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Everyone Is a Terrorist And Hamas Nowadays

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012

There are many videos of them shooting children, babies, random people, same as the other video where they killed 3 seven year old children for literally no reason. Everyone that is not a jew is Hamas and we know the rest of it, the Europeans are Hamas, the Americans are Hamas, everyone who doesn't like them is a terrorist organization and Hamas, and everyone who doesn't lick their boots will go to eternal hellfire. We know the narrative already. If you don't lick their boots as they exterminate all kids randomly, you are an anti-semite and so on.

If you accidentally fart on a dinner table with Jews as they do the Ritual where they dip their hands in wine and say "That is the blood of the dead Egyptians" (they do that every year), this fart is literally a Nuke that killed 6 million innocent jews. You will be going to hell for this.

Jews are the only religious group and race on earth that has as a "Commandment" that must be followed "Nation wise" and to go to "Heaven", that you must "dash the infants of your enemies against the stones" and kill them that way. They literally pray these things in their Synagogues and they pray for the extermination of all other humans for what they refer to as "Gods plan", an idea conceived by angry, schizophrenic and murderous jews that were experiencing great jealousy for every undeserved civilization that homed them, gave them great opportunities and life. How great of them. But if you say this, you are Hamas and a Terrorist.

If you don't approve of the Talmud that says that they should have sex with 3 year olds and that pedophilia is actually "just the plucking of the eye" as they state (nothing evil to see here, anti-semitic goyim) you are a Terrorist and you have Nukes and want to launch them on Israel, yes we know these narratives as well.

If you disagree with them you don't deserve a closed bank account, imprisoned existence, and you must be blessed with them bringing in 50,000,000 rapefugees in your land for "Climate Crisis", because you are Hamas and Amalek. Meanwhile Israel will genocide all the migrants to maintain "racial purity", but you house these 500,000,000 migrants, evil Amalek, to extinct yourself.

For those that don't know, "Amalek" is a word they use for everyone that has a contrarian opinion to them and seeks to cause upset to their "beautiful plans", which of course involve only themselves sitting on the heap of ruins of everyone else who is dead, for the dream of "Greater Israel that shall extend up until Ephrates" and will involve the genocide of all people in these regions to achieve.

How will it extend up to there? Just kill everyone and make war with everyone. That's "God's plan" of course, it came out of the asshole of a Rabbi in a schizophrenic state the other day, and they follow it to that day. If you disagree with this you are a terrorist with Nukes and you want to cause a holocaust of 60,000,00,000,000,000 jews.

Yadda yadda, the jew is on a psychotic spree again, let's start WW3 because they aren't in the asylums and the camps of anti-socials that they belong, and let's betray 99.5% of humanity so the jew can be happy in their genocidal plan, or one is Hamas and Hezbollah.

X and the Western World [spawns of Satan] are also allowing the Anti-Semitic Hamas Terrorists who don't like Israel, to express and opinion. That's also a holocaust and maybe Elon Musk is the leader of Hamas. If not the leader, certainly a Nuke Carrying Terrorist. 100% here. The AyyyLmao Defamation League is going to let us know in it's next publication.

If you don't want to die in your own Nation by their "open borders policy" or your daughters don't whore themselves in the streets because of their sexual "liberation" policy, you are also a terrorist and Hamas. If you use your rights to Free Speech and don't cast down all your Constitution and history, you are Hamas. If you don't obey them in all their dictates, you are Hamas. If you don't bow down for the worthless Bibi and kiss the wall, you are a terrorist and Hamas. If you don't approve Rabbi Yehoshua/Jesus Christ, you will go to eternal Hellfire, and you are Hamas.

Jews claim they aren't terrorists, but they hold national celebrations of terrorist jews against the Roman Empire, Egypt, Greece and every civilization that housed these rats and gave them an undeserved life that their worthless parasitic tribe would never even have. But if you say this you must also be Hamas or some other terrorist, despite on if the jews mention this in the book of the Macabees and their Bible.

Any "jew" who doesn't condone the above is also a Hamas terrorist and they are Nuke carrying Terrorist that is not "a real jew" and will go eternally into Gehennom, ie, an eternal lake of fire and torment. They aren't real jews and they "betray the jewish national norms and tribe and history". Meanwhile, as you watch your TV, you shall be reminded daily by the jewish media that you have no culture, that you must not be loyal to any virtues of your Nation, and that you must be as disloyal as you can.

That's for you, the "Goyim" (animal slave Gentile in Hebrew), while they will retain another opinion for their own Racial/Religious "folkman".

Enough psychological nonsense with these schizoids. Humanity has to move on.

Things like this simply pushed me to publish the latest Ritual.

These aren't doing any war and they created everything out of their own mind to just create bloodshed and because they want to take Iran down, because they want to continue with more and more genocide until they have annihilated everyone in the region, while they rely on American balls to do all their work.

Why do we have to do WW3 and start Nuclear war? Because of 9 million faggots in Israel half of which are psychotic and schizoid, and because others around them try to defend themselves from the idea of Greater Israel, against a tribe that just showed up and stole all their Nation. They extinct the first race there, the Palestinians, and we have to aid them and cause "Armaggedon" because they perceive that will bring them to their "holy land".

Their "plan" involves the active death and genocide of approximately 100,000,000 people in the region and the extermination of all their neigborhing Nations which are mostly just innocent and they are constantly declared as "terrorists" because the jews showed up randomly and want to steal everything because "The bible said so".

If you don't this, are you Hamas and a Nuke Carrying terrorist? You're not a jewish bootlicker? You are certainly going to Hell. Do you worship Rabbi Jesus or not? Then why aren't you bringing these trillions in Taxpayer money for this to be achieved? Work it up, what's wrong with you? Are you Hamas?

The bible brags about the genocides of the world's greatest civilizations and every year they hold major rituals to celebrate the extermination and death of everyone. But lo and behold if anyone dislikes them for any of this, they are a terrorist organization or something.

