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Feeling our history

Ko Johnson

New member
Jan 29, 2004
It's been a little over a year since I have dedicated and Evey since December I have been sporadicly researching black African culture trying to find our racial identity and what it means to be black. Most of the things I found was bs like blacks building pyrimids in Egypt, blacks being orientals and so on. I did find some info about the Yoruba gods and some info on African communication and and so forth but nothing I felt was concrete.

Also when reading I never felt any connections to what I was reading even when reading the names of the Yoruba gods that relate to ours I felt little to nothing. When looking at our African artifacts I barely feel interest.
The only thing I have felt deeply is yanvalou dance which was introduced to me by HPS Shannon.

Also I can't see my self living happily the way they do I guess that's because I have been Americanized or whatever.
It's not like I deny that I am of the black race psychologically or anything, or seek the information with prior judgement. It's just that I'm used to feeling certain information in my soul like when I first started reading Jos site

Anyway my question is has anyone else experienced this or I something wrong that I need to fix

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Modern pagan African religions have been taken over by the enemy. Which is why they ask for animal sacrifice.
<td val[/IMG]The most important thing you should feel connected with is your soul and being a gentile. A creation from Satan and the gods.

You don't have to have a connection with all black culture and such but you do need to acknowledge and be impressed with the fact that the black race and our pagan ancestors were spiritual satanists, essentially and had an understanding and knowledge of what we at the JoyOfSatan are reviving.

We all were attracted to the JoS site at the soul level because it is familiar and straightforward. It is more difficult for us to fully live and connect with our black ancestors way of expressing their culture, art, whatever because of it being vaguely expressed, etc. So much has been watered down and lost over thousands of years.

I personally do not feel any extreme closeness and connection to everything of an african black culture-how they lived and went about doing things in their own flavor but I am proud in knowing that my race and ancestors were satanists and had that culture long before the enemy.

Satan and the gods are pretty much our spiritual ancestors.

I did also feel connected to the dances of africa because I believe all blacks are very expressive in dance and movement. It just comes with the physicality of the black race. Very spiritual and this is expressed with their body.

As of now, my focus is on what I can become and on my soul and its beauty and myself as an individual. I am proud to be a gentile who found Satan and I get to become a god, a black god. That is beautiful.

I want to see all the unique races in the godhead state.

As I advance and commune with the gods, I will be adding more information on the existence of the black race, not in culture but what we are. Whether you are black african or black american, you still are of the black race no matter what way you behave or what culture you take up.

Though we are black. We still are our own individuals.

High Priestess Shannon

From: Ko Johnson kothebull@... [BlacksforSatan] <[email protected];
To: <[email protected];
Subject: Re: [BlacksforSatan] Feeling our history
Sent: Fri, Oct 7, 2016 8:33:38 AM

<td val[/IMG]   I know that. But when reading ancient history as well. 

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On Oct 6, 2016, at 11:59 P[/IMG]kyr[/IMG] [email protected] wrote:

  Modern pagan African religions have been taken over by the enemy. Which is why they ask for animal sacrifice.
Yeah I read an article that was explaining how low intelligence and high testosterone in blacks increases a chance for criminal behavior. And high intelligence in black with high testosterone can lead to business success. Do you think our black ancestors had a low iq to the exent our people have today

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On Oct 8, 2016, at 9:25 PM, Black NS kyriquekyrique@... [BlacksforSatan] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Blacks, generally, have high testosterone and low IQ.
Probably  given the fact the Arabs helped the blacks build great empires.. The Africans didn't do it In their own in some cases. The Dogons who come from Ancient Egypt and also have a Satanic history built a nice civilization on their own. The Asante empire was built just by blacks along with Great Zimbabwe and the Benin Empire who have great artifacts. If the blacks were left alone with their satanic knowledge intact who knows where they'd be. A race advances on its own not in an integrated setting.
Not true, not all blacks have low IQ and not all articles on net are true, some are racist. You guys shouldn't conclude on just articles. There are so many blacks in my country doing really great and they are not violent. The whites who control the world saw the greatness in the black race and dis everything they could to suppress Africa to enslave them. Blacks are highly intelligent, if you read news article on some website you see in most universities in abroad were blacks school they are the best in the school. IMO I think we should just focus on building our spiritual life all this black talk and misconception after reading articles is kind of offensive to some people, anybody can put an article up on net..
Europeans advanced the blacks in many ways. They never enslaved them it was the European powers who abolished black on black slavery. The average I.Q for blacks in America is 85. In Africa it's lower especially before colonialism. A lot of blacks in college are there because of "equality" and "diversity". In the U.S the blacks graduate lower than whites.  Of course there are always exceptions. I'm not saying there aren't but generally speaking ...
The average I.Q in Africa is 70 which is borderline retarded. http://www.dailystormer.com/how-is-it-p ... -iq-of-70/ http://www.vdare.com/articles/the-intel ... of-nations http://www.vdare.com/articles/iq-why-af ... aiti-haiti https://m.reddit.com/r/OpenandHonest/co ... tly_score/ https://iq-research.info/en/page/average-iq-by-country#
Ok i get, but seriously I don't really see the point in all this, we don't stand to gain anything from this neither will it make up advance more spiritually instead it will just offend some people. I'm just saying what I feel. No offense.
And the only difference between black Africans and black Americans is that black Africans are in Africa and black Americans in Europe, with total or partial ancestry from any of the Black racial groups of Africa. So no point trying to differentiate them.
The blacks in the U.S have about 26 percent white DNA. They also have a different culture, views and history.
Personally I think it's more important to understand where you are at racially at this point in time and see how you can improve upon that. 

