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Fake "Satanism": Never Listen To Online Psychopaths; BE AWARE

slyscorpion said:
Fuchs said:
slyscorpion said:
I am reposting this on the correct topic I accidentally posted this on the can everyone be saved thread I thought I was posting it here.

Also to add to this yeah this guy was a kike he claimed to be a gentile but he kept saying things like yeah your gentile so of course you feel this or that way. He admitted once the reptilian place is his home realm.

Sadly I wasn't that aware then of what a reptilian even was so I did not put two and two together.

I talked to a psychopath in 2011. This was a scary experience I wanted to share this. This was not on this website. I was on YouTube and had created a bunch of videos about Satanism was trying to spread stuff. In that time we were allowed to send messages to other users on that site. So this person named Devil's fool messaged me. I got to talking for awhile. Later I know he was using some kind of magick on me to get me to love him or something I didn't know it at the time but didn't know why I was feeling like I wanted to talk to him.

Anyways so the parts I remember he told me he would astral project to the reptilian planets and how life on earth was really tame compared to that. He said I should check this out myself. He said killing each other was a way of life there and it was really brutal. He was obsessed with the serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer always talking about him and how he loved Dahmer this scared me a little. He would tell me to watch everything on Dahmer he linked me to some movie. After like about a minute this was some guy having sex with someone who passed out naked then they had this drill and they were starting to put this into the persons skull. I was like fuck that how can you watch this Jewish garbage. He said it was a great movie I never wanted to see the rest of it as I felt it was sickening.

The next part is the actual scary part I still kind of feel scared from this. He wrote this weird poem about some young child and how he was sorry he had to do it. I don't remember all the details about this but I looked up the name and details and there was this child the same age and information found dead in Washington DC they thought it was an accident I think not. All the details were the same I found that scary.

I quit talking to this guy but I have been really creeped out by this since and not the same kind of in a way.

How can "killing each other on a reptilian planet was a way of life there" be real, if they are a hive mind/forced to live in harmony with each other?

At least I assume, that it is so, since one thinks the same and any form of violance against each other, would be sort of like a rebellion against the one mind/hive mind because you attack/kill capacity of it. If one reptile dies the collective should have decreased power.

A grey killing a other grey does probably also not happen.

I think the main reason, why people/ non jews get cought up in this serial killer culture, is because death is connected to the occult. Sort of like seeking knowledge, but in a retarded way.
Most serial killers were into enemy programms so much for the love etc. Just wanted to mention.

That is what he claimed life was brutal where he liked to go to said it made people like Dahmer look tame. That is an exact quote there.

The only thing I heard about this was some article and video on a non JOS site that said the reptilian planets have some sort of really strict control grid where no rebellion at all is even possible much stricter than earth and if anyone rebels they get put down immediately. No one said anything about it on the JOS not sure how true or not true any of this is I am certainly not going to astral project there and find out that would be the most dumb thing ever.

It probably is not like he was saying. That's good would be glad to know that guy was bullshitting and making up stuff. I was thinking he was a real serial killer that is why I was kind of creeped out by this whole thing.

But if people think about how the Jews act and if they are a model down here of how it is up there it could be that they are hating cursing each other and killing each other all the time. The Jews kind of are a hive mind too.

As a human I have to say this is just gross and disturbing for someone to want to hook into and focus on these energies and even try to visit these realms and places.

I think all people into the darker enemy version of Satanism are connected to the greys and reptilians maybe openly serving them and sacrificing stuff to them Jew or not and are likely badly corrupted and mentally damaged to the point of likely no return.

They certainly are not safe people to interact with.

I always believed the enemy version of Satanism is just the darker more baser side of the JHVH thoughtform like Jewsus is the Yin or lighter side.

Both really bad.
Fuchs said:
slyscorpion said:
Fuchs said:
How can "killing each other on a reptilian planet was a way of life there" be real, if they are a hive mind/forced to live in harmony with each other?

