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Feeling Overwhelmed in Life? / Accomplishing Goals

HPS Lydia

High Priestess
Sep 20, 2017
[email protected]
A lot of people feel overwhelmed on a daily basis because there is so much to do, and if you don't know where to begin or how to get started, it can cause you to not complete most tasks or goals. We also have many things that seem urgent but often are not actually important, such as alerts and notifications on our phones.

This creates a sense of lack of power, a lack of personal power. And most people don't have much personal power to begin with, which also creates a sense of being overwhelmed. A vicious cycle continues, leading to depression, possible substance abuse, feelings of low self-worth, self-resentment, and also resentment of people in our lives, including our loved ones.

There is a way out of this. There are ways to build your personal power, and build your skill set to help you manage your life. You can feel more in control, and better prepared to handle your life.

A very helpful method is to write to-do lists, and check them off as you do them. This activates the reward center in your brain which leads to a sense of accomplishment. And having the visual proof that you are accomplishing tasks or goals, no matter how small, builds your self-confidence and makes you feel more in control.

I would advise to keep a day planner and write down the tasks you complete, so you can look through it at the end of each week or month, or whenever you feel overwhelmed. Seeing the actual proof of your accomplishments, no matter how small, will train your mind to become more focused on accomplishing what you set out to do. This is an important step in becoming a self-actualized human, ready for further advancement.

Some people find it very helpful to go over everything they need to do for the day, at the end of the previous day, to prepare for the next day. Take your day planner (or word doc on your computer, but day planners are generally best because they can be easily accessed and viewed after). Write down what you need to do the next day: any tasks, chores, or errands. Tell yourself that you will do what you can. It is important to be realistic, don’t make a list too long or you will only set yourself up for failure. Start small, and build your way up once you have established a solid foundation. Then, they next day, when you complete each task, mark it off and tell yourself it’s completed. This will motivate you to complete more, because it does create a dopamine rush in the brain and you’ll want to accomplish another to feel good again.

Strive to complete tasks, and then set some goals for yourself, easy and realistic goals. And when you complete one, congratulate yourself. Make it clear to yourself that you accomplished it, write about it in your journal, spend some time thinking about it and feeling great, perhaps reward yourself in some way. And then set another goal.

Break things into small, easy to manage steps. Don’t look solely at the end result that you want, because this is overwhelming, especially when you are new to the concept of accomplishment and success. Break it down, write it out, make the steps manageable and in order. Then, work to finish the first step. Complete it, congratulate yourself, and start on the next step.

It’s just like learning music. If you pick up an instrument and wiggle your fingers around, you’ll quickly realize that you know nothing (unless you are a prodigy). And you might feel completely lost and overwhelmed. Learning melodies will appear to be a daunting task. You might see someone play an instrument and think you can do that easily, and then you try, and you realize that without proper training and practice, you actually can’t do it. (It’s the same with real-life goals, people think they can do something that other people did, but then they realize along the way that it’s harder than it seems, and they lose hope and give up because they don’t know where to start or how to do it.)

But then you break it down. First you learn notes C and D and go over practice exercises with just those 2 notes. Then, when you have become comfortable with those, you add E, and go over practice exercises with just those 3. You gradually learn all of them and build real experience with the full scale, and then you can learn more complex melodies. You can’t go straight into a complicated masterpiece right away, you need to learn the basics and build your foundation first. But you will gradually get there, especially because you will see how exciting it becomes as you gain the experience and see real progress beginning to form, and you will become enthusiastic and motivated to continue.

Tell yourself that by doing each step one at a time (sometimes 2 steps happen simultaneously), you will eventually, sooner or later, complete them all. That’s all there is to it. When you do the work, it gets done. Therefore, your goals will be accomplished, once you complete each step. If you break them down and persevere, you can’t fail.

And always be aware that life throws curve balls. Something can definitely come up that will thwart your goal. Don’t be discouraged! Know that these things happen, so develop the mindset of learning to adapt and learn further. When unexpected things happen, quite often it’s because we need to learn a bit more, or perhaps adjust our goals a bit, or adjust our method. This actually works out in our favor too, just look at all the success stories of people who had unexpected obstacles arise, only for them to beat the obstacle and come out even better than they would have otherwise.

Another tip: Use magick and intention to complete the goals you set for yourself. After raising your energy (yoga, pranayama, etc), focus on your goal, visualize it, and affirm that you are successfully achieving it in beneficial ways for you. Sun squares can be done to gain personal power, or just working on your Solar and Base chakras. All chakras should be clean and empowered, but these 2 in particular will help you feel more secure and in charge of your life.

Another tip is to remove stressful distractions. You don’t need to watch the news all the time and be exposed to chaos and horrors all over the world, this creates a feeling of being out of control. Focus on what you can change in your life, on what you need to do for yourself (and any dependents you have). Globalism actually has the effect of making people feel overwhelmed from being overly-informed on too many events and situations that don’t even relate to our lives. Yes, people die all the time. This is terrible. But was it someone you knew? No? Then focus on your own life. If you want to help the world, do the God Rituals, and then turn your mind to your personal matters. Help the world, but don’t let yourself be too engrossed in all the chaos and horrors on a constant basis. There is only so much that we can do. Do what you can, and focus on improving what you can; don’t focus on what you have no control over. Do the God Rituals and have faith that you are helping.

Focus on completing your tasks and goals. This will give you a sense of power, because you are showing yourself that you have the power to take charge of your life. This will also build self-confidence and gives the peace of mind that comes from completing what you need to do in your life.

HPS Maxine once wrote: “Satan never gives us more than we can handle.” If your life feels out of control, this is an opportunity for growth. Keep this in mind, and build this mindset. You can overcome, you can heal, you can become stronger, you can become a success and have that wonderful sense of accomplishment! And the sooner you begin now, the sooner you will have success. And this is something fun and deeply satisfying, and furthers the growth of your soul.

