Don't worry if you are mixed race.. You are not doomed if you are born as a mixed race person, as long as you advance yourself and meditate you can purify your genes and fix them up, however if you are mixed race it will be more difficult for you to raise your Kundalini and reach the Godhead because fixing your genetics takes more time and effort.
As a Satanist you can certainly still fix yourself up and become a God even if you are born as a mixed race, however that doesn't mean it's good to do it, obviously.
We as Satanists aren't racist in anyway really, all the gentile races (the black African race, the Asian race and the white Nordic race) are created by Satan and are important to this world and as long as the people from those races advance themselves spiritually they will all become great and powerful Gods.
The races are meant to live seperately from each other, so that each can develop themselves in their ways and excell at their uniqueness, express themselves in the ways that suit them. The gentile races are all different and unique in their own ways and those qualities they posses are all important to our planet Earth.
We were created by Father Satan for a reason.
When the races live seperately from each other they are at their strongest. In the Satanic world all the races are supposed to live seperately from each other and work together in harmony to keep the planet in balance, combining their unique traits and skills to work together on a global scale, but develop their own communities and civilizations seperated from each other in their own ways.
There are many people in the world who are currently extremely deluded and their souls are very degenerated.. People from all the races are very deluded and degenerated, however some of the races have been targeted more severely than others.. Many black people who are currently living in America are completely cut of from their racial roots and have lost touch with who and what they are completely and have been reduced to mindless thugs and unintelligent rabble.. Nobody likes people like that, but people like that are a poor representation of who the black race really is.
There are also plenty of degenerated white people with all kinds of depravity and who live their lives truly stupidly.. I as a dedicated SS hate them with all my heart because they are destroying their own race, my Race.. I hate those degenerated black people too and I hate those mudslime invaders who are currently rampaging over europe aswell, they are all disgusting and not even close to human..
However I respect the Black race and the Asian race just as much as my own race, we SS don't judge by the persons outside, but by the persons inside exactly as you said.
A powerful racially aware and spiritually advanced Black man or woman deserves all admiration for what he/she is, same for a powerful racially aware and spiritually advanced White man/woman.
Someone with a weak degenerated soul who acts like a mindless and aggressive thug or whatever, no matter what race that person is, is nothing more than spiritual garbage and deserves no respect, this is not racism, but simply justice.
This whole racist notion is invented by the Jews and only pushed by the jews. Racism is bullshit..
Also look carefully at the world and see what happens when people of the different races mix together, their societies become messed up and their genetics become messed up. The world and the races loose their individuality and become one big goop of nothingness..
This racial diversity needs to be preserved and the only way to truly do this is to simply have all the races live seperately, as it was intended. Where exactly they will all live can differ a bit, but they certainly won't share their countries, let alone their homes....
The jews are trying to incite a race war and they are the ones creating this racial hate. In a Satanic world and society there is no racial hatred, because all people of all races understand each others greatness and values and respect one another, their choices of expression and their cultures.
The only reason so many blacks that are living in the US are the way they are is because they have become completely disconnected from their racial roots. This will be fixed and our HP Shannon has recently announced that she will be doing a very specific and powerful ritual together with all our Satanic black brothers and sisters to awaken the black race to their true African racial roots.
In case you weren't aware, we have a group for Black Satanists and High Priestess Shannon is a proud and powerful black woman herself. You should look for it, I am sure the people there will be able to help you more and you could always message HP Shannon or any of our other HP's personally if you have specific questions regarding this.