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Explanation for race mixing?

HP Mageson666 said:
The right wing promotes race mixing as well. Its mainstream promotes globalism within one nation.

That's only true in Europe than in America I think. In America it is mostly the elite circles that Trump is a part of that would promote race mixing if the American populace would be open to it, but they are not. Europeans are however because Nazi Germany was vilified which is interesting how that works out because it shows that anti-race mixing is a tradition of Europeans and that Nazi Germany only upheld that tradition.
The mainstream right wing promotes civic nationalism which is globalism in one nation. They are not pro White. Trump promotes civic Nationalism all the time so the does the right wing. Your statements do not conform to reality here.
HP Mageson666 said:
The mainstream right wing promotes civic nationalism which is globalism in one nation. They are not pro White. Trump promotes civic Nationalism all the time so the does the right wing. Your statements do not conform to reality here.

I'd say with Trump's election the alt-right has come into the main stream and has turned into a sort of guiding point and they are the ones who promote race mixing/globalism what ever you want to call it. I meant to say that Europe promotes race mixing much more. With all past presidents before Trump you had traditional conservatism which means anti race mixing. This kosher alt right has brought globalism into right wing politics in America.
The alt-right is two types the Ethno-Nationalists and the Civic mainstream types. The Civic Nationalists of the Alt-Right are just promoting the same mainstream right wing, liberal conservatism the America right has been built on for decades. Race mixing has been promoted in America since the 1960's by Jews for Gentiles while the Jews don't mix.

If your going to tell me the NeoCohen-Zionist-Christian regime of President Bush was some how anti-race mixing for Whites which is what your doing I am not going to take you seriously. In fact I have a hard time taking your statements seriously at all in this thread. I think you like to take positions just to argue with people.

You see have not explained how capitalism is the problem and communism, christiantiy and islam is the answer. I asked you what you meant by this and you have not answered.

NaziMan12 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
The mainstream right wing promotes civic nationalism which is globalism in one nation. They are not pro White. Trump promotes civic Nationalism all the time so the does the right wing. Your statements do not conform to reality here.

I'd say with Trump's election the alt-right has come into the main stream and has turned into a sort of guiding point and they are the ones who promote race mixing/globalism what ever you want to call it. I meant to say that Europe promotes race mixing much more. With all past presidents before Trump you had traditional conservatism which means anti race mixing. This kosher alt right has brought globalism into right wing politics in America.
Imagine that all White countries would be invaded by blacks (anyway this is what jews want to happen). Maybe in a few centuries the White race will totally dissapear. We have example of a White empire which was destroyed by the racial mix (Egyptian empire). I also read that the the falling of the Empire started with the reign of the first mullato emperor.

Two, jews want to destroy the entire identity and tradition of every race and country. This would make the mases much easier to control and manipulate. It wasn't the communist ideology stating that all people are equal and just exist to serve the state (the leading power)?

I don't know how is in America, but you have no idea how frustrating is to go through the streets of central London and see more mixed couples and mullatos that only White and only black couples or families. HP Mageson was very right when he said that White people are moving outside London, where are less blacks than inside London. If you go in Wembley (northern London), I can guarantee that you will see more blacks and mullatos than Whites. This is the kind of image that you want to see in a pure White country?
The Alchemist7 said:
Imagine that all White countries would be invaded by blacks (anyway this is what jews want to happen). Maybe in a few centuries the White race will totally dissapear. We have example of a White empire which was destroyed by the racial mix (Egyptian empire). I also read that the the falling of the Empire started with the reign of the first mullato emperor.

Two, jews want to destroy the entire identity and tradition of every race and country. This would make the mases much easier to control and manipulate. It wasn't the communist ideology stating that all people are equal and just exist to serve the state (the leading power)?

I don't know how is in America, but you have no idea how frustrating is to go through the streets of central London and see more mixed couples and mullatos that only White and only black couples or families. HP Mageson was very right when he said that White people are moving outside London, where are less blacks than inside London. If you go in Wembley (northern London), I can guarantee that you will see more blacks and mullatos than Whites. This is the kind of image that you want to see in a pure White country?
In the USA it changes a lot depending on the State and even by town. Some like Detroit are basically almost full black with barely any whites remaining in it. You have States like Vermont and Maine with 95% whites. New York and Hollywood are filled with jews.
London is totally screwed at this point yeah. But Germany and France aren't doing much better on that regard.
Aquarius said:
Powstanie Pogańskie said:
Hello, all. I've lurked here on the forums -- and the Yahoo! groups before this -- for some time now, but for a personal reason(s) have never been able to push myself to start participating regularly in discussions here. Having made some progress with said reason(s) and finding this to be an important topic, I was hoping to jump in here and offer some thought.

To Aquarius, I know truly that you don't really mean there's no genetic proof or good points to support a view against the practice of race-mixing; you and Sinistra both I have seen enough posts from to know that both of you are intelligent and know at least some reasons. If there was no evidence or good points, then it simply wouldn't be common sense that race-mixing is bad. Knowing the things we know as Satanists, it is indeed common sense to us now, but in a world in which Jewish ideologies are the only mainstream forms of acceptable thought, it is understandable why many people, myself included, initially came to Satanism not thinking there was anything wrong with race-mixing. It was something about Satanism that didn't exactly sit well with me at first, due to things I was told to believe for years upon years of my life. It was only with continued research and contemplating the arguments of the HPs and dedicated members that I shed that way of thinking -- and even now there's still much that I feel I don't understand about the exact nature of race and race-mixing, which is a problem if I want to debate people on the subject. Should any of us get into a discussion with someone who's actually willing to sit and hear us out on why race-mixing is harmful, I don't think any of them would be convinced by "because it's stupidity" or "because it's common sense, lol" Both of these things are true, but there are reasons why they are true that can be articulated and explained to others, which is what Fire is wanting. All that being said, I'd like to share with you, Fire, what I know about the subject and I hope it'll be good food for thought.