At least I assume, that it is so, since one thinks the same and any form of violance against each other, would be sort of like a rebellion against the one mind/hive mind because you attack/kill capacity of it. If one reptile dies the collective should have decreased power.

A grey killing a other grey does probably also not happen.

I think the main reason, why people/ non jews get cought up in this serial killer culture, is because death is connected to the occult. Sort of like seeking knowledge, but in a retarded way.
Most serial killers were into enemy programms so much for the love etc. Just wanted to mention.

That is what he claimed life was brutal where he liked to go to said it made people like Dahmer look tame. That is an exact quote there.

The only thing I heard about this was some article and video on a non JOS site that said the reptilian planets have some sort of really strict control grid where no rebellion at all is even possible much stricter than earth and if anyone rebels they get put down immediately. No one said anything about it on the JOS not sure how true or not true any of this is I am certainly not going to astral project there and find out that would be the most dumb thing ever.

It probably is not like he was saying. That's good would be glad to know that guy was bullshitting and making up stuff. I was thinking he was a real serial killer that is why I was kind of creeped out by this whole thing.

There is nothing brave about serial killers they seek victims not strong people who could be a thread to them to kill, because they delight in low frequency and are most of the time connected to the bad energy enemy vortex.

They are weak individuals, one has not to fear if they have at least a little martial arts training or a overal skeptic nature.

Even child soldiers in africa comit extreme acts of violence, there is nothing special, everybody could do this.

But if everybody would be like this, we would live in caves.

It is much easier to destroy, then to create, build up people.

Like I did write before people are interested in serial killers because they don´t have a a sufficient education in reincarnation/a higher understanding about society/civilization.

I myself am not into it to be honest. That is why it scared me for a bit because before I talked to this person I wasn't even aware there were people that looked up to and actually loved serial killers especially Dahmer I am aware of the kind of stuff he did that is creepy. He was a very weak person picking on others. I think he was part Jew.

I actually agree with you nothing honorable about it. Most to all of the people they choose are victims and don't deserve any of this at all so they are like bullies.

I am also aware there are entire groups on the internet (look this up if you don't believe me I don't need to link to it here) dedicated to love of certain serial killers too and even people saying they would love to be their victim and stuff.

Talk about Jew Brainwashing.
slyscorpion said:
Fuchs said:
slyscorpion said:
That is what he claimed life was brutal where he liked to go to said it made people like Dahmer look tame. That is an exact quote there.

The only thing I heard about this was some article and video on a non JOS site that said the reptilian planets have some sort of really strict control grid where no rebellion at all is even possible much stricter than earth and if anyone rebels they get put down immediately. No one said anything about it on the JOS not sure how true or not true any of this is I am certainly not going to astral project there and find out that would be the most dumb thing ever.

It probably is not like he was saying. That's good would be glad to know that guy was bullshitting and making up stuff. I was thinking he was a real serial killer that is why I was kind of creeped out by this whole thing.

There is nothing brave about serial killers they seek victims not strong people who could be a thread to them to kill, because they delight in low frequency and are most of the time connected to the bad energy enemy vortex.

They are weak individuals, one has not to fear if they have at least a little martial arts training or a overal skeptic nature.

Even child soldiers in africa comit extreme acts of violence, there is nothing special, everybody could do this.

But if everybody would be like this, we would live in caves.

It is much easier to destroy, then to create, build up people.

Like I did write before people are interested in serial killers because they don´t have a a sufficient education in reincarnation/a higher understanding about society/civilization.

I myself am not into it to be honest. That is why it scared me for a bit because before I talked to this person I wasn't even aware there were people that looked up to and actually loved serial killers especially Dahmer I am aware of the kind of stuff he did that is creepy. He was a very weak person picking on others. I think he was part Jew.

I actually agree with you nothing honorable about it. Most to all of the people they choose are victims and don't deserve any of this at all so they are like bullies.

