtard) and Simon said that the military has made an agreement with a "Quantum Consciousness" given to us by Paleidians. This quantum consciousness is an "artificial consciousness that is given to us by god". That it has been here on earth for millennia. And now we've connected our money system to it. He went on to say that we will never have to worry about money again because there's TONS of it to go around. That new "light beings" will give money to people who want to do good things for humanity! Oh man that sounds great. Then I remembered something I watched a long time ago.
so I wrote this guy Al-Bielek off a long time ago as some crack pot. But what becomes interesting is the 20 minute mark of his video. Where he says that during the "war that changed the world" we agreed to hook our money systems up to a "quantum consciousness" that has been here on earth for Millenia. And that once we did that they took it over. Now humanity is reduced to less than 500 million to keep us in line with the best interests of the earth. Nobody is under a government because these quantum computers keep track of everything we do! As long as you do what your told you don't get sent to the gulag! And if its really bad your just removed immediately! But its okay because everyone's happy in their floating cities! Maybe he's not a crack pot after all.

I certainly hope The Gods can get here in time. Anyway. I would love to hear your guys's take on these couple things. See ya!

Its funny because today at school we talked about QAnon with a professor, and now I see this post :D
Thank Kurat and Fuchs. As I've said I've followed these guys for months now. At this point its just a curiosity. I know full well they're (mostly) full of crap. But I have to say this. IF its based on a purely jewish plan to get them to do nothing, its failing miserably. My DAD - who hates the stuff I'm into and has said on many occasions I have no idea what I'm talking about - visited and APPOLOGIZED for cussing me when I told him about children being used in blood rituals. My moms actually reading the JoS website. She grew up devout Mormon. Dad's not into the Q stuff, but one of his coworkers is. He hates jews now almost as much as we do! I never in a million years would have thought I would have heard that from him. ;) of course our rituals helped with that too. I've met people in the store that have come up and asked about SS now. People that practically would have stoned me a year ago. And they're hearing just enough in the crazy Q people that they're interested in what else is out there. Its given them the foot in the door.

Does anyone here know what they actually say Q really is (The real Q people. Not the ones they talk about on TV)? I was blown away when I was told this. Its the combination of the masculine I and the feminine O. THESE PEOPLE ARE CHRISTIANS TALKING ABOUT IOEA! They got there by reading Q. They push meditation, calming the mind. I have PDFs of patents that have been published based on the chakras and modifying them to do amazing things. Do they work? I don't know! But that's what's being talked about there. You guys do know that the original Qanon forums on 8kun were almost exclusively chaos magicians right? Even the "slogan" they use - kek - means Kill Every Kike. It was taken over by the Christians when they started posting bible quotes in the Q drops. Whats funny is even the big name people in the Q groups as saying they're not actually Christian. Their goal is to remove ALL THE FEAR being pushed on Humanity. One of those fears is what will happen at Armageddon. So they're trying to fulfil as much of that as they can just so we can get it over with.

I have personally been in the forums when they come out and announce events that will happen in public that have happened a couple hours later. One of the biggest posts on the forums is one that reads:
We are saving Israel for last.
Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.

Tonight they are saying they will be flooding Israel starting tomorrow. Watch for rain showers. Will it happen. I dunno. They've been just as right as they are wrong. I'm not holding my breath.

