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Everyone Is A Jew?

GoldenxChild1 said:
Fanboy said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
A Viking Jew. LMAO. \

Next they'll say our anti-christ actually had Jewish DNA.

Thanks for shedding light HP. One questions though, I thought the Amalekites were the white race?

From previous writings from HPC it seems the Amalekites are the white race, Jews probably use it as a derogatory term on their own I guess

Yes, as it's common to call someone a "Goy". When a jew does something really stupid or bad for jews, they slur them as being "amalekites", like manifested evil inside the midst of jews.
SerenaMousse said:
Fuchs said:
SerenaMousse said:
Well Rockwell believed wholly that Hitler was the antichrist and that belief is why he dedicated everything to support Hitlers ambition. So Jews claiming Hitler was a Jew could potentially be them saying Antichrist is a Jew. And who's to say the antichrist cant come more than once? There for a while I wanted to think Putin was our next Hitler. Too believe all the Communism in Russia and his Jewish roots are all fabricated to hide his true motives and beliefs as he actively stands against the Jewish operations in Ukraine... I know a pipedream but who knows! I like to have a little optimism ya know.

"Speaking about Zelensky, Russian foreign minister says Hitler also had Jewish blood [real wording]"

"The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum expressed “outrage” at Lavrov’s comments on Monday.

“To claim that Hitler was Jewish and imply that Jews were responsible for Nazism and the Holocaust is an antisemitic lie of extraordinary proportions,” Museum Chairman Stuart E. Eizenstat said in a statement.

“Lavrov’s remarks are both inexcusable and scandalous and also a terrible historical error,” Lapid said in a statement on Monday. “The Jews did not murder themselves in the Holocaust. The lowest form of anti-Jewish racism is to blame Jews of antisemitism.”

“The aim of such lies is to blame the Jews themselves for the most terrible crimes in history that were committed against them, thus freeing from responsibility the oppressors of Israel,” Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said in a statement."

About Putin:
Vladimir Putin: "Communism Is Christianity"

Everyone of us doing daily RTRs is continueing the work off our antichrist, we do not wait for a messiah to save us, we work on our own.

Well your all too right I'll have to agree. My faith in messiahs stems from wavering Christian beliefs that I am working hard to disillusion through spiritual works and deeper truth seeking! However do you not think he's going to make a return at one point in physical form to once more aid us in the fight against the enemy? maybe he doesn't do so now because either something prevents him or he does not because we have yet to prove ourselves a proper and deserving army of hell? Why should he put in the effort if we cannot match his level of dedication.

I can only speculate as I am not at all educated in the deeper histories and beliefs of Satanism but I have read through plenty of JoS blacksun and exposing christianity by this point, Along with the mostly psychotic ramblings of bitchute theorists I have spent hours to days watching, I felt certain that something far beyond human was surely making its way here at the time I believed it to be demons and that being bad because of my at the time incredibly idiotic Christian faith of course but.. If any of it holds true and there were Jews through Cern or whatever other methods such as the body snatching organisms in the vaccine attempting to leave an opening up to the Greys then, I would surely like to hope Satan himself or at the least some of the good Pagan gods would not have it stand the Greys get such an advantage against us and return themselves to once more wage physical warfare on earth.

He still fights everyday, there is no difference if he would be here physical.
They don´t need to instal a opening in people, the best opening for people to their agenda is out there since thousand of jears christanity, islm, judaism, etc. By believing there programs the people can be controlled, like a army of zombies.
Gear88 said:
NinRick said:
There are not that many full blooded kikes out there.
But I believe that around 5-10% of the „white“ population are jews. Because in Germany we have many of them.

I didn't find this answer till I did CTRL+F thanks for answering.

Weird if there are about 16 billion or so people on Earth. And about 9% are White about 1,440 billion White. Then 5-10% of that is about 72 million - 144 million.

I took the calculations from the late Dr. William Luther Pierce. 1900 top of our game population of Earth 2.3 billion Whites 15%, 2015 White race 9% and dropping.

