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Evolution Theory


New member
Feb 17, 2021
Is the Theory that all humans are descended from Africa and spread across the world migrating from region correct? I also wanted to know how humans were created, if this theory of evolution is false.
L I C H said:
Is the Theory that all humans are descended from Africa and spread across the world migrating from region correct? I also wanted to know how humans were created, if this theory of evolution is false.
We were created by the gods, not evolved from African apes.
L I C H said:
Is the Theory that all humans are descended from Africa and spread across the world migrating from region correct? I also wanted to know how humans were created, if this theory of evolution is false.

Satan Lucifer The Lord Of The World
BlackEagle666 said:
L I C H said:
Is the Theory that all humans are descended from Africa and spread across the world migrating from region correct? I also wanted to know how humans were created, if this theory of evolution is false.
We were created by the gods, not evolved from African apes.
He didn't create us from nothing tho, remember that. Evolution has been proven, no doubt, xians and jews are the ones going against evolution and science.
Serbon said:
BlackEagle666 said:
L I C H said:
Is the Theory that all humans are descended from Africa and spread across the world migrating from region correct? I also wanted to know how humans were created, if this theory of evolution is false.
We were created by the gods, not evolved from African apes.
He didn't create us from nothing tho, remember that. Evolution has been proven, no doubt, xians and jews are the ones going against evolution and science.

It's a little more complicated than that. Darwinian evolution is bogus, and so is the idea that all life was created by a jew god in the sky.

Life is incredibly complex. A single cell dwarfs even the most advanced robotics humans have made. Cellular machines like the flagellum (tail for swimming) just can't evolve by chance because they only work when fully assembled. A flagellum-in-progress would just be dead weight, which natural selection eliminates.

Then there's the DNA itself, which is essentially a self-modifying computer program. It can adapt itself to surroundings, but only because the program is running. Life can only evolve because it can reproduce. There is a minimum level of information needed to reproduce, and without that, there can be no Darwinian evolution.

So how did life come to exist? Where did the information come from?

That can be answered with another question.

How did this come to exist?

It didn't. It simply exists. That fractal was generated by the iterated function:

z = z² + C, where C is the (x, y) sample point.

That infinite maze of swirls, infinitely complex information, has existed for as long as math has existed, which is forever.

The same is true for life. Life is the expression of ordered forms inherent to existence. The physical law of entropy, that of decay, is balanced by a spiritual law of advancement. Darwin's random mutations would produce a random mess that just happens to sort of work. Not beautiful carefully ordered structures like we actually see in life. Energy wants to make the forms of life. It wants to guide matter into these forms. The blueprint already exists. Satan just accelerated this process for humans by improving apes with his own DNA.
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=332383 time=1646783341 user_id=346]
It's a little more complicated than that. Darwinian evolution is bogus, and so is the idea that all life was created by a jew god in the sky.

Life is incredibly complex. A single cell dwarfs even the most advanced robotics humans have made. Cellular machines like the flagellum (tail for swimming) just can't evolve by chance because they only work when fully assembled. A flagellum-in-progress would just be dead weight, which natural selection eliminates.

Then there's the DNA itself, which is essentially a self-modifying computer program. It can adapt itself to surroundings, but only because the program is running. Life can only evolve because it can reproduce. There is a minimum level of information needed to reproduce, and without that, there can be no Darwinian evolution.

So how did life come to exist? Where did the information come from?

That can be answered with another question.

How did this come to exist?

It didn't. It simply exists. That fractal was generated by the iterated function:

z = z² + C, where C is the (x, y) sample point.

That infinite maze of swirls, infinitely complex information, has existed for as long as math has existed, which is forever.

The same is true for life. Life is the expression of ordered forms inherent to existence. The physical law of entropy, that of decay, is balanced by a spiritual law of advancement. Darwin's random mutations would produce a random mess that just happens to sort of work. Not beautiful carefully ordered structures like we actually see in life. Energy wants to make the forms of life. It wants to guide matter into these forms. The blueprint already exists. Satan just accelerated this process for humans by improving apes with his own DNA.

I thought quite same. HPHC didn't go into details of the process but he said without Father Satan, intelligent life would be hardly exist. All the species that evolved on Earth towards this level of evolution (which I mean, the intelligent life forms) couldn't win against natural calamities and then they have extincted.

I remember he said something similar to this. But I agree, all possible pasts and potential future existences are already present in the akasha.

