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Exposing Enemy Corruption The Seven And The Mystery Of The Gan Edin

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Exposing Enemy Corruption The Seven And The Mystery Of The Gan Edin

In the east the enemy promotes the concept of the 7 chakra's and they push the 7 in many esoteric texts. The number 7 is used heavily by the enemy in their kabbalah as its the number of Saturn and the enemy ties into Saturn in the lower octave which gets into the negative aspects of lower density vibrations this includes death, sickness, poverty, misfortune and time the stagnation and dissipation of energy and matter. In the west Kronos the Greek Saturn eats his own children to show the reality that time devours everything born in time, its the great destroyer which is what Yahweh is called Shaddai, Yahweh is given the number 70 in Kabbalah which is 7. In the east in Sanskrit time is called Shana which is Shani the Sanskrit word for Saturn. In Hindu mythos Shani is given the same destructive qualities.

The fact is the ancient's used the number 8 not 7, for the chakra's along the spine and brain. In ancient Hinduism the number 8 not 7 is used. Shiva and the 7 Rishi's form the basis of Hindu mythos the 7 Rishi's openly represent the 7 chakra's and Shiva is the pineal gland. Shiva is the mantra for the pineal gland the eye of Shiva which is counted as the Soma chakra the separate chakra in the brain that interconnects into the crown and Ajna. In the spiritual teachings of the ancient Vedic religion of Persia the number 8 is the sacred number it represents the 7 planets plus Sophia, the Sophia is the pineal gland and the 7 planets are the 7 chakras. The ancient Egyptians also stated the number 8 for the same and stated its the number of enlightenment. In the near east Sophia was also called Chiva which is Shiva further east. In the ancient Pagan Greek system Chiva is given the number 666. Note the solar halo around the head in the east represents the fully opened crown chakra and activated pineal gland. The pineal gland is called "The Eye Of Ra" in Egyptian, Ra is the sun God and 666 is the number of the sun.The Templars also put the 666 on the forehead. This relates to six being the number of the union of the three nadis of the serpent system as this point. Each 6 is a nadi. This is why the three nadi's in Persia are shown as women and the Norns are the three nadi's they represent fate or karma which is linked to the energy body. In the east the Nadi readings are readings of the energy body to determine karma, past life's and such. The 666 as the number of the beast the Greek word for this is the phoenix bird which represents the Capstone which was shown with the all seeing eye within it the Phoenix is the solar bird the sun the 666. The triangle of the capstone is in the east showing the tree nadis coming together at this chakra and obtaining super consciousness. The enemy has tried to bind this spot by turning it into a negative in their Bible.

The enemy is trying to connect people into Saturn with 7 and hide that the pineal gland needs to be empowered as a separate chakra. The Hindu texts are full of instructions that focus mainly on this point and how to empower such as the key to alchemy of the soul. The enemy texts such as the Kabbalah even hide this deep from their own. They call this point the Forbidden fruit its the Gan Edin in Kabbalah. If you take an apple from the side half it looks like the optic thalamus in the brain like the eye of Ra. If you look at the Masonic symbol the G and the square and compass are designed to show the same. The G is put here to show this as the G letter activates the pineal gland. In Sanskrit the mantra for the pineal gland is Gaum. Which is shortened to Gam which is the Gamma of the Greek. Which the Templar's who created Free Masonry where using eastern teachings that included the Greek system. Note Gan Edin is Gam or Gaum and Edin is Idun the name of the golden apples of Immortality that is where this is stolen by the enemy from. The apples are stolen from the Golden Apples of immortality the story of which is also Persian the three golden apples which represent the connection point of the three major nadis at such point within the brain. This also represents Jamshid and the cup the grail mythos of the Persians. The solar chakra which collects the amrita of this chakra. This point the pineal connects to the solar chakra the 666 as well they are a pair.

Tree of Souls, Schwartz
Guardians of the Holy Grail, Pinkham
The Good Religion, Flowers
The Serpent Grail, Osborn, Gardiner

But and, 10?
If i understood this post correctly, the pineal gland is like the chakras, so i guess it can be cursed for example with negative stuff from the enemy, That gave me an idea, if that's the case then i will do deep spiritual cleaning for pineal gland after i'm done with main chakras for experiment purposes.