Just set goals, make steps, know that unexpected things will arise, adapt to them or overcome them, and keep persevering. You will win.

I wish you all great success in accomplishing your goals and taking charge of your life :)
Wow, this is exactly the kind of writing i needed right now. its really useful. if weren’t a SS, and if i were someone living an empty and depressing life, everything would be terrible. im glad you’re here. and i wish i could be your personal assistant in real life High Priestess 💜
Thank you for this sermon.

I've always been very organized, but one problem I've been having as of late is that my personal goals are a lot, and life doesn't give much time to do things... Work, cooking, and house chores make it rather difficult to work on the things I desire - and which would be good for me on the long and the present term.

So, for example, I had to stop working out because this didn't leave me enough time to work on two of my projects that I need to work on in order to evolve my career. I've been having this very intense desire to start making an income away from 9-5 jobs, and I have two projects for that reason, which require time.

I know that I could even exercise for a very short amount of time, but I was doing this in the past, and it no longer satisfies me. It feels incomplete, i need to work out more - so I don't do it at all.

Oftentimes, I have to sacrifice cooking (so I eat not so "clean" food) in order to save time and do other things that need to be done.

And at times, you know, we just need to relax. To not think of anything, to not do anything. It's impossible for everyday to work at our job, work on your goals, do house chores, cook, work out.

Don't even get me started about socializing. This is nonexistent for me in order to achieve my goals.

So... despite all this ranting. :p
I thank you for this sermon, because these words: "HPS Maxine once wrote: “Satan never gives us more than we can handle.” If your life feels out of control, this is an opportunity for growth. Keep this in mind, and build this mindset. You can overcome, you can heal, you can become stronger, you can become a success and have that wonderful sense of accomplishment!" they are very empowering. :)

I hadn't considered this time as an opportunity for growth, but of pressure to get everything done. Of course, the pressure is still there, but I can change my mindset about it.
I was wondering when you were going to post a new sermon; turns out, it's something I needed to read in this exact time of personal struggle. I have to keep up with translations, manage the Greek subforum, and be present in the Forums, in the midst of a variety of personal issues in my life. Thank you for this sermon, I really needed this reality check.
It has been a while since I heard from you. This is probably one of the best sermons you've shared on here. Thsnk you for the inspiration 🌺🙂
Thank you High Priestess!! This was very helpful!! :)
Thank you, HPs Lydia, for the post.

“Satan never gives us more than we can handle.” This is a phrase that has been with me ever since I decided to study and work at the same time. I want to plant a solid foundation for my future now, however, I have to sacrifice so much and every now and then I am on the verge of feeling overwhelmed by it all... I feel like I can't get out of it. But then I see the Gods, particularly I see Lord Thoth who is supporting me during this time, and I draw my strength to continue.

And today I read your post dealing with this very topic, and I can't help but smile.

I just want to add this: make yourself a list in which you write down all the goals you achieve throughout the day, a kind of "done list." At the end of the week, check the result: you will be surprised to see how much you have achieved!
Thank you HP Lydia for the wonderful and powerful words. I will throw away the meaningless tasks and things that lead nowhere and keep the things that really push me forward to reach higher levels in order of priority the most important ones
I was wondering when you were going to post a new sermon; turns out, it's something I needed to read in this exact time of personal struggle. I have to keep up with translations, manage the Greek subforum, and be present in the Forums, in the midst of a variety of personal issues in my life. Thank you for this sermon, I really needed this reality check.
I haven't been posting any recently because I'm trying to finish a project that will benefit members. But the project got a bit tedious, so I took some time off to post this. I'm glad it's what you needed :)
A lot of people feel overwhelmed on a daily basis because there is so much to do, and if you don't know where to begin or how to get started, it can cause you to not complete most tasks or goals. We also have many things that seem urgent but often are not actually important, such as alerts and notifications on our phones.

This creates a sense of lack of power, a lack of personal power. And most people don't have much personal power to begin with, which also creates a sense of being overwhelmed. A vicious cycle continues, leading to depression, possible substance abuse, feelings of low self-worth, self-resentment, and also resentment of people in our lives, including our loved ones.

There is a way out of this. There are ways to build your personal power, and build your skill set to help you manage your life. You can feel more in control, and better prepared to handle your life.

A very helpful method is to write to-do lists, and check them off as you do them. This activates the reward center in your brain which leads to a sense of accomplishment. And having the visual proof that you are accomplishing tasks or goals, no matter how small, builds your self-confidence and makes you feel more in control.

I would advise to keep a day planner and write down the tasks you complete, so you can look through it at the end of each week or month, or whenever you feel overwhelmed. Seeing the actual proof of your accomplishments, no matter how small, will train your mind to become more focused on accomplishing what you set out to do. This is an important step in becoming a self-actualized human, ready for further advancement.

Some people find it very helpful to go over everything they need to do for the day, at the end of the previous day, to prepare for the next day. Take your day planner (or word doc on your computer, but day planners are generally best because they can be easily accessed and viewed after). Write down what you need to do the next day: any tasks, chores, or errands. Tell yourself that you will do what you can. It is important to be realistic, don’t make a list too long or you will only set yourself up for failure. Start small, and build your way up once you have established a solid foundation. Then, they next day, when you complete each task, mark it off and tell yourself it’s completed. This will motivate you to complete more, because it does create a dopamine rush in the brain and you’ll want to accomplish another to feel good again.

Strive to complete tasks, and then set some goals for yourself, easy and realistic goals. And when you complete one, congratulate yourself. Make it clear to yourself that you accomplished it, write about it in your journal, spend some time thinking about it and feeling great, perhaps reward yourself in some way. And then set another goal.

Break things into small, easy to manage steps. Don’t look solely at the end result that you want, because this is overwhelming, especially when you are new to the concept of accomplishment and success. Break it down, write it out, make the steps manageable and in order. Then, work to finish the first step. Complete it, congratulate yourself, and start on the next step.