I am also aware there are entire groups on the internet (look this up if you don't believe me I don't need to link to it here) dedicated to love of certain serial killers too and even people saying they would love to be their victim and stuff.

Talk about Jew Brainwashing.

Remember the Jew Beria Stalins intelligence NKVD man in power, he killed/raped etc more then any of these famous serial killers. But no one talks about it, because muh communism is love and peace. Every red center is ultimately way more dangerous then any serial killer could be.

Beria The Ted Bundy Of The USSR

People say stupid stuff on the internet, all day long to get attention etc. Well some of them might be this stupid/lost.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Recently, someone posted this:


As you can see here, in these so called random "Satanist" Forums, all these charlatan idiots are doing, is promote the worst of the worst that one can imagine. This defamation of Satan and the Gods, will always cause spiritual punishment to those who incur Satan's Wrath by engaging in these criminal decisions under His Name.


Jews, Muslims, and even brainwashed Christians who have bought into the approach of their OWN faiths, and their OWN perception about "Satanism", are engaging in abominations that are of an inconceivable nature, for centuries. This is a reflection of their own programs of death, and not of Satanism. They are also so severely deluded and uneducated, that anyone call tell them a lie online and they might engage in fatal mistakes for their existence and that of others.

NO LOSS OF LIFE IS NECESSARY IN *ANY WAY* TO ACHIEVE ANY SPIRITUAL WORKING! Anyone who says this criminal stuff online, should be strayed away from.

If one is getting thoughts of doing physical harm to other people, or anything of the sort, this is NEVER the Demons. As Ancient Sources reveal [and not these lowlife drug abusing dogs that you might find plenty of "Forums" online], the Demons are forces of good and improvement.

Unfortunately, due to massive disinformation, there are people who still ascribe their psychopathy to the "Demons", as many have done this to "Jesus", "Spirits" or anything of the sort before. These are psychological issues.


There are many psychopaths online and this has to be understood. This figure "EA Koetting" that is in question, was busy doing strange rituals where he was keeping skulls of Goats around, writing nonsense about murder, and dancing like a sissy on top of a "Pentacle" as humping or something, to supposedly "Summon Azazel".

Needless to say, all of this acting and scene, is nothing else but a movie. Because none of this really confers any spiritual power whatsoever. Given also this behavior is "Kosher Certified", these people generally don't have any issues promoting this type of "Satanism" around, which if very welcome to the jews. Since they basically roll out in laughter as they see these things.

These lead nowhere spiritually. Since this is mostly about doing a circus, it's also always "accepted" by the mainstream outlets, and nothing is ever done.

These people's aim is primarily to sell books, add shock value, and do nonsense or outright dangerous things, let alone providing others with the same "advice". Most of this is solely an act on their behalf. They can't move a toothpick spiritually and they hold no real or actual "Spiritual Power" with the ability to influence the world or their own life.

Another nutcase of jewish descent, for example, was doing "Satanic Poledancing" to people sometime ago. It was a prerequisite for being a proper Satanists to watch or something. These idiots and lowlifes thing they are anywhere capable to criticize or "speak" about Satanism.

They are not. They are dust in the wind and nothing. The natural inclination of Hebrews, Christians and many Muslims, is to engage in Satanism only to harm it's reputation. This is well known by now.

Years ago, one of these "organizations" was trying to write public taunts on the JoS to try to attack us on this stance of us being logical human beings - Be aware, that this is deliberate.

Not that long ago, they also did fake accounts and impersonations in their forums, and more often than not, they try to infiltrate here, sic on members, or try to promote nonsense to people all over the web. When they aren't doing that, many will also engage in typical slander and writing misinformation online.

Impersonation can go as far as impersonating "High Priests", or in the case of some really naive people [new to spirituality], even claim that they have "Instructions from Demons", or that they are part of some "Special secret coven" or whatever else. Disregard all these things when you listen to them, and move away immediately!


The JoS wants full, entirely, spiritual change, intellectual change, and causing positive change away from superstition building on the enlightenment of the masses. This is achieved with spirituality, information and understanding. Not by bogus pointless actions. Spirituality can achieve what nothing can possibly reach.