So far i have VERY miraculous result's with deep cleaning main chakras, so i'm really curious what result will bring in with the pineal gland cleaning.
Donovandal said:
If i understood this post correctly, the pineal gland is like the chakras, so i guess it can be cursed for example with negative stuff from the enemy, That gave me an idea, if that's the case then i will do deep spiritual cleaning for pineal gland after i'm done with main chakras for experiment purposes.

So far i have VERY miraculous result's with deep cleaning main chakras, so i'm really curious what result will bring in with the pineal gland cleaning.
Nothing is giving me better results than cleaning and freeing my chakras from negative shit. Then after this the usual mantra's that i use on my chakras works 10000 better than before. I do not think the pineal gland is a 'chakra' but it has to be empowered everyday along with the other chakras, i think cleaning the chakra that control the pineal gland will work better along with empowering the gland with Gaum.
The number 7 is a number of death. In that rotten Bible, 7O years is the life expectancy for humans. This ties into the 7 chakras in the way of falling short. No different from the 66 books of the bible, falling short of 666. The number 66 is false and is for spiritual slavery.

Azazel is working with me in regards to spiritual alchemy and true knowledge regarding the chakras. I will post new knowledge here as I learn more.

Nearly all of the mainstream books on yoga and the chakras are authored by Jews.

High Priest Mageson also wrote regarding how the 108 ties into Saturn. Azazel told me never to do 108 repetitions. 216 is OK. 100 is OK.

In closing, the entire concept of yogic breathing is to draw in energy. For example in the alternate nostril Sun/Moon breath, one should slow down and concentrate on breathing in energy. This can be strongly felt if one is doing this correctly. NEVER breathe in energy near animals or children. It's best to do this in another room, especially as you advance.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
The number 7 is a number of death. In that rotten Bible, 7O years is the life expectancy for humans. This ties into the 7 chakras in the way of falling short. No different from the 66 books of the bible, falling short of 666. The number 66 is false and is for spiritual slavery.

Azazel is working with me in regards to spiritual alchemy and true knowledge regarding the chakras. I will post new knowledge here as I learn more.

Nearly all of the mainstream books on yoga and the chakras are authored by Jews.

High Priest Mageson also wrote regarding how the 108 ties into Saturn. Azazel told me never to do 108 repetitions. 216 is OK. 100 is OK.

In closing, the entire concept of yogic breathing is to draw in energy. For example in the alternate nostril Sun/Moon breath, one should slow down and concentrate on breathing in energy. This can be strongly felt if one is doing this correctly. NEVER breathe in energy near animals or children. It's best to do this in another room, especially as you advance.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
What about 54? Is it bad too? And what can be used instead of 108 if one cannot do 216 reps? 72 maybe? Thanks for the informations.
luis said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
High Priest Mageson also wrote regarding how the 108 ties into Saturn. Azazel told me never to do 108 repetitions. 216 is OK. 100 is OK.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
What about 54? Is it bad too? And what can be used instead of 108 if one cannot do 216 reps? 72 maybe? Thanks for the informations.

If you do not want to go for 108, then you can go for 55, 88 or 36. 54 is not bad, but 55 is better.

The 108 is not 'evil', but as stated, is a bit related to Saturn. If one has been doing it before there is nothing bad here, but it could be better. 100 should suffice and be fine for most occasions.

I will give some sort of guide on this in an upcoming post, it's on my to - do things.
Donovandal said:
If i understood this post correctly, the pineal gland is like the chakras, so i guess it can be cursed for example with negative stuff from the enemy, That gave me an idea, if that's the case then i will do deep spiritual cleaning for pineal gland after i'm done with main chakras for experiment purposes.

So far i have VERY miraculous result's with deep cleaning main chakras, so i'm really curious what result will bring in with the pineal gland cleaning.

I've been wondering about this for a while myself and wouldn't mind a confirmation, as to whether the pineal gland, much like the chakras, is also cursed by the enemy and requires focused cleaning.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
High Priest Mageson also wrote regarding how the 108 ties into Saturn. Azazel told me never to do 108 repetitions.