It’s just like learning music. If you pick up an instrument and wiggle your fingers around, you’ll quickly realize that you know nothing (unless you are a prodigy). And you might feel completely lost and overwhelmed. Learning melodies will appear to be a daunting task. You might see someone play an instrument and think you can do that easily, and then you try, and you realize that without proper training and practice, you actually can’t do it. (It’s the same with real-life goals, people think they can do something that other people did, but then they realize along the way that it’s harder than it seems, and they lose hope and give up because they don’t know where to start or how to do it.)

But then you break it down. First you learn notes C and D and go over practice exercises with just those 2 notes. Then, when you have become comfortable with those, you add E, and go over practice exercises with just those 3. You gradually learn all of them and build real experience with the full scale, and then you can learn more complex melodies. You can’t go straight into a complicated masterpiece right away, you need to learn the basics and build your foundation first. But you will gradually get there, especially because you will see how exciting it becomes as you gain the experience and see real progress beginning to form, and you will become enthusiastic and motivated to continue.

Tell yourself that by doing each step one at a time (sometimes 2 steps happen simultaneously), you will eventually, sooner or later, complete them all. That’s all there is to it. When you do the work, it gets done. Therefore, your goals will be accomplished, once you complete each step. If you break them down and persevere, you can’t fail.

And always be aware that life throws curve balls. Something can definitely come up that will thwart your goal. Don’t be discouraged! Know that these things happen, so develop the mindset of learning to adapt and learn further. When unexpected things happen, quite often it’s because we need to learn a bit more, or perhaps adjust our goals a bit, or adjust our method. This actually works out in our favor too, just look at all the success stories of people who had unexpected obstacles arise, only for them to beat the obstacle and come out even better than they would have otherwise.

Another tip: Use magick and intention to complete the goals you set for yourself. After raising your energy (yoga, pranayama, etc), focus on your goal, visualize it, and affirm that you are successfully achieving it in beneficial ways for you. Sun squares can be done to gain personal power, or just working on your Solar and Base chakras. All chakras should be clean and empowered, but these 2 in particular will help you feel more secure and in charge of your life.

Another tip is to remove stressful distractions. You don’t need to watch the news all the time and be exposed to chaos and horrors all over the world, this creates a feeling of being out of control. Focus on what you can change in your life, on what you need to do for yourself (and any dependents you have). Globalism actually has the effect of making people feel overwhelmed from being overly-informed on too many events and situations that don’t even relate to our lives. Yes, people die all the time. This is terrible. But was it someone you knew? No? Then focus on your own life. If you want to help the world, do the God Rituals, and then turn your mind to your personal matters. Help the world, but don’t let yourself be too engrossed in all the chaos and horrors on a constant basis. There is only so much that we can do. Do what you can, and focus on improving what you can; don’t focus on what you have no control over. Do the God Rituals and have faith that you are helping.

Focus on completing your tasks and goals. This will give you a sense of power, because you are showing yourself that you have the power to take charge of your life. This will also build self-confidence and gives the peace of mind that comes from completing what you need to do in your life.

HPS Maxine once wrote: “Satan never gives us more than we can handle.” If your life feels out of control, this is an opportunity for growth. Keep this in mind, and build this mindset. You can overcome, you can heal, you can become stronger, you can become a success and have that wonderful sense of accomplishment! And the sooner you begin now, the sooner you will have success. And this is something fun and deeply satisfying, and furthers the growth of your soul.

Just set goals, make steps, know that unexpected things will arise, adapt to them or overcome them, and keep persevering. You will win.

I wish you all great success in accomplishing your goals and taking charge of your life :)
It's amazing that when I face a problem in my life, the next day I find the solution to that problem on this website. This is a sign from the gods :)).
I totally agree with everything you wrote above. THANK YOU 🤍✨️.
To begin with, you don't need to bombard yourself with many and long goals. Get to the essentials first and prioritize. Set a deadline for yourself. Just proceed according to your schedule and never add unnecessary and unimportant things to your schedule in the middle of the day and do not disobey. Unless they are vital. We are different from other people and our work and duties should also be different. Oh! Virtual space and software that make you scroll for hours destroy all your time, patience and energy.
Please everyone take these tips to heart as what HPS Lydia is describing are some of the basic mechanisms of creation of motivation. On the surface they may seem like common sense or simple in comparison to magic, but what is written here is like the mechanics themselves of which your workings for motivation may interact with, depending on the choice of energy and affirmation.

Just speaking very broadly, imagine and recall how people who express lots of fire energy may declare feelings of ease regarding a situation, whereas others may show uncertainty or fear. What I believe happens here is what HPS Lydia describes, where the individual with more fire is better to able deconstruct the task in their mind, perhaps literally viewing it as something lesser. This can even become negative, where someone is optimistic to a fault.

Even in health terms, simply having more energy makes us feel more able to take on the day. Here the physical state of having more energy reflects mentally, where the feelings of abundance could alter the mind's perception of the task in front of them. If you have low energy, then of course you will view the task as a larger obstacle to your well-being, therefore you will wish to avoid it.

Being conscious of the mental process which occurs here allows us to see the factors at play, as well as develop ourselves further than our baseline, plus guard against negative behaviors that may detract from one's motivation, such as staring at a long list of tasks rather than just picking one and starting, as described by this minimization concept.
Sometimes I wonder if others in the world are doing better than myself because they always say things like 'take care of yourself'. I work hard and do everything 110% and I do feel at times burnt-out yet glad that I'm always making forward progress.

I'll try your suggestion out of making a to-do list and building strong routines. Being around blue-light day in and day out doesn't help with sleep and it can cause hormonal and metabolic problems from what I've been discovering.