For those that don't have a view of this, these people are either schizophrenics, enemy operatives, or both. They do this on purpose to destroy Satanism and all it's branches. They are also doing this since the 80's, so there is nothing new here. They prey on mentally ill people, and make them do horrible things, which they later "ascribe" to Satan's Name or that of the Gods.

These types are also busy constantly, daily, 365 days per year, trying to sic on people from any Satanic forums [private communications and whatnot] and deceive them from True Satanism, meditation, and enlightenment, and spread enemy and corrupted agenda on them. Typical shill accounts are present everywhere in the web. You will very easily recognize them.

Indeed, with a quick Googling of these, one can easily lose count on how many of these nutcases are online. They are coming up like mushrooms, but their message is always the same: Things that are harmful to other human beings, illegal actions, or talk that directly promotes doing crimes or anything of the sort. THESE ARE TO BE AVOIDED LIKE WILDFIRE!

Many are also naive enough, that they are doing "meetings" with random strangers from here. You never know who you are going to meet. If it goes well, you don't know. But if it goes really bad? What would happen if one meets with one of these psychopaths? That would be a disaster.

At the same rate, the JoS has done anything possible to inform about these corrupted individuals, and also give proper advice on how to deal with these. Move away completely. There is NOTHING to gain.

The best thing you can do, is never have strange associations, and grow in this positive path on JoS material. Stay away from the hybris of this dog excrement that does these crimes contrary to Satan's Will or practices "Anti-Christian" Satanism.

Satan will spiritually eradicate these individuals, as he has been for a while. Al those who have been doing copious damage to Satan's reputation, always get to experience the downfall of this.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666


Jack said:


Remarkable filing in the case of high-level Kikenwaffen member Kaleb Cole outs Joshua Caleb Sutter, the publisher of Martinet Press (Iron Gates, Liber 333, Bluebird), AWD member & a key figure in the O9A Tempel ov Blood, as an FBI informant. Since '03

This is a motion to suppress evidence from a search warrant served at the Texas house where Cole (known as "Khimaere" in AWD) moved to with John Cameron Denton & other AWD after he came under too much law enforcement pressure in the PNW. For background:

Cole is charged with leading a conspiracy to intimidate reporters across the US, along with other AWD members. Every one of them has since plead guilty aside from him. The allegation is that Sutter's role in building intel was never disclosed.

Sutter, according to the filing, earned more than $140,000 from the feds, including $80,000 since 2018, when AWD came under heavy federal investigation following my ProPublica investigation with @Jake_Hanrahan & AC Thompson



Sutter isn't identified by name, but its undoubtedly him. Martinet Press publishes Order of Nine Angles texts that have radicalized countless youth in Neo-Fascist, (FAKE) Satanist practices. He has that aforementioned '03 conviction for trying to tell a firearm w/an obliterated serial



There's more in this filing, including the original FBI affidavit for the search of the AWD TX house, which has never been made public before. Bottom line is this: Martinet Press has been essentially bankrolled by the feds, pumping out a steady stream of extremist literature.

I've covered terrorism cases in the US (Ethan Melzer) and the UK (see last summer's @BBCPanorama w/@DdesimoneDaniel) where Martinet texts/O9A is a central element of Extreme Right wing ideology.

The FBI have effectively been silent partners in Martinet


Send this to anyone who has a Fake Understanding of Satanism. These are not Satanists. These are Agent Provocateurs who are Funded by Feds to perform false flag terror attacks and then blame the Right Wingers and Satanists as a whole.

Exactly that is proof Lavayan Satanism and the Jewish illuminati is Fake Satanism because laveyan satanist and the jewish Illuminati aka Fake satanist do cannibalism and blood sacrifice aka only things yahweh aka the god of the Bible does that is how you know laveyan Satanism and the Jewish illuminati is Fake Satanism
I myself used to be in a fake satanist group years ago upon a certain artwork website that claimed and pretended to be (and still claims and pretends to be) 100% devout followers of Satan and the Demons all the while believing and wanting the “hooman” species to go extinct, claiming that they are animals stuck inside “hooman” bodies, amongst many other dumbass things.