People have been using 108 vibrations for karma destruction rituals for years now, so I guess this honestly makes sense as 108 relates exactly this.

However, searching "108" in this forum, in the groups, anywhere, will grant you literally hundreds of results of people using 108 reps for basically everything, and suggesting it as a number of reps to use for anything from kundalini yoga to the amount of times one should vibrate SATANAMA and so forth. I think people are under the impression 108 ties into the power of 666/9/18, so it's good people are being informed. So if its truly a case of "never" then, well, that's a bit awkward.

In Satan's Library, there's the PDF titled "108, 666, AUM And The Pentagram by High Priest Don Danko.pdf"

"108 and 666 are the same formula show in different fashions."

"666 is such each 6 equals as mentioned one part of the triangle they add together into 18
which is two nines which relate to the center of the skull where Siva and Shakti unite and
create Brahma the new soul. Now it seems the actual number of sounds in the Sanskrit
alphabet is 54. This relates to the formula each of the 54 sounds has a male and female
component so it adds 54 for Siva and 54 for Shakti which add into 108.
Now this can also be added numerologically as 54 to 9 and 54 to nine which adds to 18. But
18 adds once more into 9. As does 108"

"108 is the numerological equal of what
AUM represents in letter the trinity.
A is Siva and U is Shakti the M is the glyph of the union of opposites within this the Goddess
giving birth to the reborn soul the divine androgynous God. The union of Siva and Shakti. 18
is still ten plus eight. So 108"

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The 108 is not 'evil', but as stated, is a bit related to Saturn. If one has been doing it before there is nothing bad here, but it could be better. 100 should suffice and be fine for most occasions.

I edited my post a bit after seeing this, and that's a relief to hear, considering so many people are using it so rigorously. Looking forward to more updates on the matter. Thanks for clarifying all of this.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
luis said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
The number 7 is a number of death. In that rotten Bible, 7O years is the life expectancy for humans. This ties into the 7 chakras in the way of falling short. No different from the 66 books of the bible, falling short of 666. The number 66 is false and is for spiritual slavery.

Azazel is working with me in regards to spiritual alchemy and true knowledge regarding the chakras. I will post new knowledge here as I learn more.

Nearly all of the mainstream books on yoga and the chakras are authored by Jews.

High Priest Mageson also wrote regarding how the 108 ties into Saturn. Azazel told me never to do 108 repetitions. 216 is OK. 100 is OK.

In closing, the entire concept of yogic breathing is to draw in energy. For example in the alternate nostril Sun/Moon breath, one should slow down and concentrate on breathing in energy. This can be strongly felt if one is doing this correctly. NEVER breathe in energy near animals or children. It's best to do this in another room, especially as you advance.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
What about 54? Is it bad too? And what can be used instead of 108 if one cannot do 216 reps? 72 maybe? Thanks for the informations.

If you do not want to go for 108, then you can go for 55, 88 or 36. 54 is not bad, but 55 is better.

The 108 is not 'evil', but as stated, is a bit related to Saturn. If one has been doing it before there is nothing bad here, but it could be better. 100 should suffice and be fine for most occasions.

I will give some sort of guide on this in an upcoming post, it's on my to - do things.
Thank you so much, i kind of panicked a bit reading that 108 is bad lol i will keep doing the working that i'm doing now with 108 reps and from the next workings i will do use other numbers.
That is a good question the six relates to Venus in the Germanic system to Friday the day of Venus here this relates to the union of spirit and matter the English word for sex the union of opposites is from the Latin word sex for 6. However the Venus numbers officially are also 13,8,5. The 13 chakra's, 8 major chakra along the spine and brain and the 5 elements. Venus rules the white light that the color rainbow comes from however in the east they state the white light is actually blue light. This relates to the entire range of elements the chakra's are related to and uniting them back into the primal energy or light I would believe. Which is probably the 6 represents such.

Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
And the number 6 also ties to Saturn and to Venus as well?
108 “bad”
36 good ?? But (12+12+12), (6+6+6+6+6+6), or (9+9+9+9)…
Better 39 ?? (13+13+13)?
11 bad
But good 55 ?? (11+11+11+11+11) ??

