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Fake Evil, Fake Satanists, Fake Satanism, Fake Nazism


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
Hi, National Socialist Spiritual Satanists.

I have had the idea of starting this thread for a couple of months or so now. I was thinking about doing it and I had a candidate of how to start it off but I wanted something better. (I will add that first candidate later.) Then I came across this article I posted about.

This thread is intended to be one where, when we come across all types of different things which are not of Satan, not Spiritual Satanism, not evil in the sense that "Satan is evil" and is blamed for things, not National Socialist, etc., that we can post them in here to show that Satan and the Heroes/Heroines, Daemons/Daemonesses and Gods/Goddesses are not a part of it; likewise, Joy of Satan Ministries is also not a part of it, that it is not what (((someone))) claims it to be. Then others can see that it is not us, not Them, not what we are about, not real. Anything can be added, from news to events to (what I call) the cult of celebritism, to brand names, to films/TV, music, books, etc., etc., etc. Anything which is not Satan, not Spiritual Satanic, not National Socialistic. Please feel free to add your own.

Hopefully this could also help others to answer questions such as, "What makes the Joy of Satan different than other Satanisms?", "Why is Joy of Satan correct and others not?", "You claim Nazism and Hitler is something, when everything else claims they are something else. Why are you right?", etc. As I said, I'll begin.

Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly got engaged, then 'drank each others' blood'.

I expect others to see this and claim that drinking each others' blood is evil and Satanic. Obviously, it is not Satanic (but it might be evil). Talking about past lives and future lives, and the magic of love in a vampiric manner, mentioning karma passively just to add that buzz word irrelevantly but also to influence ignorant people who don't know what karma actually is. Err... no.
I've talk to a long time old school Satanist about this whole bloodthirsty Ashkenazi Ritual Murder stuff spun as some sort of NeoSatanism. He told me its just infiltrators trying to make Satanism look fringe to discredit it.

Many of people I have talk to online on random political groups have little knowledge of real Satanism they assume both are intertwined.

Also Fake Nazism aka Wignats sumo larpers with full body tattoos like Mexican Drug Lords.
i know how irritating it must be,i still see on certain youtube videos how some compare socialism an national socialism an morons just say (it bes same think now lets me kiss jew a**) so it could only be 2 options, they are brain-dead christards who obviously cant do research, or they are jews posing as ns,but one thing though cant wait till the mask comes off, an the reptile jews get what they deserve,i guess its up to us to expose these liars or useful idiots, an show them what true national socialism is
Well thats disturbing anyways fox is a weird bitch with a deformed thumb and kelly needs to quit spewing shit into a mic and fuck off back to wiggersville and take his mutant slut with him
FancyMancy said:
...and the one that inspired me to make this thread, this -

Please do not drink "energy" drinks. They are very bad for you. I would prefer they were illegal, but at least they seem to have an age-verification requirement in decent shops/by decent shop workers.
FancyMancy said:
FancyMancy said:
...and the one that inspired me to make this thread, this -

Please do not drink "energy" drinks. They are very bad for you. I would prefer they were illegal, but at least they seem to have an age-verification requirement in decent shops/by decent shop workers.


What your talking about is Alcohol if someone has an age requirement for it btw.
slyscorpion said:
What your talking about is Alcohol if someone has an age requirement for it btw.
Here either it is law or just rules that shops require the customer to be (I am guessing) 16+ to buy energy drinks, the same as they require age verification to buy knives.

Nice addition. Now erm... if anything believes that... I know I use the word "nonsense" a lot but... ...and the word "retarded" a lot... but if anyone believes that... thing... then I think a face-slap, nevermind a face-palm, would be needed. As for the name, I wonder what the last letter in the acronym is supposed to be... Some of the comments are also... yeah...
FancyMancy said:
slyscorpion said:
What your talking about is Alcohol if someone has an age requirement for it btw.
Here either it is law or just rules that shops require the customer to be (I am guessing) 16+ to buy energy drinks, the same as they require age verification to buy knives.