Let’s just say, while I’m nowhere near as happy as I once was when I was with them, I have realized that I’m a whole lot better off without them because only until I was kicked out of their little group over something extremely trivial, did I begin to truly wake up and see the truth. Took me a couple of years in order to do this no thanks to them terrorizing me in such a way that I was forced to become a “born again christian” for a couple of years right after me and them split up but I did it and I am pleased to say that Satan Himself never once left my side (even after that group told me many times that he never wanted anything to do with me ever again for “betraying” them) in helping me out after I was kicked out of that group and all in which I am truly proud of him doing.

1. Not to mention my dreams have become so much less terrifying after I left that group (I hope that it isn’t because I was forced to side with the enemy for some time) 2. the ability to ward off the enemy has become so much easier for me (I hope that it isn’t a trick of the enemy making me believe this) 3. I think (I’m not 100% sure on this one you’ll have to correct me if I’m wrong) I’m even able to predict the future regarding various things because it’s like I have these crazy dreams and when I wake up they actually happen in real life 4. I have gained around 100 memories of a few of my past lives that I didn’t even know I had (unless, once again, it is the enemy deceiving me about them) and 5. I even re-met with some of the soulmates that I had in my past lives (unless, once again, the enemy is deceiving me)!
Well, I have experience with fake satanic groups too. You see, back when I was 11 or so, I was using the Internet just for YouTube and out of nowhere (trust me, it was really out of nowhere) popped a group called rs or (religia satanistă in Romanian). The group was all just filled with baloney, talking LaveYan crap and so on. One of the most disgusting things I saw there was that they say that Satan never forgives and that everyone will have to face the consequences they need to face. WTF dude, that's pure jew-related stuff. That website of theirs even associated Hell (iadul in Romanian language) with the jewish-crap that Hell is a place of fire and sulphur. Dammit, I sincerely am angered because I see this kind of ignorance and pure blasphemy applied to our Gods and may Father Satan forgive for my stupidity that I partook in when I was 11. Now I am happy as a partially devoted SS but only because I don't know how to construct an Astral temple properly. Can someone please tell me how to construct an Astral temple? Does the meditation imply sexual energies 🤔, I don't know what to do! So please help me!

P.S.: I don't promote LaveYan satanism or beliefs associated with it and I also don't promote jews or their trash pseudo-religion. And also, excuse me for the "colorful" language I had in this post, that's because everytime I remember what stupid things I did in the past and also see the baloney that is addressed towards our Gods, it really annoys me!
BehemothWarrior666 said:
And also, excuse me for the "colorful" language I had in this post, that's because everytime I remember what stupid things I did in the past and also see the baloney that is addressed towards our Gods, it really annoys me!

Unlike even other websites for example on many tech websites and certain websites sprung around. Since JoS is mostly American we get foreigners but not at the amount of American. And unlike these websites that are American but do not extend 1A to their site.

I'd like to think we allow 1A on all people who come. So if your a foreign(Romanian) person in this case we'd like to provide you with the freedom of speech and 1A even if your countries freedom of speech is merely cloak and daggers. Like some "Western" countries freedom of speech as long as it doesn't bother the chosen. If more websites adopted an open policy with mild amount of moderation like some websites I've visited in the past certain good websites that advocated for better technologies they'd do better. It's like the very act of moderation makes the website worst reminds me of the reasonable but overly moderated(OCN/OverClockersNetwork: on computer and other tech products).

Anyways it's okay man don't fret on things on the past. Shit happens what can I say, learn from your mistake maybe reading this sermon on repent(metanoia). Don't let it consume you sometimes the past while useful to study the present and the future can sometimes bring burden. I notice the cancer emoji on your signature. As I am that sign I know how much the past can be burdensome and create issues from overthinking it.

