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Family problem


New member
Oct 25, 2024
I was wondering if anyone on here has advice advice for dealing with family who's opposed to our practices. My wife is not Christian but has this stigma about Satanism/paganism that is created by Christian propaganda and Hollywood movies. She's not opposed to the idea of pagan gods but doesn't understand why they're associated with demons and Satan. Its not an easy conversation to have and leads to a lot of fighting. She threatens to divorce because she's afraid of it and won't let me practice and even gets mad at me for researching and studying. We have a 9 month old daughter so I don't want to let this tear our family apart but I won't renounce the gods for her and I can't worship in secret either. Of course she's worried about me "indoctrinating" our daughter but that's a ways down the road. Any advice is appreciated, thank you
You don't have to approach it from a lens of Satanism anymore. You can tell her we are Zevists now to clear up the confusion. We worship Zeus and the pagan Gods. This argument is not worth losing your wife over. Many people are opposed to Satanism due to all of the Hollywood brainwashing like you said, but when it is brought up in a pagan context, they don't seem to mind as much. This is why we made the transition to Zevism, own it!
You don't have to approach it from a lens of Satanism anymore. You can tell her we are Zevists now to clear up the confusion. We worship Zeus and the pagan Gods. This argument is not worth losing your wife over. Many people are opposed to Satanism due to all of the Hollywood brainwashing like you said, but when it is brought up in a pagan context, they don't seem to mind as much. This is why we made the transition to Zevism, own it!
I've tried to explain it to her but it seems she's already made the connection and too wrapped up in fear. I think the hardest part is trying to convince her that wgatvthe church labeled and cataloged as demons were the old gods. Is there anything good for her to read that shows the connections? Thanks
I had a family member tell me that I was full of hate and possessed by it because of my association with ToZ. It was ingrained in their mind that I was communicating with entities that wanted to harm me. That I didn't know who I was talking to. Only they had the correct knowledge and deity in their life.

Unfortunately, its difficult and takes time to change someone's mind. All you can do is lead by example. Show why your Gods are not only better but beautiful and kind. An argument or discussion won't get you anywhere. Maybe do an Aura Cleanse with her. Show her it's not scary. This isnt about ghouls and ghosts. Its about the advancement of humanity.

Everyone always asks me, how do you know this is real? I tell them because it's changed my life. I can feel the energy, I have received wisdom from the Gods, and I have felt their energy. Only a few close people know I'm a Zevist. Most people just know that I meditate.

In Christianity, its always a guess. That must be a sign from God! Maybe he answered my prayer! There is no questioning here. You know when Zeus and the Gods have blessed you.
I've tried to explain it to her but it seems she's already made the connection and too wrapped up in fear. I think the hardest part is trying to convince her that wgatvthe church labeled and cataloged as demons were the old gods. Is there anything good for her to read that shows the connections? Thanks
Well, a pretty obvious one is how the bible refers to the throne of Zeus in Pergamon as "Satan's throne in Pergamon" and many other examples.

https://freegrace.in/but-i-do-believe-in-zeus/ This website literally explains how the Christians vie the pagan Gods and Zeus as "Satan and his Demons" Maybe showing her this will help.
At this stage you cannot change her mind, only she is capable of changing her own mind.

Any outside enforcement will likely be met with further defensiveness and/or insecurity related to the future of your marriage together.

Do not try to persuade her by imposing your own views, rather guide her to the knowledge itself and ask her to draw her own conclusions.

She has to believe she herself drew these conclusions through her own intelligence and thinking ability.

Ask her what does she think about it, and let her talk and talk and talk using the Socratic method, and nudge her to the direction you want her to go until she's convinced herself, but you yourself must remain somewhat nonchalant and non-forceful.

When people are in a state of defensiveness such as this, it's almost impossible to penetrate their minds through any other means besides storytelling and music.
I was wondering if anyone on here has advice advice for dealing with family who's opposed to our practices. My wife is not Christian but has this stigma about Satanism/paganism that is created by Christian propaganda and Hollywood movies. She's not opposed to the idea of pagan gods but doesn't understand why they're associated with demons and Satan. Its not an easy conversation to have and leads to a lot of fighting. She threatens to divorce because she's afraid of it and won't let me practice and even gets mad at me for researching and studying. We have a 9 month old daughter so I don't want to let this tear our family apart but I won't renounce the gods for her and I can't worship in secret either. Of course she's worried about me "indoctrinating" our daughter but that's a ways down the road. Any advice is appreciated, thank you
I recommend that you slowly but consistently reprogram your wife from enemy jewish and christian propaganda, bringing her to the truth postponement, if you want her to become a Zevist (Spiritual Satanist).

If your wife is very worried, you will turn her attention to other topics, do not talk to her about these topics for a while.

When you need to retire for ritual and spiritual work, just tell your wife that you want to retire to practice regular yoga in peace, I also recommend that you include hatha yoga and related gymnastics in your schedule to enhance your bioelectricity and at the same time not cause your wife to suspect that you are not doing yoga, she was told.