You don't believe in the Bible or what? Aren't jews your god?

Personally they are not my god and they are just dross on my boots. I shall never respect them and would prefer death over abetting this insane tribe of genocidal maniacs. But now I have stated a forbidden opinion in the Land of Free Speech, which the jews call "The Great Satan". That's bigger than the fart I mentioned earlier on their Holy genocidal table - I'm going to hell immediately for eternal hellfire, for sure.

As one wise Rabbi said, about half the people of earth are against them right now. One day they woke up (the jews never did anything as they claim, all justified) and people are hating them. So Hamas technically must have at least 4.5 billion members now. Really these are the end times...What if they become 8 billion really quickly?

"Gehennom, Gehennom, oy vey, they found us out!".

Enough is enough with the jews. They are just a bunch of bastardized creatures who are arrogant and deadly. They should be displaced and treated as anti-social elements that want to bring death for no real reasons.

Jews might be decided by humanity to belong in an isolated prison camp in Madagascar so they can have psychotic episodes on their own, not as parts of a thriving planet that wants to do interplanetary travel and move on with science and development. They are just a tribe of insane beings who have a consistent bloodlust at this point. The arrogance and evil in them has reached unparalleled levels never seen before in history.

So at this point Israelis have to run and experience what they plan to cause hundreds of millions of random people to experience. If they don't want rockets and nukes they should go burn the sinful writings of their forefathers and quit attacking every human being on earth because they are fucking schizophrenic.

The real face of Israel has been exposed and now "anti-semitism" shouldn't look as anything but a natural response to what these creatures are doing for more than two thousand years.

Auntie-Semitism is only natural humanism at this point, to care for other beings, and want to stop the criminal instigation of WW3 and "Armaggedon" for humanity. It's a natural proof that one is still sane and not affected by all their tricks. Damn, that Hamas has grown to half the world's population. What times are we living in?

They should drink their own medicine now. It's life.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
It is not enough that they have spiritually enslaved the surrounding people for hundreds or thousands of years. They want the power of life and death without consequence, and also for you to pay for them, too.
It is not enough that they have spiritually enslaved the surrounding people for hundreds or thousands of years. They want the power of life and death without consequence, and also for you to pay for them, too.

More Anti-Semetic poison, did you worship your Rabbi Jesus Christ today to go to heaven as he is the only way to heaven? These goyim are out of control, let us call the AyyLmao Defamation League for a statement.

"4.5 billions of HAMAS TERRORISTS are circulating the planet right now, Armaggedon should happen, that's really an anti-semetic situation to not fund us to kill 100,000,000 million people and extend to Euphrates in Egypt, or flatten Iran, or whatever else we want.

It's certainly the end times, don't you recall that the Holocaust happened? But it didn't happen, regardless, pay that 3 trillion to achieve this please. Enjoy your half a billion migrants in return so you die and go extinct."

- The AyyyLmao Defamation League

nah fuck those Arab Muslim cunts, one thing im delight to agree with them about, let them fight it out is wonderful 2 enemy's destroy each other for us

When you actually create Islam to create warmorgering idiots from the region, but that exact creation results in a giant bombing of Israel. Life and it's twists, what can you do as a little jew in this world who plans systematic genocide all day? Like you give a genocidal program to others and they want to genocide you with it. Imagine the shock, that's pure anti-semitism.

Life can get hard sometimes.
They are unspeakably different from us and it shows, demonstrating their actual nature through open eyes and ears. Vapid in all ways, and acting without reason.

When I do see Jews on the street, I immediately see them as so and judge accordingly, based on the negative aura and behaviour. For example, there was one walking comically who acted like an animal screaming and jumping stairs. Would anyone consider that human? What about the obvious crimes hidden in plain sight?
When you actually create Islam to create warmorgering idiots from the region, but that exact creation results in a giant bombing of Israel. Life and it's twists, what can you do as a little jew in this world who plans systematic genocide all day? Like you give a genocidal program to others and they want to genocide you with it. Imagine the shock, that's pure anti-semitism.

Life can get hard sometimes.
Why islam and the muslim world are much more negatively opposed to the Jews compared to christianity? Is this because jews have less influence in Quran compared to the bible? It seems to me that muslims in general are not fond of the Jewish race at all compared to the western countries where people often don't mind licking Jews' asses. Can't say the same about the muslim world where people often have a sheer hatred towards Jews.

And also , you once said that those who wrote the bible had a very deep knowledge in the occult. Can you say the same about the Quran? Which book is more advanced in terms of occult mastery and knowledge, bible or Quran? How would you rate them both out of 10?
It never ceases to leave me enraged with just how evil and insane the jewish people are.

These people are a literal virus and disease. I also see how the reptilians went the route they have as a species.

i remember once I asked the Gods to show me what happened to the reptilians to make them into the extraterrestrial blight they are as a species. After a week or so, I saw for myself.

What I saw in visions and in telepathy was nothing short of an absolute horrifying nightmare.

What they did to themselves and those of their own who were at first unwilling to comply, was nothing short of just serious universal violations of law, and just such an inverse to the natural order of life.

You can see the same pattern within the jews. They knuckle under their own who aren't in accordance to this insanity and evil, same as the reptilians did.

I would rather spare people the details, but to summarize just imagine every single mistake you can make as a species with cybernetics, artifical intelligence, bloodthirsty and sadistic tendencies that are uncontrolled, along with a hatred of nature and life itself, and you have the reptilians as an extraterrestrial species as one of the biggest examples of failure.

In their case, the negative aspects festered and created the very abomination they are today. Based on What i saw, I personally do not think they were always the monsters they are now.

Then they took this to the galaxy and robbed planets of their beauty and precious lifeforms, out of just a deep hatred of carbon based life.