One of their biggest heroes is JFK Jr. I know they say he's still alive, or he'll come back. I don't care about that. What I did care about was he went to Germany after WWII to STUDY HITLER. Jr went on to say:
“He had boundless ambition for his country which rendered him a menace to the peace of the world, but he had a mystery about him in the way he lived and in the manner of his death that will live and grow after him,” he wrote. “He had in him the stuff of which legends are made."
And these people are looking into HITLER because of this. I saw an entire argument once on which version of Mein Kampf to read!
We had elections locally just a couple weeks ago. And our town mayor was replaced for promoting lockdowns and masks. The guy that replaced him...was a Qanon freak. And now they're questioning CRT in schools. The chief of police came out and said they won't enforce anymore of the lockdown stuff. MY BOSS asked what happens on Yom Kippur. My BOSS. Everyone I know right now is getting armed, and buying ammo. Along with Silver and Gold. They're preparing for a fall of the U.S. Most of them are EXCITED by this. To get out from under the boot of the Elites. The entire foundation of the US right now is shifting because of the Qanon people. So if its a Jewish psyop, its failing. Miserably.
I know most of this stuff would not hav
OmegaWraith said:
Thank Kurat and Fuchs. As I've said I've followed these guys for months now. At this point its just a curiosity. I know full well they're (mostly) full of crap. But I have to say this. IF its based on a purely jewish plan to get them to do nothing, its failing miserably. My DAD - who hates the stuff I'm into and has said on many occasions I have no idea what I'm talking about - visited and APPOLOGIZED for cussing me when I told him about children being used in blood rituals. My moms actually reading the JoS website. She grew up devout Mormon. Dad's not into the Q stuff, but one of his coworkers is. He hates jews now almost as much as we do! I never in a million years would have thought I would have heard that from him. ;) of course our rituals helped with that too. I've met people in the store that have come up and asked about SS now. People that practically would have stoned me a year ago. And they're hearing just enough in the crazy Q people that they're interested in what else is out there. Its given them the foot in the door.

Does anyone here know what they actually say Q really is (The real Q people. Not the ones they talk about on TV)? I was blown away when I was told this. Its the combination of the masculine I and the feminine O. THESE PEOPLE ARE CHRISTIANS TALKING ABOUT IOEA! They got there by reading Q. They push meditation, calming the mind. I have PDFs of patents that have been published based on the chakras and modifying them to do amazing things. Do they work? I don't know! But that's what's being talked about there. You guys do know that the original Qanon forums on 8kun were almost exclusively chaos magicians right? Even the "slogan" they use - kek - means Kill Every Kike. It was taken over by the Christians when they started posting bible quotes in the Q drops. Whats funny is even the big name people in the Q groups as saying they're not actually Christian. Their goal is to remove ALL THE FEAR being pushed on Humanity. One of those fears is what will happen at Armageddon. So they're trying to fulfil as much of that as they can just so we can get it over with.

I have personally been in the forums when they come out and announce events that will happen in public that have happened a couple hours later. One of the biggest posts on the forums is one that reads:
We are saving Israel for last.
Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.

Tonight they are saying they will be flooding Israel starting tomorrow. Watch for rain showers. Will it happen. I dunno. They've been just as right as they are wrong. I'm not holding my breath.

One of their biggest heroes is JFK Jr. I know they say he's still alive, or he'll come back. I don't care about that. What I did care about was he went to Germany after WWII to STUDY HITLER. Jr went on to say:
“He had boundless ambition for his country which rendered him a menace to the peace of the world, but he had a mystery about him in the way he lived and in the manner of his death that will live and grow after him,” he wrote. “He had in him the stuff of which legends are made."
And these people are looking into HITLER because of this. I saw an entire argument once on which version of Mein Kampf to read!
We had elections locally just a couple weeks ago. And our town mayor was replaced for promoting lockdowns and masks. The guy that replaced him...was a Qanon freak. And now they're questioning CRT in schools. The chief of police came out and said they won't enforce anymore of the lockdown stuff. MY BOSS asked what happens on Yom Kippur. My BOSS. Everyone I know right now is getting armed, and buying ammo. Along with Silver and Gold. They're preparing for a fall of the U.S. Most of them are EXCITED by this. To get out from under the boot of the Elites. The entire foundation of the US right now is shifting because of the Qanon people. So if its a Jewish psyop, its failing. Miserably.
I know most of this stuff would not hav

Would the people/our goal advance/achive faster, if all those people would read the Qanon or the JOS sites?

They just puplish enouth truth to keep people busy, so they don´t search other more important sites.

You should also keep silent to outsiders, better safe then sorry.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
