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Extra Info for "Buddy13az"

Eugene Sp

New member
Sep 4, 2013
Hi Buddy, it's jene again. Thanks for answering my questions. Okee Dokee, I've put together all of the JoS links of where you can go to read/study about what you've asked. While in these areas, you'll likely find related topics of interest. Also, I would like to interject some thoughts of my own as I proceed if that's okay. Much of this is from personal experience, so please seriously consider my advice. Regarding your dedication and the feeling that maybe you performed it when you weren't quite ready: to go any further, you must have no doubts in your mind--you must be totally sure that this LHP is for you. You must fully trust Father Satan and His Demons(esses). Speaking of which, you should quickly establish yourself in a working relationship with a Guardian Demon(ess)--your "GD" protects, guides, teaches, and can answer deeper/personal questions for you. This is crucial before any psychic work should be attempted. (I remember early on one day just
after beginning a meditation session, all of a sudden out of the blue, I felt the sudden presence of a very disturbing entity--a stupid grey--trying to invade "my space!" It's strong negative energy was very unsettling. Even without thinking, I just blurted out the name of my Guardian Demoness and the entity/evil energy instantly vanished! My Guardian has had my back in other circumstances, one potentially life-threatening!) Thus, you should go to the JoS Homepage & click on "Demons." On that link there are a number of titles to study that will aid you in finding your GD. When you are ready to formally summon your Guardian, you'll want to follow the guidelines of "How To Summon..." which is on the same webpage. (Andras may well be your GD & may have been reaching out to you giving you a hint as you stated--but you've got to formally summon.) Once this is done, you should immediately begin a daily meditation regimen. The "Hooded Cobra 40 Day
Self-Empowerment" pdf program and/or the six month "HellsArmy Spiritual Warfare Training Manual" pdf, are both excellent programs & can be found in "Satan's Library." (JoS Homepage, click on "Links," scroll down to 'Satan's Library' & search for each.) You MUST meditate daily, strengthening (as you go) & building a powerful protective aura & open all of your chakras to achieve any of the goals which you have in mind--otherwise, you are a "sitting duck" (an easy target) for the enemy! Yes, Father & our GD are there, but we have been given the knowledge to empower ourselves & we are expected to work on developing our own souls. As in physics, think of your aura as a force-field of defense! Your chakras are "energy vortices" that must be opened & fully functioning (to transform your soul); or, you'll never advance! Each chakra has a "function" and an "inner-state" which compliments/supports all the others in your transformation. For example: the "third
eye's (6th chakra's)" function is "psychic vision," & it's inner-state is "intuition." (The enemy is already adept with all of this, so you must develop to counter them!) Regarding "Void Meditation," you've mastered it, as all is required is to perform five minutes of it uninterrupted--prioritize the above with your extra time. NOTE: as you proceed with a meditation program, you can (at the same time) explore "trance" & "power hypnosis." To find info on "Trance States," go to JoS Homepage, click on "Meditations," see first column. For "Hypnosis," same page--fourth column. There are different/deep levels of hypnotic states described there & how to proceed safely. Regarding reciting affirmations, one effective means is to implement the use of "Satan's Magical Squares" pdf, which can be downloaded from 'Satan's Library.' You would use whatever square depending on what you're trying to accomplish. The "Audio mp3" on how to pronounce the affirmations is on