Some blue-light protection glasses should help when I go to read the forums, read online, watch videos, etc. Thanks for the great advice Lydia! These little things really do make a difference overtime and given my work schedule isn't as 'regimented' as it once was I will need to work on not staying up late. I have found for sleep that staying away from polyester fabrics and sticking to 100% cotton materials to be helpful as well. Sleep really is important. 🙂
When unexpected things happen, quite often it’s because we need to learn a bit more, or perhaps adjust our goals a bit, or adjust our method. This actually works out in our favor too, just look at all the success stories of people who had unexpected obstacles arise, only for them to beat the obstacle and come out even better than they would have otherwise.

HPS Maxine once wrote: “Satan never gives us more than we can handle.” If your life feels out of control, this is an opportunity for growth. Keep this in mind, and build this mindset.

thank you for this wonderful sermon dear HP Lydia.

I just will add for new member little addition:

Yes at the times when it’s seems too hard to manage situations or when it looks too much for us.

It is because we are not open enough at the time and aware of wrong things and open to them instead of something of benefit which is not serving us to manage it.

To counter this cleaning must take place, meditation and studying(for having right knowledge and being open to truthful and right things)

Being open in the right way and for the right things for us is making us manage it.

But also bettering ourselves and advancement here is above all because it contains everything what is needed here and more for overcoming obstacles and managing it.
I'm not saying this to make light of your post in any shape or form.
I have been seeing this same damn near exact same advice over and over again all over the place!
I've kind of been doing it with an app but I'm not quite consistant enough with it.
Sigh i best take the advise thats screaming at me and do it. At least I know theres plenty of different planners and ways of breaking tasks down out there. If anyone wants a different kind of planner I have a few resources. Turns out that planners are actually a kind of a big thing and there was a full on conference in Dallas Texas last month called Go Wild. I had no clue so many people liked planners or that you could decorate them in so many ways. All I've ever seen growing up are boring old black and white things from staples or office max. Now adays there are a lot more colorful things out there and ways to use planners I had never heard of till recently.

thank you for your post HP Lydia. I look forward to your project.

Hail Father Satan
Excellent post, we are very blessed to have you HPS Lydia. Thank you.
Wonderful post and very true words. Thank you for helping us all and showing us how we can organize our lives so that we can enjoy it.

It really does seem sometimes that you haven't done anything at all during the day, that it was useless and you wasted your time. But in fact, if you sit down and write your “to-do list” ex post facto, you will see how much you got done that day. It could be a few small things, or one big thing, or anything else. The key is to never blame yourself, because as you rightly said, there can always be unforeseen circumstances. Work at your own pace, be happy with what you have accomplished and strive forward

This method of planning that you described really helps you track your progress and a kind of fullness to your life, if I may say so. Thanks again for this information, dear HPS Lydia!

Hail Satan!
Absolute fantastic
A lot of people feel overwhelmed on a daily basis because there is so much to do, and if you don't know where to begin or how to get started, it can cause you to not complete most tasks or goals. We also have many things that seem urgent but often are not actually important, such as alerts and notifications on our phones.

This creates a sense of lack of power, a lack of personal power. And most people don't have much personal power to begin with, which also creates a sense of being overwhelmed. A vicious cycle continues, leading to depression, possible substance abuse, feelings of low self-worth, self-resentment, and also resentment of people in our lives, including our loved ones.

There is a way out of this. There are ways to build your personal power, and build your skill set to help you manage your life. You can feel more in control, and better prepared to handle your life.

A very helpful method is to write to-do lists, and check them off as you do them. This activates the reward center in your brain which leads to a sense of accomplishment. And having the visual proof that you are accomplishing tasks or goals, no matter how small, builds your self-confidence and makes you feel more in control.

I would advise to keep a day planner and write down the tasks you complete, so you can look through it at the end of each week or month, or whenever you feel overwhelmed. Seeing the actual proof of your accomplishments, no matter how small, will train your mind to become more focused on accomplishing what you set out to do. This is an important step in becoming a self-actualized human, ready for further advancement.

Some people find it very helpful to go over everything they need to do for the day, at the end of the previous day, to prepare for the next day. Take your day planner (or word doc on your computer, but day planners are generally best because they can be easily accessed and viewed after). Write down what you need to do the next day: any tasks, chores, or errands. Tell yourself that you will do what you can. It is important to be realistic, don’t make a list too long or you will only set yourself up for failure. Start small, and build your way up once you have established a solid foundation. Then, they next day, when you complete each task, mark it off and tell yourself it’s completed. This will motivate you to complete more, because it does create a dopamine rush in the brain and you’ll want to accomplish another to feel good again.

Strive to complete tasks, and then set some goals for yourself, easy and realistic goals. And when you complete one, congratulate yourself. Make it clear to yourself that you accomplished it, write about it in your journal, spend some time thinking about it and feeling great, perhaps reward yourself in some way. And then set another goal.

Break things into small, easy to manage steps. Don’t look solely at the end result that you want, because this is overwhelming, especially when you are new to the concept of accomplishment and success. Break it down, write it out, make the steps manageable and in order. Then, work to finish the first step. Complete it, congratulate yourself, and start on the next step.

It’s just like learning music. If you pick up an instrument and wiggle your fingers around, you’ll quickly realize that you know nothing (unless you are a prodigy). And you might feel completely lost and overwhelmed. Learning melodies will appear to be a daunting task. You might see someone play an instrument and think you can do that easily, and then you try, and you realize that without proper training and practice, you actually can’t do it. (It’s the same with real-life goals, people think they can do something that other people did, but then they realize along the way that it’s harder than it seems, and they lose hope and give up because they don’t know where to start or how to do it.)

But then you break it down. First you learn notes C and D and go over practice exercises with just those 2 notes. Then, when you have become comfortable with those, you add E, and go over practice exercises with just those 3. You gradually learn all of them and build real experience with the full scale, and then you can learn more complex melodies. You can’t go straight into a complicated masterpiece right away, you need to learn the basics and build your foundation first. But you will gradually get there, especially because you will see how exciting it becomes as you gain the experience and see real progress beginning to form, and you will become enthusiastic and motivated to continue.

