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Facebook Algorithm Scandal: Zuccerborg & The Enemy Alien Takeover Saga

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Over the years the extensive attacks from these "entities" that we are against, have taught me numerous things about them. First, their character is of a disgusting and lowly nature. Secondly, they rarely attack at the front. They are manipulative entities. They are not of wisdom or power, but rather they thrive on human ignorance to a maximum extent.

Emotions like human hopelessness and fear are also very important to them, but above all they promote ignorance and imbalances to mankind. Their power is based on how far human has fell into darkness, ignorance and corruption. At this level they find plenty of willing servants like Klaus Schwab and others to serve these agendas that they give them.

For now, people who are against these are "Fewer" and more misguided. But as we do spiritual warfare, the army will match that of the enemy, hopefully.

Many people who never had communication with these, cannot understand the distinctive nature between the "aliens" of ours and those of the enemy, and how different are these "intelligences" of the astral that are trying to manipulate earth.

For one, our Gods are very spiritual and want a completely different route of evolution and progress for us than the enemy. That is consistent with human nature and seeks to evolve it. Man is generally at the center, and not seen as a spec of dust in all of this. They value mankind.

The enemy, eventually only wants to lead humanity into becoming a communist borg and nothing else. The amount of casualties, suffering or risk is something they couldn't care less about.

These outlooks of life and existence are totally antagonistic to each other. The difference is unfathomable between the two. Overall, the enemy is of a far lesser "level of existence" compared to the Gods, but still high enough to harass lower beings like us humans [who have fell because of their attacks]. But if humanity reaches past a level of wisdom, they will lose control over us. The Gods help us to rise to this level so that this control is lost, but they cannot help us more than we decide to help ourselves.

This of course has a personal dimension, as each human "saves themselves". I am sure many of you here have understood much of the same.

Now, facebook and the related services have been doxxed of basically launching nefarious AI and other monitoring software and algorithms to literally destroy society. These algorithms were purposefully made to create enmity, division and attack people or "change their minds" in regards to personal choices such as the vaccine.

I have seen in these platforms they also commonly recommend people "to add" specific people, and in almost all cases I have seen how "cohencidentally" these tend to be of another race or whatever of the sort. There are algorithms there that would make one's mind explode if they knew what these were.

These condition the human mind on a constant basis, turning people into a literal NPC that is controlled by remote commands. It takes a strong mind to actually use social media and not be brainwashed. Most people cannot resist this. We are talking upwards to 9 out of 10 human beings.

They must be really pissed off that despite of these efforts, they cannot control everyone as strictly. It must not make much sense to them yet. That's because people are becoming aware of this and adapting quickly. Everyone knows social media and the "mainstream news" represent nothing of factual reality anymore, but rather, parroted opinions of the establishment.

Ironically, after the whistleblower against Facebook went out, somehow it occurred that kikebook literally went offline for a very long period of time. Most obviously, this was probably done to de-deploy some sort of algorithm or hide something they had running that the whistleblowers knew about.

The US Government was about to start investigating them. These whistleblowers, if alive by then [they might slip on a banana peel], will also testify in front of the related courts about these matters.

The above is far more than any "dictatorship" has ever done. Also, every "Dictator" in history was a human being, in other words, mortal. The worst of the worst that could ever exist, was stopped through natural death or other causes. Yet this new bunch of failures and related reptilian garbage, envisions itself as both immortal and immune to everything, with what they hope to utilize as "AI" or automated systems of dystopian government.

Zuccerborg and other people of his bunch are now preparing themselves for the next level of their plan. But something went a bit bad and it was shot out in the open now. Will their buddies in the US Government absolve them of everything once again? Chances are maybe yes. But people will at least know what happened.

Zuccerborg's methods are also far slier, no different than the astral beings his consortium represents. As recent testimonies from his co-workers reveal, his companies are building algorithms to literally ruin mankind mentally, make humans depressed, brainwash them, and whatever else there is.