You hear a lot these days from Yidiots and their lackeys that race is a "social construct." In a sense, there is a little bit of truth to this, but the construct of race is based upon biological differences. The things that differentiate us as races, the things that we can observe in each other, have their roots in the biological makeup of the races in question. This can be seen in the fact that two black parents will always produce black offspring; they will never produce an Asian-looking child, thus affirming that the differences we see are, indeed, biological in nature. So, what can the result of race-mixing be?

It is a dangerous experiment, simply put. The biological traits that comprise each race evolved to be what they are for one reason or another, that reason typically having to do with the environment in which that race thrives. The example that immediately comes to my mind, as it was something I learned about even before coming to Satanism, is sickle-cell disease, a condition that pretty much only occurs in black people. There are several negative effects that sickle-cell has on the body, but it does have the one plus of curbing the effects of malaria, which is more common in Africa than in many parts of the world. Thus, it has a survival benefit in spite of the many problems it causes. When you have the mixing of races, then you can end up with offspring with sickle-cell that genuinely offers it no benefit because the sickle-cell trait isn't useful for races not so troubled by malaria. This isn't the best example under the sun, but it nevertheless illustrates a point: Race-mixing can throw together genes that evolved for a reason, typically environmental, and can result in traits that are either not helpful or, more likely, harmful to the person.

Now, of course, you can come up with individual exceptions; HP HoodedCobra pointed out in a post on this topic once that there could be a trait or two bestowed that has some benefit. There's even a quote from Hitler floating around here where he says something to that effect as well. That is why the term dangerous experiment is apt, however, as you cannot truly be certain that the genetic cocktail you're concocting will produce positive results; in fact, more often than not, it does not.

I cannot remember who, but one of the HPs had touched upon the subject of ligers in one of their posts. The offspring of a male lion and female tiger. Much like with the mixing of other different yet related species of animal, male ligers are, by and large, sterile. Why would this be? Nature directs all living species to propagate and pass down their genes, so why is Nature rendering the males of a species inherently unable to breed? In order to make certain this gene-mixing does not continue further. Then, of course, you have liligers; liger mother, lion father. While many of the offspring die as is a common occurrence in these situations, there was an example in which a liliger was raised to adulthood. The key phrase that popped out when I was reading this was "though in frail health." The deaths of that liliger's siblings and its own frail health were the direct result of the mixing of genes that simply do not interact all that well together, for they make up different animals that do different things. Because we, as humans, are not entirely different species, the effects of race-mixing between humans are not quite as drastic. But if the process continues? If the desires of some insane bastards to see one, wholly mixed race of humans on this planet are actualized? Our health as a species will decline that much further, and inherent sterilization and eventual extinction of all of humanity will follow. Well, all of humanity except for the one race of people that consciously tries to preserve themselves: The Jews.

As noted already by HP Mageson, you can find article after article after article after article after article of Orthodox kikes encouraging their own kind to marry Jewish and stay Jewish. The benefit this has had for them can be demonstrated by the fact that they are still here. Unlike the Neanderthals which interbred with humans until they ceased to exist, unlike countless, small pop. ethnic groups that are extinct/near-extinct because they assimilated with a larger, more dominant cultural and ethnic group, the Jews have kept themselves going as a distinct people by practicing racial preservation to this day, much to the detriment of this entire fucking planet. Yet another example of Jews doing what a Gentile is never to do, as they know damn well what reality is.

On top of all this biology fun, there is also a psychological detriment that stems from race-mixing, that of identity issues. I am Polish, but with some mixed blood from other European nations such as Ireland and possibly Germany. As a result, I felt a terrible ripping sensation that drew me to these countries and left me feeling so uncertain. What am I, exactly? Who are my people? Nowadays I have settled into the comfortable knowledge that jestem Polakiem, but that whole experience caused me some legitimate distress, and that was mixing between white ethnic groups. You then have cases such as a friend of mine, who is mixed 50/50; black and white. To us, he is black. You can look upon him and see that he has some white features, but he appears to us as black and he, himself, identifies as black. But what would you know? He had told us once that the black people he works with do not see him as black. Not only is he another white boy to them, but they had deemed him racist on account of him being white, and apparently revoked his "I can say nigga" card. Now, Jewish influence has significantly eroded the sense of racial identity and pride amongst Gentiles, so if you ask him he'll say it doesn't matter in the slightest to him what race he is. But given that a sense of racial identity is a healthy thing that occurs naturally in Gentiles, the kinds of identity issues that come from race-mixing can really leave a person feeling lost and alone as they try to find their place in the world, and the fact that they know that they're not seen as white by their fellow whites and not seen as black by their fellow blacks, is simply more salt in the wound.

My apologies for the length of this post, but there is one last point I'd like to make. Unfortunately, Fire, it is very difficult, if even possible, to find scientific studies that'll come right out and conclude, "Race-mixing can have negative consequences, both physical and mental, for offspring." You'll definitely find scientific findings and studies that seem to implicate this -- the phenomenon that renders male ligers sterile has a name that I can't remember for the scientist who discovered it -- but with the Jews having such immense, rigid control over academic and scholarly pursuits, it's very hard to get research of this nature approved and funded. They don't need nor want Gentiles knowing this information, thus it is not advertised or made readily accessible to the public at large. In addition to this, what are the names of the scientists typically leading these kinds of studies? Oh, David Roth? Kimberly Saltzmann? Moshel Silberstein? Neat. How 'bout that.
Yeah I undersand, though I have accepted that race mixing is shit as soon as I have read it, As I have never done anything sexual with other races and the time i was considering about it i felt really fucking disgusted so I never considered any shit like that anymore, this was before being ss.