I also recommend that you take a closer look at your wife's environment, with whom she communicates, it is possible that outsiders are trying to influence her system of values and beliefs and they are brainwashing her with christian and jewish propaganda.

I ask you to be careful, cunning, and savvy so that you can save your family, raise your child together with your wife (the child must grow up with both mother and father), and develop and prosper spiritually, as befits families of Zevists (Spiritual Satanists).
You don't have to approach it from a lens of Satanism anymore. You can tell her we are Zevists now to clear up the confusion. We worship Zeus and the pagan Gods. This argument is not worth losing your wife over. Many people are opposed to Satanism due to all of the Hollywood brainwashing like you said, but when it is brought up in a pagan context, they don't seem to mind as much. This is why we made the transition to Zevism, own it!
The supreme God Zeus/Jupiter is Satan/Satanas, if the pagans consider Satan/Satanas is evil, which means they are not real pagans, because they are manipulated by jewish (Hollywood and christian) propaganda and jews can use them to make these pseudo-pagans eventually curse Satan/Zeus under various New Age, Wicca and other shit that jews can drag them into.
It is admirable you’re doing everything you can to balance this. When I explain to people that entities have many names, I try to point out that it is a matter of wavelength. Explain prana to her if she doesn’t understand that. People put many perspectives and personas to certain wavelengths/energies. Maybe you resonate with it, harmonize with it, or maybe you are dissonant to it. When we change our bioelectric field through meditation we can become more open to seeing these things pragmatically. Even doctors prescribe meditation now a days. See if you can get her to meditate with you as a way to bond together. It doesn’t have to be about Satan to her, just get her grounding and connecting with herself and see where she goes. Hope this helps! Namaste
I recommend that you slowly but consistently reprogram your wife from enemy jewish and christian propaganda, bringing her to the truth postponement, if you want her to become a Zevist (Spiritual Satanist).

If your wife is very worried, you will turn her attention to other topics, do not talk to her about these topics for a while.

When you need to retire for ritual and spiritual work, just tell your wife that you want to retire to practice regular yoga in peace, I also recommend that you include hatha yoga and related gymnastics in your schedule to enhance your bioelectricity and at the same time not cause your wife to suspect that you are not doing yoga, she was told.

I also recommend that you take a closer look at your wife's environment, with whom she communicates, it is possible that outsiders are trying to influence her system of values and beliefs and they are brainwashing her with christian and jewish propaganda.

I ask you to be careful, cunning, and savvy so that you can save your family, raise your child together with your wife (the child must grow up with both mother and father), and develop and prosper spiritually, as befits families of Zevists (Spiritual Satanists).
Do you think it's possible that her attitude and disrespect will offend the gods or bring her any problems? I think it's mostly confusion that she believes I'm working with evil demons rather than the old gods but we've had the conversation many times and it's hard to excuse her just not knowing. She's a national socialist and opposed to Jewish subversion and I don't think she's under the influence of any Christians although a lot of her commutation are in Swedish and I can't read it.
Do you think it's possible that her attitude and disrespect will offend the gods or bring her any problems? I think it's mostly confusion that she believes I'm working with evil demons rather than the old gods but we've had the conversation many times and it's hard to excuse her just not knowing. She's a national socialist and opposed to Jewish subversion and I don't think she's under the influence of any Christians although a lot of her commutation are in Swedish and I can't read it.
No, the Gods understand that people are ignorant. Nothing will happen to her other than karma from her own actions.
Do you think it's possible that her attitude and disrespect will offend the gods or bring her any problems? I think it's mostly confusion that she believes I'm working with evil demons rather than the old gods but we've had the conversation many times and it's hard to excuse her just not knowing. She's a national socialist and opposed to Jewish subversion and I don't think she's under the influence of any Christians although a lot of her commutation are in Swedish and I can't read it.
No, the Gods are well aware of what level of development different people are at.
Do you think it's possible that her attitude and disrespect will offend the gods or bring her any problems? I think it's mostly confusion that she believes I'm working with evil demons rather than the old gods but we've had the conversation many times and it's hard to excuse her just not knowing. She's a national socialist and opposed to Jewish subversion and I don't think she's under the influence of any Christians although a lot of her commutation are in Swedish and I can't read it.
Since there's a point of common interest, you can show how the NS were completely anti-Christianity - there are many statements by prominent members pertaining to this.
You don't have to approach it from a lens of Satanism anymore. You can tell her we are Zevists now to clear up the confusion. We worship Zeus and the pagan Gods. This argument is not worth losing your wife over. Many people are opposed to Satanism due to all of the Hollywood brainwashing like you said, but when it is brought up in a pagan context, they don't seem to mind as much. This is why we made the transition to Zevism, own it!
I seem to understand this better now why HPHC666 altered JOS.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