the same link. Additionally, I would also suggest reading "The Al-Jilwah" & "The Qu'ret Al-Yezid" (JoS Homepage) if you haven't done so yet. Find a balance with meditating/studying--as knowledge is power; and don't forget to study science--the subject which began our friendship. As you develop (and you will), you will be guided to the specific deeper meditations just for you that will prepare you for your "special endeavor," as each of us has a gift to contribute to The Work! I hope all of this helps; take one step at a time to keep from being overwhelmed--but take steps!! I wish you all the best. Dark Blessings to you Buddy!!! Your friend jene.
Thank you very much for all your advice, Jene. I truly appreciate it. ^_^ It so happen's that I have read absolutely everything there is on the Joy of Satan and many other thing's such as the Temple of Enki (Which has gotten me interested in Dark energy/Dark matter. It said on there that Dark energy/Dark matter is so powerful that one pin drop could power the entire world planet for 100 years! I asked about it on the advanced meditation's group and someone told me that Dark energy/Dark matter happen's to be Ether/Quintessence, which confused me abit because I was lead to believe that Dark energy/Dark matter was exactly what the blackness of space is made out of.) but, sadly, I forgot most of it. I have a terrible memory problem which might be one of the affect's autism has on me ( I have never used it as an excuse and I never intend to), which is why I am interested in trance and power hypnosis. Speaking of which, I may have confused affirmations with mantra's, which is saying something a certain amount of times, for example, "I am always calm, cool, and collected.". Speaking of hypnosis, I may not remember what I read, but I'm certain that going into a deep trance was the only thing I needed to do in order to hypnotize myself. Oh, I have a question about sign's that indicate whether or not I was of Satan befor this life. Does having an interest in Hellhound's count as having an interest in the occult? I started having an interest in them when I was very young after watching an episode of a show called animal X about ghostly black dog's ( It is on youtube if you would like to watch it.). I'm not sure if they are the same as Hellhound's which is why I am hoping you can help me figure out what is real and what isn't about them. Anyway, I'm sorry for making this so long. Oh and Jene, even though I truly do appreciate all the advice, I hope you understand if I decide to do thing's my own way. I intend to re-read everything on the Joy of Satan and everything else I've read, and I definitely plan on studying science ( It alway's was my favorite subject. ^_^ I hope to be able to buy all the book's I could ever want about everything that has to do with science!), and do what I said I would do: be and do BEYOND the very best that I can be. I just hope that I don't hurt you in any way if I decide to do thing's differently. I don't know what I'd do if that happened, because I truly want you to be my best friend. ^_^
Hello Buddy, it's jene again. Do not worry yourself about offending me my friend. You are your own individual & your life's journey is your own to traverse. Regarding dark matter/energy--the universe is 95% of this & it is far from being "empty space!" Regarding the study of science, you want to make sure you study science by authors who are credible--just as HP Maxine pointed out in her (science) email last night. You'll know the authors to stay away from "by their LAST name!!!" This is what I meant last week in my email when I stated to be sure to study "pure science;" meaning science that has not been infiltrated or contaminated! About your hellhound fascination, yes that most likely means a prior relationship with Father Satan--the Demons(esses)--Hell, as this is an unusual attraction. Besides, in order for you to have an interest in the occult & to be where you are now, you would've had to have opened up your soul (to this) to some extent in a past
life! My only other comment Buddy about you proceeding (the occult/Satanism) in your own way (besides what I stated in my previous email), is that (at least), I still strongly urge you to establish a working relationship with a (your) Guardian Demon(ess). "I wouldn't be caught dead without mine---literally!!!" Best of everything & Dark Blessings Buddy!!! Your friend jene.