Gear88 said:
BehemothWarrior666 said:
And also, excuse me for the "colorful" language I had in this post, that's because everytime I remember what stupid things I did in the past and also see the baloney that is addressed towards our Gods, it really annoys me!

Unlike even other websites for example on many tech websites and certain websites sprung around. Since JoS is mostly American we get foreigners but not at the amount of American. And unlike these websites that are American but do not extend 1A to their site.

I'd like to think we allow 1A on all people who come. So if your a foreign(Romanian) person in this case we'd like to provide you with the freedom of speech and 1A even if your countries freedom of speech is merely cloak and daggers. Like some "Western" countries freedom of speech as long as it doesn't bother the chosen. If more websites adopted an open policy with mild amount of moderation like some websites I've visited in the past certain good websites that advocated for better technologies they'd do better. It's like the very act of moderation makes the website worst reminds me of the reasonable but overly moderated(OCN/OverClockersNetwork: on computer and other tech products).

Anyways it's okay man don't fret on things on the past. Shit happens what can I say, learn from your mistake maybe reading this sermon on repent(metanoia). Don't let it consume you sometimes the past while useful to study the present and the future can sometimes bring burden. I notice the cancer emoji on your signature. As I am that sign I know how much the past can be burdensome and create issues from overthinking it.

Thank you for the encouraging words! I will always remain here on the forum and will study more about Metanoia (and other good SS-related spiritual practices) in order to make myself stronger and prevent any Astral blockages that can make me overthink about the past. Also, thanks for the freedom of speech thing you said here, it really means a lot for me since some digital products are controlled by Jews and their associates, such as Facebook, a little bit of Google and of course, Jewcrosoft (Microsoft) who, by his Windows product effectively bombs me with "get 🪟 11 new update which will make your PC even more faster and secure". Total bullshit since 🪟11 has way too much restrictive requirements like the mandatory TPM 2.0 chip which if I don't have, oops, Crapindows 11 will never boot because it can't obtain a special authorization key for booting up the system.

In conclusion, I also like the fact that I met another cancerian just like me 😁♋

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Recently, someone posted this:


As you can see here, in these so called random "Satanist" Forums, all these charlatan idiots are doing, is promote the worst of the worst that one can imagine. This defamation of Satan and the Gods, will always cause spiritual punishment to those who incur Satan's Wrath by engaging in these criminal decisions under His Name.


Jews, Muslims, and even brainwashed Christians who have bought into the approach of their OWN faiths, and their OWN perception about "Satanism", are engaging in abominations that are of an inconceivable nature, for centuries. This is a reflection of their own programs of death, and not of Satanism. They are also so severely deluded and uneducated, that anyone call tell them a lie online and they might engage in fatal mistakes for their existence and that of others.

NO LOSS OF LIFE IS NECESSARY IN *ANY WAY* TO ACHIEVE ANY SPIRITUAL WORKING! Anyone who says this criminal stuff online, should be strayed away from.

If one is getting thoughts of doing physical harm to other people, or anything of the sort, this is NEVER the Demons. As Ancient Sources reveal [and not these lowlife drug abusing dogs that you might find plenty of "Forums" online], the Demons are forces of good and improvement.

Unfortunately, due to massive disinformation, there are people who still ascribe their psychopathy to the "Demons", as many have done this to "Jesus", "Spirits" or anything of the sort before. These are psychological issues.


There are many psychopaths online and this has to be understood. This figure "EA Koetting" that is in question, was busy doing strange rituals where he was keeping skulls of Goats around, writing nonsense about murder, and dancing like a sissy on top of a "Pentacle" as humping or something, to supposedly "Summon Azazel".

Needless to say, all of this acting and scene, is nothing else but a movie. Because none of this really confers any spiritual power whatsoever. Given also this behavior is "Kosher Certified", these people generally don't have any issues promoting this type of "Satanism" around, which if very welcome to the jews. Since they basically roll out in laughter as they see these things.