Could you explain your system in a post like you said one day ??
"The 108 is not 'evil', but as stated, is a bit related to Saturn."

How does it relate to Saturn? Where can I find a sermon about it?
And why did Azazel say that we should "never" use the number 108? I just do not get it all. I always used 108 reps when I did a runic ritual with a single rune, for example.
And I felt it powerful and liked it.

And why 216 is better than 108? If 108 is a kind of "bad" then 216 also would be bad since 216 also relates to 9? 2 + 1 + 6 = 9

And really what about that older sermon then which someone also mentioned here? The 108, 666, AUM, and pentagramm sermon written by HP Don... it seemed very logical.

These things must be explained as soon as possible. Please let's talk about this and educate us.
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
I understood now why the 216 is better than 108:


But I still don't understand fully the rest about 108...

Maybe it's related to Saturn because it ties with the karmic wheel. 108=9x12, the 12 houses and signs.
So, for the SA TA NA MA meditation exactly how many times should I be vibrating SA TA NA MA then? I'm super confused now, and adding another 108 would make the meditation a whole hour long :(

I guess I'll try for 100 today though (as I probably won't get a response before my meditation) will put 10 into each chakra (70), 10 into Pineal gland (80), 10 into my astral senses (90), and 10 into my soul (100).

I'll update you all on how that goes :)
What is a good source to study about the correlation of numbers with the planets and their octaves?
Poweredbythesun said:
So, for the SA TA NA MA meditation exactly how many times should I be vibrating SA TA NA MA then? I'm super confused now, and adding another 108 would make the meditation a whole hour long :(

I guess I'll try for 100 today though (as I probably won't get a response before my meditation) will put 10 into each chakra (70), 10 into Pineal gland (80), 10 into my astral senses (90), and 10 into my soul (100).

I'll update you all on how that goes :)
88 or 111 or 100, 100 is the better I think for Satanama
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
High Priest Mageson also wrote regarding how the 108 ties into Saturn. Azazel told me never to do 108 repetitions.


Is this the reason most Buddhist Prayer Mala Beads have also 108 beads (enemy corruption) ?
And about kundalini joga pdf there are often 108 reps. or does movement not count?
Aquarius said:
Poweredbythesun said:
So, for the SA TA NA MA meditation exactly how many times should I be vibrating SA TA NA MA then? I'm super confused now, and adding another 108 would make the meditation a whole hour long :(

I guess I'll try for 100 today though (as I probably won't get a response before my meditation) will put 10 into each chakra (70), 10 into Pineal gland (80), 10 into my astral senses (90), and 10 into my soul (100).

I'll update you all on how that goes :)
88 or 111 or 100, 100 is the better I think for Satanama

Thank you :)

Also, I've been doing the 100 split up exactly as outlined above for the last 3 days. And it's working fantastically! :D Maybe empowering my astral senses daily has something to do with that though ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ If this ever changes I'll re-update everyone on it though
This symbol that was very used in the Japanese Shinto culture that comes directly from the ancient Vedic, I think it represents exactly that: the three nadis with the central triangle representing the pineal gland, and then later a Japanese video game made it known :)

FigliodiThor said:
I have always vibrated 108 times in each chakra and I have never had problems.

Me too. I always did 108 times.

I am still confused a bit about these "news" of number 108... :?

And I just remember that once I read some disturbing shit about how the number 108 is relating to the so called "metatron cube" and how the 216 is the "hidden name of God" or wtf... but I suppose these are also just stolen and corrupted conceptions...
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
FigliodiThor said:
I have always vibrated 108 times in each chakra and I have never had problems.

Me too. I always did 108 times.

I am still confused a bit about these "news" of number 108... :?

And I just remember that once I read some disturbing shit about how the number 108 is relating to the so called "metatron cube" and how the 216 is the "hidden name of God" or wtf... but I suppose these are also just stolen and corrupted conceptions...

This is just BS from the same "individuals" who write things to bless things they do not understand only to curse them later and say they have no value. They pretend they know but they do not, and this extends everywhere. They did not understand in the first place, they come to teach as usual later again about things they again do not understand.