On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 9:38 PM PDT buddy13az@... wrote:

Thank you very much for all your advice, Jene. I truly appreciate it. ^_^ It so happen's that I have read absolutely everything there is on the Joy of Satan and many other thing's such as the Temple of Enki (Which has gotten me interested in Dark energy/Dark matter. It said on there that Dark energy/Dark matter is so powerful that one pin drop could power the entire world planet for 100 years! I asked about it on the advanced meditation's group and someone told me that Dark energy/Dark matter happen's to be Ether/Quintessence, which confused me abit because I was lead to believe that Dark energy/Dark matter was exactly what the blackness of space is made out of.) but, sadly, I forgot most of it. I have a terrible memory problem which might be one of the affect's autism has on me ( I have never used it as an excuse and I never intend to), which is why I am interested in trance and power hypnosis. Speaking of which, I may have confused affirmations with
mantra's, which is saying something a certain amount of times, for example, "I am always calm, cool, and collected.". Speaking of hypnosis, I may not remember what I read, but I'm certain that going into a deep trance was the only thing I needed to do in order to hypnotize myself. Oh, I have a question about sign's that indicate whether or not I was of Satan befor this life. Does having an interest in Hellhound's count as having an interest in the occult? I started having an interest in them when I was very young after watching an episode of a show called animal X about ghostly black dog's ( It is on youtube if you would like to watch it.). I'm not sure if they are the same as Hellhound's which is why I am hoping you can help me figure out what is real and what isn't about them. Anyway, I'm sorry for making this so long. Oh and Jene, even though I truly do appreciate all the advice, I hope you understand if I decide to do thing's my own way. I intend to
re-read everything on the Joy of Satan and everything else I've read, and I definitely plan on studying science ( It alway's was my favorite subject. ^_^ I hope to be able to buy all the book's I could ever want about everything that has to do with science!), and do what I said I would do: be and do BEYOND the very best that I can be. I just hope that I don't hurt you in any way if I decide to do thing's differently. I don't know what I'd do if that happened, because I truly want you to be my best friend. ^_^
Thank you again, Jene. I'll be sure to do the ritual as soon as I can (And even though I shouldn't give grey's, angel's and reptilian's that come my way any acknowledgement, I'll be sure to let them know that if they utter so much as one syllable, I'LL HUNT THEM DOWN AND GUT THEM LIKE A FISH!!! And I won't be merciful and bonk them on the head like you do to an actual fish befor preparing it either. XD). I'll be smart when studying science as well. Regarding Dark energy/Dark matter, could I use it to empower myself at all, or would it be way too powerful for me? Also, I know this might be going too far, but is there anyway I could use Laum, Vaum, Raum, Yaum, Haum, Thaum, and Maum vibration's to empower my chakra's even though I am new? Is there one for the third eye as well, and could I use them to open my chakra's? I know it might be going too far, and I know that I might experience an unbearable amount of pain, but if you ask me, any pain I feel while empowering my soul will be an extreme amount of bliss to me, because that pain will remind me every single day that I am gaining the power to make my life, myself, and the entire world the way I want it to be, and I'm not going to let anything stop me from achieving that power. And I'm certainly not going to let anything stop me from building truly wonderful relationship's with Satan and the mighty God's and Goddess' of Duat either. ^_^ Now, I have a few question's about masturbation and sexual energy if it is alright to ask such thing's. Should I masturbate every single day and how many times should I do it? As much as I want? I have also been wondering if sexual energy does anything on it's own without directing it, because I have started feeling an intense amount of heat manifest either throughout my entire body, my forehead, or my entire spine whenever I climax. It doesn't bother me at all though, since I have always had a strange natural ability to radiate a lot of heat all the time. I'm literally a walking furnace. XD Anyway, I thank you so much for taking the time to answer all my question's, Jene. I'm truly grateful to have you as a friend. ^_^
Hi Buddy, friend jene here. I thought those emails were never going to go through--almost the whole day before I saw any postings! So, for future reference, please know that I'll always answer & that my reply's in the mail. (If I don't answer within a couple of days, that means I haven't recd yours yet.) Regarding dark energy & dark matter to empower yourself, I wouldn't go there with that one--too powerful! Anyway, you'd need to be highly advanced (like--near the godhood area) in order to even manipulate it. As for the "Aums," I guess you could use whatever works best for you! Personally, I find that the "RAUM Meditation" is very powerful, especially when vibrated in multiples of thirteen. HP Maxine included it in the mp3 download for tomorrow's ritual, just in case you need to know how to vibrate it. However, before you use the Raum to empower your chakras--your chakras must be open! "Opening The Soul" can be found on the meditation page--1st column:
see "Opening the Chakras." This meditation provides all the "mudras" (hand postures) and all of the "mantras" (words of vibration) to open all of the chakras. Then you could use the Raum or "breathe energy" into your chakras to empower them! Regarding your questions about masturbation & sexual energy, the beautiful thing about Spiritual Satanism is that we are "free to be ourselves!" How ever much you can handle---go for it!!! Sexual energy must be directed to have any effect upon achieving your desire. While stimulating yourself, be intent on what you want, and at climax, focus all of your sexual energy into a brightly condensed & tightly compacted sphere in front of you; then infuse what you want it to do & send it where you want it to go. It's all about timing, intensity, and keeping the affirmation simple & in the present tense! (Magical working is like physics---all time being simultaneous, is in the present tense! See how the two are soooe
similar?) You're blessed to be a "walking furnace!" Your astrological sign must be a fire sign! I'm (usually) cold natured & searching for an extra blanket to keep me warm at night. About the only time I can generate excess heat (other than when raising my own sexual energy) is when I'm doing Kriya Yoga! I hope I've helped with this paper airplane (email). I'll toss it your way now. Keep safe my dear friend Buddy!!! Your best friend jene.

