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For my brothers and sisters, a word of advice.

Dec 4, 2011
Alright, so before I begin I'd like to point out that main reason for the following article is because I think there have been a lot of misconceptions about the entire ordeal of opening our chakras; I want to point out that I don't pretend to be an expert on the subject but I felt it was necessary to share my experiences as a way of giving my brothers and sisters a little insight. Since I myself have only been a Spiritual Satanist for a little over 2 years now, I think that some of you who are new will probably be able to relate to me a little more than those of us who have long been dedicated in the service of Satan, regardless, please take the time to listen.

A small warning for those of you who are short on time, this article is a little long:

When we first dedicate ourselves to Satan, for many of us it is an incredibly positive experience; to this day, even after all I have experienced since coming to Spiritual Satanism, I still compare it to being the happiest day of my life. I can still vividly remember the bliss I felt in understanding there was a way out of these pathetic limitations that had shackled me all of my life, and I just couldn't stop smiling the entire time...however regardless of our experiences, for most of us it is our first time coming into contact with anything that can be considered even remotely spiritual when we compare it to all of the corrupted bullshit that has been crammed down our throats all of our lives, so it usually always begs the question...

"What Now?"

Those of us who have taken the time to peruse the many pages of the JoS and those affiliated with it will usually come to the conclusion that we should put together a meditation program, but a lot of us are still a little confused as to what exactly we should start with (I know I was.) Each of us is individual as to what we should do in the beginning, but I think many of us who have practiced meditation will agree that for beginners the two most important ones we should begin with are foundation meditation and void meditation.

The reasons for this are quite simple: Power and Control.

The ultimate goal of power meditation is to become a god, and any one of us who has put even an iota of effort into studying the JoS should already know this, but in order to become a god, we need power correct? This is where foundation meditation comes into play; there is a very good reason that Maxine herself has stated it to be the most important for beginners, and that is because it will teach many of us who have little to no experience with spirituality how to 'FEEL' the power we are trying to obtain...how are we supposed to obtain power if we do not know what it feels like?

The purpose of foundation meditation is to learn how to feel energy and manipulate it as we choose; this goes for 'all' forms of energy whether they be positive or negative, though we should simply concentrate on feeling and absorbing energy in the beginning as trying to visualise different kinds is more advanced...however, learning to feel and absorb energy is actually quite simple in itself and should not be made out to be more complicated then it actually is. I myself was able to feel energy after only my first few sessions of trying and it wasn't much longer after that when I learned to absorb it (This coming from someone who hadn't meditated a day in their life; DON'T TRY AND TELL YOURSELF YOU CAN'T DO IT, THIS NEGATIVITY IS WHAT HOLDS MOST OF US BACK FROM EVEN STARTING TO MEDITATE IN THE FIRST PLACE WHEN IT IS REALLY SO MUCH EASIER THAN WE THINK)

For some of us, it may take a little bit longer, but foundation meditation is really easy and REALLY important, the main thing is to be consistent and 'ALL' of us will get the hang of it, usually in a short amount of time.

Moving onto what I consider to be EQUALLY important for beginners (and experts as well): Void Meditation.

Sure, void meditation sounds hella boring; I know I hated it in the beginning, I sort of tried to kid myself that I didn't need it for my first year as a spiritual satanist, but I couldn't have been more fucking wrong in my entire life. When we begin power meditation, most of us are so much more concerned with aquiring the power, it's all about being able to blow shit up with our minds and inflict disease on the people who picked on us all of our lives right? WRONG.

When we begin meditating, we are taking incredible amounts of power into our bodies (a lot more than some of you might realise) and with that kind of power, comes a need for a 'lot' of control. Meditation, as explained by High Priestess Maxine, is a psychic cleaning house, and when we do it we can expect a lot of repressed things in our minds to bubble to the surface, and when you have a lot of power and that kind of shit happens, you can expect a lot of shit to go out of your control 'REALLY FAST'. I had thoughts popping into my head over and over that made no sense what so ever, sometimes thoughts would just jump out at me like "SATAN IS SHIT" or something insulting along those lines to the gods that I respected so much...and whether it was simply something deep in my subconcious that still doubted spiritual satanism, or an attack from the enemy, I can't be too sure, but what I do know is this...it fucking tore me apart in ways that were completely unneccessary and because I couldn't control my thoughts I began to start hating myself for a while and wondering why I would ever think things like that, and even more than that, what would Satan think of me for thinking it?

My point is, even if we don't know it, ALL OF US have had to put up with XIAN/JEWISH/MUSLIM FILTH all of our fucking LIVES, and it has been programmed into us to the point where we don't even realise it; when that happens, repressed doubts that you didn't even know were there can really jump out at you as you try to clean out your soul, and in order to ignore those stupid fucking thoughts, we need to put in effort to control ourselves, and that is where void meditation comes into play. With void meditation, we are able to quiet not only our own thoughts, but the thoughts of others that we will come to hear (sometimes unknowingly) and do not 'WANT' to hear. When we raise power, we raise bioelectricity. When we raise bioelectricity, we raise the power of our thoughts. And when we raise the power of our thoughts, we need to keep them under control, otherwise we could end up psychically hurting not only people we care about, but ourselves as well...enough said?

Power without control is worthless, and control without power is equally useless; never forget that and never believe otherwise, because the two go hand in hand on your path to godhead and our path to victory against the enemy.

(Also a quick word of advice before moving on, the breathing exercises before 'ANY' meditation are really so much more helpful than some of you think, they are naturally calming and we must always be calm when meditating)

Moving right along; we come to the point where we can feel energy and control our thoughts effectively enough...so what then? This FINALLY brings me to the main point of my article, and that concerns the Chakras. Some of us look at opening the chakras as an incredibly big step in empowering ourselves, and you are all right to believe that because opening all of these 'seals' that have been place on mankind is probably the 'BIGGEST' step that many of us will ever take, but in the end I sort of think that a lot of us feel it is too big a step to take...and once again, this is something that I think has been blown a little bit out of proportion.

The 7 main chakras must be open in order for the kundalini to safely ascend to our crown, and when this happens we become as that gods...when we read this sort of thing, it sort of sounds kind of scary doesn't it? (I know I've had some scary thoughts about it before.) But I think what we really need to realise is that we are only 'OPENING' these chakras, and not expecting ourselves to become gods right away. When I first came to spiritual satanism, this is the way I thought about the Chakras and I felt that it was much too big of a step for me to take on right away even though I was already becoming experienced with feeling and manipulating energy...but really, now that I am where I am today, my advice to any of you who have have experience with void and foundation meditation is that you should begin working on them as soon as possible.

Like I said, we are simply opening them and allowing them to function in a healthy manner; this is the equivalent of starting to lift weights and work with a muscle that we have almost no experience using, it seems difficult at first, but eventually you build up enough strength to use it properly and it becomes a natural part of your daily life...but to that end, I'd like to make a few points about two of the chakras in particular that should be handled with extreme care; note that the following merely comes from my own experiences but I feel it necessary to warn you all that it is not to be played around with.

