All of humanity absolutely did not come from africa. The races evolved seperately and independently. There were skeletons found in a cave in greece, and bones found in riverbeds in Germany, which come from white people and these bones are as old or even older than most of the African bones that were found.
DNA tests done to study haplogroups, or groups of people containing very similar DNA which shows the group evolved together, have been done on both European and African people. And this study found that all Africans had DNA coming only from the African haplogroups and did not have any European DNA at all. And all Europeans had DNA only from the European haplogroups, and did not contain any African DNA at all.
The races are absolutely seperate, have evolved absolutely seperately, and it looks like they did not come from the same roots. The White DNA never came out of Africa, it came out of Lemuria or Mu which was a continent in Pacific that sunk under the ocean 14,000 years ago. Sri Lanka is a remaining piece of this continent from the place where it connected to the other continent.
The entire idea that every race came from the African race was all started by a Harvard university jew.