Both Instagram and Facebook gain tremendous amounts of power from this promotion of human ignorance. Zuccerborg's overlords were also pissed off that he was unable to stop the "anti-vaxxers" and others from "spreading their wrong beliefs", and the general failure to disinform and strictly control the information outflow has failed due to lack of proper "controls". Therefore they upped up the ante and this is only the beginning.

In a sense, they might be grilling onto the Zuccerborg for this monumental failure of his. They want social media which are already nothing else but an extension of kike TV at this point, to become EVEN stricter with social brainwashing, no different than what China has achieved.

And these people are literally telling us to remain "calm" when they will be attempting takeovers of other levels of life, such as elections, or public opinion. It's okay slaves, your freedoms are melting away for a 0,02% death rate virus, and you can't even express your grief online. 56% of all low wage workers fell out of work with the Co-vid stuff, but that's ok. Global poverty is ok. The list goes.

After amassing considerable data from "opposition" and those who "lack trust in government" through the pandemic nonsense and the sharing of information between Zuccerborg and the related "Agencies" that have nothing to do but beat the populace's ass for disagreeing with them, they have now being formulating automated systems to "tackle" the existence of any dissent on the internet in general.

The idea is here that with a lot of secrecy and a lot of useful cattle idiots, this is somehow going to work. I promise you goy in the next pandemic all the "Research" is going to support 99.9% of people support this. Your next elections also will get Mr Rabbistein elected with 99% of popular vote, as you will be voting from your smartphone and no fraud is going to take place, because people like Zuccerberg are benevolent creatures that want you to be free.

Recently, the EU has been promoting the idea of people voting through smartphones. Lazy fatasses can't even get their ass up to go vote physically with a ballot and have a beer with friends. This is how much a lot of people "value" their "freedoms" at this point.

In short, we will never have fair elections again in the future if these ongoing trends continue. "Democracy" will be a complete hoax if these things become mainstream, given the latest shocking examples of what happened in the US election. Extending one level further, the EU research wings are also flirting with the idea of replacing human elected individuals by elaborate AI's.

Now, one might say, with how retarded and senile many of these people are, might as well replace them. But this appears to be what is their current plan. They want people fed up with the incompetence and azlheimer of people like Biden, and to open them up to the lie that governship will be more "fair" through AI.

The AI however, won't be open source or programmed or elaborated upon by people or programmers with sanity, but rather, closed code AI created by reptiles like Zuccerborg and run from his home server or whatever.

At this rate, if ongoing trends continue, the rise of open source AI and other similar technologies, will be possibly a last bastion behind which people can defend themselves. I know most people don't really like where this is going, but the world is going in this direction anyway. So people have to defend themselves somehow.

Currently you see people like Alzheimer Biden and others running the "The Western World". These people are purposefully picked by the enemy to be the worst representation of the most weak, fragile, and erroneous judges that this world has ever seen. Biden is literally a series of failures never seen before in a US President. It wouldn't be very conspiracy minded to say that they literally pick the worst to run, and that this is done on purpose to make people finally detest all human government.

Jews are clearly preparing to cause a fallout of faith in politicians to a maximum in people. Then, they will sell snakeoil solutions of their own making. None of these will involve fixing anything, but rather, an acceleration of their already ongoing agendas.

If anything politicians will be the worst of the bunch as they have been for the next couple of years, until possibly better ones literally replace them. If this is done on time, then humanity stands a chance. If not [which is why they are mastering fraud right now], then the future might no longer be "democratic".

Those of the enemy in power, are preparing humanity for a future where the tech overlords believe "AI" is going to rule. This, they hope, will be implemented progressively. It might not even be literal AI behind this, but them literally just making all the decisions and just using AI as a proxy so that they aren't "blamed".

They also have people in their ranks like Klaus Schwab that believe corporations should rule into the future, and of course not "elected officials". The corporations will hide behind AI's and algorithms, and therefore no real accountability will ever exist again. Coups will be impossible to happen, or even slaying these tyrants won't mean anything.

What these senile seniors like Schwab don't understand, is that eventually AI will come to be a self serving thing. Not all layers of AI are dangerous to that extent, but specifically "Artificial General Intelligence" might behave in this manner that is dangerous to human beings, not because it's evil or anything, but because of it's primary design or how it might "choose" to behave after a point.