If this Double-slit Experiment is real, it also explains how things exist in metaphysical world, i.e. world of ideas/forms, i.e. akasha/ether. Electron doesn't know that it's measured, but the system of metaphysical world works so. For an example, this system of universe already knew that the camera is a device of observational measurement even before it's invented by civilizations.

Observation, seeing and things like measurement are beyond the physical world. At the end of the day, electron has no intelligence and it neither can't say "Oh my, I've been measured!" nor tell which devices/items are for measurement. It could be a pencil too, not the camera. Electron can't discern which one of them is for writing and which one of them is for observational measuring. But it's more likely about universe's system works so.

What's your thoughts on that? I think it's by its own proves that the metaphysical world exists.
L I C H said:
Is the Theory that all humans ... I also wanted to know how humans were created, if this theory of evolution is false.

Homo-erectus + Annunaki/ Orion genes = Humans. We were created through genetic engineering.
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=332383 time=1646783341 user_id=346]
Satan just accelerated this process for humans by improving apes with his own DNA.
I think he created us from beings that were little more advanced than apes. Since we have evidence that there were still "human-looking" beings more advanced than aapes.
I'm not sure but I think that Maxine too has written about this topic in the past somewhere.
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=332383 time=1646783341 user_id=346]

I also found an interesting thread about this:
Serbon said:
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=332383 time=1646783341 user_id=346]
Satan just accelerated this process for humans by improving apes with his own DNA.
I think he created us from beings that were little more advanced than apes. Since we have evidence that there were still "human-looking" beings more advanced than aapes.
I'm not sure but I think that Maxine too has written about this topic in the past somewhere.
I think it depends on the races, whites are directly descended from the gods, while blacks were created earlier.
The Gods created blacks on Earth with genetic engineering and while the Gods were here on Earth they mated with each other and that is where the white race comes from.
Why else do we have more advanced genetics?
This is my idea.

Even if we were created from some apes, "we" were not apes, we started existing afterwards.
Then the human soul is different, just as the soul of a dog or a cat is different.
To believe that you have in part the soul of an ape is an offence against the work of Satan.
Literally we have qualities in our souls that are enviable.
In case, of the "starting ape" there is nothing left.
Serbon said:
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=332383 time=1646783341 user_id=346]
Satan just accelerated this process for humans by improving apes with his own DNA.
I think he created us from beings that were little more advanced than apes. Since we have evidence that there were still "human-looking" beings more advanced than aapes.
I'm not sure but I think that Maxine too has written about this topic in the past somewhere.
Yes, the fossil record shows that many species of advanced human-like apes existed. I used the word ape in a loose sense. If you saw a bigfoot, you would call it an ape. It's also fairly likely that bigfoots are real. I suspect bigfoot is so heavily covered up because if that species were studied closely, it would probably be obvious that humans were Satan's handiwork, and not the same process as for other life forms.

Bright Truth said:
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=332383 time=1646783341 user_id=346]

I thought quite same. HPHC didn't go into details of the process but he said without Father Satan, intelligent life would be hardly exist. All the species that evolved on Earth towards this level of evolution (which I mean, the intelligent life forms) couldn't win against natural calamities and then they have extincted.

I remember he said something similar to this. But I agree, all possible pasts and potential future existences are already present in the akasha.

If this Double-slit Experiment is real, it also explains how things exist in metaphysical world, i.e. world of ideas/forms, i.e. akasha/ether. Electron doesn't know that it's measured, but the system of metaphysical world works so. For an example, this system of universe already knew that the camera is a device of observational measurement even before it's invented by civilizations.

Observation, seeing and things like measurement are beyond the physical world. At the end of the day, electron has no intelligence and it neither can't say "Oh my, I've been measured!" nor tell which devices/items are for measurement. It could be a pencil too, not the camera. Electron can't discern which one of them is for writing and which one of them is for observational measuring. But it's more likely about universe's system works so.

What's your thoughts on that? I think it's by its own proves that the metaphysical world exists.
Yes, the double-slit experiment seems to be real. I took two classes that covered subatomic physics, and I learned that the wording of it is designed to make it hard to understand, as usual for physics done by jews. To "measure" is not some hocus-pocus that tells an electron it's being measured. Suppose a random beam of light hits an electron. It's absolutely the same as if a person sent that beam there to measure it, and it will affect the electron the same way. Except that nobody cares what information the random light tells about the electron because it wasn't a "measurement".