The Sixth and Seventh Chakras: Most of you who begin to work on this chakra will find yourselves starting with the third eye; there has been a lot of confusion concerning this but the third eye itself is NOT the sixth chakra, it is merely an extension of the sixth chakra which resides in the pineal gland, or rather the center of the brain...regardless, it is easily noticeable when we open our third eye that the sixth chakra itself is already starting to function in a healthy manner, usually from a pressure or headache felt originating from the center of the brain...this is normal, however what we must realise is that the sixth chakra is directly linked to the seventh which is ultimately the psychic seat of the soul, and because of this we can think of the crown as the root of 'all' our psychic power, which is power that most of us have never used for our entire lives and it is for this VERY reason that I cannot stress enough that you should WAIT WITH THESE CHAKRAS.

Like I have said before, for the first six months of being a spiritual satanist I was afraid of opening my chakras...but I eventually became incredibly impatient and decided hey, you know what? I'm ready...I'll start opening my chakras. I turned my attention to the spiritual warfare program listed on the JOS and the first chakras that you opened during this program were conveniently the third eye, the pineal gland, and the crown.

I performed each of the steps day after day in opening these three chakras and had no trouble feeling the effects from them as I started to notice pressure and headaches originating within as explained on the JOS, and I continued to work on opening my other chakras as well, but I found that the effects of opening other chakras were not as noticeable as with the sixth and seventh chakra...this is likely because of the incredible psychic power in these two chakras being a lot stronger than the rest (heart excluded, which is the powerhouse of the soul and feeds all of our chakras), but I soon came to a conclusion that since I was having trouble with the other chakras, I would put all of my attention into empowering the ones I 'could' feel: The Sixth and Seventh.

Every day I would focus on breathing energy into my third eye and drawing it back into my pineal gland, upon which I would flood my head with this energy; it was really addicting but I noticed myself becoming a little twitchy every now and then...I simply thought of this as a side effect from raising my bioelectricity and shook it off, expecting it to go away. However even after all the work I had done I still felt really impatient, why was the third eye that I was working so hard to empower not allowing me to see things? Why was the crown chakra I was empowering not allowing me to hear things? It was around this time that I turned my attention to Full Chakra Meditation, and that was probably the biggest mistake I have made in my entire life.

It was during the day and hour of the crown chakra that I decided to do a full chakra meditation, and when I first began to chant the vibration I could already notice the incredible intensity that was so much different from any of the other meditations I had previously performed, it was incredible how much I could feel just from 'beginning' it, but for some reason I couldn't help but feel as though something was a little off...I shrugged it off of course, and continued with the meditation, chanting my vibrations for a second time...but this was where the shit really hit the fan...

Suddenly, my pineal gland went really cold, and I stopped, too stupefied by how strange it felt to continue the meditation...this time I absolutely knew something was wrong and that I need to chill out, but by this point it was already way too late; I felt incredibly sharp pain beginning to shoot through my head and my entire body started to turn cold. It was indescribable, and I cannot put into words the way I felt when it happened, but the closest thing I can say is that was the worst pain I had felt in my entire life...I wanted to start screaming, but the thought of doing that in itself felt like it would have been too painful...I felt helpless, and the only thing I could do was call out to father Satan to help me out of whatever the hell I had done, it was a full fifteen minutes of me feeling this excruciating pain before it finally began to even settle down...but the only thing it would do was settle down, I could still feel it, and the only thing I could do was try and go to sleep and hope it would go away...but the pain was so intense that I could not even rest my head upon a pillow properly it took me more than 3 hours before I finally nodded off.

I woke up the next day, and I found I was fine.................for ten minutes or so, but eventually the headache started to return, and though it was nowhere near as severe as before, the fact remained that it was still there. Over the next couple of weeks I was too afraid to participate in any form of meditation, and even worse than this, the headaches would not leave me; I had even started to develop a sort of twitch that would cause me to randomly jerk my head left or right in what was more often than not a painful manner; I hoped that as long as I stopped meditating this would go away...but for a whole of three months, it did not.

When it finally did, I was able to relax and convince myself to start meditating again...but I found that whenever I started, the headaches would almost immediately return and I would have to stop right away for days at a time; I had almost completely given up on it...but thankfully, my faith in satan kept me going.

It took me a total of six months from that day in order to finally adapt to these headaches I had been experiences and I was able to start living my life in a normal way after that; the headaches that had even stopped me from going outside or participating in physical activity were finally starting to completely go away and I actually started to make healthier choices now that I could finally function properly again. But a lot of you at this point are probably thinking, what's the point in telling you all of this if I'm trying to help you in opening your chakras rather than scare you away from doing it?

This is where I get to the point of me learning from my mistakes and helping you all save yourselves some grief in the long run, because I don't want 'ANY ONE OF YOU' to have to endure what I did because of something so trivial as impatience.

My entire point of this article is to tell you that we are all working on our paths to become gods as our creator Satan intended, and that it is not something that is going to happen overnight. When I first started, I was lost and didn't know what to start with...and when I finally did learn what to do I became so stubborn and impatient with it that I couldn't stop and couldn't control myself and I landed myself in a huge mess that held me back for almost an entire year that could have been spent calmly and quietly practicing meditations that would have made me so much stronger than I am today.

Some of us are having trouble getting ourselves even started with meditation, and I want to let you all know that the power in these meditations is very real and 'very' addicting and you should all get to know what these meditations can do for you as it is an incredibly beautiful experience...I have been practicing them 'properly' now for quite some time since that incident, and I even started doing Yoga and I cannot tell you how much of a difference I have noticed in myself and how much I feel I have grown since I learned from my mistake, and I owe it all to the gifts that father Satan has given to us. But we should never abuse these gifts and even though we should practice them consistently, we should 'NEVER' take on more than we can handle. "Too much stimulation at once is undesirable"

As long as we are honestly and consitently working to empower ourselves, no matter how long it takes, we will 'ALL' eventually get there, and I encourage all of you to open your chakras as soon as you possibly can, but remember to find an even balance between power and control and if you 'ever' feel like something is wrong during your meditations, all you ever have to do is back of for a couple of days and continue at a later time when you feel better.

To all my brothers and sisters;

Beautiful message.  :) 
Thank you for taking the time and effort to share this with us..   :) 

From: toto_emenefus_tribal <toto_emenefus_tribal@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Monday, 15 November 2010 12:13:31
Subject: [JoS4adults] For my brothers and sisters, a word of advice.

  Alright, so before I begin I'd like to point out that main reason for the following article is because I think there have been a lot of misconceptions about the entire ordeal of opening our chakras; I want to point out that I don't pretend to be an expert on the subject but I felt it was necessary to share my experiences as a way of giving my brothers and sisters a little insight. Since I myself have only been a Spiritual Satanist for a little over 2 years now, I think that some of you who are new will probably be able to relate to me a little more than those of us who have long been dedicated in the service of Satan, regardless, please take the time to listen.