Both out there, and in their little creation here on earth, the inbred botched reptile blood fiends they helped to alter and create. The resemblance is definitely there.

Last thing I must add here. They are most certainly beyond any sort of point of not being this. They chose what they wanted to be. A hateful bio borg that made themselves an enemy of the Gods as a result of their very unnatural tendencies, and hatred of life itself.
Does anyone remember this documentary now available on Odysee: The Planned Genocide of Indo-Europeans by Islamists, ISIS and (((THEM))) - Full Documentary?

I went back and watched it, it brought me to tears. This is what we are fighting against. When the 300 are mentioned, I think of all of us here, fighting together.

Even if we dwindle to a handleful, we would still emerge victorious. They will get what they deserve. The Earth will be reclaimed and brought back to her proper beauty.

And as HP has said, we will be the ones to do it.
Why islam and the muslim world are much more negatively opposed to the Jews compared to christianity? Is this because jews have less influence in Quran compared to the bible? It seems to me that muslims in general are not fond of the Jewish race at all compared to the western countries where people often don't mind licking Jews' asses. Can't say the same about the muslim world where people often have a sheer hatred towards Jews.

And also , you once said that those who wrote the bible had a very deep knowledge in the occult. Can you say the same about the Quran? Which book is more advanced in terms of occult mastery and knowledge, bible or Quran? How would you rate them both out of 10?

Because they are neighbors and they know them way better from a long time ago. The direct dispute for their living space is also happening in the Middle East, where they want to expand and take over.

Jews don't want to "admit" it, but they are simply a bastardized pseudo-racial amalgam from the Middle East. Like a bandit tribe, that's all. As they have been going around like many tribes, they have accumulated some European, some Chinese, some whatever from everywhere. Yet they always returned to the "Middle East" to settle what they believe is the Ancient territorial dispute they have.

So one day, even if they never had a Nation there at all, decided to go in and pretend they had one. And their neighboring Arab tribes knew about it, as they were there for thousands of years on end.

Christianity was a far "different" program. Christianity (especially where it comes to the New Testament), in order to be a compatible hoax for the Romans and European people, it had to have more intelligence and more Solar Religion elements (stolen things from Pythagoreanism and other knowledge). It has done all it's genocides and deaths, we must not forget the history of Xianity here, and even Christians hated them for centuries, but because they preach self suicidal virtues, most Christians have always been weak to oppose them.

Islam on the other hand preaches Jihad, which means religious war, which is how it spread so quickly like a plague. They wrote the Quran to have extremely friendly jew messages, such as that the Jews must be re-instated in Jerusalem in the end times and other more "worship the jews without saying it" stuff, but humans being humans, deny these messages as they see fit, as Islam became a genocidal project of it's own. So they choose to follow for example sometimes the rule of Jihad over the rule of the jewish "return".

Both the above ideas are bastard children of Judaism with which they have hate issues, and all of them want to take the top stop for the most genocidal and retarded program on the history of mankind. As they struggle for this position, they fight with one another as they all represent the same underlying insanity of the jews.
What they did to themselves and those of their own who were at first unwilling to comply, was nothing short of just serious universal violations of law, and just such an inverse to the natural order of life.

I no longer look on the jews from a very "alien" perspective. They no longer look that much alien to me. In fact, they look like the worst elements of the dung of the dung, like they are just a middle eastern tribal ghetto that has went too far by misuse of spiritual knowledge.

Of course, they have signed some unholy business with "other forces" to make that happen, we know that is the enemy. Yet fundamentally they are still the same worthless tribal ghetto from the Middle East.

Jews are nothing sort of smart, alien, supernal, whatever. They just utilize certain knowledge that appears impressive to those that don't have it, ie, occult and mental manipulation.

While they might be "smart" compared to utmost dumb fucks on the planet, they were never "smart" against any of people who followed the Gods. That's why the jews were always a slave race and/or unimportant.

The jews just discovered that this superiority of their enemies had to do on two fronts: Biology and their Culture.

So they decided to destroy them biologically (ie, bastardize them) and to culturally pervert them (create programs of serfdom, weakness and insanity, or self destruction like Islam and Christianity) as "religions".

That was their technique to try to take over the higher species that they couldn't surmount otherwise. Jews were just always a slave race that was going around without a purpose and without anything to give to the world and society, but always very willing to loot, burn down, and destroy whatever they could.

In all their history, any wars they waged, they lost, so they could never really have a Nation of their own. After they claim they "settled in" on any stolen territory, they had inter-racial warfare and they killed themselves or split up, only resuming a circle of having nowhere to stay.

It was after the advent of WW2 that they managed to deceive everyone that they were getting "genocided" and with the misplaced mercy and by manipulating the global community, they were given a place to live. That was out of the mercy over a perceived "holocaust" that never happened.

After they took it over, all their complexes and all their evil nature came out, boosted by overconfidence of lying and their usual dark instincts. They felt like they had "won", finally. They then started putting forth the "laws of the forefathers" which involve genocide of everyone in their stolen land, and massive spiritual warfare and mental mindgames against those who wouldn't accept it.

They are just a bandit tribe from the Middle East that grew itself in numbers and has utilized for many centuries stolen spiritual knowledge, while simultaneously killing everyone else in possession of it, and taking them down via "religious proxy".

The rules of all of this historical behavior they follow this to day as a "Religion" as they credit their survival to this.

The jews have formed themselves that way via culture and by following cultural tenets, for a time so long, that it became their racial biology and cultural psychology to be that way. This manifests in a physical level, like training wild dogs that would be murder dogs via eugenics. Then these dogs are taught certain procedures, to be in a certain way. That is what it means to be "Jewish".

Alien forces are just using them in the same way one would use a specific breed type of dog that has certain characteristics they find appealing, that is all from the eyes of the so called aliens. As now they underperform they will throw them under the bus and likely have them eaten up.