Nice addition. Now erm... if anything believes that... I know I use the word "nonsense" a lot but... ...and the word "retarded" a lot... but if anyone believes that... thing... then I think a face-slap, nevermind a face-palm, would be needed. As for the name, I wonder what the last letter in the acronym is supposed to be... Some of the comments are also... yeah...

Oh ok your in Europe or somewhere around there i looked this up. I would say a bunch of progressive liberal nonsense but i dont think Kids need this kind of thing anyways that law or rule is actually a good idea. They couldnt do that here without getting in trouble if no law was made about it.

Well I think that and Cocaine energy drink (how the fuck did they get something like that on the market lol) and some of them with all these weird half drug Chemicals in them are bad. Regular energy drinks even Maxine had she told us. I believe in free choice but believe kids should not be having this stuff. I think 16 or 18 is a good law.
slyscorpion said:
Well I think that and Cocaine energy drink (how the fuck did they get something like that on the market lol) and some of them with all these weird half drug Chemicals in them are bad.
I would expect it in GTA...


Another, from the GTA stock exchanges - "Manufacturer of carbonated water flavoured with 800 calories worth of synthetic additives and high-fructose corn syrup."

...but in real-life? Then again, from what I was told, Rockstar did a lot of research into American advertising and media, so... Oh - there is another "energy" drink - Rockstar. Another is named Monster...
FancyMancy said:
Wait. No-one told me zola is a self-declared "HPS" now!

Are Satanists Really Child-Raping Paedophiles?
I found a site of "HPS" (((zola luckystar))). I don't know if it is the same as others have found, but I won't share it. It reckons it is speaking the truth for Satan, and it has its own crypto coin to "empower" people. I want to state for the record, and also off the record, that we, Joy of Satan Ministries, do not, are not and will not be a part of this so-called "Satanic World Order blockchain".

You might want to know that (((it))) has said this -

Are Satanists Really Child-Raping Paedophiles?

I see this claimed so often in people's podcasts and videos as they work earnestly to expose the horrific Child-slavery networks. They say 'Satanic paedophiles' like it's a fact. Don't mistake me - I'm not seeking to dismiss and minimise the abuse of Children - I agree it's horrible and has to be stopped; however... I invite you to pause right there for a moment and consider - that the same people who feed us mainstream media pablum, who invented monotheistic religions, are the same cabal who push this Satanic narrative, that the perpetrators of crimes against Children are Satanists.

If you publish anything that the controllers who own the mainstream media social platforms don't agree with - what happens? You're censored, and yet they allow people to post about Daemons possessing people, blood-sacrifice, evil paedophile Satanists. Really questionable things in regards [to] Children. Did it ever occur to you that there's a reason these topics are allowed and not censored, permitted to fester in the mass-mind? It's called programming. It's there for a reason. A spell of ignorance is thus cast upon the trustful.

I can't stand to continue listening to that any longer. I found a live-streaming video of it so many weeks ago, with 1 only other person. Both were on their own cameras talking about something. It had few watchers, and I had it on for only a few seconds. Its voice and its face and its lies = me having to move away.

I haven't gone very far into the website, and I played that above for only as long as it is quoted. I seem to be confused - it claims to be stating the truth for Satan, yet says "satanists" are an evil Child-raping cabal, while also having a "Satanic World Order" cryptocurrency blockchain... I don't want to find out.

NOTE - (((zola))) pronounces it "peddo-philes"; I spell it as I pronounce it - "peedo-philes"; "ped" is also "pod" which is "foot"; "paed" (peed) is "Child"

I need to put on some horror to get rid of that voice in my head. watches 'The Exorcist' Aahhhhhhhh. That's better.

To me, it is obvious that it is jewish shit. Obviously, just to have Humans be dead, as always, but just that Spongebob meme - it is retarded non-arguments, as always. The two pictures certainly are Deviant, but I wouldn't call them Art... As for that "grinder! comment - would that be soylent, by any chance?! Fake food shortages, hey?...
About Fake "Satanists", Wannabes and other Similar Groups

Disclaimer: About "National Socialism"
Exposure of the enemy invasion into Russian JoS

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