A small warning for those of you who are short on time, this article is a little long:

When we first dedicate ourselves to Satan, for many of us it is an incredibly positive experience; to this day, even after all I have experienced since coming to Spiritual Satanism, I still compare it to being the happiest day of my life. I can still vividly remember the bliss I felt in understanding there was a way out of these pathetic limitations that had shackled me all of my life, and I just couldn't stop smiling the entire time...however regardless of our experiences, for most of us it is our first time coming into contact with anything that can be considered even remotely spiritual when we compare it to all of the corrupted bullshit that has been crammed down our throats all of our lives, so it usually always begs the question...

"What Now?"

Those of us who have taken the time to peruse the many pages of the JoS and those affiliated with it will usually come to the conclusion that we should put together a meditation program, but a lot of us are still a little confused as to what exactly we should start with (I know I was.) Each of us is individual as to what we should do in the beginning, but I think many of us who have practiced meditation will agree that for beginners the two most important ones we should begin with are foundation meditation and void meditation.

The reasons for this are quite simple: Power and Control.

The ultimate goal of power meditation is to become a god, and any one of us who has put even an iota of effort into studying the JoS should already know this, but in order to become a god, we need power correct? This is where foundation meditation comes into play; there is a very good reason that Maxine herself has stated it to be the most important for beginners, and that is because it will teach many of us who have little to no experience with spirituality how to 'FEEL' the power we are trying to obtain...how are we supposed to obtain power if we do not know what it feels like?

The purpose of foundation meditation is to learn how to feel energy and manipulate it as we choose; this goes for 'all' forms of energy whether they be positive or negative, though we should simply concentrate on feeling and absorbing energy in the beginning as trying to visualise different kinds is more advanced...however, learning to feel and absorb energy is actually quite simple in itself and should not be made out to be more complicated then it actually is. I myself was able to feel energy after only my first few sessions of trying and it wasn't much longer after that when I learned to absorb it (This coming from someone who hadn't meditated a day in their life; DON'T TRY AND TELL YOURSELF YOU CAN'T DO IT, THIS NEGATIVITY IS WHAT HOLDS MOST OF US BACK FROM EVEN STARTING TO MEDITATE IN THE FIRST PLACE WHEN IT IS REALLY SO MUCH EASIER THAN WE THINK)

For some of us, it may take a little bit longer, but foundation meditation is really easy and REALLY important, the main thing is to be consistent and 'ALL' of us will get the hang of it, usually in a short amount of time.

Moving onto what I consider to be EQUALLY important for beginners (and experts as well): Void Meditation.

Sure, void meditation sounds hella boring; I know I hated it in the beginning, I sort of tried to kid myself that I didn't need it for my first year as a spiritual satanist, but I couldn't have been more fucking wrong in my entire life. When we begin power meditation, most of us are so much more concerned with aquiring the power, it's all about being able to blow shit up with our minds and inflict disease on the people who picked on us all of our lives right? WRONG.

When we begin meditating, we are taking incredible amounts of power into our bodies (a lot more than some of you might realise) and with that kind of power, comes a need for a 'lot' of control. Meditation, as explained by High Priestess Maxine, is a psychic cleaning house, and when we do it we can expect a lot of repressed things in our minds to bubble to the surface, and when you have a lot of power and that kind of shit happens, you can expect a lot of shit to go out of your control 'REALLY FAST'. I had thoughts popping into my head over and over that made no sense what so ever, sometimes thoughts would just jump out at me like "SATAN IS SHIT" or something insulting along those lines to the gods that I respected so much...and whether it was simply something deep in my subconcious that still doubted spiritual satanism, or an attack from the enemy, I can't be too sure, but what I do know is this...it fucking tore me apart in ways that were completely unneccessary and because I couldn't control my thoughts I began to start hating myself for a while and wondering why I would ever think things like that, and even more than that, what would Satan think of me for thinking it?

My point is, even if we don't know it, ALL OF US have had to put up with XIAN/JEWISH/MUSLIM FILTH all of our fucking LIVES, and it has been programmed into us to the point where we don't even realise it; when that happens, repressed doubts that you didn't even know were there can really jump out at you as you try to clean out your soul, and in order to ignore those stupid fucking thoughts, we need to put in effort to control ourselves, and that is where void meditation comes into play. With void meditation, we are able to quiet not only our own thoughts, but the thoughts of others that we will come to hear (sometimes unknowingly) and do not 'WANT' to hear. When we raise power, we raise bioelectricity. When we raise bioelectricity, we raise the power of our thoughts. And when we raise the power of our thoughts, we need to keep them under control, otherwise we could end up psychically hurting not only people we care about, but ourselves as well...enough said?

Power without control is worthless, and control without power is equally useless; never forget that and never believe otherwise, because the two go hand in hand on your path to godhead and our path to victory against the enemy.

(Also a quick word of advice before moving on, the breathing exercises before 'ANY' meditation are really so much more helpful than some of you think, they are naturally calming and we must always be calm when meditating)

Moving right along; we come to the point where we can feel energy and control our thoughts effectively enough...so what then? This FINALLY brings me to the main point of my article, and that concerns the Chakras. Some of us look at opening the chakras as an incredibly big step in empowering ourselves, and you are all right to believe that because opening all of these 'seals' that have been place on mankind is probably the 'BIGGEST' step that many of us will ever take, but in the end I sort of think that a lot of us feel it is too big a step to take...and once again, this is something that I think has been blown a little bit out of proportion.

The 7 main chakras must be open in order for the kundalini to safely ascend to our crown, and when this happens we become as that gods...when we read this sort of thing, it sort of sounds kind of scary doesn't it? (I know I've had some scary thoughts about it before.) But I think what we really need to realise is that we are only 'OPENING' these chakras, and not expecting ourselves to become gods right away. When I first came to spiritual satanism, this is the way I thought about the Chakras and I felt that it was much too big of a step for me to take on right away even though I was already becoming experienced with feeling and manipulating energy...but really, now that I am where I am today, my advice to any of you who have have experience with void and foundation meditation is that you should begin working on them as soon as possible.

Like I said, we are simply opening them and allowing them to function in a healthy manner; this is the equivalent of starting to lift weights and work with a muscle that we have almost no experience using, it seems difficult at first, but eventually you build up enough strength to use it properly and it becomes a natural part of your daily life...but to that end, I'd like to make a few points about two of the chakras in particular that should be handled with extreme care; note that the following merely comes from my own experiences but I feel it necessary to warn you all that it is not to be played around with.