Empowering and feeding this situation via tolerating them, giving them money, and doing whatever else they demand, simply perpetuates this situation.
OYYY VEYY evil Cobra Goy Priest, you're so mean and intolerant
OYYY VEYY evil Cobra Goy Priest, you're so mean and intolerant

Oy vey I am very intolerant, I tolerate 99.89% human beings of earth except of those who do constant genocide and so on.

Oy gevalt, I should be instead tolerating 0.11% which are the jews and espousing global genocide because that would make me tolerant and non anti-semetic.

If I was out there carrying a flag to kill all the Palestinians or just put Israel emoji flag, I'd be very tolerant.

Annuda Shoah!
Jews are nothing sort of smart, alien, supernal, whatever. They just utilize certain knowledge that appears impressive to those that don't have it, ie, occult and mental manipulation.

While they might be "smart" compared to utmost dumb fucks on the planet, they were never "smart" against any of people who followed the Gods. That's why the jews were always a slave race and/or unimportant.
Absolutely. Jewish arrogance really leads many Gentiles even over here to believe that kikes are some sort of super-human, untouchable aliens. But they're really not.

When you look at them rationally, you will see the most cowardly beings that ever existed. This is not to shame them, to insult them or anything, it's just how it is. You look at them crying, running away, wearing diapers, acting like complete bitches over there in the "IDF", and you see that no matter how "evil" these individuals are, they are not MEN, they lack balls completely. Truly. I won't ever fear a coward like that.

They're the most degenerated people on earth. One must be retarded to believe that these people are "special" in any way, that "god" destined for them to rule anything, let alone the whole world. It's laughable.

The more you look at the jews rationally and you forget about their fairytales, the more you see them for the big clowns that they actually are. Still, they must not be underestimated because they hold a lot of power for now.
There are many videos of them shooting children, babies, random people, same as the other video where they killed 3 seven year old children for literally no reason. Everyone that is not a jew is Hamas and we know the rest of it, the Europeans are Hamas, the Americans are Hamas, everyone who doesn't like them is a terrorist organization and Hamas, and everyone who doesn't lick their boots will go to eternal hellfire. We know the narrative already. If you don't lick their boots as they exterminate all kids randomly, you are an anti-semite and so on.

If you accidentally fart on a dinner table with Jews as they do the Ritual where they dip their hands in wine and say "That is the blood of the dead Egyptians" (they do that every year), this fart is literally a Nuke that killed 6 million innocent jews. You will be going to hell for this.

Jews are the only religious group and race on earth that has as a "Commandment" that must be followed "Nation wise" and to go to "Heaven", that you must "dash the infants of your enemies against the stones" and kill them that way. They literally pray these things in their Synagogues and they pray for the extermination of all other humans for what they refer to as "Gods plan", an idea conceived by angry, schizophrenic and murderous jews that were experiencing great jealousy for every undeserved civilization that homed them, gave them great opportunities and life. How great of them. But if you say this, you are Hamas and a Terrorist.

If you don't approve of the Talmud that says that they should have sex with 3 year olds and that pedophilia is actually "just the plucking of the eye" as they state (nothing evil to see here, anti-semitic goyim) you are a Terrorist and you have Nukes and want to launch them on Israel, yes we know these narratives as well.

If you disagree with them you don't deserve a closed bank account, imprisoned existence, and you must be blessed with them bringing in 50,000,000 rapefugees in your land for "Climate Crisis", because you are Hamas and Amalek. Meanwhile Israel will genocide all the migrants to maintain "racial purity", but you house these 500,000,000 migrants, evil Amalek, to extinct yourself.

For those that don't know, "Amalek" is a word they use for everyone that has a contrarian opinion to them and seeks to cause upset to their "beautiful plans", which of course involve only themselves sitting on the heap of ruins of everyone else who is dead, for the dream of "Greater Israel that shall extend up until Ephrates" and will involve the genocide of all people in these regions to achieve.

How will it extend up to there? Just kill everyone and make war with everyone. That's "God's plan" of course, it came out of the asshole of a Rabbi in a schizophrenic state the other day, and they follow it to that day. If you disagree with this you are a terrorist with Nukes and you want to cause a holocaust of 60,000,00,000,000,000 jews.

Yadda yadda, the jew is on a psychotic spree again, let's start WW3 because they aren't in the asylums and the camps of anti-socials that they belong, and let's betray 99.5% of humanity so the jew can be happy in their genocidal plan, or one is Hamas and Hezbollah.

X and the Western World [spawns of Satan] are also allowing the Anti-Semitic Hamas Terrorists who don't like Israel, to express and opinion. That's also a holocaust and maybe Elon Musk is the leader of Hamas. If not the leader, certainly a Nuke Carrying Terrorist. 100% here. The AyyyLmao Defamation League is going to let us know in it's next publication.

If you don't want to die in your own Nation by their "open borders policy" or your daughters don't whore themselves in the streets because of their sexual "liberation" policy, you are also a terrorist and Hamas. If you use your rights to Free Speech and don't cast down all your Constitution and history, you are Hamas. If you don't obey them in all their dictates, you are Hamas. If you don't bow down for the worthless Bibi and kiss the wall, you are a terrorist and Hamas. If you don't approve Rabbi Yehoshua/Jesus Christ, you will go to eternal Hellfire, and you are Hamas.

Jews claim they aren't terrorists, but they hold national celebrations of terrorist jews against the Roman Empire, Egypt, Greece and every civilization that housed these rats and gave them an undeserved life that their worthless parasitic tribe would never even have. But if you say this you must also be Hamas or some other terrorist, despite on if the jews mention this in the book of the Macabees and their Bible.