These lead nowhere spiritually. Since this is mostly about doing a circus, it's also always "accepted" by the mainstream outlets, and nothing is ever done.

These people's aim is primarily to sell books, add shock value, and do nonsense or outright dangerous things, let alone providing others with the same "advice". Most of this is solely an act on their behalf. They can't move a toothpick spiritually and they hold no real or actual "Spiritual Power" with the ability to influence the world or their own life.

Another nutcase of jewish descent, for example, was doing "Satanic Poledancing" to people sometime ago. It was a prerequisite for being a proper Satanists to watch or something. These idiots and lowlifes thing they are anywhere capable to criticize or "speak" about Satanism.

They are not. They are dust in the wind and nothing. The natural inclination of Hebrews, Christians and many Muslims, is to engage in Satanism only to harm it's reputation. This is well known by now.

Years ago, one of these "organizations" was trying to write public taunts on the JoS to try to attack us on this stance of us being logical human beings - Be aware, that this is deliberate.

Not that long ago, they also did fake accounts and impersonations in their forums, and more often than not, they try to infiltrate here, sic on members, or try to promote nonsense to people all over the web. When they aren't doing that, many will also engage in typical slander and writing misinformation online.

Impersonation can go as far as impersonating "High Priests", or in the case of some really naive people [new to spirituality], even claim that they have "Instructions from Demons", or that they are part of some "Special secret coven" or whatever else. Disregard all these things when you listen to them, and move away immediately!


The JoS wants full, entirely, spiritual change, intellectual change, and causing positive change away from superstition building on the enlightenment of the masses. This is achieved with spirituality, information and understanding. Not by bogus pointless actions. Spirituality can achieve what nothing can possibly reach.

For those that don't have a view of this, these people are either schizophrenics, enemy operatives, or both. They do this on purpose to destroy Satanism and all it's branches. They are also doing this since the 80's, so there is nothing new here. They prey on mentally ill people, and make them do horrible things, which they later "ascribe" to Satan's Name or that of the Gods.

These types are also busy constantly, daily, 365 days per year, trying to sic on people from any Satanic forums [private communications and whatnot] and deceive them from True Satanism, meditation, and enlightenment, and spread enemy and corrupted agenda on them. Typical shill accounts are present everywhere in the web. You will very easily recognize them.

Indeed, with a quick Googling of these, one can easily lose count on how many of these nutcases are online. They are coming up like mushrooms, but their message is always the same: Things that are harmful to other human beings, illegal actions, or talk that directly promotes doing crimes or anything of the sort. THESE ARE TO BE AVOIDED LIKE WILDFIRE!

Many are also naive enough, that they are doing "meetings" with random strangers from here. You never know who you are going to meet. If it goes well, you don't know. But if it goes really bad? What would happen if one meets with one of these psychopaths? That would be a disaster.

At the same rate, the JoS has done anything possible to inform about these corrupted individuals, and also give proper advice on how to deal with these. Move away completely. There is NOTHING to gain.

The best thing you can do, is never have strange associations, and grow in this positive path on JoS material. Stay away from the hybris of this dog excrement that does these crimes contrary to Satan's Will or practices "Anti-Christian" Satanism.

Satan will spiritually eradicate these individuals, as he has been for a while. Al those who have been doing copious damage to Satan's reputation, always get to experience the downfall of this.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666


Jack said:


Remarkable filing in the case of high-level Kikenwaffen member Kaleb Cole outs Joshua Caleb Sutter, the publisher of Martinet Press (Iron Gates, Liber 333, Bluebird), AWD member & a key figure in the O9A Tempel ov Blood, as an FBI informant. Since '03

This is a motion to suppress evidence from a search warrant served at the Texas house where Cole (known as "Khimaere" in AWD) moved to with John Cameron Denton & other AWD after he came under too much law enforcement pressure in the PNW. For background:

Cole is charged with leading a conspiracy to intimidate reporters across the US, along with other AWD members. Every one of them has since plead guilty aside from him. The allegation is that Sutter's role in building intel was never disclosed.