The Sixth and Seventh Chakras: Most of you who begin to work on this chakra will find yourselves starting with the third eye; there has been a lot of confusion concerning this but the third eye itself is NOT the sixth chakra, it is merely an extension of the sixth chakra which resides in the pineal gland, or rather the center of the brain...regardless, it is easily noticeable when we open our third eye that the sixth chakra itself is already starting to function in a healthy manner, usually from a pressure or headache felt originating from the center of the brain...this is normal, however what we must realise is that the sixth chakra is directly linked to the seventh which is ultimately the psychic seat of the soul, and because of this we can think of the crown as the root of 'all' our psychic power, which is power that most of us have never used for our entire lives and it is for this VERY reason that I cannot stress enough that you should WAIT WITH THESE CHAKRAS.

Like I have said before, for the first six months of being a spiritual satanist I was afraid of opening my chakras...but I eventually became incredibly impatient and decided hey, you know what? I'm ready...I'll start opening my chakras. I turned my attention to the spiritual warfare program listed on the JOS and the first chakras that you opened during this program were conveniently the third eye, the pineal gland, and the crown.

I performed each of the steps day after day in opening these three chakras and had no trouble feeling the effects from them as I started to notice pressure and headaches originating within as explained on the JOS, and I continued to work on opening my other chakras as well, but I found that the effects of opening other chakras were not as noticeable as with the sixth and seventh chakra...this is likely because of the incredible psychic power in these two chakras being a lot stronger than the rest (heart excluded, which is the powerhouse of the soul and feeds all of our chakras), but I soon came to a conclusion that since I was having trouble with the other chakras, I would put all of my attention into empowering the ones I 'could' feel: The Sixth and Seventh.

Every day I would focus on breathing energy into my third eye and drawing it back into my pineal gland, upon which I would flood my head with this energy; it was really addicting but I noticed myself becoming a little twitchy every now and then...I simply thought of this as a side effect from raising my bioelectricity and shook it off, expecting it to go away. However even after all the work I had done I still felt really impatient, why was the third eye that I was working so hard to empower not allowing me to see things? Why was the crown chakra I was empowering not allowing me to hear things? It was around this time that I turned my attention to Full Chakra Meditation, and that was probably the biggest mistake I have made in my entire life.

It was during the day and hour of the crown chakra that I decided to do a full chakra meditation, and when I first began to chant the vibration I could already notice the incredible intensity that was so much different from any of the other meditations I had previously performed, it was incredible how much I could feel just from 'beginning' it, but for some reason I couldn't help but feel as though something was a little off...I shrugged it off of course, and continued with the meditation, chanting my vibrations for a second time...but this was where the shit really hit the fan...

Suddenly, my pineal gland went really cold, and I stopped, too stupefied by how strange it felt to continue the meditation...this time I absolutely knew something was wrong and that I need to chill out, but by this point it was already way too late; I felt incredibly sharp pain beginning to shoot through my head and my entire body started to turn cold. It was indescribable, and I cannot put into words the way I felt when it happened, but the closest thing I can say is that was the worst pain I had felt in my entire life...I wanted to start screaming, but the thought of doing that in itself felt like it would have been too painful...I felt helpless, and the only thing I could do was call out to father Satan to help me out of whatever the hell I had done, it was a full fifteen minutes of me feeling this excruciating pain before it finally began to even settle down...but the only thing it would do was settle down, I could still feel it, and the only thing I could do was try and go to sleep and hope it would go away...but the pain was so intense that I could not even rest my head upon a pillow properly it took me more than 3 hours before I finally nodded off.

I woke up the next day, and I found I was fine.................for ten minutes or so, but eventually the headache started to return, and though it was nowhere near as severe as before, the fact remained that it was still there. Over the next couple of weeks I was too afraid to participate in any form of meditation, and even worse than this, the headaches would not leave me; I had even started to develop a sort of twitch that would cause me to randomly jerk my head left or right in what was more often than not a painful manner; I hoped that as long as I stopped meditating this would go away...but for a whole of three months, it did not.

When it finally did, I was able to relax and convince myself to start meditating again...but I found that whenever I started, the headaches would almost immediately return and I would have to stop right away for days at a time; I had almost completely given up on it...but thankfully, my faith in satan kept me going.

It took me a total of six months from that day in order to finally adapt to these headaches I had been experiences and I was able to start living my life in a normal way after that; the headaches that had even stopped me from going outside or participating in physical activity were finally starting to completely go away and I actually started to make healthier choices now that I could finally function properly again. But a lot of you at this point are probably thinking, what's the point in telling you all of this if I'm trying to help you in opening your chakras rather than scare you away from doing it?

This is where I get to the point of me learning from my mistakes and helping you all save yourselves some grief in the long run, because I don't want 'ANY ONE OF YOU' to have to endure what I did because of something so trivial as impatience.

My entire point of this article is to tell you that we are all working on our paths to become gods as our creator Satan intended, and that it is not something that is going to happen overnight. When I first started, I was lost and didn't know what to start with...and when I finally did learn what to do I became so stubborn and impatient with it that I couldn't stop and couldn't control myself and I landed myself in a huge mess that held me back for almost an entire year that could have been spent calmly and quietly practicing meditations that would have made me so much stronger than I am today.

Some of us are having trouble getting ourselves even started with meditation, and I want to let you all know that the power in these meditations is very real and 'very' addicting and you should all get to know what these meditations can do for you as it is an incredibly beautiful experience...I have been practicing them 'properly' now for quite some time since that incident, and I even started doing Yoga and I cannot tell you how much of a difference I have noticed in myself and how much I feel I have grown since I learned from my mistake, and I owe it all to the gifts that father Satan has given to us. But we should never abuse these gifts and even though we should practice them consistently, we should 'NEVER' take on more than we can handle. "Too much stimulation at once is undesirable"

As long as we are honestly and consitently working to empower ourselves, no matter how long it takes, we will 'ALL' eventually get there, and I encourage all of you to open your chakras as soon as you possibly can, but remember to find an even balance between power and control and if you 'ever' feel like something is wrong during your meditations, all you ever have to do is back of for a couple of days and continue at a later time when you feel better.

To all my brothers and sisters;


Hmm. I've always been impatient in my meditations. the only way that I ever paid in it was dealing with enemy attacks. I could certainly expierience them, however I could do nothing about them and tuning them out was nigh impossible. Oh, and if I don't keep up the energy from one of the days that I do a shit ton of work, I'll get depressed about 3.5 days later. Other than those 2 things, I've always liked being supercharged. The full chakra meditation is great.
 but yea. don't rush it. work yourself into stuff.
 speaking of working, I do believe I've been sitting on the couch all day waiting for a delivery truck. time ta go and NOT miss another tuesdays meditation.
 Hail satan! Hail Hitler!

To: [email protected]
From: lonewolf69sg@...
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2010 20:26:22 -0800
Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] For my brothers and sisters, a word of advice.

  Beautiful message.  :) 
Thank you for taking the time and effort to share this with us..   :) 

From: toto_emenefus_tribal <toto_emenefus_tribal@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Monday, 15 November 2010 12:13:31
Subject: [JoS4adults] For my brothers and sisters, a word of advice.