Tell yourself that by doing each step one at a time (sometimes 2 steps happen simultaneously), you will eventually, sooner or later, complete them all. That’s all there is to it. When you do the work, it gets done. Therefore, your goals will be accomplished, once you complete each step. If you break them down and persevere, you can’t fail.

And always be aware that life throws curve balls. Something can definitely come up that will thwart your goal. Don’t be discouraged! Know that these things happen, so develop the mindset of learning to adapt and learn further. When unexpected things happen, quite often it’s because we need to learn a bit more, or perhaps adjust our goals a bit, or adjust our method. This actually works out in our favor too, just look at all the success stories of people who had unexpected obstacles arise, only for them to beat the obstacle and come out even better than they would have otherwise.

Another tip: Use magick and intention to complete the goals you set for yourself. After raising your energy (yoga, pranayama, etc), focus on your goal, visualize it, and affirm that you are successfully achieving it in beneficial ways for you. Sun squares can be done to gain personal power, or just working on your Solar and Base chakras. All chakras should be clean and empowered, but these 2 in particular will help you feel more secure and in charge of your life.

Another tip is to remove stressful distractions. You don’t need to watch the news all the time and be exposed to chaos and horrors all over the world, this creates a feeling of being out of control. Focus on what you can change in your life, on what you need to do for yourself (and any dependents you have). Globalism actually has the effect of making people feel overwhelmed from being overly-informed on too many events and situations that don’t even relate to our lives. Yes, people die all the time. This is terrible. But was it someone you knew? No? Then focus on your own life. If you want to help the world, do the God Rituals, and then turn your mind to your personal matters. Help the world, but don’t let yourself be too engrossed in all the chaos and horrors on a constant basis. There is only so much that we can do. Do what you can, and focus on improving what you can; don’t focus on what you have no control over. Do the God Rituals and have faith that you are helping.

Focus on completing your tasks and goals. This will give you a sense of power, because you are showing yourself that you have the power to take charge of your life. This will also build self-confidence and gives the peace of mind that comes from completing what you need to do in your life.

HPS Maxine once wrote: “Satan never gives us more than we can handle.” If your life feels out of control, this is an opportunity for growth. Keep this in mind, and build this mindset. You can overcome, you can heal, you can become stronger, you can become a success and have that wonderful sense of accomplishment! And the sooner you begin now, the sooner you will have success. And this is something fun and deeply satisfying, and furthers the growth of your soul.

Just set goals, make steps, know that unexpected things will arise, adapt to them or overcome them, and keep persevering. You will win.

I wish you all great success in accomplishing your goals and taking charge of your life :)
Absolute fantastic HPS

Hope you, and everyone are good.

This is a much needed post to read at this moment
Thank You !
These are very helpful tips HPS Lydia, thank you for your care.
These steps, if we want to see it from a broader point of view, are very much alike to a void meditation, but on the material daily basis plan.
It could be really funny checking out our list, you could see it like several daily quest from a fantasy world, If one is "bored" by its mundane aspect. But with actual gain.
Today was another day of wasted time. For me.
Then tomorrow is an opportunity for improvement. And you could salvage the rest of today by doing a bit of extra meditating or a quick chore to prepare for a better start for tomorrow :)
Thank you HPS! I was planning to learn Russian and now I feel motivated. Also thank you for everything you have done. You're bringing hope to my life!!!
Желаю Вам удачи в изучении русского языка ;)
По грамматике русский язык во многом схож с испанским.
Я думаю, что, если Вы хорошо знаете испанский язык и испанскую грамматику, то Вам намного проще будет изучить русский язык.
Я также Вам рекомендую изучить крылатые выражения на русском языке.
A lot of people feel overwhelmed on a daily basis because there is so much to do, and if you don't know where to begin or how to get started, it can cause you to not complete most tasks or goals. We also have many things that seem urgent but often are not actually important, such as alerts and notifications on our phones.

This creates a sense of lack of power, a lack of personal power. And most people don't have much personal power to begin with, which also creates a sense of being overwhelmed. A vicious cycle continues, leading to depression, possible substance abuse, feelings of low self-worth, self-resentment, and also resentment of people in our lives, including our loved ones.

There is a way out of this. There are ways to build your personal power, and build your skill set to help you manage your life. You can feel more in control, and better prepared to handle your life.

A very helpful method is to write to-do lists, and check them off as you do them. This activates the reward center in your brain which leads to a sense of accomplishment. And having the visual proof that you are accomplishing tasks or goals, no matter how small, builds your self-confidence and makes you feel more in control.

I would advise to keep a day planner and write down the tasks you complete, so you can look through it at the end of each week or month, or whenever you feel overwhelmed. Seeing the actual proof of your accomplishments, no matter how small, will train your mind to become more focused on accomplishing what you set out to do. This is an important step in becoming a self-actualized human, ready for further advancement.

Some people find it very helpful to go over everything they need to do for the day, at the end of the previous day, to prepare for the next day. Take your day planner (or word doc on your computer, but day planners are generally best because they can be easily accessed and viewed after). Write down what you need to do the next day: any tasks, chores, or errands. Tell yourself that you will do what you can. It is important to be realistic, don’t make a list too long or you will only set yourself up for failure. Start small, and build your way up once you have established a solid foundation. Then, they next day, when you complete each task, mark it off and tell yourself it’s completed. This will motivate you to complete more, because it does create a dopamine rush in the brain and you’ll want to accomplish another to feel good again.

Strive to complete tasks, and then set some goals for yourself, easy and realistic goals. And when you complete one, congratulate yourself. Make it clear to yourself that you accomplished it, write about it in your journal, spend some time thinking about it and feeling great, perhaps reward yourself in some way. And then set another goal.