Sutter, according to the filing, earned more than $140,000 from the feds, including $80,000 since 2018, when AWD came under heavy federal investigation following my ProPublica investigation with @Jake_Hanrahan & AC Thompson



Sutter isn't identified by name, but its undoubtedly him. Martinet Press publishes Order of Nine Angles texts that have radicalized countless youth in Neo-Fascist, (FAKE) Satanist practices. He has that aforementioned '03 conviction for trying to tell a firearm w/an obliterated serial



There's more in this filing, including the original FBI affidavit for the search of the AWD TX house, which has never been made public before. Bottom line is this: Martinet Press has been essentially bankrolled by the feds, pumping out a steady stream of extremist literature.

I've covered terrorism cases in the US (Ethan Melzer) and the UK (see last summer's @BBCPanorama w/@DdesimoneDaniel) where Martinet texts/O9A is a central element of Extreme Right wing ideology.

The FBI have effectively been silent partners in Martinet


Send this to anyone who has a Fake Understanding of Satanism. These are not Satanists. These are Agent Provocateurs who are Funded by Feds to perform false flag terror attacks and then blame the Right Wingers and Satanists as a whole.

Yes, my High Priest. Just as I also wrote to you in my email, these Jewish psrassites disguised as Satanists, those fake Satanists, worshipers of death, chaos and anti-evolutionary character degradation, are everywhere and you have to be very careful. An infiltrator is easy to recognize in our family, but for an outsider it is nearly impossible. To recognize an enemy and avoid him, constant and aggressive denunciation must be made.
O9A is equipped with many affiliated nexions and groups that apparently seem to lead back to other things or have no connection with it even if it is so!

Some of them are:

Temple ov Blood, Liber333, Iron Gates and Gulag are affiliated, Atomwaffen and Siege as well, BlueBird.

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For those that still does not know it well, O9A is a TERRORIST, International, fake-nazi organization that promotes all the Jewish visions about evil, Satan, Hitler, nazism, fascism and much more. It Is called Order of Nine Angles. They support terrorism, murders, rapists, ISIS and they arent even a truly inevolved in satanism since everyone can be used as excuse for their apocalyptic propaganda about social division and war. They wirship the idea of an incoming Vindex ( a world dictator that will bring everyone in a dark era made of violence, cannibalism, misogyny, oppression, atomic warfare, anarchy... a world like the Fallout video game produced by Bethesda ) and hail the great Adolf Hitler as incarnation of the pure evil ( Jewish view ), the first vindex of this dark aeon.
They occasiinally support ISIS and Communism as well because if they are doing something bad, they likes that and see It as an opportunity. A few years ago, Google was full of their PDFs, everyone could read them and see how deviated they are. They perform blood ( Jewish ) Magik and rituals and to become part of them you must do an initiation rite with murder. Rape and criminal actions are a must for them, like destroying monuments and attack people, fire up cars and buildings, jumping from one extremist group to another (example: Antifa) and the more they got condamned, the more they feel satisfied.
Those scammers encourage infiltration into sectors such as the police, mafia, various religions that are the most popular of the moment and create vegan friendly campaigns just for the sake of going against the others and damaging human health.
Are you disgusted? The most interesting part will come now. No one can leave this sect without going to death, no one can leave a Jewish sect in general and above all, if you decide to join a sect like O9A, it means that you share everything they do, want and say. There is a very high selection and these selections can last for years... for this reason, is barely impossible that someone can leave it and affirm to be part of, run away if you see someone speaking like that because youre in serious danger!
Search for "David Myatt" online, you can see his pics. The founder of O9A Is a bastard Jew converted then to Islam!

PS: they also wirship the dark gods ( FAKE GODS ) known as "Grey Aliens". OY VEY!

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See also...












Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