True indeed! Look at that interesting picture, it shows the truth about the so called “refugees being “shipwrecked “ in the Mediterranean Sea. As you can see in the picture there a man standing in the water holding one of the boats! To do that in the middle of the Aegean see he must be a thousand feet high at least. That pic was stage, close to the shore for the Jewish agenda which is create a “great Israel” by destroying all the other regional cultures and pushing them in Europe. I saw a video today with a rabbi saying the “great Israel “ would bring back the “wav”. I will investigate that further

Non Whites and whites and vice versa can co-exist peacefully that is not the problem. The problem is the Jew is using this as a pre-text for taking Whites out of power so that they can then come in take over and institute Communism. Whites are the majority of the worlds population and thus more whites know of the Jewish problem.
NaziMan12 said:
Non Whites and whites and vice versa can co-exist peacefully that is not the problem. The problem is the Jew is using this as a pre-text for taking Whites out of power so that they can then come in take over and institute Communism. Whites are the majority of the worlds population and thus more whites know of the Jewish problem.
Indeed yes, and if you look at the achievements of humankind both whites and non-whites have had great civilizations. The Jews want to control all, white and non-whites alike so they can rule
Fire Of The Gods said:
Can one of you actually explain what is wrong with race mixing? I've heard you say that there's scientific proof that race mixing is bad but I've never seen any studies to show it. Until I see a study or am given a good explanation for why it's bad I will stick with the opinion that there is nothing wrong with it.

There is something that I realize about this and except all the other reasons those who are ruling the world they want this. More power on the world means the people.
For you have power on the people without obvious violence, you have to enslave their minds. And of course cut them off what they rill now knew and believe.

I am Greek. Here are so many immigrants coming from many countries.
Greece is christian country. They pressure Greeks to accept Muslims and have Muslim churches among them. To hide christian symbols from public buildings as schools and so.

What is happening with the muslem immigrants here the same time. They came to live in a country with religion they don't accept, they see clothing they don't like, they dont have many Muslim churches but only few small and after many denyes of the Christians.

They tell us to respect them so do not show religion things do not have the freedom to do it.
The Muslims too do not have the freedom to do all what their religion and culture says to do.

So the freedom both of Greeks and Muslims is reduced.

As for me, I d like some groups of Satan to be free here but nothing heared. Its still very big taboo satanism in greece.

Anyway, the race mixing guides to the less freedom of the people of each race and nation. In the name of respect each other we have to forget what we know and follow what we all be told by well paid crooks who are talking about the correct and the good. If you believe and say in public opposite they punish with antiratsistic law or just underestimate. Those in greece.

In other countries you just can say what is happening with race mixing.
NaziMan12 said:
Non Whites and whites and vice versa can co-exist peacefully that is not the problem. The problem is the Jew is using this as a pre-text for taking Whites out of power so that they can then come in take over and institute Communism. Whites are the majority of the worlds population and thus more whites know of the Jewish problem.
Whites are not the majority of the world's population. We make up 1/7th of the population, or about 14%, and dropping. 86% of the world is nonwhite.

The races can only coexist if they're kept separate.

Astardastar said:
Fire Of The Gods said:
Can one of you actually explain what is wrong with race mixing? I've heard you say that there's scientific proof that race mixing is bad but I've never seen any studies to show it. Until I see a study or am given a good explanation for why it's bad I will stick with the opinion that there is nothing wrong with it.

There is something that I realize about this and except all the other reasons those who are ruling the world they want this. More power on the world means the people.
For you have power on the people without obvious violence, you have to enslave their minds. And of course cut them off what they rill now knew and believe.

I am Greek. Here are so many immigrants coming from many countries.
Greece is christian country. They pressure Greeks to accept Muslims and have Muslim churches among them. To hide christian symbols from public buildings as schools and so.

What is happening with the muslem immigrants here the same time. They came to live in a country with religion they don't accept, they see clothing they don't like, they dont have many Muslim churches but only few small and after many denyes of the Christians.

They tell us to respect them so do not show religion things do not have the freedom to do it.
The Muslims too do not have the freedom to do all what their religion and culture says to do.

So the freedom both of Greeks and Muslims is reduced.

As for me, I d like some groups of Satan to be free here but nothing heared. Its still very big taboo satanism in greece.

Anyway, the race mixing guides to the less freedom of the people of each race and nation. In the name of respect each other we have to forget what we know and follow what we all be told by well paid crooks who are talking about the correct and the good. If you believe and say in public opposite they punish with antiratsistic law or just underestimate. Those in greece.

In other countries you just can say what is happening with race mixing.

This is what happens when you accept (((immigrants))) from the turd world. They coerce their hosts into cucking over to their demands so they can drag it down to the same level of the shithole they just left behind. Respect is a two-way street, what these roaches want is not respect but the total deference, submission and ultimately subjugation of you, the kafir, the infidel. They know what the socio-political climate is like in western countries and actively work to exploit it for their own gain, at the detriment of the natives.

They know exactly what they're doing.
curio said:
NaziMan12 said:
Non Whites and whites and vice versa can co-exist peacefully that is not the problem. The problem is the Jew is using this as a pre-text for taking Whites out of power so that they can then come in take over and institute Communism. Whites are the majority of the worlds population and thus more whites know of the Jewish problem.
Whites are not the majority of the world's population. We make up 1/7th of the population, or about 14%, and dropping. 86% of the world is nonwhite.

The races can only coexist if they're kept separate.

Astardastar said:
Fire Of The Gods said:
Can one of you actually explain what is wrong with race mixing? I've heard you say that there's scientific proof that race mixing is bad but I've never seen any studies to show it. Until I see a study or am given a good explanation for why it's bad I will stick with the opinion that there is nothing wrong with it.

There is something that I realize about this and except all the other reasons those who are ruling the world they want this. More power on the world means the people.
For you have power on the people without obvious violence, you have to enslave their minds. And of course cut them off what they rill now knew and believe.

I am Greek. Here are so many immigrants coming from many countries.
Greece is christian country. They pressure Greeks to accept Muslims and have Muslim churches among them. To hide christian symbols from public buildings as schools and so.

What is happening with the muslem immigrants here the same time. They came to live in a country with religion they don't accept, they see clothing they don't like, they dont have many Muslim churches but only few small and after many denyes of the Christians.

They tell us to respect them so do not show religion things do not have the freedom to do it.
The Muslims too do not have the freedom to do all what their religion and culture says to do.

So the freedom both of Greeks and Muslims is reduced.

As for me, I d like some groups of Satan to be free here but nothing heared. Its still very big taboo satanism in greece.