On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 11:33 AM PDT buddy13az@... wrote:

Thank you again, Jene. I'll be sure to do the ritual as soon as I can (And even though I shouldn't give grey's, angel's and reptilian's that come my way any acknowledgement, I'll be sure to let them know that if they utter so much as one syllable, I'LL HUNT THEM DOWN AND GUT THEM LIKE A FISH!!! And I won't be merciful and bonk them on the head like you do to an actual fish befor preparing it either. XD). I'll be smart when studying science as well. Regarding Dark energy/Dark matter, could I use it to empower myself at all, or would it be way too powerful for me? Also, I know this might be going too far, but is there anyway I could use Laum, Vaum, Raum, Yaum, Haum, Thaum, and Maum vibration's to empower my chakra's even though I am new? Is there one for the third eye as well, and could I use them to open my chakra's? I know it might be going too far, and I know that I might experience an unbearable amount of pain, but if you ask me, any pain I feel while
empowering my soul will be an extreme amount of bliss to me, because that pain will remind me every single day that I am gaining the power to make my life, myself, and the entire world the way I want it to be, and I'm not going to let anything stop me from achieving that power. And I'm certainly not going to let anything stop me from building truly wonderful relationship's with Satan and the mighty God's and Goddess' of Duat either. ^_^ Now, I have a few question's about masturbation and sexual energy if it is alright to ask such thing's. Should I masturbate every single day and how many times should I do it? As much as I want? I have also been wondering if sexual energy does anything on it's own without directing it, because I have started feeling an intense amount of heat manifest either throughout my entire body, my forehead, or my entire spine whenever I climax. It doesn't bother me at all though, since I have always had a strange natural ability to
radiate a lot of heat all the time. I'm literally a walking furnace. XD Anyway, I thank you so much for taking the time to answer all my question's, Jene. I'm truly grateful to have you as a friend. ^_^
Howdy Jene! May I e-mail you off-list, sir? Not to ask for help or
anything, but just to get to you know, know you a bit better? You
sound like a person I would get along with. Heh. If you don't want to
of course, that is totally fine, but just lemme know on here first so
i know. Just for your info, I have been a dedicated Spiritual Satanist
for almost six years now. Wow! It sure does not feel like it! Lolz. I
have a wonderful fiancee who is also dedicated, longer than i, believe
it or not. And my two patrons/guardian Daemons are lord Sorath and
Lord Andras. And now I have a new daemonic friend, Varan, whom the
gracious Lord Sorath sent to me at my behest. ^ Okay, so there's me in
a nutshell, leastways the important stuffs. I am rather a boring
person. lol. But, I just wanted you to know that I am most definitely
sincere in my dedication and devotion to our wonderful, mighty Lord
Satan! Father is just so so awesome, seriously! And so are Sorath,
Andras, and my new friend, Varan! I love them all to little bitty bits
and pieces! ^ Hail Father Satan always! Hail Lord Andras! Hail Sorath,
the one who burns! And hail my new friend, varan! Hail all of the true
brethren of Satan! Heil Hitler! Heil der Waffen-SS! Hail all Daemons
of Hell!

Yours I remain, ever in Lord Satan's infernal Embrace,


On 4/24/14, Eugene Sp <jenespreehcxr@... wrote:

Hi Buddy, friend jene here. I thought those emails were never going to go
through--almost the whole day before I saw any postings! So, for future
reference, please know that I'll always answer & that my reply's in the
mail. (If I don't answer within a couple of days, that means I haven't recd
yours yet.) Regarding dark energy & dark matter to empower yourself, I
wouldn't go there with that one--too powerful! Anyway, you'd need to be
highly advanced (like--near the godhood area) in order to even manipulate
it. As for the "Aums," I guess you could use whatever works best for you!
Personally, I find that the "RAUM Meditation" is very powerful, especially
when vibrated in multiples of thirteen. HP Maxine included it in the mp3
download for tomorrow's ritual, just in case you need to know how to vibrate
it. However, before you use the Raum to empower your chakras--your chakras
must be open! "Opening The Soul" can be found on the meditation page--1st
see "Opening the Chakras." This meditation provides all the "mudras" (hand
postures) and all of the "mantras" (words of vibration) to open all of the
chakras. Then you could use the Raum or "breathe energy" into your chakras
to empower them! Regarding your questions about masturbation & sexual
energy, the beautiful thing about Spiritual Satanism is that we are "free to
be ourselves!" How ever much you can handle---go for it!!! Sexual energy
must be directed to have any effect upon achieving your desire. While
stimulating yourself, be intent on what you want, and at climax, focus all
of your sexual energy into a brightly condensed & tightly compacted sphere
in front of you; then infuse what you want it to do & send it where you want
it to go. It's all about timing, intensity, and keeping the affirmation
simple & in the present tense! (Magical working is like physics---all time
being simultaneous, is in the present tense! See how the two are soooe
similar?) You're blessed to be a "walking furnace!" Your astrological sign
must be a fire sign! I'm (usually) cold natured & searching for an extra
blanket to keep me warm at night. About the only time I can generate excess
heat (other than when raising my own sexual energy) is when I'm doing Kriya
Yoga! I hope I've helped with this paper airplane (email). I'll toss it your
way now. Keep safe my dear friend Buddy!!! Your best friend jene.

