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Everyone Is A Jew?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Reply from an e-mail sent to me:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-fPNlIcHRQ&t=4073s 11:10 - 12:50

This jew (Yakov Sverdlov’s grandchild or something like that) claims his ancestors are the founders of Russia who are Viking JEWS. People are believing him. This is terrible. He said KGB investigate him and they were surprised because his lineage is so important in history. Now, Russians are jews. Everyone on earth is jew…

Jews make up all these lies and more, they claim everyone is jewish, their enemies, whole Nations etc, yet at the same time, they claim nobody is jewish and the jewish race doesn't even exist, and that it's all an invention in the diseased minds of the racists.

At the same time, they chant curses against other races, and explicitly say that all the "Goyim" is to be made extinct or even worse enslaved in their books. Jews contradict their own claims all the time, with the reality of them only proven by what they truly follow. The bible is enough proof of this, same as the strict "racial" and cultural laws they follow.

When it comes to Gentile cultures, they want to assimilate and destroy, so they say that nothing ever really mattered at all and to assimilate it all or resort to atheism. When it comes to THEIR culture, they have the "Real culture" and they are willing to kill anyone for going against it, even other "Jews". When a jew doesn't act like a Jew, they call them an "Amalekite", which is a term for being a bastard of another "Race", but also implies that the "Jewish soul" has been dilluted.

Yet, you will see them on TV preaching to everyone melting pot theories and other confusion based arguments, to confuse us all.

In the meanwhile of the above hypocrisy commencing, the jews in Israel are checking for DNA tests and even if certain indicators point to "jewishness" or whatever "hallmarks" they find in their DNA. But even the DNA aspect is not enough for them...

They also ask for heavy proof to prove an actual lineage of having truly being a practicing religious jew [instead of just having some admixture, which they don't really consider enough for Israeli citizens]. They consider this alright for the disapora, but not for the pure "Israelis". Then, full on racial choice councils are convening in order to decide whom will be allowed in Israel or not.

The reality is that the Jews are basically rather marginal in this world as a number, even mixed jews or part jews, and that the only real concentration of pure jewishenss is in Israel and Israeli diaspora [jews living abroad] with anything else being mostly details that not even the top rabbis take seriously.

Some even more radical Rabbis, do also hate on the "disapora" and claim that they deserved to be holocausted among other things, or that they deserve death for living in "Sodom and Gommorah" which is the United States or Europe. They are in other words, paranoid when it comes to potential admixtures.

Many more lies have been written about every Nation on earth being "Part of the 12 tribes" and other fake bogus claims that are endless, which jews used to confuse random Nations to consider them and steal their Nation through infiltration and pretending everyone was a jew. Based on this, a lot of pseudohistory and confusion has been created.

The so called "12 tribes of Israel" is not literal history, but has to do with aspects of the soul and this has been another stolen allegory from Egyptian lore The "12 Tribes" of Isis, Ra and El has to do with different types of energies in the soul which are to be united into one. Sacred knowledge like this was cast down to the most inferior level by the jews, who merely used it for infiltration and global manipulation purposes.

Jews have claimed based on their interest that Norwegians, Swedes, Japanese, Greeks, Arabs, Blacks, basically everyone in this planet is "Descended from Jews" or is a "Jew". That is a common tactic for creating historical and religious confusion, and has nothing to do with reality, which reality is that none of the people the jews claimed are "part of them" are in anyway part of them.

It's also designed to attack "Nativism" or the belief that certain people have a certain race, assimilating them forcefully. At the same exact time, jews are at their utmost they have ever been to distinct themselves from what they externally claim is the "Single and ONE mass of humanity".

In fact, the hybridized race of jews might contain from "all Nations", but they have nothing in common with any of them. Hiding their origins and their agenda has been integral to their success, but now that they are exposed and "The Goyim know" everyone can see clearly behind their lies and boundless hypocrisy.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Creating a mind set of how everyone is related to them so people can relate more and be influenced more, they are about to be extinct in near future. "everyone is a jew" , "we are brothers" and any sympathetic aspect will be used to create more confusion when these kikes are getting eliminated and exposed.
This is the same lie except reprinted for a 21st century audience. Jews spent a short eternity claiming that everyone was "descended from the Jewish Noah" and thus was created by YHVH all while, at the same time, in their own inner circles, chanting how the evil goyim were made by Satan and required enslavement and genocide. Rabbis shill their poison to their own kind all the time, simultaneously trying to promote a literal interpretation of their faith all while abiding by occult ideals. Lo and behold, basic sense and the Genesis story do not really correlate and they've effectively made the lower levels of their own race confused and retarded. The way they've propped up their "faith", they have no choice but to promote the literal history angle, otherwise, you're left with a "God" who's done and said nothing and their claims of being the Chosen based on their history fall apart.