Anyway, the race mixing guides to the less freedom of the people of each race and nation. In the name of respect each other we have to forget what we know and follow what we all be told by well paid crooks who are talking about the correct and the good. If you believe and say in public opposite they punish with antiratsistic law or just underestimate. Those in greece.

In other countries you just can say what is happening with race mixing.

This is what happens when you accept (((immigrants))) from the turd world. They coerce their hosts into cucking over to their demands so they can drag it down to the same level of the shithole they just left behind. Respect is a two-way street, what these roaches want is not respect but the total deference, submission and ultimately subjugation of you, the kafir, the infidel. They know what the socio-political climate is like in western countries and actively work to exploit it for their own gain, at the detriment of the natives.

They know exactly what they're doing.

The problem is that from the people here nobody wants them. But nobody shiws his dislike , as its not our business thing. If you ask, all they say they don't want but all are like they be taken psychotropic medicine and has no reacts.
Those who want them from the simple people are some very few fools but i m sure they ll stop like them when I.migrants want and try to take their food. Those who really accept them and want them here are some who ll never see even one of them in front of him. Immigrants live among simple people not in those who brought them here neibourhoods
NaziMan12 said:
Non Whites and whites and vice versa can co-exist peacefully that is not the problem. The problem is the Jew is using this as a pre-text for taking Whites out of power so that they can then come in take over and institute Communism. Whites are the majority of the worlds population and thus more whites know of the Jewish problem.

Whites are the minority in the world. Asians, Blacks, and the mixed races far outnumber us. Which is why we have a problem here in regards to race mixing, we will go extinct if the jews have their way. Also, we can only co-exist peacefully if we are separate, in our own lands. This has been explained many times in sermons.

I've been doing the Race Awakening ritual almost every full moon, we have a full moon next monday, for anyone else who wants to do it.


Lydia said:
NaziMan12 said:
Non Whites and whites and vice versa can co-exist peacefully that is not the problem. The problem is the Jew is using this as a pre-text for taking Whites out of power so that they can then come in take over and institute Communism. Whites are the majority of the worlds population and thus more whites know of the Jewish problem.

Whites are the minority in the world. Asians, Blacks, and the mixed races far outnumber us. Which is why we have a problem here in regards to race mixing, we will go extinct if the jews have their way. Also, we can only co-exist peacefully if we are separate, in our own lands. This has been explained many times in sermons.

I've been doing the Race Awakening ritual almost every full moon, we have a full moon next monday, for anyone else who wants to do it.



Shouldn't we just focus on the Final RTR as stated many times by the HP's?
HailMotherLilith said:
Shouldn't we just focus on the Final RTR as stated many times by the HP's?

So I occasionally like to go that extra mile. Can't fault someone for that, lol. The full moon is only once a month, and there is also a sabbat the previous day, fall equinox. It's in my nature to do something special on esbats and sabbats. I like to get in touch with my Satanic witch self and do a monthly ritual for something important. Otherwise I feel off-balance and lacking.
Lydia said:
HailMotherLilith said:
Shouldn't we just focus on the Final RTR as stated many times by the HP's?

So I occasionally like to go that extra mile. Can't fault someone for that, lol. The full moon is only once a month, and there is also a sabbat the previous day, fall equinox. It's in my nature to do something special on esbats and sabbats. I like to get in touch with my Satanic witch self and do a monthly ritual for something important. Otherwise I feel off-balance and lacking.

Would you like to throw in a Protect JoS ritual as well?
Lydia said:
HailMotherLilith said:
Shouldn't we just focus on the Final RTR as stated many times by the HP's?

So I occasionally like to go that extra mile. Can't fault someone for that, lol. The full moon is only once a month, and there is also a sabbat the previous day, fall equinox. It's in my nature to do something special on esbats and sabbats. I like to get in touch with my Satanic witch self and do a monthly ritual for something important. Otherwise I feel off-balance and lacking.

Oh okay, thank you for the explanation.
Stormblood said:
Would you like to throw in a Protect JoS ritual as well?

Well, since it's usually the enemy that attacks JoS, using hebrew curses, the Final RTR will nullify those so it might not be needed :)
Lydia said:
Stormblood said:
Would you like to throw in a Protect JoS ritual as well?

Well, since it's usually the enemy that attacks JoS, using hebrew curses, the Final RTR will nullify those so it might not be needed :)

Well, technically is the same for people being asleep then: it's the results of enemy curses.
Stormblood said:
Lydia said:
Stormblood said:
Would you like to throw in a Protect JoS ritual as well?

Well, since it's usually the enemy that attacks JoS, using hebrew curses, the Final RTR will nullify those so it might not be needed :)

Well, technically is the same for people being asleep then: it's the results of enemy curses.

Yup that's true.

But curving runes with your blood and then vibrating them is so much extra energy, so it won't only remove the curses on whites/blacks but it will make them react too!
Frantz Fanon, a black psychiatrist, wrote a book called "Black Skin, White masks" which talks about the psychological reasons why black and white people would like to do race mixing, which I really found interesting. Although there are some information in this book that I have not researched completely yet, therefore I can not say i agree or disagree with it completely... but i recommend that you read it.

And about all the immigration stuff...

I read that a lot of people here complained about muslims or blacks going to the European countries and the US , but in the first place it was the Europe that started Colonizing Africa and then the Middle east. and then assigning puppet rulers to work and rule those areas in a way thats beneficial to Europeans government or the US, thus creating all this mess and all this immigration fuss all around the world.

(I know it was probably the jews that did this...i recently found this forum and some of my information are not updated with what i have recently learned here yet)

The politics of the whole world is being altered by these group and all i want is that they get destroyed and wiped out of earth. i am from middle east and and i really feel grief in my heart when i see what is happening to my country, to my land and to my people, and i miss there greatly (im from a immigrant family but i know i'll go back where I belong to).
Freud the psychiatrist wrote books stating that children want to have sex with their parents...… Is that real or just something of his own Jewish psyche.... He was from all reports having sex with one of his own sisters.