  Alright, so before I begin I'd like to point out that main reason for the following article is because I think there have been a lot of misconceptions about the entire ordeal of opening our chakras; I want to point out that I don't pretend to be an expert on the subject but I felt it was necessary to share my experiences as a way of giving my brothers and sisters a little insight. Since I myself have only been a Spiritual Satanist for a little over 2 years now, I think that some of you who are new will probably be able to relate to me a little more than those of us who have long been dedicated in the service of Satan, regardless, please take the time to listen.

A small warning for those of you who are short on time, this article is a little long:

When we first dedicate ourselves to Satan, for many of us it is an incredibly positive experience; to this day, even after all I have experienced since coming to Spiritual Satanism, I still compare it to being the happiest day of my life. I can still vividly remember the bliss I felt in understanding there was a way out of these pathetic limitations that had shackled me all of my life, and I just couldn't stop smiling the entire time...however regardless of our experiences, for most of us it is our first time coming into contact with anything that can be considered even remotely spiritual when we compare it to all of the corrupted bullshit that has been crammed down our throats all of our lives, so it usually always begs the question...

"What Now?"

Those of us who have taken the time to peruse the many pages of the JoS and those affiliated with it will usually come to the conclusion that we should put together a meditation program, but a lot of us are still a little confused as to what exactly we should start with (I know I was.) Each of us is individual as to what we should do in the beginning, but I think many of us who have practiced meditation will agree that for beginners the two most important ones we should begin with are foundation meditation and void meditation.

The reasons for this are quite simple: Power and Control.

The ultimate goal of power meditation is to become a god, and any one of us who has put even an iota of effort into studying the JoS should already know this, but in order to become a god, we need power correct? This is where foundation meditation comes into play; there is a very good reason that Maxine herself has stated it to be the most important for beginners, and that is because it will teach many of us who have little to no experience with spirituality how to 'FEEL' the power we are trying to obtain...how are we supposed to obtain power if we do not know what it feels like?

The purpose of foundation meditation is to learn how to feel energy and manipulate it as we choose; this goes for 'all' forms of energy whether they be positive or negative, though we should simply concentrate on feeling and absorbing energy in the beginning as trying to visualise different kinds is more advanced...however, learning to feel and absorb energy is actually quite simple in itself and should not be made out to be more complicated then it actually is. I myself was able to feel energy after only my first few sessions of trying and it wasn't much longer after that when I learned to absorb it (This coming from someone who hadn't meditated a day in their life; DON'T TRY AND TELL YOURSELF YOU CAN'T DO IT, THIS NEGATIVITY IS WHAT HOLDS MOST OF US BACK FROM EVEN STARTING TO MEDITATE IN THE FIRST PLACE WHEN IT IS REALLY SO MUCH EASIER THAN WE THINK)

For some of us, it may take a little bit longer, but foundation meditation is really easy and REALLY important, the main thing is to be consistent and 'ALL' of us will get the hang of it, usually in a short amount of time.

Moving onto what I consider to be EQUALLY important for beginners (and experts as well): Void Meditation.

Sure, void meditation sounds hella boring; I know I hated it in the beginning, I sort of tried to kid myself that I didn't need it for my first year as a spiritual satanist, but I couldn't have been more fucking wrong in my entire life. When we begin power meditation, most of us are so much more concerned with aquiring the power, it's all about being able to blow shit up with our minds and inflict disease on the people who picked on us all of our lives right? WRONG.

When we begin meditating, we are taking incredible amounts of power into our bodies (a lot more than some of you might realise) and with that kind of power, comes a need for a 'lot' of control. Meditation, as explained by High Priestess Maxine, is a psychic cleaning house, and when we do it we can expect a lot of repressed things in our minds to bubble to the surface, and when you have a lot of power and that kind of shit happens, you can expect a lot of shit to go out of your control 'REALLY FAST'. I had thoughts popping into my head over and over that made no sense what so ever, sometimes thoughts would just jump out at me like "SATAN IS SHIT" or something insulting along those lines to the gods that I respected so much...and whether it was simply something deep in my subconcious that still doubted spiritual satanism, or an attack from the enemy, I can't be too sure, but what I do know is this...it fucking tore me apart in ways that were completely unneccessary and because I couldn't control my thoughts I began to start hating myself for a while and wondering why I would ever think things like that, and even more than that, what would Satan think of me for thinking it?

My point is, even if we don't know it, ALL OF US have had to put up with XIAN/JEWISH/MUSLIM FILTH all of our fucking LIVES, and it has been programmed into us to the point where we don't even realise it; when that happens, repressed doubts that you didn't even know were there can really jump out at you as you try to clean out your soul, and in order to ignore those stupid fucking thoughts, we need to put in effort to control ourselves, and that is where void meditation comes into play. With void meditation, we are able to quiet not only our own thoughts, but the thoughts of others that we will come to hear (sometimes unknowingly) and do not 'WANT' to hear. When we raise power, we raise bioelectricity. When we raise bioelectricity, we raise the power of our thoughts. And when we raise the power of our thoughts, we need to keep them under control, otherwise we could end up psychically hurting not only people we care about, but ourselves as well...enough said?

Power without control is worthless, and control without power is equally useless; never forget that and never believe otherwise, because the two go hand in hand on your path to godhead and our path to victory against the enemy.

(Also a quick word of advice before moving on, the breathing exercises before 'ANY' meditation are really so much more helpful than some of you think, they are naturally calming and we must always be calm when meditating)

Moving right along; we come to the point where we can feel energy and control our thoughts effectively enough...so what then? This FINALLY brings me to the main point of my article, and that concerns the Chakras. Some of us look at opening the chakras as an incredibly big step in empowering ourselves, and you are all right to believe that because opening all of these 'seals' that have been place on mankind is probably the 'BIGGEST' step that many of us will ever take, but in the end I sort of think that a lot of us feel it is too big a step to take...and once again, this is something that I think has been blown a little bit out of proportion.

The 7 main chakras must be open in order for the kundalini to safely ascend to our crown, and when this happens we become as that gods...when we read this sort of thing, it sort of sounds kind of scary doesn't it? (I know I've had some scary thoughts about it before.) But I think what we really need to realise is that we are only 'OPENING' these chakras, and not expecting ourselves to become gods right away. When I first came to spiritual satanism, this is the way I thought about the Chakras and I felt that it was much too big of a step for me to take on right away even though I was already becoming experienced with feeling and manipulating energy...but really, now that I am where I am today, my advice to any of you who have have experience with void and foundation meditation is that you should begin working on them as soon as possible.

Like I said, we are simply opening them and allowing them to function in a healthy manner; this is the equivalent of starting to lift weights and work with a muscle that we have almost no experience using, it seems difficult at first, but eventually you build up enough strength to use it properly and it becomes a natural part of your daily life...but to that end, I'd like to make a few points about two of the chakras in particular that should be handled with extreme care; note that the following merely comes from my own experiences but I feel it necessary to warn you all that it is not to be played around with.

