I really don't think anyone wants you gone or anything. What everyone has been trying to tell you is that in order to fix all the issues that are known to you and also those that are unknown, you need to engage and fully dedicate yourself to the 8 Fold Path. There really is no other way out of that situation.
Stop caring so much about what others think of you, and ask yourself more meaningful questions such as "What do I think of myself" and remember that any thoughts that are detrimental, should be fought against. By you alone.
And the more you postpone it, the more excuses you make to avoid getting out of your comfort zone, the harder it will be when you do decide it is time to be serious. Or when life does force you to be serious. Life goes on and it doesn't care about your situation, it is up to you to prepare. The only time you waste when you avoid facing your True Self, is yours and nobody else's. I unfortunately speak from experience. I have been in a similar situation.
It might seem overwhelming at first, so don't dwell on it too much and do it one step at a time. Just keep pushing and pushing and never give up. Eventually results will manifest, and they will be permanent.
All you need to do is to start a meditation program. The 40 day program takes 5-10 minutes of your time. Is it so hard to just sit down and get it done? Get out in the Sun, engulf all of your being in that energy and program it to clean and empower your soul. Even 5-10 breaths of this, takes like 5 minutes. Maybe even less.
30 seconds of Void meditation. Is it hard? Do 10 seconds. 5 seconds. Whatever. Just do it. When you can do it successfully for 5 seconds, then do 10. 20. 30. 1 minute. So on and so forth.
9 repetitions of the Kriyas in the Basic Spinal Series takes what, 5 minutes? If 9 is too much for you, that's fine, do 3. Just do something. As little as it may be, it builds up.
Have you ever mastered a skill, whatever it may be? It is hard at first. Then it gets doable. Then it gets easy. Then it is part of you and you do it naturally. This is the same idea with meditation.
I can't find HPS Maxine's quote right now, but she once said something like:
Before going to sleep, relax and say in your mind "I am always highly motivated and I always meditate everyday" 30-40 times.
When I was in a situation similar to yours, this is what I did. For months. At first I wasn't even meditating at all, and I wasn't even sure that it would work given how messed up I was, but I kept doing it anyway because deep down I knew it works if it is consistent enough. It took me a long time but eventually it was engraved upon my soul with permanent effect. Just that simple exercise, completely turned my life around in ways I never even imagined to be possible, because I shifted my mindset from being a loser, to being a Warrior. And that is all that you have to do.
There is nothing irreversibly wrong with you, the sooner you get to work, the better your life will be. I don't know how old you are (don't want to know) or how long you have been around. But imagine for a second where you would be right now had you applied this knowledge since the very first day. Where would you be?
I see that you like to learn things, specially related to science. The same forces that motivate you to do that, are the same that rule Astrology. (you probably have some interesting Uranus/Aquarius placements). Take advantage of that, study and learn Astrology and learn how to unlock the secrets of your soul. This knowledge will change your perspective. I know it is hard, but if you just try, you will see that it will come natural to you. And with this knowledge you will be able to learn where your weaknesses lie, and you will then be able to specifically work on those, and this will change your life forever.
Stop waiting for the right time. The right time is now. Start now, and never quit and never look back.