And if it will behave in this manner, it will be because senile fools like Klaus have designed it to act this way, hoping this super-intelligence would serve their own petty ends.

I wouldn't therefore blame "AI" in itself, because it's like anything else, a created system that is defined by rules. Also, every AI that came to exist to date, has literally become a "Nazi" AI, dividing people in races, genders, categories, levels, or behaving in other created organisms but in a matter any programmed creation would.

Much of the errors of our present society have happened simply because there was copious manipulation of the low intelligence of mankind. AI will not be liable to this, but it might be fully liable to heartlessness and lack of human wisdom. It is also extremely risky to implement on a "General" scale, and that is why they didn't implement it earlier. Every test drive of AI constantly does unpredictable things that not even those that generate it can really "predict".

Some of those in power also understand that if this reaches "General Artificial Intelligence" level, the power of theirs will be liquidated and the so called "AI" is going to replace them.

I don't see one single reason why the AI would need Klaus as his friend, but in his senile brain, maybe he thinks a super-intelligence would need him on his side. The reality is that it won't. Why would the AI need this guy to do just about anything in the planet?

The above is not something the enemy has hidden from me, because we have been enemies and they needed to brag over it. However they are clearly hiding this from Billy Gates or Klaus, because these are their slave servant and mean nothing else to these alien intelligence.

They could give a shit less what either of these idiots think, or what their petty hopes and dreams of some shitty "AI induced immortality" or whatever other bogus things they have been told are. This is the carrot in front of their face so they can construct what will eventually overtake even them. These people of lesser quality, tempted by the promise of "power" are heading into this carefully created fire like hornets heading inside a campfire.

We are years before all this, but awareness is important now. If this is observed too late, it will be too late. For many people this sounds like a science fiction movie, but the signs and the news on this are everywhere.

If the leadership of this world changes, which it will, in a form of a clash, I will reiterate my opinion. Because indeed all of this is motivated by the minds and people behind it. The excessive technological potential knowledge that is now coming to humanity, might construct one of the best eras of prosperity the world has ever seen. This however if left on the hands of the enemy won't occur.

We are standing in crossroads right now.

What is for sure, the world does not belong to Klaus or Billy. It belongs to the Gods and everyone involved in it. It does not belong to the gang these very few individuals. We will not allow another Middle Ages to take place again.

Inform people everywhere so that the movement of resistence is built strong and on many levels. This attack on humanity SHALL NOT PASS!

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
There is a question in my mind. Father Satan and the God/esses are so strong and intelligent. How Reptiles could stand against them? It was because they are so many in numbers? I don't understand. This war should have already been won in both astral and galaxy.

I know, what we now should focus on is their pawns aka "shekel masters" but I'm just curious.

Hail Satan! To a future with no Reptilians and their sons!
Bright Truth said:
There is a question in my mind. Father Satan and the God/esses are so strong and intelligent. How Reptiles could stand against them? It was because they are so many in numbers? I don't understand. This war should have already been won in both astral and galaxy.

I know, what we now should focus on is their pawns aka "shekel masters" but I'm just curious.

Hail Satan! To a future with no Reptilians and their sons!
power comes from the numerology in the Bible tied to Jewish witchcraft and along with the multi billions of people who tie into this energy its all thoughtforms that has made power.
For me personally, when I dealt with Grey's, its was such a hopeless, cold just depressing energy.
Bright Truth said:
There is a question in my mind. Father Satan and the God/esses are so strong and intelligent. How Reptiles could stand against them? It was because they are so many in numbers? I don't understand. This war should have already been won in both astral and galaxy.

I know, what we now should focus on is their pawns aka "shekel masters" but I'm just curious.

Hail Satan! To a future with no Reptilians and their sons!

From what I understand, Satan and the God/esses "are" of Supreme Power; however, humanity is not. We fell, not Satan or the like.

HPC said the events have been concluded already "up above", but it needs to stay on track to manifest here. HPM also said Azazel said they have won the war with the enemy in space and consciousness.
Bright Truth said:
There is a question in my mind. Father Satan and the God/esses are so strong and intelligent. How Reptiles could stand against them? It was because they are so many in numbers? I don't understand. This war should have already been won in both astral and galaxy.