And here we are now, Jews are secretly the founders of all nations. It's the Noah myth, repackaged. Even during Medieval England you had Church Jews rewriting Anglo-Saxon history and royal lineage to trace its way back to Noah and Abraham and other non-existent Jews. What makes it worse is that there are gentiles who are so Rabbi Jewsus obsessed that they themselves get off on claiming they're "actually the real Israelites". My head almost spun off its shoulders when I saw an actual KKK member proudly proclaim to be an "Israelite" but at the same time "hate Jews". The mental illness is limitless. So much for racial awareness.

Really though, never let yourself be conned. It has been a common tactic for centuries now to pit the gentiles against eachother by making up lies about secret Jewish ancestors, or just outright arbitrarily claiming that certain European ethnicities are "not white" for some make-believe reason. I have seen people outright unironically claim that blue eyed blonde haired Scandinavians and Irish are "not white". Why? Who knows. Same thing even happens among blacks when someone is told they're "not black" because they happen to vaguely be a shade lighter than someone else. Very strange coincidence I always see this mentally ill racebaiting come out of the mouths of "Xian nationalists".
ClearWater said:

Hey, no offense, but, I checked out the website you're promoting in your signature, and it contains a whole lot of anti-Satanic, anti-Nazi, pro-Christian content. I would probably consider thinking twice about advertising it given how most of it seems to be disinfo and might simply confuse new, unaware members who do not know better. If you're still learning yourself, no harm done, as it's a better time than ever to learn now that there's been a library update.


Slightly offtopic, I know, but I figured I'd mention it, in case someone else takes it far less kindly.
The claim is made that the original ancient Israelites were actually white Indo Europeans and that modern day Jews are Canaanites or whatever who pretend to be the true Israel.

Obviously this is a lie but it suits the Christian WN worldview.

Just look at how the ancient Israelites behaved in the old testament: they were liars, usurers, parasites and genocidal freaks. Sounds familiar...
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
...quote ping...

Despite we might not know exactly how many.

But how many jews exists in the World?

I've come to the conclusion they are at about 630 million or so growing at about a few million every few years. The question becomes is that out of touch with reality? I've never had anyone say no. I'd wager to state maybe 35% are about pure 100% full on jewish while the remaining 65% are mamzers(mixed) ranging from mix almost pure to jews who've been assimilated to Gentile race so much their jewishness is a recessive barely registering. Reminds me of the SS with their 300 years of Gentile purity. Basically they are so mixed with Gentiles to even call them jewish calls into question. I don't think the jews are as pure as they state for the most part and may have a Gypsie phenomena whereby they state all this cohesive non-sense but it's more like jewish taqiyya to dissuade people from investigating further. In other words their taqiyya of promoting jewishness is both a useful demoralization weapon as an anti-Eugenics investigatory system. Whereby Gentiles would use Eugenics to investigate better and deem the jews a racial threat whether their threats are real or fake as it seems most of their stuff is bullshit.

For example before the so-called Holohax they had about 15.8-16.2 million or so after the 6 gorillian tears there were 18.2 million or so. For example by the time WW3 almost started due in part to the false flag attack of U.S.S. Liberty there might have been around 60ish million jews. So in essence how many jews exist?

Another example during the first times 6,000,000 was pushed in the war of Crimean-War of 1820s or so. Their population as a whole might just be at 6,000,000 or so they've been so pogromed and only taken to the offensive since Rothschild's ascent earlier near the Renaissance that during this period of time between the pogrom of Chelmeniski and the rise of Soviet France during Napolean's time their population might just have been at about 6,000,000 or nearing 6,000,000.

It seems the entire mentioning of "everyone is a jew" is some sort of parasite defensive system trying to assimilate itself into the host species. It's like the jewish joke many jews state they are a mensch. It's a famous statement said by many jews who just want to use buddy, buddy taqiyya to keep everything cool.

Anyways HP.Cobra how many jews do you believe exist?

and two IF and When the Gods do arrive, what are the Gods gonna do?

Are they just gonna wave their hand or something and exterminate them or shoot them or what do beings of higher power do to trick kosher species when they return?
What it is is that "everyone is a jew" actually means "the jew is not an ET species; rather, the jew is Human". One of us.


HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jews make up all these lies and more, they claim everyone is jewish, their enemies, whole Nations etc, yet at the same time, they claim nobody is jewish and the jewish race doesn't even exist, and that it's all an invention in the diseased minds of the racists.

At the same time, they chant curses against other races, and explicitly say that all the "Goyim" is to be made extinct or even worse enslaved in their books. Jews contradict their own claims all the time, with the reality of them only proven by what they truly follow. The bible is enough proof of this, same as the strict "racial" and cultural laws they follow.

When it comes to Gentile cultures, they want to assimilate and destroy, so they say that nothing ever really mattered at all and to assimilate it all or resort to atheism. When it comes to THEIR culture, they have the "Real culture" and they are willing to kill anyone for going against it, even other "Jews". When a jew doesn't act like a Jew, they call them an "Amalekite", which is a term for being a bastard of another "Race", but also implies that the "Jewish soul" has been dilluted.

It reminds me of those who want to connect the third Reich with the Jews in a positive way. Some say that Adolf Hitler had Jewish ancestry, that he had an army of Jews, that he lost the war on purpose to benefit them, etc. Then I ask myself, after all that he did for the German people and against the Jewish people, how would these things even be humanly possible? These stories lack too much coherence to be true, in my opinion.
They have tried this in many countries, saying that a certain people came from x, and there for have y and have jewish roots. Its basically a political move to get their way to steal land and to let their borg have a population assimilate. Oy vey. Its our country goy because all the people living there are a little bit jewish.
Arcadia said:
ClearWater said:

Hey, no offense, but, I checked out the website you're promoting in your signature, and it contains a whole lot of anti-Satanic, anti-Nazi, pro-Christian content. I would probably consider thinking twice about advertising it given how most of it seems to be disinfo and might simply confuse new, unaware members who do not know better. If you're still learning yourself, no harm done, as it's a better time than ever to learn now that there's been a library update.


Slightly offtopic, I know, but I figured I'd mention it, in case someone else takes it far less kindly.

They are aware of this they are just given one final chance to actually come to their senses before being deleted from the forum from what is arguably the 20th time. They seem to strongly believe this nonsense they read on this random wiki.
I kind of knew that the 12 tribes were not Jewish. Thank you for sharing this information!! ⚡🔥 it is very aggravating to think! The Jews would go to that extent! And Beyond! To confuse the world with lies.. and more lies...on top of the mess! that they have made taking over the countries of Europe. And twisting things around! 🤔😪😭 and making things more and more confusing for the people of this world! And how many people believe the nonsense that comes from the mouth of a Jew! After taking the time replacing the Pagan lettering with the Hebrew lettering on a lot of our symbols that we use! And what are ancient and sisters of use throughout the centuries the Jews try to claim it to be theirs they have taken things that belong to our ancient ancestors laugh out loud and then lied to us and try to convince us that it has to do with some kind of Jewish costume christianizing it taking and stealing things that don't belong to them and trying to convince us that it's their stuff when it belonged to our people to begin with! Artwork paintings weapons whatever the Jews get their filthy hands on.. and ruin it. Use it to rich or use it for there selfishness. And it's hard to imagine that people still do this very day believe in these stupid Jews and these stupid religions! And how gullible people have become more and more the deeper they get into the Jewish Matrix. And needless to say I'm rather impressed and yet at the same time it angers me the things that these Jews have done to these countries and the destruction that they're doing now! Sending the Muslims into Europe to take over jobs and businesses and allowing themselves to move into neighborhoods where there's white European people! And forcing people into the Islam religion! If that isn't bad enough they will beat the shit out of anybody who does not accept and they go out and Bully and torture and torment children! And it never ends! It never ceases to amaze me how these evil people come up with their schemes and the motives that they come up with at the drop of a hat! just to be mean and nasty..🔥 And they know what they are doing. And they are so proud of it. And they know we are aware of it. And that we are already moving ahead ! And preparing ourselves as it is. Thank you for sharing this information! 🔥🖤 Hail Satan!!⚡⚡
It's disgusting what these Jews have done. To this Beautiful Earth!!!🤬🤬🤬
I'm laughing that any slimy kike could try to claim they were even worthy of fantasizing about being a viking! I wish I was near the jew when it announced this, I would have laughed as loudly as possible at it.
This could backfire and cause jew division, and the viking jews could try to war the other tribes! Ooo veyyyyyy the dilemma!
They're always up to idiocy that aggravates when people believe their kosher. After all the attack and slander on vikings they are some shameless scum. Hypocrisy and utterly insulting. Funny a little to imagine a kike viking though. I can only imagine a cartoon version of this thing.
A Viking Jew. LMAO. \

Next they'll say our anti-christ actually had Jewish DNA.

