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Family problems


New member
Jun 6, 2019
Right now me and my sister are going through some tough shit with my parents to the point where they are separating. My mom's unwilling to speak to my dad and doesn't want to push the issue, and my dad is giving her space to the point that they won't sleep in the same house. What I ask here is what I should do. I kinda luck out in terms of picking a parent to live with due to going to university but my consern is for my sister. Both parents are leaving the house we were both in for a few years which sucks. Right now its my sister who put into the position of having to choose one and still being away from the other. Honestly the only other option is to arrange for my sister to live with me until she graduates. I don't know what to do and I don't want to abandon my sister through this or become separated from either my parents from it.
Bravary666 said:
Right now me and my sister are going through some tough shit with my parents to the point where they are separating. My mom's unwilling to speak to my dad and doesn't want to push the issue, and my dad is giving her space to the point that they won't sleep in the same house. What I ask here is what I should do. I kinda luck out in terms of picking a parent to live with due to going to university but my consern is for my sister. Both parents are leaving the house we were both in for a few years which sucks. Right now its my sister who put into the position of having to choose one and still being away from the other. Honestly the only other option is to arrange for my sister to live with me until she graduates. I don't know what to do and I don't want to abandon my sister through this or become separated from either my parents from it.

If you're willing to put in the effort and you are able, you can try starting a working to reconcile their relationship and bring them back together as this is the best and likely desired scenario. You can use the rune EHWAZ. I would suggest starting the working on July 8th as the moon will be in libra and this is good for influencing love, relationships, marriages, reconciling two people, etc, plus the moon will be waxing (increasing in illumination) and this is good for the working to build in power and energy over time as you do it daily.

If you do plan on doing the working, make sure that your affirmation is safe and appropriate for the working to direct the energy, and in the mean time if you plan on waiting to start on July 8th, you can build an aura of protection around your sister every day and give her a pick-me-up with some positive and healing white-gold energy in the mean time.

This is me assuming you're someone who is decently experienced with magick, meditation and workings and has been with us for a while only making an account to ask a question; you wouldn't be the only one to do this. If you are new however and are confused with what I am saying, please inform me and I will elaborate and clarifying everything in more detail and simplicity.
Also next to Ghost's answer you can consider using as well WUNJO.

Germanic: Uuinne (Wunjo)
Gothic: Winja
Norse: Vend
Anglo-Saxon: Wynn
Icelandic: Vin
Norwegian: Wynn

#8. Wunjo is a rune of honors and rewards. Our efforts are rewarded. Vend is bliss merging with light. Authority, respect and strength. This rune is excellent for banishing depression. Helps to unite family members and mend friendships. Breaks down barriers between one’s self and others. When directed for black magick, this rune can be used to instill overconfidence and trust of the wrong things in others, leading to their downfall. Vend is also a rune of healing as it binds the healing of the mind with the healing of the physical self. Wards off diseases. Good for working with the heart chakra. Topaz enhances this rune as well as rose quartz. Good for raising confidence and self-esteem.


88 as said about would be great as it is a multiple of 8. I think that you can use both. Basically you vibrate EHWAZ - WUNJO x88
The affirmation can be: "In the most healthy and positive ways, my family is always united". Or you can choose an afirmation as you like, you just need to keep it straight to the point and short.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