Break things into small, easy to manage steps. Don’t look solely at the end result that you want, because this is overwhelming, especially when you are new to the concept of accomplishment and success. Break it down, write it out, make the steps manageable and in order. Then, work to finish the first step. Complete it, congratulate yourself, and start on the next step.

It’s just like learning music. If you pick up an instrument and wiggle your fingers around, you’ll quickly realize that you know nothing (unless you are a prodigy). And you might feel completely lost and overwhelmed. Learning melodies will appear to be a daunting task. You might see someone play an instrument and think you can do that easily, and then you try, and you realize that without proper training and practice, you actually can’t do it. (It’s the same with real-life goals, people think they can do something that other people did, but then they realize along the way that it’s harder than it seems, and they lose hope and give up because they don’t know where to start or how to do it.)

But then you break it down. First you learn notes C and D and go over practice exercises with just those 2 notes. Then, when you have become comfortable with those, you add E, and go over practice exercises with just those 3. You gradually learn all of them and build real experience with the full scale, and then you can learn more complex melodies. You can’t go straight into a complicated masterpiece right away, you need to learn the basics and build your foundation first. But you will gradually get there, especially because you will see how exciting it becomes as you gain the experience and see real progress beginning to form, and you will become enthusiastic and motivated to continue.

Tell yourself that by doing each step one at a time (sometimes 2 steps happen simultaneously), you will eventually, sooner or later, complete them all. That’s all there is to it. When you do the work, it gets done. Therefore, your goals will be accomplished, once you complete each step. If you break them down and persevere, you can’t fail.

And always be aware that life throws curve balls. Something can definitely come up that will thwart your goal. Don’t be discouraged! Know that these things happen, so develop the mindset of learning to adapt and learn further. When unexpected things happen, quite often it’s because we need to learn a bit more, or perhaps adjust our goals a bit, or adjust our method. This actually works out in our favor too, just look at all the success stories of people who had unexpected obstacles arise, only for them to beat the obstacle and come out even better than they would have otherwise.

Another tip: Use magick and intention to complete the goals you set for yourself. After raising your energy (yoga, pranayama, etc), focus on your goal, visualize it, and affirm that you are successfully achieving it in beneficial ways for you. Sun squares can be done to gain personal power, or just working on your Solar and Base chakras. All chakras should be clean and empowered, but these 2 in particular will help you feel more secure and in charge of your life.

Another tip is to remove stressful distractions. You don’t need to watch the news all the time and be exposed to chaos and horrors all over the world, this creates a feeling of being out of control. Focus on what you can change in your life, on what you need to do for yourself (and any dependents you have). Globalism actually has the effect of making people feel overwhelmed from being overly-informed on too many events and situations that don’t even relate to our lives. Yes, people die all the time. This is terrible. But was it someone you knew? No? Then focus on your own life. If you want to help the world, do the God Rituals, and then turn your mind to your personal matters. Help the world, but don’t let yourself be too engrossed in all the chaos and horrors on a constant basis. There is only so much that we can do. Do what you can, and focus on improving what you can; don’t focus on what you have no control over. Do the God Rituals and have faith that you are helping.

Focus on completing your tasks and goals. This will give you a sense of power, because you are showing yourself that you have the power to take charge of your life. This will also build self-confidence and gives the peace of mind that comes from completing what you need to do in your life.

HPS Maxine once wrote: “Satan never gives us more than we can handle.” If your life feels out of control, this is an opportunity for growth. Keep this in mind, and build this mindset. You can overcome, you can heal, you can become stronger, you can become a success and have that wonderful sense of accomplishment! And the sooner you begin now, the sooner you will have success. And this is something fun and deeply satisfying, and furthers the growth of your soul.

Just set goals, make steps, know that unexpected things will arise, adapt to them or overcome them, and keep persevering. You will win.

I wish you all great success in accomplishing your goals and taking charge of your life :)
A very good post for beginners, thank you very much Lydia 👍

I will add on my own that the best way to focus on something and finally do it lies in your desire and ability to solve priority tasks first of all, pushing unimportant tasks for later.
A lot of people feel overwhelmed on a daily basis because there is so much to do, and if you don't know where to begin or how to get started, it can cause you to not complete most tasks or goals. We also have many things that seem urgent but often are not actually important, such as alerts and notifications on our phones.

This creates a sense of lack of power, a lack of personal power. And most people don't have much personal power to begin with, which also creates a sense of being overwhelmed. A vicious cycle continues, leading to depression, possible substance abuse, feelings of low self-worth, self-resentment, and also resentment of people in our lives, including our loved ones.

There is a way out of this. There are ways to build your personal power, and build your skill set to help you manage your life. You can feel more in control, and better prepared to handle your life.

A very helpful method is to write to-do lists, and check them off as you do them. This activates the reward center in your brain which leads to a sense of accomplishment. And having the visual proof that you are accomplishing tasks or goals, no matter how small, builds your self-confidence and makes you feel more in control.

I would advise to keep a day planner and write down the tasks you complete, so you can look through it at the end of each week or month, or whenever you feel overwhelmed. Seeing the actual proof of your accomplishments, no matter how small, will train your mind to become more focused on accomplishing what you set out to do. This is an important step in becoming a self-actualized human, ready for further advancement.

Some people find it very helpful to go over everything they need to do for the day, at the end of the previous day, to prepare for the next day. Take your day planner (or word doc on your computer, but day planners are generally best because they can be easily accessed and viewed after). Write down what you need to do the next day: any tasks, chores, or errands. Tell yourself that you will do what you can. It is important to be realistic, don’t make a list too long or you will only set yourself up for failure. Start small, and build your way up once you have established a solid foundation. Then, they next day, when you complete each task, mark it off and tell yourself it’s completed. This will motivate you to complete more, because it does create a dopamine rush in the brain and you’ll want to accomplish another to feel good again.