Thanks for shedding light HP. One questions though, I thought the Amalekites were the white race?
Maharlikan666 said:
From their arguments, the word "Saxon" apparently comes from the word "Isaac-son", and as usual, there's no legitimate scientific evidence behind it other than some bored kike trying to make a convincing argument out of such using psuedo-scientific lies.

When translated into Hebrew, it doesn't even come close - it's Ben Yitzhak or Ben Yishaaq or something along those lines.

Fucking utter moronicness if you ask me, given that English and Hebrew having nothing in common.

And no.....kikes forcefully inserting Hebrew BS into Gentile languages, doesn't count.

Hail Satan!

Your writing style and speech style both seem highly reminiscent of Mageson. Your two comments here possess a striking similarity to his patterns. I find it a little bit unsettling.
GoldenxChild1 said:
A Viking Jew. LMAO. \

Next they'll say our anti-christ actually had Jewish DNA.

Thanks for shedding light HP. One questions though, I thought the Amalekites were the white race?

Yeah lol I believe I have Ancestors who were vikings this gives people a warrior mentality a lot. I don't think any Jews could truly be that. The ability to never back down in doing what's right even in the face of almost defeat and be a fighter. This is opposite of the Jews. Actually a viking could be a pretty good enemy to the Jews.
They are smart quick thinking and fast to strike when needed. Also they too can do the covert warrior thing on their enemies act nice when cursing someone for example if need be (but may lose patience) or play various roles knowing full well they are dealing with an enemy. At least that is the traits I have I believe from that.

I don't think a Jew would ever win.
Gear88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
...quote ping...

Despite we might not know exactly how many.

But how many jews exists in the World?

I've come to the conclusion they are at about 630 million or so growing at about a few million every few years. The question becomes is that out of touch with reality? I've never had anyone say no. I'd wager to state maybe 35% are about pure 100% full on jewish while the remaining 65% are mamzers(mixed) ranging from mix almost pure to jews who've been assimilated to Gentile race so much their jewishness is a recessive barely registering. Reminds me of the SS with their 300 years of Gentile purity. Basically they are so mixed with Gentiles to even call them jewish calls into question. I don't think the jews are as pure as they state for the most part and may have a Gypsie phenomena whereby they state all this cohesive non-sense but it's more like jewish taqiyya to dissuade people from investigating further. In other words their taqiyya of promoting jewishness is both a useful demoralization weapon as an anti-Eugenics investigatory system. Whereby Gentiles would use Eugenics to investigate better and deem the jews a racial threat whether their threats are real or fake as it seems most of their stuff is bullshit.

For example before the so-called Holohax they had about 15.8-16.2 million or so after the 6 gorillian tears there were 18.2 million or so. For example by the time WW3 almost started due in part to the false flag attack of U.S.S. Liberty there might have been around 60ish million jews. So in essence how many jews exist?

Another example during the first times 6,000,000 was pushed in the war of Crimean-War of 1820s or so. Their population as a whole might just be at 6,000,000 or so they've been so pogromed and only taken to the offensive since Rothschild's ascent earlier near the Renaissance that during this period of time between the pogrom of Chelmeniski and the rise of Soviet France during Napolean's time their population might just have been at about 6,000,000 or nearing 6,000,000.

It seems the entire mentioning of "everyone is a jew" is some sort of parasite defensive system trying to assimilate itself into the host species. It's like the jewish joke many jews state they are a mensch. It's a famous statement said by many jews who just want to use buddy, buddy taqiyya to keep everything cool.

Anyways HP.Cobra how many jews do you believe exist?

and two IF and When the Gods do arrive, what are the Gods gonna do?

Are they just gonna wave their hand or something and exterminate them or shoot them or what do beings of higher power do to trick kosher species when they return?

There are not that many full blooded kikes out there.
But I believe that around 5-10% of the „white“ population are jews. Because in Germany we have many of them.
The jew in this video is the definition of them scrapping the bottom of the barrel plague failed war failed financial collapse I'd like to say will also fail as long as we all stay on schedules.