There is a difference in advancement between the average black person and the average white person, but that is not something to take offense to or to feel bad about. 

Also when one advances spiritually the effects of lower IQ regardless of race or genetics are mitigated. 
Being more advanced spiritually empowers you in all aspects which is why advanced blacks of the past were able to build their own civilizations without assistance from whites, but blacks of today would have more trouble doing so because there is so much spiritual degeneration and loss of true origional knowledge. 

Accepting and understanding who you are as a person and as a race and working on your potential as a being is what will allow you to advance beyond what you are now. Having delusions about what you are or having wishful thinking will only hold you back, same as for feeling bad about ones identity. 

All gentile races have great potentials, but they are not on the same level of advancement. However all can advance and will do so.

If you are psychicly open you could try to contact an ascended black and speak to them about your ancestry and the true value you have as a proud member of the black race. As a proud being created by Father Satan. 

There are ascended blacks who have reached the Magnum Opus, just like there are ascended people's of the other gentile races.  

I am white myself and joined the group to learn more about the black race, since I don't know much about your people. The information that High Priestess Shannon and also Krytique/Black NS have found out so far was very enlightening, however it seems there any many people struggling with their racial identity still. 
Either belitteling themselves for no particular reason on one end or having wishful delusions on the other. 
I think the most important thing is to deprogram the racial issue from the mind and simply look at how things are right now. Stop comparing each other too much and simply look on where you are at and improving on that, but also having a realistic picture in your mind without feeling belitteled or offended by the reality. 

Blacks and most people in general of all gentile races are very detached from their true selves and racial natures. Though you don't have to agree or feel in tune with everything your ancestors did and their way of life, but there is much to learn from that rich satanic history. 

Like High Priestess Shannon said, you should find your own individuality and develop yourself as an individual while finding the way of life that feels natural for you at the soul level. 

As people evolve and years go by culture also advances and changes. Though all gentiles at the very beginning had a culture that was based on the cutlure of the Gods. The gentile races simply expressed this in their own ways, but at the core the culture we gentiles need in order to feel truly at home is one that follows the same principals as the one of our Gods. 

The fact that the black race is less intelligent on average is not something you should linger on or be offended by. Like I said, spiritual advancement goes beyond the limits of genetics and IQ. These are simply concepts that impact the physical self for the most part, when advancement happens this is mitigated and improved on it's own. 
Very well put

Sent from my iPhone
On Oct 9, 2016, at 5:36 AM, voiceofenki@... [BlacksforSatan] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Personally I think it's more important to understand where you are at racially at this point in time and see how you can improve upon that. 

There is a difference in advancement between the average black person and the average white person, but that is not something to take offense to or to feel bad about. 

Also when one advances spiritually the effects of lower IQ regardless of race or genetics are mitigated. 
Being more advanced spiritually empowers you in all aspects which is why advanced blacks of the past were able to build their own civilizations without assistance from whites, but blacks of today would have more trouble doing so because there is so much spiritual degeneration and loss of true origional knowledge. 

Accepting and understanding who you are as a person and as a race and working on your potential as a being is what will allow you to advance beyond what you are now. Having delusions about what you are or having wishful thinking will only hold you back, same as for feeling bad about ones identity. 

All gentile races have great potentials, but they are not on the same level of advancement. However all can advance and will do so.