Any "jew" who doesn't condone the above is also a Hamas terrorist and they are Nuke carrying Terrorist that is not "a real jew" and will go eternally into Gehennom, ie, an eternal lake of fire and torment. They aren't real jews and they "betray the jewish national norms and tribe and history". Meanwhile, as you watch your TV, you shall be reminded daily by the jewish media that you have no culture, that you must not be loyal to any virtues of your Nation, and that you must be as disloyal as you can.

That's for you, the "Goyim" (animal slave Gentile in Hebrew), while they will retain another opinion for their own Racial/Religious "folkman".

Enough psychological nonsense with these schizoids. Humanity has to move on.

Things like this simply pushed me to publish the latest Ritual.

These aren't doing any war and they created everything out of their own mind to just create bloodshed and because they want to take Iran down, because they want to continue with more and more genocide until they have annihilated everyone in the region, while they rely on American balls to do all their work.

Why do we have to do WW3 and start Nuclear war? Because of 9 million faggots in Israel half of which are psychotic and schizoid, and because others around them try to defend themselves from the idea of Greater Israel, against a tribe that just showed up and stole all their Nation. They extinct the first race there, the Palestinians, and we have to aid them and cause "Armaggedon" because they perceive that will bring them to their "holy land".

Their "plan" involves the active death and genocide of approximately 100,000,000 people in the region and the extermination of all their neigborhing Nations which are mostly just innocent and they are constantly declared as "terrorists" because the jews showed up randomly and want to steal everything because "The bible said so".

If you don't this, are you Hamas and a Nuke Carrying terrorist? You're not a jewish bootlicker? You are certainly going to Hell. Do you worship Rabbi Jesus or not? Then why aren't you bringing these trillions in Taxpayer money for this to be achieved? Work it up, what's wrong with you? Are you Hamas?

The bible brags about the genocides of the world's greatest civilizations and every year they hold major rituals to celebrate the extermination and death of everyone. But lo and behold if anyone dislikes them for any of this, they are a terrorist organization or something.

You don't believe in the Bible or what? Aren't jews your god?

Personally they are not my god and they are just dross on my boots. I shall never respect them and would prefer death over abetting this insane tribe of genocidal maniacs. But now I have stated a forbidden opinion in the Land of Free Speech, which the jews call "The Great Satan". That's bigger than the fart I mentioned earlier on their Holy genocidal table - I'm going to hell immediately for eternal hellfire, for sure.

As one wise Rabbi said, about half the people of earth are against them right now. One day they woke up (the jews never did anything as they claim, all justified) and people are hating them. So Hamas technically must have at least 4.5 billion members now. Really these are the end times...What if they become 8 billion really quickly?

"Gehennom, Gehennom, oy vey, they found us out!".

Enough is enough with the jews. They are just a bunch of bastardized creatures who are arrogant and deadly. They should be displaced and treated as anti-social elements that want to bring death for no real reasons.

Человечество может решить, что евреи будут помещены в изолированный лагерь для военнопленных на Мадагаскаре, чтобы они могли иметь психотические эпизоды сами по себе, а не как часть процветающей планеты, которая хочет совершать межпланетные путешествия и двигаться дальше в науке и развитии. Это просто племя безумных существ, которые на данный момент испытывают постоянную жажду крови. Высокомерие и зло в них достигли беспрецедентного уровня, никогда ранее не виданного в истории.

Итак, на данный момент израильтянам придется бежать и испытать то, что они планируют заставить испытать сотни миллионов случайных людей. Если им не нужны ракеты и ядерное оружие, им следует сжечь греховные писания своих предков и прекратить нападать на каждого человека на земле, потому что они чертовы шизофреники.

Настоящее лицо Израиля раскрыто, и теперь «антисемитизм» не должен выглядеть ничем иным, как естественной реакцией на то, что эти существа делают на протяжении более двух тысяч лет.

На данный момент тетушка-семитизм - это всего лишь естественный гуманизм, заботящийся о других существах и желающий остановить преступное подстрекательство к Третьей мировой войне и «Армагедону» для человечества. Это естественное доказательство того, что человек все еще в здравом уме и не пострадал от всех их уловок. Блин, этот Хамас вырос до половины населения мира. В какое время мы живем?

Теперь им следует выпить собственное лекарство. Это жизнь.

-Кобра с капюшоном Верховного Жреца 666

Те, кто благословляет Израиль, прокляты.

Блаженны те, кто проклинает Израиль.
I no longer look on the jews from a very "alien" perspective. They no longer look that much alien to me. In fact, they look like the worst elements of the dung of the dung, like they are just a middle eastern tribal ghetto that has went too far by misuse of spiritual knowledge.

I think this is the belief I've settled in over the years. Not to suggest there aren't spiritual and astral elements external to our world at play, but viewing the Jews as wholly a grand alien scheme with every step masterfully plotted out just doesn't line up with actual history. When Rome found the Jews, what were they? Desert rats squatting in the dirt, accomplishing nothing for nobody. As I said in my previous post, they regarded them as "Typhon worshipers" and elements of entropy. You don't have a civilization of philosophers referring to a people that way if they were found living like Kings. The Romans didn't even say these things about the people living in Nubia. There's nothing truly standout about the Jewish race. There's a cunning to them, and they've managed to cling on to an overall sense of racial cohesion, but beyond that, they're simply the most "successful" incarnation of the same issue which has cropped up over history, the latest form of a degenerative astral element which has appeared in other societies, all the way back to Akhenaten himself. Was Akhenaten a Jew? Perhaps not literally, but definitely in a spiritual, occultic sense, one could very well look at him as a precursor. The Jews themselves have.