Psycho babble from some Freudian moron is not required. Psycho babble is well known to be a Jewish weapon against the Goyim as Freud admitted in his own words. So some other asshole writing his own desires down in psycho babble about race mixing is what again...…. The fact is most Black People don't want to mix either do Whites or Asians or most other People.

The fact since your Persian.... Should Iran be wiped out for colonisation of the world from India to Europe under the numerous Persian Empires and the numerous wars they waged on other People to create their Empires.... Following your own logic. What about Turkey and its Empire should they be punished in fact what about China and Japan or Mongolia and its Empires or India or Africa and its Empires. Or wait its only bad when White People do Empire. Because its White People and the entire Jewish run left in the West is an anti-White hate cult that openly demands the genocide of the White Race. And the British Empire was run by Jews. So is the American Empire of course the Jews that run the American left don't tell anyone that they blame White People so they don't get the blame and they can create a stupid anti-White hate cult. As their evil Jewish religion tells them Whites are to be genocided from the earth first.
HP Mageson666 said:
Freud the psychiatrist wrote books stating that children want to have sex with their parents...… Is that real or just something of his own Jewish psyche.... He was from all reports having sex with one of his own sisters.

Psycho babble from some Freudian moron is not required. Psycho babble is well known to be a Jewish weapon against the Goyim as Freud admitted in his own words. So some other asshole writing his own desires down in psycho babble about race mixing is what again...…. The fact is most Black People don't want to mix either do Whites or Asians or most other People.

The fact since your Persian.... Should Iran be wiped out for colonisation of the world from India to Europe under the numerous Persian Empires and the numerous wars they waged on other People to create their Empires.... Following your own logic. What about Turkey and its Empire should they be punished in fact what about China and Japan or Mongolia and its Empires or India or Africa and its Empires. Or wait its only bad when White People do Empire. Because its White People and the entire Jewish run left in the West is an anti-White hate cult that openly demands the genocide of the White Race. And the British Empire was run by Jews. So is the American Empire of course the Jews that run the American left don't tell anyone that they blame White People so they don't get the blame and they can create a stupid anti-White hate cult. As their evil Jewish religion tells them Whites are to be genocided from the earth first.

I know a lot of what Psychology, specially what Freud says is pure bullshit. I am not a fan of him or many others, but i think just reading and knowing different theories help understanding some aspects of life, since there is a little bit of truth mixed with all lies.

I didnt mean to say that race mixing is good. I see a lot of people from my own country who want to marry whites just because they think by marrying whites they can be accepted in a white society and pass as civilized, or just to somehow cure their self hatred by being accepted by Whites or Europeans. The level of self hatred is crazy in some "colored" countries. and The book that I mentioned talked about this and how the media reinforces the superiority or advancement of white people in a way that causes some people of the other races to be eager to do race mixing, and it also talked about the issues that come with it. And yes I do believe its jew propaganda.

As I said im new to this whole thing about Jews, because I've been thought different things and now I am relearning a lot of stuffs and it takes some time, and causes me to sound like an asshole at times.

Im not saying that whites should be wiped out or anything. All the empires in the world have colonized some other countries at some point. All Im saying is that these middle eastern counties get blamed for being chaotic or sending terrorists to US and Europe, while the leaders that the Jews that you mentioned assign other jew leaders to create even more problems in those countries, or create false attacks to just make a tension between the people. A lot of these "terrorist attacks" happens in a pattern, and in very funny ways. :cry:

As it seems Iran is going to be Invaded soon because US and Russia and England all want to rule over a part of it. And I know its not the white people who do it, but the lack of knowledge that all the people have about these jews or whatever the heck they are is the problem. everybody whats their problems to be solved and have great countries and all but no one takes the time to educate themselves, and I think blacks, whites, etc are all guilty in this matter. However Europeans have had more freedom and access to resources in some point in the history, so you guys are ahead of us and I respect that. but people are dying in Syria, Iraq, etc, because these jews steal resources and money and land people can not live their lives peacefully. I know immigration is basically running away from the problem instead of solving it, but I have no solution about how to defeat a government that's powerful and has been assign to rule the country by another government who is even more powerful to the point that it's ruling the whole world.
To be honest I see people of middle east as ants that are being smashed. And I dont know what to do about it...

I am really sad about what is happening about White race, and I didnt know anything about it until recently.
I think all races are being attacked by jews but each race only sees its own people, and they deny to open their eyes to the bigger picture.
Specially with all of these racial and lgbt movements that are happening these days its even harder to tell the truth and dont make people butt hurt just because they are too brainwashed to think for themselves.

I See beauty in all races specially when they are pure and all I want is the enemy of humanity to be wiped out.
Mental illness what drives race mixing as you admit. This is not a normal or healthy state of mind its a sickness of self hatred. Most Black Men date White Women because they hate their Black mothers and White Women because they hate their White Fathers. White Men date Asian's because they hate their Mothers and women in general because of that. That is the tale of all racer mixers I have known. This is all behaviour from traumatized and abused minds. Then the Jews tell all the Goy to race mix in their media propaganda and pass laws to force this on society. It all comes together in destructive social issue.

The fact is most American's and Europeans oppose any intervention or war in the Middle East. That is why Trump was voted in he promised to halt American interference in Syria. However the Jews own all the nations you mention and they want the Arab and Persian world destroyed so they can build Greater Israel. Many people in the West are against Israel for what it is doing to the Arabs. However the Jews control the Media and government so they keep as much of this as they can hidden and try and pass laws against mentioning it. Their holocaust religion is what they used to attempt to hang any taboo on the mention of this. The JoS has been an advocate for peace in the Middle East and warning people about the Jewish agenda from the start.

Our Reverse Torah Rituals are what has changed the tide in Syria and has brought an end to the conflict and allowed the Syrians to win and preserve their freedom. And is what is bringing down the Jewish empire. We did anti-war rituals for the Syrians to win.

RayaMystika said:
I know a lot of what Psychology, specially what Freud says is pure bullshit. I am not a fan of him or many others, but i think just reading and knowing different theories help understanding some aspects of life, since there is a little bit of truth mixed with all lies.