On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 11:33 AM PDT buddy13az@... wrote:

Thank you again, Jene. I'll be sure to do the ritual as soon as I can (And
even though I shouldn't give grey's, angel's and reptilian's that come my
way any acknowledgement, I'll be sure to let them know that if they utter
so much as one syllable, I'LL HUNT THEM DOWN AND GUT THEM LIKE A FISH!!!
And I won't be merciful and bonk them on the head like you do to an actual
fish befor preparing it either. XD). I'll be smart when studying science
as well. Regarding Dark energy/Dark matter, could I use it to empower
myself at all, or would it be way too powerful for me? Also, I know this
might be going too far, but is there anyway I could use Laum, Vaum, Raum,
Yaum, Haum, Thaum, and Maum vibration's to empower my chakra's even though
I am new? Is there one for the third eye as well, and could I use them to
open my chakra's? I know it might be going too far, and I know that I
might experience an unbearable amount of pain, but if you ask me, any pain
I feel while
empowering my soul will be an extreme amount of bliss to me, because that
pain will remind me every single day that I am gaining the power to make my
life, myself, and the entire world the way I want it to be, and I'm not
going to let anything stop me from achieving that power. And I'm certainly
not going to let anything stop me from building truly wonderful
relationship's with Satan and the mighty God's and Goddess' of Duat either.
^_^ Now, I have a few question's about masturbation and sexual energy if it
is alright to ask such thing's. Should I masturbate every single day and how
many times should I do it? As much as I want? I have also been wondering if
sexual energy does anything on it's own without directing it, because I have
started feeling an intense amount of heat manifest either throughout my
entire body, my forehead, or my entire spine whenever I climax. It doesn't
bother me at all though, since I have always had a strange natural ability
radiate a lot of heat all the time. I'm literally a walking furnace. XD
Anyway, I thank you so much for taking the time to answer all my question's,
Jene. I'm truly grateful to have you as a friend. ^_^
Don't worry, Jene. I know that you would answer no matter what happen's. ^_^ I actually look forward to speaking to you. I just hope I don't end up annoying you with all the question's that I have. Oh, I'm glad I didn't frighten you when I shouted that I would hunt the grey's, reptilian's and angel's down and gut them like a fish. XD So, Dark energy/Dark matter is that insanely powerful, huh? That's amazing! I can't wait until I am able to use it!  When you say near Godhood, do you mean after my Kundalini Serpent has risen, or even further than that? And, about Godhood, is there anyway I could complete the Magnum Opus in this life at all, or would I only have enough time to rise my Kundalini Serpant? Could Satan and the God's help me achieve Godhood in this life if it was what I truly wanted? I also have some question's about the Kundalini Serpent. Is it literally a Serpent (Specifically a Cobra?), and when it rises, does it literally come out of your head once it has reached the Crown Chakra? And once it has risen, does it become a familiar of some sort? I read all of Vovim Baghie's work, and from what I remember, that's exactly what it becomes! It can even talk to you, which I find truly amazing! I also read that you can actually feed it energy such as sexual energy (I wonder if you could feed it Dark energy/Dark matter once you are able to control and direct it.) and that it can eat negative energy from curses directed at you, depending on how much it has grown. Speaking of growing, I wonder if there are any limit's to how big it can get. Anyway, if you can't answer any of these question's, I understand, Jene. I know that there are some question's that only Satan and the God's can answer, but I still hope you can help me. And, again, I hope I don't end up annoying you because of all the question's I am asking. I am just so extremely excited to be a part of all this, and I want to learn as much as I can! I hope you understand. ^_^ And I thank you so very much for being there to help me!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