If you are psychicly open you could try to contact an ascended black and speak to them about your ancestry and the true value you have as a proud member of the black race. As a proud being created by Father Satan. 

There are ascended blacks who have reached the Magnum Opus, just like there are ascended people's of the other gentile races.  

I am white myself and joined the group to learn more about the black race, since I don't know much about your people. The information that High Priestess Shannon and also Krytique/Black NS have found out so far was very enlightening, however it seems there any many people struggling with their racial identity still. 
Either belitteling themselves for no particular reason on one end or having wishful delusions on the other. 
I think the most important thing is to deprogram the racial issue from the mind and simply look at how things are right now. Stop comparing each other too much and simply look on where you are at and improving on that, but also having a realistic picture in your mind without feeling belitteled or offended by the reality. 

Blacks and most people in general of all gentile races are very detached from their true selves and racial natures. Though you don't have to agree or feel in tune with everything your ancestors did and their way of life, but there is much to learn from that rich satanic history. 

Like High Priestess Shannon said, you should find your own individuality and develop yourself as an individual while finding the way of life that feels natural for you at the soul level. 

As people evolve and years go by culture also advances and changes. Though all gentiles at the very beginning had a culture that was based on the cutlure of the Gods. The gentile races simply expressed this in their own ways, but at the core the culture we gentiles need in order to feel truly at home is one that follows the same principals as the one of our Gods. 

The fact that the black race is less intelligent on average is not something you should linger on or be offended by. Like I said, spiritual advancement goes beyond the limits of genetics and IQ. These are simply concepts that impact the physical self for the most part, when advancement happens this is mitigated and improved on it's own. 
Who's writing all these percentages u talking abt? What makes him/her right? Can't u think for yourselves. How can u judge all blacks based on few u know? U really need to work on yo chakras & leave this subject. Revisit it when u got better understanding on what's happening

Have u ever heard abt Moors? If not google it. Ask yourself y they isn't much written abt blacks? Y most of the things written abt blacks are not good? It's because the Jews have worked tirelessly to make sure they destroyed Blacks, y is that soo? That's what u should ask yourself. They're too many intelligent Black people & u don't know it because the Jews don't want u to know it. Here they're a lot of white people  who knows nothing

What u should understand is that Humans are Same, black or white. Only money makes the deference. Besides reading yo books y don't u visit Africa & study they're culture if u're interested? Reprogramming yourself coz everything u know right now is based on Jewish propaganda <hr>From: Black NS kyriquekyrique@... [BlacksforSatan]
Sent: ‎2016-‎10-‎09 11:08
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Subject: Re: [BlacksforSatan] Feeling our history

  The blacks in the U.S have about 26 percent white DNA. They also have a different culture, views and history.
The moors are a mixed group of North African Berbers and Arabs. An I said it's just a generalization. Also I left links.
And there are differences in race such as culture, skeletal structure, souls, I.Q, and etc. If you think there aren't then you need to deprogram yourself from Jewish programming. What I said is backed by facts.
.... Yokilla, cut this crap out, stop trying to cause disunity here, if you want people to know their roots and know where they stand then advise them to meditate and connect back with their ancestors, tell them to go learn about traditional cultures in theie region, all i see you doing is only insulting us black outside the US and this is uncalled for. This is not what satanism is about, High priestess Shannon please caution yokilla, this group is for Us to advance spiritually and not try to degrade African blacks. If you guya don't want African blacks here just say so instead of insulting us that we are low on IQ bullshit. This is so annoying.
How would a newbie feel seeing all this shit? Encourage people to see the truth and light not insult people.

This group is to advance spiritually as Satanist, we should respect each other, don't read no baseless fact and come tell us crap here. Let's not forget why we are here. "To advance spiritually". If you want, we can leave the group for you to occupy all by yourself.

Post relevant information for satans sake and not offensive ones.
Because If you ask me. What you posted isn't of any use.
Kkkkkk think again, coz all these things u think are facts were said so u would think the way u do. In fact instead of m confusing u y don't u ask Father yourself? Ask Father to shade some light <hr>From: Black NS kyriquekyrique@... [BlacksforSatan]
Sent: ‎2016-‎10-‎09 19:49
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Subject: RE: [BlacksforSatan] Feeling our history