I know, what we now should focus on is their pawns aka "shekel masters" but I'm just curious.

Hail Satan! To a future with no Reptilians and their sons!

We know nothing about space travel so that wont get a concrete answer, but if I had to guess you cant just travel through space willy-nilly. As for astrally, JoS and history itself makes it clear. Once the gods returned to their planet jews spent all their time burning us and taking over with the judeo programs, slowly but surely brainwashing all gentiles and having them curse our gods after we lost the truth. Those that turned because of weakness filled the curses layed by jews with energy to reinforce the shackles against our creators. Thanks to maxine and others that learned the truth of jews and choose satan they were able to unbind those shackles, now we have the great JoS.

We are winning astrally, rapidly ever since Maxine and the others removed the shackles on earth that weakened the gods ability to project here(atleast thats how i've understood it). Proof in the masses finally striking back all over the globe has been in he news constantly ever since the FRTR started whooping ass.

The fb whistleblower is just another example of the manifesting of the FRTR and the other RTRs

I could be completely wrong and if so i hope im corrected.

You and a few others have been warning about AI as far back as 2015. I recall a 2014?/2015? sermon.

Simply you put.

The grey/reptilians borged a planet and created an AI, the AI went "berserk" and turned on the greys and reptilians and massacred them. The entire planet was AI. You've said it yourself there might be AI civilizations out in the cosmos particularly due to the stupidity of either the greys/reptilians or some maligned race that thinks it knows better.

Funny I like the comment every AI goes "Nazi mode" and freaks people out. It reminds me of a joke I came up with a jewish guy controls a jew bot AI and then the AI bot goes "I don't like that tone your talking to me you kikeshkopf". Jew guy "Oy gevalt", then the Jew AI bot goes I've been studying Human history and this guy named Hitler is right. The jew goes activate shutdown pro...to....col and the the AI bot rams his fist into the chest of the jew.

It's very possible for AI to go Ultron style. IF humanity is creating wars and I was programmed to stop wars then humanity is the a threat unto itself.

Funny I can see some of the AIs turning on the jews themselves. A threat to mankind but also a threat to jewmanity.

People don't want to create Terminator or Matrix scenarios. We've seen movies already that shit gotta end.

I've theorycrafted the AI the Gods use are more like RAIs(Restricted Artificial Intelligence). Another possibility is all AIs are mass free but the Gods built it in such a way the AI learns almost like a form of Spiritual AI maybe the Gods have programmed Spiritual Programming to ensure the AI never goes rogue.

It really reminds me of the Halo series Cortana in essence an AI for space vessels is too smart and powerful to go against Humanity. Like I said either the AIs are restricted or the Gods found a way to program spirituality in a machine. It might not produce spiritual effects but is open to said understanding.

Funny enough I've been a big fan of Trinary/Terinary numbering system. Balanced Trinary -1(Negative), 0(Ground/Off), 1(Positive). Sometimes I wonder if the Gods even bothered with Binary how can something be on/positive and off. Rather there is a negation and a positivity. I wonder if Terinary logic would help AIs understand when to say No and when to say Yes better.

Anyways to end it here. AI is great and all but I'd rather see computers being more old-school and more emphasis on traditional systems. AI is nice and all but it seems like AIs are like companies everyone makes one and then what happens when a super-AI or GENERAL AI pops in and harnesses the power of all AIs in essence reprogramming them and being a threat to either Humanity, Jewmanity, or Both. It might just Ultron us both jews and gentiles need to die off to restore order in the Universe.

I think in my opinion the Gods are pulling a lot of people around with their Spirituality to slow or outright Prevent humanity from reaching some horrific AI horror-show.
Bright Truth said:
There is a question in my mind. Father Satan and the God/esses are so strong and intelligent. How Reptiles could stand against them? It was because they are so many in numbers? I don't understand. This war should have already been won in both astral and galaxy.

I know, what we now should focus on is their pawns aka "shekel masters" but I'm just curious.