I didnt mean to say that race mixing is good. I see a lot of people from my own country who want to marry whites just because they think by marrying whites they can be accepted in a white society and pass as civilized, or just to somehow cure their self hatred by being accepted by Whites or Europeans. The level of self hatred is crazy in some "colored" countries. and The book that I mentioned talked about this and how the media reinforces the superiority or advancement of white people in a way that causes some people of the other races to be eager to do race mixing, and it also talked about the issues that come with it. And yes I do believe its jew propaganda.

As I said im new to this whole thing about Jews, because I've been thought different things and now I am relearning a lot of stuffs and it takes some time, and causes me to sound like an asshole at times.

Im not saying that whites should be wiped out or anything. All the empires in the world have colonized some other countries at some point. All Im saying is that these middle eastern counties get blamed for being chaotic or sending terrorists to US and Europe, while the leaders that the Jews that you mentioned assign other jew leaders to create even more problems in those countries, or create false attacks to just make a tension between the people. A lot of these "terrorist attacks" happens in a pattern, and in very funny ways. :cry:

As it seems Iran is going to be Invaded soon because US and Russia and England all want to rule over a part of it. And I know its not the white people who do it, but the lack of knowledge that all the people have about these jews or whatever the heck they are is the problem. everybody whats their problems to be solved and have great countries and all but no one takes the time to educate themselves, and I think blacks, whites, etc are all guilty in this matter. However Europeans have had more freedom and access to resources in some point in the history, so you guys are ahead of us and I respect that. but people are dying in Syria, Iraq, etc, because these jews steal resources and money and land people can not live their lives peacefully. I know immigration is basically running away from the problem instead of solving it, but I have no solution about how to defeat a government that's powerful and has been assign to rule the country by another government who is even more powerful to the point that it's ruling the whole world.
To be honest I see people of middle east as ants that are being smashed. And I dont know what to do about it...

I am really sad about what is happening about White race, and I didnt know anything about it until recently.
I think all races are being attacked by jews but each race only sees its own people, and they deny to open their eyes to the bigger picture.
Specially with all of these racial and lgbt movements that are happening these days its even harder to tell the truth and dont make people butt hurt just because they are too brainwashed to think for themselves.

I See beauty in all races specially when they are pure and all I want is the enemy of humanity to be wiped out.
HP Mageson666 said:
Mental illness what drives race mixing as you admit. This is not a normal or healthy state of mind its a sickness of self hatred. Most Black Men date White Women because they hate their Black mothers and White Women because they hate their White Fathers. White Men date Asian's because they hate their Mothers and women in general because of that. That is the tale of all racer mixers I have known. This is all behaviour from traumatized and abused minds. Then the Jews tell all the Goy to race mix in their media propaganda and pass laws to force this on society. It all comes together in destructive social issue.

The fact is most American's and Europeans oppose any intervention or war in the Middle East. That is why Trump was voted in he promised to halt American interference in Syria. However the Jews own all the nations you mention and they want the Arab and Persian world destroyed so they can build Greater Israel. Many people in the West are against Israel for what it is doing to the Arabs. However the Jews control the Media and government so they keep as much of this as they can hidden and try and pass laws against mentioning it. Their holocaust religion is what they used to attempt to hang any taboo on the mention of this. The JoS has been an advocate for peace in the Middle East and warning people about the Jewish agenda from the start.

Our Reverse Torah Rituals are what has changed the tide in Syria and has brought an end to the conflict and allowed the Syrians to win and preserve their freedom. And is what is bringing down the Jewish empire. We did anti-war rituals for the Syrians to win.

Yes Exactly as you said, mental illness.

I've been doing the RTR as much I can recently and i really feel the power that it has.
I didn't know about the anti war rituals! that's amazing.
Im really grateful for this all the people and information in this forum.

Hail Enki
Why don't I mix an equal percentage of random parts from a car, a jet airplane, a boat, and a bicycle and try to drive that thing to work every day? I suppose it would work. After all, how many parts do they each have? Much less than the trillions of more trillions of different pieces of DNA that make a person, so it should be about infinitely more effective. :roll:
The ancient Vedic texts mention the Races are not to mix and that they are to have their own living spaces and nations and stay racially pure. Even more modern Hindu leaders have mentioned this. Yet the nuuu age hippies just can't wrap their head around this.
Persian history is linked to Spiritual Satanism I have written articles on this. Originally the Persian's honored Satan this lives on the Persian Yezidhi's.

RayaMystika said:
Yes Exactly as you said, mental illness.

I've been doing the RTR as much I can recently and i really feel the power that it has.
I didn't know about the anti war rituals! that's amazing.
Im really grateful for this all the people and information in this forum.

Hail Enki
HP Mageson666 said:
Persian history is linked to Spiritual Satanism I have written articles on this. Originally the Persian's honored Satan this lives on the Persian Yezidhi's.

RayaMystika said:
Yes Exactly as you said, mental illness.

I've been doing the RTR as much I can recently and i really feel the power that it has.
I didn't know about the anti war rituals! that's amazing.
Im really grateful for this all the people and information in this forum.

Hail Enki

Yes that is exactly how I found out about Enki. I went deep into history and remembered the truth.
I'll find your article to read it. thanks ;)

RayaMystika said:
Yes that is exactly how I found out about Enki. I went deep into history and remembered the truth.
I'll find your article to read it. thanks ;)
RayaMystika said:
Frantz Fanon, a black psychiatrist, wrote a book called "Black Skin, White masks" which talks about the psychological reasons why black and white people would like to do race mixing, which I really found interesting. Although there are some information in this book that I have not researched completely yet, therefore I can not say i agree or disagree with it completely... but i recommend that you read it.

And about all the immigration stuff...

I read that a lot of people here complained about muslims or blacks going to the European countries and the US , but in the first place it was the Europe that started Colonizing Africa and then the Middle east. and then assigning puppet rulers to work and rule those areas in a way thats beneficial to Europeans government or the US, thus creating all this mess and all this immigration fuss all around the world.