Strive to complete tasks, and then set some goals for yourself, easy and realistic goals. And when you complete one, congratulate yourself. Make it clear to yourself that you accomplished it, write about it in your journal, spend some time thinking about it and feeling great, perhaps reward yourself in some way. And then set another goal.

Break things into small, easy to manage steps. Don’t look solely at the end result that you want, because this is overwhelming, especially when you are new to the concept of accomplishment and success. Break it down, write it out, make the steps manageable and in order. Then, work to finish the first step. Complete it, congratulate yourself, and start on the next step.

It’s just like learning music. If you pick up an instrument and wiggle your fingers around, you’ll quickly realize that you know nothing (unless you are a prodigy). And you might feel completely lost and overwhelmed. Learning melodies will appear to be a daunting task. You might see someone play an instrument and think you can do that easily, and then you try, and you realize that without proper training and practice, you actually can’t do it. (It’s the same with real-life goals, people think they can do something that other people did, but then they realize along the way that it’s harder than it seems, and they lose hope and give up because they don’t know where to start or how to do it.)

But then you break it down. First you learn notes C and D and go over practice exercises with just those 2 notes. Then, when you have become comfortable with those, you add E, and go over practice exercises with just those 3. You gradually learn all of them and build real experience with the full scale, and then you can learn more complex melodies. You can’t go straight into a complicated masterpiece right away, you need to learn the basics and build your foundation first. But you will gradually get there, especially because you will see how exciting it becomes as you gain the experience and see real progress beginning to form, and you will become enthusiastic and motivated to continue.

Tell yourself that by doing each step one at a time (sometimes 2 steps happen simultaneously), you will eventually, sooner or later, complete them all. That’s all there is to it. When you do the work, it gets done. Therefore, your goals will be accomplished, once you complete each step. If you break them down and persevere, you can’t fail.

And always be aware that life throws curve balls. Something can definitely come up that will thwart your goal. Don’t be discouraged! Know that these things happen, so develop the mindset of learning to adapt and learn further. When unexpected things happen, quite often it’s because we need to learn a bit more, or perhaps adjust our goals a bit, or adjust our method. This actually works out in our favor too, just look at all the success stories of people who had unexpected obstacles arise, only for them to beat the obstacle and come out even better than they would have otherwise.

Another tip: Use magick and intention to complete the goals you set for yourself. After raising your energy (yoga, pranayama, etc), focus on your goal, visualize it, and affirm that you are successfully achieving it in beneficial ways for you. Sun squares can be done to gain personal power, or just working on your Solar and Base chakras. All chakras should be clean and empowered, but these 2 in particular will help you feel more secure and in charge of your life.

Another tip is to remove stressful distractions. You don’t need to watch the news all the time and be exposed to chaos and horrors all over the world, this creates a feeling of being out of control. Focus on what you can change in your life, on what you need to do for yourself (and any dependents you have). Globalism actually has the effect of making people feel overwhelmed from being overly-informed on too many events and situations that don’t even relate to our lives. Yes, people die all the time. This is terrible. But was it someone you knew? No? Then focus on your own life. If you want to help the world, do the God Rituals, and then turn your mind to your personal matters. Help the world, but don’t let yourself be too engrossed in all the chaos and horrors on a constant basis. There is only so much that we can do. Do what you can, and focus on improving what you can; don’t focus on what you have no control over. Do the God Rituals and have faith that you are helping.

Focus on completing your tasks and goals. This will give you a sense of power, because you are showing yourself that you have the power to take charge of your life. This will also build self-confidence and gives the peace of mind that comes from completing what you need to do in your life.

HPS Maxine once wrote: “Satan never gives us more than we can handle.” If your life feels out of control, this is an opportunity for growth. Keep this in mind, and build this mindset. You can overcome, you can heal, you can become stronger, you can become a success and have that wonderful sense of accomplishment! And the sooner you begin now, the sooner you will have success. And this is something fun and deeply satisfying, and furthers the growth of your soul.

Just set goals, make steps, know that unexpected things will arise, adapt to them or overcome them, and keep persevering. You will win.

I wish you all great success in accomplishing your goals and taking charge of your life :)
Thank you very much High
A lot of people feel overwhelmed on a daily basis because there is so much to do, and if you don't know where to begin or how to get started, it can cause you to not complete most tasks or goals. We also have many things that seem urgent but often are not actually important, such as alerts and notifications on our phones.

This creates a sense of lack of power, a lack of personal power. And most people don't have much personal power to begin with, which also creates a sense of being overwhelmed. A vicious cycle continues, leading to depression, possible substance abuse, feelings of low self-worth, self-resentment, and also resentment of people in our lives, including our loved ones.

There is a way out of this. There are ways to build your personal power, and build your skill set to help you manage your life. You can feel more in control, and better prepared to handle your life.

A very helpful method is to write to-do lists, and check them off as you do them. This activates the reward center in your brain which leads to a sense of accomplishment. And having the visual proof that you are accomplishing tasks or goals, no matter how small, builds your self-confidence and makes you feel more in control.

I would advise to keep a day planner and write down the tasks you complete, so you can look through it at the end of each week or month, or whenever you feel overwhelmed. Seeing the actual proof of your accomplishments, no matter how small, will train your mind to become more focused on accomplishing what you set out to do. This is an important step in becoming a self-actualized human, ready for further advancement.

Some people find it very helpful to go over everything they need to do for the day, at the end of the previous day, to prepare for the next day. Take your day planner (or word doc on your computer, but day planners are generally best because they can be easily accessed and viewed after). Write down what you need to do the next day: any tasks, chores, or errands. Tell yourself that you will do what you can. It is important to be realistic, don’t make a list too long or you will only set yourself up for failure. Start small, and build your way up once you have established a solid foundation. Then, they next day, when you complete each task, mark it off and tell yourself it’s completed. This will motivate you to complete more, because it does create a dopamine rush in the brain and you’ll want to accomplish another to feel good again.