Now they make fake peace and hide eraklings
(oy vey goyims wes bes ones of you even though our torah says god created goyims in human form for us to lord over yous
not to mention wes supposed to enslave yous an have 2800 slaves which is yous goyims buts believes us wes bes gentils to goyims)

gentiles.yah im not buying that lie
FancyMancy said:
What it is is that "everyone is a jew" actually means "the jew is not an ET species; rather, the jew is Human". One of us.


:lol: That pic and imagining a jew telling a human its the same species. Kind of what it's doing with this viking thing. It's comic to think of a kike viking, slimy little corkscrew sideburns and squinty eyes.
Prefers to fight sleeping and restrained enemies!
I recently asked a man I know if he is a Jew. He is a hard core religious christian. He can't finish what he started ( Long term goals bore the reptilian ''''grey?'''' ) brain,, he starts one project , '"we are opening next week"", ( 2 years later, still waiting ), then starts another, and does not finish it, tells lots of empty promises that don't happen ( like the Jew god ??? ), he preaches against the sins, then commits them,, a lot,, ( my experience with christians from 20 plus years ago ),, he thinks he knows the bible better than he does,, and, of course, he hates the occult ""it's the devil'". His fellow christians, decades ago, said he would be a great prophet, leader etc. That prophecy failed, miserably. He is FAT, has diabetes, serious back and knee pains,, and,,,,,,, everyone thinks ( knows? ) "he's an idiot",, "If only he would use his brain", etc. And, of course he likes to take advantage of others, and give a damn about his workers. So,,,, to get to the point,,,, he says "We are all Jewish. We come from Abraham"". Da, da, da, da, da........ He seemed uncomfortable with my question. It was an intuitive knowing, like he didn't want something discussed. Like he want something hidden. He apparently does NOT like the Truth. 'Jesus said, ""I am the way the TRUTH, and the life"".' . Hypocrisy at it's finest,,,,, again. Just for reference, if the rest of you encounter this type of person. /////////////////.. Also,,,, Father = Judaism,, Son = Christianity,,,, Holy Ghost = Islam... IF,, this is true,, how does the Holy Ghost = Islam.? John 16 : 8, "If I go, I will send the Advocate.'" Holy Ghost.? Advocate = Someone that Publicly supports or recommends a particular cause of policy..... I assume Islam does that a lot. ""He will convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgement. Sin because they did not believe in me"". ( Not fall for the Jewish Jesus myth, lie ). ""Righteousness, because I go to My Father, and you see Me no more'" ( The RAPTURE.??? Christians take to '"Heaven"".??? ).. Righteousness also = Union, Oneness.. "We are all Jews,, we are ONE"". '"And Judgement because the ruler of this world is judged'". Islam is full of terrorists and "kill the infidel'" mentality. 1 Corinthians 6 : 17 and chapter 12 : 13 talk about this Unity in the Holy Spirit.... John 14 : 17 and 16 : 13, calls the holy spirit the "Spirit of Truth'''. ////// We all know it is a scam.... I know this.. But,,, I am missing a fact and connection about Islam here.... There is a MAIN connection like the Father/Son connection to Judaism and Christianity. But,, I am missing it,, and it pisses me off. Once one understands the Connection, they then can fight against it and free themselves... Simple reason.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

My last post was approved but does not show up here, is this a forum bug or something else? Thanks for clearing the missunderstanding about the subject here.
Gear88 said:

Anyways HP.Cobra how many jews do you believe exist?

and two IF and When the Gods do arrive, what are the Gods gonna do?

Are they just gonna wave their hand or something and exterminate them or shoot them or what do beings of higher power do to trick kosher species when they return?