The Sixth and Seventh Chakras: Most of you who begin to work on this chakra will find yourselves starting with the third eye; there has been a lot of confusion concerning this but the third eye itself is NOT the sixth chakra, it is merely an extension of the sixth chakra which resides in the pineal gland, or rather the center of the brain...regardless, it is easily noticeable when we open our third eye that the sixth chakra itself is already starting to function in a healthy manner, usually from a pressure or headache felt originating from the center of the brain...this is normal, however what we must realise is that the sixth chakra is directly linked to the seventh which is ultimately the psychic seat of the soul, and because of this we can think of the crown as the root of 'all' our psychic power, which is power that most of us have never used for our entire lives and it is for this VERY reason that I cannot stress enough that you should WAIT WITH THESE CHAKRAS.

Like I have said before, for the first six months of being a spiritual satanist I was afraid of opening my chakras...but I eventually became incredibly impatient and decided hey, you know what? I'm ready...I'll start opening my chakras. I turned my attention to the spiritual warfare program listed on the JOS and the first chakras that you opened during this program were conveniently the third eye, the pineal gland, and the crown.

I performed each of the steps day after day in opening these three chakras and had no trouble feeling the effects from them as I started to notice pressure and headaches originating within as explained on the JOS, and I continued to work on opening my other chakras as well, but I found that the effects of opening other chakras were not as noticeable as with the sixth and seventh chakra...this is likely because of the incredible psychic power in these two chakras being a lot stronger than the rest (heart excluded, which is the powerhouse of the soul and feeds all of our chakras), but I soon came to a conclusion that since I was having trouble with the other chakras, I would put all of my attention into empowering the ones I 'could' feel: The Sixth and Seventh.

Every day I would focus on breathing energy into my third eye and drawing it back into my pineal gland, upon which I would flood my head with this energy; it was really addicting but I noticed myself becoming a little twitchy every now and then...I simply thought of this as a side effect from raising my bioelectricity and shook it off, expecting it to go away. However even after all the work I had done I still felt really impatient, why was the third eye that I was working so hard to empower not allowing me to see things? Why was the crown chakra I was empowering not allowing me to hear things? It was around this time that I turned my attention to Full Chakra Meditation, and that was probably the biggest mistake I have made in my entire life.

It was during the day and hour of the crown chakra that I decided to do a full chakra meditation, and when I first began to chant the vibration I could already notice the incredible intensity that was so much different from any of the other meditations I had previously performed, it was incredible how much I could feel just from 'beginning' it, but for some reason I couldn't help but feel as though something was a little off...I shrugged it off of course, and continued with the meditation, chanting my vibrations for a second time...but this was where the shit really hit the fan...

Suddenly, my pineal gland went really cold, and I stopped, too stupefied by how strange it felt to continue the meditation...this time I absolutely knew something was wrong and that I need to chill out, but by this point it was already way too late; I felt incredibly sharp pain beginning to shoot through my head and my entire body started to turn cold. It was indescribable, and I cannot put into words the way I felt when it happened, but the closest thing I can say is that was the worst pain I had felt in my entire life...I wanted to start screaming, but the thought of doing that in itself felt like it would have been too painful...I felt helpless, and the only thing I could do was call out to father Satan to help me out of whatever the hell I had done, it was a full fifteen minutes of me feeling this excruciating pain before it finally began to even settle down...but the only thing it would do was settle down, I could still feel it, and the only thing I could do was try and go to sleep and hope it would go away...but the pain was so intense that I could not even rest my head upon a pillow properly it took me more than 3 hours before I finally nodded off.

I woke up the next day, and I found I was fine.................for ten minutes or so, but eventually the headache started to return, and though it was nowhere near as severe as before, the fact remained that it was still there. Over the next couple of weeks I was too afraid to participate in any form of meditation, and even worse than this, the headaches would not leave me; I had even started to develop a sort of twitch that would cause me to randomly jerk my head left or right in what was more often than not a painful manner; I hoped that as long as I stopped meditating this would go away...but for a whole of three months, it did not.

When it finally did, I was able to relax and convince myself to start meditating again...but I found that whenever I started, the headaches would almost immediately return and I would have to stop right away for days at a time; I had almost completely given up on it...but thankfully, my faith in satan kept me going.

It took me a total of six months from that day in order to finally adapt to these headaches I had been experiences and I was able to start living my life in a normal way after that; the headaches that had even stopped me from going outside or participating in physical activity were finally starting to completely go away and I actually started to make healthier choices now that I could finally function properly again. But a lot of you at this point are probably thinking, what's the point in telling you all of this if I'm trying to help you in opening your chakras rather than scare you away from doing it?

This is where I get to the point of me learning from my mistakes and helping you all save yourselves some grief in the long run, because I don't want 'ANY ONE OF YOU' to have to endure what I did because of something so trivial as impatience.

My entire point of this article is to tell you that we are all working on our paths to become gods as our creator Satan intended, and that it is not something that is going to happen overnight. When I first started, I was lost and didn't know what to start with...and when I finally did learn what to do I became so stubborn and impatient with it that I couldn't stop and couldn't control myself and I landed myself in a huge mess that held me back for almost an entire year that could have been spent calmly and quietly practicing meditations that would have made me so much stronger than I am today.

Some of us are having trouble getting ourselves even started with meditation, and I want to let you all know that the power in these meditations is very real and 'very' addicting and you should all get to know what these meditations can do for you as it is an incredibly beautiful experience...I have been practicing them 'properly' now for quite some time since that incident, and I even started doing Yoga and I cannot tell you how much of a difference I have noticed in myself and how much I feel I have grown since I learned from my mistake, and I owe it all to the gifts that father Satan has given to us. But we should never abuse these gifts and even though we should practice them consistently, we should 'NEVER' take on more than we can handle. "Too much stimulation at once is undesirable"

As long as we are honestly and consitently working to empower ourselves, no matter how long it takes, we will 'ALL' eventually get there, and I encourage all of you to open your chakras as soon as you possibly can, but remember to find an even balance between power and control and if you 'ever' feel like something is wrong during your meditations, all you ever have to do is back of for a couple of days and continue at a later time when you feel better.

To all my brothers and sisters;


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Well that actually brings me to another point; when anyone starts a meditation program they should always be consistent with it...not just because of the fact that we are aquiring power, but our bodies are constantly trying to adapt to the increase in bioelectricity that meditation brings...if we don't continue to work with energy we can find ourselves getting angry or depressed for seemingly no reason at all.

We just need to find a balance that slightly pushes our limits every day, but not to the point where we're overloading ourselves with energy. Full Chakra meditation should only be done when we have experience with said chakra in question, and when meditating we should always go by 'feeling'. If something 'feels' wrong, your body is simply telling you to slow down.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Andre Wilson <darthxilon@... wrote:

Hmm. I've always been impatient in my meditations. the only way that I ever paid in it was dealing with enemy attacks. I could certainly expierience them, however I could do nothing about them and tuning them out was nigh impossible. Oh, and if I don't keep up the energy from one of the days that I do a shit ton of work, I'll get depressed about 3.5 days later. Other than those 2 things, I've always liked being supercharged. The full chakra meditation is great.
but yea. don't rush it. work yourself into stuff.
speaking of working, I do believe I've been sitting on the couch all day waiting for a delivery truck. time ta go and NOT miss another tuesdays meditation.
Hail satan! Hail Hitler!