The 108 is a decent and generic number, so is 216. They are not as important as it has been ascribed to them, but using them is perfectly fine. However, other numbers have better qualities for magic workings.

108 is just "fine", but nothing more than that. I will update you on the numbers, its on my to-do. Just be a little patient.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
FigliodiThor said:
I have always vibrated 108 times in each chakra and I have never had problems.

Me too. I always did 108 times.

I am still confused a bit about these "news" of number 108... :?

And I just remember that once I read some disturbing shit about how the number 108 is relating to the so called "metatron cube" and how the 216 is the "hidden name of God" or wtf... but I suppose these are also just stolen and corrupted conceptions...

This is just BS from the same "individuals" who write things to bless things they do not understand only to curse them later and say they have no value. They pretend they know but they do not, and this extends everywhere. They did not understand in the first place, they come to teach as usual later again about things they again do not understand.

The 108 is a decent and generic number, so is 216. They are not as important as it has been ascribed to them, but using them is perfectly fine. However, other numbers have better qualities for magic workings.

108 is just "fine", but nothing more than that. I will update you on the numbers, its on my to-do. Just be a little patient.

Okay. Thanks.
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
Me too. I always did 108 times.

I am still confused a bit about these "news" of number 108... :?

And I just remember that once I read some disturbing shit about how the number 108 is relating to the so called "metatron cube" and how the 216 is the "hidden name of God" or wtf... but I suppose these are also just stolen and corrupted conceptions...

This is just BS from the same "individuals" who write things to bless things they do not understand only to curse them later and say they have no value. They pretend they know but they do not, and this extends everywhere. They did not understand in the first place, they come to teach as usual later again about things they again do not understand.

The 108 is a decent and generic number, so is 216. They are not as important as it has been ascribed to them, but using them is perfectly fine. However, other numbers have better qualities for magic workings.

108 is just "fine", but nothing more than that. I will update you on the numbers, its on my to-do. Just be a little patient.

Okay. Thanks.

Azazel meant to not use the 108 as new knowledge is going to come in regards to it, so don't sweat over the 108, and do not put any doubt in what you have been doing. I myself have used the 108 with tremendous success for years.

For my KY I shall be doing 100 reps instead 108 from now on. I understand it's not bad that I was doing 108 but obviously I'll do it the best way now. Thank you for this info.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This is just BS from the same "individuals" who write things to bless things they do not understand only to curse them later and say they have no value. They pretend they know but they do not, and this extends everywhere. They did not understand in the first place, they come to teach as usual later again about things they again do not understand.

The 108 is a decent and generic number, so is 216. They are not as important as it has been ascribed to them, but using them is perfectly fine. However, other numbers have better qualities for magic workings.

108 is just "fine", but nothing more than that. I will update you on the numbers, its on my to-do. Just be a little patient.

Okay. Thanks.

Azazel meant to not use the 108 as new knowledge is going to come in regards to it, so don't sweat over the 108, and do not put any doubt in what you have been doing. I myself have used the 108 with tremendous success for years.
That is what i thought too, many SS used 108, even the HP's and they advanced just fine. I will wait for your article too :)
hailourtruegod said:
For my KY I shall be doing 100 reps instead 108 from now on. I understand it's not bad that I was doing 108 but obviously I'll do it the best way now. Thank you for this info.
I do 111 for my KY (and 36 instead of the 26's). HPS Maxine wrote some time ago (I think in the previous forum as I can find it here) about how 111 ties in with the Sun, as any line in the Sun square adds up to 111. 36 also ties in with the Sun, so the 2 parts where it instructs to do 26x, I do 36x.
Lydia said:
hailourtruegod said:
For my KY I shall be doing 100 reps instead 108 from now on. I understand it's not bad that I was doing 108 but obviously I'll do it the best way now. Thank you for this info.
I do 111 for my KY (and 36 instead of the 26's). HPS Maxine wrote some time ago (I think in the previous forum as I can find it here) about how 111 ties in with the Sun, as any line in the Sun square adds up to 111. 36 also ties in with the Sun, so the 2 parts where it instructs to do 26x, I do 36x.