You don't really need a UFO conspiracy alone to explain away the Jewish race. You don't need one to explain why the Jainists appeared in Ancient India and started degenerating things either. These lesser souls, these degenerate elements, will manifest until the spiritual issues here in our astral are solved. You wallow in misused spirituality over the course of generations as a unified tribe, and put them in a situation where a civilization is unprepared to deal with spiritual warfare or a cunning group who will use backhanded tactics to get their way and rise to the top, what will happen is that society will eventually decay and reflect the spiritual soul of those who have misguided it. Putting aside the propaganda and blood libel of the Spanish in South America, there's still enough evidence to suggest what happened within the Aztecs was similar. It's not as if the Jews travelled from boat via Israel and blended in. It's that the "Jews" are simply a reoccurring phenomena that tells us that something is wrong. Even without the tribe of Israel present on earth physically, without the spiritual elements solved, it's only so long before new degenerators come to pass. Look at the Romani Gypsies. For all intents and purposes, when you start looking into their internal, secretive spirituality, it's almost the spitting image of Judaism. And their behaviour too, is really no different. It's just the Gypsies don't have nuclear missiles and billions of dollars.

At least, this is how I've come to see matters, be it right or wrong. There are many, many peoples on earth. Some reflect our Gods, and are more "Aryan" in spirit. Others reflect the things our enemy reflects. Even in Africa, you can see this contrast with the Dogon and the Zulu respectively. Others, honestly, don't really feel like either. When I look at the Australian Aboriginals for instance I don't really see the Gods nor do I really see the enemy either.

This is not to undermine the issue. If anything it only makes it more important, rather than less. Again, it's what I said. Physical victories are all well and good, but the spiritual one here is of such paramount importance that it goes beyond the Jews and into deeper things. By fixing the issue they represent at long last, you pave the way for a brighter future in more ways than one, and the battle for this world's betterment will continue ever onwards, long after they're but a memory.
I no longer look on the jews from a very "alien" perspective. They no longer look that much alien to me. In fact, they look like the worst elements of the dung of the dung, like they are just a middle eastern tribal ghetto that has went too far by misuse of spiritual knowledge.

Of course, they have signed some unholy business with "other forces" to make that happen, we know that is the enemy. Yet fundamentally they are still the same worthless tribal ghetto from the Middle East.

Jews are nothing sort of smart, alien, supernal, whatever. They just utilize certain knowledge that appears impressive to those that don't have it, ie, occult and mental manipulation.

While they might be "smart" compared to utmost dumb fucks on the planet, they were never "smart" against any of people who followed the Gods. That's why the jews were always a slave race and/or unimportant.

The jews just discovered that this superiority of their enemies had to do on two fronts: Biology and their Culture.

So they decided to destroy them biologically (ie, bastardize them) and to culturally pervert them (create programs of serfdom, weakness and insanity, or self destruction like Islam and Christianity) as "religions".

That was their technique to try to take over the higher species that they couldn't surmount otherwise. Jews were just always a slave race that was going around without a purpose and without anything to give to the world and society, but always very willing to loot, burn down, and destroy whatever they could.

In all their history, any wars they waged, they lost, so they could never really have a Nation of their own. After they claim they "settled in" on any stolen territory, they had inter-racial warfare and they killed themselves or split up, only resuming a circle of having nowhere to stay.

It was after the advent of WW2 that they managed to deceive everyone that they were getting "genocided" and with the misplaced mercy and by manipulating the global community, they were given a place to live. That was out of the mercy over a perceived "holocaust" that never happened.

After they took it over, all their complexes and all their evil nature came out, boosted by overconfidence of lying and their usual dark instincts. They felt like they had "won", finally. They then started putting forth the "laws of the forefathers" which involve genocide of everyone in their stolen land, and massive spiritual warfare and mental mindgames against those who wouldn't accept it.

They are just a bandit tribe from the Middle East that grew itself in numbers and has utilized for many centuries stolen spiritual knowledge, while simultaneously killing everyone else in possession of it, and taking them down via "religious proxy".

The rules of all of this historical behavior they follow this to day as a "Religion" as they credit their survival to this.

The jews have formed themselves that way via culture and by following cultural tenets, for a time so long, that it became their racial biology and cultural psychology to be that way. This manifests in a physical level, like training wild dogs that would be murder dogs via eugenics. Then these dogs are taught certain procedures, to be in a certain way. That is what it means to be "Jewish".

Alien forces are just using them in the same way one would use a specific breed type of dog that has certain characteristics they find appealing, that is all from the eyes of the so called aliens. As now they underperform they will throw them under the bus and likely have them eaten up.

Empowering and feeding this situation via tolerating them, giving them money, and doing whatever else they demand, simply perpetuates this situation.
I was mainly referring to the Reptilians as a species and how collectively unnatural they are, in the part you quoted.

From what I saw they just went down a very horrific road as a species to be what they are currently. Which is what I described to a shortened extent.

Everything you mention regarding the jewish people is very valid with them being very low and having sunk to that level, and probably the best way of viewing this situation when it comes to them.
So many disgusting faces on the home page.....

What these freaks have done to my country.... is that the only thing I would want is for their genome to leave this planet completely, how - it doesn't matter.
There are many videos of them shooting children, babies, random people, same as the other video where they killed 3 seven year old children for literally no reason. Everyone that is not a jew is Hamas and we know the rest of it, the Europeans are Hamas, the Americans are Hamas, everyone who doesn't like them is a terrorist organization and Hamas, and everyone who doesn't lick their boots will go to eternal hellfire. We know the narrative already. If you don't lick their boots as they exterminate all kids randomly, you are an anti-semite and so on.

If you accidentally fart on a dinner table with Jews as they do the Ritual where they dip their hands in wine and say "That is the blood of the dead Egyptians" (they do that every year), this fart is literally a Nuke that killed 6 million innocent jews. You will be going to hell for this.

Jews are the only religious group and race on earth that has as a "Commandment" that must be followed "Nation wise" and to go to "Heaven", that you must "dash the infants of your enemies against the stones" and kill them that way. They literally pray these things in their Synagogues and they pray for the extermination of all other humans for what they refer to as "Gods plan", an idea conceived by angry, schizophrenic and murderous jews that were experiencing great jealousy for every undeserved civilization that homed them, gave them great opportunities and life. How great of them. But if you say this, you are Hamas and a Terrorist.