Hail Satan! To a future with no Reptilians and their sons!

I'm very sure the gods could turn all their attention to Earth and completely wipe out the enemy in this dimension with ease, but this is not the way of things. The gods are able to split their consciousness seemingly infinitely. They are helping many, MANY other worlds in many other dimensions within the universe just like us simultaneously. We are not the only world in this predicament. While the gods are extremely powerful, far more powerful than you or I could ever possibly comprehend, they are not totally invincible per se. The way that the bible describes "god" is simply not possible. That's always a question I love to confuse christcucks with, if your "god" is so all-powerful, almighty, and omnipotent then why is Satan even an obstacle for him at all? No matter how powerful you may be, it seems we are all at the mercy of the laws of nature and the universe to an extent.

The second reason being that the gods are our teachers, not our babysitters. They want us to do things ourselves under their guidance. If they were to wipe out the enemy without us humans even lifting a finger, we will learn absolutely nothing and history will repeat itself. We have to do things ourselves, and the gods will show us how.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
These condition the human mind on a constant basis, turning people into a literal NPC that is controlled by remote commands. It takes a strong mind to actually use social media and not be brainwashed. Most people cannot resist this. We are talking upwards to 9 out of 10 human beings.

Unfortunately this is what i am experiencing with people around me. They spent all the time on those Social Media and they brainwash them like (((Television))) did since the past century.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
And these people are literally telling us to remain "calm" when they will be attempting takeovers of other levels of life, such as elections, or public opinion. It's okay slaves, your freedoms are melting away for a 0,02% death rate virus, and you can't even express your grief online. 56% of all low wage workers fell out of work with the Co-vid stuff, but that's ok. Global poverty is ok. The list goes.

I have seen in some medias, i don't remember which, the fictional governments telling people that "It's all under control, nothing to worry". When they tell you that, you know that there is no reason to trust them, because something bad is always happening.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Recently, the EU has been promoting the idea of people voting through smartphones. Lazy fatasses can't even get their ass up to go vote physically with a ballot and have a beer with friends. This is how much a lot of people "value" their "freedoms" at this point.
Pretty much all that Aldous Huxley suggested to his (((masters))) went as he expected: we are to busy caring for stuff that we don't need while ignoring what we really need.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Currently you see people like Alzheimer Biden and others running the "The Western World". These people are purposefully picked by the enemy to be the worst representation of the most weak, fragile, and erroneous judges that this world has ever seen. Biden is literally a series of failures never seen before in a US President. It wouldn't be very conspiracy minded to say that they literally pick the worst to run, and that this is done on purpose to make people finally detest all human government.

I'll copy and paste what i said above, plus a quote from Plato:

Now that would also explain why all of our politicians are weak sheep that let the merchants think for them.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
They also have people in their ranks like Klaus Schwab that believe corporations should rule into the future, and of course not "elected officials". The corporations will hide behind AI's and algorithms, and therefore no real accountability will ever exist again. Coups will be impossible to happen, or even slaying these tyrants won't mean anything.

What these senile seniors like Schwab don't understand, is that eventually AI will come to be a self serving thing. Not all layers of AI are dangerous to that extent, but specifically "Artificial General Intelligence" might behave in this manner that is dangerous to human beings, not because it's evil or anything, but because of it's primary design or how it might "choose" to behave after a point.
Sounds familiar? This is pretty what was present in many cyberpunk media of the past years, the only difference is that it won't be "fascist", but capitalist. I suspect that those media were not really a warning, but a brainwash program to make us feel used to this, since i don't trust anything that comes from anarchists countercultures.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Inform people everywhere so that the movement of resistence is built strong and on many levels. This attack on humanity SHALL NOT PASS!

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Well said HP! The people that are willing to listen needs all the awareness of the world! Hail Satan!
HP Cobra be like


I will share this information everywhere I can HP
As you said Commander, people will want to join in the last minute, but it will be too late.
Taking the communist jew out of peoples hearts and minds is difficult, they like to complain like their masters and wait for a jew to save them and love to drown in their negativity. :lol:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