A measurement is simply something a person does to gain information about something. For example, suppose you have a chocolate, and you want to know if it's tasty. You'll need to measure the flavor by eating it. However, once you've eaten it, the chocolate has been ruined by the method of method of measurement! Of course, you can simply break off a piece and eat it, then say, statistically the rest of it is probably tasty. However, at the quantum scale of an electron, uncertainty is everywhere, so measuring one electron tells you very little about its neighbors.

It's not that the electron says "I've been measured.", but rather, quantum physics states that all actions that tell you something about an electron (called measurements) will unavoidably affect the electron. Like eating a chocolate to measure if it's tasty.

Proof of the metaphysical world is all over physics, especially quantum physics. That's probably why it is so heavily corrupted by jews. The facts are correct so they can predict experiments, but the explanations are intentionally corrupted. For example, jews like Feynman invented ideas like virtual particles, which are just like real particles, except that they don't really exist most of the time until they randomly decide to pop in and out of existence. And because they're virtual, you can't ever measure them to see if they exist... Makes sense, doesn't it? It's obviously a cover up for something important, like perhaps the astral dimensions. If particles were moving between dimensions, they would appear to pop in and out from our perspective.

Then there's entanglement, which seems to allow instant communication over any distance, thus breaking einstein's lie of relativity. And of course, we know that the Gods can communicate instantly with us all the way from Duat. The only parts of einstein's theories that are true are those that he stole from Lorentz and other geniuses. Einstein's only idea was that the aether doesn't exist. :roll:

Hitler was on the right track by kicking out all the jewish scientists and ignoring their work.
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=332638 time=1646854799 user_id=346]
It's also fairly likely that bigfoots are real. I suspect bigfoot is so heavily covered up because if that species were studied closely, it would probably be obvious that humans were Satan's handiwork, and not the same process as for other life forms.
I've read that the soviets had a team that studied them, people in remote villages in the Caucasus would leave food for them at night, and would avoid speaking about them to the authorities to protect them. There was also an episode in ww2 where a soviet medical army doctor was called to examine this human looking dude that was covered in hair and he was basically a cave man, the couldn't understand what to do with him, it ends with the partisans killing him. Anyways, the book is "the new soviet psychic discoveries", great book in my opinion.
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=332638 time=1646854799 user_id=346]
Yes, the fossil record shows that many species of advanced human-like apes existed. I used the word ape in a loose sense. If you saw a bigfoot, you would call it an ape. It's also fairly likely that bigfoots are real. I suspect bigfoot is so heavily covered up because if that species were studied closely, it would probably be obvious that humans were Satan's handiwork, and not the same process as for other life forms.

Aquarius said:
I've read that the soviets had a team that studied them, people in remote villages in the Caucasus would leave food for them at night, and would avoid speaking about them to the authorities to protect them. There was also an episode in ww2 where a soviet medical army doctor was called to examine this human looking dude that was covered in hair and he was basically a cave man, the couldn't understand what to do with him, it ends with the partisans killing him. Anyways, the book is "the new soviet psychic discoveries", great book in my opinion.
I'll definitely research more on bigfoots, and take a look at the book Aquarius mentioned.
Btw, Soaring Eagle, I've sent you an email
Aquarius said:
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=332638 time=1646854799 user_id=346]
It's also fairly likely that bigfoots are real. I suspect bigfoot is so heavily covered up because if that species were studied closely, it would probably be obvious that humans were Satan's handiwork, and not the same process as for other life forms.
I've read that the soviets had a team that studied them, people in remote villages in the Caucasus would leave food for them at night, and would avoid speaking about them to the authorities to protect them. There was also an episode in ww2 where a soviet medical army doctor was called to examine this human looking dude that was covered in hair and he was basically a cave man, the couldn't understand what to do with him, it ends with the partisans killing him. Anyways, the book is "the new soviet psychic discoveries", great book in my opinion.
I made a note to get it someday. Thank you.

In my opinion, one of the most compelling evidences for the existence of bigfoot is the sheer number of reports made by normal honest people, who have no motivation to make up stories up that get them branded as crazy. (Very few of them make money from TV shows or books.)

There's also a huge gap between the credibility of the scientists. Almost all of the anti-bigfoot explanations sound ridiculous. Here are some of the most ridiculous from MonsterQuest episodes:

"It was a bear." (But bears don't walk; at best they take several unsteady steps then drop to all fours.)

"It was a man playing a prank." (So someone wanted to dress up as a big furry animal during bear season? In that episode, that bigfoot nearly got shot as a bear by mistake.)