To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
From: lonewolf69sg@...
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2010 20:26:22 -0800
Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] For my brothers and sisters, a word of advice.

Beautiful message. :)

Thank you for taking the time and effort to share this with us.. :)


From: toto_emenefus_tribal <toto_emenefus_tribal@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Monday, 15 November 2010 12:13:31
Subject: [JoS4adults] For my brothers and sisters, a word of advice.

Alright, so before I begin I'd like to point out that main reason for the following article is because I think there have been a lot of misconceptions about the entire ordeal of opening our chakras; I want to point out that I don't pretend to be an expert on the subject but I felt it was necessary to share my experiences as a way of giving my brothers and sisters a little insight. Since I myself have only been a Spiritual Satanist for a little over 2 years now, I think that some of you who are new will probably be able to relate to me a little more than those of us who have long been dedicated in the service of Satan, regardless, please take the time to listen.

A small warning for those of you who are short on time, this article is a little long:

When we first dedicate ourselves to Satan, for many of us it is an incredibly positive experience; to this day, even after all I have experienced since coming to Spiritual Satanism, I still compare it to being the happiest day of my life. I can still vividly remember the bliss I felt in understanding there was a way out of these pathetic limitations that had shackled me all of my life, and I just couldn't stop smiling the entire time...however regardless of our experiences, for most of us it is our first time coming into contact with anything that can be considered even remotely spiritual when we compare it to all of the corrupted bullshit that has been crammed down our throats all of our lives, so it usually always begs the question...

"What Now?"

Those of us who have taken the time to peruse the many pages of the JoS and those affiliated with it will usually come to the conclusion that we should put together a meditation program, but a lot of us are still a little confused as to what exactly we should start with (I know I was.) Each of us is individual as to what we should do in the beginning, but I think many of us who have practiced meditation will agree that for beginners the two most important ones we should begin with are foundation meditation and void meditation.

The reasons for this are quite simple: Power and Control.

The ultimate goal of power meditation is to become a god, and any one of us who has put even an iota of effort into studying the JoS should already know this, but in order to become a god, we need power correct? This is where foundation meditation comes into play; there is a very good reason that Maxine herself has stated it to be the most important for beginners, and that is because it will teach many of us who have little to no experience with spirituality how to 'FEEL' the power we are trying to obtain...how are we supposed to obtain power if we do not know what it feels like?

The purpose of foundation meditation is to learn how to feel energy and manipulate it as we choose; this goes for 'all' forms of energy whether they be positive or negative, though we should simply concentrate on feeling and absorbing energy in the beginning as trying to visualise different kinds is more advanced...however, learning to feel and absorb energy is actually quite simple in itself and should not be made out to be more complicated then it actually is. I myself was able to feel energy after only my first few sessions of trying and it wasn't much longer after that when I learned to absorb it (This coming from someone who hadn't meditated a day in their life; DON'T TRY AND TELL YOURSELF YOU CAN'T DO IT, THIS NEGATIVITY IS WHAT HOLDS MOST OF US BACK FROM EVEN STARTING TO MEDITATE IN THE FIRST PLACE WHEN IT IS REALLY SO MUCH EASIER THAN WE THINK)

For some of us, it may take a little bit longer, but foundation meditation is really easy and REALLY important, the main thing is to be consistent and 'ALL' of us will get the hang of it, usually in a short amount of time.

Moving onto what I consider to be EQUALLY important for beginners (and experts as well): Void Meditation.

Sure, void meditation sounds hella boring; I know I hated it in the beginning, I sort of tried to kid myself that I didn't need it for my first year as a spiritual satanist, but I couldn't have been more fucking wrong in my entire life. When we begin power meditation, most of us are so much more concerned with aquiring the power, it's all about being able to blow shit up with our minds and inflict disease on the people who picked on us all of our lives right? WRONG.

When we begin meditating, we are taking incredible amounts of power into our bodies (a lot more than some of you might realise) and with that kind of power, comes a need for a 'lot' of control. Meditation, as explained by High Priestess Maxine, is a psychic cleaning house, and when we do it we can expect a lot of repressed things in our minds to bubble to the surface, and when you have a lot of power and that kind of shit happens, you can expect a lot of shit to go out of your control 'REALLY FAST'. I had thoughts popping into my head over and over that made no sense what so ever, sometimes thoughts would just jump out at me like "SATAN IS SHIT" or something insulting along those lines to the gods that I respected so much...and whether it was simply something deep in my subconcious that still doubted spiritual satanism, or an attack from the enemy, I can't be too sure, but what I do know is this...it fucking tore me apart in ways that were completely unneccessary and because I couldn't control my thoughts I began to start hating myself for a while and wondering why I would ever think things like that, and even more than that, what would Satan think of me for thinking it?

My point is, even if we don't know it, ALL OF US have had to put up with XIAN/JEWISH/MUSLIM FILTH all of our fucking LIVES, and it has been programmed into us to the point where we don't even realise it; when that happens, repressed doubts that you didn't even know were there can really jump out at you as you try to clean out your soul, and in order to ignore those stupid fucking thoughts, we need to put in effort to control ourselves, and that is where void meditation comes into play. With void meditation, we are able to quiet not only our own thoughts, but the thoughts of others that we will come to hear (sometimes unknowingly) and do not 'WANT' to hear. When we raise power, we raise bioelectricity. When we raise bioelectricity, we raise the power of our thoughts. And when we raise the power of our thoughts, we need to keep them under control, otherwise we could end up psychically hurting not only people we care about, but ourselves as well...enough said?

Power without control is worthless, and control without power is equally useless; never forget that and never believe otherwise, because the two go hand in hand on your path to godhead and our path to victory against the enemy.

(Also a quick word of advice before moving on, the breathing exercises before 'ANY' meditation are really so much more helpful than some of you think, they are naturally calming and we must always be calm when meditating)

Moving right along; we come to the point where we can feel energy and control our thoughts effectively enough...so what then? This FINALLY brings me to the main point of my article, and that concerns the Chakras. Some of us look at opening the chakras as an incredibly big step in empowering ourselves, and you are all right to believe that because opening all of these 'seals' that have been place on mankind is probably the 'BIGGEST' step that many of us will ever take, but in the end I sort of think that a lot of us feel it is too big a step to take...and once again, this is something that I think has been blown a little bit out of proportion.