Jews and Gentiles are opposing soul families and naturally hostile to each other. Without Jewish magic and their protections, they are unable to escape justified retribution. This will manifest physically before the Gods arrive.
jbkbmz said:
I recently asked a man I know if he is a Jew. He is a hard core religious christian. He can't finish what he started ( Long term goals bore the reptilian ''''grey?'''' ) brain,, he starts one project , '"we are opening next week"", ( 2 years later, still waiting ), then starts another, and does not finish it, tells lots of empty promises that don't happen ( like the Jew god ??? ), he preaches against the sins, then commits them,, a lot,, ( my experience with christians from 20 plus years ago ),, he thinks he knows the bible better than he does,, and, of course, he hates the occult ""it's the devil'". His fellow christians, decades ago, said he would be a great prophet, leader etc. That prophecy failed, miserably. He is FAT, has diabetes, serious back and knee pains,, and,,,,,,, everyone thinks ( knows? ) "he's an idiot",, "If only he would use his brain", etc. And, of course he likes to take advantage of others, and give a damn about his workers. So,,,, to get to the point,,,, he says "We are all Jewish. We come from Abraham"". Da, da, da, da, da........ He seemed uncomfortable with my question. It was an intuitive knowing, like he didn't want something discussed. Like he want something hidden. He apparently does NOT like the Truth. 'Jesus said, ""I am the way the TRUTH, and the life"".' . Hypocrisy at it's finest,,,,, again. Just for reference, if the rest of you encounter this type of person. /////////////////.. Also,,,, Father = Judaism,, Son = Christianity,,,, Holy Ghost = Islam... IF,, this is true,, how does the Holy Ghost = Islam.? John 16 : 8, "If I go, I will send the Advocate.'" Holy Ghost.? Advocate = Someone that Publicly supports or recommends a particular cause of policy..... I assume Islam does that a lot. ""He will convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgement. Sin because they did not believe in me"". ( Not fall for the Jewish Jesus myth, lie ). ""Righteousness, because I go to My Father, and you see Me no more'" ( The RAPTURE.??? Christians take to '"Heaven"".??? ).. Righteousness also = Union, Oneness.. "We are all Jews,, we are ONE"". '"And Judgement because the ruler of this world is judged'". Islam is full of terrorists and "kill the infidel'" mentality. 1 Corinthians 6 : 17 and chapter 12 : 13 talk about this Unity in the Holy Spirit.... John 14 : 17 and 16 : 13, calls the holy spirit the "Spirit of Truth'''. ////// We all know it is a scam.... I know this.. But,,, I am missing a fact and connection about Islam here.... There is a MAIN connection like the Father/Son connection to Judaism and Christianity. But,, I am missing it,, and it pisses me off. Once one understands the Connection, they then can fight against it and free themselves... Simple reason.

In Islam the jewish prophet Mohamed did include a passage about a headmoney in his writings it does only apply to peole off the one faith, eg christians, jews, muslims. If islamist conquer a region the people there can pay this headmoney monthly so they don´t loose their head.

Pagans and other not one faith religion following people are excluded they have to convert or are killed.

This is kind of a jewish backup rule inserted so the Jews can pay them self out off the death panelty by there inverted relgion (Islam).

Islam is a stolen corrupted term from ISIS a name of Astarte, she was before the islamic outbreak there a very respected/loved goddess by everyone:

SagittarianMage said:
FancyMancy said:
What it is is that "everyone is a jew" actually means "the jew is not an ET species; rather, the jew is Human". One of us.


:lol: That pic and imagining a jew telling a human its the same species. Kind of what it's doing with this viking thing. It's comic to think of a kike viking, slimy little corkscrew sideburns and squinty eyes.
Prefers to fight sleeping and restrained enemies!
I think the 2nd pic is very telling. The jew is a programmed robot with an operating system and protocols. It cannot help but be jewish. It starts "Goyim, I--" then it realises what it just said and knows the jew-- I meant the jig is up. (See also - an episode of Futurama where 2 Humans dress-up as robots, where no other robots, on a robot planet where Humans are forbidden, can tell that they're Humans, until...)
Nimrod33 said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
A Viking Jew. LMAO. \

Next they'll say our anti-christ actually had Jewish DNA.

Thanks for shedding light HP. One questions though, I thought the Amalekites were the white race?

They've already did many times before. An example is via Alex Jones.

Well Rockwell believed wholly that Hitler was the antichrist and that belief is why he dedicated everything to support Hitlers ambition. So Jews claiming Hitler was a Jew could potentially be them saying Antichrist is a Jew. And who's to say the antichrist cant come more than once? There for a while I wanted to think Putin was our next Hitler. Too believe all the Communism in Russia and his Jewish roots are all fabricated to hide his true motives and beliefs as he actively stands against the Jewish operations in Ukraine... I know a pipedream but who knows! I like to have a little optimism ya know.
Fuchs said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

My last post was approved but does not show up here, is this a forum bug or something else? Thanks for clearing the missunderstanding about the subject here.

Search your history it is posted but got posted in another thread. Sometimes that happens. Delete if you still can and repost here.
There's also the tactic that nobody is a jew. It was some random tribe. The khzar mafia. Zionists. Globalists. These jews are not real jews, Goy. The sons of [insert random Bible character] are the real jews! Jews never did anything wrong because these jews aren't real jews... people actually believe this. I have seen this very often. It is insane.

