darkpath said:
FancyMancy said:
Consider what is happening upon Earth this very second, and translate that to Phaeton and Mars. My guesstimate is that the explosion of Phaeton bumped Mars's atmosphere off, tilted Uranus on its side, and knocked Earth into a tilt on its axis. What is less speculative is that the asteroid belt is comprised of Phaeton mostly. If we could use computer simulations, we could back-track the Planets' movements, and possibly the asteroid belt's pieces' movements in reverse, and piece them back together again; then we could see the exact positions of the Planets at the time of that cataclysmic event.
The jew is trying to make this happen, with regulation, like it did with TV, radio, tabloids, libraries...all forms of information and media. So far, the Internet is sort of free and open, but the jew is demanding worldwide Internet censorshit-- oops, I meant censorship.
"Consider what is happening upon Earth this very second, and translate that to Phaeton and Mars."
Yeah, well, I thought so!
But then did the Gods not come to Earth first, but Phaeton and colonize it?
Couldn't we even exist when the Gods already had civilization on Phaeton? There is evidence on Mars, but it's secret! Otherwise, I'm just "speculating" because unfortunately I don't know exactly!
I don't know which order the Planets in our solar system were colonised, or might I say advanced through evolution with genetic engineering.
Master said:
FancyMancy said:
Consider what is happening upon Earth this very second, and translate that to Phaeton and Mars. My guesstimate is that the explosion of Phaeton bumped Mars's atmosphere off, tilted Uranus on its side, and knocked Earth into a tilt on its axis. What is less speculative is that the asteroid belt is comprised of Phaeton mostly. If we could use computer simulations, we could back-track the Planets' movements, and possibly the asteroid belt's pieces' movements in reverse, and piece them back together again; then we could see the exact positions of the Planets at the time of that cataclysmic event.
The jew is trying to make this happen, with regulation, like it did with TV, radio, tabloids, libraries...all forms of information and media. So far, the Internet is sort of free and open, but the jew is demanding worldwide Internet censorshit-- oops, I meant censorship.
I have a few questions. What exactly are constellations, have more galaxies in space than they cover? This solar system is part of the Milky Way galaxy. The pyramids of Egypt indicate the constellation Orion. What does that indicate, that this galaxy is part of Orion or just indicates our origins are in Orion?
Constellations are a group of stars, and for us to decypher them we picture them as things and objects, so that we can use analogy to explain them. We create stories around them, which may or may not be true, but these can also help to understand concepts and the ways their respective energies affect us. Say, Orion is a warrior, and LORD Satan and many Gods and Goddesses live in Orion, the constellation/nebula/area. Constellations also are directions, rather than 'places', per say; if you travelled to be in the midst of any particular constellation, then the stars would be all around you, thus that particular constellation would not exist as a constellation anymore, despite all of those stars still being there in their respective positions. Due to being
in that constellation, along with innumerous other factors, the energies, I expect, would be different.
Constellations are like cardinal points on a compass, as well. I think this is also related in a way to how the ... something (I forgot...) something to do with how Ursa Major and Ursa Minor must lign-up for space travel, but I am not knowledgeable about that and if the Gods and Goddesses have powerful, advanced technology, then They wouldn't need to wait for a 'lane' to open up for them to travel through...unless there are other astronomical things which are kept a secret from us which affect space travel. Even the Gods and Goddesses and Satan specifically cannot defeat Nature, but They certainly can manipulate it. They know about Astrology and timing things and alignments and all that, so they know when to move and when to hold-back.
This below might be going too far off-topic...
Even if I might not understand it, I still think Lord Hitler should have remained on Earth; He survived many assassination attempts, and being a God now He is much more powerful; and those other hidden Gods and Goddesses, or at least pre-Gods and pre-Goddesses who are here on Earth - and in Earth - now, can all help towards things. It's sort of like Lord Vader escaping in his little shuttle and letting his minions defend the death star themselves, for Vader to return later gloriously. That's a bit which doesn't fucking make sense to me. In my lowly ignorance, if I were a God and I knew a Planet was being raped by the jew, I'd have my space vessel and Technology and seeing the situation I'm sure I'd use these things to fix the World, instead of allowing it to teeter on the brink of nuclear demolition, on the cusp of total Planetary destruction. The Middle Ages were a safer time, so a ship or two could have came and picked-off every last stinking dirty jew and then first contact, all Vulcan-Zefram Cochrane-style, could have happened. Yeah, some would panic and things, but if you're powerful, then they would fear you and soon realise that you are safe and not to be worried about, and when you demonstrate your Magickal abilities, or merely just being stood in their presence, they would be in awe. It wouldn't be stereotypically jewish like in any sci fi where the lowly, ignorant christians, or equivalents, are all overly-humble and think very lowly, or nothing, of themselves. I know this for absolutely definitely certain because - for example - HPS Maxine said Satan or a Daemon or Daemoness told her that she has always rejected xianity; and other examples in clude other members here who have related bits of their past lives when they were anti-christians in history, fighting actively against it, so don't bother, anyone, telling me it would not work.
Paganism has survived throughout the jew's raping of Earth, and it cannot be put-down; Satan has helped with things throughout the centuries. Yes, some would commit suicide or run away or go insane, but not all would, and these days we say "Spiritual Satanism is not for everyone", so let those back in the Middle Ages kill themselves, go insane, do whatever; I know definitely, and I am convinced fully and completely, that not everyone would. The World was much-less populated back then, so there would be far lesser deaths and far-lesser possible non-reincarnations than there are today, this very day. "The war is Spiritual", yet the jew is master of grounding and Physicality and decay, and it takes time for Spiritual things to affect Physical things. If there needs to be balance, then we should not have a Spiritual-only war; we should have a Physical one also.
Bear in mind - Lord Hitler and the Nazis did a Physical war; Spiritual Satanists here now are doing a Spiritual war. There may be a grid around Earth blocking us off from escaping, Physically and Spiritually/Telepathically, etc., but we - rather, They - could have popped-off every jew, replaced each jew and slowly but surely redirected learning and understanding of things from xianity to real-life Brain-using, knowledge and understanding; or we/They could have done it much quicker - killing the monarch and prime minister and judge, defeat the armies, and taken their places. When new monarchs are crowned, they change laws to suit themselves. Yeah, Hitler and the Nazis did a Physical war and Spiritual Satanists here are doing a Spiritual war - fair enough - but why leave it until the very last possible split-second to save everything in an extremely over-the-top, very dramatic, suspense-filled, and suspenseful-music-and-emotionally-driven, dangerous, fearful, adrenaline-pumping, blockbuster-action-film-like last-possible-amount-of-time situation?! Why drive your car very close to the cliff edge?
I bet I am not the first to ask similar questions/say similar things like this. Maybe consider this to be a 'playing devil's advocate' bit.