  And there are differences in race such as culture, skeletal structure, souls, I.Q, and etc. If you think there aren't then you need to deprogram yourself from Jewish programming. What I said is backed by facts.
If you go through HPS Maxines posts you'll see she said Thoth told her the Gods are tribal and you can race in the soul. If it weren't so then the Whites, Asians and Blacks have a separate JOS  group.
Ok wow this got out of hand. And I do admit that I did have the same problem that you all are having not that long ago. 
Of course there are intelligent black in the world. No one is saying their isn't. But on a massive scale, counting the majority of our race the racial iq is low. And the this is very evident in their behavior from black gangs in America to the kill whitey migrants invading Europe. 
The only thing that matters here is truth. Blacks having a low racial iq does not mean you personally have a low iq, but again this is the majority. It is important to know where our race is so we can work to enlighten and rise our race to their potential. 
Also we all know Jews are responsible for the deterioration of our satanic culture. If it were not for them none of these things would be an issue, however they are here and put us in the situation we are in now. Knowing the truth is the only way to change it. 
In case you have seen what black migrants are doing to Europe:
Here in America:https://josministries.prophpbb.com/topic13627.html

Sent from my iPhone
On Oct 9, 2016, at 4:01 PM, Black NS kyriquekyrique@... [BlacksforSatan] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  I originally responded to ko's post that's it. I'm not causing disunity.
<td val[/IMG]I want to add something here for all the dedicated blacks.

We are definitely here to advance ourselves but this starts with recognizing and starting with the facts and having self awareness.

What Kyrique said is true even though he could have had more tact....

The truth is, all the races are NOT the same. That is a Jewish lie. All the race's have their own weaknesses and exalted aspects.

The black race COMPARED to the other races have the lowest IQ as a people. No one is saying that all blacks are stupid, obviously not. The key word here is COMPARED to the other races.

Each person is an individual and there are many civilized and intelligent blacks on this earth. But the truth is, the ones with lower intelligence and less class are at the forefront and acting as examples for the black race. No one is trying to cause disunity and offend here but look around you and observe. I see this here in America and other places with blacks and it is very sad.

For those of you here who are offended and are thinking about leaving this group because of these facts, understand that Satan wants the truth out even if this reality may be hurtful. We have to recognize the bad and what plagues are people so we can understand how to advance and overcome it.

There are numerous facts online about this and so Kyrique is right. Look at the links posted so you can understand the horrors going on.

What you see with the gentile races, all their weaknesses and natures.... this is just us without the godhead state. Humanity is unfinished!

You think that when Satan created the black race he thought " I'll just create this race with a lower iq, high testosterone, etc"

No, he didn't. As I said. What you see with the black race is a result of the enemy and their programs of degeneration and lack of Spiritual advancement.

Our black ancestors were intelligent and capable. Otherwise they wouldn't have reached godhead and been able to. Satan is perfect and his creations are perfect in their own way. Spiritual degeneration is no joke. It corrupts the spirits and makes us less evolved.

Our ancestors thousands of years ago were not like the way we are now.

Meditation really does open the mind and advance the soul. I myself have always been pretty intelligent for my own good but I have noticed being more aware and evolved with power meditation.

High Priestess Shannon[/TD]
From: Ko Johnson kothebull@... [BlacksforSatan] <[email protected];
To: <[email protected];
Subject: Re: [BlacksforSatan] Feeling our history
Sent: Sun, Oct 9, 2016 8:42:06 PM

<td val[/IMG]   Ok wow this got out of hand. And I do admit that I did have the same problem that you all are having not that long ago. 
Of course there are intelligent black in the world. No one is saying their isn't. But on a massive scale, counting the majority of our race the racial iq is low. And the this is very evident in their behavior from black gangs in America to the kill whitey migrants invading Europe. 
The only thing that matters here is truth. Blacks having a low racial iq does not mean you personally have a low iq, but again this is the majority. It is important to know where our race is so we can work to enlighten and rise our race to their potential. 
Also we all know Jews are responsible for the deterioration of our satanic culture. If it were not for them none of these things would be an issue, however they are here and put us in the situation we are in now. Knowing the truth is the only way to change it. 
In case you have seen what black migrants are doing to Europe:
https://josministries.prophpbb.com/topic15425.html https://josministries.prophpbb.com/topic15097.html https://josministries.prophpbb.com/topic15317.html https://josministries.prophpbb.com/topic15340.html
Here in America: https://josministries.prophpbb.com/topic13627.html https://josministries.prophpbb.com/topic16412.html https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UQCQFH5wOJo

Sent from my iPhone
On Oct 9, 2016, at 4:01 P[/IMG] [email protected] wrote:

  I originally responded to ko's post that's it. I'm not causing disunity.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