People are drawn to strange realms of Christianity and Judaism through this ideology and they think all is fine, and all the insanity of the Torah can be ignored. Also the Talmud is not real law of real jews. Rabbis are bad jews. Nevermind blood sacrifice. Here, take this random quote that says jewsus loves you. Ignore the other thousand quotes where it hates humanity...
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jews make up all these lies and more, they claim everyone is jewish, their enemies, whole Nations etc
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ten years ago(roughly) I read an brief article somewhere,that Árpád, the Hungarian Confederation of Tribes Lord Highness,He was of jewish descent.:lol: :lol:
Of course it was not too long article and it was not a popular article,but it's pretty ridiculous and funny. :D :D

But I see that this everywhere jews try to lie,that everyone is jewish.

Árpád Leader

Fanboy said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
A Viking Jew. LMAO. \

Next they'll say our anti-christ actually had Jewish DNA.

Thanks for shedding light HP. One questions though, I thought the Amalekites were the white race?

From previous writings from HPC it seems the Amalekites are the white race, Jews probably use it as a derogatory term on their own I guess
SerenaMousse said:
Nimrod33 said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
A Viking Jew. LMAO. \

Next they'll say our anti-christ actually had Jewish DNA.

Thanks for shedding light HP. One questions though, I thought the Amalekites were the white race?

They've already did many times before. An example is via Alex Jones.

Well Rockwell believed wholly that Hitler was the antichrist and that belief is why he dedicated everything to support Hitlers ambition. So Jews claiming Hitler was a Jew could potentially be them saying Antichrist is a Jew. And who's to say the antichrist cant come more than once? There for a while I wanted to think Putin was our next Hitler. Too believe all the Communism in Russia and his Jewish roots are all fabricated to hide his true motives and beliefs as he actively stands against the Jewish operations in Ukraine... I know a pipedream but who knows! I like to have a little optimism ya know.

"Speaking about Zelensky, Russian foreign minister says Hitler also had Jewish blood [real wording]"

"The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum expressed “outrage” at Lavrov’s comments on Monday.

“To claim that Hitler was Jewish and imply that Jews were responsible for Nazism and the Holocaust is an antisemitic lie of extraordinary proportions,” Museum Chairman Stuart E. Eizenstat said in a statement.

“Lavrov’s remarks are both inexcusable and scandalous and also a terrible historical error,” Lapid said in a statement on Monday. “The Jews did not murder themselves in the Holocaust. The lowest form of anti-Jewish racism is to blame Jews of antisemitism.”

“The aim of such lies is to blame the Jews themselves for the most terrible crimes in history that were committed against them, thus freeing from responsibility the oppressors of Israel,” Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said in a statement."

About Putin:
Vladimir Putin: "Communism Is Christianity"

Everyone of us doing daily RTRs is continueing the work off our antichrist, we do not wait for a messiah to save us, we work on our own.
1 Corinthians 12:13 For in one Spirit we were all baptized into ...https://biblehub.com › 1_corinthians
For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit ... .... I found the verse. I am trying to find out how Islam is related to the Holy Spirit
. Is Islam the tool to eventually cause all ""men small and great"" to convert to Christianity, the Son, and Islam,, to the ""Glory of God the Father'", Judaism.? ""Convict the world of Sin, Righteousness, and Judgement"". In other words,, Violence ? Terrorism ? Brutal Force ? Or,,, am I trying to hard ?
SerenaMousse said:
Nimrod33 said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
A Viking Jew. LMAO. \

Next they'll say our anti-christ actually had Jewish DNA.

Thanks for shedding light HP. One questions though, I thought the Amalekites were the white race?

They've already did many times before. An example is via Alex Jones.

Well Rockwell believed wholly that Hitler was the antichrist and that belief is why he dedicated everything to support Hitlers ambition. So Jews claiming Hitler was a Jew could potentially be them saying Antichrist is a Jew. And who's to say the antichrist cant come more than once? There for a while I wanted to think Putin was our next Hitler. Too believe all the Communism in Russia and his Jewish roots are all fabricated to hide his true motives and beliefs as he actively stands against the Jewish operations in Ukraine... I know a pipedream but who knows! I like to have a little optimism ya know.
No, vladamir jewtin cannot possibly be the anti-jewsus. The failed(?) meme of putin being "a new Hitler" is just to try and garner as much hatred energy from people who might be ignorant as possible, because "Hitler did evil things", when of course He didnt.
Great sermon, HP. Thanks.