So anywhere from 50ish million to 150 million jews potentially? Maybe? I know there is no exact answer that isn't gonna happen but sounds more reasonable at that range?
How did you get Humanity to be at 16 billion? To me that number sounds largely inflated, the same as the number of jews being at 50-150 million. Unless you meant all the mixed ones as well that number sounds a bit on the high end, to put it lightly.
jbkbmz said:
1 Corinthians 12:13 For in one Spirit we were all baptized into ...https://biblehub.com › 1_corinthians
For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit ... .... I found the verse. I am trying to find out how Islam is related to the Holy Spirit
. Is Islam the tool to eventually cause all ""men small and great"" to convert to Christianity, the Son, and Islam,, to the ""Glory of God the Father'", Judaism.? ""Convict the world of Sin, Righteousness, and Judgement"". In other words,, Violence ? Terrorism ? Brutal Force ? Or,,, am I trying to hard ?

Have you looked here, yet? https://exposingthelieofislam.wordpress.com/islam-doctrine-of-submission-and-slavery/

Also, sometimes these questions do not have to be directly answered when you already have the solutions in front of you.
Gear88 said:
NinRick said:
There are not that many full blooded kikes out there.
But I believe that around 5-10% of the „white“ population are jews. Because in Germany we have many of them.

I didn't find this answer till I did CTRL+F thanks for answering.

Weird if there are about 16 billion or so people on Earth. And about 9% are White about 1,440 billion White. Then 5-10% of that is about 72 million - 144 million.

I took the calculations from the late Dr. William Luther Pierce. 1900 top of our game population of Earth 2.3 billion Whites 15%, 2015 White race 9% and dropping.

So anywhere from 50ish million to 150 million jews potentially? Maybe? I know there is no exact answer that isn't gonna happen but sounds more reasonable at that range?

8 billion people live on earth rn.

This 5-10% is just what I personally feel, and have observed. More like 5% because I do believe I attract kikes af. -.-
Henu the Great said:
Gear88 said:
NinRick said:
There are not that many full blooded kikes out there.
But I believe that around 5-10% of the „white“ population are jews. Because in Germany we have many of them.

I didn't find this answer till I did CTRL+F thanks for answering.

Weird if there are about 16 billion or so people on Earth. And about 9% are White about 1,440 billion White. Then 5-10% of that is about 72 million - 144 million.

I took the calculations from the late Dr. William Luther Pierce. 1900 top of our game population of Earth 2.3 billion Whites 15%, 2015 White race 9% and dropping.

So anywhere from 50ish million to 150 million jews potentially? Maybe? I know there is no exact answer that isn't gonna happen but sounds more reasonable at that range?
How did you get Humanity to be at 16 billion? To me that number sounds largely inflated, the same as the number of jews being at 50-150 million. Unless you meant all the mixed ones as well that number sounds a bit on the high end, to put it lightly.

Well I got it from the 8 billion meme. Around 2005-2008 time period they stated about 8 billion people. How can 8 billion stay the same for years I've seen that number mentioned as close as 2016-2017. Surely Humanity doesn't stop growing.

I don't know just got it from what I feel. If I'm wrong I'm wrong, but that doesn't mean Humanity stopped growing at 8 billion. UN reports estimates XYZ billions by 2025-2030-2040 time periods.

If Humanity is still at 8 billion or around that mark than obviously something happened or is happening to reduce global population. Or eliminate global population. There is no way someone would state in 2015 the population is still 8 billion.

Just seems strange people pushing the 8 billion meme. 8 billion doesn't sound like a lot of Humans World-Wide. Guess I'm wrong then looking at Wikipedia and sources they state around 7 billion maybe 8 billion.

Well what can I say I guess I'm wrong like usual.

If it's 7ish billion nearing or at 8 billion. Then if using this data the number would become about: 35 million + reaching around 70ish million. I'm just going off what Ninrick said. If we consider anyone with an amount of jewish blood in them reaching about 300 years back. Say there was a person that 350 years ago had a jewish ancestor and they stayed with Gentiles and bred the jewishness out of their system but does have it like the original SS mandate candidate program.

I figure if anyone with jewish blood is considered a jew, mother and or father. And most jews are mamzer(mixed), while pure are more rarer. Then that would mean this amount seems like a more reasonable amount checking out the various webpages and checking out the sources on wikipedia. Which state about 7.7-8 billion people. Still I find it strange everyone in the mid-2000s was saying about 8 billion people. How can that number not change in all these years.