Strive to complete tasks, and then set some goals for yourself, easy and realistic goals. And when you complete one, congratulate yourself. Make it clear to yourself that you accomplished it, write about it in your journal, spend some time thinking about it and feeling great, perhaps reward yourself in some way. And then set another goal.

Break things into small, easy to manage steps. Don’t look solely at the end result that you want, because this is overwhelming, especially when you are new to the concept of accomplishment and success. Break it down, write it out, make the steps manageable and in order. Then, work to finish the first step. Complete it, congratulate yourself, and start on the next step.

It’s just like learning music. If you pick up an instrument and wiggle your fingers around, you’ll quickly realize that you know nothing (unless you are a prodigy). And you might feel completely lost and overwhelmed. Learning melodies will appear to be a daunting task. You might see someone play an instrument and think you can do that easily, and then you try, and you realize that without proper training and practice, you actually can’t do it. (It’s the same with real-life goals, people think they can do something that other people did, but then they realize along the way that it’s harder than it seems, and they lose hope and give up because they don’t know where to start or how to do it.)

But then you break it down. First you learn notes C and D and go over practice exercises with just those 2 notes. Then, when you have become comfortable with those, you add E, and go over practice exercises with just those 3. You gradually learn all of them and build real experience with the full scale, and then you can learn more complex melodies. You can’t go straight into a complicated masterpiece right away, you need to learn the basics and build your foundation first. But you will gradually get there, especially because you will see how exciting it becomes as you gain the experience and see real progress beginning to form, and you will become enthusiastic and motivated to continue.

Tell yourself that by doing each step one at a time (sometimes 2 steps happen simultaneously), you will eventually, sooner or later, complete them all. That’s all there is to it. When you do the work, it gets done. Therefore, your goals will be accomplished, once you complete each step. If you break them down and persevere, you can’t fail.

And always be aware that life throws curve balls. Something can definitely come up that will thwart your goal. Don’t be discouraged! Know that these things happen, so develop the mindset of learning to adapt and learn further. When unexpected things happen, quite often it’s because we need to learn a bit more, or perhaps adjust our goals a bit, or adjust our method. This actually works out in our favor too, just look at all the success stories of people who had unexpected obstacles arise, only for them to beat the obstacle and come out even better than they would have otherwise.

Another tip: Use magick and intention to complete the goals you set for yourself. After raising your energy (yoga, pranayama, etc), focus on your goal, visualize it, and affirm that you are successfully achieving it in beneficial ways for you. Sun squares can be done to gain personal power, or just working on your Solar and Base chakras. All chakras should be clean and empowered, but these 2 in particular will help you feel more secure and in charge of your life.

Another tip is to remove stressful distractions. You don’t need to watch the news all the time and be exposed to chaos and horrors all over the world, this creates a feeling of being out of control. Focus on what you can change in your life, on what you need to do for yourself (and any dependents you have). Globalism actually has the effect of making people feel overwhelmed from being overly-informed on too many events and situations that don’t even relate to our lives. Yes, people die all the time. This is terrible. But was it someone you knew? No? Then focus on your own life. If you want to help the world, do the God Rituals, and then turn your mind to your personal matters. Help the world, but don’t let yourself be too engrossed in all the chaos and horrors on a constant basis. There is only so much that we can do. Do what you can, and focus on improving what you can; don’t focus on what you have no control over. Do the God Rituals and have faith that you are helping.

Focus on completing your tasks and goals. This will give you a sense of power, because you are showing yourself that you have the power to take charge of your life. This will also build self-confidence and gives the peace of mind that comes from completing what you need to do in your life.

HPS Maxine once wrote: “Satan never gives us more than we can handle.” If your life feels out of control, this is an opportunity for growth. Keep this in mind, and build this mindset. You can overcome, you can heal, you can become stronger, you can become a success and have that wonderful sense of accomplishment! And the sooner you begin now, the sooner you will have success. And this is something fun and deeply satisfying, and furthers the growth of your soul.

Just set goals, make steps, know that unexpected things will arise, adapt to them or overcome them, and keep persevering. You will win.

I wish you all great success in accomplishing your goals and taking charge of your life :)

Thank you very much High Priestess Lydia. I always feel a new strength of growth and understanding after every obstacle is solved. And as you recalled HP'S Maxine wrote that "Father Satan never gives us more than we can handle.” These have always been my words of encouragement day in and out with the mentality of I'm out of all negative energies and entanglements today. Reading this now has added more joy to my heart. We are very much grateful to the Gods for having you all guiding us on this part of our Gods as we advance.
Hail Mama Astarte
Hail Father Satan
Hail all Gods and Goddesses of hell forever
Thank you @HPS Lydia ...

I loved this sermon as it seems to be written right for me! It's a reminder that I'm able to take full control of all the issues and circumstances in my life, which is a MUST as a Satanist!

Receive a hug from the distance!.
I'm starting to keep a diary, as well as a physical I'm starting to keep a diary as well, as well as physical HPS Lydia I'm starting to keep a diary as well, as well as physical HPS Lydia I'm starting to keep a diary, as well as physical HPS I'm starting to keep a diary, as well as a physical I'm starting to keep a diary, too. I'm starting to keep a diary. I'm starting to keep a diary, too. Keeping a diary Log too Daily Now I'm starting to keep an agenda for my classes. Thanks.
I'm starting to keep a diary as well, a physical diary. I'm going through a hard time, I hope these suggestions will be good.
This precisely!

One is to "consume elephant" by small pieces, but not imagine doing the whole task.
Breaking it down into smaller deeds makes the process immensely easier and comprehensible.

Also, put your laziness to good use: find the perfect balance between saving your strengths and putting efforts into something. Even such trait as lazy behavior could be reforged into will to improve the process and make the task easier - optimization.

Always think about how you can save power, while also not jeopardizing the quality of the results - the result shouldn't suffer.
Saving even 5% of energy gains you much more than you can imagine in the long run.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