(I know it was probably the jews that did this...i recently found this forum and some of my information are not updated with what i have recently learned here yet)

The politics of the whole world is being altered by these group and all i want is that they get destroyed and wiped out of earth. i am from middle east and and i really feel grief in my heart when i see what is happening to my country, to my land and to my people, and i miss there greatly (im from a immigrant family but i know i'll go back where I belong to).

Sure the immigrants came here because some others started there the war. And some others came because some others take all their wealth and they starve as in somalia which is very rich in petrol.
May be the Jews, may be the friends of the Jews with the Jews, don't know, but all those who create that situation are getting richer with that. This I'd their purpose and in fact they do not give a shit of races or anything else. The purpose is to to earn money and its not important what way they use to go there, they only want to be there.
HP Mageson666 said:

RayaMystika said:
Yes that is exactly how I found out about Enki. I went deep into history and remembered the truth.
I'll find your article to read it. thanks ;)

Thank You!!
I read it! The best thing I ever read about Sufism and Al-Khidr!
Finally some truth with out the islamic bias

That is why a lot of Sufis tried to take the guilt away from Satan in the muslim story of Satan and Adam and Eve. also a lot of Sufis stated that you have to take Satan as your true teacher because he knows everything best.
The truth is guys nobody is even aware of the notion of race until they wake up. This is how strong the spells of the jews are. It's like it passes in front of their eyes in a limbo state.

As Hitler stated, the best alerter of the 20th century except of a leader, the facts we are oblivious to are the ones in front of us, the basics of nature.
Astardastar said:
Gohed Sonuf said:
A question: Is race mixing reversible? Because I am basically pure nordic scandinavian, but if my/our (as a whole) life expectancy is 90 years, then we must be race mixed. How do we become pure white again? The following question is very important to me and would put some worries aside: Does the magnum opus = Being of Pure Race? Even more in depth regarding this: Is that actually all the Magnum Opus is, is 'becoming of pure race'? Thanks in advance. Hail Satan!

Reversable i do not think it may be, because if it was then would be observed this.

Yet I know a real story that I he heated when was small. A Greek woman cheated her husband with a black man. The baby was white. When the baby boy grown up and married his son was foynd to be black. He wanted to divorce his wife and then his mother told him not to do it, for his father was black. So look, frim a white man at colour came out a black baby.
Yet this black baby is impossible not to have white genes in him. Same way his father had the black genes and have this baby.

In 9 out of 10 situations like the one described the people are just black, with a lighter shade of skin tone. And they are black in every way.

I do not think 'half white and half black' is accurate. It's anything but accurate. Most people coming from such union are almost always just closing in 100% black, with some softer features.
RayaMystika said:
HP Mageson666 said:

RayaMystika said:
Yes that is exactly how I found out about Enki. I went deep into history and remembered the truth.
I'll find your article to read it. thanks ;)

Thank You!!
I read it! The best thing I ever read about Sufism and Al-Khidr!
Finally some truth with out the islamic bias

That is why a lot of Sufis tried to take the guilt away from Satan in the muslim story of Satan and Adam and Eve. also a lot of Sufis stated that you have to take Satan as your true teacher because he knows everything best.

Many Sufis behind closed doors just practiced ancient middle Eastern or Akkadian paganism or Satanism to one extent or another. This is like the Yezidis as stated before who tried to pretend they don't really worship Satan/Iblis and they just changed the rhetoric to the generic title "Melek Taus". Who is symbolized as a serpent in all their chapels.

This watering down did not work however they are still persecuted to die for worshiping Satan.
Astardastar said:
RayaMystika said:
Frantz Fanon, a black psychiatrist, wrote a book called "Black Skin, White masks" which talks about the psychological reasons why black and white people would like to do race mixing, which I really found interesting. Although there are some information in this book that I have not researched completely yet, therefore I can not say i agree or disagree with it completely... but i recommend that you read it.

And about all the immigration stuff...

I read that a lot of people here complained about muslims or blacks going to the European countries and the US , but in the first place it was the Europe that started Colonizing Africa and then the Middle east. and then assigning puppet rulers to work and rule those areas in a way thats beneficial to Europeans government or the US, thus creating all this mess and all this immigration fuss all around the world.

(I know it was probably the jews that did this...i recently found this forum and some of my information are not updated with what i have recently learned here yet)

The politics of the whole world is being altered by these group and all i want is that they get destroyed and wiped out of earth. i am from middle east and and i really feel grief in my heart when i see what is happening to my country, to my land and to my people, and i miss there greatly (im from a immigrant family but i know i'll go back where I belong to).

Sure the immigrants came here because some others started there the war. And some others came because some others take all their wealth and they starve as in somalia which is very rich in petrol.
May be the Jews, may be the friends of the Jews with the Jews, don't know, but all those who create that situation are getting richer with that. This I'd their purpose and in fact they do not give a shit of races or anything else. The purpose is to to earn money and its not important what way they use to go there, they only want to be there.

The jews have buttons and allies from all Gentile races on earth and many traitors who are natives in all countries, from Africa to India to the USA. These Gentiles are not victims and innocent. They rape their own people with jews in hand for comforts and shekels. They deserve equal punishment to the jews.
curio said:
NaziMan12 said:
Non Whites and whites and vice versa can co-exist peacefully that is not the problem. The problem is the Jew is using this as a pre-text for taking Whites out of power so that they can then come in take over and institute Communism. Whites are the majority of the worlds population and thus more whites know of the Jewish problem.
Whites are not the majority of the world's population. We make up 1/7th of the population, or about 14%, and dropping. 86% of the world is nonwhite.

The races can only coexist if they're kept separate.

Astardastar said:
Fire Of The Gods said:
Can one of you actually explain what is wrong with race mixing? I've heard you say that there's scientific proof that race mixing is bad but I've never seen any studies to show it. Until I see a study or am given a good explanation for why it's bad I will stick with the opinion that there is nothing wrong with it.