Oh I see. I considered doing 111 but I forgot why I didn't go with it. I've changed it to 111 reps recently instead. Thank :)
hailourtruegod said:
Lydia said:
hailourtruegod said:
For my KY I shall be doing 100 reps instead 108 from now on. I understand it's not bad that I was doing 108 but obviously I'll do it the best way now. Thank you for this info.
I do 111 for my KY (and 36 instead of the 26's). HPS Maxine wrote some time ago (I think in the previous forum as I can find it here) about how 111 ties in with the Sun, as any line in the Sun square adds up to 111. 36 also ties in with the Sun, so the 2 parts where it instructs to do 26x, I do 36x.

Oh I see. I considered doing 111 but I forgot why I didn't go with it. I've changed it to 111 reps recently instead. Thank :)
I personally have been using 111 for around 2 years now due to the same information on the previous forum. I didn't save it as a page, but I have it directly copy-pasted by HPS Maxine, so let me share it here.

“One of the more arcane traditions of number magic is that there is associated with each planet a numerological magic square, which is the key to control of the planet’s influence and power. For example, the magic square of the Sun consists of 36 numbers. The square may appear as a random jumble of numbers, but a closer study will reveal that if one number were altered, or if two were made to change places, they symmetry of the whole square would collapse.

Add together any row, column, or diagonal: the total is always 111. Add together the corner numbers of the square, 6, 1, 36, 31: they total 74. Move inward toward the center and add the corner numbers of the smaller square formed by 11, 8, 29, 26: again the total is 74. Add the total of the 4 numbers at the very center, 16, 15, 22, 21: it is also 74. Add together the numbers around the perimeter: the total is 370. The sum of all 36 numbers in the square is 666.

From this are drawn the potent magical numbers of the Sun: 36, 111, 74, 370 and 666. Whole multiples of the magic numbers are taken to be as potent as the numbers themselves. According to Michell’s analysis, Stonehenge was laid out on a plan that incorporated these numbers, so functioning as a magical instrument for solar power."

-HPS Maxine
Perhaps others can use this logic to derive the numbers of other celestial bodies using the Kabalistic Squares.

I use 111 for anything Solar (especially AoP and AC), and 108 for other things. Perhaps it's time to move on to 111 for everything. I will be eagerly waiting for the new info on numerology, as I will have quite a few things to update for our other siblings who don't speak English.
Lydia said:
@PeppermintTaco, thanks for pasting that :) I also use 111 for anything solar.
You're welcome, sister. Consider that a bit of "lost" knowledge restored, after all, that's what we do here! :D Have a great day.
Donovandal said:
i will do deep spiritual cleaning for pineal gland after i'm done with main chakras for experiment purposes.

So far i have VERY miraculous result's with deep cleaning main chakras, so i'm really curious what result will bring in with the pineal gland cleaning.

How do you deep clean your chakras, brother?
Lasollor said:
How do you deep clean your chakras, brother?

Sorry for late reply,

I'm just using correct mantras/runes with high number of repetitions, but the number of repetitions, correct affirmation, was directed by my GD, so the side effects from cleaning won't bring any permanent damages to me, and bring best results possible.
Omg these type of updates gives me headaches.. for almost 7years been using 108 and I'm still alive :p

So I'll be using 111 now imo. How would you divide the affirmation Beads?

With my old 108, i followed whats on JOS page which i guess no one will update it ?
Omg these type of updates gives me headaches.. for almost 7years been using 108 and I'm still alive :p

So I'll be using 111 now imo. How would you divide the affirmation Beads?

With my old 108, i followed whats on JOS page which i guess no one will update it ?
You can use 108 it is not a bad number. Because of how it works if you want to use it you need to make sure it's for 40 days or multiples. For example with 108 you cannot do a one day spell or for 9 days or whatever other Number that is not 40 or multiples. 216 is a better number and more powerful to use in any working. But for example if you don't have enough time to use 216 repetitions you can still use 108 for 40 days or multiples.

If you read all the replays HP HoodedCobra explain all of this better, in another topic i belive.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