"It was a gorilla, and you exaggerated the size." (But there are no wild gorillas in North America, so you're saying that people have seen thousands of escaped gorillas.)

"It was a dream." (What about other sightings that include footprints? I suppose people were sleepwalking and made fake bigfoot prints.)

And my personal favorite:
"Your subconscious recalled a genetic memory from the days when humans looked like bigfoots." (I could barely believe the guy suggested something so ridiculous. The footprint problem applies here too.)

In contrast, the pro-bigfoot scientists usually make sense. They track sightings and keep tons of plaster prints to tell if a new one is fake from real. They employ the scientific method, and use proper reasoning.
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=333062 time=1646981698 user_id=346]
Aquarius said:
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=332638 time=1646854799 user_id=346]
It's also fairly likely that bigfoots are real. I suspect bigfoot is so heavily covered up because if that species were studied closely, it would probably be obvious that humans were Satan's handiwork, and not the same process as for other life forms.
I've read that the soviets had a team that studied them, people in remote villages in the Caucasus would leave food for them at night, and would avoid speaking about them to the authorities to protect them. There was also an episode in ww2 where a soviet medical army doctor was called to examine this human looking dude that was covered in hair and he was basically a cave man, the couldn't understand what to do with him, it ends with the partisans killing him. Anyways, the book is "the new soviet psychic discoveries", great book in my opinion.
I made a note to get it someday. Thank you.

In my opinion, one of the most compelling evidences for the existence of bigfoot is the sheer number of reports made by normal honest people, who have no motivation to make up stories up that get them branded as crazy. (Very few of them make money from TV shows or books.)

There's also a huge gap between the credibility of the scientists. Almost all of the anti-bigfoot explanations sound ridiculous. Here are some of the most ridiculous from MonsterQuest episodes:

"It was a bear." (But bears don't walk; at best they take several unsteady steps then drop to all fours.)

"It was a man playing a prank." (So someone wanted to dress up as a big furry animal during bear season? In that episode, that bigfoot nearly got shot as a bear by mistake.)

"It was a gorilla, and you exaggerated the size." (But there are no wild gorillas in North America, so you're saying that people have seen thousands of escaped gorillas.)

"It was a dream." (What about other sightings that include footprints? I suppose people were sleepwalking and made fake bigfoot prints.)

And my personal favorite:
"Your subconscious recalled a genetic memory from the days when humans looked like bigfoots." (I could barely believe the guy suggested something so ridiculous. The footprint problem applies here too.)

In contrast, the pro-bigfoot scientists usually make sense. They track sightings and keep tons of plaster prints to tell if a new one is fake from real. They employ the scientific method, and use proper reasoning.
Do you know Lloyd Pie? He has a very interesting youtube video of a couple hours long that goes into the possibility of the bigfoot being what we were before the Gods bio engineered us.
I figured it was related to how jews think of us as animals and hate us, and how they want us to feel lowly, inferior, and like simple minded hairy beasts far removed from our Godly nature. Telling us that our ancestors were monkeys might just be more of the same.

I remember how depressed I got when I was told that crap in science class. It crushed me on a deep level. Who would think something like that naturally on their own? Imagine if you were never told that you evolved from monkeys - would the idea ever occur to you on your own? Most people would just live their lives naturally, being happy with their families, and without any of this monkey business popping into their heads.

Like yeah, the alternative would be going to church and learning that you were born to serve jews. That's certainly worse than being a monkey. But I mean come on... there's just no good alternatives offered by these kikes. If you're not believing that you're the property of "god" aka jews then you must be a monkey's uncle. We're better off not listening to a lot of these theories coming from mainstream educational facilities. In a lot of ways school is just church for smart people these days.

Just ask any kid: would you rather be a monkey, or a Dragon? The obvious answer comes naturally to most. Probably because we are Dragons.
Darwin's evolution theory has some truth in that we can evolve our race; this is what Father Satan wants for us: upgrading into the higher divine level of humanity through alchemy.

However, the human race was created by Satan to near perfection. When humans were first created over 12,000 years ago, they were superior to the modern human. Humans actually devolved with time because of alienation from the Gods and the truth, as opposed to Darwin's theory.

What's extremely funny though is that when the reptilian aliens created the first Jews, they looked literally like apes. :p they evolved through race-mixing with humans (they abducted and raped Gentiles). So Darwin's theory applies to the Jewish evolution very well, but not to Satan's children.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