Yeah, I remember a few years ago while I was researching genealogy I came across a website that claimed to trace the entire history of Ireland's first people and their blood lines - they were all Jewish. I shrugged it off as bullshit, naturally, but since then I've seen it a couple of times being touted on other websites, too. These Jews think they're so important that they can quite literally lay claim to being the foundation of the Irish people... :roll:
Fuchs said:
SerenaMousse said:
Nimrod33 said:
They've already did many times before. An example is via Alex Jones.

Well Rockwell believed wholly that Hitler was the antichrist and that belief is why he dedicated everything to support Hitlers ambition. So Jews claiming Hitler was a Jew could potentially be them saying Antichrist is a Jew. And who's to say the antichrist cant come more than once? There for a while I wanted to think Putin was our next Hitler. Too believe all the Communism in Russia and his Jewish roots are all fabricated to hide his true motives and beliefs as he actively stands against the Jewish operations in Ukraine... I know a pipedream but who knows! I like to have a little optimism ya know.

"Speaking about Zelensky, Russian foreign minister says Hitler also had Jewish blood [real wording]"

"The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum expressed “outrage” at Lavrov’s comments on Monday.

“To claim that Hitler was Jewish and imply that Jews were responsible for Nazism and the Holocaust is an antisemitic lie of extraordinary proportions,” Museum Chairman Stuart E. Eizenstat said in a statement.

“Lavrov’s remarks are both inexcusable and scandalous and also a terrible historical error,” Lapid said in a statement on Monday. “The Jews did not murder themselves in the Holocaust. The lowest form of anti-Jewish racism is to blame Jews of antisemitism.”

“The aim of such lies is to blame the Jews themselves for the most terrible crimes in history that were committed against them, thus freeing from responsibility the oppressors of Israel,” Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said in a statement."

About Putin:
Vladimir Putin: "Communism Is Christianity"

Everyone of us doing daily RTRs is continueing the work off our antichrist, we do not wait for a messiah to save us, we work on our own.

Well your all too right I'll have to agree. My faith in messiahs stems from wavering Christian beliefs that I am working hard to disillusion through spiritual works and deeper truth seeking! However do you not think he's going to make a return at one point in physical form to once more aid us in the fight against the enemy? maybe he doesn't do so now because either something prevents him or he does not because we have yet to prove ourselves a proper and deserving army of hell? Why should he put in the effort if we cannot match his level of dedication.

I can only speculate as I am not at all educated in the deeper histories and beliefs of Satanism but I have read through plenty of JoS blacksun and exposing christianity by this point, Along with the mostly psychotic ramblings of bitchute theorists I have spent hours to days watching, I felt certain that something far beyond human was surely making its way here at the time I believed it to be demons and that being bad because of my at the time incredibly idiotic Christian faith of course but.. If any of it holds true and there were Jews through Cern or whatever other methods such as the body snatching organisms in the vaccine attempting to leave an opening up to the Greys then, I would surely like to hope Satan himself or at the least some of the good Pagan gods would not have it stand the Greys get such an advantage against us and return themselves to once more wage physical warfare on earth.
jbkbmz said:
1 Corinthians 12:13 For in one Spirit we were all baptized into ...https://biblehub.com › 1_corinthians
For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit ... .... I found the verse. I am trying to find out how Islam is related to the Holy Spirit
. Is Islam the tool to eventually cause all ""men small and great"" to convert to Christianity, the Son, and Islam,, to the ""Glory of God the Father'", Judaism.? ""Convict the world of Sin, Righteousness, and Judgement"". In other words,, Violence ? Terrorism ? Brutal Force ? Or,,, am I trying to hard ?
Man, could you reformat your post to make it legible?!
NinRick said:
There are not that many full blooded kikes out there.
But I believe that around 5-10% of the „white“ population are jews. Because in Germany we have many of them.

I didn't find this answer till I did CTRL+F thanks for answering.

Weird if there are about 16 billion or so people on Earth. And about 9% are White about 1,440 billion White. Then 5-10% of that is about 72 million - 144 million.

I took the calculations from the late Dr. William Luther Pierce. 1900 top of our game population of Earth 2.3 billion Whites 15%, 2015 White race 9% and dropping.

So anywhere from 50ish million to 150 million jews potentially? Maybe? I know there is no exact answer that isn't gonna happen but sounds more reasonable at that range?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