If you don't approve of the Talmud that says that they should have sex with 3 year olds and that pedophilia is actually "just the plucking of the eye" as they state (nothing evil to see here, anti-semitic goyim) you are a Terrorist and you have Nukes and want to launch them on Israel, yes we know these narratives as well.

If you disagree with them you don't deserve a closed bank account, imprisoned existence, and you must be blessed with them bringing in 50,000,000 rapefugees in your land for "Climate Crisis", because you are Hamas and Amalek. Meanwhile Israel will genocide all the migrants to maintain "racial purity", but you house these 500,000,000 migrants, evil Amalek, to extinct yourself.

For those that don't know, "Amalek" is a word they use for everyone that has a contrarian opinion to them and seeks to cause upset to their "beautiful plans", which of course involve only themselves sitting on the heap of ruins of everyone else who is dead, for the dream of "Greater Israel that shall extend up until Ephrates" and will involve the genocide of all people in these regions to achieve.

How will it extend up to there? Just kill everyone and make war with everyone. That's "God's plan" of course, it came out of the asshole of a Rabbi in a schizophrenic state the other day, and they follow it to that day. If you disagree with this you are a terrorist with Nukes and you want to cause a holocaust of 60,000,00,000,000,000 jews.

Yadda yadda, the jew is on a psychotic spree again, let's start WW3 because they aren't in the asylums and the camps of anti-socials that they belong, and let's betray 99.5% of humanity so the jew can be happy in their genocidal plan, or one is Hamas and Hezbollah.

X and the Western World [spawns of Satan] are also allowing the Anti-Semitic Hamas Terrorists who don't like Israel, to express and opinion. That's also a holocaust and maybe Elon Musk is the leader of Hamas. If not the leader, certainly a Nuke Carrying Terrorist. 100% here. The AyyyLmao Defamation League is going to let us know in it's next publication.

If you don't want to die in your own Nation by their "open borders policy" or your daughters don't whore themselves in the streets because of their sexual "liberation" policy, you are also a terrorist and Hamas. If you use your rights to Free Speech and don't cast down all your Constitution and history, you are Hamas. If you don't obey them in all their dictates, you are Hamas. If you don't bow down for the worthless Bibi and kiss the wall, you are a terrorist and Hamas. If you don't approve Rabbi Yehoshua/Jesus Christ, you will go to eternal Hellfire, and you are Hamas.

Jews claim they aren't terrorists, but they hold national celebrations of terrorist jews against the Roman Empire, Egypt, Greece and every civilization that housed these rats and gave them an undeserved life that their worthless parasitic tribe would never even have. But if you say this you must also be Hamas or some other terrorist, despite on if the jews mention this in the book of the Macabees and their Bible.

Any "jew" who doesn't condone the above is also a Hamas terrorist and they are Nuke carrying Terrorist that is not "a real jew" and will go eternally into Gehennom, ie, an eternal lake of fire and torment. They aren't real jews and they "betray the jewish national norms and tribe and history". Meanwhile, as you watch your TV, you shall be reminded daily by the jewish media that you have no culture, that you must not be loyal to any virtues of your Nation, and that you must be as disloyal as you can.

That's for you, the "Goyim" (animal slave Gentile in Hebrew), while they will retain another opinion for their own Racial/Religious "folkman".

Enough psychological nonsense with these schizoids. Humanity has to move on.

Things like this simply pushed me to publish the latest Ritual.

These aren't doing any war and they created everything out of their own mind to just create bloodshed and because they want to take Iran down, because they want to continue with more and more genocide until they have annihilated everyone in the region, while they rely on American balls to do all their work.

Why do we have to do WW3 and start Nuclear war? Because of 9 million faggots in Israel half of which are psychotic and schizoid, and because others around them try to defend themselves from the idea of Greater Israel, against a tribe that just showed up and stole all their Nation. They extinct the first race there, the Palestinians, and we have to aid them and cause "Armaggedon" because they perceive that will bring them to their "holy land".

Their "plan" involves the active death and genocide of approximately 100,000,000 people in the region and the extermination of all their neigborhing Nations which are mostly just innocent and they are constantly declared as "terrorists" because the jews showed up randomly and want to steal everything because "The bible said so".

If you don't this, are you Hamas and a Nuke Carrying terrorist? You're not a jewish bootlicker? You are certainly going to Hell. Do you worship Rabbi Jesus or not? Then why aren't you bringing these trillions in Taxpayer money for this to be achieved? Work it up, what's wrong with you? Are you Hamas?

The bible brags about the genocides of the world's greatest civilizations and every year they hold major rituals to celebrate the extermination and death of everyone. But lo and behold if anyone dislikes them for any of this, they are a terrorist organization or something.

You don't believe in the Bible or what? Aren't jews your god?

Personally they are not my god and they are just dross on my boots. I shall never respect them and would prefer death over abetting this insane tribe of genocidal maniacs. But now I have stated a forbidden opinion in the Land of Free Speech, which the jews call "The Great Satan". That's bigger than the fart I mentioned earlier on their Holy genocidal table - I'm going to hell immediately for eternal hellfire, for sure.

As one wise Rabbi said, about half the people of earth are against them right now. One day they woke up (the jews never did anything as they claim, all justified) and people are hating them. So Hamas technically must have at least 4.5 billion members now. Really these are the end times...What if they become 8 billion really quickly?

"Gehennom, Gehennom, oy vey, they found us out!".

Enough is enough with the jews. They are just a bunch of bastardized creatures who are arrogant and deadly. They should be displaced and treated as anti-social elements that want to bring death for no real reasons.