There is something that I realize about this and except all the other reasons those who are ruling the world they want this. More power on the world means the people.
For you have power on the people without obvious violence, you have to enslave their minds. And of course cut them off what they rill now knew and believe.

I am Greek. Here are so many immigrants coming from many countries.
Greece is christian country. They pressure Greeks to accept Muslims and have Muslim churches among them. To hide christian symbols from public buildings as schools and so.

What is happening with the muslem immigrants here the same time. They came to live in a country with religion they don't accept, they see clothing they don't like, they dont have many Muslim churches but only few small and after many denyes of the Christians.

They tell us to respect them so do not show religion things do not have the freedom to do it.
The Muslims too do not have the freedom to do all what their religion and culture says to do.

So the freedom both of Greeks and Muslims is reduced.

As for me, I d like some groups of Satan to be free here but nothing heared. Its still very big taboo satanism in greece.

Anyway, the race mixing guides to the less freedom of the people of each race and nation. In the name of respect each other we have to forget what we know and follow what we all be told by well paid crooks who are talking about the correct and the good. If you believe and say in public opposite they punish with antiratsistic law or just underestimate. Those in greece.

In other countries you just can say what is happening with race mixing.

This is what happens when you accept (((immigrants))) from the turd world. They coerce their hosts into cucking over to their demands so they can drag it down to the same level of the shithole they just left behind. Respect is a two-way street, what these roaches want is not respect but the total deference, submission and ultimately subjugation of you, the kafir, the infidel. They know what the socio-political climate is like in western countries and actively work to exploit it for their own gain, at the detriment of the natives.

They know exactly what they're doing.

Given the fact that many people are not even white counted there, my best bet would be that the reasonably white people are around 9% of the population, nowhere close to 14%, which is still, clear as to the plan of our systematic extinction.

However the nations who have created endless offspring also suffer from poverty and many other perils, health wise and socially.
Hoodedcobra666 said:
curio said:
NaziMan12 said:
Non Whites and whites and vice versa can co-exist peacefully that is not the problem. The problem is the Jew is using this as a pre-text for taking Whites out of power so that they can then come in take over and institute Communism. Whites are the majority of the worlds population and thus more whites know of the Jewish problem.
Whites are not the majority of the world's population. We make up 1/7th of the population, or about 14%, and dropping. 86% of the world is nonwhite.

The races can only coexist if they're kept separate.

Astardastar said:
There is something that I realize about this and except all the other reasons those who are ruling the world they want this. More power on the world means the people.
For you have power on the people without obvious violence, you have to enslave their minds. And of course cut them off what they rill now knew and believe.

I am Greek. Here are so many immigrants coming from many countries.
Greece is christian country. They pressure Greeks to accept Muslims and have Muslim churches among them. To hide christian symbols from public buildings as schools and so.

What is happening with the muslem immigrants here the same time. They came to live in a country with religion they don't accept, they see clothing they don't like, they dont have many Muslim churches but only few small and after many denyes of the Christians.

They tell us to respect them so do not show religion things do not have the freedom to do it.
The Muslims too do not have the freedom to do all what their religion and culture says to do.

So the freedom both of Greeks and Muslims is reduced.

As for me, I d like some groups of Satan to be free here but nothing heared. Its still very big taboo satanism in greece.

Anyway, the race mixing guides to the less freedom of the people of each race and nation. In the name of respect each other we have to forget what we know and follow what we all be told by well paid crooks who are talking about the correct and the good. If you believe and say in public opposite they punish with antiratsistic law or just underestimate. Those in greece.

In other countries you just can say what is happening with race mixing.

This is what happens when you accept (((immigrants))) from the turd world. They coerce their hosts into cucking over to their demands so they can drag it down to the same level of the shithole they just left behind. Respect is a two-way street, what these roaches want is not respect but the total deference, submission and ultimately subjugation of you, the kafir, the infidel. They know what the socio-political climate is like in western countries and actively work to exploit it for their own gain, at the detriment of the natives.

They know exactly what they're doing.

Given the fact that many people are not even white counted there, my best bet would be that the reasonably white people are around 9% of the population, nowhere close to 14%, which is still, clear as to the plan of our systematic extinction.

However the nations who have created endless offspring also suffer from poverty and many other perils, health wise and socially.

Here this percentage you say its for immigrants, before the refugees and new immigrants come in the last years. Some of the immigrants are white too as albanians, but there are too many from africa , arabs, Chinese and other Asians.

But the percentage you given its not correct if I understood well you mean the whites are those in here.
For now, because Greeks are not making new children but all those who came are having or doing maybe up to 6 children.

So maybe after years the percentage you gave will be correct.

You know something? Ending of something is something bad. On the other side ending of something means that something else arround was stronger and you can do nothing about that.

If something disappear means that didn't have the willing or ability to stay there ,bad, but the nature rules say if You are not stronger than another then you maybe disappear if the other wish so.

There are voted laws here, asked by EU which lead to disaster as not plant even tomatoes in your yard, and also there are given money from eu here you know for what?
To destroy fishing ships so people will only buy fish if they cant catch and
To destroy grapes trees so people must buy the fruit or wine.

I dont know what is halpening in your country but must ve there too laws to enslave you. As eu was created,the boss of each nation is not one who loves the nation but one who uses the nation to get richer and he does not give a shit for the nation or the race. If they would get ritcher by mixing wellow with black race and fill tbe world with them they would do.
Hoodedcobra666 said:
The truth is guys nobody is even aware of the notion of race until they wake up. This is how strong the spells of the jews are. It's like it passes in front of their eyes in a limbo state.

As Hitler stated, the best alerter of the 20th century except of a leader, the facts we are oblivious to are the ones in front of us, the basics of nature.

It is not only a spell to gentiles it is much more practical. It is the whole system of education in nations that make people who obey, it is the brainwash in the entire life, and the subconscious messages to guide people do things and have a lifestyle that they would not make the same choices if they were not brainwashed. It is the knowledge if the mass psycology and through this they put that huge influence on them.

Especially subconcious messages are a very strong tool, are similar with what jos is saying to reset subconscious because that is what make us to want or don't want things.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