Why does it stay 8 or near 8 billion 2005-2008 was nearly 20 years ago. In a short span of 1960ish-1970ish the Human population experienced an explosive growth for a short stint during those few years.

Anyways guess I'm wrong like usual. Anyways ignore my stupidity. I'm not gonna blame this on MercRx(May-June/2022).

I'm just theorycrafting I don't have any concrete information just guestimating.
Gear88 said:
I'm just theorycrafting I don't have any concrete information just guestimating.

It indeed does not make sense for the official number to stay so stagnant considering all other developments, but who knows. I don't, so I am wondering. :D
Henu the Great said:
Gear88 said:
I'm just theorycrafting I don't have any concrete information just guestimating.

It indeed does not make sense for the official number to stay so stagnant considering all other developments, but who knows. I don't, so I am wondering. :D

You know what after spending some time thinking over and looking at a few webpages. I've come to the conclusion I'm wrong on 8 billion.

It was 6 billion, in fact I had a memory from high school of someone mentioning about 6 billion. Guess I mixed things up.

To be honest I've had many incidents of memories like these changing around. It's hard to keep all the information in my databanks(mind) still I do get the feeling the official hidden numbers of Human population are kept hidden.

I think only the Gods can answer or lead answers to this. I honestly think there might be a few hundred million more people than accounted for or maybe tens of millions. We may never know the real answer till someone concretely discovers/uncovers or the Gods share with us what they know on us.
Gear88 said:
You know what after spending some time thinking over and looking at a few webpages. I've come to the conclusion I'm wrong on 8 billion.

It was 6 billion, in fact I had a memory from high school of someone mentioning about 6 billion. Guess I mixed things up.
I remember a number of 6.7 or 6.9 billion from 00s. To me it sounds incredible if we would be at 18 or so at this point, and even 12 sounds a bit on the high end, but then again, somewhat possible.

To be honest I've had many incidents of memories like these changing around. It's hard to keep all the information in my databanks(mind) still I do get the feeling the official hidden numbers of Human population are kept hidden.

For memory, you could vibrate runes and/or do a working with Mercury, but that's another topic altogether.

I think only the Gods can answer or lead answers to this. I honestly think there might be a few hundred million more people than accounted for or maybe tens of millions. We may never know the real answer till someone concretely discovers/uncovers or the Gods share with us what they know on us.
I've been thinking the same about the amount of people for the longest of times.
Arcadia said:
ClearWater said:

Hey, no offense, but, I checked out the website you're promoting in your signature, and it contains a whole lot of anti-Satanic, anti-Nazi, pro-Christian content. I would probably consider thinking twice about advertising it given how most of it seems to be disinfo and might simply confuse new, unaware members who do not know better. If you're still learning yourself, no harm done, as it's a better time than ever to learn now that there's been a library update.


Slightly offtopic, I know, but I figured I'd mention it, in case someone else takes it far less kindly.

Satan is the father and god of the jews.

Genesis 3:14 -> Isaiah 14:12 -> Isaiah14:29 -> Matthew 23:33 -> John 8:44 -> Revelation 3:9 -> Revelation 12:9
PriorityTarget said:
Arcadia said:
ClearWater said:

Hey, no offense, but, I checked out the website you're promoting in your signature, and it contains a whole lot of anti-Satanic, anti-Nazi, pro-Christian content. I would probably consider thinking twice about advertising it given how most of it seems to be disinfo and might simply confuse new, unaware members who do not know better. If you're still learning yourself, no harm done, as it's a better time than ever to learn now that there's been a library update.


Slightly offtopic, I know, but I figured I'd mention it, in case someone else takes it far less kindly.

Satan is the father and god of the jews.

Genesis 3:14 -> Isaiah 14:12 -> Isaiah14:29 -> Matthew 23:33 -> John 8:44 -> Revelation 3:9 -> Revelation 12:9

Satan detests jews. Gtfo with your hebrew bible and shove it where the sun don't shine.
Disgusting. Where I live there Is a Jew family that promotes all this bullshit with the excuse "all humans came from the same source". Oh, if only I could wrap my hands over their neck...
I am shocked at how much people believe in everything without worrying whether it is reality or not. Seems like that adapting to a created truth is simpler than seeking a real and more complex one.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