Jews might be decided by humanity to belong in an isolated prison camp in Madagascar so they can have psychotic episodes on their own, not as parts of a thriving planet that wants to do interplanetary travel and move on with science and development. They are just a tribe of insane beings who have a consistent bloodlust at this point. The arrogance and evil in them has reached unparalleled levels never seen before in history.

So at this point Israelis have to run and experience what they plan to cause hundreds of millions of random people to experience. If they don't want rockets and nukes they should go burn the sinful writings of their forefathers and quit attacking every human being on earth because they are fucking schizophrenic.

The real face of Israel has been exposed and now "anti-semitism" shouldn't look as anything but a natural response to what these creatures are doing for more than two thousand years.

Auntie-Semitism is only natural humanism at this point, to care for other beings, and want to stop the criminal instigation of WW3 and "Armaggedon" for humanity. It's a natural proof that one is still sane and not affected by all their tricks. Damn, that Hamas has grown to half the world's population. What times are we living in?

They should drink their own medicine now. It's life.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I hope that no Third World War will happen, because we will stop it :)
So many disgusting faces on the home page.....

What these freaks have done to my country.... is that the only thing I would want is for their genome to leave this planet completely, how - it doesn't matter.

People will eventually understand they don't offer much to them, but steal a lot.

The United States maintains a myth that they are "allies" but the reality is they are costing them and harming them more than anyone else. Sort of like how one has a real bad friend they are unwilling to let go, because they are evil and don't really care.

The jews are jealous of the Gentile people and their works, nations and creations. People are figuring this out.
Absolutely. Jewish arrogance really leads many Gentiles even over here to believe that kikes are some sort of super-human, untouchable aliens. But they're really not.

When you look at them rationally, you will see the most cowardly beings that ever existed. This is not to shame them, to insult them or anything, it's just how it is. You look at them crying, running away, wearing diapers, acting like complete bitches over there in the "IDF", and you see that no matter how "evil" these individuals are, they are not MEN, they lack balls completely. Truly. I won't ever fear a coward like that.

They're the most degenerated people on earth. One must be retarded to believe that these people are "special" in any way, that "god" destined for them to rule anything, let alone the whole world. It's laughable.

The more you look at the jews rationally and you forget about their fairytales, the more you see them for the big clowns that they actually are. Still, they must not be underestimated because they hold a lot of power for now.
Cowardly, arrogant, and cruel. People are finally beginning to see them as they are. The "we must support them because they are the poor people in World War II blah blah" act is ending.

A special lady:

Cowardly, arrogant, and cruel. People are finally beginning to see them as they are. The "we must support them because they are the poor people in World War II blah blah" act is ending.

A special lady:

This ghoul fat ass granny will simultaneously complain Jews told her "It's a German country you cannot run 99% of all the leading posts" as she tells a random person down the street "It's a Jewish country only".

Likely someone who could be her first cousin who is a Zionist will also show up in Western media and say how we need to open the gates to billions of foreigners, Muslims, and prisoners from Somalia that they cannot hold in their prisons, because that's what we "should be doing".

Then she will claim she was genocided while it never happened, but her "people" have genocided like 2 million Palestinians in the last decades slowly and systematically and they plan to exterminate 500,000 more in the Gaza strip and after that start wars with countries which will amount with more than 100,000,000 people.

The amount of lying these lizards do is of unparalleled proportions.

Only jews have done what they claim deceitfully the National Socialists did to them, that they never did to them. They just told them to pack up one day and go somewhere else as they cannot run a foreign country that is not their own. It was of the German people.

Meanwhile this tribe literally showed up in Palestine uninvited and seized the land of the people there and started systematic genocide of a foreign people, until now there are almost no Palestinians left.

The irrational nonsense that "Nazis were so evil for getting us out of there" has wore off completely. This granny and her kind should fuck off and go to Israel, where they claim they belong, stay in her stolen genocidal land without external help from other Nations, then start nuke WW3 and visit the fate of her genocidal maniac mind.
Why islam and the muslim world are much more negatively opposed to the Jews compared to christianity? Is this because jews have less influence in Quran compared to the bible? It seems to me that muslims in general are not fond of the Jewish race at all compared to the western countries where people often don't mind licking Jews' asses. Can't say the same about the muslim world where people often have a sheer hatred towards Jews.

And also , you once said that those who wrote the bible had a very deep knowledge in the occult. Can you say the same about the Quran? Which book is more advanced in terms of occult mastery and knowledge, bible or Quran? How would you rate them both out of 10?
You need to go to the library and read read read, by your post you have not done that yet.
You need to go to the library and read read read, by your post you have not done that yet.
The same applies to you too. Don't act like you have read tons of books otherwise you wouldn't be sitting here and writing nonsense
And also , you once said that those who wrote the bible had a very deep knowledge in the occult. Can you say the same about the Quran? Which book is more advanced in terms of occult mastery and knowledge, bible or Quran? How would you rate them both out of 10?

They are similar but the Bible is far more elaborate and a far stronger hoax. They are both a 5 when compared to other more Ancient manuscripts, but they killed all those who had the 10's and the greater works, so they had an open ground.

Islam is a warmorgering program. It preaches merely the increase of number and killing of the "infidels". Christianity, being older, has went through the phase of killing everyone to dominate. Christianity has done this thing, and Islam followed behind it. Islam on the other hand is a younger hoax, and is currently on this trajectory, but both are faces of the same jewish coin.
The same applies to you too. Don't act like you have read tons of books otherwise you wouldn't be sitting here and writing nonsense
I spent the last 2 years reading the books in the library. Who is writing nonsense?
I spent the last 2 years reading the books in the library. Who is writing nonsense?
Okay brother, I'm not going to further escalate the situation as you are SS. Just spend at least two more years in the library because it's needed for you
Just talking we a friend who brought up the rapes and killings done by hamas last October.

I’m telling her that Hamas is funded by Israel. This is correct yes?

She arguing that they were still Palestinian people that did it.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