The 7 main chakras must be open in order for the kundalini to safely ascend to our crown, and when this happens we become as that gods...when we read this sort of thing, it sort of sounds kind of scary doesn't it? (I know I've had some scary thoughts about it before.) But I think what we really need to realise is that we are only 'OPENING' these chakras, and not expecting ourselves to become gods right away. When I first came to spiritual satanism, this is the way I thought about the Chakras and I felt that it was much too big of a step for me to take on right away even though I was already becoming experienced with feeling and manipulating energy...but really, now that I am where I am today, my advice to any of you who have have experience with void and foundation meditation is that you should begin working on them as soon as possible.

Like I said, we are simply opening them and allowing them to function in a healthy manner; this is the equivalent of starting to lift weights and work with a muscle that we have almost no experience using, it seems difficult at first, but eventually you build up enough strength to use it properly and it becomes a natural part of your daily life...but to that end, I'd like to make a few points about two of the chakras in particular that should be handled with extreme care; note that the following merely comes from my own experiences but I feel it necessary to warn you all that it is not to be played around with.

The Sixth and Seventh Chakras: Most of you who begin to work on this chakra will find yourselves starting with the third eye; there has been a lot of confusion concerning this but the third eye itself is NOT the sixth chakra, it is merely an extension of the sixth chakra which resides in the pineal gland, or rather the center of the brain...regardless, it is easily noticeable when we open our third eye that the sixth chakra itself is already starting to function in a healthy manner, usually from a pressure or headache felt originating from the center of the brain...this is normal, however what we must realise is that the sixth chakra is directly linked to the seventh which is ultimately the psychic seat of the soul, and because of this we can think of the crown as the root of 'all' our psychic power, which is power that most of us have never used for our entire lives and it is for this VERY reason that I cannot stress enough that you should WAIT WITH THESE CHAKRAS.

Like I have said before, for the first six months of being a spiritual satanist I was afraid of opening my chakras...but I eventually became incredibly impatient and decided hey, you know what? I'm ready...I'll start opening my chakras. I turned my attention to the spiritual warfare program listed on the JOS and the first chakras that you opened during this program were conveniently the third eye, the pineal gland, and the crown.

I performed each of the steps day after day in opening these three chakras and had no trouble feeling the effects from them as I started to notice pressure and headaches originating within as explained on the JOS, and I continued to work on opening my other chakras as well, but I found that the effects of opening other chakras were not as noticeable as with the sixth and seventh chakra...this is likely because of the incredible psychic power in these two chakras being a lot stronger than the rest (heart excluded, which is the powerhouse of the soul and feeds all of our chakras), but I soon came to a conclusion that since I was having trouble with the other chakras, I would put all of my attention into empowering the ones I 'could' feel: The Sixth and Seventh.

Every day I would focus on breathing energy into my third eye and drawing it back into my pineal gland, upon which I would flood my head with this energy; it was really addicting but I noticed myself becoming a little twitchy every now and then...I simply thought of this as a side effect from raising my bioelectricity and shook it off, expecting it to go away. However even after all the work I had done I still felt really impatient, why was the third eye that I was working so hard to empower not allowing me to see things? Why was the crown chakra I was empowering not allowing me to hear things? It was around this time that I turned my attention to Full Chakra Meditation, and that was probably the biggest mistake I have made in my entire life.

It was during the day and hour of the crown chakra that I decided to do a full chakra meditation, and when I first began to chant the vibration I could already notice the incredible intensity that was so much different from any of the other meditations I had previously performed, it was incredible how much I could feel just from 'beginning' it, but for some reason I couldn't help but feel as though something was a little off...I shrugged it off of course, and continued with the meditation, chanting my vibrations for a second time...but this was where the shit really hit the fan...

Suddenly, my pineal gland went really cold, and I stopped, too stupefied by how strange it felt to continue the meditation...this time I absolutely knew something was wrong and that I need to chill out, but by this point it was already way too late; I felt incredibly sharp pain beginning to shoot through my head and my entire body started to turn cold. It was indescribable, and I cannot put into words the way I felt when it happened, but the closest thing I can say is that was the worst pain I had felt in my entire life...I wanted to start screaming, but the thought of doing that in itself felt like it would have been too painful...I felt helpless, and the only thing I could do was call out to father Satan to help me out of whatever the hell I had done, it was a full fifteen minutes of me feeling this excruciating pain before it finally began to even settle down...but the only thing it would do was settle down, I could still feel it, and the only thing I could do was try and go to sleep and hope it would go away...but the pain was so intense that I could not even rest my head upon a pillow properly it took me more than 3 hours before I finally nodded off.

I woke up the next day, and I found I was fine.................for ten minutes or so, but eventually the headache started to return, and though it was nowhere near as severe as before, the fact remained that it was still there. Over the next couple of weeks I was too afraid to participate in any form of meditation, and even worse than this, the headaches would not leave me; I had even started to develop a sort of twitch that would cause me to randomly jerk my head left or right in what was more often than not a painful manner; I hoped that as long as I stopped meditating this would go away...but for a whole of three months, it did not.

When it finally did, I was able to relax and convince myself to start meditating again...but I found that whenever I started, the headaches would almost immediately return and I would have to stop right away for days at a time; I had almost completely given up on it...but thankfully, my faith in satan kept me going.

It took me a total of six months from that day in order to finally adapt to these headaches I had been experiences and I was able to start living my life in a normal way after that; the headaches that had even stopped me from going outside or participating in physical activity were finally starting to completely go away and I actually started to make healthier choices now that I could finally function properly again. But a lot of you at this point are probably thinking, what's the point in telling you all of this if I'm trying to help you in opening your chakras rather than scare you away from doing it?

This is where I get to the point of me learning from my mistakes and helping you all save yourselves some grief in the long run, because I don't want 'ANY ONE OF YOU' to have to endure what I did because of something so trivial as impatience.

My entire point of this article is to tell you that we are all working on our paths to become gods as our creator Satan intended, and that it is not something that is going to happen overnight. When I first started, I was lost and didn't know what to start with...and when I finally did learn what to do I became so stubborn and impatient with it that I couldn't stop and couldn't control myself and I landed myself in a huge mess that held me back for almost an entire year that could have been spent calmly and quietly practicing meditations that would have made me so much stronger than I am today.

Some of us are having trouble getting ourselves even started with meditation, and I want to let you all know that the power in these meditations is very real and 'very' addicting and you should all get to know what these meditations can do for you as it is an incredibly beautiful experience...I have been practicing them 'properly' now for quite some time since that incident, and I even started doing Yoga and I cannot tell you how much of a difference I have noticed in myself and how much I feel I have grown since I learned from my mistake, and I owe it all to the gifts that father Satan has given to us. But we should never abuse these gifts and even though we should practice them consistently, we should 'NEVER' take on more than we can handle. "Too much stimulation at once is undesirable"

As long as we are honestly and consitently working to empower ourselves, no matter how long it takes, we will 'ALL' eventually get there, and I encourage all of you to open your chakras as soon as you possibly can, but remember to find an even balance between power and control and if you 'ever' feel like something is wrong during your meditations, all you ever have to do is back of for a couple of days and continue at a later time when you feel better.

To all my brothers and sisters;


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
